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Kleenex Left In Washable Item?When a kleenex has been left in a garment, I heard to rinse the item in vinegar water. Has anyone else heard this and does it work?


Oil-like Stains on Freshly Washed Clothes?

Oil-like Stains on Freshly Washed Clothes?My husband got a used washer and dryer on Facebook two years ago. All of the sudden oil-like stains started appearing on a ton of our clothes. I'd clean out the machine, switch up detergents, I don't user fabric softener and still got stains. Recently, we decided it was probably the washer so we got a new machine. I thought we were in the clear when all of the sudden I washed a brand new pair of kids leggings and, alas, a small oil stain!


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Using a Clothes Line?I love to line dry my clothes but they have lots of wrinkles, lint and cat hair on them. What can I do to save money by not using the dryer but keep my clothes and linens looking nice. I don't think ironing would help save on the electric bill.


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Yellowed WhitesI have a couple old pillow protector cases, zippered, in good condition BUT are dingy yellow with age. Short of bleach (which I think I have tried) any suggestions to make them white again? I guess it doesn't really matter as long as they are clean. I will also add that I have tried a bluing product on other things with less than fabulous results. Thanks in advance for any hints.


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Mysterious Bleach Stains on Clothing?I recently bought a Pure Wash Pro to attach to our top load washer and suddenly started getting bleach spots on clothes. I don't use detergent, softener or bleach. I only wash with cold water. For the first month, everything was great, now I'm getting bleach spots. Any ideas out there?


A shirt that has the blue color bled into the white.

How Can I Restore the Colour On My Shirt?Unfortunately, I put my shirt in the wash last night and it looks like the blue has bled into the white stripe along the middle. The two photos show before and after. Please can someone recommend how to restore the colours? This is a very sentimental shirt and I would massively appreciate any help!


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Unwanted Creases in Jeans?I wear Ariat brand jeans, every pair in the wash creases off center. How do I eliminate the jeans from creasing?


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Removing Dye From Shirt?I bought a white and blue striped shirt and forgot that a brand new pair of dark blue jeans were in the wash with it. I have the shirt soaking in Oxi Clean and water overnight. Is there something else that I can use to make the white parts of my shirt white while keeping my blue stripes blue?


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Using Purple Power?When using Purple Power in the laundry, do you also use detergent or no?


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Laundry Odor from HE Washer?I have an HE LG washer and dryer. About a year ago, my laundry started smelling like vomit. Only way I can describe. We have well water, a softener, and a conditioner that removes the sulphur odor, too.


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Removing a Hand Sanitizer Stain on a Comforter?My son spilled hand sanitizer on his comforter. When I found it, it had dried into a hard layer. I washed it, but did not dry it in the dryer. It was still there. I rewashed it with laundry soap rubbed into the hard, crusty stain. Still there after washing. I have now tried Spot Shot, which I love for carpets, but it is still there! It looks like a layer of dried glue, light whitish, gray.


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Removing Unintentional Creases in Clothing?I have a sweater that always has an unintentional permanent crease in the ribbing at the bottom. It is always hung dry, but I need to rewet the crease thoroughly and hand stretch it out before I hang it to dry. Any suggestions?


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Washing Baby Clothes in Well Water?I have well water and have a one month old baby. Can I wash her clothes in the water?


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Removing Kleenex Lint from Faux Fur?How do I get Kleenex off faux fur after it was washed and dried?


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Red Border Bled on White Towel?My husband washed an expensive white towel with a deep red border around it in hot water. My towel is now pink. He showed it to me and I did not dry it. I have tried soaking it in Tide and laundry soap with Oxi and it's still the same. I have no clue what to do?



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Clothes Smell Sour After Washing?I am in Phoenix AZ where temps reach over 100 consecutively. My husband works outside, so sometimes when he gets home his shirt smells sour. I thought it was from sweating and the shirt drying slowly. Anyway, I noticed that sometimes after a few hours my clothes smell sour. I always check them before I put them on, but they start stinking.


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Removing Stains and Odor from Moldy Clothing?Clothes were wet and left in a hot car in 100+ degree weather for at least two weeks. They grew mold on them and got this nasty burnt smell. They've been washed about 7 times now with vinegar, bleach, Oxi Clean, and those little Arm & Hammer bead scent things. They were presoaked and washed thoroughly every time, but there's still mold stains and some of the clothes still smell bad.


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Removing Odor from Wet Laundry Left in Washer?I forgot load of laundry in washer for 3 days. Is it ruined, cuz it smells or can vinegar or baking soda help remove odors?


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White Towels Have Brownish Stains After Drying?My white dish towels and wash cloths are coming out of the dryer with orange-brownish stains on them. What on earth could be causing this and what can I do?


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Using Borax in a Front Load Washer?When, where, and how do I use borax in a front load washing machine?


Removing Coke and Mud Stains from Bath Towels - stains

Removing Coke and Mud Stains from Bath Towels?After I laundered my bath towel with a stain of Coke and the other one had mud on it, the stains remains on there. How should I remove it or what are the ingredients to remove it?


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Red Fabric Dye Bled on a Throw Pillow?A red blanket was washed with a beautiful cream patterned deco pillow and of course now it's no longer cream lol. Any suggestions on how to get it cream again?


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Removing Eucerin Cream from Clothing?My grandchild has to use Eucerin Cream all over every day for his skin condition. Washing is impossible and we've tried so many degreasers, but the fat from the cream clogs the machine. Any advice about what we can soak his clothes in? He's five months old.


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Bleach and Hard Water Made Whites Beige?Bleach + hardwater (high iron) caused whites to turn beige. How do I get them white again without using Iron-Out which is not available here, or any ready made product for such problems. I've already used baking soda. It didn't work. What else can I use? Perhaps something from the chemical shop. A DIY solution?


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Removing Strong Odor from Bedding?I recently had a family member temporarily (7 months) staying in my spare room. When they left I went in to clean, wash bedding, etc. The sheets and bed sets had a horrific, I'm assuming, body odor of some type. I have washed it a few times now and the odor remains.


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Keeping Lint Off of Black Clothes in the Wash?How do I keep lint off my black polo shirt when I wash a small load of clothes?


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Washed and Dried Clothes Smell Bad?I live in a rental unit. The laundry room is shared with 2 other families. Most of the time after washing and drying my clothes they smell like they where washed with sewer water. The clothes after being dried feel greasy and have a bad sewer smell to it.


Clothes Washed in Well Water Have Stains

Clothes Washed in Well Water Have Stains?I have well water and for some reason when I wash my clothes I am getting large reddish brown blotches on my clothing! I can't figure out why. Our iron is fine and we have no hard water so what could cause this?


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Whitening Up a Fuzzy Jacket?Is there any way to whiten up a fuzzy jacket that's been washed/dried and never seen bleach of any kind?


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Removing Garlic Smell from Clothes?How do I get minced garlic smell out of my clothes? I used Pine Sol, lemon juice, and baking soda and I cannot get it out. It's bad.



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Holes in T-shirts?A few years back there was a long thread about small holes in t-shirts. Turns out to be mostly related to cheaper fabrics or rubbing against something. But in my case, the holes appear only on gray t-shirts, not on any other color. Any idea why this might be? Thanks!


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Homemade Starch Recipe?How do I make homemade starch?


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Dyeing Bath Towels?I have some nice sage green towels that were ruined by peroxide. I would like to get a similar color back. What dyes should I use? Do I need to remove the color before redying or do you recommend that I just color over the originals?


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Well Water Smell on Laundry?What can I use in my laundry to take the rotten well water smell out of clothes? Thank you.


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Reusing the Suds in the Washer?Besides vinegar and fabric softener what else can I use to reduce suds in the washing machine?


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Preventing Fluff on Towels?I wash my towels and tea towels together. Sometimes the towels on their own, but they are always full of fluff. My washing machine doesn't seem to have a lint filter. I clean my machine after every 100 washes, but it doesn't make a difference. Does anyone have ideas?


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Clean Clothes Smell Bad When Wet?My clothes seem to smell okay when they are washed. The problem I run into is that when I start to sweat or my clothes get wet by rain or moisture from any sort, they stink. The smell is an awful sour smell. I tried borax and vinegar and new detergents. I even cleaned my washer as instructed.


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Remedy for Dingy Coloured Towels?How to do I get the greyness out of my coloured towels. I have soaked them I bleach and nothing seems to work. Does anyone have any ideas of what I can use?


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Dried Clothes Smell?This sounds a little weird, but every time I do my laundry, afterwards they end up smelling bad. The weird part is that I know what I smell like after I've been sweating. When I take them out of the washer, they seem to smell clean and fine. It's when I take them out of the dryer that I notice the smell.


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Cleaning a Silk and Polyester Dress?I have a dress that is 65% silk and 35% polyester with no washing instructions. How do I care for this dress, dry clean, machine wash, or? I do have a front load washing machine and dryer or should I use those dry cleaning bag that go in the dryer?


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Removing Diesel Fuel Odor from Clothes?I tried the 2 liter coke and baking soda twice. I let sit for 20 hrs. Then I washed the clothes in hot water and All detergent. I did this twice and still have the smell. I'm not sure what to do now.


bleach spots

Tiny Bleach Spots on My Clothes?This isn't the first time I've had this problem. I do a load of whites with a little pre-diluted (1:3) Chlorox liquid bleach, but any brand will do it. The next load after that is colored and I specifically wipe off all areas where previous bleach was poured in.


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Getting Whites Whiter?Can somebody please help? I need to get my whites white again they are grey in some parts. I tried everything lemon, vinegar, Oxiclean, hydrogen peroxide, baking soda, and bluing too, but still they are the same.


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Soaking Whites in a Front Load Washer?I have a LG front loading washer. It has no soaking cycle. I read online that the bleach in the bleach dispenser is not triggered until near the end of the wash cycle. So, what is the process for soaking white clothes in a front loading washer?


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Spots on Clothes from Well Water?We have well water. It smells and is orange. We do laundry and faded spots appear in different areas of the clothes. How do we get rid of this?



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Removing Odor from Child's Pajamas?My child had an accident in his jammies and I hadn't noticed. I didn't do laundry for a few days and now I can't get the poop smell out of his pj bottoms. Any suggestions?


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Removing Lint From Towels?I was in a hurry and put our pastel colored sheets in the wash with Tide and Downy. There were also some towels. There was also wine colored fuzzy throw. I didn't see any wine colored fuzzy stuff on anything so I just turned on the dryer with Bounce dryer sheet(s). Now wine lint sticks to your skin after a shower.


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Best Detergent for Washing Baby Clothes?What is the best detergent brand to wash baby clothes in?


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Yellow Stains on Duvet?I have a white duvet with grey embroidery. I have washed it twice in a triple load washer with detergent and Oxyclean. It has come out both times with yellow spots/areas. How do I get them out?


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Washing White Socks?I have socks with blue and pink heels and toes. Is it okay to wash them with regular whites?


blue shirt

Jeans Shirt Changed Color and Texture in...I have a light jeans shirt and I washed it in the washer. It became very tough textured and the color became dark. How I can return it to its original color and texture?


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Using Dishwasher Tabs in Washer?Can I use dish tabs on laundry


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Homemade Clothes Wringer?I wash my own laundry in a do it your self bucket and plunger which works well, but I need instructions on how to make a clothes wringer.


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Removing Hair from Bath Towels?I've been sick and my hair has been coming out a lot everywhere, but the most frustrating is the way my hair, it's long for now, gets into towels. I do brush before I wash, but it still comes out in the drain and towel etc. I've tried using tape, but the hair just breaks.


blue t-shirt with white marks

White Marks on Laundry?Someone put wet clothes in the hamper and by the time I found it, everything smelled awful. I usually put baking soda in the washer, anyhow, so I put in extra to kill the extra bad smell. When I took the clothes out of the dryer, I noticed that a few of the darker t-shirts looked like they had white sweat marks.


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Repairing Faded Spots on Clothes?I wanted to wash my tracksuit so I put it in the washing machine, added some detergent and when I was going to switch on the machine, I found that electricity was not there. So I left my clothing undisturbed till the light came.


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Preventing Lint in the Wash?My husband has a company shirt with an iron-on logo. Behind the logo is a white fabric where it's stitched. I wash it with the proper colors, however the shirt is always covered with white lint. How can I wash it without the white lint getting all over the shirt?


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Removing a Scorch Mark on a Dress?Unfortunately top edge burned in iron box. What doI do to repair my clothes?


white shirt with stains and a colored logo

Bleaching a Shirt with a Colored Logo?I have a white Adidas t-shirt, but the t shirt has a black Adidas logo. Can I bleach it? Or just say it's white and I have a colored logo that is blue or any color can I bleach it?


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Removing Soap Buildup in Laundry?How do I remove old soap which makes face flannels feel very stiff even after soaking in soda crystals and washing in the washing machine?


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Removing Jet Fuel Smell from Clothes?I am trying to remove jet fuel smell from clothing. Normally I am limited to a laundromat so presoaking would be difficult. I have presoaked in Coke, used borax, baking soda, lemon juice, hanging in the sun, that worked when I had three sunny days, but did not remove it from rubberized material - waist band of underwear, and Lestoil.


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Getting Whites Really White?I put my white tops in with coloured clothes and then into the dryer. They came out discoloured and one top went slightly blue. How can I restore the colour without ruinning my tops?


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Buying HE Detergents?I can no longer find any detergents marked HE for front loading washers in my grocery stores. Is it no longer made? What do I use in place of it?


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Making a Lint Collecting Dryer Ball?Does anyone know how to make a dryer ball to collect hair and lint in the dryer?


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Sour Smelling Clothes?Recently I discovered my clothes have started to smell sour like vinegar. I use Gain detergent and fabric softener along with baking soda. What else can I do?


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Using Liquid Softener on Cloth to Replace Dyer Sheets?In using wash cloths as dryer sheets, how do you prevent lint from getting on clothes that are drying?


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Tiny Holes in T-shirts?What are the causes of the tiny holes in my shirt?


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Cause of Tiny Holes in T-shirts?What type of dishwash or detergent are everyone using? The fact that it is mostly women that have this problem, tells me that it must be something that we all do and use. We do not have the same counter surfaces, but we use the same detergent that we all buy.


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Using Homemade Laundry Soap?Can homemade soap stop up your washer?


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Starching Clothes?How do I use corn starch to stiffen my clothes?


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Cleaning Dingy Whites With Color?I've got several white tank tops with colored stripes on them, some are brand new and thus still white, some have the white parts, and sometimes even the colored parts, looking grey and dingy. Is there any way to brighten the dingy ones up, and/or to keep the others from getting that way?


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Fabric Dye in Sheets Gets Blotchy When Washed?Every time I buy new sheets they go patchy in the first few washes and even change color. I have had 2 sets of sheets that were a duck egg green that changed to more of a blue after washing. I follow all the instructions, cold water wash and I dissolve wash powered before adding sheets. I have hard water and no access to hot water for my washing machine just cold.


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Using Borax in the Laundry?I just bought a 7kg front-load washer. I expect to use 1/2 cup borax per load. However, we normally wash in cold. Does borax dissolve effectively in cold water?


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Removing Wrinkles from Sheer Curtains?How do I remove wrinkles from sheers after washing them?


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Lint on Dark Clothes After Washing?After washing my clothes small particles like cotton appear on the clothes mainly on dark colour clothes like dark blue or black.


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White Sweater Turned Grey?My white sweater turned grey, but it has a black design on it. It says "Paris Darling" in black with the Eiffel Tower


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Removing Kleenex from Wet Clothes?A Kleenex was left in a pocket and was washed with the clothes and is everywhere! Can I go ahead and put them in the dryer? Shake out? Or wash again?


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White Clothing Turned Grey in Wash?Does anybody have any ideas as to why my underwear has turned grey especially my bras? I have already tried using a whitener product like a sachet in the back of the machine which is supposed to get rid of the grey and take laundry back to white, but to no avail.


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Removing Gum from Clothes?How do I get gum out of clothes after they have been dried?


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Cleaning White T-shirts?My t-shirts are all turning light brown from white. I use the same Arm and Hammer soap and the good Clorox. The only change is I moved and now I have well water and very hot water.


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Removing Stains on Bath Towels?How do I remove the yellow stain in my blue stripes towels?


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HE Soap Too Sudsy?I use less than 1 tablespoon HE laundry detergent and I have way too much soap.


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Getting Whites White?Instead of the dishwashing powder, can I use the Cascade action pacs dish tabs? That's all I have. And they're white powder with blue (Dawn) and orange fluids in them.


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Using Oxiclean?Is Oxiclean wash a good disinfectant and whitener? How do I know what I can use it on without damage?


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Shout Color Catcher Substitute?I need a way to make a substitute for Shout Color Catcher. It's the laundry product that allows darks and whites to be washed in the same load. Wintertime most clothes are dark, and the whites are a minority. I like to wash it all together since it saves energy.


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Dress Dye Bled on Itself?I have a blue dress with white collar and cuffs. I washed this item and the white has turned grey. How do I get it white again?


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Dryer Leaves Wash Cloths Stiff?I have two wash cloths that always come out of the dryer feeling like bricks. The towels (same brand, color) are always nice and fluffy. These are in the same load.


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Washing Laundry With Old Metal Snaps?How do I prevent the metal snaps from rusting when I wash my bassinet? Please does anyone know the best way to wash something that has metal snaps? I am afraid of them rusting and of course it must be hung to dry.Also any tips to remove yellowing from age/cigarette smoke?


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Products Available in India for Whitening Shirts?I live in Hyderabad India. i always wear white, khaki or linen shirts. Slowly they are turning into white grey which I don't like. Please, I need someone to help me by guiding with products available in Hyderabad, India.


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Making Towels Soft?My towels come out of the dryer rough, not soft.


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Preventing Clothing Dye Transfer?I have a dance team jacket that is navy blue, but has white sleeves. Everyone on the team that has washed their jacket has ended up with their sleeves looking a dingy white color. They all followed the washing instructions on the tag. Is there a way to prevent this from happening to my jacket?


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Random Bleach Stains on Laundry?I am getting bleach stains randomly on clothes in the washer when no bleach was used. Please post other possible solutions you may know of. I've tried with no success. It drives me crazy!


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Cause of Little Round Holes in Clothing?None of these answers explains the holes which I am increasingly finding in the seats of my pants. They are in the pattern of a round hole about the size of a pencil eraser with a smaller hole next to it. Have also found similar holes in tops and even panties.


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Removing Applique Residue from Fabric?How do you get gummy residue from iron on appliqués out of fabric? The appliqués have been removed. The fabric is nylon and other synthetic fabrics that will be destroyed if I use the iron and paper towel method. Is there a product or technique I can use?


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Commercially Laundered Shirts Pucker When Buttoned?I have noticed that after a few launderings at commercial cleaners the buttons and button holes no longer line up, causing puckering. The more it's laundered, the more out of alignment it gets, with the bottom button and button hole around a quarter inch out of alignment.


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Color Bled on Black and White Stripe Swimsuit?I washed my new black and white stripe swimsuit in the sink with cold/warm water and Woolite. I laid it flat to dry and the next morning the black had run onto the white stripes all over the front of the suit. Is there anything I can do?


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Unable to Get All of the Soap Out of Laundry?Soap remains after cycle is finished. I run it on rinse several times and still have soap bubbles. I do not use too much detergent! I have run it on empty with vinegar and I still get soap bubbles.


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Dingy Wash?I noticed after several years our towels and wash cloths are more than dingy. I've washed in hot and cold water, no change. I guess after electric dyer the stains are set in. Is there a remedy for this?


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Removing Wrinkles from Clothes Left in Dryer?My grandson arrived home from college with most of his double knit basketball shorts and knit long casual athletic sport pants hopelessly wrinkled. He said he put them in the dorm dryer and forgot about them. I tried rewashing and drying them, but it didn't help. How can I get rid of those wrinkles?


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Getting White Clothing White in Cold Water?What can I use to get cold water whites (tops, bras, etc.) white again?


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Towels Washed in Homemade Soap Not Absorbent?I'm a recent convert to using home made laundry soap. The ingredients I use are: washing soda, borax, and grated Ivory soap or Fels Naptha. After about 8 months of using this mixture (in a water base, not as a dry soap), I have noticed that none of our towels absorb moisture very well any more.


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Gray Sweatshirt Turned Brown in Wash?My gray, high school, hooded sweatshirt turned brown, after I put it accidentally in with the whites! How would I get my sweatshirt go back to its original color?


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