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Preventing Rust in Tool BoxPlace a piece of chalk in your tool box to prevent rust. It attracts moisture.


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Bleach Sets Rust StainsDo not use bleach to get out rust stains. It sets rust. Watch those cleaners with bleach additives. By Diamondee


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Removing Rust Stains from Smooth SurfacesEnter teaser before activatingTo remove rust stains from smooth surfaces, mix 1/4 c baking soda with 1 qt water. Apply with damp rag, let dry then wipe with a dry soft cloth. Usually works first time. By Diane in Tx


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Removing Rust from Saw BladesFirst cut some wood with it, to remove loose rust and dirt. Then scrub it with one of those plastic abrasive kitchen foam pads. Don't use the ones that have uniform small airholes, but the ones that have irregular size holes like a natural sponge and a green or blue abrasive pad on one side...


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Store Razor Blades and Steel Wool in Soap GelI found years ago, that shaver blades as well as soap pads will last for a long time, if you keep them in soap gel, I believe that the soap gel keeps metal from pitting and rusting, so they stay newer longer.


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Rust Removal TipsTo loosen rusty bolts, apply a cloth soaked in any carbonated drink and allow to sit awhile.


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Homemade Rust RemoverI haven't tried this tip, but I read about it in the local paper. If you have rust on a bumper, just wad up some aluminum foil and pour some cola on the bumper. Rub with the foil, it should remove it.


Painting Chrome Shelf Leg

Updating Rusted Chrome ShelfRecently, we replaced our leaking toilet and took the opportunity to paint the bathroom. The chrome shelving unit that was over the toilet was very rusted and looked terrible at the bottom.


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Cleaning Rust Stains Without Harsh ChemicalsCider vinegar, tea, or lemon juice will do the job without the harsh chemicals. I prefer cider vinegar, but the tea and lemon juice work also.


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Removing Rust StainsThe dirty water left from cleaning the oven has left rust speckles. I tried bleach, but nothing will remove them. What's the best thing to use please?


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Naval Jelly for Removing RustThis tip is from many years ago, use Naval jelly. Hardware stores have it. Read the bottle well, know what you are using, and if it's appropriate. This requires ventilation, use it weather permitting. Turn on the exhaust fan, open windows and close the door while it does the job. Follow the directions.


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