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Removing Beetle Stains?Does anyone know how to remove beetle stains without removing acrylic paint?


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Chocolate Stains/Black Heat Stains?Does anyone have any ideas about getting rid of chocolate stains on rugs and black heat stains on cloth-like wall paper? -Anna Marie in Lesigny France


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Pink Stains on Sink?We have well water and it seems to have a high iron content. All around my sinks there are pink stains. Does anyone know what will remove them? So far Lime-Away hasn't worked.


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Wallet Stain on Khaki Pants?I got wet while wearing my clothes (khaki pants) and my leather wallet stained my pants. Any tips on removing the stain? Thanks - David


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Help, Chlorine Stained My Shirt.I bought a new shirt. unfortunately, I washed it yesterday and chlorine stained my shirt. what can I do? Please help...

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Removing Liquid Rollerball Pen Ink?I got ink from a liquid pen on my jeans. Nail polish remover isn't helping. Any advise?


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Removing Red and Blue Ink?I need more information on how to remove blue and red ink from shirt pockets. I have asthma and the hairspray really affects my asthma. Is there anything I can use that won't affect my asthma? Especially red ink? I would really appreciate this. Thanks.


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Coffee Stain Removal?Does anyone know how to remove a coffee stain from a countertop? I have tried bleach, baking soda (it was old so I might need a new box), and oxyclean. Nothing has worked! Please help! Becky


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Removing Sticker Glue From Nylon?How do you remove sticker glue from nylon clothing, without damaging the item? Thanks rain9888


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Cleaning My Yellowed Seersucker?I have a dry cleanable seersucker jacket that has yellowed over time. is there any remedy to return the white areas, white? now it just looks dirty and dingy and is unwearable.


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Removing Steak Sauce Stain From a Prom Dress?I need to know how to get a steak sauce stain out of my prom dress.


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Stained Shirt?I have these new shirts that I got. They are baseball shirts. I made these dumb Iron On logos I was going to put on them. When I ironed them on, the melted to the shirt! it lookes really dumb. I want to know what I can do to get rid of the logo. I like the way the shirt fits me, so I want to keep it. How can I get rid of the logo? Andrew Steele


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Getting Tar out of Jeans?How do i get tar out of my jeans? Violet


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Removing Reusable Glue out of Wool Pants?I got some of the reusable wax like glue on some wool pants and unfortunately it got sent to the cleaners before I could scrape it off. It came back looking like it melted through I'm not sure what I should do can someone help me. Vaughn in the Bahamas


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Dirt Stains Off Leather Boots?I want to know how to clean old dirt stains off leather boots. I would appreciate it if someone would tell me about it. C.G



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Removing Nicotine Stain from Linen Curtains?I would like some kind of way to remove many years of nicotine stain from linen curtains, please help. Melissa


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Crib Pad Melted in Dryer on Clothes?Hi, I am desperate! A babies crib pad melted in my dryer and the "plastic" stuff is all over everything. I've tried quite a few things to get it off. WD-40, Fantastic, Goo Gone and even paint thinner. All brand new baby clothes... I've been working on and off for two days trying to find something that would work. I've rewashed everything twice now (didn't put anything back into the dryer!) and it's not budging. PLEASE SOMEONE HELP!! Thanks! PS: Do you think a dry-cleaner would have something that would work? katparrott


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Cleaning Old Stained Quilt Blocks?I was given some very old quilt blocks with some stains, perhaps water or age from the drawer and they are beautiful. Can you folks tell me how to save these beauties and clean them properly. Thanks. Big Fan.


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How can I get white shoe polish off a black motorcycle jacket?I picked up the most perfect fitting, broken in black motorcycle jacket for FREE at the flea market last weekend; only thing is, someone decided to get creative and took what looks to be white shoe polish to it...the fringe, the belt, the epaulets. I want to save this jacket, please help! Thanks! Julie from California


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Tomato Sauce Stain on Pink Skirt and Sweater?I need help. I stained my new pink skirt and a matching sweater. I stained them with tomato sauce. Can anyone help me? - KT


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Stained Swim Suit?I have a red and white swim suit and went tubing in a river...the river was pretty gross, and it stained the white parts of my suit with a brown color. Does anyone have any suggestions? Thanks:) Amy From Wisconsin


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Furniture Stain on White Rug!I bought a cherry wood antique chair recently. When I moved the chair last week while vacuuming, I noticed the cherry wood stain got on my white rug in 4 spots where the legs were resting. The chair's wood stain must not have been completely dry when I purchased the chair.


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Yellowish Stain on Jeans?I bought a pair of jeans about 2 months ago. I wore them at a previous job I had that required handling dirty boxes all day. I cannot get the stain from the boxes out. It's like a blotchy dirt stain with a yellowish tint.


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Grease Stains on Beige Pants?I have grease or oil from a pickup truck on my beige 100% cotton pants. How can I get this stain out on the first try without ruining my pants? Ann


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Removing Epoxy from Polyester Uniform?Does anyone have any ideas of how to remove white epoxy glue from navy blue polyester uniform pants? My husband wears a uniform to work and had to load a piece of equipment on his truck, saw the white stuff, and didn't realize it was epoxy glue he would be sitting down in. Now, he has 1 less pair of pants to wear to work and I am hoping someone has a solution to deal w/this. Please and thank-you. Trish from Oregon


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Removing Mold/Mildew from Baby Clothes?I have a keepsake outfit that has molded when baby's clothing was spit up on in daycare and placed in a plastic bag. The bag was forgotten about and the mold took over.


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Removing Lip Stick From Car Upholstery?How do I remove lipstick from the tan cloth seat of my car?


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Baby Oil Stains on Jogging Pants?I got baby oil on my swooshy pants (like jogging pants) and have no idea how to get it out, I am pretty sure it will stain. I haven't washed them yet because I am not sure what to do. It happened today. Any tips please! I just bought them. Thanks, Sara from Ohio


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How to Remove Oil Stains from T-shirts? After I washed my t-shirt, there's always a stain on it. I'm not sure what it is, but it looks like (food) oil stains. I compared it to one of my shirts that got (food) oil stain and it looks exactly like the ones I wash (same stains). Do you know how I can remove this stain? Phu from CA


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Ink, Sharpie and Dry Erase Stains?I need some help with a ink/sharpie/dry-erase stain. My husband is in the Navy and I take care of his uniforms. He has managed to get an ink stain, a sharpie stain, and a dry erase stain on his uniforms. Does anyone know how I can remove them quickly? thanx, chompers_41



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Car Grease on Cashmere Scarf?I recently got car grease on a very expensive crinkled cashmere scarf. Besides sending it to a dry cleaner which I do not wish to do because of the crinkles, does anyone have a good cleaning solution? Thank you. clam379


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Removing Ink from Jersey?How do I get ink out of jersey that's been there for a week. -DaRealKita


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White Out on Slacks?Help! My retired husband volunteers at my place of business and spilled white-out on his best slacks. I washed it already but it only lightened. - Jer


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Turkey Grease From Leather Boots?How do you remove turkey grease from leather boots? Bea


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Car Grease on Washable Suede?Please tell me how to get car grease off of a washable suede jacket. Gwen from Hawaii


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Removing Old Ball Point Pen From Jersey?I'm trying to remove a (don't laugh) 10 year old ball point pen autograph from a valuable jersey (the vinyl number part-which is white). I tried alcohol which seemed to smear, gonzo stain remover, non-acetone fingernail polish remover. Nothing is working. I'm getting so desperate I'm thinking of white out! Any ideas out there? Kim


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Ink or Permanent Marker on Suede Jacket?I have an ink line or permanent marker in red on my new suede jacket on the back. I need to found out how I can get it clean. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank You, Teresa


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How do you get black gel pen out of white clothes?I was washing my cloths and forgot I left a black gel pen in the pocket. So when I got them out of the dryer the cloths had all these black spots. So then I tried bleach, didn't work. Then I used Oxyclean in hot water over night didn't work. I used 6 scoops. I was wondering if anyone has a solution to my problem. Thanx and Happy Holidays, Donnerschlag


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Removing Snail Slime Trail On Jeans?How do I get rid of snail trail slime that has penetrated through the material on pair of black jeans? My attempts so far have not removed this slime trail or do I just wait for it to wear out through repeated washings? Kathy from Washington


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Drywipe (Dry Erase) Marker Disaster on Light Clothes?I'm a teacher and have this habit of popping drywipe markers in my pockets (with lid on) whilst I'm teaching. Unfortunately one managed to make it through the wash. This wasn't so bad, what WAS terrible was opening the tumble dryer to have the pen fly out at me without the top. All of the light/kaki clothes have lots of black dots and scribbles. I've washed the clothes twice with oxi clean and other stain removers but no luck. Does anyone have any ideas, I'd really appreciaate any help. Thanks Mark UK


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White Skirt Bleached And Now Has Yellow Spots?I have a skirt that is 100% cotton and I got mud on it, so I bleached it and now the bleached spots turned yellow. Is there anything I can do to fix these spots? Ashlee


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Paint Splatters On Winter Coat?I found what appears to be white paint splatters on my winter coat. The coat surface is smooth/shiny and the color is dark green. Any ideas on how to remove? There are lots of spots... Vonda


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Removing a Dry Wipe Marker Stain from a Wool Scarf?I have recently got a wool scarf as a gift. It is a gold and beige scarf with glittery bits in it. I left it overnight at a friends house and my friend accidently put a big black line down the middle of it. The problem is that it is a big black line off dry wipe marker. I need to know is there anything that will get this stain out without damaging the colour of my scarf? PLEASE HELP ME! - Kelly B


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Whitening A Yellowed Wedding Dress?I made a dress for my daughter to wear in a wedding 16 years ago, and now we would like to use it again, but it has yellowed. I can't remember if the fabric is washable or not - I have had it dry-cleaned. Are there specialty dry cleaners? Or can I do something myself? Dell


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Clothing Washed and Dried With Non-permanent Marker?I accidentally left a non-permanent red marker in a pocket of clothing and preceded to wash and dry it. I now have red marks all over several pieces of light colored, mostly cotton or cotton blend clothing - Help!! What can I do to save the clothing and remove the red marker? Thank you! Michelle from Michigan



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Removing Dye That Transfered From Denim Skirt To Boots?I have a lovely pair of tan leather boots, unfortunately I got caught in the rain, I was wearing a long denim skirt and the skirt rubbed against my boots and the dye from the skirt has stained my boots. It looks as if the top layer of leather has rubbed away and the exposed under layer has been stained by the dye from my denim skirt. I've been told by a local shoe shop that white spirit may remove the dye but they could not guarantee the outcome. Can anyone please give me some suggestions for removing the stain. The boots are new and I'd hate to have to throw them out.


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Clay Stains On Jacket?My son recently came home with a huge clay stain on his brand new jacket. I am wondering if anyone has any tips that they can share with me, in the safe removal of this stubborn stain? Thanks in advance for your help and advice. ConnieM


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Discolored Wool Sweater?I have 2 questions regarding Norweigan wool ski sweaters with stains. Both are very expensive sweaters with lots of colors. Both are hand washable.


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Ink on Light Colored Suede Jacket?I need help. I just received a Light Colored Suede jacket for Christmas, 1st time wearing it was yesterday and a co-worker got blue ink stains on it. I have tried the Hairspray idea that a lot of people stated would work, it didn't for me. What else can I do before having to take it to a cleaner. I am just really afraid to take it to a cleaner because there are so many horror stories from them ruining items. Can anyone help please? Stacy


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Can I Remove Pine Sap From Suede?My father has a nice suede jacket that he recently got some pine sap on while cutting down our Christmas tree. Is there any way to remove it? Any suggestions would be most helpful. Michelle from Michigan


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Dried Food off Suede Shoes?I have a pair of suede shoes and after coming home from the family Xmas party, noticed what looks like spilled lasagne and am now just looking to clean them, HELP


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Removing White Out From Wood?I have a wood counter base, and I spilled whiteout on how do I get it off? KM


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Ink On Leather Jacket?I need help taking off ink that busted in the pocket and got all over my leather jacket. It's really bad.


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Buttery Popcorn Oil Stain?I was making popcorn with a theater type popcorn maker at my daughter's school and got the buttery popcorn oil on a navy blue sweatshirt I had borrowed from my daughter. I sprayed it with 409 and washed it.


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Finger Paint Stains?Help! my 2 year old decided that fingerpaints should be called shirt paints. I've tried the good old spray and wash and even tried dish liquid nothing is working help! - Jodel from Florida


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Glass Mirror Stain With Cat Pee?I have a mirrored wall in my house and my pet (male) has urinated on my mirrored wall on one side of it and therefore it has turned grayish-black. Does anyone have any solutions or a tip on how to make it a mirror again on the side he urinated on? Thanks in advance, Ladyrider from Houston


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Varnish Stain on Polyester Dirtbike Jersey?Please help me i have just bought a 100 percent polyester jersey and gone to woodwork class and someone splattered a bit of varnish on me. The jersey is white and dark blue. - Ben


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Permanent Marker On Rubber?I have a pair of new shoes with rubber non-skid soles. Bought them onsale, price on bottom of sole in permanent black marker. Have tried alcohol, both rubbing and denatured, Dawn, little pad soaked in oxy-clean, fingernail polish remover, etc. Problem is, I sit with my leg crossed lots of time when wearing casual clothes and shoes such as this, don't want the price "glaring". LOL. Carol


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Liquid Eyeliner On Suede Boots?Today I was putting on my liquid eyeliner when I accidently dropped the bottle and the liquid landed on my new suede boots! Help! I just bought my boots. How do I get the stain out!


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Peanut Butter Stains?I am trying how to get "natural" peanut butter stains out of white clothes. I keep reading how to use peanut butter to remove other stains, but I assume this is hydrogenated peanut butter. The natural peanut butter is not removed by anything I have tried. R. Lasher


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Yellow Stain From Peroxide On White Shirt?My husband just got a brand new white dress shirt. While he was getting dressed, he noticed that he got a tiny spot of blood on his collar from shaving. He didn't want to change, so I took him in the bathroom and dabbed it with peroxide, which got the blood right out. The problem is that the area that I put the peroxide on, is now yellow.


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Removing Dry Erase Marker from Back of Couch?My friend has a daughter who was spending the night and she got into the dry erase makers I left out. She marked on the back of my brand new couch. Does any one know how to remove this? - dipnz


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Coffee Stains On Suede Boots?How can I remove coffee stains on suede boots? Please reply. Thank You


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Wet Stain On Suede Jacket?My son "threw" his suede jacket into his locker at school and a wet smelly substance, (who knows what), was on the sleeve. He tried to wash it off with water. Now has a wet looking, still smelly sleeve. I have tied off the sleeve into a bag that is filled with baking soda. Any suggestions to get a uniformed color back from what the washing with water left on the jacket's sleeve? With dry cleaning being so expensive, he can just go purchase another jacket! Thanks for your help, Mrs. Jones


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Cleaning Denim Vest With Mink Lining?My hunter husband has gotten his denim vest soiled with soil. I want to put it in the washing machine but it has a real mink fur lining and I don't know what washing it will do to the fur. The fur is not dirty only the denim weight, green, army type material is dirty. The fur lining is sewn right with the material, not a zipper lining. Julie


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Taking Nail Polish from A Coat?Black Nailpolish just spilled on my white soccer coat. How am I supposed to remove it without ruining the coat?


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Removing Blood Stains From Fake Fur?Does anyone know a way to get blood out of fake fur? It's 75% acryilic, 25% wool with a cotton back and is machine washable. It's not a big stain and not too deep either-my nose just suddenly started gushing with blood and I couldn't move it out of the way quick enough! Any help is appreciated greatly, Catherine from England


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Bleach Stain On Shirt?I am going to France soon and my dad bought me a lovely Animal top baby blue with fauz fur inside it and i have got a bleach stain on it and he is quite upset because it was 80 pounds. How do i get this out and is it possible? Please help, nis smith


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Stain From Red Garment?How do I remove red color from another garment on my expensive white lingerie. m_786_in


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Cleaning Stained Suede?I have a request on how to get stains out of a tan colored suede vest. I took to the dry cleaners but they wanted 35 bucks to do it. Any way I can do it myself? Dave


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Expanding Foam On Skirt and Shoes?When doing a craft project recently, I managed to spill some expanding foam onto my black cotton shirt and black leather shoes. I tried wiping it off and picking it off when it dried, but no success. Does anyone know how I can fix these items? Please help, they're my favourite shoes and shirt!


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Salad Dressing On Suede?I just got salad dressing (grease) on a very expensive Valentino suede skirt. Does anyone know what can take grease out of suede? Do I go to a drycleaner? I'm terribly afraid of putting any chemical solution on the front of this skirt.


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Cleaning The Insides Of Leather Jackets?I bought some second-hand leather jackets and need an inexpensive way to clean the insides.


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How to Remove Liquid Makeup from a Cotton Shirt?I spilt liquid makeup on my shirt which l do love so much and cannot get the stain out. l tried everything and even bleached the shirt and two little stains are still there.


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Red Cream Soda on Dry Clean Only Wool Coat?Four cans of red cream soda exploded on my brand new camel colored wool coat. I took it to the dry cleaners the following morning and it was returned with red stains all over.


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Cornflour for Stains?I saw your recommendation for corn starch to remove stains from suede. Will cornflour do the trick? And does it take the colour out? The skirt is a lovely shade of Irish green.


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Detergent Stain on Bernardo Washable Suede Coat?I just washed my Bernardo washable suede coat and when I took it our of the washer there were a few large spots where it looks like the detergent stayed in it.


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Removing Gum?Tips for removing gum from. Post your ideas.


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Removing a Salad Dressing (Grease) Stain from Silk?I just bought a new silk sweater set and my first time wearing it I got mayo dressing on it. How can I take the grease from mayo out of silk?


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Suede Jacket Discolored From Dust And The Hanger?I have a blue-gray suede jacket with a purplish discoloration in a line across the shoulders and collar about where the hanger was, which I think is from dust accumulating on it as it hung unused in the closet over the summer.


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Blistex Stains On Clothing?Does anyone happen to know how I can get a stain from blistex out of clothes? My husband left one in his pocket and I now have little cirlces on a lot of his good work shirts and can't get them out.


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Krazy Glue on Silk dress?I recently spilled Krazy Glue on my favorite silk black dress. How can I get the glue out without hurting the fabric or fading the color? Is there any hope for my dress?


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Rust Stain on Bleached T-shirt?I bleached a discoloured white cotton T-shirt and it came out beautifully but a small section was resting on a knob in the sink and now its rusted. I tried vinegar and more bleach on that area but no luck. Any help would be appreciated.


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Removing Insta-Foam From Clothing?My husband was working in his garage and got "insta-foam " all over some of his clothes. I have tried "goo-gone" and laundry soap to get it off but no luck. Anyone have any ideas?


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Latex Paint on Wool Uniform Pants?Just got some latex paint on wool uniform pants and was wondering if there is anything out there to get it off?


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Cake Dye On Shirt?I'm trying to get red dye (from cake) out of a grey shirt. It doesn't belong to me so I need to do it ASAP. Please help.


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Motor Oil On A Sweater?My husband has got motor engine oil on a new grey sweater. How can I remove it?


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Washing Clothes With Concrete Dust On Them?My son-in-law works construction, he works with concrete. My daughter can't seem to find a way to get his clothes clean. She says his work clothes hold the concrete dust even after they are washed. She has tried shaking them outside before washing and using an extra rinse in the wash with no luck. Does anyone have any suggestions?


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Removing Cola Stain From a Sports Coat?My husband got a few cola spots on his tan sport coat and it has been there for a few days. Can I get this out without leaving a permanent stain?


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Gentle Stain Remover For Paint Stains?My 8 year old son came home from school the other day with bluepaint all over his shirt and pants. I washed them immediatly (though the paint was already dry). I washed them in cold water and nothing happened. Is there anyone who could help me get them out with something that is gentle? My son has sensitive skin and I am afraid of harsh chemicals.


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Sticker Goo From Name Tags On Shirts?My daughter came home recently with name tags on her t-shirt from a school project. I assumed she'd removed them before washing & drying however I just noticed the sticker goo is still on the thin t-shirt fabric. How can I safely remove this from these brand new shirts?


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Getting Nail Polish Off a Silk Skirt?I just got nail polish all over my new silk skirt. What should I do?


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Water Marks On Nubuck Shoes?My father-in-law went for a walk in the woods in nubuck shoes. It wasn't wet but the leaves were damp and some water got into his shoes.


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Removing Grass Stains?Tips for removing grass stains from clothing. Post your ideas.


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Yellow Stains On Green Clothing?Lately, all of my green shirts have been coming out of the washing machine with yellow stains, especially around the collar. I recently bought a new green shirt and it wound up with yellow streaks on the front even before it went into the machine (I had NOT been using bleach).


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Black Stain On Polyester Khakis?I love shopping at Goodwill for clothes, but a couple of weeks ago, I was in a hurry and grabbed up a pair of polyester/spandex blend (I think, label gone) khaki colored slacks. I just liked the style of them, needed casual dress pants, just my size, long length.


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White Out On Skirt?I got White Out on my Navy Blue Lined Skirt, How do I save the skirt?


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Red Clay Stains on Alencon Lace?My sister-in-law has found her dream wedding dress on eBay, but it has stains on the alencon lace train from red clay. Can this be fixed? What would be the best way to clean them off?


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Removing Wood Stain From Cement Foundation?Does anyone have any advice for removing a wood stain from cement?


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Grease Stain On Fabric Purse?I spilled pizza sauce on a fabric Kate Spade purse (possibly silk). I immediately blotted with club soda and found a dry cleaner who would clean it. All of the red is gone but a faded grease stain remains after he used dry cleaning solvent several times.


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Salad Dressing Stain on Sweatshirt?I accidentally stained my friend's blue hooded sweatshirt with Italian Dressing. I've washed it and let it dry, but it didn't come out. Is there anyway I can save it?


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Sharpie Marker On Door?My 18 month old daughter got a hold of a black sharpie and she scribbled all ove my white door in my apartment. I wanted to know how to get it off, i tried hairspray, Wd40 but it didnt work. Any other ideas?


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