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Removing Ink Stains from your Coach Purse

Removing Ink Stains from Your Coach PurseI had ink stains on the inside of my Coach bag. I had never tried to get them out, until the other day. I had an alcohol swab and began to rub and rub. Eventually all of the ink marks came out. I couldn't believe it.


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Hydrogen Peroxide as Easy Stain RemoverAll you need is peroxide and a Q-tip. Pour a little peroxide into the cap and dip the Q-tip in it so it's saturated then dab it onto the stain you are trying to get out! This works on anything, even dried up blood. It will not take the color out of the fabric that you are using it on!


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Removing Spots on Pots and PansI found an otherwise nice large pizza pan with perforated holes in the free box at a moving sale. It was covered front and back with dried on grease spots (the tan sticky kind) and I wondered if I could save it because it was a nice heavy aluminum one, good for crispy crusts.


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Removing Tar From FabricUse GoJo, Fast Orange, or similar products which are hand cleaners used to dissolve oils or grease. Moisten BOTH sides of the fabric to loosen, dissolve and disperse stain. Work both sides of fabric simultaneously and gently let the product break up the stain. Do not overrub or break down the fabric. When stain has dissolved, wash immediately as normal.


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Cleaning Red Hair Dye Stains from CountersI dyed my sister's hair red and I had to wash her hair in the kitchen sink so of course I got dye everywhere on our white cabinets, the kitchen sink, and on our counters. I went to this website looking for an answer, but I couldn't find anything that worked so I ended up making my own stuff.


Getting the stains out

Deodorant to Remove Underarm StainsI bought a beautiful white sweater at a yard sale. The challenge though was the sweater had large yellow armpit stains. I got all sorts of advice, use OXI, use vinegar, use lemon juice, use baking soda; they all failed. Then someone said use what "caused the stain", deodorant.


package of steel scrubbers

Steel Scrubbers to Remove Hair Dye on...I really like the idea of some of the suggestions. I have no SOS pads so I used the curly metal pot cleaners from the dollar store. Norwex also makes them. I used them with rubbing alcohol. Gently rub along the grain of the wood, not against it. The dye came off instantly


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Nail Polish Remover for Wet Erase Marker StainWhile studying for an exam, I was using a green wet erase pen for my practice questions and I wrote on my new couch cover.


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Sterilising Tablets For Removing Printer InkMilton sterilising tablets dilute with water!


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Nail Polish Remover for Removing Hair DyeI just did this and it worked perfectly! Use nail polish remover, a brillo pad and makeup remover wipes. After you are done, go over the area with wood floor cleaner to make it shine.


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Removing Gorilla Glue from GraniteSoak the spot with Orange Glo. Take a sharp knife and gently scrape away the glue. Wipe off the dried glue and cover area again with the Orange Glo, let sit, and wipe clean.


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Magic Eraser for Removing Dye On HandsA Mr. Clean Magic Eraser works great! They are also good if you get tanning lotion or spray on your hands and they turn orange.


A christening gown made from an old wedding dress.

Treating Stains on Delicate LinensThis is a very old way to remove stains or whiten natural fabrics. Gently launder then lay item on a lush area of grass in direct sunlight. Somehow the combination of sun and chlorophyll released by grass causes the whitening.


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Sunlight as Free BleachSunlight will remove tomato sauce type stains from plastics. Just place items in direct sunlight for a few hours around midday. It will bleach white laundry too.


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Use Hair Bleach to Remove Hair DyeI was dying my hair recently and freaked out when I got hair dye on my bathroom sink. I took my cream developer and my powdered bleach and mixed them together to make a creamy paste and coated the dyed areas with it. I let it sit for 30 minutes or so and BAM!



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Nail Polish Remover for Ink on Vinyl CouchI got ball point pen on a beige vinyl couch. I tried everything to get it out but none of them worked. I read that nail polish remover works, but I was afraid to use it. I did a test on the underneath and, sure enough, it did not hurt the vinyl and took most of the ink out.


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Removing Dry Erase Marker from ClothesI let my little grandson scribble with a dry erase marker and he got it all over his shirt. I was really surprised that it would be so difficult to get out. I tried all the tips listed, except for the ink remover.


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Nail Polish Remover for Sharpie on SkinUse a cotton ball and nail polish remover, works every time!


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Cleaning Motor Oil StainsI know some people have used kitty litter to clean up oil leaks. In my experience it's been worth investing in a full-out absorbent product, although I work with cars on a regular basis so I deal with a lot of oil leaks. Stuff like SpillFix works really well


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Tips for Removing Permanent MarkerFor furniture, try milk. On clothes, use hand sanitizer.


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Removing Butternut Squash Stains on HandsI tried everything (vinegar, lemon juice, baking powder, and anything I could think of) to clean my hands of the nasty orange staining I got from peeling butternut squash. I was desperate because I didn't want to go to work with hands that looked absolutely awful.


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Easiest Way To Remove Sharpie from SkinAfter experimenting with everything I could think of to get permanent Sharpie off of skin, I came up with this.


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Removing Stains from Laminate CountertopsLacquer thinner will easily remove stains from Formica countertops. Be careful not to get it on the wood edge as it will also remove the finish on the edge.


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Windex for Pen Marks on SuedeMy 3 year old daughter put pen marks all over my suede couch. I sprayed Windex all over the area and wiped it with a dark towel until all marks were gone! It worked like a charm!


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Windex for Carpet StainsTry Windex on carpet stains. My husband taught me this and it really works


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Removing Sunscreen Stain from ClothesHaving freckly/fair skin I need to wear sunscreen every day. Some brands can leave a yellow/brown stain on light clothes. To remove this stain: moisten the area, rub with plenty of dishwashing liquid (I use a popular clear green type), and scrub with a nail brush if the fabric can take it.


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Goo Gone Works on Candle Wax StainsGooGone works to get the remaining wax (and color) out of the tablecloth! Who knew? Pour GooGone over the remaining stain after you have scraped the wax off.


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Avoid Stains In TupperwareIf you get spaghetti stains in your tupperware, you can avoid this by spraying the dish with cooking spray. Also setting your stained dishes in the sun will work as well. No more nasty stains.


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Remedies for Nail Polish on a CouchI left some nail polish out with the lid on, but some kids found it and started painting lessons on the couch! To save myself from an eternity without nail polish, I came on this site.


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Natural Stain RemovalFor stains on clothing the easiest way to remove is by buying vinegar, a tooth brush, and baking soda. Rub it into the stain by making a paste and voila the stain is gone.



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Removing Hair Dye from Bathroom SinkThis works perfectly! After searching web sites to find out how to remove hair dye from the bathroom sink, I finally found the perfect solution on my own! Take pure liquid bleach.


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Removing Permanent MarkerAs a teacher, once when I was preparing for a class, I used a permanent marker on the new dry eraser board. I read the marker and found EXPO's 1-800 number and called it for help. You can erase permanent marker by writing over it with another marker and wiping it off with a tissue.


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Using Whole Milk to Remove Red Wine StainsThe best solution I've found for red wine stains is whole milk. I just soak the stain in milk and rinse with cool water. Sometimes it takes more than one application and it won't work on old stains, but it usually works with fresh ones.


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Use Pet Stain Products For Urine StainsYou know how hard it can be to remove urine stains on underwear, bed sheets or other items if you don't get to them soon enough before they dry and set in. The spray you buy for 'pet stains and odors' works miracles to remove those stains!


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Using Boiling Water to Remove Wine StainsDo you need to get rid of wine stains? Or any other juice stains for that matter? This is a tried and true solution:


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Dry Erase Marker Over Permanent Marker On White BoardsShould someone get permanent marker on your dry eraser board, there is a very simple way to fix that problem. Trace over the words or marks with a dry eraser marker, and then wipe clean.


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Use Electric Toothbrush to Remove StainsI came across an old electric toothbrush, and when I replaced the batteries, it worked great as a small stain remover when dipped into a stain removing liquid designed for clothes.


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Removing Stains on FormicaTo remove a stain on your Formica counter top, just slather a thick amount of dish washing detergent over it and let it sit for several hours, then wipe it up. The detergent seems to draw the stain into it.


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Removing Fresh StainsMany fresh stains are absorbed by corn starch or talcum powder. Apply the powder to the stain, allow to stand for about an hour, then brush off carefully.


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Keeping Fabric Table Linens CleanI decided a few months ago that I was tired of the clear plastic cover over my dining room tablecloth. Even though we frequently eat at our dining room table, I decided to go ahead and just use the cloth and fabric placemats without the plastic cover.


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Lysol Toilet Bowl Cleaner for Rust StainsI had really bad vertical rust stains in my bathroom sink from the top opening. I searched for answers online and came across one on this website and was about to try it when when a friend suggested I use Lysol in the 'bottle neck' blue/white toilet bowl cleaner.


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Grease Spots on CementTo clean old grease from concrete, saturate first with paint thinner or engine degreaser, then use the kitty litter or corn starch treatment. Sprinkle corn starch or kitty litter over the area and sweep up after the oil is absorbed.


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Boiling Water For StainsDid a mystery stain appear on a light colored cotton shirt after it had been washed? This stain is often from juice that has dripped from a juicy piece of fruit. When you first notice the stain, stretch it over a colander set in the sink and pour boiling water over it.


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Cleaning With BoraxMy young boys love blueberries, and one got them all over a white shirt. I decided to put the shirt in a big bowl of water with about 1/8 cup of borax and left it in the sink overnight.


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Goop as Stain RemoverI have on several occasions used the hand cleaner Goop as a spot remover. I have used it on items that have gone through the washer and dryer with grease spots. Put Goop on the stain and rub it in. Leave it on from 5 minutes to a day or two before washing.



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Scuff Marks On Patent Leather ShoesTo clean scuff marks off white patent leather shoes, rub a small amount of mineral oil onto a test area. If the oil doesn't alter the color of the shoe, take a clean, soft cloth and apply a small amount of mineral oil to the surface of the show.


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Removing Mildew from GarmentsTo remove mildew from laundry, add 1 cup Clorox Bleach and 1/2 cup of Cascade dishwasher detergent powder to 1 gallon warm water. Let soak, then launder as usual. This works best on items that has not been put in the dryer prior to treating.


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Remove Rust Stains With LemonTo take rust out of white fabric, pour lemon juice over the spots and saturate. Place on a tray (non-metal) and set in the bright sun for 2 hours. Launder as usual. Repeat if necessary.


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Hydrogen Peroxide For Blood StainsI had two shepherd dogs who were sisters but once in a while would get into an arguments. One day they did and got some blood on one of my favorite pillow covers. The pillow cover was tossed into the laundry basket instead of the wash.


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Use Aspirin In Laundry For Underarm StainsI've seen several requests recently regarding removing those ugly yellow sweat stains from clothing. I heard this tip this morning and thought it might help someone.


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Shaving Cream for StainsUse shaving cream to clean furniture, carpets, rugs (not delicates that will easily fall apart) instead of having to pay to get it cleaned or buy new ones. Stains come out and it smells good too (not for deep stains).


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Removing Baby Formula StainsGot formula stains on baby clothes? Soak in Cascade dishwasher soap. Removes stains instantly.


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Latex Paint On CarpetChocolate Brown latex paint on light carpeting. Yuck! Cold water and my wet vacuum! I saturated the spot with water and sucked it up. Worked like magic!


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Treat Oil Stains Right Away With Flour/Baby PowderTo remove a stain from an oil drop on your clothes, cover the stain with flour or baby powder for few hours or even over night. Then brush flour or the powder and the stain is removed.


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Removing Dried Berry Stains from ClothingI wanted to get stains out of my kids clothes and of course my family, I tried everything. So to get the water in Nebraska to soften more, I used Cascade with bleach, then to protect all colors in our clothes I used Clorox II.


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Ice Cube to Remove Blood StainsIf you get blood on anything fabric, the easiest way to remove it is to put an ice cube on the stain as soon as possible. Don't worry about washing it in hot water, as long as it is loosened by icy water right away, it will come out.


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Use Saliva to Remove Blood StainsAfter years of trying every product imaginable to get blood out of clothing, I finally found what works. My father-in-law's colleague told him that the person whose blood it belongs to, can "lick" it out. So I tried it.


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Boiling Water for Berry StainsI had some dark red beverage spilled on our polyester tablecloth and didn't realize it until the next day when I was putting the table back to normal size and taking the tablecloth off.


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Oil on UGG BootsI spilled oil on my Ugg boots. I tried water and then tried baby powder. Neither worked. Someone said try chalk. I rubbed the chalk on the spot and it is completely gone.


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Use Spinach Water for Stain RemovalUse spinach water for removing sweat stains and ring around the collar. Try blanching fresh spinach. Reserve the water for stain removal.


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Ice to Remove Gum from ClothesTo get gum out of clothes, put ice cube on it until the gum freezes and it will crumble off when scratching it.


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Window Cleaner for Red Carpet StainsTo take fresh red stains out of a carpet: My grandson spilled over half a glass of red punch onto my beige carpet. I immediately sprayed window cleaner over the stop and started blotting. I repeated the process until there was no stain left.


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Use Baking Soda to Remove Iced Tea StainsAfter making iced tea in the summer, I am always left with a stained pitcher. NOTHING I used would take those stubborn stains off. I tried expensive soaps to elbow grease. Then one day, I tried BAKING SODA.


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Automotive Hand Cleaner for LaundryAll oil based stains can be cleaned by using the waterless hand cleaner you find in the automotive department.


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Remove Pine Sap with WD40This is a handy tip I learned while cleaning up pine limbs after a recent ice storm. If you get pine sap on your skin you can spray a little WD40 on it and rub it gently.


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Freeze Gum or Wax to Clean Off ClothTo remove chewing gum or candle wax from a tablecloth, a couch, or carpeting, gently rub the gum or wax with Ziplock bag filled with ice cubes until the substance hardens.


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Spray and Wash for Carpet StainsCoffee, tea or food spots on your carpets? Spray "Spray and Wash" on the spot. Wipe with a clean cloth, vacuum it and the stain/spot is gone.


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Hairspray for Ink StainsPermanent markers, ink, etc., will come out with hairspray. Just spray the area and blot with paper towel or soft cloth. Also, WD40 works wonders on this kind of thing.


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Resolve Carpet Cleaner For Laundry StainsForget the stain sprays for laundry, they never seem to do the job. Resolve rug cleaner in the pump bottle works wonderfully on clothes. Spray the stain, wait 5 minutes and wash, voila!


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Yogurt or Sour Cream for StainsAny stain by pen or marker can be removed with yogurt or sour cream. Also hairspray works well. Stains on leather vinyl and delicate fabric can be removed by this process.


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Oust Air Freshener for Pen StainsIf you have children or grandkids, this tip will come in very handy for you all. If your little ones have taken a pen or marker and marked on their clothes or your couch, have the thing to take out that nasty stain.


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Carpet Stain Remover For Clothing StainsI spilled red jello all over the front of my white pants. It had dried before I could get home. No remedy seemed to work so I tried carpet spot and stain remover.


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Lestoil For StainsAfter trying a few of the suggested solutions and still having a visible stain, I remembered that my mom used to use Lestoil heavy-duty cleaner to remove tough stains from clothes when I was a kid.


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Denatured Alcohol for Stain RemovalDenatured alcohol (paint/hardware dept.) will remove Sharpie and other inks from most surfaces (haven't found one it won't work on yet). Put it in a spray or squeeze bottle, spritz it on the mark (it doesn't take much) and wipe off. Repeat if necessary.


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Using Milk for Ink StainsInk stain on shirt? Use milk, pour the milk on the ink stain and wait for a minute or two then wash and hang up to dry. Don't dry in dryer as it will set the stain.


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Kerosene for StainsWhen you have tried everything else to get that stain out try this: Kerosene!
Kerosene will bring out just about any stain there is.


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Raw Egg Stain Removal on Carpet and UpholsteryMix one teaspoon of a neutral detergent (a mild detergent containing no alkalies or bleaches) with a cup of luke-warm water. Blot.


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Body Oil Stains On ClothingTo remove body oil stains from collars and cuffs of colored shirts and blouses, rub hair shampoo directly on the stains. Rinse out the shampoo, then wash the clothes as usual.


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Scotchguard For ClothesI worked with a young teacher who wore Kahki pants a lot and they always seemed so spot free and clean. One day I got the courage to ask her secret.


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Get Athletic Shoes Super WhiteClean white athletic shoes with Westley's Bleche-Wite whitewall/blackwall tire cleaner. Use a scrub brush and rinse with water.


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GoJo Hand Cleaner For StainsFor blood, grease and many other unruly stains I've found treating it with mechanics hand cleaner called GoJo usually does the trick and doesn't damage most materials.



Removing Permanent (Sharpie) Marker With GOO-GONEUse "Goo-Gone" to remove stubborn permanent marker from fabrics! I was amazed how well this product worked. Just dab on, let sit for a minute or two and dab off! The stains were completely gone! I wrote to them thanking them for saving my rocker set and they sent me a complimentary gift! It works great on all sticky surfaces and floors, too (scuffs, etc.) By Shannon


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Suede Cleaner for OilI use (very inexpensive) granules for grease/oil on shop floor. I use coffee bean grinder to make fine powder (comes in 1/4 inch granules) and rub into oil stain on suede shoes. Voila! It works!


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Salt Stains on LeatherIf you get salt stains on your leather shoes or boots in the wintertime, mix one tablespoon of white vinegar in one cup of water. Dip a clean soft rag in the liquid, the wipe the salt stains. Allow to dry and your shoes should be good as new! By Becki in Indiana


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Avon's Skin So Soft for Lipstick StainsIf Mom has makeup, even only for rare occasions, the lipstick will one day become the lip, face or clothing smear (of course only on the children's best clothing, not the play clothes which could go easily in the rag bin).


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Removing Fruit Stains From CountertopsTo remove a stain such as food color or fruit stains from a light-colored cabinet top, try putting some dishwasher soap, preferably gel, on a wet cloth and lay it on the stain. The stain should disappear within a few minutes. By Peanut Patty


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Had Your Fence Tagged?Use WD40 to remove the paint, spray onto the tagged surface and then spray some onto a rag and rub it off. By Kaye


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Another Use for Body SprayHave you ever bought a body spray, but later found you didn't like the scent? Instead of throwing it out or selling it for a quarter at your next garage sale, save it. Body sprays contain some alcohol, and the alcohol in them can help dissolve ink stains on clothing or other surfaces.


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Naval Jelly for Rust StainsTo get rust stains out of sinks and around drains, use NAVAL Jelly, which can be found in the automotive section.


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