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This page contains tons of of helpful tips and information for everything from breastfeeding and teething, to safety and organization.

Advice (36)Health (9)Safety (5)Formula Feeding (4)Sleep (4)Activities (3)Breastfeeding (3)Organization (3)Crying (2)Development (1)Nutrition (1)Teething (1)Travel (1)


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10 Month Old Won't Hold His Own Bottle?My son is 10 months old and still will not hold his bottle on his own or a cup. He does everything else any 10 month old does. I'm a new mother so I don't know when they start doing this. Does anyone know?


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10 Month Old Child Can't Sit Up By Herself?My daughter is about 10 months old; she can't sit up by herself yet. What can I do to help her sit up?


The baby pool with pillows and toys for playtime.

Baby Pool as Play Area and Toy StorageThere are many different blowup pools on the market today. I was looking for a super inexpensive one and found this one in a 50% off bin at Big Lots for $6. I brought it home and blew it up. I took a king size bedspread and folded it over in fourths then I folded the corners under so it would fit nicely in the round bottom for cushion for baby.


Tin of green Bag Balm.

Using Bag Balm for Diaper RashBag balm is good for soothing many types of skin blemishes and irritations, including diaper rash. This is a page about using bag balm for diaper rash.


What Do Babies Dream About? - closeup of a baby's face

What Do Babies Dream About?Mothers may have more intuition when it comes to this question. I'd like to hear from them. But on the other hand, just a good imagination might give us some insight. So, anyone with any ideas, feel free to answer.


Couple brushing their baby's teeth

Caring for Your Child's Baby TeethDental hygiene should start as soon as your child has teeth, and many parents start "brushing" gums to get an infant used to the process. This is a page about caring for your child's baby teeth.


Cute baby holding a baby wipe

Using Washable Baby WipesStore bought baby wipes can often be washed in the machine on gentle and reused. If you can find a good recipe you can make your own solution and store it and the wipes in a closed container. This is a page about using washable baby wipes.


A parent holding their baby's hand.

Treating a Baby's Dry SkinYou need to consult your doctor and use a mild moisturizer when rehydrating a baby's skin. This is a page about treating a baby's dry skin.


A sign for your car that reads "Baby on Board!"

Baby On Board Sign for your CarMany assume "Baby on Board!" sign is so others can drive carefully but actually the sign is for an emergency. If the car was to be in an accident, the sign will allow emergency personnel to know immediately there may be a baby or child in the car who may not be able to help themselves out and needs assistance.



A woman breastfeeding her infant son.

Remedies for Sore Cracked Nipples from Breastfeeding?Ensuring that your baby is latching on properly will help prevent sore nipples. To treat them, check with your nurse, doctor or La Leche League for safe products to help them heal. This is a page about remedies for sore cracked nipples from breastfeeding.


Infant drinking water from a bottle

When To Start Feeding Water to a Baby?This is a page about when to start feeding water to a baby. Knowing when to introduce new foods and beverages to your baby is a part of caring for your child.


Infant with thermometer in mouth and cloth across the forhead

Treating an Infant's ColdThis is a page about treating an infant's cold. Treating your infant's cold is quite different than caring for yourself or an older child. Many medications can not be given to infants.


Blue booties on a pregnant belly.

Gender Reveal Announcement Photo...This is a page about gender reveal announcement photo ideas. Now that expectant parents can find out the gender of their unborn child early, it is fun to come up with clever ways to include this information in the announcement.


baby girl in carseat

Remembering Your Baby in the CarThis is a page about remembering your baby in the car. Stressed out, overwhelmed parents may need to develop some cues or reminders to prevent accidentally leaving their baby in the car.


baby wearing a red and white polka dot bib

Using Baby BibsThis is a page about using baby bibs. Keeping bibs conveniently located can help keep your baby's clothes clean and dry.


A smiling baby under a white blanket.

Environmentally Friendly Parenting TipsThis page contains environmentally friendly parenting tips. Some easy suggestions on how to have a green baby, and make a smaller footprint on our planet.


Infant Cereal

Infant Cereal TipsThis is a page about infant cereal tips. One of baby's first solid foods is cereal.


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When Can Babies Sit Up Alone?My daughter is about 10 months old; she can't sit, but she is looking OK. If I take my hand away she goes backwards.


A woman eating an apple with her baby.

Diet and Exercise After Pregnancy?This page is about diet and exercise after pregnancy. Finding acceptable exercise and maintaining proper nutrition for yourself and your baby is important.


A stack of a cloth diapers.

Cloth Diapers or Disposable Diapers?This page is about using cloth diapers or disposable diapers? Determine what will work best for your family when the new baby arrives.


Baby Mobile

Hanging a Baby Mobile?Keeping your baby occupied during diaper changing can be fun and easy. This page contains tips for mounting a mobile on the wall over the changing table.


baby sleeping

Cradle Cap RemediesThis is a page about cradle cap remedies. Babies often have a flaky skin condition known as cradle cap on their scalp. There are a number of home remedies you can use to treat cradle cap.


Young Grandma

Name Ideas for a Young Grandma?This is a page about name ideas for a young grandma. Many grandmothers like to choose what their grandchildren will call them. This may be especially true for a young grandmother that would like to choose something cuter or more original.


Baby with Diaper Rash Getting Changed

Diaper Rash RemediesThis is a page about diaper rash remedies. Diaper rash is very painful for your baby.



Baby in Diaper

Homemade Diaper Rash Ointment RecipesThis is a page about homemade diaper rash ointment recipes. There are many creams and ointments on the market to treat diaper rash. You can save money by making your own.



Pink Eye Remedies for BabiesThis is a page about pink eye remedies for babies. In addition to prescription drugs, there are some surprising remedies for pink eye in infants.


Remedies for Colic

Remedies for ColicThis is a page about remedies for colic. All babies cry sometimes, but a colicky baby can cry for hours.


Crying Baby

Remedies for a Crying BabyThis page is about remedies for a crying baby. Determining the reason a baby is crying is not always easy.


Baseboard Heater in front of Window

Baby Proofing Baseboard Heaters?This is a page about baby proofing baseboard heaters. Electric baseboard heaters might present a hazard for you baby.


A baby nursery.

Organizing Your Baby's NurseryThis is a page about organizing your baby's nursery. Organizing your nursery will help make caring for your child easier.


Mother Getting on Plane with Young Children

Traveling with an Infant?This is a page about traveling with an infant.Traveling with an infant doesn't have to be difficult, if you prepare.


Teething Baby

Baby Teething TipsThis is a page about baby teething tips. Teething is painful and can cause your baby to be fussy and in need of your help.


Baby in a Bubble Bath

Giving a Baby a BathThis is a page about giving a baby a bath. They won't break, but many parents are apprehensive about giving their baby a bath.


Baby Bottle Feeding

Bottle Feeding Your BabyThis is a page about bottle feeding your baby. Many parents' schedules and preferences make bottle feeding their baby the best choice for their family.


Choosing a Stroller

Tips on Choosing a Stroller?This page contains tips on choosing a stroller. Choosing the right stroller from the numerous options can be confusing.


Choosing Baby Names

Choosing a Baby NameThis is a page about choosing a baby name. Choosing the perfect name for your baby can be daunting.


Feeding a Baby

Weaning a Baby Off Breast Milk?This is a page about weaning a baby off breast milk. As your baby begins to eat more solids foods, you may choose to start weaning them.


Woman breastfeeding a baby.

Breastfeeding TipsThis page contains breastfeeding tips. Breastfeeding should be a great experience for both you and your baby.


baby sleeping by grass

Setting Up a Green NurseryThis is a page about setting up a green nursery. You are setting up your first nursery or renovating an existing one, but you want to go green. There are a number of things to consider such as flooring, paint, and furniture.



Baby Videos

Funny Baby VideosThis page contains funny baby videos from around the web. Feel free to rate the video that you like the best.


Avoiding Diaper Leaks on Car TripsWhen my children were in diapers, we traveled a lot. Sometimes you just cannot stop right away for diaper changes and sometimes the diapers would leak. Then you have a wet car seat, especially the cloth seats.


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Helping a 6 Month Old Sleep Through the Night?I'm desperate for help to get my nearly 6 month old son to sleep through. He is in a strict routine which he's probably had for the past 3 months of, bath, bottle, and bed all by 8 o clock.


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Keeping a Play Table from Moving on Carpet?Any tips on keeping the plastic legs of a baby stationary play table from sliding across carpet when the baby stands and pushes on it?


Pile of baby diapers.

Saving Money on DiapersThis is a page about saving money on diapers. Whether you use cloth or disposable, diapers are a big expense. There are numerous ways to save with either option.


Jar of baby food with a spoon and bananas in the background.

Saving Money on Baby FoodThis is guide about saving money on baby food. It's very important for babies to get proper nutrition as they grow. There are ways to spend less on baby food while still giving them everything they need.


Saving Money on Baby Formula, Baby bottle laying on its side with formula in it.

Saving Money on Baby FormulaThis is a page about saving money on baby formula. Getting quality baby formula is important. You don't need to sacrifice quality to find a deal on formula.


A blue baby stroller.

Saving Money on Baby Strollers?This is a page about saving money on baby strollers. When shopping for a stroller you will be faced with many options. Strollers can be very expensive, so once you know what kind of stroller you need, it is then important to find a good deal.


Sleeping Baby

Saving Money on Baby ClothesThis is a page about saving money on baby clothes. With spit ups and spills, babies can wear a lot of clothing throughout the day. You want to have plenty of clothing for your baby, but they do grow out of clothing fast.


Brotherly Love

Photo: Brotherly LoveMy grandson Cayden helping his little brother out. Now that's what brothers are for!


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Infant and Toddler Remedies for Colds and Coughs?What kind of syrup for cold and cough is good for babies 1 to 3 years old?


Celebrate Baby's Six Month BirthdayOur family celebrates a baby's 6-month birthday, one of my traditions that I started. We just have a small party with inexpensive gifts (hand held toy, t-shirt, or any small gift). I used to bake a cupcake just for the little one and they get to tear it to pieces.


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What Can I Use as a Bed for a Visiting Infant?My niece is coming to visit me for a few months and she has a newborn baby (1 month old). What can we use for a bed or should I just buy a bassinet?


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Soothing a Child's Cough?My infant granddaughter has a hacking cough. I have heard that Karo syrup works well, but I do not know how much to give, any suggestions?


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Keeping Baby's Legs in the Crib?I am having problems keep my baby's legs in the crib, what can we do?


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Baby Won't Drink Formula?I am breastfeeding my 9 month old and was not planning on weening until after 12 months of age. The problem is, I am 16 weeks pregnant and either the taste of my breast milk has changed and/or I am not producing enough milk anymore.


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How Do Infants Develop a Fever After Receiving Polio Vaccine?My little baby is just 4 months old. Recently the doctor gave her polio drops for better health. Then she got a fever of 102 degrees. I just visited doctor today once again and she got treated. Thanks to God she is 50% OK. regarding her health.


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Is It Safe for a Baby to Sleep on Its Side?I would like to ask if my baby who is 6 months old should sleep on his side. Is there any problem if he sleeps on his side?


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Outdoor Clothes Drying for Baby EntertainmentDrying your laundry on an outdoors line is not only economical - putting a baby underneath a line of billowing coloured clothes is the best way of keeping them quiet, fascinated and occupied. It works every time.


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Using Cloth Diapers With Rubber Pants?Has anyone used prefold diapers with the pull on rubber pants? If so how did that combination work for you? Did you use the rubber pants?


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Disposable Diaper TipsAs a mother of two and one due in a few days, I've used many diapers. Huggies seem to work the best. However they are one of the most expensive brands.


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Baby is Not Crawling?My son is 9 months old today, and he is still not crawling. It worries me. He has three older brothers (ages 1, 2, and 4) and none of them took this long.


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Check Under Furniture When BabyproofingBefore my first baby starting crawling, I thought to myself "I better check and double-check everything." I ran my hand UNDER the entire body of the couch and ran across a furniture staple that had worked itself loose and was plunging downward like a dagger.


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Picking a Baby's Name?Help! Baby boy due in a month, but no name has been picked yet. His sister's name is Summer Grace. Would like a name that goes with sister's name.


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Weaning a Child Off a Pacifier?How can you wean a 2 1/2 yr. old off the pacifier when you have tried everything that you can think of?


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Keep Baby Busy While Changing a DiaperKeep your baby busy while you change their diaper! This is so easy. When my son was a baby, I would give him a toy to occupy him, making it easy to change the diaper. He had his mind on the toy, and it made my job a lot easier without all of that wiggling.


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Use A Pillowcase In Baby's CribInstead of sheets you have to tuck under, insert the mattress of a babies crib or cradle into a pillowcase. Just the right size and the baby can't pull it out.


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Using Washcloths for Baby Wipes?How can I effectively use washcloths for baby wipes? Is there a system that I can set up ahead of time? How long will they keep if I mix them up with say, baby soap and baking soda, or what do I mix them with so that they will keep? Basically I am tired of buying disposables and am going green!


Brand-New Grandson RowanJust wanted everybody to enjoy my brand-new grandson, Rowan. Swaddling a newborn really works to calm them. Their nervous systems aren't quite developed enough to self-soothe when their own arm and leg movements startle them.


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Reflexology For Fussy BabiesIf you have a fussy baby try the Reflexology method. It's therapeutic and relaxing. Even babies enjoy a good foot massage.


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Why Does My Lunch Smell Horrible?My dear, oh, so busy, daughter sent this to me this morning. She has made us grandparents to two of the cutest little boys in the world. Jonny is three and a half, and Joey (the subject of the email) is 14 months...


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Switching a Baby from Nursing to Table Foods?I have a 7 month old baby who is nursing. He has 2 teeth, sits up, reaches for things, 20 lbs, etc. All the signs that he should be ready for table food/baby food. The problem is that he has no interest in food.


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Small Amount Of Baby SuppliesInstead of taking a huge nappy bag when you're out and about, I place 2 disposable nappies, a change mat, nappy disposal bag, small pack of wet wipes and a tube of waterless hand wash in a ziplock bag.


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Where to Get Last Minute Baby Items?We are having a baby girl any day now and we are looking for some last minute baby stuff such as clothes. We are also interested if anyone has any baby clothes hangers. Thank you!


Baby with bottle

Essentials for BabyWith so many new mothers facing hard times these days and with all the new gadgets and gear out there, I thought I would give a basic list as to what is really needed for your new baby and what is just plain fluff that you probably won't use.


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Bad Smelling Baby Clothing?How do I get bad smells out of baby clothing?


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Free Stuff for Babies?Free Stuff for Babies. I am about to be a new mom and i need to know if it is any where I can get free things for my baby?


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Use Your Answering Machine for New Baby InfoWith a new baby, you can spend a lot of time fielding calls from family members when you would rather just be relaxing. One thing you can do is leave a message on your answering machine giving the baby's name, weight, gender, and it's date and time of birth.


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What Should I Bring For My New Baby?My husband and I are having our first daughter within the next couple of weeks and we are close enough that we will be able to visit with my family for lunch then his for dinner and it'll be less than a mile home.


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Easy Baby LegwarmersEasy Baby Legwarmers. Use adult socks. If baby doesn't like having her feet covered, use older sox and cut the toes off them first.


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Tips For Getting The Correct Free FormulaTips For Getting The Correct Free Formula. This tip is for anyone who receives free formula checks. If your child is on one specific brand of formula, sign up for the Nestle, Similac and Enfamil free check offers. When the checks arrive, use them all. . .


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Caring for a Baby in Hot Weather?I need suggestions for a 8 month old child visiting hot California! There's no air conditioning in house we are staying in and no shade outside. He gets so overheated. Any tips will be appreciated. Nap time is especially difficult for the poor little one.


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Fun Things to Do With an Infant?Can anyone tell me "fun" things to do with an infant? I know peekaboo but I don't know where to find the "fingerplays" or anything like that. There's also got to be more that you can do with them before they start to walk or even crawl. How young is too young to give them a piece of paper and crayon and let them have fun with that (closely suppervised of course)?


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Preventing Squeaky Crib RailsSqueaky crib rails waking baby? Spray them with non toxic Pam spray . . .


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Register at Baby SitesOne of the Best Money Saving Tips I've found for new mothers is to go onto the baby sites and register. They have sent me tons vouchers for up to $5.50 off formula and also full sized cans of formula...


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Does Bringing Up Baby Have to Cost a Fortune?You'd think that a person who can't speak to ask for Starbucks or Yu-Gi-Oh cards, and who only eats a few ounces of food a day, wouldn't cost much to upkeep.


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Buying Baby EssentialsGet little sample/travel sizes of lotion and baby wash. They are great, then refill with your big bottles for diaper bag/travel kit. Walgreen's sells TINY tubs of Vaseline...


Taliesin in the BathAlways watch your child in the bath, never leave him or her alone!


Karleigh and Her AuntThis is a photo of my sweet new Granddaughter, Karleigh Brooke and her Aunt Heather. My camera goes with me everytime I babysit. Wouldn't take a million dollars for these precious moments I'll always be able to remember.


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Free Baby Samples?I am wanting to know if anyone knows some sites that offer free baby samples to try since I will be called grandmaw soon. This will be my first grandchild and I am all excited.


Angel in Pink

Angel in Pink - Rewards of BabysittingThis is a photo of my Granddaughter caught at naptime. Babysitting your grandchildren is so rewarding. They get love and you get love in return.


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Cloth Training Pants?I am trying to make training pants for my son. I was thinking of using my old gerber cloth diapers for absorption and I am not sure what to use for a cover. Also I want to make sure the 'pattern' is correct. So if anyone has experience or and ideas about making cloth training pants I would greatly appreciate you sharing it with me.


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Baby Modeling?I have been very interested in getting my 18 month old son into baby modeling, But I don't know where to start?


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Tips for a Mom Expecting Twins?My niece "But I only wanted two kids" is expecting twins. She also has a two year old. Does anyone have any information where she can find a web site or a group for helpful tips about preparing/anticipating for twins?


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Less Laundry with BabiesTo lessen your laundry load with babies, put a bib on your baby when you feed and burp them, this way if they spit-up it will get on the bib and not their clothes.


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Consignment Shops In Virginia and New Hampshire?I was looking for consignment shops or 2nd hand thrift shops that buys children's clothes. Good ones, used just once or twice. I have so many that it's hard just giving it away. Anyone know any, here in Virginia and also in Nashua, New Hamsphire area? Thanks, Rads from VA


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Why Buy Baby Food?You need never (or at least rarely buy baby food) if you just plan ahead.


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Fortifying Night DiapersIf you babies diapers don't hold it all during the night, try adding a budget sanitary pad in, sure saves on the laundry, not to mention making it a lot more pleasant for your little one. By Katrina McPherson


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Choking Hazards For BabiesEverything that ends up in baby's hands, ends up in baby's mouth. I was shocked one day to find my 8 month old daughter had pulled a button off the clothes she was wearing. She could have very easily choked had she swallowed it. To prevent this from happening again, I inspected her clothing to make sure all buttons were sewed on securely. I then put a small drop of super glue on the back side of the button threads (on the inside of her clothing) to permanently secure the button. This may not be a cost-saving measure, but it could very well be a life-saving one! By Leann D



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Weaning a Breast Fed Baby Who Refuses Formula?What is the best way to wean a 10 month old baby from breastfeeding, when she refuses to take to formula?


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Gas Drops or Gripe Water for Crying Baby?Anyone know the difference between gas drops and gripe water? My baby is crying, arching his back, and I'm trying to see if either of these would help.


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Choosing a Baby Name?My daughter-in-law and son can't seem to agree on anything.


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Baby Proofing Home For Triplets?I am trying to baby proof for 15 month old triplets without going broke. What are some ideas for cabinet locks, toilet locks, stairs, etc.?


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Advice for Weaning a 15 Month Old?I am extremely stressed out about weaning my son because he is 15 months old. He is my first child and I was practically peer pressured into breastfeeding by my husband's dad and my husband and a few others in the family. However, I wanted what was best for my son. So I did just that.


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Treating an Infant With a Stuffy Nose?I need homemade cold remedies for a 3 month old baby.


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