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Costume Treasure Chest at Clearance PricesWell, Halloween is fast approaching and soon it will be all over but the belly aches. Start thinking now about those Clearance sales that will have those pricey costumes discounted to practically nothing.


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Parenting A Four Year Old?My daughter is almost 4 and she is beyond attached to me. I can't explain it any other way other to say that it is extremely exhausting and unhealthy. I don't know what to do. Besides the extra clingy thing, she also has a really hard time listening. From the moment she wakes up to the moment she goes to sleep, it's an ongoing battle.


A children's show in Vietnamese.

Finding Children Shows in VietnameseI am raising my kids bilingual while living in the US. I am always trying to find ways to help my kids be exposed to the Vietnamese language more. One way that I do this is through children's shows that have Vietnamese. In the last couple years, Netflix has been increasing the number of shows that it has dubbed in Vietnamese or has Vietnamese subtitles.


Frog Jumping Activity

Frog Jumping ActivityThis jumping activity is a good companion piece to teaching children about frogs and their jumping skills. The steps in the activity are detailed below.


Painted Lego Math - supplies

Painted Lego Math ActivitiesLearning basic math skills at an early age will help any child with their schooling later on. Using painted legos to demonstrate simple multiplication and additions is a wonderful way to keep kids engaged and learning about math.


A toddler crawling out of a low bed.

How to Keep a Toddler from Falling Out of BedTo keep a toddler from falling out of bed you can start them on a mattress on the floor instead of up on a bed frame. A foam swim noodle can also serve as a border on the bed.


Toddler with an old key.

Warning About Letting Small Children Play With KeysKeys have long been an object that children love to play with, especially if they are on a ring. There are a number of potential dangers associated with allowing small children to play with your keys outlined in this page.


Child's hand putting batteries in a red toy.

Cutting Down on Noise from ToysMany battery operated children's toys can be so noisy as to drive the adults to distraction. Try putting some duct tape over the speaker to muffle the sound to a more tolerable level. This is a page about cutting down on noise from toys.


Green plastic potty chair, with a roll of toilet paper.

Using a Portable Potty for Bathroom BreaksIf you have a young child, carrying a plastic potty in your car can be a good idea. This is a page about using a portable potty for bathroom breaks.


Kids playing with cards and learning math

Practicing Math With Playing CardsThis is a page about practicing math with playing cards. One or more decks of playing cards are great for teaching children basic math skills, from number recognition and counting, to addition.


Little girl tying her red shoes

Putting Shoes On The Proper FeetTeaching young children to put their shoes on the right foot can be made fun. Try marking the dominant hand shoe with a permanent marker. This is a page about putting shoes on the proper feet.


Toddler Fun Flowers

Toddler Fun With FlowersThis is a page about toddler fun with flowers. Many little kids love to pick flowers. One fun idea is to take them to a nursery and let them pick up the flowers that have fallen on the ground. It is also a great way for them to learn about the different types of flowers.


Clear pockets for holding worksheets.

Reusable Dry Erase PocketsUse dry erase pockets for fun coloring projects or even to keep track of chores around the house. Reusable dry erase pockets have a myriad of uses.


A DIY kids workshop at Home Depot being painted.

Free Kids DIY Workshop at Home DepotThere are over 2,200 Home Depot's around the world. Check to see if your local Home Depot participates in free workshops for kids. You will need to register your child. What's awesome is everything is free.


Feeding Toddler

Feeding My ToddlerFeeding your toddler healthy foods will help them for good eating habits early on. This is a page about feeding my toddler.



Little Girl on Carpet

Keeping Carpets Clean with a Toddler?Toddlers can make a mess where they eat and play. Covering areas of carpet at risk and teaching your child to stay off the carpet with food or messy toys can help. This is a page about keeping carpets clean with a toddler.


Crying Toddler Girl

Toddler Cries Excessively?Excessive crying can be behavioral or the result of something medical. A trip to your child's doctor could be the first step towards a solution.This is a page about toddler cries excessively.


A picky toddler with a scrunched up face.

How Do I Get My Toddler to Take Medicine?Young children can be very obstinate when it comes to taking medications, even if they are feeling ill. This is a page about, "How do I get my toddler to take medicine?".


A towel rack with a green towel hanging on it.

Keeping Kids From Hanging on Towel RacksFor young children bathroom towel racks seem to scream that they are a perfect place to dangle from. This is a page about keeping kids from hanging on towel racks.


A child sitting on the toilet.

My Child Won't Poop In The ToiletThis is a page about my child won't poop in the toilet. Helping your child feel comfortable using the potty can be a challenge.


A toddler brushing her teeth.

Establishing Routines for a ToddlerThis is a page about establishing routines for a toddler. You and your young toddler will both benefit from the setting of certain routines.


Have Kids Cut Off Crusts

Have Kids Cut Off CrustsI get so tired trimming the crust off my grandkids' toast. I washed a pair of scissors and let them cut the crust themselves.


Window Cling Matching Puzzle

Window Cling Matching PuzzleThese darling little window clings make charming matching puzzles for children to play with. The children can examine the texture and feel of the clings, place them on a tray, then put them back in the place where they belong.


Spray Bottle for Toddler Play

Toddler Water Play IdeasThis is a page about toddler water play ideas. Kids love to play in and with water.


Toddler yelling and splashing in bath

Teach a Toddler to Behave in the Bath?This page is about teach a toddler to behave in the bath. Being in the tub can be lots of fun, but you want to take care of the business of the washing up and keeping the water in the bath.


Picky toddler refusing to eat.

Adding Calories to Your Toddler's DietThis is a page about adding calories to your toddler's diet. Toddler's can be very inconsistent and picky eaters. If your doctor recommends increasing their caloric intake you may need to get creative.


Mother soothing a toddler age girl.

Toddler With DiarrheaThis is a page about toddler with diarrhea. Diarrhea is common in children. Finding the cause and best treatment is necessary to prevent side effects such as dehydration.


Toddler boy sitting on potty chair holding a book

Potty Training a ToddlerThis is a page about potty training a toddler. When a youngster is making the transition to using the toilet, it needs to be a positive experience.


Young child's feet dangling as they sit on the potty.

Creative Potty Training IdeasThis is a page about creative potty training ideas. Although there are standard recommendations for potty training your child, sometimes a bit of creativity is needed.


Using Jenga Pieces as Building Blocks

Using Jenga Pieces as Building BlocksIf you come across a Jenga game at Goodwill or have one you no longer use at home, hang on to it and use it for building blocks. They are nice, smooth blacks perfect for stacking.



Pom Pom Activities for Toddlers

Pom Pom Activities for ToddlersThis is a page about pom poms for toddler play. You can make your own or buy pom poms at the craft store. These soft fluffy craft supplies also make great kids' play stuff.


Felt Scraps for Toddler Play

Felt Scraps for Toddler PlayI make a lot of felt crafts and the other day my son found my pile of scraps. He wanted them so I gave him a few, and after awhile he returned for the whole pile. He uses them with his little bulldozer and other heavy equipment vehicles. As he plays with them we can work on learning his colors.


Toddler Restaurant Kit

Making a Toddler Restaurant KitThis is a page about making a toddler restaurant kit. This easy to assemble kit will not only keep your toddler occupied, but it also contains snacks in case the menu is not to her liking.


A toddler stirring food in a pot.

Keeping a Toddler Out of the PantryThis is a page about keeping a toddler out of the pantry. Once they begin to walk, toddlers set off on an adventure of exploration, getting into everything. Keeping them out of off limits areas can be a challenge.


Toddler Brushing Hair

Styling a Toddler's HairThis page is about styling a toddler's hair. It can be a challenge to distract a toddler long enough to hold still for a hair cut or brushing.


A toddler wearing jeans and a sweater.

Keeping a Toddler's Pants UpThis page is about keeping a toddler's pants up. Little people wearing big people's styles often need an adjustment, belt or suspenders to keep their pants up.



Baby Proofing a ToiletThis page is about baby proofing a toilet. Keeping a toddler from exploring the toilet maintains sewer system and keeps the child safe.


preschooler painting

Educational Activities for PreschoolersThis is a page about educational activities for preschoolers. Young children love to play and learn at the same time. Make use of their enthusiasm by providing fun, educational activities.


preschool class

Saving Money on PreschoolThis page is about saving money on preschool. Giving your youngster social interactions and learning experiences can be inexpensive.


Toddler with ball.

Inexpensive Toddler ToysThis is a page about inexpensive toddler toys. If you walk through any toy store you will quickly be overwhelmed by the variety and price of toddler toys. The good news is that there are many inexpensive toys for toddlers that will keep them entertained for hours.


A child eating and making a mess.

Feeding Children With Less MessThis page is about feeding children with less mess. Kids can be messy with their food, but there are ways to minimize the untidiness.


A preschooler working on a drawing.

Reward Ideas for PreschoolersThis is a page about reward ideas for preschoolers. Small rewards are a useful tool for encouraging preschoolers to create and achieve in their activities.


A mother playing a game with a toddler.

Game Ideas for ToddlersThis is a page about game ideas for toddlers. Keeping your toddler active and engaged can be a challenge. There are many games designed for this age that are fun and/or educational.



Keeping a Child from Sliding in a HighchairThis is a page about keeping a child from sliding in a highchair. Newer high chairs are built with a center post to help prevent your baby from sliding completely out. However, he or she may still slide or slump about, making it hard to eat, especially when they are still quite young.


Toddler Playing

Keeping Toddlers OccupiedThis page is about keeping toddlers occupied. These young people have a short attention span, but are capable of learning and doing many things.



Toddler Being Aggressive

Toddler Being Aggressive Towards Younger Sibling?This is a page about toddler being aggressive towards younger sibling. Knowing what to do when your toddler shows aggression towards a younger sibling can be difficult.


a girl dressing up

Creating a Child's Dress Up BoxThis page is about creating a child's dress up box. Pretending is fun with clothes, shoes and accessories to dress up in.


Toddler Won't Play Alone

Toddler Won't Play Alone?This is a page about when a toddler won't play alone. Sometimes young children refuse to play alone and demand your full attention. Playing by themselves is not only a break for you, but good for them as well.


Toddler Temper Tantrums

Solutions for Toddler Temper TantrumsThis is a page about solutions for toddler temper tantrums. There are ways to deal with the dreaded toddle temper tantrums.


A toddler making cookies.

Helping Toddlers Do Things on Their OwnThis is a page about helping toddlers do things on their own. Toddlers often want to begin doing things by themselves.


a young girl holding up both hands

Teaching a Child Their Left From RightThis page is about teaching a child their left from their right. Learning what's your left and your right hand side can sometimes be a challenge.


MOther and Father Reading with young CHildren

Teaching Toddlers to ReadThis is a page about teaching toddlers to read. Teaching your toddler to read can be a very rewarding experience. There are many approaches you might use.


Childproofing a Home Office

Childproofing a Home OfficeThis is a page about childproofing a home office. If you work from home one of your considerations may be childproofing your work area.


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18 Month Old Wants Bottle During Night?My granddaughter is 18 months old and still wakes up at night for a bottle. She cries till she gets it. She should be done with this shouldn't she?


A child's feet sitting on a toilet during potty training.

Potty Training Your ChildMost parents eagerly look forward to the days when their child is potty trained. However, children don't always learn as quickly as parents would like, causing stress and discouragement. This is a page to potty training your child.


Baby Wipes

Saving Money on Baby WipesThis is a page to saving money on baby wipes. Baby wipes are an essential item when you have a baby or toddler. They also have many other uses.


Chocolate Covered  Spoon

Spoonful of Syrup Makes the Medicine Go DownWhen my daughter was little, the taste of liquid prescriptions would immediately make her vomit, particularly antibiotics. A friend from work suggested that I give her a half spoonful of chocolate syrup before and after the medicine.


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Ideas for Making an Activity Birthday Card for a Two Year Old?I am looking for ideas for an activity birthday card for a 2 year old. I make my own cards and would like to make the card with some kind of activities in it that my 2 year old grandson would be able to understand. Thanks for any input.


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Save Soap Scraps for ChildrenI have always saved soap scraps and wondered what to do with them. So when I had my son, I figured that because all children love to try to wash themselves in the bath, these little soap slivers are the right size for their hands. It works out great!


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Use Child's Parroting Phase For MemorizationWhen my daughter was little, she went through a phase where she would try to annoy me by parroting everything I said. I used that to help her learn things I wanted her to know, like our phone number and address.


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Choosing Toys and Other Gifts for a 3 Year Old?My sons 3rd birthday is coming up soon. I have a basic idea on some things to do like having homemade cake, decorations, and a birthday card with a personalized poem/saying by me. I am just stuck with what toys and gifts to get for him.


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Helping Children Who Are Afraid of Animals?My son, 2 and my daughter who will be 4 in Nov., are afraid of all animals, especially those on 4 legs. We had an outdoor cat when my daughter was 2 and my son was around 4/6 months. Then we moved and had to get rid of it.


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Dishpan SandboxNow that is is getting so hot and also rainy here, I am going to buy a dishpan at the dollar store and some play sand at Walmart and give it as a present to the little ones who come over to play.


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Make Washcloth Mitten to Keep Shampoo Out of EyesMy littlest granddaughter (4) likes to have a washcloth for her eyes when she showers during the hair washing time. I took some washcloths, folded them in half, and stitched two sides shut.


Girls Dresses out of Women's shirts

Use Ladies Shirts as Girls DressesThis is a photo of my 2 granddaughters wearing their new "dresses". They both wear size 4 clothes. Their dresses are actually ladies shirts, size small, that I got brand new off the clearance rack in WalMart for $1 each!


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4 Year Old Won't Behave?I have a 4yr old son who will not mind or listen to me or his sister at all. He knows he will get in trouble, but just doesn't seem to care. It is getting to where everyday is a struggle with him. Please does anyone out there know anything I can do?


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4 Year Old That Cries a Lot?My 4 year old stepson has started crying when he is told he can't have something or is told to do something. He even does it after he has had his nap. His father, mother, and myself do not know what to do about this. Any help would be appreciated.


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Two Year Old Likes to Get Finger Tangled in Hair?I have a daughter who will be 2 in April. She has curly hair, a little past her shoulders. She likes to twirl her finger in her hair. The problem is sometimes she gets her finger caught in her hair, cutting off circulation.


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Toddlers Fight With Each Other a Lot?My four year old and my two year old fight a lot, what do I do? I need some help.


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2 Year Old Toddler Keeps Biting Himself?I have a two year old little boy that bites himself hard enough to leave marks. What can I and should I do to get him to stop?


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Have Bathing Children "Paint" With Soap Let your small children clean the tub! when they are taking their bath at night, they love to play with something in the tub, give them the little tiny sponge paintbrushes, and let them (paint) clean the tiles on the tub with the colored soap bubbles you buy at Walmart!


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Granddaughters, Grandmothers, Crayons and Staying in the LinesWhile sitting down with our granddaughter, Shayla, with a box of crayons (not the baby ones), a coloring book about going to the apple farm, I told her "to color within the lines". I let her pick the page, the color of crayon, and off she went.


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Securing a Child's Swing to Deck?How do I secure a child's swing to my wooden decking? It moves around when in use.


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Beware Of Alcohol Poisoning from Use of Hand SanitizersThis tip is regarding the use of alcohol based hand sanitizers. Be very, very careful if using this near children. If a child uses this on their hands and then licks their hands they can get very sick and, in some cases, alcohol poisoning


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Cleaning a Child's Ears with Peroxide?My son has tubes in his ears. Should I use peroxide to clean them and if I do what's the side effects?


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Garbanzo Beans for Baby Finger FoodAs the mother of a teenager, an 11-month old, and the owner of a home medical transcription service, I stay pretty busy, and I'm always looking for shortcuts. One thing I do to save some time (and mess) is give the baby finger foods for some of her meals.


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Kids Removing Their Own Diapers?My kids (two year old twins) always take off their diapers and throw their poop all over. Even when I give them a nap they take off the diapers and mess up all their sheets.


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Use Baby Dresses for Toddler Tunic TopsBeing the first girl out of five grandchildren, my daughter received a lot of dresses in her first year of life. Rather than wear them once and pass them on, we are re-using them as tunic tops, now that they are too small to wear as dresses.


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Getting Kids to Sleep Through the Night?I have 3 year old twins that have recently started waking up during the middle of the night, off and on for 2 or more hours. I'm exhausted, and so is my husband. Please share any tips you have to help them stay asleep!


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Toddler Bangs Head During Tantrum?How can I get my 2yr old to not bang his head when he has a tantrum?


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Handling An Out Of Control Child With New Baby?I recently submitted a problem with my 4 year old grand daughter. I would like to thank each of you for your response. I can approach the discipline problem on my end, but how do I tell my daughter to discipline her daughter and that she should seek medical help for her.


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Help with 4 Year Old Behavior?I have a 4 year old granddaughter that seems as sweet as pie, until she get angry. She hits, bites, and just yesterday, scratched and pinched me in the arms. When she is in a bad mood - watch out. One minute she is cute and the next minute - terrible. When I babysit for her alone she is wonderful. The minute her parents walk in, she starts acting up.


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Potty Training Regression?I have a child (boy) who is potty trained but he has decided he does not want to be. It all started when he did number 2 and it touched his bottom. Any ideas out there? I have tried the rewards system and stars on a chart. He does not respond. Anymore ideas would be nice. Thanks


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Replace Snaps With VelcroHere is just a simple way to save a break out on your child or someone else. I went to Wal-Mart and bought some velcro, the little rounds ones. I place them over the snaps, in back of the snap that close to the body.


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Alternative to Commercial TV ViewingWhen my kids were little, I didn't want them to watch much television. But, their friends got to watch TV, and they wanted to watch, too.


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Teaching Letters and Numbers?I need crafty ideas to teach 4 year old letters and numbers. My little girl is very lively and I need to get her to learn numbers and letters. She is interested but cant keep still. I was thinking maybe games like hop scotch or ones with lots of movement color or lights. Any ideas please?


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3 Year Old With Sleeping Problems?We are moving in two weeks and my son is three and half. He has a very difficult time sleeping, getting out of bed, wanting to sleep with us. Any suggestions to make the transition easier? He adapts very easily to new situations but night time is tough for him. Thanks


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Young Child Has Started Hitting Parents and Pets?My 22 month old has done a drastic personality change! The lovely little darling has been hitting us and our pets. And not just when he is angry. He beats on our cat and dog for just recreational fun and I've tried scolding and taking him away from the pet and he just keeps going back to hit more.


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Advice For 2 Year Old With Bad Perspiration?My two year old has a bad problem with perspiration. Is that normal for her to be so musty?


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Superhero Potty Training IncentiveThis has worked for two of my boys. I made a chart with pictures of their favorite super hero. When they made it to the end of the chart (going potty moves your forward, accidents send you back) they get to call the superhero.


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Potty Training With PenniesI have just potty-trained my 2 year old with a very simple idea. Each morning she gets 10 pennies to put in a jar. If she has an accident, I take a penny away.


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Save Wrappers To Placate ToddlersI was a single mom with a baby that was 2. Some days, he would only eat McDonald's cheeseburgers. Being a mom, if that worked and I felt he had to eat; I was not about to be the bad person, I would get him that cheeseburger.


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Picture Toybox BookIn trying to make my grandson's time with his friends more enjoyable when they visit, I noticed they were a bit unfamiliar with some of the standard toys he has accumulated. He was frustrated trying to explain to each one how to play with his toys. I also noticed that he had a lot of the original boxes, although damaged, that they came in. I decided to buy three extra large binder rings.


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Clingy Toddler?Clingy Toddler. My sister has a 17 month old son who just HANGS off her constantly. I know it's normal for kids that age to have seperation anxiety, but this is beyond that.


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Help With a Disobedient 4 Year Old?I have a 4 year old daughter and she has no respect for me or my partner at all. She disregards everything we say to her, never obey's us and she's always back-chatting and pulling faces behind my back. If she doesn't get her own way she screams and cries.


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Games You Can Play With BookshelvesTake a decently backed bookshelf to the front or back porch, facing the wall when not in use by the child who can enter into all sorts of imaginary fantasies using it ranging from. . .


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Cleaning a Crib Mattress?My DD has a toddler bed with a crib size mattress, the kind with plastic sealed around it, and the mattress has some small tears in it. When she wet to bed some of it seeped into the mattress and now her whole room smells.


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Reactive Attachment Disorder Advice?Does anyone here know anything about (R.A.D) Reactive Attachment Disorder and how to handle it in an 18 month old toddler?


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Reading to the KidsMy 4 year old Grandson loves to soak in the tub when taking his bath. I use that time to read him classic children stories


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