
Toddler and Preschooler LearningAsk a Question Follow

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Measuring and LearningWhen you are having your little ones help you make a cake, cookies, etc., pull a chair up to the sink for them to stand on and tell them that you need 1/2 cup of water. Show them the 1/2 cup mark, explain what it means and then put the measuring cup in the sink and let them fill it from the tap or a plastic glass. If they spill, it's only water and it's in the sink and tempers don't flare.


Frugal Parenting

Frugal ParentingNot all parents can afford but parents always look for ways to provide for their children. Being a newbie in parenthood, I have less knowledge about how to handle a child especially that I am a young mom. All I know is that I want him to learn things that he has to learn at his age. But the problem is that it's not easy. When we talk about providing him with learning materials, it will involve a certain amount of money. Being the sole income earner in the family with less financial resources, I have to find ways to provide him something that could help him gain knowledge as it is normally a part of a child's development as he grows.


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Teaching a Phone Number to a ChildWhen my daughters were as young as 4 and 5 years old, I wanted them to learn their phone number and remember it. What worked great was to teach them the seven digit string to the tune of Twinkle Twinkle Little Star.


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ABC Me Alphabet GameA inexpensive game you can create for your students who need some help learning how to put words in alphabetical order.


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Hints for Pre K RewardsMany moons ago when I was teaching pre-school and pre-K I had a reward system which worked great for me and the kids loved it.


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Playing Card Math GameI use a deck of cards to teach my almost 5 year old granddaughter math. She matched the numbers, matched the shapes and number order when she was 3-4.


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Starting Your Toddler On The Right FootMark your toddler's right shoe with a special mark like a star or heart. You will be able to teach right from left while you teach how to put shoes on the correct feet.


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Teaching Toddlers To ReadI was amazed when I saw my midwife's daughter reading "The Lord of the Rings" at 5 years of age, so I asked her how she learned to read at such a young age. She said the trick is: You start teaching them to read by playing a GAME with them at about 16 - 18 months (or older). She said "Kids CAN'T read SMALL BLACK letters but CAN read LARGE RED letters".


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Teaching a Child Their Left From RightAn easy way to teach a child their left from right is to tell them to put both hands in front of them with their thumbs extended and other four fingers together.


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Post It Notes for Toddler LearningUse post it notes to play with your toddler. Write letters, numbers and draw pictures on them to stick to the wall. They are economical, safe and fun!..


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Letting Toddlers Pour Their Own JuiceWhen your toddler reaches the "I can do it myself" stage, and wants to pour her own juice, give her a small size partially full pitcher. Place her cup on the open door of the dishwasher.


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