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Mallard Duck Laid Eggs?Mallard ducks have laid 2 eggs but the female and male both just left them there. What do I do?



Will Birds Use Old Nests?I have bird nests in some of my trees that were left over from last year. Should I take them down, or will birds use them again even though they didn't make them?


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What Eats Duck Eggs?I found 7 duck eggs on the ground. My friends touched them but I did not. The next day I checked on them and they were gone. I was wondering since "What eats duck eggs?"


Lizard on wood.

What Kind Of Lizard Is This? (Western Fence...This lizard lives in our backyard garden. Can anyone ID him for me? Thanks for your time and efforts.


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Will Pool Water Harm Ducks?Mallard ducks flew into our senior apartment pool area, mother is setting on 9 eggs. How long does it usually take to hatch? Also does pool water harm them?


Is This a Toad?Can anyone tell us if this is a toad or a frog? I think it's a little toad, but someone else thinks it's a tree frog. We found it outside our office complex where we have a large pond/wetlands and prairie setting. He's so little!


Incubating Duck Eggs?I have been incubating two ducks for 25 days. I know they both have something in them but how big should they look inside before they hatch?


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I Saw a White Deer?Has anyone seen an all white deer? I spotted one in the woods by my house and I still can't believe it. I tried to get a picture, but my camera doesn't take good distance pictures. I'm afraid no one else believes me either, but I did see it.


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Importance of Insects?Why are insects an important biological resource?


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Caring for Baby Starlings?I would love to hear from any of you who have been successful at taking care of baby starlings before they are transported to rescue and rehab.


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Birds on Protected Species List?This is about which birds are on the protected species list.


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Feeding Squirrels ?I have 2 old bags of popping corn. Can I feed it to my squirrels?


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Moving Duck Eggs?Can I safely move a mallard hen's eggs to another location and will she continue to sit on them?


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Hatching a Goose Egg?There used to be a goose that sat in the bushes all the time on a nest. Well the other day I was walking my dogs and I looked and saw blood and feathers dragged across the snow and the mom was gone.


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Catching Baby Geese to Take to Wildlife Rescue Organization?Okay so this time I found 4 or 5 little baby geese or ducklings swimming aground in the pond without parents. I called wildlife and they said to catch them and bring them in. But I don't know how to catch them.



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Caring for Rolly Pollies?I'm writing because I don't know how to make a home for rolly pollies and how to feed it. Please help.


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Helping Newborn Mallard Ducks?This morning six new born mallard ducks were swimming with their mother in our small garden pond. Now we can not find them. Are they hiding? Do they sleep, so young? Will they stay here before trying to leave? For how long, typically?


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What to Do if You Find an Abandoned Duck Nest?About 2 or 3 weeks ago, we noticed a mama duck near our front porch on a nest with 10 eggs under her. She has been there 24/7, except occasionally, probably to get food and water for herself. Not for 2 days we have not seen her. What do we do about the 10 eggs?


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Treating Fleas on Feral Cats?How do you put flea drops on a wild cat? They are too expensive to not do it the right way. Any ideas?


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Do Mallards Move Their Eggs?Can a Mallard hen move her eggs from one location to another and how is she able to do this?


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What Do Moles Eat?What do moles eat?


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Cleaning a Birdbath?I have a birdbath that I love, but due to some other circumstances, it's been sitting in the garden, dirty and attracting nothing, but flies, I'll bet.


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Locating a Wildlife Watching Club?I am looking for a wildlife watching club in southeastern North Carolina. Does anyone know of a wildlife (not just birds, but all wildlife) watching club in the southeastern portion of NC? Preferably close to Fayetteville, Lumberton, or even down as far as Florence, SC.


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Incubation Time for Duck Eggs?We have a wild duck on our boat. She laid 7 eggs. How long does it take for them to hatch? When we use the boat she takes off. She seems to come back and sit on them.


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Attracting Squirrels to My Yard?How can I attract squirrels to my yard? Most of my foliage is down by the river at the far end of my 3/4-acre property. For the 2 years I've been here I've been adding small bushes and trees closer to the house.


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Birds Prefer Dry Cat Food to Seed?I am an animal lover, all animals. I put bowls of dry cat food on our porches for strays. Although I feed the birds at several different feeders, the birds are always eating the cat food. This results in droppings on our porches and railings.


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Can Snakes Damage House Foundation by Nesting Activities?I have a large family of garter snakes living under our side steps. I am not afraid of them, and do not mind them being there, but I am nervous that they could hurt the foundation by making pits underneath those steps or around the foundation.


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Snakes of Florida?I am terrified of snakes and my brother moved to Dania, Florida on the interior coast. What can I expect to see?


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What Do Brown Grasshoppers Eat?What do brown grasshoppers eat?


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Homemade Cake for a Squirrel and Bird Feeder?I would like to know how to make squirrel feeder cakes.



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Mother Duck Has Abandoned Her Nest?I noticed this morning that a mallard hen made a nest in my backyard. This afternoon I had a yard service put mulch down. When I got home the duck was gone and the eggs were covered with mulch.


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What Do Ground Moles Eat?What do ground moles eat?


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Yellow Finches Are Missing?I feed yellow and red finches year round. For the last four weeks the yellow finches have stopped coming. My daughter lives in Kernsnersville and she also has the same problem. I really miss the finches. It seems like they have just disappeared. What do you think?


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Moving Duck Eggs?We live on a golf course, and a few weeks ago a duck laid its eggs in a neighbor's empty clay flower pot filled with some dirt on her front porch. She has been sitting on them, but today it rained all afternoon, and when we went over to check, the eggs were floating in water in the pot.


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Caring for Baby Moles?My grandson found a mole that is about 3 inches in length, but has no fur. We know what you feed a full grown mole, but how do we know if this is a small one or an older one?


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Identifying Small White Jelly Bean Shaped Eggs?I am trying to identify some small white jelly bean shaped eggs. Are they from a snake or lizard? I saw the part of a reptile, but I didn't want disturb it. I went back a couple of days later and a blue green lizard ran off, was he eating the eggs or were they the lizard's?


Beautiful raptor, with white and dark grey feathers.

Is This a Hawk or a Falcon?This picture was taken in London Ontario. I am trying to determine if it is a hawk or a falcon. (I think Falcon)


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Name of Area Designated for Wildlife Protection?What do you call an area designated for the protection of wild animals, within which hunting and fishing are either prohibited or strictly controlled?


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Hatching Duck Eggs?Yesterday I found 4 duck eggs and I have been watching them. The mother hasn't come back, so I took them into my house and I am keeping them warm. I need to know when they are going to hatch, which then leads me to needing to know how old they are. Does anyone know how to tell how old an egg is?


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Caring for a Baby Rabbit?Can someone please tell me how to care for a baby rabbit? It is small enough to fit in the palm of your hand and appears to be abandoned by it's mother.


brown and tan snake

What is This Snake?I found this snake in our garden shed and I don't want to kill it if it's not dangerous. It looks bigger than it is; it's just a baby. Please let me know. I Googled Arkansas snakes and there are hundreds of pictures, but none match this one!


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Gestation Period for Goose Eggs?What is the time period for a goose egg to hatch?


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Duck Egg Gestation Period?What is the gestation period for a duck egg to hatch?


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Mallard Nesting Habits?If a predator got the first eggs in nest (8) will mother return to lay more?


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Feeding a Rolly Polly?What can you feed a rolly polly?



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Mallard Eggs Seem Abandoned?We had a mallard hen lay 11 eggs, 1 was broken. She sat and hardly ever left. We thought they would start hatching about the 4th. We've been checking off and on. She was there Monday! Today she is not there and 3 shells are broken there is down in the nest.


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Plovers Making Noise Outside at Night?What can I do when you have annoying plovers outside at night?


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Controlling Garter Snakes?How do I control garter snakes in my flower beds?


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Protecting Mallard Duck Babies from Stray Cat?I have a mother Mallard that has laid 9 eggs under a bush in my backyard, which is a very small, fully fenced in yard. There is no male Mallard in sight. My problem is that there is a feral cat that keeps attacking the mother Mallard..


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Green Tree Frog in Vent Fan Light Fixture?I have a green tree frog in my bathroom light in ceiling. How do I get rid of him? He is in the venting fan/light. We don't know how he got there, nor do we have any more up there. I can't get a picture, too tight.


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Incubation Time for Mallard Duck Eggs?We have a mallard duck sitting outside our living room window. She has 8 eggs and has been sitting on them for 4 weeks. What is the incubation time for them?


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Are King Snakes Beneficial in the Yard?Should we kill the snake or value it?


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Birds Chirping Before Sunrise?Why are the birds chirping before sunrise?


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Identifying Flying Bugs Seen Only in June?I have these flying bugs that look like a lightning bug, but they do not have the glow part. They seem to come out for the month of June only. What is this?


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Feeding Baby Moles?What do you do when the moles are rejecting the milk mixture when I try to feed some to it? I don't know what I did wrong because now I just have one baby instead of two.


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What Kind of Snake is This?When my sister and I were looking around the backyard there was a snake coming towards us. It was brown and kinda black a tiny bit, with a yellowish-white belly. It was moving very slowly.


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Duck Laid an Egg?Two ducks have been hanging around my swimming pool. Last night the female laid an egg in the pool. I fished the egg out of the pool without touching it and put it in a grass insert for a flower basket. Will the ducks care for it or should I just throw the egg away?


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Ducks Laying Eggs and Not Returning?All summer we have found duck eggs buried in the mulch around the trees in our yard, only one at a time. We have left them alone for days without the female returning. We have lived here along the lake for 22 years and never had this happen before.


Small spiney animal.

What is This Animal?Anyone have any idea? I was thinking baby porcupine.


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Caring for an Abandoned Duck Egg?I found a duck egg yesterday (April 2, 2013) and the mom has not been near it for about 8 hours. What should I do?


Snake with stripe above eye and along body.

What kind of Snake is This?What kind of snake is this? Photo taken this morning.


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Black Snake With Huge White Eyes?I live in the Tampa, Florida area. Last year my white house cat got outdoors and just froze looking at something. Racing thru the flowerbed was a black snake, 4-5 ft long, with its head up like a periscope. It had the largest eyes I've ever seen, between nickel and quarter.


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Caring for Duck Eggs?About 6 hours ago, we found 9 duck eggs in front of our house in our flower bed under our bush. When we opened the front door the duck mom left, she did not come back. We are worried.


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Safe Way to Move Bird Eggs?A female laid eggs on the boat. We must move the boat. How can I move the eggs, so that the female can care for them? I am on a busy sport lake in Michigan.


Snake on concrete.

What Kind of Snake is This?My cousin was walking in the park and saw this snake just laying next to the sidewalk, what is it? He saw it in Indiana.


Closeup of skin pattern.

What Kind of Snake is This?I came across this in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park. At first we thought it was a diamondback, but it looks like it may be a timber rattler. Don't worry, we left alone and didn't harm it!


What Kind of Snake is This?I found this small (12 inch) snake in garden this morning in Tallahassee, Florida. Can you please help me identify it?


Small brown snake on door mat.

What Kind of Snake is This?Today I saw a snake just in front of the door of my terrace. Does anyone know the type? Is it dangerous? It was beautifully colored bronze and so attractive that for a moment I was thinking to catch it!


What Kind of Snake is This?Anyone knows what kind of snake this is? I live in central Texas.


Snakes in a white bucket.

What Kind of Snakes are These?I found about 5 so far, coiled up, but know they are a little aggressive. They are about 6 - 12 inches long.


Greyish tan and black snake.

What is This Snake?I found this fellow in my garden this morning, any idea what it is?


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What Kind of Snake is This?I was walking up a hill in Chesterfield South Carolina and I saw a snake. It was black and had some yellow rings around it and about a half inch to a inch. Do you know what kind of snake it is?


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What Kind of Snake is This?It's black with red fleur de leis markings on its back.


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Hatching a Duck Egg?My 6 year old son found an egg, a duck egg. He brought it home. We have it under a light. But we want to know how long would it take for it to hatch?


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Identifying a Snake?What kind of snake is green, gray, and black striped? It was found in the AC unit by the inspector.


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Rattlesnake Information?When does a baby rattlesnake get their first rattle?


duck egg in nest

Duck Laid Egg in Garden?A mallard laid two eggs in our flowerbed. The next day she sat under our bird feeder with the male, but did not lay an egg and today we haven't seen her at all. Is there a chance she will return or likely she has abandoned her nest? How long before I know if she is not returning?


snake on red background

What Kind of Snake Is This?It is brown with an orange belly.


dark grey snake with light stripes

What Kind of Snake Is This?I found this snake crawling across my driveway and then in the grass in my yard. I live in middle Tennessee. We live near a small river.


What Kind of Snake Is This?

What Kind of Snake Is This?Sadly, this snake is dead. I was wondering if someone could tell me what kind of a snake it was.


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What Kind of Snake Is This?I have seen several of these snakes on my property. They are dark brown with green/brown blotches on their back with a yellow belly. I always see them swimming in the water at night. I'm about 99% positve it is non-venemous.


coiled light tan snake with dark markings

What Kind of Snake Is This?I found this snake while mowing the lawn, any idea of what kind it is?


snake eating another snake

What Kind of Snakes Are These?I found this snake while picking up range balls at the golf course where I volunteer as a marshal. It is only about 12" long, but what made it remarkable was what it had in its mouth! Another snake! I have not been able to determine the species. Can you help?


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What Do Ducks Do With Broken Eggs?We had a mallard duck nest in our bushes. This morning we found all the eggs thrown into the yard, cracked and eaten. We watched as the mother duck hesitantly came back to the nest, took some of the broken eggs (one at a time), and flew away with them. It was so sad.


dark snake

What Kind of Snake Is This?I found this snake in the Dominican Republic a couple of years ago in July/August. I've been wondering what kind of snake it is ever since. Could anybody help? I don't have a better picture unfortunately.


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Caring for an Orphan Duck?I found a baby duck this morning in a busy street by our church. We found a pond with one duck some distance away. The manager said the lone duck would kill the baby and they had no other ducks.


black snake in glass jar

What Kind of Snake Is This?It was found as an egg in Millbrook, Alabama. It just hatched. What kind of snake is it?


spotted snake on ground

What Kind of Snake Is This?What is this snake called? I found it around my house in lower Alabama.


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Caring for an Egg?I found an egg the size of a chicken egg lying in a creek today. I was wondering if anyone knew what kind of egg it is and how to look after it. It was really cold so I ran it under some warm water. I hope it's okay. Now I just have it in a blanket under a lamp.


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Hatching a Duck Egg?Yesterday my little brother and I were at a local park with a lake/pond. Well there's geese and ducks there and my little brother was feeding the ducks while they were laying down, he got too close and they jumped into the water. After they swam away he found an egg in shallow water.


duck eggs

Duck Nests in Yard?I have 3 duck nests in my yard, each nest has 20 plus eggs. The momma ducks are caring for them and at this point and are not leaving their nests. They are obviously not sitting on all of the eggs because their bodies are not that big. Is it possible all of the eggs will not hatch?


Duck Eggs Moved Out of Nest

Duck Eggs Moved Out of Nest?I had several duck eggs laid about two weeks ago, 12 in total. I noticed two days ago one egg was out of the nest about two feet away. Today 4 more seemingly were kicked out again all about two feet away. I see ducks over there every day. Are these eggs not good or what could have happened?


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Moving a Duck Egg?A duck laid one egg in the bark at work 2 days ago. The egg was completely exposed to the elements. We hadn't seen the mother duck until today when she came looking for her egg. We assumed she abandoned the egg, so we picked it up with rubber gloves, placed it in a warm towel and laid it in the sun for warmth.


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Incubating Duck Eggs?I was incubating three duck eggs in the sun. I checked after thirty minutes and I felt the egg. It was a bit hot. Not that hot, but it's like just a bit hot. I quickly transferred the three eggs to another cool dry place. Will the ducklings inside the egg die?


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Caring for Baby Ducks?I have large property with two large ponds. A coon got a mother duck on her on eggs. She left her nest and has healed, but never hatched the ducklings. I did in an incubator. They are now two and half weeks old. Is it safe to let them out of my small barn and let them join the other ducks?


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Feeding Squirrels?Does anyone have any idea what to feed squirrels?


intricately patterned yellow and black snake

What Is This Snake?I live in Northern Italy, Piedmont. I found this snake in our garden, heating up in the sun. What snake is it? Is it poisonous?


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Mallard Laid Egg on Ledge of Above Ground Pool?A mallard duck laid her egg on the ledge of my above ground pool, which is 5ft tall with rocks around the base. I find this very odd, what do I do?


What Is This Snake?

What Is This Snake?I found this poor deceased, probably juvenile, snake near boulders and vines in the yard. I wonder why it died and what kind of snake it is. It is approximately 8 inches long. I live in northeastern Ohio near the Chagrin River.


small snake on gloved hand

What Kind of Snake Is This?We found this sweet thing in our house. We live in a heavily wooded area with lots of sandstone in southern Indiana. Can you tell me what kind of snake this is?


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How Do You Identify a Rat Snake?How do you identify a rat snake? or any harmless snake?


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Saving Mallard Eggs After Mother Died?We had a mallard put a nest by our back door. She has been nesting. It is now almost time for the eggs to hatch and something killed her last night. How can we save the eggs/chicks? We know they are fertilized as one egg did break a week or so back and we could see the tiny orange feet.


slender tan and brown snake on deck

What Kind of Snake Is This?Does anyone know what kind of snake this is? I live in Peninsula, Virginia.


snake on curtain or towel rod

What Kind of Snake Is This?I live in a southeast Asia country (Myanmar). There was a snake in my bedroom and I removed it already, but I still want to know the type of the snake. So, does anybody know that snake type?


photo of a snake on wood chips

What Kind of Snake Is This?I found this snake at work in Palmetto Bluff in SC. The area is surrounded by woods and water. I believe it was non poisonous and possibly a garden snake. It had long dark stripes down its body.


blotchy snake under a bush

What Kind of Snake Is This?I live in Minnesota. I have 0% knowledge of identifying a snake. My questions for tonight are, what kind of snake is this and should I worry about it? I've lived in the area for at least 10 years. I never encountered anything that slithers in my area but worms.


light snake with dark markings

Snake Identification?We live in Kansas City, Lenexa to be exact and have seen multiple rattlesnakes this summer. We just got rid of 2 mating. But my husband saw this one today and we don't know if it's a rattler or not?


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Will Swimming Pool Water Harm Duck Eggs?Can ducks sitting on eggs swim or bath in a pool? Can that damage the eggs?


snake on a log

What Kind of Snake Is This?What kind of snake is this? I live in Atlanta, Georgia.


Brown and tan snake.

What Kind of Snake Is This?I live in Southern California and found this baby snake in the house. What kind is it?


What Kind of Snake Is This?

What Kind of Snake Is This?I live in Orlando Florida. I was getting ready to hop in my car to leave for work and this guy fell out. Can you please help me decide what kind it is?


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What Is a Bull Snake?I have heard people talk about a bull snake and was wondering what it is. It is from Florida.


What Kind of Snake Is This?

What Kind of Snake Is This?Please help me identity what kind of snake this is. I live in Florida and it was in our porch last night.


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Mallard Duck Left Nest?A duck built a nest in the bush by my front door. I had someone come over and aerate my lawn. The machine was loud, and scared the duck away. I just found out 10 minutes prior that the duck was in the bush. My intention was not to have her scared from her eggs, will she return?


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Protecting a Duck and Her Ducklings?My school has a mini garden where a duck laid her egg. Everyone knows about it and they put up a fence so it wouldn't be disturbed, but our school is surrounded by busy roads so when the ducks hatch their mom will have to lead them back to her pond.


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Duck Abandoned Nest?My cat scared a duck nesting in a planter on my deck. She has been sitting on the eggs for over 2 weeks. Will she come back? What should I do if she doesn't? How long should I wait?


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Moving a Duck's Nest?We have a duck's nest in a bucket on our balcony that is one story up from the ground. Should we move the bucket to ground level and when should we do that? If we move the bucket before they hatch will the mother duck find them?


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Momma Duck Abandoned Nest?Our momma duck has been missing for at least 48 hours. We have a nest of 15 eggs. Will they still survive if we get them to a incubator?


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Mallard Duck Laid Eggs In My Yard?A mallard hen laid eggs in my yard. She seems to be sitting on them and incubating them now. Should I provide anything for her? She already has my little dog trained to stay away :-)


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Mallard Duck Laid Eggs?A female has laid 10 eggs, she returned this morning to see 1 broken out of nest and one moved from nest and then flew away. Will she return to finish nesting?


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Mallard Duck Trying to Move Her Eggs?On Easter we noticed a duck in the bushes by our front yard and 3 eggs under some leaves. We have not seen the duck since then, but today she tried to move her eggs and one is in the grass on the side of the driveway and the other 2 are still in the bushes. What should we do?


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Abandoned Wild Mallard Nest?A mallard has chosen a very small space in front of our condo to nest for the 2nd year. Last year was perfect and she hatched beautiful ducklings. This year she left her nest yesterday morning at 7, after running and squawking throughout the parking lot, and hasn't returned. It's been over 24 hours.


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Caring for an Abandoned Duck Nest?A duck has been nesting in the garden, but was scared off the other day. 2 eggs were broken. She has not returned all day and it is wet and cold. They are calling for more rain and cold weather including possible snow tomorrow. We decided to bring the eggs and nest inside so they would not get too cold.


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Duck Seems to Have Deserted Nest?We have a duck nest in our backyard and it seemed like the mama duck started incubating because she was sitting on the nest all day for two days. Unfortunately on the morning of the third day she was no where to be found. It has been almost two full. What do we do? Can we save the ducklings?


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Squirrel Is Licking Painted Wall?Any idea why a squirrel would lick a painted wall?


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Caring for Abandoned Duck Eggs?If there are broken wild mallard duck eggs in a nest in my garden will the mother come back? She's laid about 10 eggs over almost 2 weeks. Then stayed on the nest for 2 days and left. Now it's been just about 2 more days, and a few eggs are broken and we haven't seen her.


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