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Found a Duck Egg?I live in a house where my back yard is a canal, where ducks live. We have about 6 ducks, they have chicks and lay eggs frequently. But today, my four-month old female puppy bought an egg to my backyard door. I picked up the egg gently and it had a tiny crack.


Caring for a Found Chipmunk - chipmunk in a cage

Caring for a Found Chipmunk?I saved a chipmunk from my cat last night, and kept it in a small cage with hay, birdseed, and water. I checked on it, and it seemed to be dead although it wasn't stiff. I checked its body all over and it didn't appear to have any puncture wounds and no bleeding. It seems to be breathing, but very shallowly.


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Incubating Duck Eggs?I'm on day 27 of incubating mallard eggs. I've been turning them 1/2 turn, 3 times a day. Tonight I could hear them peeping a bit. I turned them about 40 minutes ago. Now I've just read that I should have stopped rotating two days ago! Should I turn them back or just leave them be? Will they hatch?


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Duck Laid Eggs in Garden?I was gardening and accidentally broke an egg. Will this broken egg keep the duck from returning to the other eggs?


Mallard Duck Left Nest -  duck nest with eggs

Mallard Duck Left Nest?I noticed a mallard duck nesting next to my front door. I went to put up some signs to tell people not to use the front door and she got up and she flew away. She has seven eggs in her nest. She left yesterday at 3 o'clock and now it is the next day at 7 AM and she still not back. Will she come back?


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Mallard Duck Laid Eggs?Momma duck was sitting on her eggs last night. This morning some of the eggs are missing, some are broken and some are still intact. What might of happened to them? There are only a few shells on the ground so I don't think the other hatched.What kind of predator attacks duck eggs?


Caring for a Duck Nest with an Egg

Caring for a Duck Nest with an Egg?We found one lone, what we believe to be a mallard egg, in our ornamental grass. Should we do anything?


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Mallard Duck Laid Eggs?We had a mallard who laid eggs in the front of our house. We noticed her sitting on them for 2 weeks. She is now gone and so are the eggs. There is no sign of cracked eggs anywhere. What happened?


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Caring for a Wood Duck Egg?A wood duck laid 9 eggs in my planter. The ducklings hatched yesterday. This morning she had most of them headed toward the pond, but left 2 ducklings behind. I reunited them with their mom. When I got home from work, I realized there is one unhatched egg in my planter. Should I do anything with it?


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Are Redheaded Lizards Poisonous?Are redheaded lizards poisonous?


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Dog Scared Duck from Her Nest?I have this duck who has been laying eggs in my aunt's flower bed. I took the dog out and she was sitting in the grass. When my dog saw her he tried going after her. Luckily I have a leash that you can control how far ahead they can go. When he tried going after her, she flew away.


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Frightened Duck Abandoned Eggs?My dog was in my back yard and saw a duck (mallard) nest and scared off the hen will it come back?


What Kind of Snake Is This?  - tan and brown snake in driveway

What Kind of Snake Is This?Any help with identifying this snake? We live in middle Tennessee. Is it venomous?


Identifying a Baby Snake Found in New Delhi, India - tannish brown snake with black stripes

Identifying a Baby Snake Found in New Delhi, India?I found this baby snake in my kitchen. Any ideas what kind of snake this is? I carefully put him into a box and released him into the wild.


What Kind of Snake Is This? - dark gray or black snake

What Kind of Snake Is This?What kind of snake is this? I am in Madisonville, Louisiana.



Identifying a Snake - black snake with lighter horizontal stripes

Identifying a Snake?I found this snake outside my home in Lahore, Pakistan. The snake was eating a frog when we saw it. What is the name of this snake and how harmful it is?


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Information on Spiny Oakworm Moth?What is a spiny oakworm moth?


What Kind of Snake Is This? - large bodied pale tan snake with markings and triangular head

What Kind of Snake Is This?What kind of snake is this?


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Mallard Sitting on Eggs for a Month?A wild Mallard has sat on her eggs for 31 days and still is. What does that mean? Are the eggs still viable? How much longer until the ducklings will hatch and how long will she continue brooding?


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Caring for an Injured Grasshopper?I found this pale colored grasshopper on the floor of my room. I think one of my cats was messing with it. It's lying on its back, but can barely move itself. Idk if I should put it down which I would hate to do or let it go, but I don't want it to get eaten.


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Caring for a Rescued Baby Mole?My cat had caught a baby mole and we saved it. He is in a bowl with a towel and I'm not sure how to take care of him.


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Duck Laid Eggs on My Roof?I have ducks all over my neighborhood. We always feed them and one female laid eggs (12 eggs) on my roof. I don't know what to do because we got a ladder and my brother touched one. They are brand new. I just wanted to know if you touch it does the egg rot?


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Hatching a Duck Egg?My daughter found a duck egg in our pond on Sunday. It was on the edge, but in the water. We do not know how long it has been there. She is trying to hatch it, we have it in an incubator and it has been there since Sunday. Is there any chance the egg is even still good?


Several Dead Squirrels Found in Yard - dead grey squirrel

Cause of Dead Squirrels in Your Yard?We have recently found about 15 dead squirrels in the same spot under an oak tree. There are no visible markings or swelling on them. They look perfectly healthy. There are no power lines, and no pets anywhere close to this area. I've called animal control and they forwarded this information to our local biologist.


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Incubating a Duck Egg?My cat gave me what looks to be a duck egg, I put it under a lamp that is about 30°c and put some wool around it, it was still rather warm when she gave it me. Any hopes of it surviving or do you think it's already dead?


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Mallard Seems to Have Abandoned Nest?There was a momma duck (mallard) near our porch. She laid what looks like at least 10 eggs. She'd fly off for an hour or so during the day. Today, I have not seen her for 12 hours. The eggs aren't properly covered with leaves and two are cracked open. Will she come back? If not, how much cold can the eggs endure?


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Mallard Duck Not Sitting on Eggs?I have a Mallard duck nesting in my mulch. She laid 11 eggs. She has not laid anymore for a week, but she also does not stay on the nest. She would come for an hour or so in morning then take off for hours then come back in afternoon then leave by about 6pm.


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Protecting a Nesting Duck from Neighbor's Cat?How do I keep the neighbor's cat from disturbing a nesting Mallard duck in our flower bed? It keeps pooping close by the nest, but I hardly ever see the darn thing.


Identifying a Snake - striped snake with triangular head

Identifying a Snake?It looks like pictures of rat snakes, either eastern or yellow, but the head is wrong. It's a larger more triangular head with the jaw extending beyond the body. It was approximately 2 ft long, tapering off towards the tail. It was chilling out on a ramp in the shade in central Florida.


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Found a Baby Mole?I just found a baby mole in the dirt hole my kids play in. What do I do with it?



Mother Duck Seems to Have Abandoned Nest - nest in among iris plants

Mother Duck Seems to Have Abandoned Nest?What would cause a duck to abandon its nest full of eggs? Sas been sitting on the eggs for 4 days and she has not been seen for over 24 hours.


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Protecting Mallard Duck Eggs from Predators?I have a couple of Mallard ducks, they have never left my backyard since we have a big pond. This year she has made a good nest and laid 13 eggs. She has been sitting on them for 2 weeks now, but last night 3 were eaten. Normally they will abandon the nest, but she still sitting on her nest, a little frighten.


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Found a Duck or Goose Nest with Eggs?My grandson and I have found what appears to be a duck or a goose nest in my next door neighbor's yard out near the road under a tree in some mulch. There are five eggs in the nest, but we have not seen what it is that laid the eggs. Are there groups that will come to check it out?


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Viability of Duck Eggs Abandoned for Several Hours?We have a duck that has been nesting for 2 weeks. She never stopped sitting on the nest until this morning. I noticed her in our pond. I discovered a snake was eating the eggs. I got the snake out and finally got mom back in after 10 hours. She is sitting on the nest again. Would the eggs have survived 10 hours?


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Information on Copperhead and Diamondback Snakes?I've been told as a young child that a copperhead and a diamondback are the same snake, is this true?


Identifying a Bug - tan bug on car

Identifying a Bug?It is the most odd bug I have ever seen (kind of cute lol) and I wanted to know what it was. It has been on my car for days running around doing bug things.


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Ducks Laid Eggs Near House Foundation?I found out that 2 female ducks have laid eggs against my house. One on the north side of my house and the other on the south side of the house. Why did they choose my house?


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Duck Not Sitting on Eggs?A couple of days ago I found a duck nesting with one little duckie. Later some of the eggs hatched and I fed the ducks everyday. So there is the mom, the big duckie and the little duckies, but there's still 5 eggs in the nest. I'm worried did she abandon her eggs?


Are the Polyphemus Moths Dangerous? - large moth

Are the Polyphemus Moths Dangerous?Are the polyphemus moths dangerous? Do they bite or sting? Can I touch it or pick it up?


Fawn Has Irregular Stripes Not Spots

Fawn Has Irregular Stripes Not Spots?We have been watching a pregnant doe for a while and today she brought her new fawn to our backyard. But instead of white spots it has white irregular stripes. Do they vary according to the age or is this a different species of deer?


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Duck Abandoned Her Nest?I have a male and female duck that have been on our pond for the last 6 months. Just recently I found a nest of 12 eggs and the female has been sitting on them for a little over a week. Yesterday I realized the male duck was gone and now this morning the female is gone. Can I save these eggs or is it too late?


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Caring for a Chipmunk Bitten by a Cat?I found a chipmunk injured by a cat attack. What should I do for his recovery and how much time it will take to recover?


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Caring for an Injured Wild Finch?My husband rescued a finch that got hit by a car a block from our house. He is eating, but he doesn't want water. How can I get him to drink water? What kind of cage can I put him in during the night time until his wing is healed? He can't fly and when he stands he sometimes falls sideways. He is missing feathers on one wing.


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Mamma Duck Won't Sit on Eggs Inside an Enclosure?I had a Muscovy duck lay eggs in my front yard about 2 months ago and they got destroyed by a predator (probably a raccoon). So when I saw the nest getting used again and there were 12 eggs in it with the mother sitting on them, I kept an eye on it. Later 4 of the eggs were eaten. I built a cage around the area using simple strips of wood and chicken wire. But now she won't sit on the nest.


Moving a Pigeon Egg - pigeon on top of a trash bag

Moving a Pigeon Egg?I live in a third floor apartment and the back door is a stairway that is covered from the elements, but open to animals. Last spring two pigeons laid two eggs and I was lucky enough to watch them grow and fledge the nest. Now they are back and have laid an egg on top of a trash bag on the landing. How can I move it safety so that they don't abandon it?



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Mallard Duck Made a Nest in My Front Flower Bed?Last year we had a mallard duck that laid eggs and sat on them for a couple of weeks. After she did not sit on them for a few days, we discovered 2 eggs left in the nest, but the rest were gone. There were no egg shells like something had taken them out of the nest. The two remaining eggs did not hatch.


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Caring for a Rescued Chipmunk?My cats got ahold of him at 2am this morning and I am not sure what to do. He is breathing and I don't see any blood. I am not sure if putting him in a box with some towels was a good idea until morn. I'm afraid he will chew through the box.


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Moving Duck Eggs?I have a big pond with a male and female duck. I found a nest with 3 eggs in it yesterday and 4 today. I also found two eggs that were laid in the pond and read online that they can be very resilient before the incubation period starts and that if an egg is laid in water it can still survive if taken out. Should I take the two eggs out and put them in the nest? Or should I just leave them alone?


Survivability of Baby Bird Pushed from a Nest - featherless baby bird

Survivability of Baby Bird Pushed from a Nest?Can you tell me, how old do you think this baby bird is? And do you think it will make it? He looks as though he could fit in a tablespoon with room to spare. He is in a big burden enclosure at Preakness health care center in Wayne, NJ. All the birds are on perches above the ground, but the baby is on the ground.


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Hatching Rescued Duck Eggs?I rescued a couple of duck eggs from a raccoon and I have them on a heating pad with wet paper towels around them. I don't have the money to make or buy an incubator so I am wondering what I can do to keep these eggs alive and hatch them?


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Duck Eggs Appear to Have Hatched But No Babies Visible?Momma duck had been nesting next to my house for the past few weeks, and I noticed about 10 eggs recently, so I was expecting them to hatch anytime soon. Sure enough, this morning I went out and noticed some cracked eggs, so I figured the babies hatched. Strangely, I didn't see any babies, but Mom and Dad were casually eating grass on my front lawn.


Found 2 Duck Eggs - eggs in the garden

Found 2 Duck Eggs?We have 11 neighborhood ducks that everyone on our block takes care of, feeds, and looks out for. They have a large pond where they live, but they spend a majority of their time in my yard. A couple weeks ago I found 5-10 eggs around the pond, grouped together. This morning I went out to feed them, and found 2 eggs next to my porch. And none of the ducks are sitting on them.


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Mallard Duck Laid 2 Eggs on My Boat Dock?A mallard duck and her mate hang out near our boat dock everyday. Yesterday we found 2 eggs, not in a nest and not even near each other. Just laying on the dock in different corners. What should I do?


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Duck Laid an Egg in Pool?This morning I found a duck egg on the step of my salt water pool! I wasn't sure what to do with it! I used the skimmer to move it out of the water and put it in the bed closest to where it was. Do you think it is alive still?


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Mother Duck Seems to Have Abandoned Nest?We were outside today with two dogs and five people. My granddaughter noticed a mother duck on a nest. We soon left the area, but now the mother has been away from the nest of 10 eggs for a couple of hours. Do you think she will return? She seemed stressed while we were there.


I Found a Duck's Nest with Eggs - eggs formerly under a bush

I Found a Duck's Nest with Eggs?My husband was pruning back a bush and uncovered 5 duck eggs. I was too late to stop him. We didn't disturb them, but the bush is gone. Will Mama duck come back?


Identifying Indonesian Lizards - green lizard with dark markings

Identifying Indonesian Lizards?My cat keeps catching these lizards from a local park and insists on me to keep them, so I did. But I do wonder what species/category do they fall into. I live in West Java, Indonesia, precisely in Depok. These are common lizards here and they often climb on top of trees. They have long tails, each longer than their own body. Two of them are brown, but one has a tint of green that stops at the tail. The brown ones has 2 stripes on their back. The green one has a little, but noticeable crest along the body and the head. I'm not sure if they're even the same species.


Hatching a Found Egg - hand holding a green egg

Hatching a Found Egg?I have this unknown kind of egg from the lake. Can we hatch it?


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Duck Laid an Egg?We have a pool and last Friday a male and female decided to visit. We found an egg on Saturday on our cement. They continue to come back every morning for a dip and then they sit in the sun for about an hour. I had to move the egg about 20 feet for safety. They still go by the egg and have moved it a few times maybe a foot or so. What is everyone thoughts?


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Identifying Snakes?How do people differentiate between coral, black, and copperhead snakes?


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Bird That Would Reuse a Robin Nest?I have a robin nest on my patio eave that was built and used last year by a robin. This year it is being used by a different kind of bird (smaller, very noisy). Any idea what kind of bird it could be? (I live in the Appleton, WI area). I was thinking it might be a purple martin. I don't see well enough to tell for sure.


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Caring for a Deserted Mallard Egg?A female mallard delivered an egg on our patio. She got startled and left her egg. She has not returned for her egg. What should I do?


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Caring for a Rescued Baby Mole?I found an abandoned baby mole in my backyard on my patio and I was wondering what I should do with it. It's either injured or too young to know how to walk yet I'm not sure.


What to Do About an Abandoned Fawn - fawn in back yard

What to Do About an Abandoned Fawn?We have a fenced in yard and noticed a fawn inside about 2 weeks ago. We haven't seen the mother. I am not sure what to do about the fawn.


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Mallard Abandoned an Empty Nest?I noticed a mallard duck nesting in my yard, very close to a lake, for a few days. I put a piece of bread near her yesterday morning. Yesterday evening I checked on her, no sign of eggs. This morning I noticed she was not in her nest and no eggs. Would a duck relocate before she laid eggs? Is it because I went near her? I was always about 4 ft away.


Identifying a Snake in East Tennessee - long dark snake with lighter markings, appears to be no venomous

Identifying a Snake in East Tennessee?What kind of snake is this? We are curious and so are our neighbors! BTW, we live in east Tennessee with a wooded lot behind our house.


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Chipmunk Leaving Babies On Floor In My Home?I found four chipmunk babies inside of my home. One was left on my kitchen floor, washroom floor, hallway floor, and one was left in my master bedroom floor. This happen in a span of 4 days. It looks like they were left there on purpose. Any idea what is going on? Bad chipmunk parents? lol!!


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Getting a Black Snake to Leave the Basement?I love black snakes in the outdoors. However I recently found a 5 foot snakeskin in my unfinished basement. There is a Frenchdoor that we enter and exit in the basement. I know he's still there as we have had no mice upstairs and living in 27 acres of woods gives us lots of mice. Will he come upstairs and kill my 10 lb. Morkie? What should I do? How do I get him back outside?


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Caring for Ducklings?My mother duck has 7 day old duckings and she stopped sleeping with them. Has she abandoned them? Should I intervene; it's November and it's very cold. I'm afraid to let them get too cold.


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Caring for a Duck Egg?Yesterday I found a single duck egg in my neighbor's backyard. He had been doing some yard work and there was no mother in sight. The egg was cold, so I brought the egg inside. I placed it in a small bowl thing with a dry washcloth around it in an old hermit crab cage. I placed the cage in a cupboard with a desk lamp hovering above it in the cupboard.


Possible Abandoned Duck Nest - nest with eggs down in garden mulch

Possible Abandoned Duck Nest?A duck who for the second year in a row has laid eggs in my front flower bed. She laid her eggs around March 30. I know it takes about 28 days for them to hatch. She's been on the nest day and night. Yesterday morning I noticed a broken egg shell outside the nest and by her nest. When I went out early this morning to check on her, she wasn't on her nest. Do you think she's abandoned the nest?


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Mama Duck Got Killed by a Predator?I was working on a construction site and along the fence line there was a mallard duck with a nest full of eggs. She had gotten killed by a predator. So I collected the eggs and put them in my warm car. At the end of my work shift they went into an incubator. What are the chances of survival? It was cold last night.


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Eggs Missing from Mallard Duck Nest in Our Yard?Yesterday when I looked in the nest I saw 10 eggs. Today I saw only 4 eggs. Did she hide the other 6 in the nest somewhere? I don't want to dig around and accidentally crush an egg. A predator did not attack the nest.


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Duck Laid Eggs in Yard?There are ducks in my backyard and they come every year, but this year they laid eggs. She laid one yesterday and one today. But there's no nest and they're scattered everywhere. Did she abandon them? Should I move them?


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Keeping Dead Snakes in the Freezer?I know this is gross, but my husband has dead snakes in the freezer to have mounted later. Is it safe to have them in there with our frozen food?


Abandoned Duck Egg - duck egg in dry grass

Abandoned Duck Egg?Is this an abandoned nest? The female hasn't been around or anywhere near by for almost a week. There is just the one egg. There are lights in our garden that light up at night. Should we let a predator find it? Should we see if we can hatch it? I'm worried this duck couple is gone. My kids where so excited we got a duck nest and now we aren't sure what to do.


Duck Seems to Have Abandoned Her Eggs - nest with 5 eggs

Duck Seems to Have Abandoned Her Eggs?A duck laid 5 eggs in the last week. She was trying to lay another egg 5 days ago and our siding contractor startled her and she flew away. Is it possible she'll come back?


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Duck Eggs Scattered Away from Active Mallard Nest?We have a mallard duck who has made her nest under a lilac bush in our back yard. She has been sitting on it for about 4 days. The weird thing is every one of these four days we have found random eggs in our yard. Are these bad eggs that's she getting rid of? We have not touched them hoping she'll move them to her nest. These four eggs are all within two or three feet of each other.


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Hatching Abandoned Duck Eggs?Around April 18 my sister found a duck and 13 eggs on our boat, that was being sold. May 10 and we set up a whole new nest with shelter and everything, Benedict (the mother duck haha) needed. Everyday I've checked on the nest and she is nowhere to be seen. So it's now 4 days later and she hasn't returned at all and only had 6 eggs left. I decided to hatch the eggs myself. Is it too late?


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Protecting Abandoned Duck Eggs?There was a mother duck in one of my planter boxes in my backyard. The mother duck laid 10 eggs and was scared off by a raccoon. She has been gone for almost 24 hours. The raccoon ate 4 of the eggs, there are now 6 eggs left. I have a feeling the mother is not coming back. What should I do with the 6 eggs? I don't want to raccoon to get to them.


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Rescued Chipmunks Need Help?I just found a chipmunk outside, my cat was torturing them. I picked them up and put it in our huge maple tree that has a lot of holes in it. My cat didn't break their skin, but their back legs where injured. I knew only my mom would help them get better so it's the best I could do, but is there more I could have done/do for them?


Identifying a Baby Bird? - young bird on gloved hand

Identifying a Baby Bird?My boyfriend found this bird and we were wondering if anyone could guess the age and what kind he is?


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