
What Is This PlantAsk a Question Follow

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Aloe Plant With a Yellow Stripe on Its Leaves?I have an aloe plant that is really big and has a yellow stripe on the leaves. What type of aloe plant is that?


spiky green ball on plant

What Is This Garden Plant? (Datura)My friend just moved into a new home and we have been trying to figure out what kind of plant this is. It's grown very rapidly since she has moved in. It has flowers that only open at night and these spiky balls that just started growing on it.


Identifying a Houseplant? - leggy potted plant

Identifying a Houseplant? (Kalanchoe)Please can you tell me what plant this is? Can I prune it down to the first level as it has gone a bit crazy? It flowers small pink flowers. Some of the top branches seem to be trying to set roots out.


Identifying a Yellow Flowering Weed? - creeping buttercup

Identifying a Yellow Flowering Weed?Can you tell me if this is a weed, it's growning very fast.


A green plant with spiky flowers and long leaves.

What's This Plant?I was wondering what plant this? This is the first time that it's grown by our yard in the 10+ years that we've lived here. If it helps I live in PA.


What Plant Is This? - flopped over succulent looking plant

What Plant Is This?What plant is it?


What Is This Flower? - small yellow trumpet shaped flower on brown leafless stem

What Is This Flower?What is this flower? It's very small, maybe an inch long at most.


Identifying a Vine and Growing It from Cuttings - closeup of vine cutting

Identifying a Vine and Growing It from Cuttings?This plant just showed up on my fence about 6 years ago growing incredibly fast. One year it flowered and had tiny bluish, purple blooms all over it. After some research I've decided it must be some type of morning glory. I clipped a few pieces and put them in water. Will they root? And does anyone know what this is?


Identifying a Perennial Flower -perennial bachelor button

Identifying a Perennial Flower (Mountain Bluet)?Can someone tell me the name of this perennial purple flower please?


What Is This Houseplant? - plant stalk with leaves

What Is This Houseplant?I believe this is a dracaena, but which one? I was thinking maybe ellenbeckiana, but I cannot tell. The blade like leaves are pink on the edge. The next line of color is yellow and the center is green.


Identifying a Garden Plant - ball shaped greenish yellow flower on long stem with grassy leaves

Identifying a Garden Plant?What is this plant?


Identifying a Houseplant

Identifying a Houseplant?I received this plant as a gift, but with no ID. It seems to like a lot of water and the only thing the sticker says is herb. I already transplanted it into a larger pot, but I'm not sure if it's doing well or not.


Identifying a Houseplant - thick stemmed houseplant

Identifying a Houseplant?What is this plant?


Identifying a Houseplant - draping plant with long thin leafless growth

Identifying a Houseplant (Mistletoe Cactus)?Can anyone help me identify this plant? I have had it a few years now. Someone has asked me for a piece of it and I am not sure how to divide it or start a cutting.


Identifying a Houseplant - green foliage plant with leaves radiating out from the stem

Identifying a Houseplant? (Schefflera)What kind of plant is this?



What Is This Houseplant? - succulent looking plant

What Is This Houseplant?Any ideas? It has thick/skinny long leaves and a woody stem.


Identifying a Garden Plant - shrub with dark green leaves and salmon pink flowers

Identifying a Garden Plant?This bush was given to me by a friend who did not know the name of the plant or anything about it. I would like to know what it is and any growing information.


Identifying a Houseplant - dark green crinkly leaf potted plant

Identifying a Houseplant?It started in a 4"pot and has quickly outgrown another. It is now in a 12" pot. The leaves are thin, shiny green, slightly crinkled. The undersides are purple. How big will it get and how can I control it?


Identifying a House Plant - trailing plant with medium green leaves with lighter greenish cream between veins

Identifying a House Plant?Anyone know what this is?


Identifying a Houseplant - closeup of medium green foliage plant

Identifying a Houseplant?I bought this plant from a nursery and they have no idea what it is called. I would appreciate it if someone could help identify it. Its has a very unique bloom with a not very pleasant smell though.


Identifying a Houseplant - variegated fuzzy leafed plant upclose

Identifying a Houseplant?I posted a picture of this plant yesterday, but it turned out very dark so I am posting it again today with a new picture. I am wondering what the name of this plant is. It has fuzzy leaves and stem and has tiny red flowers when it flowers. The 2nd pic shows 2 tiny buds and once it flowers the blooms only last for a day or two.


What Is the Name of This Houseplant? - trailing plant with whitish silver and dark green leaves

What Is the Name of This Houseplant?I'm usually pretty good at taking care of houseplants, but this one seems pretty finicky and I would like to learn more on how to care for it and how to get it to flower more often. When it flowers it has tiny little red flowers.


What Is This Plant?  - peace plant

What Is This Plant?I am trying to figure out what type of plant this is so I can best care for it.


What Is This Houseplant? - elongated heart shaped green foliage plant

What Is This Houseplant?I've had this plant for a while now, but I have no idea what it is. I repotted it since it was in a small pot. It has fairly long roots and is doing really well and doesn't require much care.


What Is This Plant? - plant with dark green and purplish heart shaped leaves that are deeply ridged

What Is This Plant?What is this plant? I just bought it today and I am unable to figure out what it is.


What Is This Garden Flower? - looks like a red verbena

What Is This Garden Flower?This was my mother's plant so I don't know what it is.


What Is This Flower? - multiple small bell shaped orange flowers atop a thin stalk

What Is This Flower?Can you name this plant/flower? It was found in a garden in southern Ontario.


Identifying a Houseplant - green foliage plant with rounded tip leaves

Identifying a Houseplant?I just got this small potted plant, but am not sure what its called. I would appreciate any help here.


Identifying a Houseplant - dracaena looking plant in poor condition

Identifying a Houseplant?What kind of plant is this? It came out of a funeral basket and I put it in this window that gets afternoon sun. The leaves are turning brown and dying a few at a time. Is it too hot for it here?


Identifying a Houseplant - philodendron type plant

Identifying a Houseplant?There is this beautiful plant in my sister's house behind the sink, one of the stems has grown so long that we have had to drape it over the curtain rod in the window in the kitchen. It has come to my attention that I have no idea what kind of plant this is after all my years seeing it. To help with identification, the entire plant feels waxy, the leaves are extremely thick compared to most.



Identifying a Houseplant - small succulent

Identifying a Houseplant?I know it is some type of succulent, but can not find it anywhere on line. It looks like a jade plant, but with long narrow leaves that get very long once matured. It is slow growing. It got straggly so I pruned it back to propagate and control the original plant growth by supplementing with grow light.


Identifying a Houseplant - plant with long green leaves with red undersides

Identifying a Houseplant?Does anyone know what type of plant this is? It has multi-coloured flowers. It was given to my grandma about a year ago. It is pretty happy indoors, but is starting to get a few brown leaves.


Identifying a Houseplant - medium green leaf with serrated edges

Identifying a Houseplant?What is the name of this plant?


Identifying a Potted Plant

Identifying a Potted Plant?My mom loves this plant, but we have no idea what it is and I cannot find anything online. Can you please help? We have been looking for ages and would be eternally grateful for any assistance.


Identifying a Houseplant - green and purple leaved plant with thin shoots

Identifying a Houseplant?I was wondering if you could help me identify this plant. It starts off with purple on it and the larger it gets there is more green. And now it's got 5 long shoots growing from the big plant.


Identifying a Garden Plant

Identifying a Garden Plant?The landscaper planted this outside, but don't know what it is or how to take care of it?


Identifying a Houseplant

Identifying a Houseplant?We've inherited this plant and despite signs (I believe) of over-watering there is healthy new growth on each stalk. I am mainly trying to establish the right light requirements.


Identifying a Houseplant

Identifying a Houseplant?I received this plant from my mom. She doesn't remember the name of this plant. It doesn't have any flowers on it, but the trunk has faded due to tobacco poisoning. I am not sure if this plant will survive, but I've changed as much of the soil as I can to new fresh soil and water it regularly. Any pointers would be great.


Identifying a Houseplant - foliage plant consisting of long thin cylinder like leaves

Identifying a Houseplant?Does anyone have any info about this plant? I've had it for a few years now so obviously it doesn't hate me, but it has never really been happy regardless of where I put it.


Identifying a Houseplant - small plant with dark green heavily ridged heart shaped leaves

Identifying a Houseplant?The label just said 'terrarium plant. Can someone identify it?


Identifying a Houseplant - tall houseplant with green and white leaves

Identifying a Houseplant?I'm trying to bring this plant back to life for a friend. But I don't know what plant this is.


What Is This Houseplant? - potted plant on hearth

What Is This Houseplant?I lost my beautiful plants to smoke in a house fire. I am looking for their names for insurance so I can replace!


Identifying a Houseplant - small houseplant, looks like a succulent

Identifying a Houseplant?I received this houseplant as a gift, but can't seem to find what type it is in order to properly care for it. Does anyone know what type of houseplant this is?


Identifying a Houseplant - waxy leafed houseplant with pink flowers

Identifying a Houseplant?Does anyone know what kind of plant this is? It's small and has waxy leaves.


What Is This Plant? - leggy plant

What Is This Plant?This plant grows widening branches and has green leaves. Can anyone identify it?



What Is This Plant? - light and darker leaves, with segmented stalk

What Is This Plant?I am having trouble caring for this plant, and I have been unable to find the name of it? Any tips?


Identifying Mushrooms Growing Near Marigold

Identifying Mushrooms Growing Near Marigold?What are these mushrooms on the base of my marigold? They grow fast and seem to explode onto the plant. Are they bad?


What Plant Is This? - larger houseplant with dark green heavily veined leaves

What Plant Is This?Can someone please tell me what plant this is?


Identifying a Houseplant - tiny plant in ceramic pot

Identifying a Houseplant?I have this tiny little plant that isn't growing very well, but I don't know how to grow it because I don't know what it is. It has really tiny sad-looking crinkly dark green leaves. Do you know what it is?


Identifying a Houseplant - gold dust plant

Identifying a Houseplant?This plant has football shaped leaves, yellow spots, and thin stems. Do you know what it is?


Identifying a Houseplant - tall single stalk plant with scalloped edge leaves

Identifying a Houseplant?Can anyone identify this plant for me please?


Identifying a Houseplant - light green heart shaped leaves

Identifying a Houseplant?This plant is not thriving and I would like to figure out what kind of plant it is so I can make adjustments for it.


Identifying a Houseplant - foliage houseplant with dark green leaves

Identifying a Houseplant? (Schefflera)A friend of mine asks what plant this is.


Identifying a Houseplant - plant with green and white rounded leaves

Identifying a Houseplant?I bought this plant from Trader Joe's and it's so beautiful I'd love to know what kind of plant it is. The leaves are tiny, smaller than a dime, and are paper thin, almost like flower petals. It seems to only be growing up and not vining, though it is hanging under a skylight.


Identifying a Houseplant - plant with three round leaves set along the stem, leaves green and yellow

Identifying a Houseplant?Can anyone please identify this houseplant?


Identifying Herb Leaves - medium green many lobed small leaves

Identifying Herb Leaves?Does any one have an idea what this plant is? I've been told it's an herb that's used on salads and pasta.


Identifying a House Plant - hanging houseplant

Identifying a Houseplant?Can someone please tell me what plant this is? The closest I have come to figuring it out is the purple heart, also called tradescantia pallida. It is similar, but the shape of the leaves is different and the leaves don't grow as closely together.


Identifying a Houseplant - plant with red underside to leaves

Identifying a Houseplant?My son chose this plant for his bedroom however no one at the Lowe's garden department knew what it was. It has a generic houseplant'label. It requires medium light, room temp, and needs to be watered once a month. It has waxy, hunter green leaves with a matte red underside. There is also a budding stem that appears it may flower at some point. Any thoughts?


Identifying a Houseplant - first description

Identifying a Houseplant?I was given some plants that the person did not know what they were. I have been looking to try to figure it out on my own, but have had little success. Please help. All of these were in water wrapped around bundles of other plants.


Distinguishing Between Pothos  and Philodendron - hand holding a trailing plant

Distinguishing Between Pothos and Philodendron?I have been going around in circles trying to figure out which of these is a pothos or a philodendron or if these are just something else entirely. All were in a jar of water that were given to me and I call them the mystery plants.


Identifying a Houseplant   - plant with red stems and dark and light green striped leaves

Identifying a Houseplant?I am unsure as to what plant this is and would like to learn more about it. The stems are red.


Identifying a Houseplant - thick stemmed plant with thin branches with shiny green leaves

Identifying a Houseplant? (Ficus)My hubby bought this at Walmart. Anyone know what plant this is? It is obviously not doing well, but I don't even know what it is so I'm not sure how to care for it.


Identifying a Houseplant - gray green fuzzy succulent type plant

Identifying a Houseplant? (Jade Plant)I really wanna know what plant this is.


What Is This Plant? - small green leafed plant

What Is This Plant?What is this plant? One source said Pilea baby tears, but it clearly doesn't match the google images. It has small 1 cm tear-shaped leaves, that almost look fake because of the shiny veins. The leaves grow out in a spiral and the stems are reddish.


Identifying a Houseplant - medium green leaves edged with creamy white

Identifying a Houseplant?What is the name of this plant? I know it's a long stem variegated plant similar to karyann and others.


Identifying a Houseplant - tall stalked plant with large green leaves and white along leaf veins

Identifying a Houseplant?I got this plant from work and they don't know what it is. It can grow quite tall and has thick stems.


Identifying a Houseplant - elongated leaves on tallish stemmed plant

Identifying a Houseplant?So I received this plant as a house warming gift and I've searched all over to try and figure out what it is and have had no luck. If anyone recognizes it and could let me know the name I'd be very grateful!


Identifying a Houseplant - round leafed plant

Identifying a Houseplant?My family can't figure out what this plant my grandparent's have had for years is. Any ideas?


Identifying a Houseplant - tall foliage houseplant

Identifying a Houseplant? (Schefflera)Can you tell me what kind of plant this is?


Identifying a Houseplant - what appears to be a poinsettia with missing leaves

Identifying a Houseplant?My dad was recently given a houseplant for Christmas, and he gave it to me. However, I have no idea what it is, so I'm unsure of how to take care of it.


What Is this Hanging Plant? - profusion of stems with tiny light green leaves

What Is this Hanging Plant?This plant was a given to me. Its leaves are very small, less than 1 cm, and it hangs down on scraggly thin white or clear vines. It also has plump leaves. I thought perhaps a peperomia or a sedum?


Identifying a Houseplant - hanging foliage plant

Identifying a Houseplant (Oak Leaf Ivy)?I rescued this plant from a friend''s father a number of years ago and have no idea what it is. It grows very long and has 3 leaves per stem, with multiple 3-leaf stems attached to the main stem. I gave it a haircut awhile ago and it wasn't' happy. It is droopy right now. I am hoping to make it thrive again.


What Is This Houseplant?  - green foliage plant with long leaves

What Is This Houseplant? (Long Leaf Ficus)I bought this plant and the tag says only that it'' is a tropical plant. I'' would like to get the actual name of the plant!


Identifying a Houseplant - peace plant

Identifying a Houseplant (Peace Plant)?I'm caring for this plant for a friend; but am not sure what it is. It looked worse when I got it yesterday; it's perked up a bit after fertilizer and water. Is it a low-light plant?


Identifying a Houseplant - foliage houseplant with medium green leaves that are slightly round in shape

Identifying a Houseplant?I found this at the plant store in a discount bin. Anyone have any idea what it is?


Identifying a Houseplant - multi stemmed plant with medium green leaves

Identifying a Houseplant? (Unknown)I'm a houseplant aficionado, for the most part. I have many houseplants, and I'm always welcoming new green buddies into my home. My friend knows this and gave me this little guy, but I don't know what he is, and worry I'm not caring for him properly!


Identifying a Houseplant - climbing plant

Identifying a Houseplant?Is it a pothos or philodendron? It has waxy leaves that are rigid and pretty long. I have it wrapping around the banister of my stairs. It was given to me by someone who has had it for 22 years.


Identifying a Houseplant - draping succulent

Identifying a Houseplant?This succulent is about 10 years old. I would really love to identify its genus and species so I can propagate and care for it.


Identifying a Houseplant

Identifying a Houseplant?Can you identify this plant?


Identifying a Houseplant - dark red leafed plant

Identifying a Houseplant?Please tell me what type of houseplant you think this is. I've researched and can't figure it out.


Identifying a Leggy Plant - trailing plant

Identifying a Leggy Plant?Can someone please tell me the name of this plant? Is there a way to remedy its legginess?


Identifying a Houseplant - trailing plant

Identifying a Houseplant?I was just given this plant by a neighbor. I have no idea what it is. I thought it might be a dracaena of some sort, but it droops down the side of the pot. Can anyone help me?


Identifying a Houseplant? - trailing plant

Identifying a Houseplant?It was a gift, but I'd like to know what it is?


Identifying American Bittersweet   - closeup with visible thorn

Identifying American Bittersweet?On a remote island on Lake of the Woods (Northwestern Ontario), there are quite a lot of what I thought was American Bittersweet vines. But looking at the new growth, what must be a shoot arising from the roots, the new leaves have a leaf thorn. Does that mean this is Oriental Bittersweet?


What Is This Plant? - tan branches with staggered medium green leaves with serrated edges

What Is This Plant?Can someone please tell me what kind of plant this is?


Identifying a Houseplant - droopy foliage plant

Identifying a Houseplant? (Unknown)My grandson adopted a plant in high school, only he doesn''t know what it is.


What Is This Houseplant? multiple cane plant with light green leaves with darker green markings

What Is This Houseplant? (Dieffenbachia)I've been taking care of this plant that my grandmother gave me. It was not labeled and she did not know what it was. Any ideas?


Identifying Garden Plants - foliage plant with medium green leaves that are pinkish when new

Identifying Garden Plants?Can anyone, please, tell me what plant this is. Is it a weed?


Identifying a Houseplant?I am looking for information about this plant in my house. Is it poisonous to children?


Identifying a Houseplant - light green leafed trailing plant

Identifying a Houseplant?I am asking for my sister. She has no idea what this one is.


Identifying Houseplants - jade plant

Identifying Houseplants?I've recently acquired a bunch of plants with no names - I'd like to know what they are in order to properly care for them! I think one of them is a jade plant, and there are two Hoya kerrii other than that I'm not sure so any help would be appreciated!


Identifying a Houseplant - succulent

Identifying a Houseplant?My friend who was supposed to look after my plant while I was away bailed and left it in a dark room for two weeks! Now I'm desperately trying to resuscitate it, but it was a gift so I don't know what type it is or how to care for it in this state - any help in identifying its type would be much appreciated!


What Is This Garden Plant?

What Is This Garden Plant?Can you ID this plant, which is growing in Northeastern Pennsylvania?


Identifying a Houseplant - hanging plant with green and purple leaves

Identifying a Houseplant?I got three little branches from a friend who was propagating her plant, but now I can't get ahold of her as to what type of plant it is. It has purple-green leaves. It grows fast and the branches/leaves hang down from the pot as they get heavier. Any ideas what type of plant this is?


What Is This Houseplant? - light green and cream leaves on reduced cost plant

What Is This Houseplant?I rescued this from Lowes. However there was no tag just a crossed out bar code that says it was from Costa farms. The leaves and stems are fuzzy.


Identifying a Houseplant - hanging green foliage plant

Identifying a Houseplant?I purchased a smaller version of this plant a couple years ago and for the life of me I can't remember what is was called. Can anybody tell me? It seems to grow best in lower light vs. bright light. As you can see it loves my north kitchen window. It fades out badly if the light is too bright.


What Is This Houseplant? - dracaena

What Is This Houseplant?What is this houseplant?


Identifying a Houseplant - dark green foliage plant with serrated edges on leaves

Identifying a Houseplant?I got this from work, but I'm not sure what type of plant it is. I wanted to cut it and see if it will grow roots in water?


Identifying and Caring for a Houseplant - leaves dying on variegated leaf plant

Identifying and Caring for a Houseplant?I received this plant for Mother's Day from my 3 year old daughter, which she has now named "Charlie". I am having trouble figuring out what type of plant this is, and he doesn't seem to be doing very well. I recently gave him fertilizer, and after that he's been slowly declining.


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Identifying a Houseplant?I bought a small plant in great need of a little TLC. It was near death, but I knew I could revive it. Today it is flourishing, but I don't know the name of it, its care, or whether it is a perennial or annual.


Identifying a Houseplant - vining plant

Identifying a Houseplant?What kind of houseplant is this?


Identifying a Houseplant - leggy plant on windowsill

Identifying a Houseplant?I've had this plant for over three years now. It came from my father-in-law's funeral. I'd love to know what it is and if it's possible to separate a piece from it. I keep it in my kitchen window.


What Is This Houseplant? - trailing plant with round green leaves

What Is This Houseplant?I have been given this plant, but have no idea what it is. Is anyone able to help me out? When I was given it the soil was very damp and some leaves had yellowed. I have cut away the yellow leaves, but more have appeared.


Identifying a Houseplant

Identifying a Houseplant?I have a dark green waxy plant. My mother gave it to me and it's so unique. It hasn't done anything in months. I don't want to kill it.


Identifying a Garden Plant - volunteer plant in potted rosemary

Identifying a Garden Plant?I bought a container of rosemary from a greenhouse and this plant came up in the container. Can anyone tell me what it is?


Identifying a Houseplant - closeup of white flower

Identifying a Houseplant?What is the name of this plant?


Identifying a Garden Plant  - fleshy leafed plant cutting

Identifying a Garden Plant?My friend gave me this. She has them in her flower pots and they look the same. Just leafy, no blooms, height, or anything flashy. But they make good accents along with others. Do you know what this plant is?


Identifying a Houseplant - stems with long green leaves

Identifying a Houseplant?I received a few plants from a friend, but I don't know the names. They are big and beautiful. They were my friend's grandmother's. She's had them for a very long time! Could anyone be so kind to help me out with the name please?


Identifying a Houseplant - draping houseplant

Identifying a Houseplant?My boyfriend bought this beautiful hanging plant for our new place, but can't remember how much or how often the lady said to water it and how much sunlight it needs. She didn't say what is was. She did say it would grow down to the floor eventually and some of the leaves have a purple tint to the underside.


What Is This Houseplant? - leafed out cutting

What Is This Houseplant? (Philodendron)I bought this little plant at my local garden centre and the price label just says "green plant". It's a cutting of a much thicker branch which has also been cut off at the top and sealed. Its leaves are long and fairly thin, and vary between different shades of green and a deep purple.


Identifying a Houseplant - tree like houseplant

Identifying a Houseplant? (Schefflera)This is an inherited tall houseplant or indoor tree. It has leaves, usually six, that grow from one stem and all connect to a larger trunk that is tan and coarse. It reminds me of my small umbrella plant, but I thought I would ask here.


Identifying a Houseplant - 4 stalks with ovoid leaves at the top

Identifying a Houseplant? (Avocado)What kind of plant is this? How do I make it happier? Why is it dying?


Identifying a Houseplant - plant with long green leaves

Identifying a Houseplant?I picked this plant up at a yard sale. I was told that the name of the plant was silver _______. They couldn't remember what came after the "silver." Each of the leaves is attached to a bulb, and it is very prolific. In the time that I have had it (a couple years), I have probably divided (or quartered) it 2 or 3 times.


What Is This Garden Plant? - plant with small light purple flowers with yellow centers
What is this plant

What Is This Garden Plant?What is it? Is it poisonous? Should I be worried?


Identifying a Garden Flower - clusters of pink flowers on low growing plant

Identifying a Garden Flower?Does anybody know what this flower is called? I borrowed (!) a tiny snip of it a few years ago from a park and grew it in a large pot. It flowers in April and lasts for most of the summer.


What Is This Houseplant? - green foliage plant

What Is This Houseplant?I once knew what this was, but I have over 85 houseplants and cannot keep track sometimes. After many google searches and no luck recalling, I came across this site and decided to give its try.


What Is This Houseplant? - dark green flat leaves at the top of narrow roundish stems

What Is This Houseplant?I got this house plant from a garden centre. It had a label with the species on it, but they took it off at the checkout. I would really like to know what type of plant it is :)


What Is This Houseplant? - purple leafed training houseplant

What Is This Houseplant?I need to know what kind of plant this is please!


Identifying a Plant - variegated leaves and pinkish red drooping stems

Identifying a Plant?I got this plant as a gift. I watered it and kept it in the sun. Its leaves started drying. I don't know what to do? Is it an indoor plant? Can someone help me identify it?


Identifying a Houseplant - long medium green leaves with dark green lines

Identifying a Houseplant?This was my favorite plant! I would love to have it back, but need to know it's name! It had beautiful green patterned leaves and purple undersides.


Identifying a Houseplant - succulent with small nubby leaves

Identifying a Houseplant?I got this as a gift about a month ago and still can't figure out what it is. It's been growing a little more since, but now some of the leaves and branches are kind of yellow and it's not standing upright like it used to.


Identifying a Flower - multi-petal red flower spray on long stem

Identifying a Flower (Red Ginger)?What is this flower please?


Identifying a Houseplant - plant with red leaf looking flower

Identifying a Houseplant?I was given this plant as a gift. I do not know the name of it or how to care for it.


Identifying a Garden Flower - tall stalk with white and dark pink edged flowers blooming up the height of the stem

Identifying a Garden Flower?It is growing in north Texas among other flowers?


Identifying a Houseplant - small plant with long green leaves

Identifying a Houseplant?My mom has had this plant for over 50 years and I would like to know the name of it and how to care for it. To the best of my knowledge, it doesn't need a lot of water. She used to have it very full and I am wondering how to get it that way again. I have another one that just seems to been a long stem.


Identifying a Houseplant - tall plant with long serrated leaves

Identifying a Houseplant?This quickly growing plant was given to me by a patient and I have no idea what it is. It now has what look like little babies at the end of some of its leaves. The leaves are thick like a succulent.


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