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Selling a Judgment?I'm trying to find information on how to sell a judgment or how to obtain a loan on a judgment. Any information would be appreciated.


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Fishing for your InformationWith online banking and payments becoming very common, the crooks are using that against us.


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Burnt Out on Urban Living, Looking for Advice?We have been living in the NW (Gresham,OR near Portland) but have really wanted to make a drastic change. We live on one income and the pay is really nominal. We are burnt out on urban living and are looking into what other states have better cost of living and real estate prices. For example, here the average 3bed, 1&1/2 bath home will cost about $160,000.00. On our income, we cannot afford that. We know about Habitat for Humanity, but so far they are only building deep into the inner city in bad neighborhoods, just what we don't want, furthermore they are townhomes with no yards. Right now, we can't even afford a single car. I am looking for fresh ideas and suggestion, as well as what other parts of US is like economy wise. Hope I hear from someone. Thanks Elizabeth


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Does anyone know how to start a bartering group?I live in a small town and most people here don't have alot of money. I would like to start up a bartering group, but I have no clue how. Anyone know how? glomax56


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Looking for a Way to Supplement IncomeI am looking for a way to supplement my income. I work full time as a secretary and have a computer at home. I am a very fast typest and am organized. I have bills I need to pay. Any suggestions? Thank you very much for your suggestions!


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Convincing My Boyfriend To Eat Cheaper Food?My boyfriend whom I live with only likes name brands when it comes to grocery shopping. I should mention we are on a strict budget. If I buy anything that is not name brand he will not even touch it. I myself was raised on off brand products and don't really see that big of a difference. I will say a few items I will only buy name brand, but for the most part I don't see what the big deal is. Any suggestions? Thank you. Robin


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Use Lotion When Doing PaperworkWhen going through paper work keep lotion on hand. This makes the paper easier to grab and helps to prevent paper cuts.


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Getting a Job Without a Car?We are looking for a car for my daughter, she has no money to get one. She has two children to take care of. Any advice on how she could find a car so she can get a job would be appreciate. We live in Florida.


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Sell Your Unwanted Items When You Want New ThingsI noticed this recently - I have a lot of junk sitting around! A lot of it is stuff I need to cycle out. Now I don't usually want a lot of things, but recently I've wanted to buy some more books than I usually tend to purchase.


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Keeping Emergency Money On HandA way to save money is to hide a certain amount. If you need it, take 1/2 of the money out and always put back what you borrowed.


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Loans and Credit Cards for People With Bad Credit?I am looking for loans or credit cards for people with bad credit.


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Keeping Savings Safe From Creditors?Where can I place savings that are safe from creditors?


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"Debt into Wealth" Reviews?I'm wondering if any of you have tried the "Debt into Wealth" course that is offered online by Greg Moore. He claims that he can have you debt free in 5-7 years, including your mortgage.


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Transportation Problems?I am a single parent and I only get paid at the end of every month. Like all parents, I have my child involved in an extracurricular activity. I cannot make it with one paycheck each month. I thank God for my transportation, however, I am putting oil in the car at least twice or three times a week and that takes money.


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Cutting Expenses?Tips for cutting expenses. This may be a strange request, but here goes. My son attends a very good college and we were fortunate to have most of it funded by scholarships, etc.



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The Dangers of Co-SigningThe chances are that someone will ask you to co-sign for a loan at some point. With a co-signer, a person with no credit or bad credit can qualify for a loan that they wouldn't ordinarily be able to get.


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Can you live on less than £5 a day?Can you live on less than £5 a day?


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Getting Out of a Car Lease Early?We have outgrown a vehicle we had leased for 36 months. We found a replacement vehicle and are looking to get out of the lease 9 months early. We are very close the the mileage limit on the lease and did not want to pay penalties.


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Budgeting for a Family of 5?How much money is needed to feed a family of 5?


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Legal Advice For Qualifying As Non Profit? I leave in San Antonio, TX and I have an incorporated, non-profit business and I want to apply for my 501(c)(3) which is tax deduct for donors. I need someone that knows what the government looks for to qualify non-profit business as "exempt". Can any one tell me of someone that can help with this issue.


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Question About Account Receipts?Instead of saving all my bill receipts, wouldn't it be easier to just save my account statements showing I paid the bill? Then I won't have much clutter of every bill statement? Any advice?


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Looking For Non-Profit Grants?We are looking for grants for non-profit 501c3.


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Losing a Money Order?My friend has closed her checking account and she uses money orders to pay her bills. She hates waiting to see of a check/debit has cleared. If you buy a money order from the post office and lose it, is it easy to track? Will the post office reimburse you promptly?


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Deep in Debt and No Way to Pay?I'm disabled and my husband is retired. We have very low income. Our credit card debt is about 100,000.00. We stopped paying creditors. So far they call all day and ask for money.


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Balancing Bills On One Salary?If I want to begin living on one salary and I have 2 car payments, insurance and rent, how do I do so?


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Baby Boom Couple Wanting To Down Size?Baby boom couple wanting to down size. We want to sell antiques, Xmas tree decorations, tree, chain saw, Waterford collections, Lionel train set and tracks. Lots of other stuff. What is my best avenue to accomplish this in the next 6 months?


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Reviews Of anyone used It's an online company that pays a small percentage to you when you shop online through them. They listed about 900 stores. Any thoughts pro or con. Thanks!


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Verizon DSL Plans: "Price Guaranteed For Life"?I am interested in getting Verizon for my DSL computer service. I am looking for an offer for life of $14.99. Some people have gotten this, yet when I contact customer service, I am told the only available plan is $19.99, and only guaranteed for a year. Does anyone have info on the $14.99 deal? This would be applicable to Northeastern PA area. Thanks for your help.


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Discounts for People 55 and Over?I am looking for discounts for people age 55 and over. Any suggestions? Please!


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Teaching My Grandson About MoneyI am trying to teach my grandson about money and how to be savvy with it. For Thanksgiving, I gave him 3 one dollar bills. His father took him to the dollar store and let him buy a gift for his mother for Christmas.



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Monthly Budget Sheet?I need a layout sheet to budget my monthly bills and expenses.


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Being a Cosigner While on Disability?I cosigned for a car and am now on disability. What should I do?


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Holding On to Paid Bills?Why hold on to paid bills?


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Credit Repair Company Reviews?Do any of these "credit repair" companies actually work?


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Does Your Age Affect Your SS Disability Benefits?I've been on SS disability for some time. Does turning retirement age increase your income? If so do you have to apply for it or is it done automatically?


$20 Bill

The $20 Money DietMy wallet, checkbook, and debit card have all gone on a diet. It's like a low carb diet, except it's a low dollar diet. Anything that costs twenty dollars or more isn't on my diet plan.


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Recommended Reading for Financial SecurityFor anyone who wants his/her life to include financial security, I highly recommend the reading and putting into practice the suggestions made in the book by George S. Clason, "The Richest Man in Babylon".


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Paying Bills During Financial Hardship?I'm wallowing in debt right now and at a place I never thought I would ever be. Five years ago my fiance's house burned down and he lost everything and came to live with me while he tried to rebuild his life and his career.


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How Long Should You Keep Receipts?How many years should shopping receipts be kept?


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Reasons To Save Your Receipts I have started saving my receipts for 3 reasons: Once while using my debit card, and another time when I wrote a check, more than the right amount was taken out of my checking account.


Lessons LearnedIt's time to look at the silver lining of the economic floundering of 2009. While unemployment is at an all-time high and the American dollar is at a notable low, the last twelve months have taught us something.


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Bartering Advice?How do I find someone willing to take a few professional photos so I can use them on my website? In turn, I will advertise their shop as well.


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Are SSDI Payments the Same in All States?Does the amount of Social Security disability payments change per state?


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Ask For Reimbursement For DamagesThere is no harm in asking for a fix to your problem if someone else caused it, they can only say no. Often they say yes. For example, our boat was covered with rust stains after a rusty flag pole was cut down, ruining our new paint job.


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Protecting Family Finances After a Divorce?My ex-husband is trying to have a share in all assets that belong to my family including shares that have restrictions (only sell to my brothers and sisters, only for what they are prepared to pay for them).



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Resolving Delinquent Accounts on a Credit Report?I was helping a friend clear up his credit report. I noticed most of his debt was at least 15 years old. This debt was mainly from credit card companies. I had always heard that after 7 years old debt automatically drops off your credit report.


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How Much Should I Charge a Friend Temporarily Staying in My Apartment?A friends apartment is under investigation for BGE (Baltimore Gas and Electric) which means she has no electricity in her apartment. She has been here for over a month, doing her laundry and eating. She asked, "How much do I owe you?" My question is what is a fair amount?


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Paying a Friend to Hang Curtain Rods?How much should you offer to pay a friend to hang seven curtain rods?


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Moving to Kauai on a Budget?Does anyone living on the Hawaiian island of Kauai know info on how to move there and stay there with a very frugal budget? My husband and I are genuinely considering a move for the climate and health reasons.


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Can I Keep SSI and SSA Benefits When Enrolling in College?How can I keep my SSI or SSA benefits after I graduate and go to college? I'm going straight out of high school and I come from a very poor family.


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Will My Husband's Child Also Receive SSI?My husband started getting an SSI check, will his child receive a check too?


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Why is Step Parent's Income Included in Calculating SSI Benefits?My son is autistic and receives SSI. His biological father and I are divorced and I will be remarrying in September of 2011. My question is why would his (new husband) income be counted?


Furniture Being Sold at Estate Sale

Having an Estate SaleThis is a page about having an estate sale. Hosting an estate sale is, unfortunately, something most of us will have to do following a death of a loved one. Whether you are planning it by yourself or hiring someone else to plan it for you, it can be a daunting task.


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Moving to Florida?Need info about relocating to Englewood, Florida. I have not come up with much on the internet. Also, with frugality and simple needs in mind, where is the best place to live in Florida?


Saving Money on Funeral Expenses, A headstone at a cemetery.

Saving Money on Funeral ExpensesThis is a page about saving money on funeral expenses. Even a simple funeral can be quite expensive, and many times the expense is left to the deceased person's family to pay. There are ways to save money and help reduce the financial burden on everyone.


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US Postal Increase on January 22, 2012On January 22, 2012, mailing services including periodicals, package services, and extra services will increase. Here is the short list of already decided increases. USPS will announce the other price increases some time in the next few weeks.


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Important Information If You Receive Federal Benefit Paper ChecksAs of March 1, 2013, these payments will all be electronic because of changes made by the U.S. Department of the Treasury. They are doing this in order to save money on paper, printing and postage. In other words, the check will no longer be in the mail.


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Advantages of Gap Insurance CoverageThis page is about advantages of gap insurance coverage. When purchasing insurance for your property, it is important to know when you may need additional coverage.


Budgeting Tips and Tricks

Budgeting Tips and TricksThis page contains budgeting tips and tricks. It's surprising how many ways that you can reduce your household expenses with a plan.


Money Management Tips

Money Management Tips and TricksThis page contains money management tips and tricks. There are a few basic rules to managing your money that will help you avoid fiscal trouble.


Using VA Benefits

Using VA BenefitsThis page is about using VA benefits. Service veterans are eligible for many benefits through the veterans administration.


Invest in a Counterfeit Money Checker

Invest in a Counterfeit Money CheckerI have a small battery operated special money checker light that when you shine it on the bill it shows little squiggle marks in the bill that you can not see with the human eye. If they are not there when you pass the light over it, it is a fake.


Protecting Yourself From Pick Pockets

Protecting Yourself From Pick PocketsThis page is about protecting yourself from pick pockets. Keeping your wallet secure when out and about is an important consideration.


Estate Assignment Document

Liquidating an Estate?This page is about liquidating an estate. There are times in our lives when we must deal with other people's belongings.


Hand Holding $100 Bill

Living on a Fixed Income?This page is about living on a fixed income. Living comfortably within your means can be accomplished by being smart with your resources.


Receipt on Cash

Disposing of ReceiptsThis page is about disposing of receipts. Keeping your personal information secure is important.


Veterans Benefits

Making the Most of Your Veterans BenefitsThis page is about making the most of your veteran's benefits. Being well informed about the different services and specials available for veterans, helps you get what you need.


Credit history document.

Getting a Loan With Bad Credit?This is a page about getting a loan with bad credit. Once you have had difficulties leading to a bad credit rating it can be difficult to get a loan.


A light rail train.

Saving Money on Public TransportationThis is a page about saving money on public transportation. The cost of public transportation like everything else continues to rise.


Hand with Credit Cards

Using a Flexible Spending AccountThis is a page about using a flexible spending account. Flexible spending accounts are intended to help cover medical costs throughout the year.


Paying Off a Loan

Paying Off a LoanThis is a page about paying off a loan. Paying off a loan may not seem like much fun, but there are some tips that can help make it easier and possibly quicker.


Asking for a Raise

Asking for a RaiseThis page is about asking for a raise. Finding the opportunity to request a pay increase can be a challenge.


Avoiding Financial Scams

Avoiding Financial ScamsThis page is about avoiding financial scams. If the deal sounds too good to be true, it probably is.


Two kids at an amusement park.

Budgeting for Something FunThis page is about budgeting for something fun. Finding money to put aside for entertainment isn't always easy.


Paying Off a Loan Quickly

Paying Off a Loan QuicklyThis page is about paying off a loan quickly. The sooner you pay off that loan, the less interest you will pay.


child support paperwork

Siblings Accountable for Child Support?This page is about are siblings accountable for back child support? Recovering past due child support can improve children's lives today.


A girlfriend and boyfriend struggling to pay bills.

Sharing Living Expenses With Boy/GirlfriendThis page is about sharing living expenses with boyfriend. When living with a partner it is important to have a clear understanding of how the household costs are divided.


Frugal Living

Frugal Living Advice for Young Adults?This is a page about frugal living advice for young adults. When you first move out on your own, money is often pretty tight.


Senior Woman eating lunch after shopping

Saving Money as a Senior CitizenThis is a page about saving money as a senior citizen. Many senior citizens live on fixed incomes making it hard to deal with continual cost escalation.


Flowers on a grave.

Financial Responsibility for Funeral CostsThis page is about financial responsibility for funeral costs. Planning for your funeral expenses helps reduce the stress on your loved ones in their time of grief.


grocery store shopping

Saving Money With Reward ProgramsThis page is about saving money with reward programs. Before signing up, you need to discover how a rewards program will benefit you.


A nice looking antique chair.

Selling Antique FurnitureWhen you are selling vintage pieces of furniture you will want to get the best price for it. This page is about selling antique furniture.


Currency Exchange

Exchange Rate Tips and Converting Currency?This page is about exchange rate tips and converting currency. When traveling abroad, it pays to study the best method of converting your money in the countries you are visiting.


Couple worries About their Personal Debt

Collecting on a Personal Debt?This page is about collecting on a personal debt. When someone owes you money it can be very hard to collect even with legal action.


Establishing Credit

Establishing Credit?This is a page about establishing credit. Paying your bills when they are due helps to establish your credit. Learn to budget your income to keep ahead of your financial commitments.


Paying with Cash instead of a Card

Paying with Cash instead of a CardThis is a page about paying with cash instead of a card. Paying with cash, not with your credit or debit card can save you money in several ways.


gift cards tied with ribbon

Using Up the Balance on Gift Cards?This is a page about using up the balance on gift cards. When a gift card has a small remaining balance, it can be a challenge to figure how best to use it without spending more money.


Woman standing in front of a travel trailer that has a "Home for Rent" sign in the window

Living in a Travel Trailer?This is a page about living in a travel trailer. Economics and/or job requirements may require you to live in a travel trailer, at least temporarily.


Using calculator to balance checkbook with a large stack of receipts

Organizing Debit Card Receipts?This is a page about organizing debit card receipts. Keeping your receipts in order can help you make sure your purchase amounts are correct.


Close up of pen laying on dollar amount portion of check

Using ChecksThis is a page about using checks. Even with the increasing popularity of shopping, banking, and paying bills on line, there are still occasions when you will need to use a check.


Two piggy banks stretching a dollar between them.

Stretching My Meager DollarsThis is a page about stretching my meager dollars. Finding creative ways to make your money go farther can be a real challenge.


A woman looking at many receipts and paperwork on a wooden floor.

Simple Household Bookkeeping SystemKeeping track of household expenditures does not need to be a complex process. This is a page about simple household bookkeeping system.


A woman writing checks to pay bills.

Paying Bills for Someone in Prison?If a loved one or friend is in prison, you may need to help out with their finances and bill paying. This is a page about handling financial transactions for incarcerated parent.


Roll of quarters on white background.

Where Can I Buy Rolls of Quarters?Paper rolls for rolling coins are often available from your bank at no charge. If you would like to purchase quarters already in rolls, the bank has those as well for $10 per roll. This is a page about where can I buy rolls of quarters?


One hand giving money to another hand.

Loaning Money to RelativesOftentimes, family will financially support each other whenever there is an emergency. However, it can be difficult to expect it to be returned promptly. This is a page about loaning money to relatives.


A woman using her phone about money matters.

Roadblocks to Financial WellbeingCommon mistakes in budgeting or spending can cause a ripple effect through your finances. Planning and will power can keep you on the right track. This page contains advice for avoiding roadblocks to your financial wellbeing.


Legal paperwork for child support in the judge's chambers.

SSDI and Child Support Modifications?Balancing a social security payment with a large child support bill can be challenging. This page discusses SSDI and child support modifications.


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Finding Free Dental Assistance for Veterans?I can't afford to remove a molar lying on my jawbone. I is 4000.00 plus. However I found a dentist who made me a lower denture that looks great except that with cuts on my tongue and multiple abrasions under my tongue I am unable to shallow. It is too unbearable for me to use them longer than an hour. I have dental insurance with the VA, but they can't help.


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Sharing Expenses with a Live-in Boyfriend?I moved with my bf. We had an argument with him regarding sharing the expenses. He is not clear and just told me that couples help each other. I'm gonna leave my job to move with him, but as of now I don't have source of income. We were at the grocery he told me we need to share at least half. I thought he was kidding me and when we were at the counter he told the cashier to split it.


A pile of money with a face mask.

How Are You Using Your Stimulus Payment?Many U.S. citizens are receiving money from the government this week, in order to stimulate the economy and help struggling families during the COVID-19 pandemic. This is a big help for many people, including my family. I'm using about half of the payment to cover an upcoming surgery and the other half will pay off a hospital stay from last February.


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Selling Vintage Heat Transfer Designs?Does anyone have any insight on how to sell or where to turn to unload mostly vintage heat transfer designs? Mostly from the 80's and 90's, some are also from the 2000's up to 2014. I purchased what was left from a business that closed and now have over 8000 heat transfer images.


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