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Don't Abbreviate the Year 2020When writing a check, signing an important document or anything requiring a date - remember not to abbreviate our current year 2020. Always take the extra second to put 2020.


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Money TrackerSaving money truly is a struggle, for all of us. When we spend money, whether it be on food, clothing, accessories, entertainment, etc., we don't realize how much we actually spend each day. Writing what you purchased and how much you spent on it is an easy, FREE way to visualize your purchases daily.


Pay Cash for Everything

Pay Cash for EverythingI realized how often I was swiping my debit card. It's just too easy to swipe that card and not think twice! I have started to take out a pre-set amount of money at the beginning of the month and pay cash for everything. It is way harder to part with 5 green dollar bills in your hand for a gourmet latte then it is to swipe your card.


Tips for Hiring an Accounting Professional

Tips for Hiring an Accounting ProfessionalIn the world of business, accountants are employed in one of three sectors: public, private, and government. Having a handle on who does what can help you get a handle on who may best be able to help you when you decide you need assistance.


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Taking Advantage of City ServicesToday, I was able to go to my city's offices and pick up a landfill coupon. It will pay for a dump run for all the things I can't donate or recycle as I get organized this spring. I get one every year, it is free to residents but the coupons are limited.


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Website for Finding Unclaimed MoneySeveral years ago I was introduced to a site that has information on how to obtain money that you may not be aware is due you.


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Reducing the Cost of Funeral ExpensesIf your using cremation and want to have a viewing, many funeral homes will rent a casket at a reduced price.


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Keeping Your Wallet SafeWhen I go to an outdoor event when it is chilly, I wear a jacket that I have put an inner pocket inside. I put a Velcro seal on it, that way my wallet is handy. I can get into it, but there is no way someone is going to open the Velcro without my knowledge.


Invest in a Counterfeit Money Checker

Invest in a Counterfeit Money CheckerI have a small battery operated special money checker light that when you shine it on the bill it shows little squiggle marks in the bill that you can not see with the human eye. If they are not there when you pass the light over it, it is a fake.


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Making the Most of Your Veteran BenefitsA lot of places take veterans benefits to help aid in rent at assisted living homes and some private care homes. When we get older we think the rent for a private facility is way beyond our reach. However, if you are a veteran or a spouse of a veteran you may be entitled to a substantial amount of money to go towards your room and board every month. Also, many Veterans Administration hospitals give you free medical attention and medications. There are some exclusions to medication so you'd have to check into it. This can help you have a home away from home that is affordable. So be sure to ask if you can get veterans benefits for a doctor visit, medication, and rent. It really helps a lot of people who do not belong in a nursing home.


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Important Information If You Receive Federal Benefit Paper ChecksAs of March 1, 2013, these payments will all be electronic because of changes made by the U.S. Department of the Treasury. They are doing this in order to save money on paper, printing and postage. In other words, the check will no longer be in the mail.


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Save Store Gift Cards For Big PurchasesIf you shop at Target or any other stores that have the promotional "get a gift card with purchase of this item", save your gift cards (someplace you won't forget or lose them, like I tend to do) until the amount builds enough for you to buy a big item - preferably around the holidays.


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Funeral Savings And Other TidbitsSadly, our family has experienced several funerals this past year. The first one caught us off guard. We found out a bit too late that we had over paid, big time. I am going to share with you some things we learned, in hopes that it will prevent others from over paying.


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Military Burials At Veteran's CemeteryFunerals are expensive. Cremations are less expensive but many people do not wish this. I would just like to remind everyone that if you or your spouse have ever served in the Armed Forces, you may be buried in a national or state Veteran's cemetery.


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Save Your DiscountsI recently realized I need to save the pre tax savings on our medical savings account. They do an auto deduction every two weeks out of my husband's check which is $40 , which is about 9.20 savings for his check.



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US Postal Increase on January 22, 2012On January 22, 2012, mailing services including periodicals, package services, and extra services will increase. Here is the short list of already decided increases. USPS will announce the other price increases some time in the next few weeks.


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Organizing Your ExpensesEver sit down and wonder where your money goes? Many of us put a lump sum of cash in our pocket and when that money is gone just withdraw more money from our checking account or use the good ole debit card.


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Live Like No One ElseListen to Dave Ramsey, and take his advice. Save as much as you can; Invest, but only in something decent. Never try to live beyond your means or try to impress someone.


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Loaning Money to RelativesWhen you live frugally and your relatives see that you are out of debt, they may ask to borrow money. Here are some tips for a successful loan. By successful, I mean that you'll likely be repaid and your relationship will not suffer.


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Ask For Reimbursement For DamagesThere is no harm in asking for a fix to your problem if someone else caused it, they can only say no. Often they say yes. For example, our boat was covered with rust stains after a rusty flag pole was cut down, ruining our new paint job.


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Online Travel InsuranceYou do not have to go through a travel agent to get travel insurance. There a several sites online that offer travel insurance. You can also google sites that offer critiques of different travel insurance plans so you can choose the best one for your needs.


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Travel Insurance When You Leave the CountryWe have traveled on 3 cruise ships, did a Bus tour through Europe of 12 countries and just came back from S. Wales and Northern Germany. Every time we had that extra insurance just to be sure we are not caught with large medical expenses.


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Reasons To Save Your Receipts I have started saving my receipts for 3 reasons: Once while using my debit card, and another time when I wrote a check, more than the right amount was taken out of my checking account.


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Recommended Reading for Financial SecurityFor anyone who wants his/her life to include financial security, I highly recommend the reading and putting into practice the suggestions made in the book by George S. Clason, "The Richest Man in Babylon".


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Organizing Financial InformationI have a 3 ring binder for each of us (my husband and I) to organize our financial information and I also have a binder for joint financial information.


List of Monthly Bills

Drastic Times Call for Drastic CutbacksThere's no quick fix for the economy, and jobs are disappearing daily. Even seemingly secure jobs are causing some people to look at their futures with a budget cutting scissors in hand.


Sun Shining Through Clouds

Finding the Silver Lining in a Faltering EconomyI remember the morning when I watched the stock prices scroll across the bottom of the TV screen while I was watching the weather forecast. It was 5 AM, and I wondered if I was watching history happen; every stock was preceded by a red arrow that noted a drop in its value.


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Teaching My Grandson About MoneyI am trying to teach my grandson about money and how to be savvy with it. For Thanksgiving, I gave him 3 one dollar bills. His father took him to the dollar store and let him buy a gift for his mother for Christmas.


Manila Envelope on White Background

Simple Household Bookkeeping SystemI keep every receipt in a plain legal sized envelop labeled for the month until the end of the year. I keep them in a drawer with my bank statements.


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Use a Spreadsheet to Track InterestI have made up a spreadsheet to keep track of our mortgage repayments, how much interest we are paying and all our extra repayments.



Gas Tank With Cash Stuffed in it

How Often Do I Use This?It's always a good idea to inventory and evaluate. There are items which are priceless, earning their keep over and over again. Then, there are those which only weigh us down with debt. How many items do you have which are earning their keep, and how many do you own which are weighing you down?


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Buy Stamps At Below Face ValueSave On Postage. If you do a lot of mailing, you can save on postage by purchasing stamps at below face value.


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Banks Are Getting More Reluctant To Loan MoneyBanking Tip - Loan Changes. Spoke to my banker at the credit union today. He mentioned how things are changing they no longer add on to existing loans. . .


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The Dangers of Co-SigningThe chances are that someone will ask you to co-sign for a loan at some point. With a co-signer, a person with no credit or bad credit can qualify for a loan that they wouldn't ordinarily be able to get.


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Keeping Track of Credit Card PurchasesMy wallet is made to hold both my checkbook and register as well as my cards. When using the debit card I just enter it as a check without the check number (but with the date) and subtract it from the account. It makes it doubly easy to monitor purchases when going over my bank statement. . .


Should It Stay or Should It Go?

Should It Stay or Should It Go?Tax time is a good time to clean the filing cabinet and eliminate yourself of old paperwork. Yet, the fear of throwing out financial papers causes many people to save everything, leaving a packed filing cabinet with yellowing paperwork.


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Finding Change in Various PlacesCheck under your car seats, in pockets of coats and jackets, as well as in the furniture for loose change. You might be surprised how much you will find!


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Freebies Help You To Be FrugalMy best frugal tip is to order as many freebies you can get. I visit free sample sites and get make-up, shampoo/conditioner, lotions/perfumes...


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Cleaning With Ivory Soap FlakesCleaning products: save from $25 a month to 40 cents. Grated, Ivory becomes Ivory Flakes, discontinued in 1978. I use a tablespoon in the washer. I use one bar over two weeks.


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Picking Up ChangeGet up early and walk your dog in strip malls and pick up the change you find on the ground - especially at gas stations and fast food restaurants.


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Keeping Emergency Money On HandA way to save money is to hide a certain amount. If you need it, take 1/2 of the money out and always put back what you borrowed.


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Things To Consider When You Buy SomethingAt least it is for me! When I am thinking of buying something, I make myself stop long enough to consider the following questions:


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Everything You NeedOk now, Just admit it. You don't have everything you want, but you have everything you NEED. Use a grocery list and stick to it. Sell what you don't need, either in an ad, yard sale or over the net. Bartering is fun and a lot of people are anxious to do it.


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Daily Spending AllowanceSet a daily allowance on spending, once it's gone don't go to the ATM or bank for more money. Keep track of your expenditures. Weigh them to see if you want to keep on the way you are or if there's something that you'd like to quit buying.


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Discounts for Paying with CashUsually when I have offered to pay cash for services instead of the provider having to bill me or pay a transaction fee on credit card use, they have given me a discount on the service. If they don't, I go ahead and use my credit card which gives me 1% cash back.



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Learn to Say "No"When neighbors and friends come around trying to sell items, if it's not something that you're going to be able to use or give as a gift, don't feel like you have to buy from them. Learn to say "no" to frivolous spending.


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Sell Your Unwanted Items When You Want New ThingsI noticed this recently - I have a lot of junk sitting around! A lot of it is stuff I need to cycle out. Now I don't usually want a lot of things, but recently I've wanted to buy some more books than I usually tend to purchase.


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Savings for Senior CitizensDid you know that many fast food places, restaurants, and other retail outlets offer a senior discount? Most restaurants that I go to give a 10% discount, and many of the fast food chains will either give you at least a 10% cash discount or a free drink with no minimum purchase.


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Check for Senior DiscountsIf you are a senior be sure to get the discount.


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Balancing the CheckbookIf you have a problem balancing your checkbook and cannot find the error. Divide the amount your figures are off by 9. If the answer comes out even, then the error is probably a transposition. For instance, if 91 should be 19, the difference is 72. If your figures were off by 72, it is divisible by 9. The answer is 8 but the main idea is to know to look for a transposition. Try this. It really works! By Elaine


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Documents and Safe StorageWith all the trouble we are having with weather created disasters, we need to make sure we have records of importance in a few safe places. Security boxes and locked freezers work well.


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Being Thrifty vs. Your TimeHere's my 2 bits: Sometimes people will tell you it's not worth your time to do various things to be thrifty and frugal. However, whether any given activity is worth it is entirely up to the individual.


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Fishing for your InformationWith online banking and payments becoming very common, the crooks are using that against us.


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Teach Your Kids To Use CouponsTo teach teens to save money allot one day each month for one full year to reward the teen each time they take the initiative to save money. Reward them with an coupon.


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