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Pomegranates growing on a tree

Growing PomegranatesPomegranate plants (Punica granatum) are diverse in their growth habits. They can range from small shrubs to trees reaching 20-30 feet tall. Native to northern India and the Middle East, these fruiting plants are naturally adapted to growing in regions where winters are cool and summers are hot.


Papayas growing on a tree

Growing PapayasPapaya plants are typically grown in the tropical and sub-tropical climates. In the United States, they are cold hardy to USDA Hardiness Zone 9, but they can also be grown as container plants indoors.


4 Kiwi fruits, one cut in half.

Growing Kiwi FruitsKiwi vines grow up to 28 feet long and produce brown, egg-sized fruits covered with a fuzzy skin. Inside the fruit is a soft, juicy green pulp and dozens of small, edible black seeds. Kiwi fruits are rich in vitamin C, E, and potassium.


Quince growing in a tree

Growing QuinceQuinces (Cydonia oblonga) are fruit trees related to apples and pears. They require a chilling period to flower (100 to 140 days below 45ºF), and can be grown successfully in cooler tropical climates as well as colder temperate regions.


Growing Honeydew Melons

Growing Honeydew MelonsHoneydew melons may have a long growing season, but they are an interesting crop to grow. Although you may not see gigantic yields when the harvest finally does come in, the rewards of tasting your sweet, homegrown melons will be well worth your efforts.


Growing BlueberriesBlueberries should be taste-tested before harvesting. Berries that have just turned blue are not the best tasting. Gently shake a cluster of berries to determine ripeness. The ripe ones will fall easily off the bush.


Apricot Tree

Growing ApricotsWhen selecting trees, look for trees that are least 1 year in age. Trees are self-fertile (they do not need other trees nearby to cross pollinate with in order to produce fruit).


Hand picking a Strawberry

Growing StrawberriesStrawberries will grow in the majority of zones (3-10) and can delight growers with a crop of berries in as little as three months after being planted. Junebearing strawberries produce a single crop in late spring and depending on your zone...


Growing PeachesPeaches are hardy to zones 5-9. There are several varieties suitable for backyard landscapes, all of which need some period of cold weather before heading into the growing season.


Blackberries on bush

Growing BlackberriesBlackberries grow well in zones 4 to 9. Choose hardy, virus-free plants cultivated to your specific growing zone. Because varieties have different growth habits (upright or trailing), plan ahead to create a training and support system to match the variety you select.


closeup of raspberries

Growing RaspberriesRaspberries should be picked when they are thoroughly ripe. When berries are ready for harvesting, they will feel soft and separate easily from their core. Handle them with care as they are easily crushed.


citrus tree in garden

Growing CitrusMost citrus trees are self-shaping and need very little pruning. Root suckers or crossing branches can be removed as necessary on young trees and mature trees should be kept free of dead, broken or diseased branches.


red faced pears on tree

Growing PearsPears should be harvested when they reach a mature size and still feel hard. They should be light green in color and separate easily from the fruit spur (point of attachment). Let them continue to ripen at room temperature for 5 to 7 days before eating them...


purple grapes hanging from vine

Growing GrapesHarvest grapes when they are fully ripe-they will not continue to ripen on the vine. Grape's sugar content rises as much as 20% as they ripen, so a taste-test is the best way to tell if they are fully ripe.


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