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ginger root, slices, and grated

Growing GingerStart ginger from 1 to 1 1/2 inch long rhizomes (roots) that contain at least one eye. If you're using ginger roots from the grocery store or specialty store, look for firm, smooth roots with plenty of "eyes."


Growing: Yarrow (Herbs)

Growing: Yarrow (Herbs)A common roadside plant found throughout North America, Yarrow is valued for its medicinal properties and for its use in cosmetics. Its colorful flat flower heads are 2 to 6 inches across and come in a variety of colors perfect for dried and cut flower arrangements.


savory plant

Growing Summer SavorySummer savory is native to the Mediterranean. In Ancient Rome, it was thought to be a powerful aphrodisiac. In the 1500s, Shakespeare wrote about it in A Winter's Tale.


Growing: Verbascum

Growing: Verbascum (Herbs)Mulleins can grow to height of 3 to 6 feet and are somewhat deer resistant. Widely distributed throughout the United States, wild species of Common Mullein are considered an ecological threat and a highly invasive species.


Growing: Sweet Flag

Growing: Sweet FlagSweet Flag is an unusual herb in that its natural habitat is in shallow water. Its sword-shaped leaves are similar to that of an Iris, except that when crushed, they release a distinctively pleasant scent, its tiny, greenish-yellow flowers are inconspicuous, appearing on tall, cylindrical spikes.


geranium flowers

Growing Scented GeraniumScented geraniums are hybrid cousins of the common garden geranium. Most plants grow to a height of around 1 to 2 feet, but vary greatly in scent, foliage, flower color and even growing habits, depending on their variety.


Sage flowers

Growing SageSage is actually classified as a dwarf, semi-evergreen sub-shrub, but most gardeners think of it as a classic herb that forms tidy mounds of aromatic foliage. Most cultivars grow 18-24 inches high.


Growing: Oregano

Growing: OreganoOregano is one of the most valuable culinary herbs to grow in the garden. Unlike its relative, Sweet Marjoram, Oregano is a hardy perennial that will over winter in most zones if protected.


Growing: Pot Marigold

Growing: Pot MarigoldThe Pot Marigold is an easy-to-grow, low maintenance addition to any herb garden. Its yellow or orange edible flowers and dark green foliage add a cheerful splash of color from mid summer until past the first frosts of fall.


Growing: Parsley

Growing: ParsleyParsley is a widely used culinary herb and a familiar sight in most supermarket produce sections. The crisp, compact leaves of Curly Parsley make striking edgings in the flowerbed and attractive garnishes.


Growing Mint

Growing: MintA guide to growing mint. Except for pennyroyal, mint grows on upright stems to a height of 1-2 feet high, has aromatic leaves and sends up spikes of small, pink to purple flowers that bloom in the late summer.


Growing: Marjoram

Growing MarjoramA guide to growing marjoram. Depending on the climate, marjoram can be grown as an annual, or a tender perennial. Native to Portugal, it grows only inches tall on sturdy upright stems with clusters of dainty flowers that are pink, purple or white in color and is grown mainly for its many wonderful culinary properties.


Closeup of the Lungwort plant

Growing: LungwortLungwort is one of the most interesting herbs to grow for color. After clusters of pinkish-red flowers open in the spring, they slowly change in color to violet or blue to create a lovely, multi-colored effect. When the flowers fade away, we are left with its blotchy, white and green foliage, which remains interesting and attractive for the rest of the season.


Growing: Lemon Verbena

Growing Lemon VerbenaA guide for growing Lemon Verbena. The small lavender-colored flower clusters along the woody stems of lemon verbena are not particularly showy, but the herb is worth growing just for its foliage.


leaves and flowers

Growing: LovageA guide to growing lovage. Every part of lovage, with the exception of the small, umbel-shaped yellow flowers, can be harvested and utilized in medicinal, culinary or cosmetic ways.



Caraway seeds on a wood table.

Growing: CarawayCaraway are grown not so much for their medicinal herbal properties as they are for their culinary uses in flavoring in dishes, candies and liqueurs. It has bright green leaves similar to a carrot top and 18 to 30 inch stems that appear rather weedy looking.


Thyme growing in an herb garden

Growing ThymeThyme is a highly aromatic herb that makes an attractive edging or perennial border and a culinary staple for any herb garden. Native to the Mediterranean, thyme grows best in the cooler zones, where it is less prone to insect diseases than it is when grown in the south.


Dried Dill

Growing: DillDill is an easy-to-grow, aromatic herb and a good choice for those just starting to explore the rewards of growing their own herbs. Dill grows up to 3 feet tall and is an attractive addition to the garden's back border with its clusters of star-shaped yellow-green flowers and its airy, feather-like blue-green foliage.


Growing Feverfew - closeup of flowers

Growing: FeverfewFeverfew is a lovely perennial herb that has white, daisy-like flowers with yellow centers and soft, light green serrated leaves. Plants grow from 9 to 24 inches high and produce single or double flowers for most of the summer and early fall. Feverfew is useful for planting between stones or pavers on walkways and paths.


Growing: Coriander

Growing CorianderCoriander plants are one of the most widely used herbs in the kitchen. Grown almost entirely for their culinary properties, the leaves (also known as cilantro) are used in a variety of ethnic dishes (especially Mexican)...


Growing: English Mallow

Growing English MallowWith the right conditions, mallow can grow to 3 or 4 feet high. Native to the marshes and damp meadows of England and Denmark, this lovely perennial herb has been used for its culinary and medicinal properties since ancient times.


Growing: Hyssop

Growing: HyssopHyssop is a low-growing, evergreen shrub that has foliage and flowers similar to lavender in appearance. Hyssop grows to a height of about 24 inches, and its green leaves, spiked upright stems and delicate whorls of flowers (white, pink or lavender in color) give off a strong, slightly musky scent.


Growing: Lady's Mantle

Growing Lady's MantleLady's Mantle is one of the most popular ornamental plants grown by herb gardeners. Their small, fuzzy heads of star-shaped, yellow-green flowers and graceful pleated leaves make them appealing backdrops for arrangements and displays.


Growing: Horseradish

Growing HorseradishHorseradishes are perennial herbs with large, fleshy roots and course, rough-textured leaves. They are cultivated for their pungent, aromatic roots, which are used primarily as a food condiment.


Growing: Hawthorn

Growing: HawthornHawthorns are trees native to Europe, North Africa, the Mediterranean and Western Asia. They now grow widely in parts of the United States as well. The tree has long been considered sacred in parts of the Middle East, probably from a tradition that suggests it furnished the Crown of Thorns worn by Jesus during the Crucifixion.


Closeup of Goldenrod flower

Growing: GoldenrodGoldenrod is native to Great Britain. It reaches a height of about 2 1/2 feet and has a creeping, somewhat invasive growing habit. In appearance, goldenrods have bright green, pointed leaves at the base of their stems, and smaller, more oval-shaped leaves toward the tops of their stems.


Hops bush

Growing: HopsHops have stout roots and tough, fibrous vines covered with dark green, heart-shaped lobed leaves. The female plants produce the compact, cone-like catkins called strobiles, which are harvested for beer making.


Chamomile flowers

Growing ChamomileChamomile has dainty, daisy-like white flowers with yellow centers set on top of thin stems of feathery green leaves. It comes in creeping or trailing varieties, and seldom grows to more than 12 inches high.


Growing Catnip

Growing Catnip (Catmint)This is the type of catnip that is most often used to fill those aromatic toys that cats go crazy for. It has soft, gray-green leaves that release a mint aroma when crushed, and mauve or white flowers on shoots 24 to 36 inches in height.


chives in bloom

Growing ChivesThe common chive makes an attractive edging for a flower garden or border, as well as a versatile herb to have on hand in the kitchen. Its green, grass-like leaves grow 12 inches tall and end in a single pink or purple pom-pom like flower.



Closeup of Cayenne Peppers

Growing: CayenneCayenne is a shrubby plant about 2 to 4 feet tall that is native to South and Central America. It is grown worldwide for it's culinary and medicinal properties. The plants have smooth, somewhat shiny, green leaves, and flowers that produce elongated oval-shaped pods (peppers) that contain dozens of tiny, pungent tasting seeds.


Growing: Chervil

Growing ChervilIn appearance, chervil closely resembles Italian parsley. Plants have light green, fernlike leaves, grow to about 24 inches in height, and unlike Italian parsley, it tastes slightly like licorice.


Growing: Bay - bay leaves

Growing: BaySweet Bay is a popular choice for herb gardens not only for it's culinary, medicinal and craft uses, but because its aromatic woody branches and dark green, glossy leaves can be trimmed and trained in order to make whimsical designs, stylish patio plants or formal topiaries. Sweet Bay is also a versatile shrub in that it can be allowed to grow very large, or kept to a height of 6 feet with regular trimming and pruning.


Flowering borage in the garden.

Growing BorageBorage is loved by bees and gardeners alike for its bright blue, star-like flowers with prominent black anthers and light-catching, silvery-haired foliage. Plants may have white or pink flowers on occasion.


Bergamot (Bee Balm)

Growing Bergamot (Bee Balm)Bergamot is grown for its decorative flowers and aromatic foliage. The plants consist of tubular, crown-like flowers on top of 3 to 4 foot stems with dark green aromatic leaves.



Growing GarlicGarlic is a bulb from the Allium family known for its strong, pungent odor and flavor. The bulb is made up of sections of cloves and is commonly used for culinary purposes or its medicinal properties. Garlic is related to, and closely resembles the onion.


lemon balm

Growing: Lemon BalmLike its name suggests, Lemon Balm has a strong and invigorating lemon scent. Its decorative appearance includes clusters of tiny white flowers, and vein-filled, oval-shaped leaves that contain lemon-scented oils.


Growing: Lavender

Growing LavenderWatering is unnecessary with well-established plants-except during extreme drought conditions-lavender does not like wet feet, so well-drained soil is a must. Trim plants lightly each year after flowering or cut them back more severely every few years to keep them bushy.


basil plant

Growing BasilBasil is one of the most widely grown herbs in the world. Originally from India, it is grown for its clove-like smelling, soft green or purple foliage and is often associated with its culinary use in Italian dishes.


closeup of agrimony.

Growing AgrimonyModest and almost weed-like in appearance, Agrimony is an aromatic plant with one or more stems supporting tall, slender spikes of flowers and a few weak branches.


Close up of Angelica

Growing: AngelicaPrefers moist, fertile, slightly acidic soil. Transplant seedlings when they have 4 to 6 leaves. Angelica prefers cool areas of the garden. It blooms in midsummer of the second year, then dies, and needs large amounts of space.


Fennel Plant

Growing FennelA beautiful addition to any perennial herb garden, fennel has thick, 5 to 6 foot tall stems, feathery green or bronze foliage and impressive rays of tiny, umbel-shaped yellow flowers.


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