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FREE for Charity, School, Church, etc. EventsI don't know where you live...but if you have a HomeTown Buffet, Old County Buffet or County Buffet in your area contact their Community Rep.


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Which Color Cancer Awareness Ribbon To Wear?My mother is undergoing treatment for non-Hodgkins lymphoma. I would like to wear a cancer awareness ribbon to honor her, but what color? I've seen red, purple, sky blue, and lime green listed as the appropriate color. Does anybody know? Thanks for your help and God Bless.


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Donating a Leather Coat for Crafts?I have a brown leather coat with a tear in the back. Who can I give it to for crafts?


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Donate Clothing and Toiletries to Women's SheltersThis is a tip if you're into coupons, rebates, store good deals, buying in bulk, and have yard or garage sales. If you have items left over such as clothing, toiletries, makeup, etc., donate them to your local abused women's shelter.


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Angel Food Ministries In California?I would like to know where in California there is a Angel Food Ministries for people to get food. I have children in Ukiah and Willits California.


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How Can I Get Fabric Donations?I am in need of free fabric. As part of this years Project Graduation decorating committee, I need to transform the school into a magical place. Project Graduation is an all night party which is hosted by parents of graduating seniors.


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Youth Scavenger Food HuntMy Church's youth recently had a "Scavenger Hunt". It consisted of groups of teenagers (with an adult), going door-to-door asking for canned goods. The group with the most donations was the winner. They collected over 15 boxes of canned goods to donate to the local soup kitchen. It was a fun way to give back.


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Getting Donated Fleece Fabric?Where can I can I get donated fleece fabric to make baby blankets to donate to the hospitals for Christmas? My daughter and I are making these to donate and could possibly make them for the homeless if I can get enough fabric.


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Gleaning Clubs in Georgia?I noticed an article about getting free foods. Where can I find Gleaning clubs in Georgia?


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Golf Balls and Tees for Soldiers?I am trying to find places that would donate golf balls and tees to soldiers. Can someone please help me?


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Donating Embroidered Crib Blankets?I embroider crib blankets, and would like to donate them. Does anyone in the Kearny, NJ area know where I can bring them?


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Ideas for Collecting Sewing Materials for a Non-Profit?I work for a non-profit organization and we are making pillowcase dresses and shorts for our nearly 1,000 orphans in Kampala, Uganda.We are in desperate need of fabric, ribbons, buttons, sewing materials, and so forth. Can you help us?


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Making Toys for Christmas Shoebox Gifts Going Overseas?I am making items for Christmas shoeboxes going overseas. I have made airplanes and a race car using candy rolls, gum, and hard candies. I would like to make other "toys", but can't find any instructions for them. Any help you can give would be appreciated.Thank you.


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Locating Charities That Assist Families With Food?Does anyone know of any places that will help people out with food?


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Getting Assistance for Food?What can I do to get help on getting some food for my family?



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Call 211 for Referrals To Local AssistanceIf you are looking for help with food, housing, employment, health care, counseling and more (including holiday help), call 211.


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Donating Gifts to Needy Children?Where can I find assistance in locating charities helping needy families? I would like to donate a gift to a child.


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Looking For Financial Help With The HolidaysIt might be a little late to be looking at this time. You really have to listen to the news and read the papers carefully, starting around Thanksgiving time, because that is when most of charities start taking applications.


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Donating Used Christmas Cards?A retirement center near our church used to accept used Christmas cards after the holiday was over. They would use the blank inside cover (minus any writing), cut around the design and make gift tags which they would sell. No one at this center is doing it again.


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Donating Books to Charity?We have about 200 good books (mostly "pg" love stories) that we wish to give to a charity. Any ideas?


Woman Holding Out Hand Full of Pennies

Choosing a Good CharityThis is a page about choosing a good charity. There are many great charities to give to throughout the world. However, some do a better job of making good use of your donation money than others.


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Getting a Free or Inexpensive Refrigerator?I'm a single mother of two and I needed help getting a refrigerator. I really need help. I'm about to move. Does anyone know where I might be able to get one cheaply or for free?


A child putting coins in a donation bucket.

Teaching Kids About Holiday GivingThis is a page about teaching kids about holiday giving. It is very rewarding to give to others during the holidays. This is a great opportunity to teaching your kids about how to think about others and help people that are less fortunate.


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Finding a Charity to Help Purchase Tires?I am a young, single parent, widower and I drive 90 miles a day for my job. I need 2 tires so badly. I am very concerned that I may be involved in a highway crash, mine have absolutely no tread. Do charities help with tires?


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Coupons for Military Families?How can we find someone to walk us through the steps of sending coupons to our military families overseas? We don't care what branch of service, we just want to make a family's life easier. Any help will be appreciated.


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Home Repair Assistance for Senior Citizens?Where do I go for help in getting home repairs done for a senior citizen living in Alabama? She is 84 years old and disabled. The home is in very poor condition and about to fall in. Please let me know if there is help for her out there.


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Getting Help to Repair a Patio Door Inexpensively in the UK?I'm 76 years old and relying on the state pension, ie. low income and no savings. The 2 section patio door at the back of my 2 bedroom bungalow needs replacement because the sliding section has failed. At present it is standing on my lounge floor leaning against the fixed section.


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Name Ideas for a Neighborhood Fundraising Group?My friend and I want to give back to the community. We're gonna start having bake sales and selling goodies to raise money for charity. 100% will go to charities. We just can't seem to come up with a name! Both our names are heather. Please help.


Donating Used Stuffed Animals

Donating Used Stuffed AnimalsThis page is about donating used stuffed animals. It's good to give those extra stuffed friends a new purpose for someone who may need a buddy to hold.


Giving bread to the needy.

Helping Those in NeedThis page is about helping those in need. There are many ways to assist disadvantaged people with your time and resources.



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Looking for a Card Recycle Program in Canada?Do you have a program like this in Canada? Or is there a location where the cards can be sent via a location in Canada?


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Finding Free Yarn for Charity Projects?I knit hats and scarves for the homeless at the Kalamazoo Gospel Mission in Michigan and have done so starting the 3rd year.


Donating a Car to Charity

Donating a Car to CharityThis page is about donating a car to charity. One way to get donation value as a tax deduction is to give that old vehicle to a non-profit organization.


A hand with a  note that says "share".

Performing Acts of KindnessFind the time to help and share with people in your family, neighborhood, and community. This page is about performing acts of kindness.


Greeting Cards

Donating Old Greeting CardsThis is a page about donating old greeting cards. Certain charities, schools, and other organizations collect used greeting cards for fundraising activities and crafts.



Donating Fabric to CharityWhen cleaning out your fabric stash, consider donating the fabric you can't use to charity. This is a page about donating fabric to charity.


Disabled veteran in a wheelchair in front of an American flag.

Housing Assistance for Disabled Veterans?This page is about housing assistance for disabled veterans. There are government agencies and nonprofit organizations to help our disabled servicemen in need of housing.


African children holding a sign that says hope.

Donating Books to African Children?This is a page about donating books to African children. There are several organizations you can contact in order to donate books to be shipped to children in Africa.


stacks of fabric

Getting Fabric Donations for Charity Projects?This is a page about getting fabric donations for charity projects. Whether you are working on making quilts for sick children or teaching poor members of the community to sew, donated fabric will help move your project along.


A donation can with cash in it.

Avoiding Charity FraudThis page is about avoiding charity fraud. When giving a donation to a cause, you want to make sure it is a legitimate organization.


A stack of old cellphones.

Donating Old CellphonesThis is a page about donating old cellphones. There are a number of charitable organizations that accept donated cell phones to redistribute to persons in need.


Laptop Computer

Finding Free Laptops for StudentsAlthough there are definitely active scams regarding free laptops, there are some legitimate programs through which students and others may qualify for a free laptop. This is a page about finding free laptops for students.


A backpack full of school supplies.

Finding Help Getting School Clothing and...This is a guide about finding help getting school clothing and supplies. Getting your kids the clothing and supplies they need each year before school starts can be expensive. For the family on a very tight budget it can be overwhelming.


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Collecting Other Income and Benefits While On Social Security?I'm a single mom who is disabled. I have a 11 year old boy. I'm on disability Social Security. My whole check goes to bills. If anyone can help please let me know.


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Finding Free Yarn for Nursing Home Projects?I am asking for free yarn to make lap blankets to nursing homes, in the Columbus Ohio area. If you have any or know where I can find some please contact me through this site.



pink tennis shoe

Donating Single Shoes?This page is about donating single shoes. Some companies make sample shoes for just one foot. They may be of use to some amputees.


Colorful yarn on a shelf.

Finding Free Craft Supplies for Charity...This page is about finding free craft supplies for charity projects. Formal and informal groups that make projects such as knit hats to donate to charities or for fundraisers often do not have the funds to purchase supplies.


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Family of 5 Needs Help After House Fire?How can we get help after a house fire that took our place to live, clothes, and a lot of personal items? My main problem is housing and my childrens' items. If you know of someone that can help please let me know. I have contacted our local Red Cross and Salvation Army and they were not much help.


Unused Medication

Donating Unused Medication?This page is about donating unused medication. When you have drugs that you have not needed to finish, there may be a nonprofit organization that can help someone else benefit from them.


Dessert Ideas for Bake Sale

Dessert Ideas to Sell at Charity Function?This page is about dessert ideas to sell at charity function. Making appealing treats to raise money for your nonprofit organization is the goal.


Young Homeless Girl

Helping the HomelessThis is a page about helping the homeless. Finding the most effective ways to help people who do not have homes, isn't always as easy as it sounds.


Cat in Animal Shelter

Things to Donate to Animal SheltersThis is a page about things to donate to animal shelters. Besides donating money to your local animal shelter, there may be other things you can help them with.


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Finding Free Laptops for Students?l am a student in a teacher's training college and am in need of a laptop for my research and group work but cannot afford one.


Clipping Coupons for Troops

Coupons for Troops?This is a page about coupons for troops. There are a number of organizations that help collect consumer coupons and ship them to the families of service personnel stationed overseas.


House Fire

Finding Agencies to Help After a House FireA house or apartment fire is devastating. Coping with the aftermath can be easier if you have assistance. This is a page about finding agencies to help after a house fire.


Food Charity Organization

New Jersey Charity OrganizationsThis is a page about New Jersey charity organizations. In time of need it can be stressful trying to find the local and state agencies that can provide assistance.


Natural Disaster Aid

Donating to Natural Disaster AidThis is a page about donating to natural disaster aid. When a catastrophe strikes anywhere in the world, people want to help, and be sure their donations are going to organizations that make a difference for those affected.


woman wearing a fleece chemo turban

Making and Donating Chemo Caps?This is a page about making and donating chemo caps. Many cancer patients prefer to wear a scarf, hat, or cap while receiving chemotherapy treatments. Put your crafting skills to work for friends and community members.


blessing bags for the homeless

Making Blessing Bags for the HomelessThis is a page about making blessing bags for the homeless. One way you personally can help a homeless person is by making up bags of snacks and personal items to hand out as needed.


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Home Repair Help for Low Income Families?I live with my husband and 3 kids. My husband has been sick for about 7years. For about 3 years I have to be his caregiver. It is very very cold. We need help. Where can I look?


Christmas Help for Low Income Families

Christmas Help for Low Income FamiliesThis is a page about Christmas help for low income families. Christmas can be a stressful time for low income families having trouble celebrating the holiday.


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Getting Help After a House Fire?Who can offer some more assistance to my family after a house fire?


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Finding Fabric for Charity Project?I live in Louisville, Kentucky and am getting ready to start a project with my church to make pillowcase dresses for the little girls in Haiti. If anyone knows where I can get fabric donated for my project - it would be very much appreciated.


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Financial Assistance for Low Income Family to Move a Mobile Home?I live in West Virginia and I am currently sharing a home with three other families. I just got a 14x70 mobile home given to my family and I, but only have two weeks to move it or it will be tore down. Does anyone know if there is a organization or business that can help us move this home?


Woman with a box labeled Donation Clothes

Determining Fair Market Value of DonationsThis is a page about determining fair market value for donations. When making donations to charitable organizations of clothing, furniture, and more you need to determine their value for tax purposes.


Small house resting on stacks of coins surrounded by hands holding tools used for home repairs.

Free Home Renovation AdviceUnfortunately there are many families and individuals who can not afford to make necessary renovations to their homes. This is a page with free home renovation advice.


School Uniform Skirt

Donating School UniformsThis is a page about donating school uniforms. School uniforms can be costly to buy. Students from lower income families can benefit from being able to get donated uniforms.


A man in a wheelchair getting into a car.

Agencies That Help Disabled People Get a Car?This is a page about agencies that help disabled people get a car. Advice to help people with disabilities find assistance.


Two wood dressers.

Organizations That Help Low Income Families Get Free Furniture?Buying furniture is an expensive undertaking. Families struggling on low incomes often are unable to buy or replace their furniture without some type of assistance. This is a page about organizations that assist low income families get free furniture.


A bowl of soup being handed to a hungry person.

Recipes for Feeding People at a Homeless ShelterHomeless shelters generously feed many people a day. Sometimes it can be hard to figure out what to cook for a large crowd. Check out these tips and recipes for feeding people at a soup kitchen.


Greeting Card

Donating Greeting Cards to St. Jude's Recycled Card ProgramUpdate: St. Jude's has discontinued this program due to a lack of demand and the difficulties in running the program. This page is about donating greeting cards to St. Jude's recycled card program.


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Donating Beautiful Old Greeting Cards?I have many beautiful greeting cards that I was too sentimental to dispose of. I just wondered where to donate them. There are lovely messages on them that would not bother me if read. Some are quite old and may become antiques some day.


Photo of a home that is in the process of being built.

Home Completion Help for Disabled Homeowner?Construction of a new home can be stalled or interrupted for a myriad of reasons. This page has advice for disabled homeowners who are in need of help completing construction on their home.


bolts of fabric

Finding Fabric Donations for Missions?If you are in need of a lot of fabric from your mission, getting the fabric donated will save you a lot of money. Asking around your local area is a good way of finding fabric donations for missions.


Rolls of colorful wrapping paper on a white background.

Donating Christmas Gift Wrapping to Charity?While there may be a few organizations that would appreciate a donation of wrapping paper, ribbon, bows, etc. one that rises to the top as a first choice is Toys for Tots. This is a page about donating Christmas wrapping to charity.


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Donating Slightly Defective Sportsbags in NYC?I have a sports bag business, and I have a large amount of bags (LOTS!) that are either defective or not to standard. They are pretty large bags, and could either be cannibalized for parts and fabric (zippers, shoulder straps, buckles, and Cordura-like polyester fabric), or repaired and redesigned into other sports gear.


Free Couch

Finding Free Furniture After a Fire?When a fire destroys your belongings, the cost of replacement can be overwelming. It can be a big help to find free furniture. This is a page about finding free furniture after a fire.


Home Demolition

Agencies That Help Senior Citizens Demolish Home After a Fire?Low income seniors may find it financially impossible to pay the costs of demolishing a home after a fire, particularly a mobile or modular one. This is a page about locating agencies that help senior citizens demolish a home after a fire.


Woman Donating Food at Food Pantry

Donating to Food PantriesDonating to food pantries is a great way to help others in need. It is a good idea to check with the organization to find out just what they need most. Food pantries also accept toiletries and other household items. This is a page about donating to food pantries.


A disabled man moving from his car into a wheelchair.

Agencies That Provide Cars to Disabled People?There are a number of ways that a disabled person may be able to find a free vehicle or programs that provide allowances that can be applied to buying or leasing a car. This is a page about agencies that provide cars to disabled people.


Donation box of clothing being held by a  man

Finding Free Clothing After a House Fire?This is a page about finding free clothing after a house fire. The first organization to contact, after a house fire, is the Red Cross. Other options for finding free clothing are craigslist, freecycle, and Your local church might also be helpful.


Soldier smiles while typing on a computer.

What Agencies Give Laptops to Veterans?This is a page about finding agencies that give laptops to veterans. There are numerous services that Veterans can utilize after they are out of the military. The best way to find out more information is to contact the Veterans Administration.


Older home in Florida being repaired

Applying for a Home Repair Grant in Florida?This is a page about applying for a home repair grant in Florida. In many areas, HUD offers a program to help repair your home, with an agreement that you live there a set amount of time afterwards. Here is some information to help you find out if this program is available where you live.


Variety of fabric hanging.

Donating Scrap Fabric in California?Many quilters and other crafters find that they have quite a stash of scrap fabric that they are unable to use. Finding and organization or charity to donate these supplies to gives them a second chance to be useful. This is a page about donating scrap fabric in California.


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Help With Getting Furniture While Unemployed?How can I get help with getting a three piece suite as I don't have one and I'm on one benefit JSA (unemployment) paid once every two weeks?


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Septic Tank Servicing Assistance for a Disabled Couple?Who can assist in pumping a septic tank for a minimal amount in Chatsworth Georgia?


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Finding Fabric Donations for Charity?We are a small group of volunteers working for Carers of Africa. We need 100 percent cotton material/cut pieces, satin ribbons 3/8 inches, and hotel soap to make sanitary items for young girls. Can someone please help with suggestions for finding donations?


A man in a wheelchair being pushed by his sun.

Organizations That Help Disabled People Get Furniture?A disability can leave you financially unable to meet the cost of new furniture. There are organizations that can assist disabled citizens get new and used furniture.


Finding Donated Fabric for Youth Training Program - teens using treadle sewing machines

Finding Donated Fabric for Youth Training Program?We are training youths who are school dropouts but we are limited with the fabric. Can someone help with suggestions on how to find some free fabric to equip the youths with tailoring skills.


Finding an Agency to Help with Free School Desks in Uganda - children at a long crowded desk

Finding an Agency to Help with Free School Desks in Uganda?We have a charity school in Uganda where we are providing students with free educational services, but we are having a problem with a lack of desks. They have to squeeze themselves like five people on one desk. I would like someone to help us with free desks so that we can create a conducive learning environment for them. Any suggestions?


Handing over the keys for a car.

Help Getting a Car for Low Income Families?Being without a car often exacerbates the problems already resulting from living on a low income. There are legitimate agencies that might be able to help, but be wary of dealers that cater to customers with bad credit. This page contains several suggestions for agencies to research.


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Donating Gift WrappingI would like to donate new all occasion gift bags, tissue, and ribbon to an organization. I live in Massachusetts.


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Giving Away Gift Ribbons?I was recently at a baby shower and the mom-to-be received close to 60 gifts. Saw so many beautiful ribbons and bows in pristine condition discarded. What charity might be able to use NON-Christmas ribbon if someone knows.


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Requesting Holiday Gift Wrapping Donations?I work for a non-profit, Youth Villages in North Carolina. For the past 12 years, we have supplied many children with Holiday gifts with our program, Holiday Heroes. With the help of donors, and program staff. We have fulfilled hundreds of children with holiday gifts. This year we are hoping to have a Holiday wrapping party with volunteers! Where should I look to have wrapping paper, boxes, tape, gift bags donated for the families?


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Shipping Donations?Does anyone know of any charities/Goodwill services that offers paid shipping labels to ship used goods for donations? Like clothes, shoes, socks, books, toys etc. Also looking to donate new underwear that has never been worn but did not come with tags?


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