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Help with Funeral/Cremation for Parents?Are there any programs that help with funeral/cremation. Parents killed in house fire, children survived on 10/15/2023 on Carlos Road in Williamsburg, IN. Just found out I was executor of their mother (my half sister's) will. There is insurance for the home, however both parents were disabled and no funds for anything else.


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Looking for Holiday Help In Florida?Hello, I am searching for help with Thanksgiving and Christmas. I am a great grandma raising 3 great grand kids. I am searching for a place that helps with Christmas and Thanksgiving dinner and also a few toys for my great grandkids. I live in Brandon, Florida. Thank you


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Shipping Donations?Does anyone know of any charities/Goodwill services that offers paid shipping labels to ship used goods for donations? Like clothes, shoes, socks, books, toys etc. Also looking to donate new underwear that has never been worn but did not come with tags?


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Finding Help After a House Fire?My house burnt to the ground two weeks ago. Devastating to know I lost everything I owned. Left with sandals and clothes on my back. Have no proof of identity, homeless, carless and jobless. Any one know of any help to rebuild


A house on fire while the firefighters are there.

Help After a House Fire?So yesterday on Thanksgiving, the house I was living in with a friends caught fire and is a complete total loss. Everything I had was there. I didn't own the house, my friend did. What do I do from here to get help with basic necessities and such? My friend has a lot going on I don't want to ask him. He just lost his home. He was letting me stay there to get out of an DV situation.


Requesting Holiday Gift Wrapping Donations?

Requesting Holiday Gift Wrapping Donations?I work for a non-profit, Youth Villages in North Carolina. For the past 12 years, we have supplied many children with Holiday gifts with our program, Holiday Heroes. With the help of donors, and program staff. We have fulfilled hundreds of children with holiday gifts. This year we are hoping to have a Holiday wrapping party with volunteers! Where should I look to have wrapping paper, boxes, tape, gift bags donated for the families?


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Help with Complete Replumbing of House?I need my whole house replumbed. I was given a $3000.00 estimate. I can not afford that. Is there any free help out there? Or maybe a class that needs the experience?


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How Can I Get Help With Rebuilding Our House?How can I get help with rebuilding our house and a place to stay until I finish rebuilding it? And now that I am homeless, I have also lost my job. Are there grants that can help with rebuilding and a place to stay? We have nothing and living in West Virginia in the start of winter is not the ideal position to be in. Please help if you will.


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Giving Away Gift Ribbons?I was recently at a baby shower and the mom-to-be received close to 60 gifts. Saw so many beautiful ribbons and bows in pristine condition discarded. What charity might be able to use NON-Christmas ribbon if someone knows.


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Finding Help After a Fire?I need help my house burned down and everything I own need help getting into a place can I get help


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Donating All Occasion Gift Bags, Tissue and Ribbon?I would like to donate new all occasion gift bags, tissue, and ribbon to an organization. I live in Massachusetts.


A dog on a carpet.

Funding for a New Emotional Support AnimalThis is a picture of my dog, Minnie. I had to have her put to sleep on 6/1/2020. She was 18 years old and was my emotional support animal. I'm living below poverty, but I need another dog for my mental health. I have a letter from a psychiatrist saying that I need an emotional support animal.


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Christmas HelpI live in South Central KY. I am a single mother of a 5 year old little girl. I am struggling financially due to being off work because of the COVID-19 Pandemic. I am still trying to get my unemployment but I have not been successful on reaching them. I am wondering if there are any resources out there that might be able to help me with getting her things for Christmas.


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Obtaining Fleece for Charity Project?How may I get fleece donated to make hats for needy children and the homeless. Our community service classes would like to make hats that require little sewing to keep people warm during the winter months.


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Finding Help with School Clothes?I have COPD plus heart failure. We have four grandkids and need help with clothes size, boy's teen 9th grade, 30 pants, shirts men's med, 3 girls, 10 and 12, 7 and 8.



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Finding a Free Refrigerator?Can someone please help? I haven't been able to find work with this whole pandemic situation. My refrigerator gave out, had to throw my groceries away, it went bad. Where can I find a free refrigerator? Unfortunately financially I have no money.


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Finding Help After a House FireHad a house fire, have now ran out of money The landlord is not finding a place for us; me, my husband, 2 dogs and 1 child. Please, we need help. What can we do? We ran out of money. It's been 5 months since the fire. Nowhere to go, going to be homeless in this heat.


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Finding Agencies that Provide Back to School Help?I am looking for suggestions for where to find back to school help. I live in a town that has almost nothing, two dollar stores and no resources. So does anyone know of anywhere I can find help with school clothes and supplies? I have a ten year old daughter and twin girls that are almost three.


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Finding a Free Laptop for a Student?I am attending the University of Phoenix right now. They do not offer a laptop for school. I'm trying to go to school on my phone and I'm having a really hard time. Can somebody please help me with suggestions for finding a laptop? I need one to work on my University of Phoenix online psychology course.


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Finding Help After a House Fire?My dear friend Michael lost his entire home in a fire. He has 3 children and no money due to the virus. He needs help with food and a place to stay temporarily. Where can he find help?


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Finding Free Beds for Low Income Families?Where can low income families get beds and mattress sets in the Washington DC area?


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Finding Help After a House Fire?Where can we receive assistance? We're being torn out of the motel at 11 today. My wife is 71 years old, disabled, and in bad health and we have two dogs. No one will help.


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Donating Campbell's Soup Labels?Can you tell me where I can send Campbell's soup labels please?


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Fabric Donations for Charity Projects?Since retiring I have found a new passion, making quilts for homeless children and abused women and children. I have used up all my fabric stash and would love to find places/persons that might be willing to donate fabric for this cause. I live on Social Security and cannot afford the fabric on my own.


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Donating Old Greeting Cards?Where can I donate old greeting cards near Minneapolis?


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Finding Help After a House Fire?A dear friend of mine had her house burn down. She has 5 children all very young and no money to speak of. Is there somewhere for her to get any help?


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Free Furniture Help?We are a low income family of 6 and need help with furniture for our home. Where can we go or get help or guidance?


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Donating Water Bottle Caps for Cancer?Where can I find someone who is accepting water caps for cancer? There was a friend's ex-wife who was doing it, but I was told no longer. Anyway I had my church friend helping me out in this area. My mom, one of my sons had died of cancer and I myself have cancer.


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Donating Gift Wrap and Bows?I have unopened quantity of Christmas gift wrap and bows I would like to donate to a charity. Will Toys for Tots take them? Any other ideas? How would I do this?


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Finding a Free Mattress?I am unable to work and have filed for disability; the wait is been long. I need a full size mattress as space is limited. I have been out of work and have no money.



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Agencies that Help Low Income Families Get Furniture?I need help getting some beds and furniture. I'm a single mother of 3 kids and I just moved to Georgia. I really need some beds for my 3 kids. I will sleep on the floor until I can do better.


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Georgia Christmas Charities?I live in Rome, Georgia and over the last two years I have been through some things and it has affected my health and my doctor wanted me to take it easy so with the pay from my job, it's not much money after I pay bills. So I was wanting to know who do I contact for a little help with Christmas this year. My neighbors said some places help, but they couldn't remember when they do start helping.


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Getting Free Fabric for Charity Projects?I am a Girl Scout working on a charity project. I need fleece fabric and because I am young I do not have an income. So how do I find free fleece?


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Finding Free Fabric?I'm an up and coming fashion designer and I'm looking for free fabric. My daughter was hit by a car in 2011; my life was so down. But then it's put me back into my fashion design pursuits. I'm ready to do what I like doing. I look at her and it gives me strength. She came so far. Right now we are on a fixed income and that's why I'm trying to see if I can get help. Any fabric will be fine.


Finding an Agency to Help with Free School Desks in Uganda - children at a long crowded desk

Finding an Agency to Help with Free School Desks in Uganda?We have a charity school in Uganda where we are providing students with free educational services, but we are having a problem with a lack of desks. They have to squeeze themselves like five people on one desk. I would like someone to help us with free desks so that we can create a conducive learning environment for them. Any suggestions?


Finding Donated Fabric for Youth Training Program - teens using treadle sewing machines

Finding Donated Fabric for Youth Training Program?We are training youths who are school dropouts but we are limited with the fabric. Can someone help with suggestions on how to find some free fabric to equip the youths with tailoring skills.


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Finding a Free Bed Frame?I need a bed frame for my room. My ex left me and my 2 young kids for another woman and I'm unable to get one right now. The one I have had for years is breaking down at the legs. I have a mattress.


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Agencies that Help After a House Fire?I lost everything in my house due to a fire. Where can I get help? I have no where to live.


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Finding Help with School Supplies?I'm new to the website and I'm just looking for help and helping the students and families at my school this year with school supplies, uniforms, and more.


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Help Getting School Clothes and Supplies?I'm a single mom now because of domestic violence on me. I had to start over with 5 kids that need clothes and shoes for school. I'm looking for work, but I'm too scared to go too far from home because of his family and friends threatening me. What can I do for help getting school clothing and supplies?


Finding Help Getting School Uniforms and Supplies

Finding Help Getting School Uniforms and Supplies?I'm a single father with an 8 year old son and I'm in need of help with getting him school uniforms and school supplies, so I wanted ask where do look to get the help that I need?


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Finding Help Getting School Clothing?My name is Amber I have a six-year-old daughter in first grade and an 11 year old son in 6th grade. I am trying to get help with getting both of them new school clothes. My daughter has to wear collared shirts, but any kind of pants. My son can wear any kind of shirt with any kind of pants.


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Finding Free Fabric?Where can I get free fabric?


Finding Free Furniture After a House Fire - damage

Finding Free Furniture After a House Fire?We are a low income, 2 parent household with 4 children. We recently went thru a house fire and lost everything. We are in need of beds for 4 kids and ourselves, as well. Are there any furniture stores that donate furniture?


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Finding a Place to Live After a House Fire?I need help finding a place to live. My house burned down and I don't know what else to do. Could you help me out please? I'm a single male. I have two cats that are 20 years old. I'm pretty easy-going and retired in Oakland if I could find some help.



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Finding Help Getting School Clothing and Supplies?I need help getting school clothes and supplies for my child. Where can I go?


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Finding Fabric Donations for Charity?We are a small group of volunteers working for Carers of Africa. We need 100 percent cotton material/cut pieces, satin ribbons 3/8 inches, and hotel soap to make sanitary items for young girls. Can someone please help with suggestions for finding donations?


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Heat Pump Replacement for Low Income Homeowner?I am low income and I need to repair or really replace my heat pump. I got help from my county in the winter months to repair it when they had the funds, but now in the summer they no longer have that program and won't have funds until Sept. or October. My heat pump needs to be replaced as I have no AC or heat now at all. The compressor locked up and the electrician is trying to find one, but the cost will be a lot and I need to get a new one as this one is over 25 years old and has surpassed its life. Does anyone know where else I can turn to get help with this? I am low income and live by myself. Any help would be appreciated!


Getting Help After a House Fire - burned trailer

Getting Help After a House Fire?I'm from Meridian, Mississippi. How do I get help, everything I had was in that fire, and I have no family at all. I don't even have a shirt. Will anyone help me rebuild my life, just a shirt would help. Thank you all.


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Finding Beds and Mattresses for Low Income Family?I'm disabled on SSI and SSD with 750$ monthly income with a family of 4. We moved into a home with bed bugs. The mattresses are infested now- family getting horribly bitten.


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Organizations That Help Low Income People Furnish an Apartment?I need plates and flatware and a small table w/two chairs. A bed was donated already. Standard cleaning supplies would be great too. I've been 3 years homeless since my condo was foreclosed after I lost my job and then became disabled. I'm still fighting for SSDI in federal court now.


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Finding Fabric Donation for Quilts for Kids?I am in search of donated kids' fabric. We make quilts for kids in hospital, needy families, etc.


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Additional Help After a House Fire?My family and I had a fire on 5/2/19 and we lost everything even a place to live. The Red Cross helped with some money for food and an outfit for each of us and a few nights at a motel. We have maybe a few days before we are out of money, but no place to live. We have been on the section 8 list for over 6 months and are # 51. So we thought they would help with emergency housing, but no.


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Finding Help After a Home Fire?My mobile home burned down. I was without insurance. Are there resources to help me recover? I live in California.


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Finding Assistance After a House Fire?We just lost our home to a house fire. My daughter, granddaughter, myself, and our 3 dogs are now homeless with no car and no money. We live off my disability check and some public assistance. I'm going thru a domestic violence situation as well.


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Donating Fabric?I have a lot of fabric that I would like to donate.


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Donating Fabric to Charity?I have literally hundreds of yards of fabric that I would like to donate. The fabrics vary and include cottons, denim, corduroy, knits, etc. I live in Colorado.


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Donating Furniture?I need to give away my studio apt furniture. I am moving out of state and need to leave asap. I live in Madison Ct 06443.


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Donating Old Greeting Cards?Dhere can I send old greeting cards in Dayton Ohio?


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Finding Free Furniture?I need help to get a bed and furniture. I was homeless, but saved all my money and got a one bedroom apt.


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Donating Greeting Cards?I have used greeting cards to send to someone who can put them to good use for projects, etc.


Finding Donated Fabric for Charity Project

Finding Donated Fabric for Charity Project?Utah Youth Village, a charity that takes care of troubled foster children, has a tradition of giving each graduate a handmade quilt. We have found an organization who wants to make the quilts, we just need fabric. Any ideas?


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Finding Help After a House Fire?My house burned down to the ground. I'm a student attending school at the American Conservatory Theater, a single parent of 3, and currently 4 months pregnant. I'm now homeless, hungry, and only have the clothes on my back. Can anyone please advise where I can find help?


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Donating Used Stuffed Animals?I have a closet full of stuffed animals I've had for a long time. I'm too old to play with them, and this Christmas, I want to give them to kids who would play with them and enjoy them. Anyone know any places I could donate used stuffed animals to around central Ohio?


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Agencies That Provide Furniture Vouchers in Ohio?I had been homeless for 16 mos. I finally found a place to live a couple of weeks ago. I'm 60 yrs old and I don't have one piece of furniture. I need a couch, end tables, a kitchen table and chairs. How would I be able to get a furniture voucher? I live in Blaine, Ohio.


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Septic Tank Servicing Assistance for a Disabled Couple?Who can assist in pumping a septic tank for a minimal amount in Chatsworth Georgia?


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Donating Plastic Canvas and Other Craft Supplies?Can you recommend a place to donate plastic canvas sheets? I have over 100. I no longer pursue this hobby. I have many other supplies if any interest.


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Arizona Christmas Help 2018?I am in need of help this Christmas holiday for my 8 year old son, 2 year old son, and 1 year old daughter. We are currently unemployed, homeless, and staying with family. I've looked up Toys for Tots, Angel Tree, and The Salvation army.


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Help With Getting Furniture While Unemployed?How can I get help with getting a three piece suite as I don't have one and I'm on one benefit JSA (unemployment) paid once every two weeks?


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Finding Free Yarn and Crochet Supplies for Charity Projects?Where I can apply to get help with crochet hooks and yarn? I am interested fabric cutters, scissors, etc. My daughter and I make hats, decorative and non for chemo patients at local hospitals as well as for new babies and moms. We also make holiday stuff, blankets, toys, etc.


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Assistance with School Clothes for Low Income Families?I'm a single mom with 4 kids in school. I'm unable to buy school clothes for my kids. Recovering brain tumor has been really hard on me and the kids. We leave in Perth Amboy-NJ. I'm unemployed. Where can I find help to get school clothes?


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Donating Fabric?Where can I donate unwanted fabric that you can make something out of? I live in Martinsburg, West Virginia.


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Getting Assistance After a House Fire?We lost everything in a house fire on June 1st. Insurance still hasn't paid. My daughter is getting ready to steer back to school for her senior year. She needs clothes and a laptop for online classes. Any suggestions?


Finding Fabric Donations for Charity Quilting Project - quilts

Finding Fabric Donations for Charity Quilting Project?I have been making quilts for the Quilts for Kids organization for the past year. I would like to find fabric donations so that can continue making these quilts and NICU gowns. Any help is deeply appreciated.


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Free Computers for Senior Citizens?Where can a senior citizen get a free computer?


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Finding Donations of Fleece for Charity Project?I'm from a church where our ladies are making fleece blankets to donate to hospitals and shelters, etc. and we are looking for donations of fleece asap. We are located in southern Michigan. Does anyone have suggestions on who we can ask and where we can look?


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Finding Assistance After a House Fire?My son's dad and grandmother's house just burnt down and they need financial assistance to get a room for a couple days until they can get in somewhere, are there any agencies or churches that will help?


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Donating Un-used Greeting Cards?I had a member of my family that worked for a greeting card company and received many cards that were never sold. I now have many cards that I would love to give away. I just don't know who to give them to. Any help would be needed, I get more every few months.


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Donating Fabric?I have a lot of fabric, mostly 100% cotton, that I am looking to donate. I live in the central area of New Jersey. Are there any donation centers you would recommend?


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Free Laptop for a Disabled College Student?I am in desperate need of help and any assistance available. I have been living at a battered women's shelter with my three children. I have a very old laptop and have been using it for the past month with this new job. The only problem is that it's missing 3 keys and is extremely slow.


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South African Agencies That Help After a House Fire?My house was burnt to ashes last September and it was not insured. I lost everything except the lives of my kids. I have nothing and I need help to rebuilt it. I am in South Africa, Free State in the city of Welkom.


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Donating Used Greeting Cards?I would like to send used greeting cards that I have saved for many years to an organization that can use them. My husband and I are downsizing and I don't just want to toss them out.


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Finding Free Clothing After a House Fire?How can I get men's clothes for free? I lost everything in a fire.


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Donating Fabric?I have some machine washable wool fabric. Where can I donate it?


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Finding a Free Laptop for Students?I am looking for a free laptop for my engineering studies. Can you give me any advice please?


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Agencies That Help After a House Fire?My home was destroyed, because of a house fire. Where can I find financial assistance?


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Applying for a Home Repair Grant in Florida?What is the name of the organization that repairs homes without charge, but requires owner to live there 5 years in North Florida?


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Donating Fabric Scraps?I have a lot of scrap fabric that I am looking to get rid of, it is anything from scraps to 1/4 yard pieces. They would make great quilting pieces. I'm just not a quilter.


Donating Stuffed Pillows - several pillow forms

Donating Stuffed Pillows?Where can I donate about 4 boxes of uncovered stuffed pillows? The sizes are 15x15 and 12x12. See attached photos.


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Agencies That Help Senior Citizens Demolish Home After a Fire?My 92 year old granny is in need of help with tearing down and removing her modular home. It burnt to the ground back in May and they issued a warrant for her arrest. Are there any agencies in Arizona that might help with this?


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Help Getting a Car for Low Income Senior Citizen?My mother has been here in Atlanta, with me since September. She lives in rural Georgia, where there is no public transportation and she lives 7 miles from any stores or anything. She has been on disability since 2004 due to an injury. She gets $732 a month from Social Security.


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Agencies that Help After a Fire?I am a single male, aged 35 with a small dog. I lost my mobile home to a fire. I had no insurance and lost everything. I also just lost my job.


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Donating Used Greeting Cards?Where can I donate used greeting cards?


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Donating Fabric to Charity?I live in Rhode Island and have hundreds of pounds of fabric in perfect condition. My mother collected it for the last 50 years. The pieces are at least a yard and up to 30. There are all types, mostly cotton. Any ideas of who could use it? They would need to pick it up in Cranston RI.


Finding a Place to Stay After a House Fire - kitchen after fire

Finding a Place to Stay After a House Fire?My kitchen caught fire and now the insurance company says that we can't live there for three to four months and that they don't cover our lodging. We desperately need help. We are in a hotel for now, but our money is running out and we'll be homeless tomorrow at 11:00 am.


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Finding Help After a House Fire?My sister-in-law was a victim of a house fire the other day. She lost everything. Unfortunately the house did not have insurance, so what are their other options for help as far as clothes, etc.? They literally lost everything.


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Donating Slightly Defective Sportsbags in NYC?I have a sports bag business, and I have a large amount of bags (LOTS!) that are either defective or not to standard. They are pretty large bags, and could either be cannibalized for parts and fabric (zippers, shoulder straps, buckles, and Cordura-like polyester fabric), or repaired and redesigned into other sports gear.


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Donating Stuffed Animals?I have a lot of stuffed animals and would love to bless children that are in need. I live in Louisville, KY. Anyone know of a place?


Inexpensive Breakfast Ideas for 200 Homeless People

Inexpensive Breakfast Ideas for 200 Homeless People?How can I feed about 200 homeless people breakfast on a budget?


Donating Stuffed Animals - stuffed dog

Donating Stuffed Animals?Does anyone know where I can donate gently used stuffed animals in Columbus, Ohio?


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Finding Fabric Donations for Missions?I attend a church in West Hartford, CT. We are in desperate need to attain fabric for our mission opportunities and a question regarding who may be a provider for tax deductible options as well.


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Donating Scrap Fabric in California?Looking for a non-profit to donate scrap fabric on an ongoing basis near Culver City California, 90232.


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Donating Fabric to Charity?I have a large amount of various fabrics and remnants that I'd like to donate in Massachusetts. Does anyone know a worthy charity that could make use of it?


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Donating Fabric?I'm the caregiver for my mom who has dementia. She was a seamstress and has a lot of fabric. I have 27 bins of fabric mostly cut into 3 yard pieces. How do I donate it?


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Finding Fleece Donations for Charity Project?My name is Jessica and I am working on my Silver Award for Girl Scouts and I am wanting to make fleece blankets for Children's hospital. I was wondering how to get some fleece donations for my project?


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Finding Fabric Donations for Shelter Pet Toys?I'm looking for leftover fabric scraps or clippings to create animal shelter toys with my students. Where can I start? Where can we go to find those donations?


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Finding a Organization to Help Get a Mattress?My son and I are in desperate need of mattresses, mine more so. I'm currently sleeping on a 27 year old king size that was in the house when we moved here 5 years ago. I have tried loans and credit desperately trying to get some. Does anyone know of any charities or organisations that could help?


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Finding Fabric for Charity Project?I am looking for donations of black velvet fabric to make award pillows for MN Special Olympics. Any suggestions?


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Finding Donated Fabric for Charity Events?I am currently looking for donated fabric or discounted fabric to use for charity projects such as the Snuggles Project - no-sew fleece blankets for animal shelters, Project Linus - blankets for children in crisis, and Capes for Kids where we create capes to donate to children in shelters and hospitals.


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Ingredients Quantities for Chicken Stew for 1000?We're planning on making chicken stew for 1,000 homeless people. We were thinking of buying chicken braai (Afrikaans for grilled meat) packs, packets of mixed veggies, potatoes, and brown onion soup. Any idea on the ingredients to use and what quantities?


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Donating Fabric?Is there a place I can donate fabric in the Portland, Oregon area?


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Donating Fabric?I recently got this prom dress that I had ordered online, but as a result the tail of my dress had way too much fabric and was way too heavy to even walk with. I was thinking of cutting off some of the unnecessary fabric and donating it somewhere, but I live in the Bronx and I can't think of any places.


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Finding Free Laptops for Students?I need a free laptop for school. Where can I find help?


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Help for Homeless House Fire Victim?I am a house fire victim in Massachusetts and currently homeless in Connecticut. Do either of these states offer any help?


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Donating Beautiful Old Greeting Cards?I have many beautiful greeting cards that I was too sentimental to dispose of. I just wondered where to donate them. There are lovely messages on them that would not bother me if read. Some are quite old and may become antiques some day.


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Donating Sewing Fabric?I have fabric that I would like to give to someone in the S.F. Bay area. I am sure someone or a group could use it.


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Finding a Free Bed?I had to throw my bed out; it was infested with bed bugs. My apartment has been fumigated and bombed 4 weeks in a row the bugs are gone, but I am sleeping on the floor. The Salvation Army cannot help, Catholic Charities does not give vouchers any more, and I am on a fixed income.


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Inexpensive Meal Ideas for a Homeless Mission?My church feeds a homeless mission in our area. We are small and money is tight. I need some ideas on how we can feed between 50-60 men once a month.


Assistance After a House Fire

Assistance After a House Fire?I need to know if there are any programs to help us with a new apartment or house, and clothing, etc. We lost everything in a house fire.


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Finding Free Furniture?My children and I have lost everything and are now restarting. How do I go about finding out if I can get help getting furniture or if someone is giving anything away?


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Donating Scrap Fabric?I'm clearing up my sewing room and I have some fabric that I like to donate. I live in the Austin, Texas area and would like to find a charitible organization group where I can donate my fabric.


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Donating Christmas Wrappings to Charity?I inherited at least 4 shopping bags filled with Christmas ribbon, pre-made bows, gift boxes, all in great condition. I'd like to donate it to an organization with a little budget and a lot of holiday gifts to wrap. Ideas?


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Agencies That Provide Cars to Disabled People?I was jogging and got struck by an uninsured drunk driver. That was 10 years ago and I am recovering and wanted to ask if there is a place that helps people that are disabled get a vehicle to drive? I am not asking for a handout. It would be easier if I had a car.


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Yarn and Crochet Needle Donation for School?I am a teacher at Alexander Hamilton Elementary, an inner city school, in Baltimore Maryland. I am starting a crochet class for my students. I am in need of donations of yarn and needles. Learning crochet will help students cope with adversities in their lives.


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Donation for Quilting Material to Sew for Charity?I am looking for any quilting material donations. I am sewing quilts for sick kids that have cancer or autism and lap blankets for the vets and elderly as well. Where can I get donations? Any suggestions?


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Assistance After a House Fire?What do you do if someone one burns down your house and you don't have insurance and you have lots of items in it? I live in Cleveland Ohio.


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