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New Plantings and Garden Flowers - pink flowering mountain laurel

New Plantings and Garden FlowersLast year my grandson and I cut down several forsythia shrubs along the northern edge of the side yard. The stumps still need to dealt with. This year I have focused on planting two lilac bushes further into the yard to ultimately help reestablish a green border between my yard and my neighbor's. There will also be a native mock orange placed along this same line, soon.


New Retaining Wall and Early Plantings - stacked wall above the original poured wall

Building a Retaining WallAdding a retaining wall to a steeply sloping yard can not only make landscaping easier, but also increase the plantable garden space. Here are some photos of the new stacked retaining wall and early plantings.


How to Bring Light Into Shady Garden Spaces

How to Bring Light Into Shady Garden SpacesThis page offers several useful tips for adding light to a shady garden space, including the choice of plants, addition of mirrors, lights, and more. Try one or more in a shady area of your garden to create a lighter feel.


Bricks being used as a tree ring.

Using Bricks as Tree RingThere are many options available for creating a tree ring. Rather than the curved stone cinder block material or decorative rocks, try clay bricks. You may find that they are less expensive and give you a look that you prefer for you garden.


Bamboo Garden Gate - bamboo covered metal garden gate

DIY Bamboo Garden GateThis page contains the instructions for adding a bamboo finish to a weathered chain link style gate. This is a great way to reuse and enhance an existing garden gate.


A backyard with a very small lawn.

Advice for Small LawnsSmall lawns may actually need more consideration when it comes to landscaping. Too many plantings can make them look cluttered. This page contains advice for working with small lawns.


Gravel garden path with colorful flowers on each side.

Making an Easy Gravel Garden PathThis is a page about making an easy gravel garden path. Laying out and constructing a gravel garden path is easier than you might think.


Well Designed Garden

Finding Your Garden Design StyleDo you prefer manicured, formal, orderly gardens or more naturalized or even haphazard ones? When planning your garden you can research the various designs and find one the suits your tastes and complements your home. This is a page about finding your garden design style.


A man with a thinking bubble by his head.

Making Stepping Stones Without Concrete?Stepping stones do not have to be made from molded concrete. Consider using flat stones, bricks, and other suitable materials. This is a page about making stepping stones without concrete.


A stone garden path surrounded by lavender.

Designing the Perfect Garden PathA well designed and constructed garden path serves multiple purposes. It can add beauty to your landscaping, divide up areas of your garden, as well as, give you a nice dry place to walk in wet rainy weather. This is a page about designing the perfect garden path.


Hiding An Ugly Foundation Wall

Hiding an Ugly Foundation WallThis is a page about hiding an ugly foundation wall. The foundation of your home is probably not the most attractive aspect of the building. One way to hide it is with plantings.


Bright Orange plastic mesh snow fence in a field of snow

Conserve Water With A Snow FenceThis is a page about conserve water with a snow fence. If you live where there is lots of snow and wind you may save water with a man-made or living snow fence.


coral bell foliage

Choosing Foliage PlantsThis is a page about choosing foliage plants . There are beautiful plants that can add color variation to your garden landscaping with just with their leaves.


curved flower beds

Shaping Flower BedsThis is a page about shaping flower beds. When landscaping your yard it is often more attractive to add curves to your flower beds.


sunken garden beds

Sunken Beds for Arid ClimatesThis is a page about sunken beds for arid climates. Below grade garden beds are designed to capture maximum rainfall and retain moisture to keep roots cooler. Below grade walls also cast a small amount of shade in hot, dry conditions.



cedar hedge with red leaf maples above

Planting a Cedar Hedge?This is a page about planting a cedar hedge. A cedar hedge is easy to grow and maintain. It also is a very effective privacy hedge and helps define small space gardens.


Barefoot Friendly Landscape Material

Barefoot Friendly Landscape Material?This is a page about barefoot friendly landscape material. For those that love to go barefoot in their yards, only certain landscaping materials will do.


Square Foot Gardening

The Basics of Square Foot GardeningThis is a page about the basics of square foot gardening. A method of gardening that is less time consuming, less physically demanding, and uses less space and water.


Garden Border

Garden Border IdeasThere are a variety of simple ways to define your garden and lawn borders. This page is about garden border ideas.


Shady Woodland Garden

Creating a Shady Woodland Garden?This page is about creating a shady woodland garden. Planting trees and shrubs can help you create a sheltered garden space.


Desert Landscaping

Desert Landscaping IdeasThis is a page about desert landscaping ideas. A great way for homeowners, in arid climates, to have attractive, low maintenance gardens is to use native plants or other plants well suited to a desert environment.


Nice landscaping around a black mailbox.

Landscaping Around Your MailboxThis page is about landscaping around your mailbox. Planting around your mailbox isn't a necessity, but when done well, it can visually change the overall look of your yard for the better.


A solar light in a garden.

Adding Lighting to Your GardenThis is a page about adding lighting to your garden. Garden lighting can be used to illuminate a path, spotlight a special plant, or add seasonal interest.


House with beautiful tree placement.

Tree Placement TipsThis page is about tree placement tips. Where trees are planted in your yard can make a big difference in how it looks, shade issues, and the ease of yard maintenance.


A home with bright green lawn surrounded by beautiful flower beds.

Adding Points of Interest to LawnsThis is a page about adding points of interest to lawns. While a well manicured lawn can be beautiful in its own right, sometimes the addition of points of interest, such as mass plantings, make for an even more striking landscape.


A woman planting a natural garden.

Cultivating a Natural GardenThis page is about cultivating a natural garden. Planning a garden that works with nature will use native flora and generally requires less upkeep.


Ground Cover Ideas for Hillsides

Ground Cover Ideas for Hillsides?This page contains ground cover ideas for hillsides. Finding the best kind of plant for a particular situation can be a challenge.


Privacy Hedge

Growing a Privacy HedgeThis is a page about growing a privacy hedge. A privacy hedge is a natural alternative to the typical fence, to mark the boundary between homes.


Replacing Your Lawn With Plants

Replacing Your Lawn With Plants?This page is about replacing your lawn with plants. Having to regularly maintain a lawn is not the yard that everyone desires.


Ornamental Border

Planting Ornamental BordersThis page is about planting ornamental borders. The combination of shrubs, perennials and annual plants can provide lots of color during the growing season.



Ligularia "Tractor Seat Plant"

Growing a "Tractor Seat Plant" (Ligularia)?This Australian native is also known as the tractor seat plant, Ligularia is grown for its attractive foliage. This page contains information about growing a "tractor seat plant" (Ligularia).


Creeping Phlox (Phlox Sublata)

Fast Growing Ground Cover Ideas?This is a page about fast growing ground cover ideas. For areas that aren't suitable for grass or as an alternative to a lawn there are a variety of ground covers that will complete your landscaping and add color and texture to your garden.


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Growing Lomandra longifolia (Dwarf Mat Rush)?This is a page about Lomandra longifolia (dwarf mat rush). This clumping ornamental grass may be just what you need for a focal point in an area of your garden.


Ground Cover Between Stones

Growing Ground Cover Between Stones and Bricks?This is a page about growing ground cover between stones or bricks. Planting low growing or stepable ground cover between your garden path stones helps to create a lush woodsy atmosphere.


A house for sale with nice landscaping.

Landscaping to Sell Your HomeThis is a page about landscaping to sell your home. When selling your home it is often recommended that you do some landscaping to add curb appeal.


Landscaping done by a professional landscaper.

How To Hire a LandscaperThis is a page about how to hire a landscaper. Choosing the right landscaper can provide you with a beautiful yard and garden and few if any problems.


house with nice plants

Choosing Plants for "Curb Appeal"?This page is about choosing plants for "curb appeal". When landscaping around your sidewalk and driveway you want to choose plants that look good.


Decorative Drainage System

Creating a Decorative Drainage SystemThis page is about creating a decorative drainage system. Proper drainage is an important consideration in your landscaping and can be very attractive.


View of stairs and plants on deck

DeckScaping Tips and TricksThis is a page about deckscaping tips and tricks. Whether you have a deck in addition to a garden area or only a deck, creating a pleasing deckscape is as exciting and rewarding as landscaping.


A old wheelbarrow used as a planter.

Frugal Landscaping TipsThis is a page about frugal landscaping tips. You don't have to spend a fortune to landscape your yard.


Planting Near Septic System

Planting Trees and Shrubs Near a Septic System?This page is about planting trees and shrubs near a septic system. It is important to know the location of your septic tank and drain field when planning your yard.


front loader

Leveling a Sloped Yard?This is a page about leveling a sloped yard. A sloping yard may make that space unusable or create drainage or other problems.


Island Garden Bed

Designing an Island Garden BedThis is a page about designing an island garden bed. An island garden bed can be the showcase of your yard, but because of its 360 degree visibility it may required some careful planning.


Landscape edging between the garden and the lawn.

Creative Ideas For Landscape BordersThis page is contains creative ideas for landscape borders. Choosing the perfect edging for your yard can make lawn care easier.


Spring English Garden

A Spring English Garden (Santa Barbara, CA)We saw many small gardens in front of houses while recently in England, and they were colorful and beautiful. We designed this garden patch of ours on a small piece of our back yard, hoping to "catch" some of that English beauty.



growing plants in rock walls

Growing Plants in Rock Walls?This is a page about growing plants in rock walls. Adding plants to your rock wall can create a beautiful, cascading effect.


Moss on a rock wall.

Growing Moss on RocksThis is a page about growing moss on rocks. Moss covered rocks lend a sense of age and earthiness to your garden.


Garden Path Concrete Tiles

Garden Path IdeasThis is a page about garden path ideas. Not only practical, a garden path can enhance the overall appearance of your garden.


Using Railroad Ties in Landscaping, Stack of Railroad Ties

Using Railroad Ties in LandscapingThis is a page about using railroad ties in landscaping. Railroad ties have commonly been used in landscaping but there are health concerns to consider. Do your research before using creosote treated lumber.


Landscaping Design Tips, landscaped yard

Landscaping Design TipsThis is a page about landscaping design tips. Landscaping can help create a beautiful oasis around your home and in your own backyard. Well planned do it yourself landscape design can save time, money and help you realize your landscaping goals.


Lanscaping around a swimming pool.

Landscaping Around Swimming PoolsThis is a page about landscaping around swimming pools. Landscaping around your pool can help create a beautiful escape in your own backyard. It can also provide shade to help cool you off.


Child's hand picking an English daisy in the lawn.

Alternatives to Having a LawnThis is a page about alternatives to having a lawn. For some of us the uniform expanse of a green lawn is not the look we desire. There are any number of landscaping alternatives to having a lawn.


Closeup of hen and chicks.

Choosing the Right GroundcoverThis is a page about choosing the right groundcover. Planting an area with a ground cover can be a good solution to weeds and problem garden locations. Once you have decided to add ground covers to your landscape the next step is to choose the right one for each area.


View of garden from the top of the stairs.

Help with Front Garden Bed Design?We're in desperate need of some assistance with our planting design. We have a tiny garden space (so small that it can't be described as a 'front garden') that is shared with our neighbours, a duplex nextdoor.


Partly shaded small front garden with bird bath

Garden: Front Yard FlowerbedThis was a mother and daughter project last spring. I chose big plants, and my little girl Haley Beth helped me set the plants. We decided to match our garden to the colors of our house. We have a red roof, with clay colored siding.


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Redoing Foundation Plantings?I need to re-do the foundation plantings in front of my 1924 vintage home. I watch the "Curb Appeal" shows and we are going to put our home on the market next year. I can hire young men to help me, but will need to have a good solid plan in place.


Keeping a White Rock Garden Clean?I have a white rock garden in my front yard. Does anyone have a suggestion on how to protect the stones to keep them white through the fall, winter, and early spring? Aside from shoveling the rocks in a tote bin and bringing them into the house.


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Ideas for Landscaping a Steep Hill?Does anyone have any tips/advice for landscaping a steep wide hill in a backyard? Thanks!


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Landscaping Around a Stone Patio?I would like some ideas for how to landscape around a stone patio.


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Unique Strap On Sod Cutter?Have any of you seen or created some sort of sod cutter that straps in some way onto a shoe? Let me explain. I've read that one of the best ways to create a short pathway in the garden is by digging up small sections of sod and filling these in directly with concrete.


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Retro Landscape Ideas?I am looking for retro 50's or 60's landscape ideas.


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Drainage Problems in My Back Yard?I have a retaining wall in my back yard because my yard is a few inches higher that the house level. This is my first winter in this house. In a corner of my yard is a low spot. Due to the retaining wall the water cannot drain.


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Making Yard More Interesting?We have a very plain back yard. Nothing special. One rusted tool shed, one old swing set with pots of thyme underneath, and one gas BBQ grill on the patio with a cracked concrete floor - no awning. Also there is one small vegetable garden on the opposite side of the yard, a couple of nondescript bushes, one half dead pine tree and one crape myrtle.


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Arrange Plants By Height When LandscapingWhen planting perennials around buildings, pools, decks, etc., always place the taller of the plants towards the rear where they will display their beauty against the object such as the deck, a stone wall, etc.


Improving My Front Yard?My front yard planting area has a western exposure and has to handle the hot Florida sun from about noon until sunset. Besides that, one side gets loads of rain and the other side stays dry as a bone. I HATE to garden. Can anyone give me some suggestions that will make it look acceptable?


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Increase the Value of your Home for PenniesWe couldn't afford to repaint our coral pink Tucson, AZ manufactured home. And the leased lot was landscaped with large rock we couldn't even walk across without twisting an ankle.


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