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Using Sawdust as Base for a Stone Walkway?I had 3 stumps ground down which left a lot of sawdust in the side of my house. My plan was to make a stone walkway and I do not want to grow grass or plant anything. Can I leave the sawdust as a base and put decorative stone and pavers on top of the sawdust?


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Affordable and Low-maintenance Landscape for Mobile Home in a Park?Any ideas for low-cost, low-maintenance yard treatment for senior mobile home park residence? Wood chips are old and ugly. It must be affordable. We are two seniors, neither good at yard work.


driveway and grassy area

Inexpensive Curb Appeal Ideas?Here is what the front of my house looks like. There is a trailer back there that no one can see (behind the camper and vehicles). So everyone thinks that my drive is the neighbor's drive and parks in our driveway....


Garden photo.

Garden Border Ideas?Please tell me how to re-edge our garden?


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Planting a Garden Path Border?I would love to someday have a beautiful garden with walkways, water features, and more. I was wondering if I could 1/2 bury recycled tin cans to use as planters as well as a garden path border. My question is would they last.


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Cheap Desert Landscaping Ideas?I just purchased a home with a large back yard and pretty good size front yard. Both are in bad shape with grass in poor condition, weeds and more weeds, bare spots, areas the sprinklers don't cover, areas in total shade and areas in hot beating sun.


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Growing Moss on Rocks?How do you grow moss on a rock? Where does it get its nutrients from?


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Landscaping for Curb Appeal?We live in a cul-de-sac, in south Louisiana. We are looking to sell our home and want to landscape to improve the look. Our house has a red brick sack rub finish exterior. It's actually a really pretty house with three columns in front.


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Grouping Hosta Varieties in the Garden?Is a raspberry splash too tall to plant in front of a hosta Francee?


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Leveling an Area of the Yard?I want to level a 10 by 12 foot area in my back yard. It has some tree roots and it has a slope. How do I begin to level it?


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Growing Moss on Clay Pots?I'm going to try your recipe for growing moss on clay pots, but have a few questions.


View of garden from the top of the stairs.

Help with Front Garden Bed Design?We're in desperate need of some assistance with our planting design. We have a tiny garden space (so small that it can't be described as a 'front garden') that is shared with our neighbours, a duplex nextdoor.


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Landscaping a Treeless Yard?I have no trees in my yard yet I long for the lush, woodsy look. Any ideas of how I can achieve this? I'm 62 so I don't have time to wait on trees to grow!


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Redoing Foundation Plantings?I need to re-do the foundation plantings in front of my 1924 vintage home. I watch the "Curb Appeal" shows and we are going to put our home on the market next year. I can hire young men to help me, but will need to have a good solid plan in place.


Keeping a White Rock Garden Clean?I have a white rock garden in my front yard. Does anyone have a suggestion on how to protect the stones to keep them white through the fall, winter, and early spring? Aside from shoveling the rocks in a tote bin and bringing them into the house.



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Ideas for Landscaping a Steep Hill?Does anyone have any tips/advice for landscaping a steep wide hill in a backyard? Thanks!


Flowering Plants for Garden Walkways?This is the start of my new walkway.The concrete squares will be staggered. I'd like to plant tiny flowers or something that has runners with some color where the new soil will be. Any suggestions? Izzy Bella (former Keeper's new puppy entry) loves to be outside and into everything.


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Landscaping for Seasonal Color?I have just bought a new house with no landscaping. I would like some tips on planting some flowers and trees. I would like some colorful things throughout the seasons. Any ideas appreciated.


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Landscaping Around a Stone Patio?I would like some ideas for how to landscape around a stone patio.


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Unique Strap On Sod Cutter?Have any of you seen or created some sort of sod cutter that straps in some way onto a shoe? Let me explain. I've read that one of the best ways to create a short pathway in the garden is by digging up small sections of sod and filling these in directly with concrete.


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Using Wine Bottles in Landscaping as a Border?I saw an article with pictures many years ago in Architectural Digest with cut off wine bottles of all sizes and colors. They were placed upside down, making a row. Has anyone seen this design and can help me to do this on my horseshoe driveway.


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Barefoot Friendly Landscape Material?I'm looking for barefoot friendly landscape material for the landing at bottom of my deck steps. I live in the country and love to go barefoot. The landing at my steps have gotten worn down and is now muddy. Thanks for all suggestions.


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Turning Grass Yard into Shaded Woodland?How can I transition a 1.5 acre lawn planted in grass and a few trees into a more shaded woodland or garden look without spending a fortune. The septic drain field is front and center.


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Inexpensive Desert Landscape Ideas?I am looking for inexpensive desert landscape ideas.


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Retro Landscape Ideas?I am looking for retro 50's or 60's landscape ideas.


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Drainage Problems in My Back Yard?I have a retaining wall in my back yard because my yard is a few inches higher that the house level. This is my first winter in this house. In a corner of my yard is a low spot. Due to the retaining wall the water cannot drain.


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Making Yard More Interesting?We have a very plain back yard. Nothing special. One rusted tool shed, one old swing set with pots of thyme underneath, and one gas BBQ grill on the patio with a cracked concrete floor - no awning. Also there is one small vegetable garden on the opposite side of the yard, a couple of nondescript bushes, one half dead pine tree and one crape myrtle.


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Leveling A Sloped Yard?How can I level my sloped front yard? Right now it is unusable space.


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Landscaping Ideas with Recycled Clay Roof Tiles?I want to recycle quite a lot of clay roof tiles for use in my landscape. Any ideas?


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Inexpensive Landscape Fabric?I have no money for landscaping. What can I use for landscape fabric? My husband and I put down landscape fabric in our yard last year, but we are no longer together and I cannot afford to buy anything for the yard. Does anybody have any suggestions of what I can use that is "dirt" cheap instead of expensive landscape fabric?



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Controlling "Snow on the Mountain" Ground Cover?I purchased a home that was professionally landscaped about 18 years ago but the previous owners did not maintain the beds. A ground cover called "Snow on the Mountain" was used in the largest bed and has taken over.


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Broken Glass in Gravel?My yard was vandalized and the glass gazing ball shattered all over the gravel. Short of replacing the gravel, how do I remove the broken glass from the gravel?


Improving My Front Yard?My front yard planting area has a western exposure and has to handle the hot Florida sun from about noon until sunset. Besides that, one side gets loads of rain and the other side stays dry as a bone. I HATE to garden. Can anyone give me some suggestions that will make it look acceptable?


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