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Removing Salt Stains on Suede Boots?My suede boots are a very bright and light blue color. How do I use vinegar to remove salt, but not to discolor my boots?


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Cleaning a Rayon Acetate Dress?I picked up a dress at a thrift store that's 50% rayon and 50% acetate. How do I clean it without dry cleaning? Can I machine wash this in cold water?


Tree sap on shoe.

Removing Tree Sap from Shoes?How do you get sap off your shoes? They are Sperrys.


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Removing Dusty Smell from a Crocheted Robe?There is a dusty smell in a recycled sweater-like robe I bought at the thrift store. I have washed it, but let it air dry. It is like a crocheted sweater type material that probably would not do well in the dryer.


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Removing Beer Stains from Shoes?I have a pair of blue mesh shoes and a beer was turned over on them. I've used a every mild solution, but nothing seems to be working; is there anything else I can possibly use to remove this stain cause I love these shoes?


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Whitening Dyed Shirts?I dyed white cotton shirts a pale green. How do I get them back to pure white?


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Bleaching Red Embroidery on Wedding Dress?My sister-in-law gave me her gorgeous wedding dress to wear and I love it, the only problem is it has dark red embroidery and my future hubby and I do not want red of any sort in the wedding. Can a dry cleaner bleach out the embroidery to make it white? The fabric is 100% polyester as is the lining.


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Removing Foot Odor from Shoes?How do I remove foot odor from shoes?


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Cleaning Salt Off Suede Boots?How to clean road salt from suede boots?


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Cleaning a Dry Clean Only Down Coat?I have a nylon jacket that's dry clean only, oh and it's down. I thought I'd wash it with gentle soap and hang dry and then after put it in dryer to fluff.


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Removing Duct Tape Residue on Jacket?I have a pink winter jacket. I took off the duct tape, but I noticed a lot of residue. How do I remove it?


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Washing Delicate Fabrics in Woolite?Can you hand wash velvet in Woolite? I have a black velvet dress (100% rayon velvet bodice, 100% polyester crepe skirt) that I bought at a consignment shop. There are no obvious spots, but I would like to"freshen" it up.


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Removing Sap From Wool?I have a spot of holly sap on a 100 percent Merino wool jumper. I have tried removing it with soap, but it hasn't budged.


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Removing Starch from a Jacket?I sewed a ladies' jacket and used spray starch. Is there a way to get the starch removed without washing?


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Lace on White Bra Getting Grey?What can be used to get a greyed lace bra back to white again?



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Removing Silly Putty from Socks?How do I remove Silly Putty from socks?


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Bleaching a Vintage Prom Dress?I found a gorgeous dress at a vintage shop this weekend and I am in total love with it and would love to wear it for my wedding. However, it is a bright coral color and it doesn't exactly look like a wedding dress. Would it be possible to bleach it?


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Removing Salt from Suede Boots?How do you get salt off suede boots?


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Getting Tomato Sauce Off Suede Boots?How do I get tomato sauce, from lasagne, off cream colored suede boots?


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Removing Diesel Smell From Clothing?How do you get diesel smells out of clothes?


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Cleaning Suede Shoes?Will using a toothbrush with toothpaste remove stains from my suede shoes?


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Removing Stains on Suede Boots?I spilled some rice vinegar on my boyfriend's Timberland boots. Any advice on how to remove the spots?


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Cleaning a Suede Look Polyester Vest?I have a vest that looks like it is suede, but the shell says 100% polyester. The inside looks like sheep skin, but tag says 60% polyester, 40% acrylic. The dry cleaner did not want to clean it. Do you think I can wash the vest in Woolite only and hang dry it without damaging it?


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Work Clothes Smell Bad After Washing?My work clothes get washed regularly by themselves. The smells don't go even after they've been washed. Shall I hand wash it? Any recommendations would be helpful.


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Removing Stains from Uggs?I spilled Scope like mouthwash on my Uggs. There's a big green stain on the front. I'm using Ugg cleaner, but that still doesn't work. How do I get it off? I just brought these Uggs.


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Washing Ugg Shoes?Can I put Ugg shoes in the washing machine?


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Removing Salt Stains on Ugg Boots?I just bought a pair of chocolate brown Ugg boots. I wore them out in the snow once, and now they have huge salt stains on them. I don't want to use vinegar or black coffee because I don't want to change the colour. Any ideas?


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Silk and Elastane Clothing Turned Yellow in Wash?I have a garment made of silk and elastane and I don't know how I managed to put it into the wash and take it out yellow. It was originally pink. The max temperature is 40 Celsius. Does anyone know if I can fix it and how? I just wore it once so I'm pretty sad.


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Removing Salt Stains from Faux Suede Boots?How should I clean salt stains from boots that are not suede, but look like suede? It is a manmade product that's not named.


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UGGs Discoloured After Washing?Recently I was following a YouTube instruction on how to clean UGG boots by using Zero detergent and then rinsing off with cold water. After allowing it to dry naturally it is now discoloured with areas of darker dye sections throughout the boot. Is there a way to fix this discoloration?



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Cleaning a 100% Wool Coat at Home?My sister has a 100% wool coat that was her grandmothers. How do I safely clean the coat at home without the extreme expenses of a dry cleaner?


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Getting Smell Out of New Suede Boots?I ordered these gorgeous boots; they are non-returnable and smell like motor oil. I have sprayed everything I can think of without taking the suede off and left them out over night. It did help some, but they still have a terrible odor.


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Removing Waterproofing from Suede Boots?I have a pair of suede boots with Olenauf's waterproofing on them. I would like to remove the waterproofing. I've tried a wire brush, but it doesn't seem to be getting rid of the layer of waterproofing. Any suggestions?


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Removing Permanent Marker on Shoes?What's the best home made solution for taking permanent marker off of shoes?


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Cleaning Stinky Shoes?I went to a watering hole and was wearing my water shoes. I then packed them in a plastic pack and promptly forgot about them. I opened the bag 2 days later and they smell horrible. Is there anything I can do to get rid of the smell? I'm willing to try anything to make them smell normal again!


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Removing Wrinkles from Prom Wedding Dress?I have an ivory wedding prom dress and the packaging was awful to be honest, crinkled like crazy at the bottom half. My dress is made from taffeta and I was wondering how I could get the creases out without having to spend a lot of money?


dried litter on soles of shoes

Cleaning Kitty Litter Off Shoes?We used kitty litter to defrost ice on our wooden front deck and steps. When we walked in it, it stuck to the soles of our shoes and boots. The main thing I need to know is if anyone have any ideas how to get it off of the shoes? Should I clean the floor with anything special?


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Cooking Oil on Suede Adidas Flux?I want to know how can I remove cooking oil from my grey Adidas flux? It's looking bad!


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Removing Sticker Residue on Clothing?I washed and dried a newly purchased top and then found that one of those clear size stickers was still on it (right down the middle of the front). I removed the sticker and now the fabric is sticky. How do I remove the sticky residue?


Making an Egg Shell Colored  Dress Whiter - lace against the white slip

Making an Egg Shell Colored Dress Whiter?My wedding dress is just a regular dress that was white lace on top of a beige slip, I got the slip changed to white so it would be more bridal. It is attached to the dress. I'd like the lace to be whiter to fit better with the rest of my accessories and the super white slip.


Dye Transfer Stain on Vinyl Shoe - stains on shoe

Dye Transfer Stain on Vinyl Shoe?I put some shoes in a tote and some color from another shoe has transferred onto my leather shoe - more than one shoe. One also has color transferred onto vinyl. Is there anything I can do to remove the color?


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Getting Coke Stains Out of Clothing?How do I get Coke out of white summer pants? I have tried soaking and scrubbing them. The pants are a cotton blend.


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White Blouse Turned Brown in Wash?I have a white blouse with colored sparkles on it and I sent it to the laundry while I was on a cruise. When it came back the white was a pale brown and the colored sparkles were unaffected. What can I do to return the blouse to white without damaging the sparkles?


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Underarm Odors on a Prom Dress?How do you get underarm odors out of a prom dress?


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Cleaning Melted Candy Out of a Pocket?How do I clean melted peppermints out of a pocket?



Whitening a 50 Year Old Peau de Soie Wedding Dress - woman wearing the dress

Whitening a 50 Year Old Peau de Soie Wedding Dress?I'd like to have my mom's wedding dress redesigned for my upcoming wedding, but after sitting in a box for 50 years, the peau de soie has completely yellowed. It's a sturdy fabric and aside from the yellowing, has no other stains on it. Is there a way I can safely whiten it?


Removing an Oil Stain on Crocheted White Lace Shoes

Removing an Oil Stain on Crocheted White Lace Shoes?I have a pair of white crocheted lace pumps that have a small oil spot on the back top of the heel. It is not large at all, but due to the color of the shoe I don't want to ruin the shoe. Please let me know if you have any suggestions on how I may lift this stain without ruining these beautiful shoes.


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Lace on White Skirt Is Yellowing?I have an off-white skirt with lace sections, some of which are yellowing. What can I do to take the yellow out?


Removing Polyurethane Spill from Shoes - light stains on boots

Removing Polyurethane Spill from Shoes?He was stuck in a room with 110 gallons of a polyurethane or similar substance. How can I fix them?


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Hand Washing a Linen Viscose and Elastane Dress?Can I carefully hand wash a dress made of 60% linen, 30% viscose, and 16% elastane?


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Fur Matting on Mink Coat?I have a question about a mink coat. What does it mean when you take 2 fingers together and gently rub anywhere on the coat and it matts. Anyone know what causes this?


Cleaning Ugg Boots Removed Some of the Dye - dark stain on boot

Cleaning Ugg Boots Removed Some of the Dye?I dropped some grease on one of my Ugg boots. Is there any way I can dye them? When I tried to wash them some of the dye was coming off. Is there anything I can do?


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Washing Dry Clean Only Clothing?What if the care label says dry clean only? Can I safely soak in milk and then wash them?


Cleaning and Deodorizing Vintage Baby Shoes

Cleaning and Deodorizing Vintage Baby Shoes?I'm expecting my first grandchild, a girl, in May. I saved most of my daughter's baby things and now want to give them to her as an heirloom gift for her daughter. I'm washing the clothes using a good strategy, but am stuck as to what to do with the leather baby zip and walking boots, as well as the little girl's Sunday shoes.


Shirt Collars and Plackets Fading - faded area around the neck band on a blue tee-shirt

Shirt Collars and Plackets Fading?My shirt plackets and collars are fading or bleaching. Why is this happening and what can I do to stop it in the future?


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Removing Ironed on Blackout Tape from VSX Leggings?How do I remove ironed on blackout tape from Victoria Secret sport leggings?


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Cleaning Gasoline In ShoesI have managed to spill gasoline in my shoes when filling up the car. I was wondering how to get the smell out of them. The shoes are made of synthetic.


A collar on a shirt with frayed edges.

Preventing Shirt Collars From Fraying?Is there a way to prevent the collars of shirts from fraying or at least slow the process? Many of my husband's shirts are in excellent condition apart from the collars which have started to fray along the fold. I've seen some posts about unpicking, turning the collar and sewing it back on but that's beyond my capabilities so I was hoping to prevent it in the future.


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Using Panty Hose as a Dryer Vent?Could I put a pair of panty hose on the back of the dryer to dry clothes since I don't have a vent pipe to dry clothes? Is it safe to do that?


Removing a Promotional Label From A JacketI would like to get this sticker off so I can wear this jacket.


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Getting Dye Stains Out of Light-Wash Jeans?My light-wash jeans went through the washer and dryer. Another item bled into my jeans and I did not realize this had happened until they had already gone through the dryer. There are now pink splotches on my jeans. I have tried many home remedies to try and get rid of these dye stains. Does anyone have any suggestions on what to use to get these dye stains out? I am desperate to save my jeans!


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Cleaning A Suede/Shearling Coat?A week ago, I bought a gorgeous vintage Penny Lane-style suede/shearling coat (eBay). Made in the 1970s, it's roughly 52 years old (almost as old as I am). It's in excellent condition with just a few spots here and there. No odors and clean sherpa lining.


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Drying Football Pants?Can football pants with built in pads go in the dryer?


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Removing Set Dust Stain?I have two sweaters that have been in my closet and not worn for 3 years. They both have a stubborn dust line that I can't get out. I have used oxystain remover spray, washed in cold water and line dried. Didn't work. How do I get these horrible stains out?


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