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Identifying a Houseplant - tall houseplant with green and white leaves

Identifying a Houseplant?I'm trying to bring this plant back to life for a friend. But I don't know what plant this is.


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Something Chewing or Pecking Holes in Plastic Plant Pots?This week I've noticed holes that have been chewed or pecked in the sides of my outdoor plastic plant pots. Any ideas?


Sensation Lilac Has No Leaves and the Blooms Are Distorted - dead looking scrub

Sensation Lilac Has No Leaves and the Blooms Are Distorted?My Sensation lilac growing next to another did not leaf out. It has distorted blooms on it, but no leaves. The bush right next to it has healthy leaves and is beginning to blossom. What should I do?


What Is This Houseplant? - potted plant on hearth

What Is This Houseplant?I lost my beautiful plants to smoke in a house fire. I am looking for their names for insurance so I can replace!


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Leaves on Tomato Plants Turning Black?I just put tomato plants outside in grow bags and now I've noticed the top leaves of the plants starting to go black.


Identifying Insect Eggs on a Yellow Iris - elongated cluster of white insect eggs

Identifying Insect Eggs on a Yellow Iris?Can anyone help me to identify these eggs? They have been laid on a yellow iris and are about a foot up from the water.


Tomato Plants Not Blooming - unopened buds

Tomato Plants Not Blooming?My tomato plants are not blooming. The stems turn yellow and they fall off. Any ideas?


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Transplanting an Orange Star Plant?I received an orange star plant for Mother's Day May 12th. Can I transplant it in a bigger pot right now?


Identifying a Houseplant - small houseplant, looks like a succulent

Identifying a Houseplant?I received this houseplant as a gift, but can't seem to find what type it is in order to properly care for it. Does anyone know what type of houseplant this is?


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Planting a Vegetable Garden in an Old Dog Pen?We lost our dog a year ago and have taken down her dog pen and worked up the soil to plant a vegetable garden. Now that I have it planted I was made aware of round worms eggs that could possibly still be in the soil. Am I OK or should I not continue in this spot? It's been a year since any dog poo and there is none visible.


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Selling Trees on Your Land for Lumber?How do I sell timber to a timber company?


Saving an Avocado Plant  - tree with wilted leaves and new growth at the top

Saving an Avocado Plant?My avocado plant is about 2 yrs old. It grew pretty tall, has huge leaves and a couple branches. I went on vacation and my plant waterer failed miserably and I came home to 1 dead and 1 mostly dead avocado plant. The leaves have mostly fallen off, but I see new growth at the top. Can I cut the top bits off and replant in hopes to revive it?


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Growing Zucchini in a Pot?How can I grow zucchini in a pot? Won't the fruit fall off the vine from its own weight? Do I need to grow 2 plants together?


Identifying a Houseplant - waxy leafed houseplant with pink flowers

Identifying a Houseplant?Does anyone know what kind of plant this is? It's small and has waxy leaves.


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Bamboo Prices by the Foot?How much does bamboo cost by the foot?



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Thrifty Ideas for a Garden Hose Container Cover?I have bought a 100 ft water hose and have it stored in an open container similar to a large planter. I need it to be covered and protected from the weather and debris. Any ideas on what to use for some sort of lid that would stay in place and not look extremely tacky?


Growing Sweetgum Trees

Growing Sweetgum Trees?I have several sweet gum trees in my yard. Prior to the leaves forming a green thing is dropped from the bud, they are about 2 inches long and are a pain to clean up. What are they called and what is their purpose?


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Killing Weeds in an Ivy Bed?What can I use to kill the weeds in a bed of ivy?


What Is This Plant? - leggy plant

What Is This Plant?This plant grows widening branches and has green leaves. Can anyone identify it?


What Is This Plant? - light and darker leaves, with segmented stalk

What Is This Plant?I am having trouble caring for this plant, and I have been unable to find the name of it? Any tips?


Identifying Mushrooms Growing Near Marigold

Identifying Mushrooms Growing Near Marigold?What are these mushrooms on the base of my marigold? They grow fast and seem to explode onto the plant. Are they bad?


Identifying  Insect Eggs - eggs on a pumpkin plant

Identifying Insect Eggs?What kind of eggs are these on my pumpkin stalk? They are small, green, and clustered. There were a lot more before I poked them with a stick.


String of Pearls Plant Is Dying - very unhappy plant

String of Pearls Plant Is Dying?I don't understand what I'm doing wrong.


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Killing Weeds Before Putting in a Raised Vegetable Bed?I'm putting in a raised vegetable planting bed over a rocky area infested with invasive morning glory and large-form periwinkle roots. We have dug, pulled roots, and sifted the soil and after a 2 week period covered with tarps, found vigorous morning glory growth possibly from seeds. How long does the plant killing action of vinegar last?


Do Sun Star Bulbs Divide?

Do Sun Star Bulbs Divide?I purchased the orange star plant and am curious to know if the bulbs multiply?


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Selling Pine Trees for Lumber?Who can I call to see if they want to buy our pine trees? We have about 35 of them on our property.


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Growing Easter Lilies?Why do the bottom leaves on Easter lilies begin to yellow and fall off?


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Do Bird Deterrents Affect Hummingbirds?We have two hummingbird feeders near our deck. But we have a problem with other birds nearby getting into flower plants (meant to attract hummingbirds) and trying to make nests on decking lighting. If I buy spinwheels to deter the larger birds, will that also keep away the hummingbirds?


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Rooting a Hibiscus Cutting?How do you get a cutting from a hibiscus limb to root? What are the best ways?


Identifying Insect Eggs - small black eggs

Identifying Insect Eggs?Can anyone tell me what these are? I found them on leaves of lettuce in my garden.



Identifying a Houseplant - gold dust plant

Identifying a Houseplant?This plant has football shaped leaves, yellow spots, and thin stems. Do you know what it is?


Identifying a Houseplant - tiny plant in ceramic pot

Identifying a Houseplant?I have this tiny little plant that isn't growing very well, but I don't know how to grow it because I don't know what it is. It has really tiny sad-looking crinkly dark green leaves. Do you know what it is?


What Plant Is This? - larger houseplant with dark green heavily veined leaves

What Plant Is This?Can someone please tell me what plant this is?


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Leaves on Avocado Plant Are Dying?I grew a avocado plant from a pit. When it was rooted I put it in a pot. Once I put it outside, when it got about 2 ft. tall, it began to have tiny round brown spots on it. Under the leaves were similar, but light white. The leaves started dying from the bottom then it started on the new leaves as well. I'm about to trash it and start over. What can I do?


Identifying Insect Eggs - small round yellow insect eggs

Identifying Insect Eggs?I found these small, bright yellow eggs laid on the bark of my outdoor tortoise enclosure after a storm. I just wanted to know what they are and if I should be worried. '


Identifying a Houseplant - tall single stalk plant with scalloped edge leaves

Identifying a Houseplant?Can anyone identify this plant for me please?


Identifying a Houseplant - light green heart shaped leaves

Identifying a Houseplant?This plant is not thriving and I would like to figure out what kind of plant it is so I can make adjustments for it.


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Getting Easter Lilies to Bloom?I bought 8 lilies for my church for Easter Sunday. The flower on the plant is still closed. What should I do to have the lilies open their blooms by Easter Sunday which is 5 days away?


Mystery Black Insect Eggs or Fungus on Soil in Garden - what appears to be black insect eggs under ivy geraniums

Mystery Black Insect Eggs or Fungus on Soil in Garden?What is this attached to the soil under my ivy geraniums. Is it mold or insect eggs? This is outside, in autumn, Brisbane qld Australia. It has been getting watered regularly.


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Getting Seeds for Flower Bed Okra?I'm looking for more information on flower bed okra. How do I get some seeds?


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Using Sawdust as Base for a Stone Walkway?I had 3 stumps ground down which left a lot of sawdust in the side of my house. My plan was to make a stone walkway and I do not want to grow grass or plant anything. Can I leave the sawdust as a base and put decorative stone and pavers on top of the sawdust?


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Identifying Poison Ivy?What does poison ivy look like?


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Dandelions Taking Over Flower Bed?How do I get rid of dandelions in my flower bed? I have been cutting them to the ground, but many have roots that are way too deep for me to pull or dig. I've sprayed with vinegar and they turn a little brown and bounce right back.


Identifying a Garden Plant - spotted leaf calla lily

Identifying a Garden Plant (Calla Lily)?Can someone tell me the name of this plant?


Identifying a Houseplant - foliage houseplant with dark green leaves

Identifying a Houseplant? (Schefflera)A friend of mine asks what plant this is.



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Do Wildfire Black Gum Trees Leave the Gumdrops?Do Wildfire black gum trees leave the gumdrops?


Identifying Insect Eggs - clump of tiny black eggs

Identifying Insect Eggs?We found these eggs in a sunken window. We would love an expert opinion to help us identify them. So far our exterminator couldn't identify what they are.


Selling a Walnut Tree for Lumber - tree

Selling a Walnut Tree for Lumber?I have a tall straight walnut tree for sale. It needs to be cut down. I live in Belgrade Nebraska.


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Sun Star Plant Not Blooming?My potted sun star plant began growing leaves about 2 months ago but there is still no sign of a flower stalk. (I was given this plant last Mother's Day while it was in bloom.) How long does it normally take to bloom? The leaves are healthy, but I wonder if I should have separated the bulbs and repotted since the leaf clusters are thick and close together.


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Growing a Houseplant in Water Beads?I would like to transition a small houseplant to grow in water soluble water beads. It is now in potting soil. Is there a gentle way to transition the plant out of the potting soil without too much trauma?


Identifying a Houseplant - plant with green and white rounded leaves

Identifying a Houseplant?I bought this plant from Trader Joe's and it's so beautiful I'd love to know what kind of plant it is. The leaves are tiny, smaller than a dime, and are paper thin, almost like flower petals. It seems to only be growing up and not vining, though it is hanging under a skylight.


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When to Start Feeding Hummingbirds?Can any one tell me when to put out my hummingbird feeders in Raleigh, North Carolina?


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Elephant Ear Bulb Rotted?I have been an owner of an elephant ear for the last year. It was my first try, and I left my pot outside all winter. However I did cut it back, but like I said before I didn't know to put it up in a dry area. Is there any way I can save it? I also had gotten another bulb from a friend, but she pulled it out instead of digging it and may have ripped the main root.


Identifying a Houseplant - plant with three round leaves set along the stem, leaves green and yellow

Identifying a Houseplant?Can anyone please identify this houseplant?


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Plants Grown from Seeds Dying?I have grown lots of flowers from seedlings. My sunflower plants sprouted and started to grow, but slowly they started moulding and at last dying. I really don't know why this happening. Is it because I'm watering them daily? I have used 50% soil, 15% cow manure, and 45% coco peat mixture for seedlings plantation.


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Lilac Not Blooming?I'm through with my lilac tree. I plan to dig it up and try a different plant. It hasn't bloomed in over six years when it was first cut back. It does have nice dark green leaves. I've tried everything. But, I'm looking for some color. Any suggestions on what I might replace it with? I live in Cleveland, Ohio


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Composting Straw?Is straw good or OK for adding to compost piles?


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Planting a Clematis?Where should I plant a clematis. Should it be facing east? On the ground where it faces east, there are a lot of snails. I put the plant with planter there and last night it was surrounded by snails. I don't want to put out bait because we have cats and dogs in that area. What do you suggest?


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Cleaning Out Dead Leaves and Debris From Under Our Jasmine Bushes?We purchased a home 2 years ago that has established jasmine as part of the front yard landscape. It's got a lot of dead leaves, debris, and some branches that appear to be dead. How do we clear out the leaves so that we can fertilize the planting? It was very pretty the year before last; not so much now. It was possibly planted when the home was built in or around 2003.


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Is the Tractor Seat Plant Deer Resistant?Is the giant leopard plant aka tractor seat plant deer resistant? Rarely eaten, occasionally eaten or frequently?


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Using Coffee Grounds Around Oleander Plants?Are coffee grounds good for oleander plants?


Identifying Herb Leaves - medium green many lobed small leaves

Identifying Herb Leaves?Does any one have an idea what this plant is? I've been told it's an herb that's used on salads and pasta.


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Moving a Spider Plant Outside?When to put a spider outside after winter in NE Arkansas? I am about 1 hour NW of Memphis.


Avocado Tree Has White Powdery Areas on Trunk - something that looks like powdery mildew on trunk

Avocado Tree Has White Powdery Areas on Trunk?I live in Florida and have a small Mexicola avocado tree. It has white powdery places on the trunk. I am not sure what it is or how to treat it.


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Making a Long Arm Squirrel Proof Bird Feeder?I would like to make a long arm bird feeder hanger from PVC pipe. First off, is the pipe strong enough to hold a feeder if it's reinforced somehow? Second, how do you make one? I have a bracket from the side of the window on the house, but it doesn't go out far enough and the squirrels can still jump from a small roof to the feeder. I want it to go farther out in front of the window so it is impossible for any squirrels or other critters to get the feeder.


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When Should Burning Bush Shrubs Leaf Out in Spring?I received some bare root burning bush hedge plants, about 25 of them. I planted them in the fall last year, in October. They started showing leaves and signs of growth after just a couple weeks. Then as winter came they lost all the leaves and the stems went from green to red. Now they are not showing any signs of growth however if I scratch the stem it is still showing green under the bark.


Identifying a House Plant - hanging houseplant

Identifying a Houseplant?Can someone please tell me what plant this is? The closest I have come to figuring it out is the purple heart, also called tradescantia pallida. It is similar, but the shape of the leaves is different and the leaves don't grow as closely together.


Identifying Insect Eggs - elongated tan insect eggs attached to a branch

Identifying Insect Eggs?I found these eggs in my rose bush in March. Anyone know what they are? If beneficial I'd like to keep the twig and the eggs around. If not I'd like to dispose of the eggs.


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Potted Hibiscus Does Not Bloom Outside in Summer?I have an potted hibiscus that is almost 5 feet tall and blooms continuously all winter. In the summer I put it outside in a partly sunny location and it remains healthy, but does not flower. What am I doing wrong?


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Planting Bulbs?Which way do you plant the bulbs? I know there is a top and bottom and am not sure. One end looks like it was cut and other end is untouched. I tend to think that is the upside of the bulb, the one with the 'cut', and the flat side being bottom?


Saving a Weeping Cherry Tree After Extensive Pruning - just a trunk

Saving a Weeping Cherry Tree After Extensive Pruning?I had to prune off the dead wood, so all of the weeping arms were cut back. It is just a trunk about 1.5 metres tall. The trunk seems healthy, but the weeping branches all died. Can I save this tree? What can you recommend?


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Keeping Pigeons and Doves Away from Feeder?Does anyone know how to keep the pigeons and doves from hogging up the bird feeder?


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Planting Elephant Ear Tubers?I've got some elephant ear tubers and it's almost spring. I've never grown these before and I need some advice. I live in zone 7 and I've seen videos on people putting them in containers before planting them and I've read about people just putting them straight into the ground. I am confused.


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Growing Veggies from Scraps?I have been reading about growing lettuce, cabbage, and onions from scraps. Have you tried? What works best? What to avoid to prevent failure?


Identifying a Houseplant - plant with red underside to leaves

Identifying a Houseplant?My son chose this plant for his bedroom however no one at the Lowe's garden department knew what it was. It has a generic houseplant'label. It requires medium light, room temp, and needs to be watered once a month. It has waxy, hunter green leaves with a matte red underside. There is also a budding stem that appears it may flower at some point. Any thoughts?


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Growing Virginia Creeper and English Ivy Together?There is a parking garage in my neighborhood that will put up a metal screen and grow Virginia creeper and English ivy in order to cover up the façade and blend in with the residential area. I would like to know if you recommend those two plants to grow next to each other or if it would be better to use only one plant.


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Finding Someone to Haul Away a Pine Tree for the Firewood?I have pine wood from one tree that was cut down on my property. I need the wood removed for free. I could only afford to have it cut down, but not hauled away. It is cut into large sections. Free is the key word here. Is there any such animal?


Distinguishing Between Pothos  and Philodendron - hand holding a trailing plant

Distinguishing Between Pothos and Philodendron?I have been going around in circles trying to figure out which of these is a pothos or a philodendron or if these are just something else entirely. All were in a jar of water that were given to me and I call them the mystery plants.


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Transplanting an Avocado Tree Grown from a Seed?I live in Michigan and I sprouted a Mexican avocado seed. I planted it in a 16oz. plastic cup. It's about 1' tall and I'm not sure when I should transplant it into a bigger container. It looks really healthy. I will be raising it in my house. So do they like the sun or are they like more shade? I'm feeding it Miracle Gro and it loves it. I have it in my south window.


Identifying a Houseplant - first description

Identifying a Houseplant?I was given some plants that the person did not know what they were. I have been looking to try to figure it out on my own, but have had little success. Please help. All of these were in water wrapped around bundles of other plants.


Identifying a Houseplant   - plant with red stems and dark and light green striped leaves

Identifying a Houseplant?I am unsure as to what plant this is and would like to learn more about it. The stems are red.


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Growing Moss on a Gravel Area?I have a small patch of gravel 300mm x 5m under a north facing wall. It doesn't get much rainfall so is there any way of getting moss to grow on this area?


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Caring for Elephant Ears in the Spring?I did not remove my elephant ear bulbs this year, but I am in zone 9. What do I do now? The base of the plant is sticking up quite far and I do not know if I should add more dirt or what?


Identifying a Houseplant - thick stemmed plant with thin branches with shiny green leaves

Identifying a Houseplant? (Ficus)My hubby bought this at Walmart. Anyone know what plant this is? It is obviously not doing well, but I don't even know what it is so I'm not sure how to care for it.


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Growing Microgreens?My question is whether I can incorporate dryer lint into shredded paper pulp to create mats for growing microgreens or sprouting. I am going to try this soon, just wondered if anyone had tried it before.


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Amaryllis Not Blooming?My new amaryllis is producing a few leaves, but no stalk or bloom. I've watered it per directions for two months or more. I started in early December. I have it in a window to give it some light, and water it just when it needs more. I have it in the soil and container provided.


Identifying a Houseplant - gray green fuzzy succulent type plant

Identifying a Houseplant? (Jade Plant)I really wanna know what plant this is.


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Indoor Avocado Tree Losing Its Leaves?What causes the buds to drop from a healthy indoor grown avocado tree. The tree is about 4 1/2 feet tall. Two other trees don't seem to have the same problem.


Avocado Has White Waxy Leaves - odd leaves

Avocado Has White Waxy Leaves?I have an 1 month old avocado tree. It has a few leaves that are white, thick, and waxy. They just keep the same shape and are a little twisted. They look very different from the other leaves. What it is?


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Growing Morning Glory from Cuttings?Can you grow a morning glory out of trims? My in-laws has a huge one. And I want one too. But I want a piece of theirs.


Identifying a Cold Damaged Cactus - splotchy, yellowing cactus

Identifying a Cold Damaged Cactus?I accidentally forgot to bring my cactus inside when it started getting pretty cold outside (0°C). It looked fine a few weeks ago and then I had a look and it had loads of black/brown spots all over it with mouldy white spots. One of the stems was completely wilted and the rest of it is all skinny as if the life has been totally sucked out of it. Is it rotten?


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Getting an Orchid Cactus to Bloom?How do I get an orchid cactus to bloom? When do they bloom?


Using an LED Bulb as a Grow Light

Using an LED Bulb as a Grow Light?Is it harmful to use a 60W LED bulb for an indoor plant? I have an avocado plant and I use this LED for it, but I don't know if it is safe or not? I had an avocado last year and I put it outside, but it was cold and after one week the buds dropped onto the soil and the plant died. My soil is organic also no buds and very clean soil.


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Looking for a Platform Style Feeder for Doves?I need a platform feeder that will fit doves, but not pigeons. I have hanging feeders without a tray for sparrows, etc., but my doves prefer a open platform feeder.


Identifying a Houseplant - medium green leaves edged with creamy white

Identifying a Houseplant?What is the name of this plant? I know it's a long stem variegated plant similar to karyann and others.


What Is This Plant? - small green leafed plant

What Is This Plant?What is this plant? One source said Pilea baby tears, but it clearly doesn't match the google images. It has small 1 cm tear-shaped leaves, that almost look fake because of the shiny veins. The leaves grow out in a spiral and the stems are reddish.


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Planting Tomatoes in Northwest Arizona?When can you plant tomato plants in Arizona near Kingman?


Identifying a Houseplant - trailing plant with light and dark green leaves

Identifying a Houseplant?Can anyone please identify this plant and tell me how to take care of it?


Identifying a Houseplant - elongated leaves on tallish stemmed plant

Identifying a Houseplant?So I received this plant as a house warming gift and I've searched all over to try and figure out what it is and have had no luck. If anyone recognizes it and could let me know the name I'd be very grateful!


Identifying a Houseplant - tall stalked plant with large green leaves and white along leaf veins

Identifying a Houseplant?I got this plant from work and they don't know what it is. It can grow quite tall and has thick stems.


Identifying Insects Eggs - eggs on white fabric

Identifying Insects Eggs?Please help to identify these insect eggs. I found them on a shirt on the washing line. I live in Cape Town.


Rose Stems Started Sprouting in My Vase - cut roses starting to sprout in a vase

Rose Stems Started Sprouting in My Vase?Store bought roses started to grow sprouts as they were drying out in my vase. How can I keep them growing? Should I move them to a pot with dirt? Multiple stems are doing it.


Leaves on Avocado Plant Wilting - wilting leaves

Leaves on Avocado Plant Wilting?I have an avocado plant started from a pit. I have no idea what kind. It rooted great in water so we transplanted it into a small pot. A few months ago we transplanted it to a larger pot and have noticed the few leaves it has are wilting. It gets watered a bit once a week. Are we under watering? Does it need more sun?


Avocado Tree Losing Leaves

Avocado Tree Losing Leaves?I have an avocado tree that is about 5-6 yrs old. It has occasionally dropped leaves, but they have always grown back. However, since it has become winter, the avocado will grow some leaves, and then a few days-weeks later they will shrivel up and fall off. The ones that grow back appear to be mostly on the top of the tree.


Identifying a Houseplant - round leafed plant

Identifying a Houseplant?My family can't figure out what this plant my grandparent's have had for years is. Any ideas?


Identifying White Bumps on Fern Stalks

Identifying White Bumps on Fern Stalks?I rescued a fern a few years ago. This year it has sort of skeletal branches with tiny white blobs along the stalks instead of leaves. Is this seed?


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Using a Door Screen as Landscape Cloth?Can I use an old door screen for a landscape fabric?


Identifying a Houseplant - tall foliage houseplant

Identifying a Houseplant? (Schefflera)Can you tell me what kind of plant this is?


Identifying a Houseplant - what appears to be a poinsettia with missing leaves

Identifying a Houseplant?My dad was recently given a houseplant for Christmas, and he gave it to me. However, I have no idea what it is, so I'm unsure of how to take care of it.


What Is this Hanging Plant? - profusion of stems with tiny light green leaves

What Is this Hanging Plant?This plant was a given to me. Its leaves are very small, less than 1 cm, and it hangs down on scraggly thin white or clear vines. It also has plump leaves. I thought perhaps a peperomia or a sedum?


Identifying a Houseplant - hanging foliage plant

Identifying a Houseplant (Oak Leaf Ivy)?I rescued this plant from a friend''s father a number of years ago and have no idea what it is. It grows very long and has 3 leaves per stem, with multiple 3-leaf stems attached to the main stem. I gave it a haircut awhile ago and it wasn't' happy. It is droopy right now. I am hoping to make it thrive again.


What Is This Houseplant?  - green foliage plant with long leaves

What Is This Houseplant? (Long Leaf Ficus)I bought this plant and the tag says only that it'' is a tropical plant. I'' would like to get the actual name of the plant!


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Amaryllis Not Blooming?I brought an Amaryllis last Christmas. Last year it didn't bloomed, it just grew long leaves. I let it go dormant and grew it again this Christmas. Again there are no blooms, only leaves. I even fertilized it. This is the first one I have had in 12 years that did not bloom.


Tips of Potted Hydrangea Turning Brown - leaves with brown tips

Tips of Potted Hydrangea Turning Brown?I got a new hydrangea (runaway bride) and put it a large pot with half garden soil and half ericaceous. The leaves keep turning brown at the ends. I gave it a good watering in the soil and am keeping it indoors for now with the frosts. Any idea why this is happening please?


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