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USDA Plant Hardiness Zones Explained

Get Into Your Growing Zone - USDA Plant...As every gardener knows, different plants are adapted to growing well in specific climates. Plant hardiness zones help to define the optimum growing climates. By knowing what hardiness zone you live in, you can properly select the plants that are best suited to your growing conditions.


Large leafed plant growing in a clear vase with a couple large bright red and orange rocks at the bottom

How to Grow Houseplants in WaterYou don't need to have a green thumb to grow houseplants in water. Even if you've killed every houseplant growing in soil that you have ever had, your success is almost guaranteed when growing them in water.


Birdhouse made from gourds.

How to Make a Gourd BirdhouseGourds are fun and easy to grow, and many of the hard-shell types make wonderful houses for common cavity-nesting bird species like chickadees, nuthatches, and martins.


Lawn Mower cutting grass

Choosing the Best Lawn Mower Height SettingCutting your lawn at the right mowing height is the single most important thing you can do to keep your lawn healthy. Mowing at the correct height reduces weed problems, contributes to a healthy root system and increases resistance to drought.


Chain Link Fence with Flowers

How to Dress Up a Chain Link FenceA chain link fence is durable and long lasting. It is a great choice for defining property boundaries and keeping your children and pets safe. Here are some ideas for adding some charm to your chain link fence that will help it blend more seamlessly into your landscape.


Garden swing with wire woven between side bars and vine growing up the side

Garden CheapiesAfter perusing your local garden store you'll realize that the summer growing season means big business for these companies. They're counting on you to invest heavily in your seasonal needs. Instead, look for some recycling options that keep your garden and your wallet healthy.


A wasp carrying a cicada.

Monologue Of A Killer WaspThe Eastern Cicada Killer Wasp, Sphecius speciosus, is said to be a solitary animal. That may be, but they sure don't mind close neighbors. My lawn is becoming riddled with their nests. They are considered beneficial in that they help keep the cicada population in check, thereby greatly reducing damage done to deciduous trees.


The Changing Of The Seasons - glass suncatcher

The Changing Of The SeasonsAutumn is a wonderful time for most. There is the harvesting and the feasting, the storing up for the bleak days to come. There will be lots of shopping, too. Some people love Autumn simply because it's a time to renew their wardrobe. Who doesn't like to have a couple of fashionable cardigans to add to their already bulging supply of clothing?


A large argiope spider on a wood fence.

Argiope ~ The Writing SpiderWe, and most of our neighbors, had gardens. They were always home to several writing spiders. With this spider being very active during the day, it was not uncommon to encounter a few during any visit to the garden.


A big pile of milfoil

Unemployment Blues are "Green"My husband and I have been trying to keep ourselves extremely busy for the past four months to avoid 'unemployment-related depression'. As we currently have zero (0, none, nada, zip) income, we are getting very creative with our time and energy'.


Lazy Gardening for Healthy Yards

Lazy Gardening for Healthy YardsI love to garden but it is also something that gets ignored when I have better things to do. Laura assured me that my garden would be fine with a bit of benign neglect. In fact, it would probably be healthier because of it.


A person mowing the lawn

8 Ways to Make Mowing Your Lawn EasierMaking lawn mowing easier means establishing a simple routine that gets the job done as quickly and efficiently as possible. Here are 8 ways to simplify the process.


A weeping willow tree.

My Frugal Life: The Willow StoryOne summer in July on a very hot day, there was a dreadful electrical storm. The willow was split down the middle. I joined the neighbors in a crying fest and then asked for some cuttings. I was told by all the neighbors I couldn't plant in the middle of the summer. I was bound to try.


Watering Office Plant

Plants for the OfficeOffice plants often face a hostile work environment, and just like people, not all plants are suitable for every line of work. Lighting, unstable temperatures, low humidity, and forgetful caretakers are just some of the harsh conditions that office plants have to contend with.


White Garden Shed

Things to Consider When Building a Garden ShedGarden sheds are valuable for storing garden tools and other garden equipment, but before you set out to build one (or buy one), there are several things you will want to consider.



Ornamental Garden Border

Tips for Planting Ornamental BordersThe secret to creating an attractive ornamental border is to create a mixture of permanent plants such as shrubs and perennials flowers, and combine them with annuals, biennials, and even vegetables, to provide extra color during the growing season.


Rabbit Prevented From Getting in Garden By Fence

Fencing Your Vegetable GardenHow many times have you carefully planted a vegetable garden, only to have the fruits of your labor eaten by wildlife? The only real solution is to erect a fence that keeps the animals out.


Pressed Flowers in a Book

How to Press FlowersPressing flowers is a great way to preserve them. Once pressed and dry, pressed flowers usually retain their color fairly well, which makes them useful for making a variety of decorative crafts, such as stationery, placemats, and bookmarks.


Container Plants on Patio

Diagnosing Problems in Container PlantsJust like their soil-dwelling counterparts, vegetables and flowers grown as container plants are susceptible to a variety of pests and diseases. Most are a result of environmental conditions, such as in correct moisture, temperature and light conditions.


New Patio in Backyard

Planning and Design Tips for PatiosPatios are becoming essential elements for today's backyards. Here are some design tips for creating the perfect outdoor space to use for summer dining and entertaining.


Watering Garden

Smart Ways to Water Your GardenWatering the garden is a simple, but critical, task. Give them too much and plants will drown, too little and they will dehydrate. Some ways of watering are smarter than others, and once you get the hang of it, you will naturally develop a sense of how much water your plants really need.


Step Garden on a Slope

Tips for Planting on SlopesSlopes can be tricky areas to plant. They present unique growing conditions', dry soils and excessive erosion. They can be physically difficult, even dangerous, to maintain. Here are some tips for taming your slopes, as well as how to know when it's time to call in the experts.


Man Trimming Hedge With Power Hedge Trimmer

How to Shop for a Power Hedge TrimmerFor gardeners with large hedges or multiple shrubs to maintain, a power hedge trimmer will save hours of time and energy over hand-held garden shears. Here are some features to consider before purchasing one.


Fragrant Flowers

Maximizing Fragrance in the GardenA visually appealing garden is made even more beautiful by sweet smelling flowers and plants. If you deliberately plant for fragrance each season, here are a few handy tricks for capitalizing on those heavenly scents.


Tired Lawn

7 Steps to Rejuvenating a Tired LawnIs your lawn starting to look tired and unhealthy? If it's plagued by weeds or struggling to grow, follow these 7 steps to bring it back to life.


Variety of Berries on White Background

Get Started Growing BerriesFor the amount of effort it requires, growing fruits can sometimes be disappointing. That isn't usually the case with berries. Compared to tree fruits, berries are quick to bear, naturally resistant to pests and disease, and they require relatively little growing space.


Child holding bunch of carrots

Designing a Garden for ChildrenAnyone that takes the time and effort to teach a child to garden will reap great rewards for their effort. Being responsible for tending a garden also fosters a sense of "nurturing" and helps them learn to care for other living things.


Compost Pile

A Gardener's Guide to CompostingComposting recycles organic matter into a nutrient-rich soil amendment. Although the finished product is a complex mixture of organic matter, bacteria and enzymes, the process of making compost isn't complex at all.


Seed Packages in a box

A Gardener's Glossary to Buying SeedsWhether you buy seeds from a catalog or purchase them from a store, understanding seed terms will help you make more informed decisions when buying garden seeds.


Garden Tools

Tools to Make Planting and Sowing EasierThe right garden tools can help make an otherwise tedious job simple and quick to accomplish. Here are some specialized tools to make the task of sowing seeds and planting transplants in your garden a bit easier.



Hand Shovel with soil

Soil Mixes for Starting SeedsA good seed starting mix is a necessity if you want to produce healthy seedlings and transplants. To make your own soil mix, experiment using a combination of the ingredients listed here to get your seeds and seedlings off to the best possible start.


Garden with How to Alpine Plants

How to Grow Alpine PlantsNative to the mountainous regions of the world, alpine plants have developed several adaptations that make them appealing for use as garden plants. For example, the ability to survive short, cool growing seasons means that many species will flower continuously while they have the chance.


Digging in the Garden

Digging Tips for GardenersDigging garden soil can either be a pain in your back, or an enjoyable way to spend an afternoon outdoors. Here are some helpful tips to make this necessary garden chore easier, safer, and more enjoyable.


Plants growing under grow lights

Tips for Setting Up a Grow-Light SystemStarting seedlings under fluorescent light is one of the best ways for gardeners to get a jump on spring. Because seedlings grown under lights receive the same amount of light day after day, regardless of the weather outside, you won't have to worry about leggy, unhealthy plants during a dark and gloomy spring.


Island Garden Bed

How to Design an Island BedIsland beds are freestanding garden plots, usually surrounded by grass, which can be walked around and looked at from all sides. When strategically designed, they can provide your landscape with an attractive, colorful focal point.


Ornamental Grasses

Growing and Using Ornamental GrassesOrnamental grasses are versatile garden plants without being fussy about care and maintenance. In the spring and summer they bring color, texture, and an airy, casual appearance to garden spaces.


Spraying Flowers

Foliar Feeding for Garden PlantsPlants take up most of the nutrients they need through their roots, but they also can absorb nutrients through their leaves. When a liquid fertilizer is diluted and applied to the leaves of plants it is called foliar feeding.


Man and Lawnmower

Cleaning and Maintaining Your...As with all garden tools, routine care and maintenance is necessary to improve performance and extend the life of your lawn mower. Here is a page to cleaning and maintaining your lawn mower to help keep it running safely and efficiently for as long as possible.


How to Divide Your Houseplants, like this African violet

How to Divide Your HouseplantsDivision is an easy and inexpensive way to increase your houseplant stock. It's also a great way to "friend" plants to others, and a good method for rescuing and preserving plants that are showing obvious signs of decline.


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Plant Pre-Sprouted Bulbs and Flowers for...Did you know that those colorful, foil-wrapped potted tulips, daffodils, and hyacinths sold at supermarkets and home centers can be planted outdoors just like bedding plants?


Radish seedlings coming up in peat pots indoors.

12 Steps To Sowing Seeds IndoorsSowing seeds indoors is a great way to get a jump on the growing season - especially for vegetables and flowers that take a long time to reach maturity.


Dwarf Conifers in a Garden

Using Dwarf Conifers in the GardenDwarf conifers can be grown in compact beds or containers and are easy to maintain. This makes them particularly useful for gardeners with limited space. Incredibly diverse in color, texture, and form, their miniature stature allows you the luxury to grow several different species in a small area.


3 different potted orchids

Tips for Buying OrchidsOrchids are available from many sources, but most are purchased from flower shops, garden centers, or from orchid nurseries either in person, or online. If you are new to the world of growing orchids, here are some tips for buying them.


Crops in rows in a garden

How to Rotate Your CropsCrop rotation is the practice of growing related crops in different areas of the garden in consecutive years. Rotating crops helps maximize yields by making the most efficient use of the nutrients in your soil, and reducing the likelihood of soilborne pests and diseases.


Landscape Design Plan with colored pencils on top

Landscape Design TipsFormulating a landscape design plan can be an overwhelming prospect. The goal is to develop an attractive, cohesive plan that fits your needs, without overwhelming (or under-whelming) your home. Here are some tips for getting started, broken down into six easy steps.



Gazing Ball in Garden

Add Finishing Touches with Garden OrnamentsOrnaments are a great way to add the finishing touches to your garden. Use them to add elements of color, shape, and texture that reflect your personal style. Whether whimsical or dramatic, garden ornaments don't need to be big in size to make a big impact.


Blooming Spring Branches in a vase

Forcing Spring Branches to BloomSay hello to spring this year by cutting a few branches from flowering trees and coaxing them to bloom for you indoors. Many woody plants can be forced into early flowering early, including forsythia, pussy willow, fruits trees, witch hazel, spirea, quince, and even lilac.


Hand holding Pruners

Buying Pruning ToolsWhen pruning trees and shrubs, it is important to use the right tool for the job. With so many different types of pruning tools available-each one designed to perform a specific task, buying the right tools can be a bit overwhelming. Here's what you need to know to buy the right tool for the job.


Closeup of Tree Seeds

Raising Native Trees from SeedRaising native tree species from seeds is a fun and rewarding process. It's also a fairly simple one. Although it is less expensive to grow trees from seed than it is to plant nursery-grown trees, what you save in money you'll probably make up for in time.


Red Rose in Greenhouse

Purchasing Rose PlantsGrowing roses doesn't have to be difficult, but it can be a frustrating experience if it turns out that the plant you buy isn't suitable for your garden. Here are some helpful tips for purchasing rose plants that will give you the best chances for success.


Insects on Yellow Paper in a houseplant

Treating Common Insect Problems in...If your houseplants have been given all the food, water, and sun they need and they still seem to lack vigor, you may want to inspect them closely for insect pests. Insects and mites can appear on houseplants at any time of the year and they are not always easy to see.


Sharpening a Lawnmower Blade

Sharpening Your Lawn Mower BladesIt's easy to spot dull or damaged lawn mower blades. Instead of cutting the grass cleanly, they rip it-leaving your lawn looking brown and ragged, and even worse, more susceptible to disease.


Hands digging in garden with hand tools

Plan-Ahead Projects for Next Year's GardenWinter is a great time for planning, preparing, and organizing next year's garden. Here are some plan-ahead projects for the winter months that will help you get a jump on next year's growing season.


White and Pink Orchid in white pot

Repotting OrchidsIf you keep orchids, sooner or later they will need repotting. In most cases, repotting is necessary, not because the orchid has outgrown its container, but because the growing medium has started to decay and restrict the flow of air to the orchid's roots.


Pomegranates growing on a tree

Growing PomegranatesPomegranate plants (Punica granatum) are diverse in their growth habits. They can range from small shrubs to trees reaching 20-30 feet tall. Native to northern India and the Middle East, these fruiting plants are naturally adapted to growing in regions where winters are cool and summers are hot.


Feet near shower drain

Using Greywater in the GardenGreywater is domestic waste water from activities such as laundry, dishwashing, and bathing. Unlike sewage water (which is referred to as blackwater), greywater can be safely recycled for use in the landscape without the use of any special treatment systems.


Papayas growing on a tree

Growing PapayasPapaya plants are typically grown in the tropical and sub-tropical climates. In the United States, they are cold hardy to USDA Hardiness Zone 9, but they can also be grown as container plants indoors.


4 Kiwi fruits, one cut in half.

Growing Kiwi FruitsKiwi vines grow up to 28 feet long and produce brown, egg-sized fruits covered with a fuzzy skin. Inside the fruit is a soft, juicy green pulp and dozens of small, edible black seeds. Kiwi fruits are rich in vitamin C, E, and potassium.


Quince growing in a tree

Growing QuinceQuinces (Cydonia oblonga) are fruit trees related to apples and pears. They require a chilling period to flower (100 to 140 days below 45ºF), and can be grown successfully in cooler tropical climates as well as colder temperate regions.



Starting Seeds Under Fluorescent LightsLight can be a limiting factor to starting seeds indoors. Fortunately, a couple of 40-watt fluorescent lights can usually make up for a lack of daylight. Here are some tips for setting up and getting the most out of a growing space using fluorescent lights.



Basic Botany for GardenersPlants are truly amazing. They create the oxygen we breathe, provide us with food, beverages, clothing, products for shelter, and medicines. Botany is the scientific study of plants.


Jack Frost

Award Winning Plants for the 2012 Growing...With all of the new plants being introduced to the gardening marketplace each year, it's hard to know which are worthy of your time and attention. Here are four award winning plants-proven performers in gardens around the country-to keep an eye out for in 2012.


Growing Green Beans

Growing Green BeansGreen beans are an easy garden crop to grow. They don't require shelling, because they are eaten pods and all. Commonly referred to as "snap beans" or "string beans", some cultivars may also be yellow in color, or have purple-colored pods.


Beets growing in the garden

Growing BeetsGardeners love to grow beets because they mature quickly and they can be grown in almost any climate. They are rich in anti-oxidants, and although grown primarily for their sweet-tasting roots, they also produce a cap of delicious, edible greens.


Growing Artichokes

Growing ArtichokesArtichokes usually take more than 150 days to mature from seed and are highly sensitive to extremes of hot and cold-a narrow set of growing requirements that eliminates them from most gardens.


Making a Hummingbird Garden

How to Make a Hummingbird GardenTheir iridescent, jewel-like colors and unique behaviors make hummingbirds some of the most fascinating birds we can attract to our gardens. Making a hummingbird garden is easy.


Lemons growing on a tree.

How to Grow LemonsIf you garden in a warm climate, you may want to consider growing a lemon tree. Even if you live in a cool climate, there are several dwarf varieties available that grow well indoors.


Growing Honeydew Melons

Growing Honeydew MelonsHoneydew melons may have a long growing season, but they are an interesting crop to grow. Although you may not see gigantic yields when the harvest finally does come in, the rewards of tasting your sweet, homegrown melons will be well worth your efforts.


Up close photo of groundcover.

Choosing the Right GroundcoverGroundcovers are useful for covering large areas in the landscape. They can also be useful for solving specific landscaping problems, like replacing grass in shady locations, providing erosion control on steep slopes, and providing cover in spaces where it's difficult to mow.


Brussel sprouts.

Vegetables That Taste Better After FrostMost of us scramble get our vegetables harvested before the first frost. But did you know that the taste of some crops actually improves after being touched by frost?


Aster flowers being pollinated by a bee.

Tips for Growing AstersIn autumn, when many garden perennials are winding down for the season, asters are just getting started. Prized by gardeners for their brilliant late season color, here are some tips for growing them.


Suet balls and bird seed.

Homemade Suet for Backyard BirdsBirds have very high metabolisms and demand high amounts of energy to maintain their daily activities. Suet is a great way to help them replenish the energy stores lost during nesting, migration, and cold weather.


How to Add Charm without Adding More Work

Garden Accents: How to Add Charm Without...Accessorizing with non-living things like birdbaths, sundials, and garden stakes is an inexpensive way to add charm to your garden without creating any more work. Here are seven classic garden accents and some tips for incorporating them into your landscape.


Blooming tulip bulbs.

Extending the Life of Your Tulip BulbsMore than a few gardeners have been disappointed by "one-year wonder" tulips. These spring bloomers are perennials, but they don't always act like it-producing spectacular flowers the first year, only to peter out or disappear altogether the second.


Celery growing in the ground.

How to Grow CeleryCelery can be grown in just about any climate as long as you have the time and patience. Traditional trench-grown celery, which requires specific soil conditions and constant attention over a long growing season, has given this vegetable its demanding reputation.


A lawn with grass growing in it.

How to Get Rid of Moss in Your LawnThe invasion of moss in your lawn occurs when you try to grow grass in places that are too shady, too wet, or on very poor soil-conditions that do not support grass. To eliminate moss and prepare the soil for grass, you'll need to change your lawn's growing conditions.


A man winterizing his lawnmower.

Winterizing Your Gas-Powered Lawn MowerA well-maintained lawn mower starts effortlessly in the spring, runs cleaner, and helps make yard work just a little bit more enjoyable. Here is a basic overview of how to prepare your gas-powered lawn mower for winter storage.


A tree damaged by animals.

Preventing Animals from Damaging Plants...Hungry animals can make a meal out of your trees and plants during the winter months pretty quickly. Sometimes the damage is obvious-plants are fine one day, only to appear damaged or even disappear completely the next.


Container planters on a porch.

Preparing Container Plants for WinterFor most of us, the first hard frosts of fall mark the end of container gardening season. Here are some tips for tidying up your dead or dormant plants, moving your favorites indoors, and cleaning up and storing your containers for the winter.


Pink flowers covered in frost.

Preparing for Fall FrostsWhether you grow vegetables or flowers, it is natural to want extend the growing season as long as possible. As fall arrives, set aside a few minutes for "frost preparedness".


Pumpkin planters and other Fall decorations.

Autumn Gardening Ideas for Filling in...If your autumn beds and borders are starting to show a few bare spots due to dormant plants, don't worry. Here some quick and easy fixes for filling in the gaps.


Plant Sale

Save Money Shopping End-Of-Season Plant...Fall is a great time to visit local garden centers and shop for end of season bargains. As the growing season draws to a close, most nurseries and plant retailers offer annuals and perennials at deep discounts in order to move out their remaining inventory.


A woman dress in gloves and a hat for gardening.

What to Wear While GardeningThe best clothing to wear while gardening is the kind that feels comfortable while you are reaching, bending, crouching, and sitting.


A rake laying on garden mulch.

When to Avoid Using MulchIn most cases, mulch is pure magic for our gardens. It aids in weed control, insulates the soil, conserves moisture, and feeds hungry plants. However, when applied improperly or used at the wrong time, mulch can actually do more harm than good.


Plant in white pot against white background

Five Houseplants to Grow Just for FunThe following five houseplants are worth growing just for the sheer fun of it. All share a few common features - they are obtained from planting seeds, pips, or plant tops from fruits and vegetables you buy for eating.


Calico cat peering through the leaves of a houseplant

Eight Houseplants That Are Virtually...For many of us, the perfect houseplant is one that looks great and continues to thrive without requiring a lot of extra attention. Although no houseplant is completely indestructible, here are eight that have earned a reputation for their adaptability and tolerance for neglect.


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Tropical Orchid CareTropical orchids have a reputation for being delicate and demanding, but home gardeners can grow many of these exotic beauties just as easy as any other houseplant.


vase with hydrangea flowers on white table with brown background

Conditioning Cut Flowers for Lasting...Every professional florist knows that the methods used to cut flowers and condition their stems can significantly extend their vase life. Here are a few easy tricks that will help you lengthen the life of the flowers you cut from your own garden.


How to Grow Coleus

How to Grow ColeusColeus has remained a popular plant ever since it rose to favor during the Victorian age. The leaves of this inexpensive and versatile plant come in a bewildering array of colors, patterns, shapes, and sizes.


Man in tie and hard hat pushing a lawn mower

Tips for Choosing a Lawn Care ServiceFor those who don't have the time or desire necessary to achieve a beautiful lawn, hiring a lawn care service is a great way to have it. When it's your job to hire someone else to do the job, use these tips to make the process a little easier.


Robin splashing in cement flower shaped birdbath

How to Choose a BirdbathFew things are more attractive to birds than a safe place to bathe, drink, and socialize with other birds. The birdbath you choose doesn't need to be fancy, but there are a few things to consider in a year 'round attraction for your backyard feathered friends.


Closeup of green bell pepper on vine

How to Grow Gorgeous Bell PeppersBell peppers are easy to grow, nearly pest and disease-free, and they produce a lot of yield in a small amount of space. You can either buy transplants locally, or start seeds yourself. Here are the basics of what you need to know to get started.


Attractively Landscaped Pool

Landscaping Around Swimming PoolsIn many parts of the country, swimming pools are a prominent feature in the garden. Whether you are starting from scratch or looking to spruce up an existing pool, here are some important things to consider.


Two tomatoes on vine sprinkled with water

Tips for Tomato GrowersTomatoes are America's most popular garden crop, but they are not necessarily the easiest crop to grow. Even the most experienced gardeners occasionally find themselves at a loss as to why their tomato plants fail. Here are a few helpful guidelines for understanding tomatoes.


Bed of annuals

Fueling Your Annuals with FertilizerAnnuals are the flowering powerhouses of the plant world, and fertilizer is the fuel that keeps their engines firing. Knowing how to fertilize them is important. Once your annuals start blooming, a proper feeding schedule will keep them blooming vigorously for the rest of the growing season.


Tips for Protecting Your Plants When Painting Your Home

Tips for Protecting Your Plants When Painting...A beautifully painted exterior is a great way to increase your home's curb appeal. A little bit of planning is all you need to keep your plants out of harm's way.


Boy sowing seeds in garden

Plant Seeds Now for a Second Season CropMid to late summer is a great time to plant seeds for a "second season" crop. After harvesting early maturing crops like salad greens, radishes, peas, and spinach, plant a second wave of your favorite cool-season vegetables for a bountiful fall harvest.


Man watering perennial bed with a watering can

Perennial Flower Garden MaintenanceTo keep your perennial flowers healthy and looking their best, you need to get in the habit of some routine maintenance. Here are some strategies that allow you to spend more time enjoying your garden, and less time working in it.


Deer in Suburban Garden

Scent Fences for Repelling Deer and RabbitsAlthough walls and fences are the most effective means of keeping deer and rabbits out of your garden, they are not always a practical solution. "Scent fences" can be an alternative - especially when they have plenty of other places to go in search of food.


Hand shovel and tomato start in rich, black soil

Why Soil pH is So ImportantThe pH of soil affects the ability of plants to take up nutrients in the soil through their roots. If the soil is too acidic or too alkaline (basic) important nutrients like nitrogen, potassium, and phosphorus become less available to your plants.


Red and Orange Mexican Sunflowers

Garden: Mexican SunflowerOne of several plants that really stand out in the late summer garden is Mexican sunflowers. I planted my Mexican sunflower seeds after our last frost this year.


Garden gloves displayed on grass

Tips for Buying Gardening GlovesGardening can be tough on your hands. A good set of gardening gloves is one the most important tools in a gardener's tool shed. Here are some tips for finding the perfect pair.


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