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Stray Cat Problem?How can I keep stray cats out of my garden?


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Homemade Lawn Spray?I am looking for a lawn spray you can make with liquid detergent, water, beer, and ? I don't know the other ingredient, the amounts of each to use, or how to use, but heard it works very well. Does anyone know? -Julia


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Mold on Mulch?Does anyone have any suggestions on getting rid of mold/fungus on mulch in the flower beds?


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Uses for Fireplace Ashes?What can I do with wood ash? Besides tossing in the woods. What garden plants or veggies like it?


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Composting in the City?I recently relocated from a house where I had a yard to an apartment in the city where I have none. Does anyone know of any resources, books, or tips for composting in the city? Having composted for years, I would hate to start throwing out compostable material.


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Replacing Lawn with Plants?I want to replace a lot of my lawn with plants. Any advice would be helpful. Does anyone have suggestions of what is good to plant for low care and low water usage?


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Root Lilacs?I have a large branch from a lilac bush that broke off a neighbor's mature bush. It is easily five feet tall and the stalk is 1-2" in diameter. I brought it home to salvage it's beautiful blossoms, but now I would love to root it and plant it later in my own yard. Is it too big?


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Lilac Bushes?How do you start one from another bush? Do you just cut a piece off - or what? Thanks, Annie-M


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Planters out of Old Tires?Looking for info on how to make planters out of old tires.


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Repairing Lawnmowers?I need to repair our lawnmower but don't know how and no where on internet will tell me how. Does anyone have information?


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Replacing a Lawnmower Seal?Could I get step-by-step instructions on replacing the main seal in a Techumseh gas lawnmower please?


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Tractor Tires for Strawberry Beds?I need information on how to cut old tractor tires to make a raised bed for strawberries.


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Redbud Tree Doesn't Bud?I have two redbud trees that were purchased at a Home Depot in May of 2002. The trees have always appeared to be healthy but have NEVER had the beautiful reddish-purple blooms! (The blooms are why I wanted the trees!)


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What Do I have... Crabgrass?Hi, I have some sort of grass and I don't know what it is. It has leaves that are 7/16 of an inch wide and has lines in it. The stem of the grass is really stiff or hard and it grows a lot faster than my other grass. It also has a lighter color than my other grass (fescue). Can you please help me out on what it is and how I can get rid of it. Diana from Michigan


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Help With Lawn Problem?I need help with some kind of lawn problem. It's not crabgrass. I have fertilized two years now and it's still there. It's a lot thicker than grass, grows a lot faster than grass and is a darker green. I can't seem to get rid of it. bigbadmomma.



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An Introduction to Seed Saving?Saving seeds from plants is a great way to save money in your garden. Feel free to post your tips about saving seeds below.


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Pill Bugs in Garden?In our garden, we have a huge infestation of pill bugs. In fact, it is so bad that if you stick a small shovel in and pull out a little bit of dirt, you uncover about 20 ants, 40 -50 pillbugs, and 1 or 2 worms. I know the worms are good, but I'm worried about the pill bugs. Does anyone have a cure?


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Recycling Cement Blocks from Renovation? We are renovating a small home in the tropics of Qld. We are going to replace a falling wall with a window or door. In order to do this we have to remove the current wall which is made up of cement blocks, most will break during the demolition side, however having done this before (during summer!), I believe that there would be an easier, but more so, global friendly way to recycle these blocks in our garden.


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Saving Petunia Seeds?Interested in knowing how to save my petunia seeds so that I can have the same colors each year. I found one that I like.


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Propagating Lilac Bushes?How do you plant lilac bushes from another plant? Deborah


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Looking for Seed Saving Information?I'm a seed saver of flowers but don't know how to get them from several plants . Petunias, stock, pansy and several others. Does any one know of a web site that shows pictures of what they look like.


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How to Grow Bulbs?What are your tips for growing and saving money on bulbs?


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Looking for a Iresine/Bloodleaf Plant?I would be interested in trading for an iresine/bloodleaf plant if there are any out there. Nancy (Wisconsin)


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Grasshoppers Eating My Flowers?Need Your help. Grasshoppers eating all my flowers in my garden, and i have alot of flowers. I have sprayed 4 times and they are still munching away.


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Yellow Leaves on a Weeping Willow Tree?I received my seedling of a Weeping Willow tree while it was still cold here near New Orleans so I planted it in a large pot. We've been having so much rain, I haven't been able to put it in the ground yet. I've noticed that a few of the leaves have turned yellow with small brown spots on them and some of the green leaves have those spots as well. Do you have any idea what could be causing this or could it be that it needs to be taken out of the pot and put in the ground? Help! Dale from Louisiana,


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Buying Strawberry Baskets in Bulk?I have been trying to find those strawberry baskets to buy in bulk. I have a huge strawberry garden and would like to start selling them next year. I need the baskets to sell them in. Anyone know where I can buy them?


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Information about Hymenosporum Flavums (Frangipani)?My neighbors want to top about 10 of my Hymenosporum Flavums. I've been told it's bad to top this Frangipani as it is likely to die within two years after topping. Is this correct?


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Flying Bugs on My Lawn?I recently just removed about six fruit trees from my back yard, so i would have more lawn and now i have a millions of these little flying insects, maybe gnats. How would i get rid of them?


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Weed Killers?I printed all the mixtures to kill weeds and lost them. Could you guys please post them again.


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Looking for the Name of a Plant?My in law has a plant that has pretty much became a bush. It is beautiful. It only blooms at night with these beautiful white flowers. On the very bottom of the plants are growing these round balls with stickies on them. Inside of these are tons of seeds. This plant gives of a lovely scent.



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Vegetation Killer for Poison Ivy and Sumack?I need to find a home made vegetation killer that is safe to use anywhere and will kill poison ivy and sumack.


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Black Flying Bugs in Potting Soil?How do I get rid of little flying black bugs that seem to be in my potting soil? Where are they coming from?


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Cold Weather Flowers and Plants?What plants and flowers do you recommend for planting in the cold weather?


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Do Green Peppers Grow Back On the Same Tree?My husband has gotten to be quite the gardener. We have been growing our first batch of green peppers this year. We didn't even know they grew on a tree till now. Anyway, we were wondering if we should pull out the tree once all the peppers have grown for the season or should we keep the tree planted for next year's arrivals of green peppers?


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Can you grow roses from seed?Can anyone tell me if you can grow roses from seed. I have been gardening for a few years and only just the other day noticed seeds falling from my rose bush. I did not know roses even had seed.


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Rose Of Sharon Not Blooming?Can anyone tell me what is wrong with a Rose of Sharon when it won't bloom and the leaves are now turning yellow? I am in AL and everyone elses here are in full bloom. Agc1953


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Saving My Hibiscus For Next Year?I have a Hibiscus which was given to me as a gift and bloomed beautifully all summer. Now the blooms are gone and it does well while it is outside but if I bring it in the house, all the leaves fall off and it looks awful. Is there anyway to save it so I can enjoy the blooms next summer?


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Banana Peel For House Plants?After reading about banana peels helping roses, I wonder what effect they would have on houseplants - would they have an adverse reaction to the plant?


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Taking Care of Apple Trees During the Fall and Winter?Does anyone know of something I can treat apple trees with over the fall and winter so the leaves won't be infested in the spring? My husband and I moved into a house in the country with two apple trees (the apples are light green and soft red when they are ripe).


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Can you plant bulbs in the fall? (Tulips, Daffodils, Crocus)Good morning all! It's now early November. :o) Starting to cool off a lot here in New York as well. However is it still a good time for bulk planting? I've many flower bulbs I'd like to see bloom during around Easter.


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Sick Looking Rose of Sharon?I have 4 rose of sharons and am having trouble, the leaves are turning yellow. Everyone else's around here are blooming and mine look sick. I live in alabama, could anyone give me some help here?


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Can you rescue the ivy?A few weeks ago, I accidently applied the "Weed and Feed" fertilizer on the ground covering ivy. Now the ivy is dying. Is there any way to rescue the ivy? Please advise. Thank you, Gerard


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Ideas for My Sad Pine Tree?Last summer I thought I "saved" a vermont pine tree that had decided to grow in a huge rock thats on my lawn. I transplanted it into a pot and it seemed to be doing well, now I've brought it in due to the severity of winter up in the northeast kingdom (5-6 ft snow) and now it seems unhappy.


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Blackberry Vines are Consuming my Backyard?I'm from Oregon and we have thousands and thousands of blackberry bushes. However the ones that keep coming up year after year are threatening to take over my yard and my sanity...


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Composting Pine Needles?Please share your thoughts and "Do's and Don'ts" for composting pine needles. I have to circle the wagons and the troops and rake up all of them. I want to fill up the new 'wiz-bang' recycled plastics composter I purchased from the local landfill district office (It's about 42" high, and 4' across). Thank you! ~Ooo~ Bill in SE Mass.



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Sweet Potato Vines In A Mason Jar?I remember my mom growing sweet potato vines (as house plants) in a mason jar. How do you do it? I'd love to know. Can they remain in the water with some marbles in the bottom, or do they need to be planted? What type of light do they need? If I need to plant them, what do I keep the moisture level at for the soil? I can't remember which end of the sweet potatoe to place in water to root it? Thanks, jenny from KY


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Treating Rust On Weeping Willow Trees?I planted a 25 gal weeping willow last fall. It now has rusty looking spots on the underneath side of the leaves and some of the leaves are yellow. How do i eliminate this problem? Thanks Designsmith


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Solution For A Flooded Garden Allotment?We have recently taken over an allotment and are planning to grow vegetables. My problem is the previous occupier dug lots of holes for projects they never finished, and now all the holes are flooded with water. Please can someone suggest how to fix this - I am concerned that what I will do will just send the water to the next plot. Thanks Oxford Jane


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How to Get Peace Lily to Bloom?Need info on how to get my peace lily to bloom. mariew


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Creating A Greenhouse In The Basement?We would like to start our own garden seeds at home, but the only space we have is in our basement. Does anyone have any ideas on starting this and what we'll need.


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Frugal Ideas on Making Wild Bird Feeders?We have purchased a bird feeder, and now find that there are too many birds. We dont mind buying the feed, it's the feeders that make us cringe! The type we need is over $70! So i thought maybe someone may have an idea of making my own. I dont think the wild birds would mind my frugality! Kate


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Helping A Frozen Rosemary Bush?I just bought a rosemary bush (still in it's original pot) and dumb me left it out and it froze. Well, the leaves are brown now. It still smells wonderful. Now I see 3 or 4 little green shoots coming from the ends of the stems. The thing is pretty much brown all over.


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Caring For Poinsettia Plant Year Round?Does anyone know how to keep a pointsettia plant from one year to the next. My cousin gave me a beautiful plant at the beginning of December and it is still going strong. I have heard that if you keep them in a cool dark place, they will "reflower" the following year. Is this true? Do I need to water it on a regular basis if I do keep it in a cool dark place? Any help would be appreciated. Darlene in Mississauga


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Solanum Melanocerasum - Garden Huckleberry?I got a free packet of huckelberry seeds and neither I or my mom know what they are. The packet says solanum melanocerasum- garden huckelberry. Can someone tell me what they are and what it is good for? pakjc


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Splitting a Peace Lily?I have a very large Peace Lily. I would like to split it into 2 different pots. Is there an easy way to do this without killing my plant? ljgravert


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How to Kill a Passionfruit Vine?We have a tiny backyard and decided to grow a passionfruit vine on a arch. It grew like wild fire and everyday for the last 3 years I have pulled out passionfruit suckers from our garden. It has taken over a third of our garden and we set fire to the vine on the arch and pulled out the root. That was a month ago and we have more suckers than ever. My husband put weed killer directly onto each sucker but more are coming everyday. Please help we are desperate. We live in Australia with hot weather and we never once fed or tended this plant. Melinda from Australia


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Killing Bind Weed?I am looking for a cure to kill the bind weed around my farm. I haven't minded it too much except that it is moving into my flower beds and that is a no, no. I've tried digging it, but there is just too much of it. Donna Marie


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Getting Orchids to Rebloom?Does anyone know how to get an orchid to rebloom? I buy a new one every year, and now I have 6 or 7 plants that are living but don't bloom for me again. By Brenda Cole


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How to Look After a Chile Plant?How do I look after a potted chile plant? If any one has any ideas I'd be most grateful. It has little white flowers but the chiles that were growing have all shrivelled up! It is the only plant in my flat, and deserves a good life! Many thanks in advance! Julie (near London)


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Looking For Black Roses?I am looking for black roses to use in my beauty line, I had black roses when I lived in Washington, but people down here think I am crazy when I inquire about them. So I was just wondering if anyone knew when I could find some, I would like to plant my own down here if it is possible. Thank you. Bella


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Looking For a Bearded Iris?I am looking for a Bearded Iris by the name of "Lip Stick Lies" It was white with random red lipstick marks on it. Does anyone have it in their yards or know where I can get one? Thanks in advance. Great Granny Vi from Southern CA.


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Need Help Growing Dill?I have a dilemma. I love dill and I HATE buying them from stores. I've tried many many times in the past 3 years to grow them myself, each time meeting utter failure.


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Growing Bean Sprouts?How do I grow bean sprouts from mung beans? One that is crisp and juicy like that purchased fresh from grocers.


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How Far Apart to Plant Willow Trees?Could someone give me advice on how far apart I should plant willows? Thanks for your time.


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Planting Trees In Clay Soil?We have a cabin in West Virginia and I want to plant some trees but have no clue what type are best. We have clay soil. Hope someone can help.


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Large Area Weed Control In Arizona?Does anyone have a good idea for large area weed control? I live in Arizona where having a lawn is not the best option. One of my two acres is primarily "yard" which i have cleared every year with a tractor. Eventually I will be covering this area with decroative rock, however in the meantime I have been over grown with weeds.


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Annuals For a Blue Flower Garden?Last year I grew a white garden and it was spectacular. This year I'd like to try my hand at a blue garden. I'd like some ideas of annuals I could use. Donna Marie


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Easy to Grow Unique Flowers?I need easy to grow flowers that are unique. By ptreskovich


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Growing Flowers in Partial Sunlight?Flowers that you can grow in partial sunlight. Post your ideas.


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Protecting Flowers From Chipmunks and Rabbits?I am hoping someone can help me save my flowers this year. We are overrun with chipmunks and rabbits. They totally stripped all of my flowers last year.


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Improving Sandy, Clay Soil?I love flowers and different plants but the soil at my home does not. I have part sandy soil, part hard clay soil. Some parts the water runs off, other parts I water and it runs right thru, so that the plants seem dry all the time.


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Ground Cover for Moist Ground?Does anyone have recommendations on what would be a moisture loving ground cover, but one that doesn't look "snakey"? There's a low spot in my yard about 10x10. I thought about a weeping willow, but my hubby said the roots would get into the septic system which runs through there.


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Bad Luck With Seeds? dont have good luck with seeds. but my boss gave us seeds for Easter. they alweays look soo puny when they come up and then they die.


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Weed Identification?Can anyone recommend a good site/book for weed identification? I know I sound like a real brainless wonder but I haven't a clue which plants are weeds and which were planted purposefully.


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Always Blooming Flowerbeds?I had a neighbor who had the most beautiful flowerbed. Seemed like every week or something new came up to change the look of it. I always wondered what her secret planting method was. I'd love to know.


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Cats in Garden?The neighbourhood stray cats have decided to use my gardens as their own personal litter box. I was wondering if anyone knew of a way to deter them.


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Keeping Birds Out Of Boston Ferns?How do I keep the birds out of my Boston ferns hanging on my porch?


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Growing Peaches With Good Flavor?Does anyone know what makes a peach taste bitter,last year the peaches on our trees had a bitter taste, what can I do to help them have better flavor?


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Inexpenisve Edging Ideas?Any suggestions on how I can edge my flower beds with little or no expense? I want something that will be easy to mow around instead of having to weed eat around all flower beds. Thanks!


Perennial For Around My Mailbox?I want to plant some type of perennial around my mailbox. I was wondering if anyone has any ideas of something that is easy to take care of. The location gets shade in the morning and sun in the afternoon.


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Flowerbed Suggestions?What type of flowers would be pretty in a flowerbed with light purple pansies? They are the only flowers that appear to have survived the winter months and I haven't a clue as to what else to fill it in with.


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Bringing Life Back To My Lilac Bush?I have a two year old Lilac bush. Last year it developed white mold. I sprayed it with mold killer from the store. This year not a leaf or a bloom, but I broke a thin branch and it still looks like it has some life. What should I do? Any help?


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Preventing Cutworms Away from Tomatoes?When my father-in-law was alive and gardening, he used to put something around tomato plants and other plants to keep cutworms away. I cannot remember what it was.


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Protecting Hosta Plants From Slugs?My Hosta plants are attacked by slugs when the leaves are at their peak! I have tried the beer in low cans which does help but they are messy to clean and when it rains they all have to be refilled again. I also tried putting eggshells around the base of the plants but this was not very successful in controlling them. Does anyone have a non-toxic solution to this problem?


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Lawn Mower Not Sucking Grass Into Bag?My lawn mower is not sucking the grass into the bag. Any ideas what could be wrong.


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Home Remedy for Crabgrass?What is the mixture of vinegar and soap for killing crabgrass?


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Arbicola Plant - Sticky and Scaly Leaves?The leaves on my Arbacola Plant have gotten sticky and there is some kind of scaly substance on them. Can anyone tell me what to do to get rid of this?? Or do I need to throw the plant out?? Any suggestions would be GREATLY appreciated, cause this is a really big plant.


Is This a Pineapple Growing on My Plant?I started this about 4 years ago from a pineapple I bought from the grocery. I cut off the top and planted it in soil in a pot. It started coming up from the middle of the plant about a week after Easter.


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Land Clearing Tips?Tip for clearing land of scrubs, trees and brush to allow for gardening or building. Post your ideas.


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Infrequent Blossoming Dogwood Tree?I have a dogwood tree that is at least 15 years old. I think it has blossomed only two or three times since buying it. What does it need nutrionally or is it the amount of sun it receives that is crucial for annual blossoming?


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Problems Finding Plants?I want to do a container garden with the following plants: Bloody Dock (Rumex Sanguineus), Kent Beauty Ornamental Oregano (Origanum 'Kent Beauty'), Verbena (Verene tenuisecta 'Edith'), Red Ace Twinspur (Diascia 'Red Ace'), Pink Crystals Ruby Grass (Melinis nerviglumis) and Silver Mist Licorice Plant (Helichrysum petiolare 'Minus').


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Snakes In Water Garden?I have a water garden in my backyard. This year I have an over abundance of snakes! Does anyone have ideas on how to safely get rid of them without affecting the water garden or the landscape?


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Shade Cloth With Pictures?Does anyone know where I can find shade cloth or fabric with pictures silkscreen on it? I saw it on one of those home improvement shows and they used it outside in someone's yard ...


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Castor Plant and Skunk Cabbage?Does anyone have any information of the castor plant and skunk cabbage? Laww


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Keeping Foxes out of Garden?Need to keep foxes away from a veg. garden and away from 2 dogs. Any ideas?


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Replacing Grape Vines With Fruit and Nut Trees?We are going to be moving to the country next month. The property has a vineyard and one corner the vines were damaged by a fire. The whole thing is watered by drip irrigation. I really don't plan to just have a vineyard and would like a farm with all types of nut and fruit trees.


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Image Weed Killer Reviews?Has anyone tried Image weed killer? If so would you recommend it?


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Chinch Bugs In Lawn?Any remedies for chinch bugs in lawns?


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Gardening Challenge - Planting In Shade?I have an area in front of my house that could use some planting. It's under the eaves and shaded by trees, one being a pine. So I need something that would tolerate dry, acidic, shade. I live in zone 4b. Any suggestions?


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Problems Growing Pine Trees?I have been having problems with planting pine trees and then they die - 11 to be exact in the last 3 years. Does anyone know of a fertilizer I can make up to help when I plant them? How can I then feed them through the season.


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Killing Grass and Weeds?What can I use to kill the grass so I can put in rock?


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Attracting Fireflies To Your Garden?Do any of you gardners know how to attract fire flies (lightening bugs) to a yard?


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