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What Is This Plant?Please help identify this plant. It grows long stems with spotted leaf. There is usually one or two that grow very tall but then the stem splits and then dies. This process repeats. How do I keep the stems from splitting? I feel like this is a type of lily pad and meant to be in water'.


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Is Sicklepod an Annual?Does sicklepod come back every year?


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Comparable Replacement for my Red Tip Photinias?Can you please give me a name of a comparable replacement for my Red Tip Photinias that are slowly dying off? I would like it to be an evergreen shrub that grows as fast and full as these. Thank you.


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Identifying Sod Types?My HOA said the grass in the neighborhood is Zoysia, but the guy that mows it says it is Bermuda. How can I know what type is it?


A tomato with an issue.

Growing Tomatoes?Some of our tomatoes are growing fine but some bunch of them are looking like the picture attached. What could cause that? Is it a fungus disease? Or too much water? The lower leaves seems to dry off too.


Identifying White Grapelike Eggs?

Identifying White Grapelike Eggs?These eggs are on all my azaleas front yard bushes. Some appear as though they've Hatched. I live in Massachusetts


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Getting Rid of Moss?How do I get rid of moss in a rock garden without damaging plants?


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Indoor Sunstar Plant?I have a new Sunstar plant and I want to put it in my office at work but I don't have a window in my office. Can my plant survive without sunlight every day?


An African violet in a pot.

African Violet Not Blooming?Repotted my African Violet over a year ago and it has not bloomed since then. How do I get it to bloom again?


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Firewood Safety With Poison Ivy?We cut down a tree in the late fall. There were poison ivy vines wrapped around part of the trunk. Is it safe to burn the wood if the vines are removed and it sits and dries out for a year?


What Plants To Grow In Your Greenhouse?

What Plants To Grow In Your Greenhouse?I bought a hobby greenhouse this spring and I am a garden greenhouse starter. I would like to know which plants are suitable for greenhouse planting. I've seen someone say that tomatoes, potatoes and lettuce are perfect plants. What others?


An old bottle of laundry deterrent.

Using Laundry Detergent Bottle To Water Birds?I have washed this laundry detergent bottle so many times, I have lost count. Sadly, it continues to smell like laundry detergent. Is it safe to use as a jug to water the birds?


Bare vines growing from a grapevine.

Can I Cut These From My Grapevine?What do you call these things hanging from my grapevine? Can I cut them off now or do I have to wait until the vine is dormant? This is the first year they have been this thick and this long.


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Growing Mango in East Texas?Can I grow a mango tree in East Texas?


A green houseplant in a pot.

Identification of House Plant?Its leaves are unnaturally curly because it is was a plant on the discount rack of a big box store. It came with no tag and there was no other plant like it there to see if another plant like it had a plant tag with name/care.



Eggs on the back of a leaf

What Type of Eggs Are These?I found this colony of what looks like bug eggs in my garden. What type of bug do these eggs belong to? They were on the bottom of a milkweed leaf. (Definitely NOT monarch)


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Zucchini Buds Falling Off?I have two zucchini plants planted in a single 5 gallon pot. They seem healthy overall and I even harvested one fruit this season. But all remaining fruit buds that are forming on the plants are turning yellow, becoming limp and falling off even before they blossom (flowers don't open).


A Mallard egg in the grass.

Why Is One Mallard Egg Out Of The Nest?A mallard laid 10 eggs in my yard. She has been sitting on them for almost a month, leaving a short period of time in the morning and again early evening. This morning, 1 of the eggs was approximately 6 feet away from the nest. We have Muscovy ducks in the neighborhood that frequent our yard, including mother, father, and 3 ducklings.


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Planting Spaghetti Squash?Planting spaghetti squash too close - what will happen? Hubby planted seeds 2 inches apart. Should they be thinned and by how much


Tomatoes being grown in a kiddie pool.

Staking Tomatoes In a Kiddie Pool?How do I stake up my tomato plants in this little kiddy pool?


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Duck Sitting On Nest?I went to pull weeds on side of my office building and found a duck sitting on a nest with 7 eggs. The nearest body of water is 2 blocks away across a busy street so I have no idea how she wound up there. I purchased duck pellets and put them out in a dish but she's not eating.


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Growing Different Types of Cuttings?How important is the type of plant cutting? If you for example, take a hardwood cutting when it should be a semi-ripe cutting, would the plant still grow?


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Using Coconut Planter Inserts?What to use to keep coconut inserts in flower pots from dripping out bottom.


A flowering houseplant.

Identifying a Houseplant? (Kalanchoe)What is the name of this plant please?


A bush or tree with red leaves.

What Is This Shrub/Tree?Can anyone identify this? It has dark burgundy colored oval leaves, and tiny white or light pink flowers that I think only appear during the spring. The leaves completely fall off this in the fall. This is a picture from today, so the leaves have not fully come out for the spring. Thank you in advance for any responses.


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Best Time to Plant?When is the best time this year to plant in Toppenish, Washington?


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Orange Sun Star?I have a sun star plant whose leaves yellowed, he has bloomed. How do I prune him for the best care? Or are there any other suggestions? Thank you.


A overgrown plant.

What Is This Plant?I found this neglected plant outside my new house. It was still in a pot. Anyone know what it is? I'm zone 9b, thanks.


A grapevine with small grapes.

Grapevine with Small Grapes?I have grown a grapevine now for 4 years in my greenhouse. The root is outside the greenhouse, the vine is inside the greenhouse. All I get is bunches of small pea size grapes, very sweet but a lot of pips. Have taken advice over the years; pruning, thinning, feeding, watering, training, etc. But it is the same.


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Fixing a Leaning Tree?We have a Japanese maple tree that has been in the ground 20 years, part of one side started to rot and it is leaning. Can this tree be straightened?



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Will Trumpet Vine Grow In A Planter Forever?I am trying to grow 4 trumpet vine plants (bignonia cherere) up an aluminum pergola in Zone 9b. The pergola is entirely made of aluminum, 4 legs and top layers and while the vines' branches seem to be growing the tendrils don't seem to attach to the aluminum structure. Is aluminum a no go for vine growing?


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Growing Melons in 5A?I'm getting worried, My watermelon and cantaloupe are small, tennis ball size cantaloupe and marble size watermelon. Should I trim back the vines or pull new flowers to get them going?


A shrub with reddish leaves.

What Is This Shrub?Can anyone identify this shrub? It has oval shaped maroon/burgundy colored leaves and is about 4 feet tall. It is currently planted in a partly shady spot in very wet, clay soil. This may be why it is sparse and not full. I would like to move it to a full sun location in soil with no clay. I need some advice. Thank you in advance for all replies.


Some dying bottlebrush bushes.

What Is Killing These Bottlebrush Bushes?We have had these bottlebrush bushes in our backyard for about ten years. This past year they look like they are slowly dying. They have been watered the same way for the past ten years through our water sprinkling system. A week ago my husband put fertilizer on them but it hasn't done too much. I was thinking maybe we need to prune the dead away but I don't know if that would help. Any suggestions what is wrong with this bush?


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Harvesting Cedar Trees?I have about 35 very mature cedar trees. How much could I get to have them harvested?


A sunflower that grows flowers up the stalk.

Common Sunflower?Yes, I've got many of these sunflowers planted in my yard but just this one has blooms growing all the way up the stem. Why is it doing this? Can you please help me to figure this out? It's driving me crazy not knowing? Please and thank you.


A tree with round reddish fruit.

What Is The Name Of This Fruit Tree? (Nectarine)We moved to KY and this fruit tree is in our backyard. We would like to know its name. The fruit size is approximately 2 to 2 1/2" circumference and remains this size. It has a pit like a peach. We were told it is a variety of apple; it's white inside and the outer peeling is tough. The fruit comes on early and this picture was taken a couple days ago.


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Lilac Tree Leaves?Why does my lilac tree only have leaves near the end of branches. Thanks


Two eggs left in a duck's nest.

Mallard Duck Left Nest?A Mallard duck built a nest in the bush of my front yard. Four ducklings were hatched yesterday, and the mother duck and the four ducklings left their nest this morning. However, there are still two unhatched eggs in the nest. Will the mother duck come back to incubate these two eggs again?


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Wisteria Tree Form?I am trying to make my wisteria vine grow into a tree. How can I get the trunk to thicken?


A close up of a yellow bloom on a plant.

What Is The Name of this Plant? (Double Petunia)I received this plant for Mother's Day and it did not have a tag on it. We do not know what it is.


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Rooting a Forsythia Plant?I purchased a dozen forsythia branches in the plant section of a local grocery store. They had been placed in a pail of water, and the instructions state that they could be rooted in water. They're about 4 foot tall, have barely any buds on the bottom of the branch, and there's no sign of a root as yet.


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Paste Out of Fels Naphtha Soap?How do you make a paste out of the soap? Do you put on your poison ivy to dry it out and how long do you put it on there before? I would love to know the steps into making it into a paste.


Items under the lawn resembling eggs.

What Are These Eggs?The lawn has been torn up over the Canadian winter in places. I found these when I looked at a piece of turf that had been turned up. What are they? They look like eggs of some sort.



A duck egg on the sidewalk.

Mallard Duck Laid Egg on Concrete?Mallard duck laid egg on concrete. Is this normal? She hasn't made a nest yet. The egg is now cold.


A plant in an arrangement.

Identify the Plant in This ArrangementThe woman who used the plant with the purple buds in this Ikebana arrangement doesn't remember the plant's name, and we'd like to know what it is! Can you identify it? (I blocked out another plant up higher in the photo to avoid confusion).


A small Alberta spruce.

What's Wrong With My Dwarf Alberta Spruce?I got a tiny dwarf Alberta spruce for Christmas, and it looked happy in January and February, and grew some new young branches. Recently, these new branches started to brown one after the other, while the soil seemed to be moist enough, and I did not change my care for the tree. As seen on the picture, drainage is secured.


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Can I Compost Pine Needles?Will pine needles break down in my compost bin to useable compost, or are they too tough?


A small green plant with wide leaves.

What Is This Plant?I am wondering what this delightful plant is. A friend of mind gave me a cutting. She had it growing in her bay window. It was trailing with a woody type stem from a pot, and there were clusters of green, like in the picture, spaced out on the woody trailing stalk or stem. The cutting is rooting easily in water, it already has roots after only 1 week from being cut.


A spider plant in a pot.

Spider Plant Drooping and Leaves Getting Yellow?My spider plant leaves are getting yellowish and also drooping. Just bought it 20 days ago. I have also been watering it twice a week, mainly when soil gets dry. Currently, I have kept it in a north direction in main hall. Please suggest how do I get it into proper shape.


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Can I Propagate My Pups Onto Any Kind of Cactus?My rootstock is rotting and i was wondering if I can propagate or graft my pups onto any kind of cactus or if it has to be on one specific kind? I really want my plant to continue growing but I don't know how to save it. Someone help me please.


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Using Orange Juice for Aphids on Roses?Can I squeeze oranges all over my rose to kill aphids?


Bringing My Memorial Petunias In for the Winter?I live in Buffalo, NY, in the Northeast and my petunia still looks fine, but it's now cold and I don't want it to die. The 10 inch pot has holes drilled on the bottom. Can I keep it alive in my house over the winter?


Identifying a Houseplant? - leggy potted plant

Identifying a Houseplant? (Kalanchoe)Please can you tell me what plant this is? Can I prune it down to the first level as it has gone a bit crazy? It flowers small pink flowers. Some of the top branches seem to be trying to set roots out.


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Transplanting A Lemon Tree?There is a beautiful fruitful lemon tree on the lot next door that is up for sale. I am almost positive management will cut it down. Can anyone tell me how and where to cut it so I can replant it?


Identifying Insect Eggs on a Papaya Tree? - scattering of small white insect eggs

Identifying Insect Eggs on a Papaya Tree?I just found these eggs on my papaya tree and don't know what they are. Do they look familiar to anybody?


A wilting rose plant in a pot.

Rose Plant Wilting?Yesterday, I just bought a rose plant and today I repotted it. Overnight, the leaves of my plant are wilting and drying out though the soil is quite moist. I don't know why is this happening!


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Planting a Crown of Thorns in the Ground?If I'm planting a crown of thorns plant in the ground. Should I put some planter mix around it or just put it in the ground. What should I fertilize it with and how often?


What Kind of Insect Eggs Are These? - eggs on a leaf

What Kind of Insect Eggs Are These?I've never seen anything like these before. I did some searching online and figured they may be butterfly or moth eggs. Any ideas?


Saving a Mushy Elephant Ear Bulb? - photo showing the condition of the bulb

Saving a Mushy Elephant Ear Bulb?Recently I was gifted an elephant ear. Upon removing it from the grower's pot, I notice that nearly the entire bulb was completely mush. The first photo is what was left, there are a few roots on either side. I potted it and I'm hoping for the best. Will it survive with the remaining roots? Or can it even survive with such a considerable amount of the bulb gone?


A green houseplant in a pot.

Identify this HouseplantI received this plant in one of those houseplant basket gardens. It was a small accent plant. I transplanted it into this bigger pot and it spent the summer outside on my porch. It has very small pink flowers in clusters. Does anyone know the name of this plant?


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Need Help with Wet YardHello all, I live in a mobile home court. I need help on what can I plant (plant wise) in my front yard to soak up a lot of water? There must be some kind of plant that loves a lot and can grow in a very wet yard. This would help me so much. Help if you can.


A brown cocoon or egg on a leaf.

Is This an Egg or Cocoon?Does anyone know what type of critter likely built this?


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Outdoor Avocado Trees Dying?I have two avocado trees outdoor planted in different locations. One is <1yr the other is >20yrs. Both with direct sunlight. Zone 10a. The trunks on both have randomly turned black about 5" up the trunk to the top. The leaves are dead or dying. One is on drip watering (mature one) and the baby is within a self watering area.


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Low Cost Removal or Sale of Pine Trees?Is there anyone in the Bloomingburg NY area that would remove pine trees at a low cost or interested in purchasing 6 50ft pine trees in great condition?


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Sprouting an Avocado Seed?I am trying to sprout an avocado seed. It has a 3 inch root, but hasn't done much since it grew the root about 3 or 4 weeks ago. Should I keep waiting for a sprout?


Small Insect Eggs on Plastic Part of Wooden Playground? - cluster of eggs on plastic tube covering swing chain

Small Insect Eggs on Plastic Part of Wooden Playground?Can someone identify these insect eggs? I viewed another forum stating that they (eggs similar to these) were wood mites. I'm doubting that these eggs are from mites because they were laid on the plastic covering swing chains. We are in a lightly wooded area in the Chesapeake region.


Avocado Tree Dying? - very dead looking avocado plant from seed

Avocado Tree Dying?Pls help. How can I revive this? My dad overwatered it and then the next thing I see is that the tip starts bending, then boom the leaves look burnt.


Identifying Small Brown Bugs? - small, long brown segmented bug

Identifying Small Brown Bugs?I found these under my plant stand. They kind of look like really skinny rollie pollies.


Insect eggs mixed with dark debris on a deck.

What are These Insect Eggs?I found tons of those eggs in the soil and around the root system of a house plant I was transplanting. What are they?


What Type of Insect Eggs Are These? - pink conical eggs

What Type of Insect Eggs Are These?Can anyone identify these eggs? They are on a muscadine leaf in North Carolina.


Dividing a 30 Year Old Christmas Cactus? - large Christmas cactus on patio furniture

Dividing a 30 Year Old Christmas Cactus?I have a thirty year old red Christmas cactus which is so huge it is becoming difficult to keep in my home. I know I can take cuttings from leaves and have done so successfully many times, but can'I break up the main plant, it has three thick main branches. I would hate to kill it.


Identifying Insect Eggs? - cluster of round pinkish insect eggs on tree bark

Identifying Insect Eggs?What kind of eggs would these be? They are on a tree. All I can find is maybe lady bugs? Can you help?


Is This a Brown Banded Roach Egg Case?  - egg case next to a ruler

Is This a Brown Banded Roach Egg Case?Can anyone confirm if this is a brown banded roach egg case? It was at my sister's on the sill by her AC unit that is rarely used. It's just under 1/8th of an inch and as you can see by the photo appears to look identical to photos of those egg cases online, albeit a bit smaller.


A rusty piece of farm equipment in a field.

What is This Farm Equipment?Please can you tell me what this is, what is was pulled with, the approximate year, what it was used for? Thank you so much.


A plant with large leaves growing in a garden.

What Plant Is This?We planted kale seeds in our garden, and the only thing that came up was this. We are not sure what this is. It doesn't look like normal kale, but it could be some special type of kale. What is this plant?


A spinning object in a backyard.

What is this Spinning Object?Someone found this in their yard in Ohio. I feel like maybe it was some kind of feeder, but I am unsure. Could someone shed some light on this? A merry go round has been suggested but it seems too small for that.


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Increasing Soil AcidityHow to increase the soil acidity for established tomato plants naturally? I'm not getting many blooms or viable tomatoes for this late in the season.


Any Idea What These Eggs Are? - small round yellowish eggs perhaps

Any Idea What These Eggs Are?These look like eggs. They're smaller than a pinhead and I constantly see them on the underside of our umbrella. Sometimes I'll find them on the side of the house after a day or two they turn black, but they start out yellow. Any idea what they are?


Identifying a Yellow Flowering Weed? - creeping buttercup

Identifying a Yellow Flowering Weed?Can you tell me if this is a weed, it's growning very fast.


Identifying Egg Cluster on Corn Leaf? - small cluster of white insect eggs

Identifying Egg Cluster on Corn Leaf?I found this strange hexagon shaped egg cluster, on the back of one of the leaves on my corn plant. It's about the size of a Japanese beetle. I thought it was the shadow of one, under the leaf, when I first saw it. The eggs almost look like gray tubes with a thick white coating or "glue". It looks pretty solid too. Any clue what they are?


Avocado Tree Lost Its Leaves? - leafless avocado tree in pot

Avocado Tree Lost Its Leaves?I've been growing this plant from seed for almost a year, at one point it had two or three leaves which eventually fell off. I brought the plant outside for more heat and sunlight and I think the seed burnt. I just want to know if there's any hope for this little guy or if I should just give up


Avocado Tree Leaves Drooping and Turning Brown? - lots of brown leaves

Avocado Tree Leaves Drooping and Turning Brown?Half of my 7 year avocado tree leaves are drooping. They turn brown and look to be dying. Some of the brown leaves are soft and some have dried. I am so desperate. This is the 1st year w/fruit (it only has 4).


Identifying Insect Eggs? - egg cluster on a peach

Identifying Insect Eggs?I am looking to find out what type of eggs these are? There's a dead fly next to them, but I don't think those are the eggs from the fly. This is attached to a peach.


Insect eggs on the back of a tomato leaf.

Identifying Insect Eggs on Tomato?Anyone know what insect eggs these are on my tomato plants?


What Type of Flower Is This? - red crocosmia flower

What Type of Flower Is This? (Crocosmia)Can someone tell me what type of flower this is?


Hen and Chicks Growing Tall? - hen and chicks plant getting ready to flower

Hen and Chicks Growing Tall?Are the hens suppose to grow on top of each other and tall like the picture shows?


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Fish Pond Is Green?My fish pond is green. I treated it with algaecide, but it didn't help. I have plants in it and just added tadpoles and snails. Is there anything else I should do? Or do I just wait and let them work?


White larvae in a potted plant.

What Are These in My Potted Flowers?What are these in my potted flowers? They are more brownish color, the flash made them look whiter. Also what's the best way to get rid of them?


Dark eggs on a yellow surface.

What Kind of Eggs Are These?These egg clusters are all over the outside of my house. Any idea what they are?


A green plant with spiky flowers and long leaves.

What's This Plant?I was wondering what plant this? This is the first time that it's grown by our yard in the 10+ years that we've lived here. If it helps I live in PA.


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Getting Free Flower Bulbs?Does anyone know where to get free flower bulbs? I live in Chumuckla Florida.


What Is this Egg Nest? - fibrous light colored bean shaped

What Is this Insect Egg Nest?What is this egg nest? I found it in the garden.


What Plant Is This? - flopped over succulent looking plant

What Plant Is This?What plant is it?


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Growing Stargazer Lilies in Pots?Can I leave stargazer lilies in the pots over winter?


Leaves Turning Yellow on Guava Trees?

Leaves Turning Yellow on Guava Trees?I have 2 guava trees that are under attack. One is a strawberry guava. It is sweeter than the regular guava with pink meat and the other is just your regular guava. I have no idea what its name is, but it is tangy with white meat.


What Insect Laid These Eggs? - cluster of eggs on pepper plant leaf

What Insect Laid These Eggs?I found them on a leaf of my pepper plant. They are very very small and they came up all together (none separated) when I peeled it off the leaf.


What Type of Flower Is This? - large 5 petal flower

What Type of Flower Is This?Can anyone tell me what type of flower this is?


Cause of Multiple Sunflowers on a Single Stalk

Cause of Multiple Sunflowers at the Top of a Single Stalk?I planted mammoth sunflower seeds and they turned out spectacular. The last few remaining blooms are on their last stages and I have one where the stalk's upper portion is enlarged and currently supporting 5 heads of flowers. Two are only 3/4 the size of the big ones and are opposite of each other. The 3 smaller ones are on top as the pictures show.


What Kind of Eggs are These? - cluster of small yellow eggs on window

What Kind of Eggs are These?I found these on the window to to my backyard. They're outside and I was wondering what kind of eggs they are. They're oblong when looked at from above.


Hibiscus Branches Dying?

Hibiscus Branches Dying?My hibiscus plant is losing 1 branch every day. The branches go from looking healthy to be dead overnight. The leaves don't turn yellow. I have 2 plants side by side and the problem is only with 1. I had this problem last summer and I lost the plant.


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