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Mid Winter Flower Bulb Bargains- discounted planter and crocus corms

Mid Winter Flower Bulb BargainsI certainly don't need more flowers. I can barely keep up with all I have now. So, why do I continue to buy more? Lack of self restraint, I guess; though I tell myself it's something more colorful.


Overwintering Mexican Heather (Cuphea)

Overwintering Mexican Heather (Cuphea)My border bed is a lot less than I had hoped for. I blame that on poor planning and not thinking ahead. Hopefully, with proper planning and lots of referral notes, there will be a dramatic improvement next year. I hope to avoid all these problems next year by overwintering a tray of the Mexican heather cuttings.


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What Size Pot Does My Weeping Willow Need?I have a weeping willow tree that is about 1 foot tall right now and I want to know how long I can leave it in a pot and what size pot it needs. It currently is in a 1 gallon nursery pot. i would appreciate advice.


Using Old Sinks As Planters - old sinks planted with succulents sitting up on a garden wall

Using Old Sinks As PlantersOne way to recycle old sinks from your bathroom or kitchen is to use them in your garden to plant succulents in. These sinks make a great border around your garden and add to the look of the garden. Succulent plants don't need much water. It is easy to use the sink and they have a drainage system. Just dig a hole in the ground and place the sink and the drainage pipe in the hold.


Flicker at suet feeder.

Homemade SuetI just got done making suet for the wild birds. It is cheap enough to buy, but gets even cheaper if you make your own. The following is my recipe.


Windowsill Celery Hearts

Windowsill Celery HeartsGrow celery hearts on your windowsill this winter. It's easy and they're pretty and delicious. Next time you buy a stalk of celery, cut the heel off about an inch from the bottom.


Protecting Pine Seedlings From Deer Browsing

Protecting Pine Seedlings From Deer...Young trees are a favorite snack of hungry deer, especially in the spring and fall while there's still snow on the ground. Most young pines can recover from minor amounts of repeat browsing as long as the terminal bud remains intact.


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Vertical GardensCreating a vertical garden is a great way to maximize space and add a unique touch to your home. Here's a tip for setting up a vertical garden:


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Five Benefits of Self Watering PotsSelf-watering pots, also known as sub-irrigation planters, offer several advantages for both indoor and outdoor gardening. Here are five benefits of using self-watering pots:


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Keeping Squirrels Off Bird FeedersTake a very long sheet of tinfoil and crunch it up. Carefully pull it out into a long length, gently twisting it as you go. It should start looking like a very long, round, thick, silver snake.


Bell pepper seedlings in recycled containers.

Start Bell Pepper Plants EarlyTo ensure a good crop of bell peppers, it is important to remember that they require a long growing season. You can start the seed now (2/25)


A drawing of a bird choosing a red cherry instead of a yellow one.

Sharing Cherries with BirdsBirds are useful to cherry trees. they eat caterpillars, aphids etc. But of course they want their share of cherries as a reward and they sometimes take a very big share. To save your share, you have to lure the birds and here's how:


A basil growing in a pot on a window.

Fresh Basil All Year LongYou can have fresh basil all year long. I grew basil from seed. It was in a pot and I brought it in. I froze and dried most of it and planted this.


A Chinese Evergreen stem in a glass of water.

Rooting A Chinese Evergreen StemI have a large Chinese Evergreen with one stem that insists on growing horizontally rather than vertically. I remedied that problem with a sharp knife, a heavy beer mug and water.


A patio with many containers of plants.

Creative Container GardeningWait until you take a look at the different creative containers used for container gardening on a patio. I used colored bowls and plates, a lamp stand with a plastic container, two wooden crates, a strainer, a scale, a large tea pot, and a pedestal sink.



Holes drilled in the bottom of a bucket.

Use a Drain Bucket When Washing Vegetables OutsideI use a drain pan in my kitchen quite often and I thought it would be good to have a drain bucket on hand when washing garden vegetables outside. It gets the excess water out.


Picking butter beans off the vine.

Picking ButterbeansThis has been a hot, dry summer and the first year we have watered our garden. It has been a pretty one. My grandmother used to say, a dry June means a wet July. It seems that old saying is true because we have had a lot more rain this month.


Forks around growing vegetables.

Forks to Keep Critters Away in the GardenThese past two years have been a challenge in the garden because of rabbits. I spent a lot of time and money with commercial sprays and powders. They did not work, even though I reapplied after watering and rain.


Sprouted dill seeds in a pot.

Find Seeds in Your Spice CabinetI used to purchase packages of dill seeds. I found out that the dill seed in my spice cabinet will sprout just as well as the commercial seeds. This will work with fennel, coriander, mustard and other spices.


Using a Tarp for Yard Cleanup

Use a Tarp for Yard CleanupWe cut the pampas grass and used a small light weight tarp for cleaning up the clippings. After putting it on the tarp, I tied the bottom ends of the tarp together in a loose knot, then tied the other end to give me a good grip to drag it. It took 3 trips and the tarp worked great for dragging the heavy clippings to the brush pile. It was easy to roll them off after I untied the ends.


Two squares of suet made from one package.

2 for 1 SuetI have discovered the birds like my homemade suet over store bought. I scored a great price at Ace Hardware on suet and bought a lot. Then I took another step and melted down 1 cake and added lard, some peanut butter and add ins you want, and get the texture to form a cake by adding flour or oatmeal, or cornmeal.


A bee on white blossoms.

Best Flowers to Attract Wild BeesWild bees will be most attracted to a garden space that mimics their natural habitat and provides an abundance of food. Interplant local varieties that flower at different times throughout the year to ensure a continuous nectar supply for bees and other pollinators.


Seedling vegetables covered by a bedding plant tray.

Square Mesh Flat to Cover VegetablesDo your vegetables get eaten before they've grown? It's happened to me so many times! Now, I use these square mesh flats over my vegetables after seeding so the birds don't get to them. After my vegetables are bigger and stronger I will remove the flats. Chances are they'll make it and no longer vulnerable.


A pair of puppy clippers next to a pair of kitchen shears.

Dog Nail Cutters for Flower StemsI've tried all types of scissors including the ones that are for metal, cardboard, etc., those heavy duty kitchen scissors but I've never tried my stainless steel puppy nail cutters. They are absolutely hands-down the easiest. The blade doesn't slide off the stem. It gives a nice even cut, which is better for the flowers.


A bottle planted near a plant.

Plastic Bottles to Keep a Plant WateredTo help keep our garden plants watered, this year we tried burying soda bottles, with holes in them, beside the tomato, squash and cucumber plants leaving the opening exposed. To easily fill the bottles, we used a flex funnel and the garden hose. The bottles worked very well to help keep the plants watered and we will be doing it again next year. The garden has just about given out and we have removed all the bottles that are no longer used, rinsed them and put them in the recycling bin.


A wire frame to grow beans on.

Frame for Running BeansLast year we planted bush green beans and when they began to grow, they put out long shoots. That's when we realized that, by mistake, we had gotten some running beans instead of bush beans.


Grapes growing on a vine.

Keeping Animals Out of the GrapevineOur scuppernong grapes are ripening fast and they are so good. With us living close to the woods, animals can be a problem when trying to grow fruit and vegetables.


A tomato with a nose like extrusion.

Tomatoes with CharacterWe have had some funny looking tomatoes in our garden this year. Number one would have made a good Pinocchio character and number 2 has some spots that look like eyes and a dent that makes it look like it is smiling.


Watermelons protected with chicken wire.

Chicken Wire To Protect Garden From AnimalsWe have a few watermelons in our garden this year. Three weeks ago, it was a disappointment to find that an animal, probably a deer, had bitten a huge gash out of one. To remedy this problem, we covered them with chicken wire and have not had any more problems.


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Use Mini Blinds for Plant MarkersIf you have ever had to replace venetian blinds, don't throw them out before you cut several of the plastic strips off to use for plant markers. They can be as long or as short as you want them to be. Happy gardening!



Barn Swallow eggs in a nest.

Barn SwallowsBarn swallows were building a nest on the ledge of our porch. It did not look like a good place for a nest as the ledge is just an inch wide. Maybe we didn't need to do this but my husband put a little piece of plywood across the ledge to make a shelf for the nest.


A plant label in a tomato plant.

Laminated Plant LabelMake easy plant labels!


Vertical garden pots made from polypropylene.

Plant Pots for Vertical GardenEvery year I plant many different vegetables in our garden, but I always lack land. Growing vegetables in pots and even vertically on the wall, is an excellent solution to the problem of lack of land for a vegetable garden. In order not to waste money on buying pots, I decided to make them from a polypropylene woven bag. These pots are suitable for horizontal and vertical garden.


Tomatoes after being tamed.

Taming TomatoesWhen our tomato plants start growing like crazy, I invented this holder made from a clothes hanger to keep the tomato plants from escaping the garden. Cut the wire into 6" pieces. Using pliers, curve into a U shape and curve both ends. Place U shape around straying tomato vine and attach to tomato cage. Do this to all vines to clean up the garden area.


Ecological Ways to Drive Moles Out of the Garden

Ecological Ways to Drive Moles Out of the GardenAlthough moles don't eat plants, they can damage the roots of plants and lead to their decay by digging numerous canals in the ground. There are many natural ways you can drive moles out of your garden. These are some of them.


The magnetic holder storing garden tools.

Easy Clean Up Garden Tool HolderI got this magnetic bar as a free gift with purchase. I had it for a while when I thought that I would make a outdoor/indoor garden tool holder. This so simple! I just screwed it to a leftover piece of plywood (that was pre decorated). You can also screw the piece into place without the wood piece. This magnetic strip came with screws, making the project less in money and the garden tool clean up is great and strong 3 years later and garden clutter FREE.


The trimmed topiary.

Homemade TopiaryMaking a topiary is easier than you think! topiary means clipping shrubs and trees into ornamental shapes. I wanted to try with a small boxwood that was growing with no shape . I wanted it to have a shape and more striking look ,as if it grew that way. With a pair of garden shears and cable ties. Take your ties and with the other hand, gather in the center. Wrap ties around and tie securely.


Birdseed inside a bin, keeping it out of the snow.

Keeping Snowfall Off Bird SeedI was tired of the birdseed getting buried under the snow. I put a green recycle bin on its side (our city no longer uses these bins). I put in the bowl of birdseed and then put an unused shovel over the birdseed like an "umbrella" by putting the shovel handle through the railing. It has worked great, it has snowed several days and the seed never got buried.


A cutting of coleus in a small recycled jar.

Small Bottles for Plant CuttingsI save all sorts of small glass, and plastic, bottles, fill them with water and use them for rooting cuttings. It is a very productive and interesting pastime, looking to see how the roots develop over time. You can then pot up your plants when the cuttings are well rooted.


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Storing BulbsWhere to store all the plant bulbs you dig up this fall? In the leg of an old panty hose. Hang high in the garage and let the air circulate around them.


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Keeping Plants Well WateredWhen I repot my plants, I cut up a diaper into four sections, eliminating the parts that do not retain the water. I place one of these sections in the bottom of the pot and than pour some dirt in and plant as usual.


A pumpkin plant being supported by an apple tree.

Apple Tree Supporting PumpkinsThis heirloom Amish Pumpkin plant chose to climb a smallish apple tree in our garden. When you look closely at the first photo, you can see the apple tree branches smothered by pumpkin leaves.


Propagating Basil from Cuttings

Propagating Basil from CuttingsIf you have an existing basil herb plant growing (or know someone who does) you could propagate and grow basil very quickly versus planting seeds.


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Save Seeds For Your Own Veggie PlantsI save seed from peppers, cantaloupe, watermelon and the like. I dry them in paper towel then save them. When I am ready, I put them in a damp paper towel in a closed ziplock until they sprout. BAM, you have plants! Been doing it for years and it works every time. Great to do with kids also :)


A vinca with white flowers.

Growing Vinca in ArizonaWe have found it difficult to grow flowers and garden vegetables here in Arizona during the hot summer months. However, we have discovered that the "vinca" flower does grow here all year long and are happy with how beautiful they survive the 110 degree plus temperature.



Plant Stand for Balcony Gardeners

Plant Stand for Balcony GardenersA plant stand with shelves can really add space to your balcony garden. I purchased this stand at a thrift store and I have nine plants on it. I have a small balcony and I'm always looking for ways to maximize my growing space.


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Cordless Trimmer TipIf you've thought about getting a cordless trimmer but have hesitated because of the cost or because you already have a gas powered trimmer, read on and make the plunge. You'll never go back.


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Keeping Ants from Hummingbird FeedersI have had success protecting my hummingbird food from ants by putting a pile of food-grade diatomaceous earth around the bottom of the shepherds hook. It kills anything with an exoskeleton but is not harmful to mammals or birds if they eat it or touch it.


Open Bag Garden Items Are 50% Off - slightly damaged bags of mulch

Open Bag Garden Items Are 50% OffAt Home Depot - I know for wood if there is a defect and it'll be marked with the specific color for discount, but I didn't know that on open bagged items you get 50% off.


DeKay's Snake - small brown snake in a man's hands

DeKay's SnakeWhen you are digging in your flowers and grassy areas, you may run into this little fellow. It is a DeKay snake and quite harmless and appears to not mind being held, although, I don't want to hold it. I just take pictures.


How to Hand Pollinate Passionfruit

How to Hand Pollinate PassionfruitPassion fruit is very easy to grow. If you have a family member, friend, neighbor, or co-worker who has passion fruit save yourself $30, ask for some passionfruit cuttings. Hydrate the cuttings in water and plant in soil (preferable against the fence, wall, patio) so there is room for the passionfruit plant to crawl on, or an area where you could put a trellis up.


New Plantings and Garden Flowers - pink flowering mountain laurel

New Plantings and Garden FlowersLast year my grandson and I cut down several forsythia shrubs along the northern edge of the side yard. The stumps still need to dealt with. This year I have focused on planting two lilac bushes further into the yard to ultimately help reestablish a green border between my yard and my neighbor's. There will also be a native mock orange placed along this same line, soon.


A bag of potting soil, seedlings in plastic containers and a nursery tray with TP tubes

Toilet Paper Rolls for SeedlingsI had been saving all sorts of toilet paper rolls - I think mainly it was a habit from when we used to have a fireplace. This spring when I decided to start my seedlings I realized I could make life a lot easier for myself if I just started the seeds in the toilet paper rolls!


A strawberry pot filled with herbs on a front doorstep.

Strawberry Pot for HerbsI have had this terra cotta strawberry pot for years. I have often planted strawberries, although I can't keep the slugs from eating them. My friend had a similar pot with succulents. It looks more beautiful every year and I was tempted to do the same, but I decided I would rather have herbs.


Beware of Poison Ivy and Poison Oak - tall poison ivy plant

Beware of Poison Ivy and Poison OakI learned something new. My daughter and I took a stroll on a farm path down by the woods. As we were walking, I noticed a tree that had a limb, about head high, that was filled with pretty leaves with small white clusters of flowers.


Several used tea bags next to a package of sunflower seeds.

Used Tea Bag to Sprout SeedsRemove the staple and string and snip a tiny hole in your used tea bags and place your seeds inside. Keep moist and in a few days your seed will sprout. From there, you can place in a small pot or directly into your garden. No need to remove the bag. It will protect the young root from any disturbance and pests and break down naturally.


Recycled Wheelbarrow Herb Garden - herbs growing in an old wheelbarrow

Recycled Wheelbarrow Herb GardenWe've seen that people are making gardens, especially now. My tip is to recycle an old wheelbarrow into a lovely and useful herb garden. There is no weeding and many herbs are perennials. My husband was about to trash his old wheelbarrow and I turned it into a herb garden. Now I just go out the door and snip whatever I need for cooking or to dry.


Vertical Gardening in Pots

Vertical Gardening in PotsAt the beginning of the season I select one plant of each type at a nearby nursery. I cut off each stem about an inch from the bottom. I cut all but the top 2 leaves off of each stem and place the stems in various sized jars of water to root. In a week or two the roots grow long enough to plant them in pots. By this time the original plants have grown up once again and are blooming.


Now Is the Time for a Victory Garden - raised beds with leaf lettuce and other crops

Now Is the Time for a Victory GardenWith all the extra time spent at home and uncertainty with COVID-19, now is the perfect time to be planting a victory garden.


A mini greenhouse made from a plastic bottle.

Mini GreenhouseYou can cut a water bottle or if you need a larger greenhouse a gallon water jug. Cover your plant to get them stronger before planting.


Protection from the Birds and the Sun - garden area with tarp sun protection and netting on sides to keep birds out

Protection from the Birds and the SunWe added a conduit metal frame with side "curtains" and a "roof" to our grow box to prevent birds from attacking our plants and to prevent the sun from attacking our plants. It works well here in sunny Arizona where temperatures get up to 115 to 120 degrees in the summer.


Turnip Blooms Attracting Honey Bees - yellow turnip flowers

Turnip Blooms Attracting Honey BeesI'm glad we left the turnip salad in the garden. It is in full bloom now and on the warm days, the honey bees are loving it.


Grow New African Violets and Succulents from Cuttings - closeup of a violet let with new growth

Grow New African Violets and Succulents from CuttingsI have seen these tips on the internet, and had not had a chance to try it till now. A friend gave me one African violet leaf after my AV had sadly died because I didn't understand how to keep it happy. Another friend gave me a sage plant leaf.


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Do Not Use Netted Bags for Feeding BirdsPlease do not use any type of netted bag(s) to feed the birds. I did this for a number of years without a problem. Then one time, I had to rescue a bird that had gotten its leg tangled in the netting. It was a horrible experience for the bird and me. If I wasn't home to help the bird, it would have died from stress, cold weather, or who knows what. Use the wire square holders.


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Growing Tomatoes the Easy Way from a SliceStick a slice of tomato 1/2 inch in the ground and walk away. No need for anything fancy. The seeds sprout. You thin them out. The slice feeds the couple you keep. You just provide the water, and later, some Epsom salt and whatever else you want to use for food. Plant a marigold nearby to ward off bad bugs and attract ladybugs.


Use Faux Flower Stems to Support Live Plants - tools/supplies

Use Faux Flower Stems to Support Live PlantsDo you have fake flower stems? Do not throw them away, they are very useful as stem support!


Always Have Hope - Rescued Plant - blooming dark pink mum

Always Have Hope - Rescued PlantI rescued this plant from someone who was going to "trash it" after its first blooming. The plant was almost dead when I got it last year. I'm always trying to save things that other people have given up on or abandoned. After a summer of good care, this is the reward I got this fall.


Watching My Christmas Cactus Grow - closeup of red cactus flower

Watching My Christmas Cactus GrowI have been growing Christmas cactus for years! I think they are the most fascinating plants to watch blooming. All my plants originate from the first plant I had. I then rooted pieces and grew new plants. That is why they are all the same color blooms. My cactus bloom 3 times a year.


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Aspirin to Keep Plants HealthyYou can put aspirin in a watering jug and mix in, I use two. Water your plants as usual and you will save them from disease.


Easy Tree Limb Clean Up - off they go

Easy Tree Limb Clean UpI decided to do a little tree trimming in my yard and once I got finished I had a whole lot of limbs in several areas of my yard. It was going to take several trips to get them all moved to my dump pile. In the past I would have dragged a handful of limbs (all that I could get in one hand) to my dump site.


Bricks being used as a tree ring.

Using Bricks as Tree RingEdging stone and paving stone made for tree/plant rings can get expensive. Here is a cheaper alternative that looks nice for less. Plus, clay brick is very durable, long lasting, does not ever fade, etc.


A fountain sculpture with two koi jumping.

Converting Dolphin Fountain Sculpture Into KoiI have a pond. I wanted to use a fountain, however it was themed with dolphins and dolphins are supposed to be in the sea. So it didn't match my freshwater pond. I decided to reconstruct the dolphins and make them into koi by adding cement and plaster of Paris.


Use Old Storage Racks In Your Garden - plants in pots on metal shelves

Use Old Storage Racks In Your GardenEveryone has old shelves and racks that they have bought to use in their garage. From time to time the racks get old and you replace them with new ones. Instead of throwing them away use them in your garden. The racks in the garden will give you more space for your plants. You can arrange the racks at the back of your garden next to the fence. This way you have plenty of room to add your plants.


Dressing Up Your Garden With Ribbon - potted mums on white column pedestal decorated with orange ribbon and small figure tuck in bow

Dressing Up Your Garden With RibbonIf you want to add a little fall color to your garden on a budget, fall wire ribbon goes a long way! You can purchase it at the dollar store or many craft stores. Along with ribbon you can add fall picks that are sold at the same location. This gives a festive fall look that will carry through the Thanksgiving season. So simple, here's how!


Hide the Plant Saucer Inside the Pot - cut down container inside a flower pot

Hide the Plant Saucer Inside the PotNot a fan of plant saucers? No problem, you can hide the saucer inside the pot! Here's a free way of making a saucer. Using any sturdy container that will fit inside your pot, like for me - a greek yogurt container. Then cut the yogurt container down. Place yogurt container inside and you're done.


Catch Rain Water for Plants in a Baby Pool - jugs, bucket, pool straight on shot

Catch Rain Water for Plants in a Baby PoolIn the corners of our house, the water shoots over the gutter guards when it rains hard.


Knee pads on top of rubber boots for garden work.

Knee Pads for GardeningWhen picking vegetables I either sit on a bucket or get on my knees. These knee pads have worked great for me. I don't know what kind they are. I would guess soccer. I found them in the sports section at Walmart about 3 or 4 years ago. They are padded well and have a hard plastic shell on the outside to protect the knee. That shell has kept them from wearing out.


Remembering When to Feed My Plants - milk jug of Miracle Gro on porch, with dates written on the bottle as a reminder

Remembering When to Feed My PlantsRemembering when to feed my plants Miracle Gro was hard for me to do until I came up with this solution.


Rosemary Is Not Just For Cooking - closeup of rosemary growing in a pot

Rosemary Is Not Just For CookingIt is the end of the season coming for many garden centers, with that in mind, here in the south, you can get great bargains for little or nothing. I came across some rosemary plants. The great value of rosemary is that it grows into a bush and can grow to 4 feet. It is a great fragrant bush that provides a great look for landscaping and these other great values, such as boosting immune health.


Cable Ties for Supporting Plants

Cable Ties for Supporting PlantsWhen garden plants start to produce, they need extra support. Cable ties are great. They come in many sizes and are inexpensive. You can tie them to a plant stake, another part of the plant, or a fence. At the end of the season, just cut them and dispose of.


Yellow Sticky Traps for Flying Insects - insects stuck to yellow sticky paper

Yellow Sticky Traps for Flying InsectsI have many household plants throughout my home. I used indoor soil for these plants and didn't think there would be any flying insects. My friend introduced me to these yellow sticky traps (she actually gave me a handful). They are rather large double sided sticky traps so I cut them down in smaller pieces and placed them into my potted plants. A few hours later, the traps are already working!


Protecting Delicate Blooms from Summer Heat - patio umbrella over lilies

Protecting Delicate Blooms from Summer HeatDuring these massive heat waves, don't let your flowers wilt and die. Use a patio umbrella to protect them. My spider lilies were wilted and dying from 103 heat (1st picture bottom left.) I gave them some extra water and used a patio umbrella to protect them and it brought them back to their beauty.


PVC Pipe as Garden Support/Stake - PVC tree supports

PVC Pipe as Garden Support/StakeNeed a garden support/stake for your fruit trees, plants, or garden flowers? An inexpensive alternative from trellis and garden stakes is using PVC pipes! They are extremely inexpensive, averaging out to be $2-3 each depending on the pipe you go with.


A diagram showing a plant watering system for on vacation.

Water Plants While On VacationI had never found a system to water the plants when going on vacation that would water the plants only when they need to be watered like a good gardener would. But then I found this system that corrects this flaw:


A bamboo stick in a tomato plant.

Bamboo Sticks for Plant SupportYou can use bamboo sticks instead of a cage for tomatoes. It's a cheaper alternative and you can put the sticks anywhere, not just for tomatoes but for other plants, flowers, trees, etc. as well.


How to Ship Plant Cuttings - several plants ready to ship

How to Ship Plant CuttingsAre you sending plant cuttings to friends or family? It's really easy and I'll share with you how I send plant cuttings to arrive safely and hydrated.


Two large googly eyes adhered to the side of a potted houseplant.

Add Cuteness to Your PlanterIn my free time, I like to browse around sites that have unique styles, but not necessarily purchase from them because they're quite pricey. I came across this Henry googly eye planter on Urban Outfitters and thought to myself, that'll be cute to add some cuteness to my planters! Plus, my kids have a bunch of those googly eyes laying around.


Propagating Lemongrass in a Plastic Bottle - roots developing

Propagating Lemongrass in a Plastic BottleHave an empty plastic water bottle? You can cut the plastic bottom down to size and propagate your choice of plant. I like this method because I'm able to see the roots grow and ensure it'll be successful instead of planting directly into soil.


Making Simple  Suet Cakes - place can in the suet feeder

Making Simple Suet CakesWe always pour the oils collected from our (George Foreman) grill into a tin can, add bird seed (dusted in a little wheat flour or ground oatmeal) and leave it cool down (or freeze) and then place in our suet feeders.


Thrifty Plant Shopping Tips - same plant in less expensive pot

Thrifty Plant Shopping TipsWith some DIY home improvements going on, I have been wandering the home improvement stores lately. I love to stop by and peek at the plant section.


A houseplant with an upside down jar over the top.

Recycled Jar as Glass Cloche for Indoor PlantsGlass cloches can be costly. You can make your own for free with supplies you may already have at home, or for cheaper.


Increasing Humidity for Newly Potted Houseplants - plastic bag over a houseplant being held up by two skewers

Increasing Humidity for Newly Potted HouseplantsTo increase humidity, you can use a plastic bag and skewer. The skewer is used to hold the bag up without touching the leaves. If the plastic touches the leaves, it could cause damage to the plant. The plant was being propagated in water and moved into soil. To help the transition into soil, I placed the plant under a plastic bag for up to 2 weeks to increase humidity.


Growing Passionfruit from Cuttings - cuttings in a Home Depot bucket

Growing Passionfruit from CuttingsPlace passionfruit cuttings into water to revive the cutting before planting in the ground. You would want to place passionfruit cuttings in water for a couple of days until the cuttings are less limp and more firm.


Use a Plastic Plate Instead of Flower Pot Saucers - potted plant sitting on a blue plastic plate

Use a Plastic Plate Instead of Flower Pot SaucersAre your looking for a budget friendly alternative to pot saucers? Think plastic kid's plate! I recently was gifted this Castanospermum australe "Lucky Bean Plant". The cheapest saucers from Home Depot were 80 cents (very thin plastic) to $2.68 (still somewhat thin plastic) so I held off on purchasing a saucer.


Using Flower Trays As Seedling Planters - seedlings in multipack nursery trays

Using Flower Trays As Seedling PlantersAt your garden center they often have discarded flower trays and pots that are free for the asking.These trays are great for seed starting for all season long plantings. They have sections that are perfect for keeping them separate, without extra cost.


A makeshift terrarium made from two clear plastic containers, with a plant inside.

Create a Humid Environment for PlantsPlace two same sized containers together with plant inside to increase humidity for tropical plants. This is a thrifty method instead of buying a humidifier. Also works for plants that you may purchase online and came from the mail - to help the plants adjust and recover from the transport!


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Hummingbird Feeders and RaccoonsI just wanted to say that hummingbird feeders found drained quickly can be something other than bees. Yes, we had something at night draining ours, so we set up a camera and found a raccoon could climb up on the railing just under our feeder, get up on his hind legs, and tip the feeder just enough so the food would run right into his mouth! Barely spilled a drop!


Starting Tomatoes in Coffee Cans

Starting Tomatoes in Coffee CansWhen starting tomato plants, I cut the bottom off of an empty Folger's coffee can. Then I poke some drain holes in the lid, put the lid on, and turn the can upside down. I fill the new pot with soil and plant my tomatoes. When they are ready to go into the garden I just take the lid off the bottom and the plant slides right out.


Repotting Plants Inside your House - potted plants sitting in a plastic container

Repotting Plants Inside your HouseDo you come home from work late and it's too dark out, but you need to repot some plants?


Pot Drainage from Garlic Mesh - piece of mesh packaging in the bottom of a clay pot

Pot Drainage from Garlic MeshInstead of spending money on mesh netting for flower pot drainage, you can make your own for free with general items you probably already purchase.


Using Eggshells In Your Garden - crushed shells around ornamental kale

Using Eggshells In Your GardenNext time you crack open your eggs, do not be so quick to throw them away! Grind or crush them up and add to your vegetable garden, it will provide many nutrients that may be lacking in your soil. Add to compost. Use in the garden is to deter slugs, snails, and cutworms. They stay away, leaving you with uneaten flowers, plants, and vegetables. Just sprinkle around your planting areas.


Homemade Compost - The Natural Way To Green Gardening - mixing materials with a rake

Homemade Compost - The Natural Way To Green GardeningOur neighbors think we are very odd people when we save grass clippings, leaves, discarded fruit and veggie peels, and now shredded newspaper clippings.


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