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USDA Plant Hardiness Zones Explained

Get Into Your Growing Zone - USDA Plant...As every gardener knows, different plants are adapted to growing well in specific climates. Plant hardiness zones help to define the optimum growing climates. By knowing what hardiness zone you live in, you can properly select the plants that are best suited to your growing conditions.


get the roots

Removing Blackberries Without HerbicidesIn some parts of the country wild blackberries can be very invasive, and difficult to get rid of without chemicals. This is a page about removing blackberries without herbicides.



Selling BambooThis is a page about selling bamboo. Bamboo is an evergreen tropical or temperate grass that grows easily and spreads quickly making it a good choice to grow as a money making enterprise. There are many products made from bamboo.


Open Bag Garden Items Are 50% Off - slightly damaged bags of mulch

Open Bag Garden Items Are 50% OffAt Home Depot - I know for wood if there is a defect and it'll be marked with the specific color for discount, but I didn't know that on open bagged items you get 50% off.


Cause of Multiple Sunflowers on a Single Stalk

Cause of Multiple Sunflowers at the Top of a Single Stalk?I planted mammoth sunflower seeds and they turned out spectacular. The last few remaining blooms are on their last stages and I have one where the stalk's upper portion is enlarged and currently supporting 5 heads of flowers. Two are only 3/4 the size of the big ones and are opposite of each other. The 3 smaller ones are on top as the pictures show.


Always Have Hope - Rescued Plant - blooming dark pink mum

Always Have Hope - Rescued PlantI rescued this plant from someone who was going to "trash it" after its first blooming. The plant was almost dead when I got it last year. I'm always trying to save things that other people have given up on or abandoned. After a summer of good care, this is the reward I got this fall.


Use Old Storage Racks In Your Garden - plants in pots on metal shelves

Use Old Storage Racks In Your GardenEveryone has old shelves and racks that they have bought to use in their garage. From time to time the racks get old and you replace them with new ones. Instead of throwing them away use them in your garden. The racks in the garden will give you more space for your plants. You can arrange the racks at the back of your garden next to the fence. This way you have plenty of room to add your plants.


Cable Ties for Supporting Plants

Cable Ties for Supporting PlantsWhen garden plants start to produce, they need extra support. Cable ties are great. They come in many sizes and are inexpensive. You can tie them to a plant stake, another part of the plant, or a fence. At the end of the season, just cut them and dispose of.


Use Spray Paint to Have a Choice in Planter Colors - closeup of pots

Use Spray Paint to Have a Choice in Planter ColorsI love pastels! The one problem I have is I cannot find planters in pastel colors. I can find white ones that sometimes work. While out looking for inexpensive planters I found the size and price that I loved. One problem, the color only came in black! Here's how I transformed them to more of a shabby chic look, just by using spray paint.


Starting Tomatoes in Coffee Cans

Starting Tomatoes in Coffee CansWhen starting tomato plants, I cut the bottom off of an empty Folger's coffee can. Then I poke some drain holes in the lid, put the lid on, and turn the can upside down. I fill the new pot with soil and plant my tomatoes. When they are ready to go into the garden I just take the lid off the bottom and the plant slides right out.


Dividing Potted Plants

Dividing Potted PlantsWhen your plant is getting tight in the pot (or when you purchase a plant like this one), you can easily get more plants by separating into more pots. This will allow room for your plants to grow, or is a great way to give some plants away as gifts.


Free Flower Pots at Lowe's Garden Center - shelves with plastic pots

Free Flower Pots at Lowe's Garden CenterSome garden centers like Home Depot or Lowe's have a rack for free pots. If they don't, you can ask if they have any free pots you can have. What's awesome is once in a while you may stumble across a nice ceramic, clay pot too!


Protect Ripening Fruit with Newspaper - fruit tree festooned with newspaper wrapped fruit

Protect Ripening Fruit with NewspaperIn our yard, we have been experiencing more wild animals lately (i.e.: birds, rats, rabbits, etc.) especially since our yard is near a canyon. These animals are eating our fruit! It is quite frustrating watering these fruit trees, watching the fruit grow, and then finding them eaten/ruined.


Shop Specifically For Plant Bargains - closeup of phlox flower

Shop Specifically For Plant BargainsA Tightwad Grows Flowers: Someone said I was so tight, I squeaked when I walked. So tight, I squeezed a nickel til the buffalo bellowed. Say what they will, when it comes to buying flowers, being miserly certainly has it's advantages.


Euonymus As Foundation Planting - 1 year's growth

Euonymus As Foundation PlantingI did a previous post on using Euonymus fortunei Emerald Gaiety as a foundation planting. My last picture in the post left you looking at some tiny Euonymus plants I had rooted. It also showed a dead Bermuda lawn. (I killed it).



Bottle Propagator - plastic bottle with sage cuttings

How to Make a Plastic Bottle PropagatorThis is a page about making a plastic bottle propagator. A plastic drink bottle can easily be converted into a mini greenhouse for small plants and cuttings. Save your next empty drink bottle and give it a try.


Small Greenhouse

Planning an Inexpensive GreenhouseThis is a page about planning an inexpensive greenhouse. Having your own greenhouse can drastically change the things you can grow. While you can spend a fortune on a greenhouse, you don't have to. Here are a bunch of tips for saving money when building a greenhouse.


Couple Tending and Watering in their Garden

Tending Your GardenThere is more to gardening than simply planting your tomatoes or veggies. Tending the garden means paying attention to the needs of the garden, supplement with water when it is dry, enrich poor soil, and check your garden routinely to ensure that it is healthy and happy. This is a page about tending your garden.


A cutting of corkscrew vine (vigna carcalla) in a glass.

Overwintering Corkscrew Vine (Vigna Caracalla)Some friends have expressed an interest in growing Vigna Caracalla outside and overwintering them inside. I have a tip or two on that subject. These vines are perennials in their native Central American and tropical South American climes. In temperate regions, they require winter protection when grown as perennials.


Don't Discard Sick Plants Too Hastily -  rose recovered from stem rot

Don't Discard Sick Plants Too HastilyWhen you read about plants and the pests and diseases that can affect them, you will find some extremes in the figures. Some plants are affected by only one or two pests and/or only one or two diseases. With other plants, that number may double or triple or even quadruple.


Corkscrew Vine Bloom Time - flowers beginning to bloom

Corkscrew Vine Bloom TimeI've gotten some private messages asking for further information on the corkscrew vine (Vigna Caracalla). I'm making this post so all who are interested can share this information.


Watering using a house and sprayer on a sunny day.

The Surprising Facts Behind 10 Gardening MythsSome gardening tips get passed on from person to person and even through generations although they are really myths. Learn about the surprising facts behind 10 gardening myths.


Gardenia plant.

Leaves on Gardenia Turning BrownWhen plants are in pots, they can become root bound and may need new soil and a larger pot. This is a page about leaves on gardenia turning brown.


plant rows

Gardening in Small SpacesTo maximize yield in your garden, using your space efficiently is the best way to accomplish this. Gardening in small spaces doesn't have to mean small yields too.


Urban gardening

10 Tips for Urban GardeningLiving in the city can impact how much gardening you can do. Here are 10 tips for urban gardening.


Woman Buying Plants at Garden Store

Buying Plants Tips and TricksThere are several good practices for buying plants, such as keeping receipts for replacements, buying discounted plants, and making sure the plants you choose are the best choice for your garden. This is a page about buying plants tips and tricks.


Woman Spraying Insecticide on plants

The Right Way To Spray Insecticides and FungicidesWhen used incorrectly, even solutions made from common household ingredients can damage beneficial organisms and the environment. This is a page about the right way to spray insecticides and fungicides.


A plate and bottle

Protecting Tomato SeedlingsWith some creativity you can protect your young tomato seedlings and get a jump on the growing season. This is a page about protecting tomato seedlings.


Seedlings in small pots, ready for planting.

Hardening-Off to Transition Seedlings OutdoorsYour young seedlings have had constant care and optimal moisture, light, and temperatures. Before setting them out in the garden they will need a period of time being slowing acclimated to the great outdoors. This is a page about hardening-off to transition seedlings outdoors.


gloves on table

Homemade Blackberry Pulling GlovesThis is a page about making homemade blackberry pulling gloves. Removing blackberry plants manually can leave you with lots of thorns in your hands unless you protect them well.



honeysuckle growing as a standard

Growing Honeysuckle As StandardIn an earlier post, I mentioned that honeysuckle could be grown as a standard. I looked around and found enough pictures to put together a post on the subject.


Markers in Garden

Making Popsicle Stick Plant MarkersThis is a page about making Popsicle stick plant markers. Popsicle sticks are great for making inexpensive plant markers.


Euonymus starts and pansies

Hiding An Ugly Foundation WallI have a small, recessed foundation wall in one area. It's ugly and I can't seem to get around to painting it. To hide the wall, I planted a row of Euonymus fortunei rootings in front of it, this summer. This stuff can get huge, but can easily be sheared to the 2 feet I need. It will get as thick as any hedge.


Popsicle stick plant marker

Plant Markers from Popsicle SticksAt this time of year, many of my plants are being brought inside for the winter. I love all of the beautiful plant markers that can be purchased, but if you have a lot of plants, those markers can get expensive. I save Popsicle sticks to make inexpensive markers.


spinach stalks

Eating Spinach StalksIf your spinach, chard, spinach beet or other similar leafy vegetables have been ruined by slugs and bugs, don't altogether despair. Snip off the ragged leaves and put them in the compost (or feed them to your guinea pig or chickens if you have any).


Life Lessons From Your Garden

Life Lessons From Your GardenYes, those are Portulaca umbraticola. Mine grow so thickly, I find myself thinning them every year. Here are some thinnings I haven't yet picked up and taken to the compost pile.


bee balm

Gardening with Native PlantsGardening with plants native to your area has so many benefits. They attract local birds and butterflies. Native plants are resistant to pests and diseases, therefore require little care. They also need less water. Some of my natives are orange coneflower, bee balm, and daylilies.


potato vine border

Saving Marked Down PlantsOften at Lowe's and Walmart, where their garden center is located, there are flowers/plants that have gotten a little worn to where they are dry, brown, and brittle. Often all these little lovelies need is water and nutrients. I often check for clearance plants and flowers.


Controling And Dividing Liriope (Monkey Grass) - liriope in front of holly

Controlling And Dividing Liriope (Monkey Grass)I had to sink some cinder blocks into the ground to hold back soil my foundation Holly hedge is planted in. The blocks do a great job, but the exposed top halves were rather unsightly. I planted liriope in front of the blocks.


montage of garden flowers and melon

Photograph Your GardenI have gardened all my life. It has brought me much pleasure. Another dimension of pleasure was added when I began to photograph my gardens and plants. The camera picks up detail often missed by the naked eye. The pictures are becoming keepsakes, and ultimately, a means of sharing with others around the world.


green beans

Pick Beans Often for a Great HarvestEven if you only have a few beans, make sure you pick them daily. The more you pick the beans, the more the plant will produce. The converse is also true; if you stop picking beans, your plant will stop producing.


Co-joined Rudbeckia Flower

Co-joined Rudbeckia Flower - FasciationI found this unusual beauty in my flower garden mixed in with the rest of the typical rudbeckia blooms.


two pecan tree sprouts in a pail of nuts

Starting A Pecan Tree From SeedThis technique is not an oversimplification. It really is this simple. You can forget about location, sun, shade, hillside, etc. As to the ph of the 'medium' you start the seed in; it really doesn't matter. Temperature? If it feels good to you, the incubating pecan will love it, too. How much to water? None needed.


coffee filter around base of plant

Use Coffee Filters to Keep Weeds AwayI always put my spent coffee grinds around my flowers anyway, but started ripping the used filter halfway through then centering them around the base of my plants to keep down weeds and also keep roots moist. It's working great. The filters are safe and let water through, but keep out weed growth!


invasive weed in flower garden

Flowering Plants May Be WeedsThis plant with pretty purple flowers popped up in my garden this year, and I never planted it. When I went to the garden center, I found out it is called purple loosestrife, and is very invasive. The person I spoke to said to be very wary when things you didn't plant pop up in your garden!



zucchini  seed package

Buy Named Varieties Of Trees and ShrubsI just opened a pack of zucchini seed to see how many seeds were in the pack. Would you believe a pitiful seven? Well, the pack cost only 20 cents at the Dollar Store. Should I complain? While opening the pack, my eye again caught what it had caught when I bought the seed. There is no variety name on the pack.


Korean lilacs

Look For Two Plants In One PotI noticed a few years back that a new nursery trend had started. Many growers began to put two shrub plants per pot, rather than the usual, one. These plants are positioned so close together, on casual observation they appear as one. I haven't bothered to research this practice.


air plant in container

Caring for an Air PlantThis is a page about caring for an air plant. If you have a location with bright indirect light you might want to try growing an air plant. They are fairly easy to care for.


A chicken in a vegetable garden

Chicken Amongst the VegetablesEvery now and again, a naughty chicken will escape into the vegetable patch. Also every now and again I let them in there on purpose. They do scratch about a bit and nibble at the leaves, but they don't do as much damage as the little bugs that they pick off and eat. It's free nutrition for the birds and better eggs and less damage from caterpillars and the like, plus a little extra fertilizer in the process!


scraping soap under nails

Cleaning Fingernails After GardeningEven if you wear gardening gloves your hands and fingernails get ingrained with dirt that is hard to remove.


Caring for an Air Plant

Caring for an Air PlantAir plants are easy to care for and fun to have. While air plants don't require any soil, they do need bright, indirect light. They can also thrive under fluorescent lights making them a good office plant.


campaign sign frames for staking climbing plants

Make Garden Stakes from Discarded Sign SupportsRecently I saw some discarded campaign signs with the metal stakes that look like the capital H shape and picked them up and brought them home to use in my garden to let my climbing plants, like snap peas and climbing green beans....


ants on a flower

Ants Are Beneficial in the GardenIf you are like a lot of homeowners and gardeners, when you see ants or an ant hill your first reaction is to get rid of them. But before you grab the scalding water or pesticide, stop for a moment and consider the benefits of having ants in your garden.


Buying Markdown Pansies

Buying Markdown PansiesI entered a tip last year on the thrift of buying drastically reduced violas and pansies at home and garden centers in late fall. They aren't very showy in mid winter, but oh come spring.


tackling blackberries 1

Removing Blackberries Without HerbicidesTackling blackberries is a pain in more than one way. With the proper clothing and equipment, you can pull blackberries without injury.


gloves on table

Homemade Blackberry Pulling GlovesWe are constantly battling blackberries in our yard. For under $5 my husband was able to put together a set of gloves that allows him to pull the blackberries out, roots and all, without being cut to shreds!


pine trees

Plants and Flowers That Will Grow Under Pine TreesWhen looking for plants to grow under pine trees there are several considerations to keep in mind. This is a page about plants and flowers that will grow under pine trees.


sprouting an avocado pit

Growing an Avocado SeedGrowing an avocado plant from the pit is a great project for kids to do. It is so easy. Our kids love to eat avocados and really wanted to try sprouting one.


Bottle of Decorative Accents hydrated polymer beads.

Keeping Plants HydratedUse marble-sized polymers to hydrate your plants. I buy the 8.5 oz. container of Decorative Accents absorbent polymers from the Dollar Tree to put in my outside flower beds. I use the handle (dowel) part of a wooden spoon to poke holes into the soil.


New Patio in Backyard

Planning and Design Tips for PatiosPatios are becoming essential elements for today's backyards. Here are some design tips for creating the perfect outdoor space to use for summer dining and entertaining.


Step Garden on a Slope

Tips for Planting on SlopesSlopes can be tricky areas to plant. They present unique growing conditions', dry soils and excessive erosion. They can be physically difficult, even dangerous, to maintain. Here are some tips for taming your slopes, as well as how to know when it's time to call in the experts.


Digging in the Garden

Digging Tips for GardenersDigging garden soil can either be a pain in your back, or an enjoyable way to spend an afternoon outdoors. Here are some helpful tips to make this necessary garden chore easier, safer, and more enjoyable.


A woman dress in gloves and a hat for gardening.

What to Wear While GardeningThe best clothing to wear while gardening is the kind that feels comfortable while you are reaching, bending, crouching, and sitting.


Boy sowing seeds in garden

Plant Seeds Now for a Second Season CropMid to late summer is a great time to plant seeds for a "second season" crop. After harvesting early maturing crops like salad greens, radishes, peas, and spinach, plant a second wave of your favorite cool-season vegetables for a bountiful fall harvest.


Monarch butterfly on orange flower.

How to Attract ButterfliesButterflies are welcome visitors to the garden. There are various ways to attract these delicate beauties. This page is about how to attract butterflies.


Rice paper butterfly on small pink flowers

Making a Butterfly GardenSeeing a beautiful butterfly gracefully fluttering in the garden is a joyous experience. There are a variety of plantings that will encourage these delicate creatures to visit your garden. This is a page about planting a butterfly garden.


Garden greenhouse

Gardening With GreenhousesGreenhouses allow you to extend your growing season, raise new types of plants, and maintain total control over growing conditions. Fortunately, you no longer have to be a professional plant grower to enjoy the benefits of owning one.


Large planter with flowers.

The Top 2011 Gardening TrendsThe numbers have been crunched, the receipts tallied, and the survey responses read. Once again, based on consumer behavior, Garden Media Group has released the top gardening trends for 2011. So put your garden gloves on and join the fun because apparently 'Gardening with a Purpose' is taking root.


New gardening zone.

Learning To Garden In A New ZonePlants are not always the only things in the garden to get transplanted. Sometimes it's gardeners themselves. If you move across the country, or even across the state, you may suddenly find yourself in entirely new Hardiness Zone.



Recycle Your Christmas Tree For the GardenOnce January 1st rolls around, millions of Americans find themselves looking for a way to dispose of their Christmas trees. Although most communities offer curbside Christmas tree recycling program, there are also some great ways to put your post holiday tree to work for you in the garden.


Ladder safety.

Ladder Safety For GardenersA recent accident in my community (and the resulting fatality) caused me to think about how something as common as an extension ladder could be both useful and dangerous at the same time.


Cover crop.

Rejuvenate Your Soil By Sowing a Cover CropWhen you put your vegetable garden to bed this fall, consider tucking it in under a cover crop. Also known as "green manure", planting a crop of legumes or cereal grains is a great way to rejuvenate garden soil and get your plants off to the best possible start next season.


Property laws.

How Property Laws Affect GardenersMany residential property laws can affect the activities of gardeners. In some cases, county, state, and even Federal laws can also apply. Do you need a building permit to construct a gazebo?


tool and locked shed

Preventing Garden TheftResidential garden theft is on the rise. It isn't necessary to surround your property with razor wire, but for all the time, money, and hard work you invest your yard and garden, taking a few simple precautions against theft is well worth the effort.


Getting To Know Earthworms

Getting To Know EarthwormsIt was the famous naturalist Charles Darwin who once said about earthworms, "It may be doubted whether there are many other animals which have played so important a part in the history of the world, as have these lowly organized creatures."


Gardening With Small Children

Tips for Gardening With Small ChildrenStudies show that children, no matter how small, can benefit socially, physically, and academically from participating in gardening. Here are some helpful tips for getting (and keeping) small children engaged in gardening.


Five Great Reasons To Visit a Botanical Garden

Five Great Reasons To Visit a Botanical GardenAccording to Wikipedia's definition, botanical gardens are "well-tended parks displaying a wide range of plants labelled with their botanical names. They may contain specialist plant collections such as cacti and succulent plants, herb gardens, plants from particular parts of the world, and so on."


How To Hire A Landscape Professional

How To Hire A Landscape ProfessionalThe American Society of Landscape Architects (ASLA) recommends that homeowners invest 10 percent of the home's value into professional landscaping. Not only does professional landscaping give your home instant curb appeal, but it can add as much as 15% to the resale value of your home.


How Using A Garden Tiller Can Harm Your Soil

How Using A Garden Tiller Can Harm Your SoilOne of the fundamental principles of organic gardening is to build your soil. Using a garden tiller to work your soil may be a good way to avoid back-aches, using it too often, or under the wrong conditions, can actually break your soil down rather than help build it up.


5 Mistakes to Avoid When Shopping for Bedding Plants

5 Mistakes to Avoid When Shopping for...Most gardeners look forward to their first trip to the greenhouse each spring with great anticipation. Walking down aisles of flowers that are exploding with color and fragrance is one of gardening's greatest joys-especially after enduring a long winter.


My Garden is Like Life

My Garden is Like LifeThe garden is like people. All sorts of different kinds, colors, some that are beautiful, some functional only. There are those which are delicate with special needs, and those which are hardy.


Gardening Trends for 2010

Gardening Trends for 2010Each year Garden Media Group, a public relations and marketing firm for the gardening industry, forecasts gardening trends for the coming year based on consumer spending habits from the previous year.


New Gardeners Should Adopt a Guilt-Free PhilosophyGardening should be a relaxing and pleasurable pastime, not a guilt trip. If you're new to gardening, losing plants can seem especially devastating. Adopting a guilt-free gardening philosophy can help you keep some perspective.


person holding weed wacker

Garden Safety TipsGardening may seem like a low-key leisure activity, but it involves a lot of tools and at times, a lot of physical effort. Each year hundreds of thousands of people visit the emergency room for gardening related injuries.


training vines

Training Vines To Climb Arbors And PergolasVines are a great way to add color and interest to your garden. They're great for hiding unsightly views, providing shade, dividing garden spaces, or creating a sense of privacy. Here's how to train them over arbors and pergolas.


bee on yellow flower

Helping Garden PollinatorsWithout pollinators, many of the fruits and vegetables we plant in our gardens would be impossible to produce. Scientists around the world are telling us that pollinators are currently in a serious state of decline due to loss of habitat, pesticide use, and disease.


ferns in the garden

Cultivating Patience: Growing Woodland...Ferns are commonly found in the wild and are well adapted to woodland environments in most parts of the country. Many of the ferns you see for sale commercially in your area are the same species you find living in the wild.


A garden of self sowing plants.

Starting A Self-Sowing GardenFor the busy gardener, the idea of a flower garden that sows itself is pretty appealing. The idea of a garden that sows itself AND saves you money sounds almost too good to be true.


No Dog Poop Sign

The Eco-Scoop On Dog PoopAccording to the American Veterinary Medical Association, the current U.S. dog population tops out somewhere near 80 million. Doggie dung is harmless, even useful, if disposed of properly. If not, it creates health-related risks for humans and problems for the environment.


Yellow Forsythia

Forcing Branches: Bringing a Touch of Spring IndoorsFor me, one of the hardest parts about spring (besides keeping the mudroom clean) is the endless waiting for it to get here. The arrival of March (at least here in zone 4) brings the first few promises of spring.


diseased pepper leaves

Trouble Growing Pepper Plants?I am having trouble with my potted pepper plants. The leaves keep dropping off and look horrible. Attached is an image of what they look like. I can't tell if it is a disease or some bug eating them.


White trillium with purple around throat.

Saving The Natives: Wild Flower Rescue GroupsMost of us are familiar with the concept of pet rescue groups, groups that take in unwanted, abused, or stray animals and attempt to find suitable homes for them. However, did you know that there are similar groups dedicated to rescuing native wildflowers?


Boy Looking at a Toad

Attracting Toads To Your GardenWho needs pesticides to protect your flowers and vegetable garden when a single toad can eat thousands upon thousands of pesky garden insects in a single season? In fact, they may eat as many as 50 to 100 slugs, flies, grubs, grasshoppers, and cutworms in just one night!


Maintenance Free Ground Cover?I have a partially shaded hill that leads down to the river. The soil is poor but grows weeds quite well. Does anyone have a suggestion on a maintenance free ground cover?


Rental House

Gardening at a Rental HouseI've recently moved into a new house and last Sunday I started cleaning out my front flower bed. Come to find out its full of gravel! I've been told not to worry, to just put down top soil. I've also been told to sift the gravel out. The soil is also super silty.


Picture of the rear ends of 5 black and white cows.

Curing Cow Manure?I am new to gardening, so bear with me. A friend of mine has a farm and just brought me a load of cow manure. When he delivered it, he dumped in onto my existing (still dormant) flower beds. I am told by neighbors that the manure is hot and needs to be cured before it goes onto existing beds.


Watering Bamboo Sticks?Do bamboo sticks need to be watered? The "lucky" bamboo plants you find in discount stores and garden centers (and this includes those sold without leaves and labeled sticks) do need to be watered.


Gardening This Season

Gardening This Season - What's Hot and What's NotEvery year a leading garden research group releases a report citing the gardening trends for the upcoming gardening season. You and I actually create the data for this report, according to how we spend our gardening dollars over the previous 2 years.


post it note

Gardening Resolutions For The New YearEach year I come across new ideas for improving my garden the following year. Sometimes I find a new idea for an outdoor project, and other times I discover a way to improve upon an old gardening technique.


Growing a Pine Tree?Does anyone know if a pine tree can be grown from a pine cone? Where are the seeds? Has anyone done this with success? Tips from the ThriftyFun community.


A Yard's Free TreasuresFor many parts of the country, autumn is a time to clean up the bounties of summer and prepare for the severities of winter. While it's tempting to fill trash cans and leaf bags with these summer skeletons, it's also wasteful.


Frugal Landscaping Tips

Frugal Landscaping TipsTips for saving money on landscaping supplies and plants. I work around a very busy Metro area. Recently, the landscapers were replacing the spring flowers/bulbs with summer plantings. They were throwing the spring plants out!


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