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Planting a Crown of Thorns in the Ground?If I'm planting a crown of thorns plant in the ground. Should I put some planter mix around it or just put it in the ground. What should I fertilize it with and how often?


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Need Help with Wet YardHello all, I live in a mobile home court. I need help on what can I plant (plant wise) in my front yard to soak up a lot of water? There must be some kind of plant that loves a lot and can grow in a very wet yard. This would help me so much. Help if you can.


Dividing a 30 Year Old Christmas Cactus? - large Christmas cactus on patio furniture

Dividing a 30 Year Old Christmas Cactus?I have a thirty year old red Christmas cactus which is so huge it is becoming difficult to keep in my home. I know I can take cuttings from leaves and have done so successfully many times, but can'I break up the main plant, it has three thick main branches. I would hate to kill it.


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Getting Free Flower Bulbs?Does anyone know where to get free flower bulbs? I live in Chumuckla Florida.


What Is this Egg Nest? - fibrous light colored bean shaped

What Is this Insect Egg Nest?What is this egg nest? I found it in the garden.


Cause of Multiple Sunflowers on a Single Stalk

Cause of Multiple Sunflowers at the Top of a Single Stalk?I planted mammoth sunflower seeds and they turned out spectacular. The last few remaining blooms are on their last stages and I have one where the stalk's upper portion is enlarged and currently supporting 5 heads of flowers. Two are only 3/4 the size of the big ones and are opposite of each other. The 3 smaller ones are on top as the pictures show.


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Hibiscus Flower Petals Stuck Together?What is causing my hibiscus flowers to fold up like they are glued together?


Hydrangeas Leaves Turned Brown - damaged leaves

Hydrangeas Leaves Turned Brown?I bought endless summer hydrangeas last week and the leaves turned brown. I'm not sure what happened. Is it because of the weather? The past days, it snowed and the temperature dropped to -2 degrees.


Identifying Wild Flowers  - closeup of the flowers on clumping plant

Identifying Wild Flowers?These are some of the flowers I see on my social distancing walks in the neighborhood. Some of them I recognize more or less, but am hoping for more specific information.


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Getting Rid of English Ivy?How do I permanently destroy English ivy on my trees and on the ground?


Tomatoes Started Indoors Not Flowering

Tomatoes Started Indoors Not Flowering?This is the first time to start seeds indoors. Everything seemed to be going fine. I started 3 types of peppers on about 2/17. I also started tomatoes, the Campari variety that I get from Kroger/Meijer's, etc. They were about 12" high on 4/9, today they are 20" tall and spindly. There are no flowers and not all that many branches. Color is very light green, but not translucent, yet.


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Removing the Seeds from a Pinecone?I heard you had to burn a pinecone in a fire to get seeds.


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Keeping Weeds and Rabbits Out of Veggie Garden?What are some inexpensive ideas for managing weeds in my veggie garden? Also, any ideas to keep rabbits from eating all my greens?


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Caring for a Jade Plant with Spots on Leaves?My healthy jade plant has white dots on 2 leaves and dark dots on 2 other leaves. What is my response?


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Overwintering Elephant Ears?I live in zone 7a. I have elephant ears that I overwintered in the ground and covered with 2-3inches of mulch before the first frost this winter. I cut them down 2-3 inches from the ground before mulching them. I completely covered them. Spring is just about here. I decided to remove the mulch and the 2-3 in of the stem is still there. However, it appears a little rotten maybe? I'm not sure.



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Burying a Dead Animal Near a Vegetable Garden?How close to a vegetable garden is it safe to bury a dead possum?


Tomato Leaves Turning Black - small tomato plant in the yard

Tomato Leaves Turning Black?The leaves on my tomatoes growing outside are turning black. I live in New Zealand.


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Using Landscape Fabric?What is the best landscape fabric? What do you use?


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Selling Trees for Lumber?I am getting ready to develop an acre of land for 3 residential homes. However I need to have about 50 tall fir trees removed. Some are very large at the base. Can I sell them? Is it worthwhile? The property is in Everett Washington.


Finding Someone to Remove Bamboo for Free - bamboo in backyard

Finding Someone to Remove Bamboo for Free?Where would you advertise free bamboo if a person is prepared to dig it up and take it?


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Trumpet Vine Losing Leaves?My trumpet vine is losing its leaves. They are not dropping, they are disappearing, including the whole leaf stem. I see no sign of aphids or mites.


Getting Rid of Ivy - ivy spreading over the ground

Getting Rid of Ivy?I have ivy growing all over part of my garden. How can I get rid of it quickly and safely as that part of the garden is used by my dog.


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What Are the Yellow Spots on a Ligularia?What are the yellow spots on my ligularia plant?


Clematis Dying Back - one of two clematis plants dying back

Clematis Dying Back?These two clematis are growing beside each other. The one is healthy and the other one is dying off. I'm just wondering if it is normal for the one to be dying off so early. There is some new growth on it, but it's looking terrible.


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Canada Thistle Control and Honeybees?Our honeybees love our thistle patch, so I don't want to eradicate it. When they go to seed, can I cut down the stalks and burn them to reduce seed distribution?


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What Is Eating My Hibiscus Plant's Leaves?What can I use to eliminate what is eating the hibiscus leaves? They are new bare root plants, that are not blooming yet.


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Planting a Sweet Potato Vine After Starting in Water?After my sweet potato vine has long vines, can I plant it in soil after taking it from the water. How? Do I plant the entire potato? Will this kill off the vine it already has produced? And this won't produce potatoes will it?


Cantaloupe Blooms But Fruit Dying - new fruit dying

Cantaloupe Blooms But Fruit Dying?This is my first time. I have 1 cantaloupe plant that had grown 3 small cantaloupes where only 1 survived. It is now 2" in diameter. There are lots of flowers, but the fruit beside it is dead. I had some powdery fungus that I have been treating, but it has not infected the entire plant.


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Getting Rid of Weeds and Shrub Shoots in Flower Garden?I have hydrangeas and spireas along with weeds in my flower garden that are constantly appearing, in abundance! How do I kill the shoots without killing the plants?


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Rodent Eating Potted Plants on Deck?I planted my pots on my deck and now every night some rodent snips off flowers or plants half way up and leaves by the pot or eats trailing plants leaves in piles? There is no rat or rabbit poop or any poop at all. This is the first time this has happened in 14 years in Nelson B.C Canada in the forest.



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Hydrangea Tree Not Blooming?I have a hydrangea tree that has had lots of white flowers on it for two years. This year it has lots more leaves, but so far no flowers (or buds). Could it be because of our frequent rainy weather? I live in the southern tier of New York State.


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Getting Rid of an Elderberry?How do I get rid of an elder bush/tree?


Identifying Your Growing Zone?I believe I am in a zone 4 or 5, but I am not sure. I live in Massachusetts.


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Something Chewing or Pecking Holes in Plastic Plant Pots?This week I've noticed holes that have been chewed or pecked in the sides of my outdoor plastic plant pots. Any ideas?


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Leaves on Tomato Plants Turning Black?I just put tomato plants outside in grow bags and now I've noticed the top leaves of the plants starting to go black.


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Bamboo Prices by the Foot?How much does bamboo cost by the foot?


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Thrifty Ideas for a Garden Hose Container Cover?I have bought a 100 ft water hose and have it stored in an open container similar to a large planter. I need it to be covered and protected from the weather and debris. Any ideas on what to use for some sort of lid that would stay in place and not look extremely tacky?


String of Pearls Plant Is Dying - very unhappy plant

String of Pearls Plant Is Dying?I don't understand what I'm doing wrong.


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Growing Easter Lilies?Why do the bottom leaves on Easter lilies begin to yellow and fall off?


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Getting Easter Lilies to Bloom?I bought 8 lilies for my church for Easter Sunday. The flower on the plant is still closed. What should I do to have the lilies open their blooms by Easter Sunday which is 5 days away?


Mystery Black Insect Eggs or Fungus on Soil in Garden - what appears to be black insect eggs under ivy geraniums

Mystery Black Insect Eggs or Fungus on Soil in Garden?What is this attached to the soil under my ivy geraniums. Is it mold or insect eggs? This is outside, in autumn, Brisbane qld Australia. It has been getting watered regularly.


Identifying a Garden Plant - spotted leaf calla lily

Identifying a Garden Plant (Calla Lily)?Can someone tell me the name of this plant?


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Planting a Clematis?Where should I plant a clematis. Should it be facing east? On the ground where it faces east, there are a lot of snails. I put the plant with planter there and last night it was surrounded by snails. I don't want to put out bait because we have cats and dogs in that area. What do you suggest?


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Is the Tractor Seat Plant Deer Resistant?Is the giant leopard plant aka tractor seat plant deer resistant? Rarely eaten, occasionally eaten or frequently?


Identifying Insect Eggs - elongated tan insect eggs attached to a branch

Identifying Insect Eggs?I found these eggs in my rose bush in March. Anyone know what they are? If beneficial I'd like to keep the twig and the eggs around. If not I'd like to dispose of the eggs.



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Potted Hibiscus Does Not Bloom Outside in Summer?I have an potted hibiscus that is almost 5 feet tall and blooms continuously all winter. In the summer I put it outside in a partly sunny location and it remains healthy, but does not flower. What am I doing wrong?


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Growing Virginia Creeper and English Ivy Together?There is a parking garage in my neighborhood that will put up a metal screen and grow Virginia creeper and English ivy in order to cover up the façade and blend in with the residential area. I would like to know if you recommend those two plants to grow next to each other or if it would be better to use only one plant.


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Caring for Elephant Ears in the Spring?I did not remove my elephant ear bulbs this year, but I am in zone 9. What do I do now? The base of the plant is sticking up quite far and I do not know if I should add more dirt or what?


Using an LED Bulb as a Grow Light

Using an LED Bulb as a Grow Light?Is it harmful to use a 60W LED bulb for an indoor plant? I have an avocado plant and I use this LED for it, but I don't know if it is safe or not? I had an avocado last year and I put it outside, but it was cold and after one week the buds dropped onto the soil and the plant died. My soil is organic also no buds and very clean soil.


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Planting Tomatoes in Northwest Arizona?When can you plant tomato plants in Arizona near Kingman?


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Using a Door Screen as Landscape Cloth?Can I use an old door screen for a landscape fabric?


Growing Violas - mostly purple and yellow violas

Growing Violas?I would like to know what to do with violas once they become scraggy? They have been beautiful all winter, but not now that summer is here, is it best to pull them out and plant new in spring?


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Firethorn Does Not Flower?I have had a firethorn in the garden for 3 years. It has not flowered and there are no berries. What am I doing wrong?


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Getting a Christmas Cactus to Bloom for the Holidays?How do I care for my Christmas cactus to have it bloom for Christmas?


Scum Forming on Water Line in Plant Container - scum on glass at water line

Scum Forming on Water Line in Plant Container?I have been growing plants in bottled water for over fifty years. Recently we installed a whole house water filter and I now have a rim of scum (?) on the top edge of the water and on the container. The containers are cleaned thoroughly and the water is changed every month.


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Buying Gourd Seeds?Where can I buy gourd seeds to grow for myself?


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Black Eyed Susan Vine Stopped Bloomimg?I have a beautiful black eyed Susan vine. It has stopped blooming. What have I done? I water it and make sure it gets afternoon shade. I have been removing seeds as they appear. Should I be doing something else?


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Saving an Underwatered Christmas Cactus?I stopped watering my Christmas cactus for a long time (a couple of months?) and now the leaves are dark red and it isn't growing. Is there any hope that it is still alive?


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Accidental Tomato Garden Where Dogs Potty?My backyard has, through no effort on my part, yielded a giant tomato plant. There are tons of healthy tomatoes. However, my dogs go to the bathroom out there (probably why it grew). If I wash thoroughly, are the tomatoes safe to eat?


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Can a Willow Tree Put out New Growth from the Roots?Ok, we cut down a 70 year old willow tree. About 15 feet from where it was cut we are putting a swimming pool. There are roots in this area. My question is, am I in danger of a new tree growing under my pool where the roots were cut into for leveling the ground for my above ground pool?


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Leaves on Tropical Cannas Turned Brown?I planted my cannas a month ago and I followed the directions on the tag. They look brown and are not growing at all. I have them on a dip system so they are not being over or under watered. I just don't know what is going on with them.


Information on a Golden Berry Plant

Information on a Golden Berry Plant?I bought a plant called golden berry. The assistant said it was a sort of tomato, but the fruit is enclosed by a papery shape, looks like a cape gooseberry. If it is are they edible? Any advice welcome.


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Treating an Alberta Spruce for Spider Mites?I treated my spruce for spider mites. How long after can I add water to the tree?


Cleaning a Prayer Plant

Cleaning a Prayer Plant?I've had this plant for 2 to 3 years now. I've found it likes being by the fire place in the shade. I'm thinking of putting the plant in a show, but it has some dusty leaves. How can I clean them to make them shine for the show.


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Hibiscus Not Blooming?I am a novice gardener. I planted 3 hibiscus plants. They are tropical. I fertilized them and now they aren't blooming. They were flowering well before the fertilizing. I used a 10-4-12. Also I live in southwest Florida. Thanks for your help.


White Puff Balls on Azalea Leaves - growth on leaves

White Puff Balls on Azalea Leaves?There are white puff balls growing on the end of my azalea leaves. What are they?


Do Wisterias Weep?

Do Wisterias Weep?This is a catch all area where I mix my soil. It seldom gets organized. So, forget about the junk. I want to draw your attention to something very interesting in this picture.


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Deer Eating Sunflowers?My sunflowers were about 4-5 feet tall, but not yet flowering. Deer chomped the tops off. Will they continue to grow and eventually flower now?


Unidentified Eggs On a Lily Plant - tiny white eggs on plant

Unidentified Eggs On a Lily Plant?Anyone know what laid these eggs on my outdoor lily plant? I live in Florida. If it's something beneficial, great. But if it's not, I'd like to know before they hatch! I will appreciate anyone's help who may know. And if I should get rid of them will appreciate any good ideas how.


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Growing Cat Grass and Catnip?How do you grow cat grass and catnip?


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Removing Honeysuckle Vines from a Snowball Bush?Our snowball bush was invaded by honeysuckle vines. We spent 2 years pruning the vines and pulling them from the bush, but finally they simply consumed it. Last fall we cut the snowball bush down. This spring it came back beautifully and is about 12 inches tall and thick now, but those cursed vines are coming back also.


Hibiscus Won't Flower  - plant with yellow lower leaves

Hibiscus Won't Flower?I have a hibiscus in a pot beside a very sunny window and for the last year it has been constantly producing an incredible number of flower buds, but they all fall off at the stem before they develop. I did have a pest problem, but they were under the leaves (no trace in the buds) and now are gone.


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Animal Stole a Blueberry Plant from a Pot?Are squirrels capable of literally removing a plant from it's pot without leaving evidence of it ever being there? I had a blueberry plant disappear from my covered deck yesterday with no neighbors to blame.


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Saving a Dead Looking Christmas Cactus?I have a dead Christmas cactus, it looks like branches at this point. It was left in my car overnight back in December, of coarse in freezing temperature. I'm thinking it's hopeless at this point. Is there anything I can do?


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What Would You Consider an Acid Loving Plant?I just saw the post on feeding your roses coffee grounds. It mentioned that the roses are an acid loving plant. What other plants are consider "acid loving"?


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Collecting Lady Bugs?I live in North Wood Iowa and I was wondering if there is a good spot where I can get lady bugs? So if you know how I can find a spot where there are lots of lady bugs then tell me soon please!


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Buying Cold Hardy Bamboo?I have a few acres in Kansas City and I would like to plant bamboo as a screen and hope to find a large amount and possibly a few varieties that are cold hardy.


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Selling Bamboo in New Jersey?I have a quarter acre of bamboo I want to sell. What is it worth?


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Suggested Plantings After Removing Pine Trees?We have some large old pine trees between our driveway and the neighbor's that will be cut down soon. What can we grow in the spot after they are gone? We are in southeast Michigan, zone 5-6 ish, and the site will be in full sun. Fruit/berry suggestions would be a plus.


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Tomatoes are Not Growing Bigger?Why are my tomato plants producing fruit, but they don't get bigger?


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Giving Away Bamboo?I have about 20 feet of 3-foot thick clumping bamboo which is too close to the house foundation. The bamboo is about 1.5" to 2" thick and 20 to 30 feet tall. I would like to give it to a company that will dig and haul it away.


Growing Cherry Tomatoes - clusters of green tomatoes

Growing Cherry Tomatoes?I live in Raleigh, North Carolina. My cherry tomato plants are nice and green, but so are the cherry tomatoes. Is it too late in the year for them to turn red before we get the first frost?


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Uses for Hedge Apples?What is a hedge apple good for?


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Repotting Orchids?Can I repot my orchids directly into a decorative pot or do I need to get the plastic pot?


Identifying Bugs on Roses - bug in center of red rose

Identifying Bugs on Roses?Can you tell me what bug is on this rose?


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Planting Under Pine Trees?I live in northern California, zone 9. I have several pines in, sunny/part sun areas- not shady. What bulbs, perennials, or shrubs can grow in this location? Also, if the plants are deer resistant and drought tolerant it would help too.


What Is Growing in My Easter Lily Pot? - small yellow plants perhaps a fungi

What Is Growing in My Easter Lily Pot?I have these growths happening in my Easter lily pot. It's kept in the house. What is this and is it normal?


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Clearing Land of Bamboo?We have land in north Georgia that has a lot of bamboo growing on it. The stalks are 25-30+ feet tall and 3+ inches thick.


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Canna Lily Leaves Are Ripped?Why do my canna leaves have rips in the leaves?


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Selling Bamboo Online?I have lots of bamboo where and how can I sell it?


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Tropical Hibiscus Not Blooming?My tropical hibiscus has stopped blooming''. The plant is deep green and growing. The only thing different is I put 1-2 inches of potting soil around the whole pot (2-1/2 ft by 25").


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Protecting Trees and Flowers from Spring Frosts?Spring brings killer frosts. What is the least expensive way to protect flowers and trees from killer frosts?


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Creating New Flower Beds Where Dog Pees and Poops?We have 0 landscaping at our home so we have been letting our female GSD pee and poop in one area. We are now meeting with landscapers to plant in the area where she does her business. What do we have to do to treat the soil and how long before we plant so we make sure they survive?


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Getting Rid of Lilac Suckers?My neighbors planted lilac bushes on the other side of my fence a few years ago. I now have hundreds of suckers that are strangling my perenials on my side of the fence. How can I get rid of them without damaging my plants or the lilac bush?


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Finding a Resource for Used Newspaper for Weed Control?Could anyone give me suggestions or advice on locating used newspapers for weed prevention in my vegetable garden? I am having a difficult time finding a resource for used newspaper. Every search leads to a mail order site.


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Getting Rid of Moss in Grass by Sidewalks?How do I get rid of moss in the grass close to my sidewalks?


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Taking Care of Trumpet Plants?I need to know when to cut the trumpet plant back in the fall. Do I cut the plant back to the ground, will the plant come back from the roots in the spring? Is there any pruning to be done in the summer?


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Broken Limb on Avocado Tree?So I have an avocado tree that is still in a pot because it is just a year old. I have two branches growing and one of them broke about 3 inches off and I was wondering if it will survive.


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Growing Buddleia (Butterfly Bush)?I've bought a buddleia dwarf ivory buzz. Is it a good idea to put it in the allotment or will the butterflies etc. eat all the greens? It will be in a container.


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Container Gardening and Mosquitoes in Standing Water?I grow plants in containers. I'm trying the containers in wading pools this year. I am worried about mosquito larva, I could use pebbles to mulch the water so to speak. But I'm wondering if the Epson salt I fertilize with which is magnesium, will it stop the mosquito larva?


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Adding Pine and Cedar Stump Grindings to a Flower Bed?Have I made a major mistake in my flower bed? I just backfilled some holes in my flower bed with the sawdust and dirt from some ground up stumps from pine and cedar trees. I didn't think about the effect that the sawdust would have on the soil.


A glass vase with an Oriental lily growing in water.

Algae Growing in Water With Bulb?I'm growing an oriental lily in water only and it's been a great success! However I've noticed some green algae inside my vase. How do I get rid of it without killing my bulb?


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