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An old bottle of laundry deterrent.

Using Laundry Detergent Bottle To Water Birds?I have washed this laundry detergent bottle so many times, I have lost count. Sadly, it continues to smell like laundry detergent. Is it safe to use as a jug to water the birds?


A Mallard egg in the grass.

Why Is One Mallard Egg Out Of The Nest?A mallard laid 10 eggs in my yard. She has been sitting on them for almost a month, leaving a short period of time in the morning and again early evening. This morning, 1 of the eggs was approximately 6 feet away from the nest. We have Muscovy ducks in the neighborhood that frequent our yard, including mother, father, and 3 ducklings.


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Duck Sitting On Nest?I went to pull weeds on side of my office building and found a duck sitting on a nest with 7 eggs. The nearest body of water is 2 blocks away across a busy street so I have no idea how she wound up there. I purchased duck pellets and put them out in a dish but she's not eating.


Two eggs left in a duck's nest.

Mallard Duck Left Nest?A Mallard duck built a nest in the bush of my front yard. Four ducklings were hatched yesterday, and the mother duck and the four ducklings left their nest this morning. However, there are still two unhatched eggs in the nest. Will the mother duck come back to incubate these two eggs again?


A duck egg on the sidewalk.

Mallard Duck Laid Egg on Concrete?Mallard duck laid egg on concrete. Is this normal? She hasn't made a nest yet. The egg is now cold.


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Why Do Hummingbirds Inspect Liquid Levels?I've noticed that every time a hummingbird drinks, it then flies up and around the feeder to check the level of liquid. Then it flies off and comes back to drink again. Why is this?


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Making a Hanging Drip Bird Bath?I would like to know how to make a hanging drip bird bath without a tree? I don't have any trees near my window and would like to make a bird bath that hangs from a tall t-pole, using a 2 liter bottle and some kind of tray. Does anyone know how to do this?


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Do Bird Deterrents Affect Hummingbirds?We have two hummingbird feeders near our deck. But we have a problem with other birds nearby getting into flower plants (meant to attract hummingbirds) and trying to make nests on decking lighting. If I buy spinwheels to deter the larger birds, will that also keep away the hummingbirds?


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When to Start Feeding Hummingbirds?Can any one tell me when to put out my hummingbird feeders in Raleigh, North Carolina?


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Making a Long Arm Squirrel Proof Bird Feeder?I would like to make a long arm bird feeder hanger from PVC pipe. First off, is the pipe strong enough to hold a feeder if it's reinforced somehow? Second, how do you make one? I have a bracket from the side of the window on the house, but it doesn't go out far enough and the squirrels can still jump from a small roof to the feeder. I want it to go farther out in front of the window so it is impossible for any squirrels or other critters to get the feeder.


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Keeping Pigeons and Doves Away from Feeder?Does anyone know how to keep the pigeons and doves from hogging up the bird feeder?


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Looking for a Platform Style Feeder for Doves?I need a platform feeder that will fit doves, but not pigeons. I have hanging feeders without a tray for sparrows, etc., but my doves prefer a open platform feeder.


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Keeping Ants Out of a Hummingbird Feeder?How do you keep the ants out of hummingbird feeders?


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Is the Red Dye in Hummingbird Nectar Safe?I have always made my own sugar water for my hummingbird feeders. But a friend gave me a box of powder called "Instant Nectar" is says "the bright red tone is non-toxic and harmless to hummingbirds", but I have heard that the red is harmful, can any one tell me if this is true?


Identifying a Bird

Identifying a Bird (Towhee)?Can anyone tell me what kind of bird this is?



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Adding Calcium to Homemade Hummingbird Nectar?I make my own hummingbird nectar (1 cup real cane sugar to 4 cups water brought to a boil). How do I add calcium to the nectar? The calcium is particularly important to help strengthen the female eggs. Any suggestions?


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Using Red Pepper in Homemade Suet?I make my own suet and usually put a tablespoon of cayenne pepper in the mixture to ward off squirrels from eating it. Unfortunately I bought red pepper by mistake, can anyone tell me if I use it instead will it make any difference?


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Repainting a Metal Bird Feeder?I have a birdfeeder that is made of metal, and rusted in one spot. I would like to paint it. I have sanded that spot and all around it. Could you please tell me if Rustoleum would be the correct paint to use.


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Keeping Bees Away from Hummingbird Feeders?What is the best way to keep bees away from my hummingbird feeders?


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Keeping Bees Off Hummingbird Feeder?How do you use the mint on a hummingbird feeder?


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Birds Not Using Bird Bath?I cleaned up an old plastic bird bath that someone had thrown out. After I cleaned it I spray painted it. I have set it in 3 different places in my grassy area of the yard and I have yet, in one week, to see any birds drink or bathe in the birdbath. Could this possibly be because I spray painted the plastic?


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Making a Bird Bath from an Old Tire?Is it possible to take an old tire and make it into a bird bath? If so what would be the steps to take in making one?


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Homemade Bird Suet That Doesn't Melt?I had been making suet with just lard, cornmeal, and various nuts and seeds. The birds loved it! But, as soon as it warmed up, the suet melted. So I tried adding flour and peanut butter to give it more body. It holds together better, but the birds won't have much to do with it.


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Canning Homemade Hummingbird Food?Is it OK to home can hummingbird food? It would be in sterile jars and lids. Then it would be processed in a water bath for 10 minutes. Would this change the nectar in anyway?


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Making a Hummingbird Feeder?Is it OK to paint the feeder if you stay 3/4" from the feeding tube?


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Keeping Bees Out of Hummingbird Feeder?Bees are going to the coloured sugar water I hang from the tress for the birds, near their food. How can I prevent or distract the bees from taking over the bottle? They get angry if I chase them away.


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Homemade Hummingbird Nectar?I made sugar water 1 to 4 ratio for hummingbirds, but accidently added stevia drops to that instead of my tea. Should I throw out the sugar water and start over or is it OK to have 4 drops of stevia in a whole cup of sugar water?


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Female Duck in Swimming Pool?3 weeks ago a male and female mallard duck arrived in my swimming pool. Now the female swims every day and I have seen her under the bushes above the pool. Should I look for a nest with eggs or not bother her area? If there are eggs, when should the chicks show up?


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Reducing Odor from Baby Birds in Window Nest?Two baby pigeons were born 15 days back in our toilet window. The mother pigeon frequently comes to feed the babies, and we do not disturb them. But they are smelling very badly. What do we do?


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Making Hummingbird Nectar?How much sugar do I add to 2ltrs of water to feed my hummingbirds?



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Hummingbird Nectar Changed from Red to Clear?I used Perky Pet instant hummingbird nectar. It is usually red. I filled up the feeder 2 days ago, but yesterday was a hot day and today the nectar is clear. Is that normal? Does that mean it somehow went bad?


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Yellow Finch Gorging at Birdfeeder?Why do male yellow finches gorge for days? I have a male on the feeder gorging on seed and now. He's so fat he can't fly. This happened about 2 years ago as well and that finch was there for weeks until one day he was gone.


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Making a Hummingbird Feeder?I want to make hummingbird feeders. Where do I buy the cork part the bird feeds out of?


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Buying Magpie Food?If anyone knows where I can buy some magpie bird food in Utah please tell me.


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Preparing Hummingbird Nectar?On the nectar you buy in the store, the package directions say 3 parts water to 1 part water. What are they meaning? 3 cups water to 1 cup of nectar? Please help me clarify this. I'm not sure what that means? Can anyone help asap?



Squirrels On Birdfeeder?How can I keep the squirrels off the bird feeder? I have oiled the pole, put up a baffle, and let the dog chase them off. Nothing works, we are spending a fortune in bird food. I don't want to harm them in any way.Any suggestions?


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Protecting Bird's Nest from Magpies?I have a bird's nest that the magpies destroy. They once came and took the eggs and now the bird came back and is building a new nest. Can I keep them from it and protect the nest?


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Hummingbird Nesting Information?I have a question about hummingbirds. I have a small birdhouse that I put on a branch near our house. I was cleaning it out recently and noticed a nest in it that looked like it was abandoned. It had two tiny white eggs in it. The nest was made of moss, hair, feathers, and lichen.


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Windproof Bird Feeders?We live in a very windy area. I have yet to find a bird feeder that is wind proof. Any ideas?


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Making Pine Cone Bird Feeders?What else can be used besides peanut butter?


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Moldy Hummer Nectar?My hummingbird nectar (4 parts water to one part sugar) gets moldy after about one week. Am I doing something wrong or is this normal and what can I do to prevent it?


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Finding Dead Birds in Yard?A friend is finding lots of dead birds in her yard, front and back, (9 at last count). We have the same type feeders, use the same type feed and we have no problems. She just now saw a huge hawk eating one bird with two more dead at his feet.


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Making a Hummingbird Feeder?I have made these hummingbird feeders before, but the copper tube that is at the bottom with the flower attached sometimes leaks. I must not be bending it right. Does anyone have a pattern I can print out so I can bend it exactly? Please and thank you.


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Keeping Ants Out of Perky-Pet Hummingbird Feeder?I have the Perky-Pet type of feeder that mounts on a post, or with suction cups to a window. How can I keep ants away from the feeder? It only takes the ants a few hours to find the feeder, and the only thing I can do is change the nectar, clean the feeder, and remount it.


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Ants in Hummingbird Feeder?How do I get rid of ants from a hummingbird feeder?



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Ants in Hummingbird Feeder?Is there a way to keep ants out of the hummingbird feeder? Is there an ant-proof feeder?


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Homemade Hummingbird Nectar?Some friends are using a mixture (of what I call harmful) of 1 cup sugar to 1 cup water. This does really attract the birds, but I know that it must be very harmful for the birds. Am I correct?


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Yellow Finches Not Coming to Feeder?I have had numerous yellow finches all winter and spring and about 2weeks ago they stopped coming. We haven't changed anything. Any thoughts?


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Homemade Hummingbird Food is Cloudy?Why does my hummingbird food turn cloudy during the cool down time. I've been making it for years with the same sugar and bottled spring water. They don't like city water even after we boiled it. Now it is turning cloudy even before it's cooled. What do I need to change?


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Feeding Fruitcake to Birds?Can I feed leftover nonalcoholic fruitcake to wild birds in the yard?


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Is Hen Scratch Feed Good for Birds?I want to know if hen scratch feed is good for my birds. I have doves, sparrows, red birds, and blue jays.


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Homemade Bird and Squirrel Food?I would like a recipe for homemade bird and squirrel food. Thanks.


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Feeding Hummingbirds?When are the best times during the year and during the day to put a hummingbird feeder out?


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Black Hummingbirds?Last summer at my daughter's house which has plenty of the bird feeders and are always filled we noticed what we thought was a black moth. Wrong! As we got closer we saw it was a hummingbird. We can not find anything on black hummingbirds.


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Hummingbird Feeder Leaks?I bought this beautiful glass hummingbird feeder, it has a tube with a cork. When I make my sugar water and then plug the tube in, it drips the water out from the hole in the bottom of the tube until all the sugar water is gone. What am I doing wrong?


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Making Suet Cakes Without Peanut Butter?Since peanut butter has increased in price, is there a substitute for it in making suet cakes?


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Black and White Hummingbird?Can some one please help me with the name of this beautiful little hummingbird? We have only seen one like this. It was solid black and had a bright white ring all the way around his little belly.


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Keeping Suet from Melting?I am an avid bird feeder! How does one prevent suet from melting through in the summer warmth? On the market, I have only seen, small blocks of suet that claim to not melt. My experience leads me to say that all suet melts. Any suggestions?


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Homemade Hummingbird Food?When making hummingbird nectar at home, my solution turns golden before it comes to a boil. Is it being burned? I used medium-high heat and it takes forever to come to a boil (electric ceramic stovetop). Any suggestions?


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Hanging a Bird Feeder to Avoid Droppings on the Deck?I would like to have a bird feeder on my back deck, but I am concerning about having "droppings" on the deck. Is there any particular design that would be good to help avoid this aspect of having a bird feeder.


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Homemade Hummingbird Nectar?Is using red food coloring in homemade nectar harmful to the hummingbirds?


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Hanging a Bird House?I bought a larger bird house that was chainsaw carved. Is there a certain direction I should put the hole?


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Cleaning a Concrete Birdbath?What do you use to clean a bird bath? This is a bare concrete, shallow bird bath with a 12 inch circle of rust colored, slimy gook on it.


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Feeding Baltimore Orioles?I was looking in a catalog today and with the hummingbird supplies it had an oriole feeder that held a jelly/jam jar. There was also a feeder very similar to a hummingbird feeder and a solution for nectar for orioles right beside the nectar solution for hummers.


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Using Brown Sugar in Hummingbird Nectar?Is is OK to substitute brown sugar for white sugar in nectar?


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Ratio of Red Pepper to Bird Seed for Deterring Squirrels?How much red pepper do you use mixed with how much bird seed to deter squirrels from emptying your bird feeders? I need the correct or most effective ratio, as our back yard is full of squirrels!


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Intruder in Finch Bird Nest?It appears to be an egg from a crow that is in with the finch eggs. What is the best way to remove the crow egg without disturbing the others?


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Building Inexpensive Bird Houses?My husband is on social security and unable to work. He has taken up bird watching, and would like to know an inexpensive way to build bird houses, not necessarily of wood.


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Hummingbird Feeder Recipe?Can you put pickled beet juice in a hummingbird feeder for color?


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Make Your Own Hummingbird Food?Is it OK to substitute stevia for sugar in hummingbird nectar?


How Can I Sell Homemade Bird Feeders?My husband and I would like to sell our Swing Birdfeeders. We would like to sell them assembled and unassembled. Does anyone know where we could sell them?


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Feeding Hummingbirds?Besides sugar and water, what else can humming birds eat?


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Squirrel Proof Bird Feeder?I am looking for ideas for squirrel proof bird feeders.


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Making Birdhouses Out of Scrap Wood?How can I make birdhouses out of scrap wood?


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Feeding Yellow Finches?I purchased a new finch feeder and fresh new nyger seed. I have fed the finches for numerous years with no problem. Now they don't come to the feeder. I see them drinking from the bird bath and sitting in the trees, but they don't feed.


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Keeping Squirrels out of Your Bird Feeder?I have a couple of dozen squirrels in my yard. I am fine with that except they're tearing down my bird feeders and eating my bird seeds. Is there a trick I can use to keep them away from the bird feeders or repel them?


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Song Birds Stopped Using Feeder?I used to have birds fly into my bird feeders like crazy. It was a runway. Now we have a bluejay (which we have had before), but now the birds are gone. I see them around my yard and in my neighbours', but they have stopped coming to my place.


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Crows Monopolize Bird Feeder?I feed the birds, but the crows seem to take over the bird feeder. I see them throwing the seeds on the ground and eating the good stuff. I don't mind feeding the crows, but how can I stop them from taking over?


Feeding Woodpeckers?What food is in the bird feeder cage for the woodpeckers shown in photo?


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Why Have the Goldfinches Left My Yard?We had a lot of yellow finches, they have completely gone. We had thistle seed out for them and they were eating so much I was having to fill it every day. Could you tell me why they would suddenly leave?


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House Sparrows Taking Over Bluebird Houses?Does anyone have ideas on how to get sparrows from taking over bluebird houses?


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Growing Millet for Bird Seeds?Can I grow millet (bird food) from the seeds I give the birds?


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Encouraging Birds to Nest in Your Yard?Do birds dislike the smell of chlorine swimming pool water? Where is the best place to set a birdbath? How do you attract birds to birdhouses and birthbaths easily?


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Making Gourd Bird Houses?Some time ago, someone posted pictures of bird houses made from gourds. I would like instructions. For example, do I cut the hole and clean out the insides, or do I just hang them and let the birds do it all? Also, I would like creative ways to suspend them.


What is This Bird?Does anyone know what this bird is? We photographed it in Kensington Park in London last month. His feet look like they are feathers. but he swims like a duck.


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Baltimore Oriole Liquid Food?How do you make Baltimore Oriole liquid food?


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Wild Finch Mating and Nesting ?When do wild finch babies typically leave the nest? How many times a year do pairs mate?


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Finch Bird Feeder Advice?Do finches need yellow on a bird feeder to eat from it?


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Used Dryer Sheets for Bird Nests?Are used dryer sheets safe for birds to use for nests?


Small bird on hand

Birds Showing Up at Your Bird Feeder?I would like to hear what people in other parts of the country are seeing at their bird feeders. Since the winter finches are making a southerly push this fall, there may be some interesting birds showing up at your feeders.


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Using Diluted Pancake Syrup As Hummingbird Food?Does diluted pancake syrup make ok hummingbird food?


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Safety of and Getting Rid of Bat Guano?I want to install a bat house in my yard. If I do, how do I get rid of the guano? Is it safe to handle?


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Bird Feed Mix With Seeds, Nuts And Fruit?I have 3 bird feeders in my garden, the birds go through the seed very quickly. Does anyone have a mix of seed that they make from bulk seeds and nut and dried fruit.


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Covering a Bird House With Bird Seed?I would like to cover my bird houses with wild bird seed. Any suggestions on what to use to make it stick?


What kind of a bird is this? (House Finch)What kind of a bird is this? He's so gorgeous! The picture doesn't seem to bring out the colors like they showed in real life. He's got bright reddish pink on his head and chest.


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Keeping The Ground Under a Bird Feeder Clean?How does one keep the ground below a bird feeder clear of the cracked seeds?


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Keeping Bees Out of Bird Houses?How to keep bees out of birdhouses once the birds have laid eggs?


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Is Food Coloring Bad for Hummingbirds?Is Food Coloring Bad for Hummingbirds? I keep hearing that commercial food coloring is harmful to hummers. No one can tell me why. . .


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Our Bird House is Too Popular?This winter we decided that it would be nice to feed the birds. We purchased/made three nice birdhouses and have them placed throughout our yard. The smallest bird feeder holds 5 pounds of birdseed. The largest holds 10 pounds.


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Natural Looking Bird Feeders?I would like to put up a number of bird feeders this winter (got a fantastic deal on bird feed) and would like some ideas of building and making good feeders that are cheap and as "natural" looking as possible.


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"Gluing" Bird Seed Together?I was wondering if I could make them, but upon searching the internet I couldn't find a glue like substance to use to hold the seed together in the desired shape. I am not wanting to use suet or peanut butter.


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Frugal Ideas on Making Wild Bird Feeders?We have purchased a bird feeder, and now find that there are too many birds. We dont mind buying the feed, it's the feeders that make us cringe! The type we need is over $70! So i thought maybe someone may have an idea of making my own. I dont think the wild birds would mind my frugality! Kate


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