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Flicker at suet feeder.

Homemade SuetI just got done making suet for the wild birds. It is cheap enough to buy, but gets even cheaper if you make your own. The following is my recipe.


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Keeping Squirrels Off Bird FeedersTake a very long sheet of tinfoil and crunch it up. Carefully pull it out into a long length, gently twisting it as you go. It should start looking like a very long, round, thick, silver snake.


Two squares of suet made from one package.

2 for 1 SuetI have discovered the birds like my homemade suet over store bought. I scored a great price at Ace Hardware on suet and bought a lot. Then I took another step and melted down 1 cake and added lard, some peanut butter and add ins you want, and get the texture to form a cake by adding flour or oatmeal, or cornmeal.


Barn Swallow eggs in a nest.

Barn SwallowsBarn swallows were building a nest on the ledge of our porch. It did not look like a good place for a nest as the ledge is just an inch wide. Maybe we didn't need to do this but my husband put a little piece of plywood across the ledge to make a shelf for the nest.


Birdseed inside a bin, keeping it out of the snow.

Keeping Snowfall Off Bird SeedI was tired of the birdseed getting buried under the snow. I put a green recycle bin on its side (our city no longer uses these bins). I put in the bowl of birdseed and then put an unused shovel over the birdseed like an "umbrella" by putting the shovel handle through the railing. It has worked great, it has snowed several days and the seed never got buried.


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Keeping Ants from Hummingbird FeedersI have had success protecting my hummingbird food from ants by putting a pile of food-grade diatomaceous earth around the bottom of the shepherds hook. It kills anything with an exoskeleton but is not harmful to mammals or birds if they eat it or touch it.


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Do Not Use Netted Bags for Feeding BirdsPlease do not use any type of netted bag(s) to feed the birds. I did this for a number of years without a problem. Then one time, I had to rescue a bird that had gotten its leg tangled in the netting. It was a horrible experience for the bird and me. If I wasn't home to help the bird, it would have died from stress, cold weather, or who knows what. Use the wire square holders.


Making Simple  Suet Cakes - place can in the suet feeder

Making Simple Suet CakesWe always pour the oils collected from our (George Foreman) grill into a tin can, add bird seed (dusted in a little wheat flour or ground oatmeal) and leave it cool down (or freeze) and then place in our suet feeders.


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Hummingbird Feeders and RaccoonsI just wanted to say that hummingbird feeders found drained quickly can be something other than bees. Yes, we had something at night draining ours, so we set up a camera and found a raccoon could climb up on the railing just under our feeder, get up on his hind legs, and tip the feeder just enough so the food would run right into his mouth! Barely spilled a drop!


Bird Suet Substitute - peanut butter on raisin bread in a suet holder

Bird Suet SubstituteI feed wild birds all year, especially with the hard winter they've had, but it's hard to keep enough (not to mention costly) to keep buying replacement suet cakes. I do make them sometimes, but decided to try just spreading some peanut butter on some stale raisin bread I had, then placing it into one of the suet cake holders.


Homemade peanut butter suet in plastic containers.

Suet for the BirdsIf I get a good sale price on peanut butter, then I can make my own for less or about the same price as store bought. I like to make it because I can add what I want and the birds seem to like it better homemade. I have bought cases of suet they did not care for, so I melted them down and added peanut butter and they loved it.


A white-breasted nuthatch on a tree.

White-breasted NuthatchIt's so nice to watch this little fella. He is the acrobat of my back yard. He goes to the feeder, selects a sunflower seed, then proceeds to the nearest tree.


Upcycling A Stocking As Bird Feeder - suet balls in an old stocking with bird

Upcycling A Stocking As Bird FeederI purchased some fat balls for the birds, but I didn't have a metal bird feeder. So I upcycled an old fishnet stocking into one. The fat balls were stacked in a clean old stocking and knotted then tied to a piece of elastic around the drain pipe.


A white birdfeeder with a copper roof and a pillar candle inside where the birdfood would normally go.

Place Pillar Candle in Bird FeederAt Christmas, I replaced the bird seed in the feeder with a pillar candle within the glass insert. The candle was lit each evening during the Christmas season, bringing a cozy feel as you approached our back deck.


crows in pecan tree

The Crows Come To DinnerThere is an annual feast at my place. Sometimes, it continues for weeks. From inside my home, I know it has begun, yet again. I hear a cacophony of shrill shrieks and continuous 'caw caws'. I go outside to investigate the clamor.



pedestal birdbath

Creative BirdbathsIf you enjoy watching a robin splash about in a birdbath and want to help our feathered friends to a cool drink during these hot summer and fall days, you don't have to spend a fortune on fancy, high-priced garden store models.


finished deterrent

Keep Critters Out of BirdfeederThe circular hardware shown is actually made to support tall plants growing upright. I got it free at a garage sale and my husband used small chains with eyelet hooks to hang in it two places below on our birdfeeder.


Flypaper around feeder hanger

Flypaper for Keeping Ants out of...I have tried "everything" over the years to keep ants out of my hummingbird feeders without success, but have finally solved this problem. As soon as the weather warmed up they arrived in great numbers. I used a wire to hang the feeder, and then twisted an old fashioned fly strip around the wire above the feeder.


Mr President and First Lady

Mr President and First LadyA pair of eagles gave birth to 2 eaglets right in a Washington DC tulip tree in the National Arboretum on March 18 and 20th for the first time since 1947. They can be seen on Live Cam 24 hours a day. So fun to watch the parents bring home a fish to share with their new little family!


birds in winter butterfly bush

Feeding the BirdsI don't have any inside pets so I feel that the birds are my pets. They know when it's time to be fed and during the cold months, when I get out of bed, they are sitting there waiting for me to come. I enjoy watching them from the kitchen window.


little birds

Helping Out Lost Little BirdsWe found these little birds crying at the end of the garden, looking lost, no mother around. We put together some dried leaves and mini twigs in a bamboo basket and wooden cheese box to see if they needed nesting. Surely enough, they got right in and got comfortable.


Cleaning a Hummingbird Feeder

Cleaning a Hummingbird FeederThe hummingbirds have gone south so I took my feeders down, gave them a good cleaning and put them away until next spring. Although I have a feeder that is smaller and easy to clean, the birds seem to like this old bottle feeder the best.


Keeping Birds Off the Rain Gauge

Keeping Birds Off the Rain GaugeWe were having a big problem with birds sitting on the rain gauge and pooping in it. The nails that my husband put around the top did not stop them. He painted an old rubber snake and nailed it to the post. It is keeping the birds off the rain gauge. Almost fooled me, too.


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Use Deodorant To Deter Nesting BirdsI have found that if you put up a "Stick-Up" deodorant disk in the corners of your patio, birds will attempt to visit the corner but they will quickly fly away.


Hummingbird Feeder With Bees

Protecting Hummingbird FeedersI have been reading about a variety of ideas for keeping ants, etc., out of hummingbird feeders. I have cared for hummingbirds for over 30 years and I've tried just about everything out there.


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Store Bird Suet in the FreezerBirds like to eat suet all year, but it sometimes melts in hot weather. What I do to make the suet last a lot longer is to put it in the freezer; I do that as soon as I buy new cakes, and keep them there until I need to put them out.


Get Bird Houses Ready Now - nuthatches on bird nesting box

Get Bird Houses Ready NowAlthough it may still seem like we're in the icy grip of winter, spring will be here soon. It's time to make sure the bird nesting boxes on your property are ready for their residents. And if you don't have bird houses, it is a great time to add them!


Bird Seed Snowman

Bird Seed SnowmanThis idea was born at our home. I was making a snowman when I decided to put some chicken corn scratch feed on it for Phoenix.


Nuthatch on suet feeder.

Making Homemade Suet Cakes for BirdsFor those who enjoy feeding backyard birds, suet is a great choice for attracting a variety of beautiful species.


Several birds on bird bath placed on the ground.

Birds Need Water in WinterFor the winter months, I take the birdbath bowl off the pedestal and place it on the ground near the bird feeder, just outside my kitchen window.



Soapy water and nails in bottle.

Cleaning a Hummingbird Feeder...To remove mildew from the hummingbird feeder bottle, place a bunch of small nails inside the bottle. Add a little hot, soapy water and gently shake the nails back and forth across the inside edges of the bottle. The nails will loosen all the mildew buildup.


The Northern Cardinal

The Northern CardinalWith its unmistakable brilliant red color, the Northern Cardinal is one of the most popular and well-known song birds in North America.


Keeping Ants out of Hummingbird Feeder - A feeder with tape on it.

Keeping Ants out of Hummingbird FeederI put packaging tape on my feeder to catch the ants as they crawl down to get to the sweet stuff. Since I have been doing this, I have had no ants in my feeder and the tape still works after it rains.


The Northern Mockingbird: What You Should Know

The Northern Mockingbird: What...Mockingbirds, among other species, are protected under the Migratory Bird Treaty Act. It is illegal to interfere with wild and nesting birds.


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Deterring Insects from Hummingbird FeederI clean and change the sugar water in my hummingbird feeder every other day and was having a big problem with earwigs and ants getting into the container. I think I have solved that problem.


Baby finches in nest.

Free Nitrogen FertilizerI have a hanging basket of pansies . It was beautiful until a mother house finch decided to build a nest in it.


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Cleaning Tiny Holes in Your Hummingbird FeederTo clean the tiny holes in the bug and bee guards on my feeder, I use an old mascara wand that has been thoroughly cleaned. It works great for getting into small places!


Young Thrush in person's hand.

Thor (Thrush)Thor is a 6 week old thrush (bird). Thor was found when his nest fell out of our big oak tree. We brought him in the house and put together a mash to try to feed him with. We weren't sure if it would work, as saving baby birds usually doesn't work.


Suet Substitute

Suet SubstituteI always give the birds stale bread slices PLUS I feed them seeds and suet cakes but today I put them all together! I buttered the slice of bread with chunky peanut butter on each side, then dropped the bread into my bag of bird seed!


Log Bird Feeder

Log Bird FeederMy husband drills various sized holes into a white pine log for me and adds a simple hook so I can put my kitchen food scraps, fat cut from meat, and rolled in seeds or stale bread with peanut butter.


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Bird Feeders and Confused SquirrelsI hang my birdfeeders on a shepherd's pole. There are 3 squirrels that keep climbing on the pole sitting on the bird feeders and eating all the feed. I yelled at them, threw things at them, and still they climbed and ate.


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Use an Orange for Bird FeederCut your orange in half scoop out the edible part. Poke two holes in each side of the orange, use a piece a string and thread through the holes. Then put bird seed in it, and hang on a tree.


Petunias in Basket

Flower Baskets For the BirdsWe enjoy watching birds build their nests and raise their little ones in the nest boxes, trees, and shrubs in our yard. My fondness for growing plants and flowers has turned out to be quite beneficial to the birds searching for nesting material.


Budget Friendly Bird Feeding Tips, plant sunflowers for the birds.

Budget Friendly Bird Feeding TipsWatching birds arrive daily to enjoy the food and water we provide for them is an enjoyable hobby. However, buying bird seed can be expensive. I have found the following tips helpful in reducing the cost of feeding the birds.


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Chicken Scratch as BirdseedI buy chicken scratch from the local feed store and it is quite a bit cheaper than birdseed.



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Buy Birdseed In BulkI buy birdseed in bulk. I feed my birds, safflower, thistle and sunflower seeds, wild bird seed and peanuts for the squirrels and blue jays. I buy the wild bird seed locally, usually a 40 lb bag comes out the cheapest.


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Vaseline To Keep Ants Out of Hummingbird FeedersThis works great. Put Vaseline on the hook, pole, string, or whatever the feeder is hanging from. The ants get stuck while walking to the food. Just make sure that they have no access without having to walk through the goo.


Use Mint Extract to Deter Wasps from Feeder

Use Mint Extract to Deter Wasps from FeederThe best solution I have found for keeping bees and wasps away from hummingbird feeders is mint extract of some sort. After I wash the feeders, and before I fill them, I take a Q-tip, dip it in the extract, and apply it to the ports.


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Make Sure Your Feeder Is Easy To CleanI have experimented with making hummingbird feeders and have decided that purchasing an inexpensive feeder is not much higher in cost. One of the things to consider when buying or making a feeder is the ease in cleaning.


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A Treat For The BirdsBefore cleaning a greasy frying pan, wipe it out with a slice or two of bread. Feed the bread to the birds in your yard. Birds flock to this treat, which is a good source of nutrition for them and makes washing the greasy pan easier.


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Hummingbirds And "Four O'Clocks"For the first time, I have hummingbirds in my yard. For the first time, I grew salvia coccinea, and the hummers love it. I also have petunias, nasturtiums, and some "four o' clocks" that I've heard hummingbirds like, but have never seen them at those flowers.


PVC pipe encasing birdfeeder post.

Keeping Squirrels (and Raccoons) Out of Your...If you have a feeder that is on a pole, measure from the ground to the bird-feeder at the top of the pole. Use 6 inch PVC pipe the same length and slip the bird-feeder pole inside before you pound it into the ground.


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Keeping Squirrels Out of Your Bird FeederFirst we hang our feeders far out on the branches away from the trunk of the tree, so that leaping from trunk to feeder won't work. Next we use fishing line to hang our feeders with. It's so fine that they fall off when they are trying to climb down from the branch.


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Attach Flowers To Hummingbird FeedersOften my hummingbirds visit before the flowers are out in bloom. Sometimes they need a little extra help remembering where the feeders are. I use the silk and plastic Poinsettia flowers from my outside Christmas decor to help them spot the feeders.


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Use Fishing Line To Hang A Bird FeederTo secure a bird feeder and keep the squirrels from getting to it, use fishing to hang it. The squirrels have a difficult time hanging onto the line.


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Spray Paint Inexpensive Garden BirdbathI have been wanting a birdbath for quite a while and was not willing to pay the $50 that the stores wanted; so, I bought a cheap $10 plastic birdbath and spray painted it with Krylon Plastic paint.


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Provide Nesting Materials for BirdsI have several wire feeders that I put suet cakes in during the Winter to feed the birds. Just as nesting season comes, I fill them with cut hair, colored pieces of string or yarn, dryer lint and shredded paper strips.


A hummingbird feeder.

Keeping Ants Away From Bird FeederMy husband made us a moat for our hummingbird feeder to keep ants out of the nectar for just pennies! He cut a water bottle in half, drilled a hole in bottom just big enough to fit the coated wire that holds the feeder on the shepherds hook.


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Preventing Moldy BirdseedIn early spring, rake or sweep up the fallen seeds and hulls under a feeder. This prevents mold from forming and also keeps the seeds from from attracting pests like mice and shrews.


Feeding Birds in Snow

Feeding Birds in SnowThis is a seasonal tip that I used last week, and hope that it will be a while before I use it again. But when there is heavy snow falling for hours, the feed that I put out for the birds (and the squirrels) disappears under the snow.


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Make Fat Balls for Feeding BirdsWhen you have finished roasting your chicken (or other meat, fish, etc.), let the fat cool a little, cover with porridge oats, and sprinkle onto your bird table. The birds love it and it's your very own 'fat balls' for our feathered friends.


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Bagel Bird FeederDon't forget our birds this winter. They need food! Spread entire bagel with lard. Place birdseed on a paper plate. Roll the bagel in the birdseed. Tie jute or string through the hole of the bagel to hang the bagel.


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Make Your Own Bird Feeder SuetThis tip is for all you birdwatchers out there! This past summer I decided to start making my own suet. I make up a batch every month and store it in the freezer until I need it.


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Use Onion Bags as Bird FeederI save my mesh bags from onions and other vegetables all summer. Then in winter I use them to put out suet or meat scraps for the birds. They work very well.


frying pan birdbath

Frying Pan Bird BathBeing frugal pays off in so many ways. I could not throw my old frying pan, knowing I could find a use for it. I finally used it as a bird bath and a garden accent.


Attracting Birds to Statuary

Attracting Birds to StatuaryIf you want birds to land on your statuary for a cute photo, just find a statue (such as the fairy statue in my photo) that has an area of some kind where you can put your outdoor birds favorite birdseed within the statue itself and then wait for the birds to find it.


Hummingbird Feeder Rain Protector 2

Protecting a Humming Bird Feeder from RainI am sure that I am not the only one that feeds the hummingbirds, so you may have the same problem as me. None of the feeders are protected in the rain. I don't have a protected place to hang mine, and it hangs on a shepherd's hook outside my kitchen window.


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Plastic Bottle "Birdfeeder"Any plastic bottle (like Ocean Spray juices) or laundry soap container will work. Drill small hole in top (screw on top), cut two window opening on sides of container for birds to enter. drill small holes through bottom for rain water to escape.


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Dryer Lint for Bird NestsDon't throw away your dryer lint! In the winter birds love it to line their nest with.


birds eating bread

Feed Birds Leftover Bread In WinterWith all the snow we have and more to come, the birds have a hard time. Toss leftover bread, cake, broken down chips or other leftovers out to them. They will love you for it.


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Discarded Christmas Tree for BirdsWe removed our Christmas tree from our house. We were going to take it to recycle. When we went to put it outside, my husband said, "Let's put it standing up next to bird feeder for a place for birds to hang out."


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Winter Feeding for HummingbirdsAs the hummingbirds go south, there are a few that do stay. We love to feed them and we become their main source of food. We stop feeding them, and they perish.


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Homemade SuetKeep an old coffee can and drain your beef or bacon grease into the can. When you have enough, melt it down. Add a little flour, some sunflower seeds and even a little peanut butter, and then refrigerate.


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Use Vaseline on Birdfeeder to Keep Ants AwayTo keep the ants out of the hummingbird feeders, apply Vaseline or stiff hair jell to the hanger or wire of the feeder. The ants can go as far as the jell then they can't go further to get in the feeder.


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Use Twist Tie to Clean Hummingbird FeederI found a simple and thrifty way to clean the feeding holes in the hummingbird feeder. When the holes get clogged up, run a twist tie through them a couple of times and then run hot water through them. It works every time.


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Thrifty Bird Suet Cage CoverI have been able to make what seems to be squirrel proof suet cage covers that work beautifully from a clean 1 gallon bleach bottle, a metal wire coat hanger, and a twisty tie.


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Screen Door Bird FeederSupport an old framed window screen with large stones or bricks and you have an instant feeder. When peeling fresh produce, save all the seeds and add to the feeder.


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Trash Bag Bird BathI like to put a trash bag, folded in half or to whatever size I want it and held down by rocks out in the garden and then when it rains, the water puddles and makes a great bird bath.


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Bird Feeders Attract RaccoonsIf you live near a wooded area that has raccoons, don't put out bird feeders! We found the seeds were attracting raccoons to our yard which endangers our cat!


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Use Loose Screws to Clean Hummingbird FeederTo clean your hummingbird feeder, place some loose screws in the container with some hot soapy water and swirl them around. The screws will break away the grime buildup.


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Don't Use Plastic Net Bags for Wild Bird FeedPlease do not reuse the plastic onion/vegetable bags for the wild birds. I had used the bags for well over five years without a problem. It took one incident to change my mind about using these bags.


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Cheap, Easy Bird FeedersFor a cheap, easy bird feeder, string strands of fruit flavored cereal loops on tree or bush branches. You can also press peanut butter into crevices of pine cones and coat them with birdseed.


Flowers to attract hummingbirds

Flowers To Attract HummingbirdsWhen I put up my first hummingbird feeder, my husband and I were sitting on our patio, and as he was saying "I don't think we'll get a hummingbird here", a Ruby Throated Hummingbird comes swooping down to take a drink of nectar from the feeder I had hung.


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Keeping Rescued Baby Birds WarmWe live in a rural area with lots of trees, and occasionally have had to rescue baby birds who have been hurt by a cat or simply got blown out of a tree with their nest destroyed or unable to be found.


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Use Old CDs as a Bird DeterrentDo you have birds making nests on your porch or in your plants? Then get some old CDs you don't want, put a strong string through the hole and tie it and take the other end and tie it to your porch so it hangs down.


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Counting Seasonal BirdsSome of us in the warmer climate are getting ready for the season of flowers and vegetables. This month, the National Bird Society is taking notes with all bird species by counting each bird.


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Freeze Birdseed to Kill InsectsWhenever you purchase wild birdseed, always place it in the freezer for 48 hours before opening bag. This will kill any insects present such as confused flour beetles.


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Food Scraps for WildlifeIn a friend's house, the scraps are deposited in a large, covered, plastic container labeled, "good-will can". The children know that these leftovers will be put out daily for the birds, squirrels and other animals who share the world with us.


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Use a 2 Liter Bottle to Store BirdseedI have just discovered how easy it is to fill my outdoor bird feeder by pouring it out of a large plastic 2 liter soft drink bottle.


A bird on a bird feeder

Keeping Things Tidy Beneath The BirdfeederOne of the top reasons people decide never to start feeding wild birds is because of the mess that accumulates under the feeders.


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Use A Frisbee As Inexpensive Hummingbird ShadeI frequent a hummingbird forum. On it, there is a photo of a feeder where someone used a Frisbee at the top of the feeder to shade it. It's a great idea and saves buying the expensive ones. Click on the address below then scroll down to see it. There are a couple pics.


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Recycled Mesh Bird Feeders From Onion BagsAnother use for the 'mesh onion bags' is for putting peanuts in and hanging on trees or the eaves of your home. I have been doing this for years and enjoy watching the chickadees and woodpeckers as they cling to the bags and eat away at the peanuts (unsalted of course).


Birds on feeder.

Birdfeeder BulliesI have a bird feeder in the backyard and I have noticed a mocking bird totally taking over. It harasses all other birds, especially cardinals. The finches have stopped coming too. This is being going on for last 4-5 days. Help needed.


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Storing Bird Seed With a Garbage CanWe store bird seed in our garage in a plastic garbage can with a lid. This keeps squirrels and rodents out. You can put the bag itself in there with a scoop or empty the bag of bird seed into the container and keep a scoop with it.


bird seed bags hanging from an old rake stuck in ground

Old Rake as a Bird FeederYou do not need to throw away old gardening tools, this rake functions very well as a bird feeder.


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Plant Birdseed To Feed BirdsIf you have bird feeders and like to attract goldfinches here's a cheap way to do it. No need to buy special seeds! Just sort out some sunflower seeds from the mixed seed or keep a handful from a bag of sunflower seed.


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Not-So-Sloppy Summer SuetCombine all the ingredients; mix well. Put in an onion bag or suet feeder, or pack in pine cones or into the bark of trees. Then watch the birds enjoy this hearty feast.


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Attract Hummingbirds with Red ShirtI have lots of flowers outdoors, and we usually we get about 1-2 hummingbirds. This week we've counted 4 at one time. I went outdoors with a red shirt on, holding the hummingbird feeder with my arm outstretched. 2 hummers came up, and 1 ate from the feeder as I held it.


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Serving Dish As Bird BathI wanted a bird bath, but did not want something that my son would try to tip over. So I went to a discount store and found a large shallow glazed serving dish, the one I found happened to be in the shape of a yellow chick, but there were more traditional round or square ones.


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Reuse Meat Packaging For Making Bird SuetWhen making my bird suet, I've started using the meat containers that you get when you purchase meat. I shop a lot at Walmart, their meat trays are also dishwasher safe.


Hummingbird Nest

Hummingbird NestWe always have a swarm of hummingbirds, every year they return the first week of May. Last year quite a few seemed to congregate around a row of "rose of Sharons".


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Using Trays For Bird FeedWith so much snow everywhere, this is a timely tip to make sure the birds have a source of food. Place a few old cookie sheets or other shallow pans around the area where you feed the birds.


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Bird Feeder TipsRemember our bird friends by remembering this tip for thistle. When thistle seed (also called niger) gets wet, it cakes together and the birds can't get it out of the feeder.


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Wild Bird Seed StorageAll year long, we feed the wild birds outside, we buy our wild bird seed and black sunflower seed in 25 lb. and 50 lb. bags. We keep our bird seed in a large Rubbermaid trash can with wheels, outside, at the end of our deck.


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Feed Birds Stale Cat FoodDon't throw away stale cat food; use it to feed the birds! Mix leftover wet cat food with birdseed and place in suet feeders or on a log or flat rock if you live in a rural area. Nothing edible goes to waste in the great outdoors.


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Bird Feeding TipI really enjoy feeding the birds but have no money for suet cakes. Instead, I take 2 pieces of wheat bread, spread with peanut butter on both sides and a little in the middle to hold the bread together, and put it in the suet holder.


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Easy Outdoor Bird Feeders and BathsClean an empty 2 liter bottle. Replace the cap and cut a hole on the side close to the top. For a feeder, cut a hole on both sides of the bottle. Tie a shoe string around the neck of the bottle and tie on a sturdy branch. Fill the bottle with bird seed, or water for a bath.


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Salt Blocks for BirdsMany birds love salt blocks. Just make sure it's off the ground and something is under it so you don't kill plants underneath.


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Milk Jugs and Juice Bottles For Bird SeedI reuse plastic milk jugs with the end cut off to use as scoops for birdseed. I reuse plastic juice bottles to store the seed in.


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Filling BirdhousesTo fill your bird house faster make your own funnel by cutting off the bottom of a clean 2 liter bottle. Cut off what you want (the choice is yours) then put the neck of the bottle in the bird house and filler up. It's fast and less messy.


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Birds As A Bad Weather PredictorWe feed the wild birds. We can tell when it clouds up a bit outside if bad weather is headed our way or not, by the way the wild birds are eating. If it appears that every bird in the county is there eating or waiting their turn to eat from your feeders ...


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Filling Birdhouses and FeedersHere's a cheap and easy funnel to fill your bird houses. An empty 2 liter bottle cut (whatever length you want) then just put the cap end in the bird house, pour as much as you like and this is fast.


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Free Wintertime Bird FoodThis is how to make a bird feeder for absolutely no cost. First, I ask the butcher in my supermarket for suet. I've never been charged for this because they throw it away anyway. Then I tie the suet in an empty mesh onion bag and hang it from a tree.


Photo of a hanging planter with a bird in it

Feeding Birds from a Hanging PlanterI remove the dead plants in the fall from my hanging plastic basket. I leave the soil in tact, and add seed over them. The birds love eating off my hanging basket while I watch. Sometimes 'mother' or 'father' stand guard while "family" eats away.


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