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Saving a Mushy Elephant Ear Bulb? - photo showing the condition of the bulb

Saving a Mushy Elephant Ear Bulb?Recently I was gifted an elephant ear. Upon removing it from the grower's pot, I notice that nearly the entire bulb was completely mush. The first photo is what was left, there are a few roots on either side. I potted it and I'm hoping for the best. Will it survive with the remaining roots? Or can it even survive with such a considerable amount of the bulb gone?


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Growing Stargazer Lilies in Pots?Can I leave stargazer lilies in the pots over winter?


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Growing Dwarf Iris?I had a pot of indoor dwarf iris given to me as a gift. The flowers have now died so I dead-headed them, but now they have gone crazy and the plants have grown to around 35cm. What do I do with them now?


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Over Wintering an Easter Lily Bulb?I live in Houston, Texas. I purchased an Easter lily in the spring which I kept in its original pot. The plant dried up and I was going to toss it, but I noticed there is still a healthy looking bulb, or cluster of bulbs. (I am not sure, but it looks kind of like a large garlic bulb. Is that one or multiple?)


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Amaryllis Not Blooming?I've had my amaryllis planted outside for years. They grow well and multiply, but I've never had a flower on any of them. I live in central Florida and the plants are in full sun and well drained soil. How can I get them to bloom without digging up each bulb.


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Daylilies Not Blooming?My daylilies have buds on them, but after one week they just stopped blooming. What's wrong? They are not crowded; there is 2ft or more between each one.


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Amaryllis Did Not Bloom This Year?My amaryllis have been outside in a large planter for many, many years. During all of those years they have bloomed red each year at or near the beginning of spring. I am in So. California. This year there was not a single bloom on all of the 14 bulbs in that planter. Is this normal after so many years? The leaves are full, green and healthy.


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Growing Lily of the Valley?Can lily of the valley be cut back after blooming or do you have some type of weed control for lily of the valley?


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Growing Lily of the Valley?My husband mowed down my lily of the valley in late summer in northern Michigan. This year the leaves seem smaller and the flowers are also short. I have another area that he didn't cut and there is a big difference between the two. Should they be left to die on their own in the fall, do they need the green leaf to feed the root as with spring bulbs.


Do Sun Star Bulbs Divide?

Do Sun Star Bulbs Divide?I purchased the orange star plant and am curious to know if the bulbs multiply?


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Sun Star Plant Not Blooming?My potted sun star plant began growing leaves about 2 months ago but there is still no sign of a flower stalk. (I was given this plant last Mother's Day while it was in bloom.) How long does it normally take to bloom? The leaves are healthy, but I wonder if I should have separated the bulbs and repotted since the leaf clusters are thick and close together.


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Elephant Ear Bulb Rotted?I have been an owner of an elephant ear for the last year. It was my first try, and I left my pot outside all winter. However I did cut it back, but like I said before I didn't know to put it up in a dry area. Is there any way I can save it? I also had gotten another bulb from a friend, but she pulled it out instead of digging it and may have ripped the main root.


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Planting Bulbs?Which way do you plant the bulbs? I know there is a top and bottom and am not sure. One end looks like it was cut and other end is untouched. I tend to think that is the upside of the bulb, the one with the 'cut', and the flat side being bottom?


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Amaryllis Not Blooming?My new amaryllis is producing a few leaves, but no stalk or bloom. I've watered it per directions for two months or more. I started in early December. I have it in a window to give it some light, and water it just when it needs more. I have it in the soil and container provided.


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Amaryllis Not Blooming?I brought an Amaryllis last Christmas. Last year it didn't bloomed, it just grew long leaves. I let it go dormant and grew it again this Christmas. Again there are no blooms, only leaves. I even fertilized it. This is the first one I have had in 12 years that did not bloom.



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Planting Spring Bulbs?I recently bought some bulbs to plant. Unfortunately winter came to zone 5 in Michigan and the ground is covered in snow. I'm not sure if the ground is frozen or not. Can I still plant them this year or is it OK to plant them next fall?


A purple calla lily in bloom.

Identifying the Variety of a Calla Lily?Can anyone identify this variety of zantedeschia sprengeri?


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Growing Bluebells?Can I grow them in tubs and when do you plant?


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Growing Day Lilies in a Pond?Can you put day lilies in ponds in containers?


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Growing Daylilies?I have daylilies growing in my yard. I have yellow, red, and orange. I noticed that all of the lilies that bloomed first are gone now. Just the flowers, the stems and pistols remain. Will these re-bloom? They just started blooming. Now the other colors are there and the orange are gone.


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Growing Allium?What do I do with allium bulbs when they are finished?


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Planting Hyacinth Bulbs in Raised Beds?In the past I have planted bulbs in raised planters without success, the bulbs never come up. I'm assuming they are freezing over our harsh New England winters. I'm wondering if I plant the bulbs in pots first, then put them into the raised planter if that it might give them a better chance of not freezing.


Day Lily Not Blooming - day lily foliage in a pot

Day Lily Not Blooming?I've had a day lily plant for about 4 yrs now and it was blooming perfectly until my mom picked the flower off the stalk because she thought it was dead. That was about a year and a half ago, but no flowers since. What is going on?


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Cutting Back Lily of the Valley?I live in Massachusetts; do I need to cut back my lily of the valley patch? It is fall and a lot of the leaves have died back or are turning yellow. Some are still green. This is a new house, new garden, I don't want to kill anything!


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Storing Elephant Ear Bulbs?Can you store the elephant ear bulbs for more than 1 year without replanting them? I had about 15 areas with elephant ears and at the end of last season ended up with about 100 tubers. I couldn't use them all.


Growing Canna Lilies

Growing Canna Lilies?I have a small garden in my backyard. I have canna lilies and half of them are growing to the fullest height and some aren't' growing that tall, but are prematurely blooming. What could be causing this growth problem?


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Amaryllis Leaves Stopped Growing?I bought 2 amaryllis bulbs from the same shop. They were planted at the same time. One is starting to bloom, but the other stopped at one inch of growth. The outside leaves are about thumbprint size brownish green, but the insides are green. What to try? Can I prune back the leaf layers and have it start over?


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Dividing Easter Lilies?I picked up three Easter lilies last year. I didn't do much but take off the bloom. I put it outside in the yard. It's the second week in February and I now have 16 plants coming up. Can or should I separate them? They are growing on top of each other.


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Transplanting Easter Lily Bulbs in December?I had to dig up all my mother's Easter lily bulbs from her flower bed because we had to sell her house. I dug them up, but now need to know what to do since it's December?


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Growing a Potted Easter Lily?I have a potted Easter lily from last year. I trimmed it once it died. It had two bulbs this year, one which popped off and died. Now the other is beginning to grow leaves and they are beginning to turn yellow. I am trying to have this plant bloom this year, but I'm afraid it's not gonna make it?



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Storing Iris Rhizomes Until Spring?How can I save my iris that I have dug up and do not want to replant until next spring?


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Growing English Bluebells?I already ordered 80 English bluebells. I have read we are too warm where I live, but I want to try. I am in Gainesville, Georgia. We have 2 acres with heavy woods and some lake front. Is it possible I can make a go of these? My husband is from Scotland and really wanted the bluebells.


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Lily of the Valley Flowers Small and Odorless?I planted my lilies of the valley 3 years ago in a semi shade spot. The white flowers are coming every spring, but they are very tiny and not flagrant. What I'm doing wrong? The flowers did spread a little during the years.


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Growing Calla Lilies?I ordered calla seeds. I received small bulbs some with shoots. The size is about 1/5" to 1/3". I planted them in a plastic tray each individually and covered with a dome to create a medium for growth. I don't know if I did the right thing. I also put them in a cool dark place.


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Growing Bulbs in a Glass Container?My wife put together several glass vases with pebbles to grow bulbs in (tulips, daffodils, crocus, and Dutch iris). They started out well, got to the point where the flowers were about to open, then things went south. Mold started growing on the bulbs, the water became cloudy and stunk.


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Growing Elephant Ears?I dug up my elephant ear bulbs today and it appears that the original bulb that I planted has rotted or gone soft. Since this is my first year doing this, I'm not sure what else I should be seeing. Is the portion at the bottom of each stalk a new bulb?


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Overwintering Peacock Orchid (Acidanthera)?I have been very successful with the above bulbs. I put some in the ground and some in a pot doing nothing else and all have flourished beautifully and are still flowering. My question is, firstly do I lift them before they have finished flowering and once lifted how do I look after the bulbs over the winter?


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Planting Allium Bulbs in Fall?Last fall I planted my daffodils, allium, iris, and hyacinth, but in the spring only a few allium came up! I've never had this happen, what could have happened to them? I need to know before I plant them this fall.


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Easter Lily Droopy and Leaves Brown?My Easter Lily is droopy and the leaves are turning brown. What is causing this? Is it over watering?


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Growing Irises?Any suggestions on best way to grow irises and when, or if, you should cut them?


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Squirrels Eating Bulbs?How do you keep squirrels from eating your bulbs?


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Growing Easter Lilies Indoors?The Easter lily that I bought last year has a nice fat stem, and three little skinny stems. Should I separate them, if so how?


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Growing Dwarf Iris?Can the irises from grocery store chains be transplanted outside in the spring? Will they survive over the winter in zone 3?


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Growing Gippeastrum (Amaryllis)?This is the first time the bulb has flowered. Does the bulb multiply like irises?


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Repotting a Calla Lily?I just purchased a calla lily in a 2 quart pot. I put it into a 12 inch pot, but I can not get the lily to stand up after being planted. Some of the lily broke off. I did put water on the roots before planting. Also I put water in the pot after I planted it.



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Transplanting Amaryllis?Is May a good time to transfer an amaryllis from a pot to the outdoors? If so what is the best way to do this?


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Elephant Ear Bulbs?I live in Indiana and therefore must dig up my elephant ears every fall and store in an attached garage. This has worked well for me for several years, but I'm sure they were in temperatures below freezing for several days at a time. Should I assume they're dead and buy now?


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Growing Lilies?My lilies are flowering good, but have a brown sap in the lily's flower.


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Growing Lily of the Valley?I have mail order lily of the valley. I had to trim off lots and lots of roots. If I plant the root without the pips will they develop pips or should I just toss them out?


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Planting Tulips?I was given a pot of tulips and they are done blooming. What do I do to be able to plant them this spring?


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Growing Peacock Orchids in Pots?Can these plants be potted rather than put in the ground?


Very tall amaryllis on dining table.

Growing an Amaryllis?I bought an amaryllis and planted it, but it has now reached 2 feet 6 and a half inches tall. It is just about to flower is this normal? I have been told it is not.


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Acidanthera (Peacock Lily) Not Blooming?My acidantera did not bloom this summer even though it had gorgeous leaves. I took them out and intend to store in the basement in dry sand at about 50 degrees. I will give them another try and plant them next spring. They look healthy.


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Storing Elephant Ear Bulbs for the Winter?How do I store my elephant ear bulbs?


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Growing Peacock Orchid?I planted these bulbs in the greenhouse two weeks ago, in pots. They are all growing up already. Should I leave them in pots in the greenhouse or plant them out?


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Growing an Iris?This iris has done nothing for 6 months. It has started to grow 5 shoots a couple of weeks ago. 3 out to the sides and one is growing up. They are about 1/4 inch around and have a pointed tip.Will one of these become a flower.?


Several Asiatic lilies.

Deadheading Lilies?How do I deadhead my lilies? They are not day lilies and I have not been able to find a site or video to show me what needs to be done. I would like for them to rebloom again if I can.


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Mowing Lily of the Valley?I'm painting my house and want to mow down the lily of the valley and weeds. Will they return next year if I mow?


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Calla Lily Flowers Droop Over?Why do the flowers droop over? Do they need to be cut?


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When To Plant Tulips?I live in Long Barn California. Currently the ground is covered by 1 foot or so of snow. The ground has defrosted a little now where the dirt is workable. Can I plant my tulip bulbs now, Feb 2013?


Narcissus Bulbs Not Blooming?A couple of years ago I planted some bulbs in pots, but not all of then produced flowers and again this last year the same happened. Should I be throwing away the ones without the flowers?


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Cutting Back Lilies?When do you cut back lilies, in the spring or fall?


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Transplanting Irises?How long will the dug and dried iris survive? We are moving in 5 months and would like to take our iris with us.


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Calla Lily Has Droplets at Tip of Leaves?We recently got a calla lily and it has small droplets on the end of it's leaves. What are they?


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Planting Scilla Bulbs?When can you plant a scilla flower bulb?


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Storing Tulip Bulbs?How do I keep tulip bulbs for planting next year?


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Growing Lily of the Valley?How do you grow convallaria lily of the valley? I have got the bare roots, when do you plant them and what do you do with them?


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Deadheading Lilies?I have some Stella D'Oro daylilies. When I deadhead the blooms of my lilies, do I just take the blooms off or the whole stem?


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Growing Walking Onions?I would like to start growing some walking onions. I live in the upper part of South Carolina, can anyone help me get started? Thanks!


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Amaryllis Keeps Blooming?I was given an amaryllis as a gift. I understood it was to have 4 blooms and some leaves. It had 4 blooms. They died and then it had 5 more. They died and now there is another flower bud growing. Is this unusual?


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Planting Zantddeschia Bulbs?Which way is up on zantedeschia bulbs?


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Starting Calla Lilies Inside?I live in zone 9 and really want to grow callas. Can I start them indoors to get a good start now (January 1) for spring planting? We get a few days of freezing and have already lost quite a few bulbs planted outside in summer.


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Planting Tulips for May Blooming?I am wanting tulips in flower in pots for table decorations for May 19th! I have bought 'Donald Duck' (Greigii) variety which states that there will be flowers in May (12 ins) and 'Double Red Riding Hood' (Greigii), with flowers Apr/May (12 ins).


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Companion Flowers for Tulips and Daffodils?I am going to be planting a lot of bulbs, both tulips and daffodils (separately). I am going to be planting these in a few different areas and I am looking for idea of wildflowers/perennial flowers that would look nice with these two different bulb flowers.


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Wildlife Eating Newly Planted Tulip Bulbs?I already planted my tulip bulbs; I live in zone 5. Now the wildlife are digging them up and friends are telling me to dig them back out of the ground and wait another month or so. I have spent hours searching on the web and have ended up more confused.


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Growing Gladiolus?Do you have to dig out gladiola bulbs after blooming and keep inside til next spring? Or can you leave them in the ground all year?


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Watering Lilies After They Have Finished Blooming?I have some lily plants that have bloomed. They are in an area that I would like to stop watering as I am making that area a little/no water area. I will be moving the plants this fall after they die out. Will there be any harm to the plants by not watering now?


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Storing Bulbs?I have received bulbs and rhizomes that I can't get planted this year, how can I store them for next year? They are irises and gladiolas. It gets below zero here in western Colorado.


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Summer and Fall Blooming Bulbs?What bulbs produce flowers in the summer and fall? I think all mine are


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Calla Lilies Not Blooming?I am having problems with something eating my calla's leaves, and no blooms. Is it the sandy soil? I had no problems in Ohio.


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Planting Dahlia Tubers?I just looked at my stored dahlia tubers for the first this spring. Some of them have large sprouts on them. Do I remove these or leave the sprouts above ground?


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When Can I Transplant Bulbs?When can I transplant bulbs. Is it OK to move them once they have bloomed or should I wait until fall?


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Bulbs Not Blooming?My spring/summer bulbs have not flowered. There are plenty of leaves, but nothing else. The bulbs are, tulip and daffodils. Any suggestions?


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Growing Freesias?Can I leave freesia bulbs in the ground after flowering til next season?


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Will Tulips Rebloom?Will a tulip plant rebloom if it is planted in one of those very large pots, like a pot I used for tomatoes? The pot can hold about 75 lbs of soil.Tks!!


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Squirrels and Chipmunks Eating My Bulbs?What can you do to keep squirrels and chipmunks from eating all flower bulbs? I have tried hair and it only works for a short time.


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Mulching Tulips?When should I remove leaf mulch from tulips? The mulch is 6-8 inches deep. Tulips are showing and growing through the mulch. zone 5


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How Do I Force Bulbs Stored in the Fridge Over the Winter?I never planted my tulips (early bloom and later varieties) or my grape hyacinths this past fall. They are still in my fridge. Does anyone know how to force any of these indoors in a spare front room (north)?


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Planting a Hyacinth?My husband gave me a beautiful hyacinth for Valentine's Day. Of course, it is blooming now. When should I plant it? I'm in Louisiana.


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Caring for a Gloxinia Bulb?I have had a Gloxinia bulb for three years. I've put it to rest, brought it out, planted it and it never does anything other than gets tall and spindly. What am I doing wrong?


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Buying Daffodil Bulbs?Where can I buy daffodil bulbs from (possibly 100)?


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Transplanting Bulbs in the Fall?Is it possible to dig up my bulbs from another area in the yard and replant them this fall? I have ones that I planted around some flower beds and would like to move them to another area. Thank you.


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Tips for Growing Lilies?What do you do with lilies when they stop flowering?


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When Can I Plant Bulbs in Zone 8?Should I plant bulbs now or wait til October? I'm in zone 8, in Tennessee.


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Planting Bulbs?When is the best time to plant bulbs, in September or October?


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Bulbs Won't Bloom?I planted 15 Acidanthera bulbs in late April/early May. The foliage has come up, but the flowers have yet to show themselves. My question is, does the Acidanthera only flower every other year? or does the Acidanthera not flower the first year?


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Leaves Yellowing on Hybrid Lilies?My hybrid lilies are turning yellow from the bottom, is this lack of water, too much water, or a pest?


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Getting Asiatic Lilies to Bloom Twice in a Season?I have a wedding in November. Can I grow and re-bloom my Asiatic lily indoors?


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Calla Lilies Drooping?Why are my purple and cream calla lilies drooping and not growing?


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Digging and Storing Tulip Bulbs?I would like to know when to dig up tulip bulbs and how to store them?


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Deadheading Lilies?How do I dead head lilies?


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Planting Canna Lilies?I have Canna lilies in pots and since transplanting them the leaves have gone limp and fallen over. Will they come back? What can I do to help them?


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Can I Plant Tulips Now?I have been given several dozen tulip bulbs that were just pulled out to make way for summer flowers. Can I plant them now?


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Overwintering Calla Lilies?Do calla lily bulbs need to be dug up in the winter?


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Moving an Amaryllis Outside After It Blooms?I have an amaryllis that is 3 years old and at least 2 feet tall with multiple blooms. Can I put outside, or should I put in bigger pot first?


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Growing an Easter Lily Indoors?I received an Easter lily as a present. I have looked for information on how to care for it indoors, but I keep seeing that after some time they have to be planted outside. I currently don't have any space to plant outside.


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Tulip Blooms are Small?Last year I planted a lot of tulip bulbs in a partly shady spot. They bloomed beautifully. This year the foliage is huge and falling over. About one fourth of the flowers bloomed, but they're small. Any suggestions?


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Fertilizing Tulips?What is something I can use to fertilize my tulips that I have at home already?


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Planting Day Lily Bulbs?I may have planted day lily bulbs that already had roots too deep in ground. What should I do? Its been about 2 weeks since planting and I still haven't seen any growth.


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Freezing Tulip Bulbs for Fall Planting?Does anyone know if you can freeze tulip bulbs until you are ready to plant them in the fall?


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Getting an Amaryllis To Bloom Twice in One Season?I've got an amaryllis that has already bloomed. It sent up the leaves, but it also started a couple of new flower stalks. I'd like to let it bloom again this season, since it has already started stalks. However, the stalks have stopped growing now that the plant is growing leaves.


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Planting Bulbs Indoors?I bought some bulbs called "PaperPlates", I put the bulbs in pots around Christmas. I could see them grow a 1/2 inch daily; well now they have bloomed. What do I do?


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What can I do with my forced bulbs?I am forcing Hyacinth bulbs, but I don't know what to do with them after they have bloomed. What do I need to do so they will bloom again? Thanks so much.


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Calla Lilies Damaged by Freezing Weather?I live in the Deep South and have had Calla lilies for many years that I don't have to dig up in the winter. However, this winter we had several days in a row of freezing weather. I cut back all the damage to the head of the bulb.


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Calla Lilies Blooming In Fall?Why is my Calla lily blooming now?


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Saving Elephant Ears Bulbs?I dig up my elephant ear tubers each fall. Now I read about those that have a problem with their remaining tubers in the ground keep coming back each spring. Why dig them up each fall if they survive the winters in the ground?


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Storing Flower Bulbs?Because we've just started a major renovation project requiring our whole yard to be torn up, I dug up all the bulbs, corms, and tubers around the house.


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Winterizing Bearded Irises?Should bearded irises be mulched for the winter?


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Overwintering Miniature Iris Tubers?Can bare root miniature iris tubers be held in a cool place over winter and replanted in spring?


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Planting Instructions for Hyacinths?I have never planted bulbs before. I am interested in planting Hyacinth bulbs. Do they need full sun, partial sun, or shade. I am new to this and have no idea.


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Tulips Have Sprouted, When Do I Plant?I live in NW Ohio. I have some tulip bulbs that I just did not have time to plant last fall. I have them in my basement in a bag. They have "sprouts" coming out of them. Is it too late to plant them this Fall? What would happen if I planted them now?


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Making an Amaryllis Bloom Again?How do I get an Amaryllis to rebloom? My mother-in-law, said it can be done.


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Planting Dahlia Bulbs?I got some Dahlia bulbs. Any tips on how to plant them?


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Planting Potted Tulip Bulbs?I bought potted tulips for Easter which are now in full bloom. How do I save them to plant in flower beds for spring blooming?


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Buying Amaryllis Bulbs?I am looking for a place to get some really pretty amaryllis bulbs and a piece of a Marshall Neal rose.


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Growing Stargazer Lilies in Pots?I planted stargazer lilies in pots for the first time last spring/summer. They did not do much. I always move all my pots into my semi-heated attached garage for winter and the stargazers are beginning to come up.


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