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A cutting of coleus in a small recycled jar.

Small Bottles for Plant CuttingsI save all sorts of small glass, and plastic, bottles, fill them with water and use them for rooting cuttings. It is a very productive and interesting pastime, looking to see how the roots develop over time. You can then pot up your plants when the cuttings are well rooted.


Propagating Basil from Cuttings

Propagating Basil from CuttingsIf you have an existing basil herb plant growing (or know someone who does) you could propagate and grow basil very quickly versus planting seeds.


Grow New African Violets and Succulents from Cuttings - closeup of a violet let with new growth

Grow New African Violets and Succulents from CuttingsI have seen these tips on the internet, and had not had a chance to try it till now. A friend gave me one African violet leaf after my AV had sadly died because I didn't understand how to keep it happy. Another friend gave me a sage plant leaf.


How to Ship Plant Cuttings - several plants ready to ship

How to Ship Plant CuttingsAre you sending plant cuttings to friends or family? It's really easy and I'll share with you how I send plant cuttings to arrive safely and hydrated.


Growing Passionfruit from Cuttings - cuttings in a Home Depot bucket

Growing Passionfruit from CuttingsPlace passionfruit cuttings into water to revive the cutting before planting in the ground. You would want to place passionfruit cuttings in water for a couple of days until the cuttings are less limp and more firm.


Grow a Rose Cutting in a Potato cutting in a small potato

Grow a Rose Cutting in a PotatoIf you have a rosebush that's doing well and want to grow more from it, or give some as a gift, it's a good idea to propagate a cutting from that bush inside of a potato. Potatoes have a good amount of moisture and nutrients for a new cutting to develop from.


A cutting of forsythia with roots, ready for planting.

Give Living GiftsI wouldn't doubt that many of you have forsythia. I have the Lynwood Gold hybrid. Now is a good time to root cuttings for giving to friends and relatives. They are so easy to root, they will root most anywhere, under most conditions, even in a glass of water.


Create A Micro Climate For Rooting Cuttings - cutting with developing roots

Create A Micro Climate For Rooting CuttingsWe've all heard of creating a mini greenhouse effect for rooting cuttings. This micro climate is usually created by covering the cuttings with a clear plastic dome, such as cut away inverted soda bottle, or by covering them with plastic bags supported with sticks.


Finer Points On Rooting Clematis Cuttings

Finer Points On Rooting Clematis CuttingsThis is not a detailed account of how to root clematis cuttings. There is an excellent video on YouTube which will give you detailed instructions, better than I ever could. Note that the author says it doesn't really matter what medium you use. You certainly do not have to buy a seed starter mix. Any loose, fibrous and rich medium will do well.


Growing Grape Vines Requires Patience - potted grape vine

Growing Grape Vines Requires PatienceI saw a picture of a grape vine being grown as a standard. There was one main trunk about six feet tall. At the top were so many large clusters of grapes, there were few grape leaves to be seen. It was almost unbelievable and it was beautiful. I decided to give it a try.


placing a cutting into the floral foam

Easily Root Flower and Tree CuttingsMany people here on the islands love the flowers and trees I grow in my garden. However, each time I give them a cutting they can start growing in their garden they seem to die. Therefore, I want to share with you a simple way to root cuttings from different flowers or trees that you can plant in your garden.


Growing San Marzano Tomatoes from Cuttings

Growing San Marzano Tomatoes from CuttingsWhen growing tomatoes people suggest you remove the suckers that grow at the elbow of the plant. I did this early this summer, but instead of tossing the suckers, I put them in a small glass of water. Slowly they developed threadlike roots.


begonia bed

Free Bed Full Of Begonias from CuttingsWhen posting a tip on indoor gardening, I take into consideration that few of us have much space we can devote to cultivating plants, indoors. I overwinter most of my small cuttings on a four foot section of a kitchen counter top with three, four foot, 2 lamp fluorescent fixtures mounted above.


Mexican Heather (Cuphea) in nursery pot

Rooting Mexican Heather (Cuphea)I've always admired this little plant. The foliage is rather fine, and a dark, glossy green. The flowers are dainty and numerous.


Start Tomato Plants from Stems

Start Tomato Plants from StemsYou can use a stem from a tomato plant to generate a whole new tomato plant. The cells in tomato stems are able to become roots. Simply cut off a stem from a full tomato plant, clipping off any flowers or buds. Make a hole in some damp potting soil in a container and plant the stem.



Rooting Impatiens Cuttings

Rooting Impatiens CuttingsAfter taking the cuttings, I remove all flower buds, open flowers, seed pods and yellow leaves, from each. I also remove any leaves that would be under the soil after inserting them in the medium.


small sucker inside plastic bottle

Reroot Tomato Suckers as New PlantCut tomato suckers, bury them in garden soil with added vermiculite (which absorbs 10x its weight in water), cover with a clear juice jug with bottom cut out and no lid. Keep it watered and it will root. New plant! Now THAT'S thrifty.


rooted lantana cuttings

Rooting Lantana CuttingsI tried rooting lantana several times without much success. I was using the standard method for taking cuttings. When I told a nice lady friend about my poor results, she told me I would have better luck if I took cuttings from the tips of the plant. Since taking her advice, I have had near 100% success.


Kordes Perfecta Pink Rose

Rooting Rose CuttingsIf you select a cutting from a grafted rose, you should get a clone of that rose. You should not get any characteristics of the root stock. On rare occasion, a grafted rose will send out a shoot from below the graft union.


Bottle Propagator - plastic bottle with sage cuttings

Bottle PropagatorI made this simple propagator today to hold some sage cuttings that I took from my garden. Cut a plastic bottle in half, place the plant and pot in the bottom half of the bottle, and use the top to cover the cutting.


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Propagating a Weeping Willow TreeHow do you start new trees from an existing Weeping Willow tree?


A patch of brightly colored coleus.

Your Spring Garden for PenniesMany plants, including those considered annuals in your area, can be over-wintered indoors and used as starts in your spring garden, whether it be in the ground or in containers, or both.


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Grow Plants from CuttingsI have had good success in growing many things from cuttings, like hibiscus and frangipani (plumeria), by dipping the stem in honey and putting the cutting into sandy potting mix mixed 50/50.


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Use Honey as a Rooting Hormone for CuttingsUse honey as a rooting hormone. Prepare cuttings and dip ends of the cuttings in honey.


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Old Sandbox to Start Plant CuttingsThe kids old sandbox makes a great place to grow cuttings for starting new plants! Be sure to shade the new cuttings from the sun and water frequently until you see new growth. These little plants you are growing will sell for $5.00 each at your next garage sale!


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Rooting Plant CuttingsAn easy way to root angel trumpets, confederate rose, and rose of Sharon is to cut a branch off and put it in water halfway up the stem until it has roots.


Growing houseplants from cuttings.

Growing New Houseplants From...Free plants! All these plants came from one original plant! Bromeliads are great for this because they naturally produce "pups" and you just break them off at the base and put the new pup in potting soil and you have a new plant!


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Planting Spider Plant BabiesWhen you want to propagate those baby spiders, you may wonder what to use if you use the method of cutting it off and growing the roots in water. I am doing this all the time with my big spider plant.


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Chrysanthemum CuttingsI seem to have good luck with mums. Do you think I should take cuttings from existing bushes (need season suggestion and ideas) or just buy a new and improved variety at the nursery (need variety suggestions).


Hydragea flower.

Propagating HydrangeasIf you love hydrangeas, as I do, now is the time to propagate them. If you don't have one, maybe a neighbor would let you take a few cuttings. It won't harm the existing plant, so don't be shy in asking. In about 6 weeks you'll be able to plant the cuttings in their permanent site.



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Soda Bottles for CuttingsWhen I send out cuttings to friends, of plants that propagate easily, I take a 2 liter cola plastic bottle and cut around the top to make a planter. I drill little holes in the bottom for drainage, tear the wrapper off, and decorate it with permanent markers.


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Use Canning Jars to Start CuttingsInstead of buying a plant for a birthday or housewarming gift, grow one. I have a few old canning jars in my kitchen window, and I grow new plants in water from clippings of older plants. When it has new roots I plant it in dirt and give a homemade gift that will last a long time.


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Make Rooting Hormone From WillowMaking your own rooting hormone with willow water. Here's what you do: Get a handful of willow twigs (any Salix species will do).


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Starting a Garden with Cuttings from Friends and FamilyIf you're wanting to landscape your property, but not wanting to spend a lot of money doing so, alert your family, friends, fellow church members, co-workers, etc.


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Easy Rooting InstructionsRoot your plants and shrubs by cutting a small piece from your plant. Take a paper napkin or paper towel and fold it to hold a handful of garden soil.


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Planting BranchesIt's easy to grow shrubs and many other plants by simply planting a branch. Cut off a branch and bury it in decent soil leaving only 6-8 inches out of the ground. It may be small, but it will grow.


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Starting a Hedge With ClippingsAt this time of year the trimming of my privet hedges and the ensuing clean up is a large chore, I usually can find someone interested in getting some clippings to start their own hedges. This year it will be my son and daughter-in-law.


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Starting Trees (and other plants) From SlipsI have used several methods for starting plants for my own use. I once moved on to property that had no trees. Early the next spring, with the blessing of a neighbor, I clipped very thin branches that where long and straight and more then 3 ft long and had buds barely cracked.


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Cheap Gifts From Root CuttingsRoot several plant cuttings in soil in empty sour cream or cottage cheese containers, yogurt containers or cut down plastic bottles. Drill or punch a few drainage holes.


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Starting Morning GloriesI use Coke bottles, the small regular ones, to start morning glories. When the vine gets too long, I cut it off and put it in a Coke bottle with the top cut off. I then put a string through either end and attach it to a clothes line with a paper clip or twine.


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