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Cold Weather Flowers and Plants?What plants and flowers do you recommend for planting in the cold weather?


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Saving My Hibiscus For Next Year?I have a Hibiscus which was given to me as a gift and bloomed beautifully all summer. Now the blooms are gone and it does well while it is outside but if I bring it in the house, all the leaves fall off and it looks awful. Is there anyway to save it so I can enjoy the blooms next summer?


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Sick Looking Rose of Sharon?I have 4 rose of sharons and am having trouble, the leaves are turning yellow. Everyone else's around here are blooming and mine look sick. I live in alabama, could anyone give me some help here?


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Splitting a Peace Lily?I have a very large Peace Lily. I would like to split it into 2 different pots. Is there an easy way to do this without killing my plant? ljgravert


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Annuals For a Blue Flower Garden?Last year I grew a white garden and it was spectacular. This year I'd like to try my hand at a blue garden. I'd like some ideas of annuals I could use. Donna Marie


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Easy to Grow Unique Flowers?I need easy to grow flowers that are unique. By ptreskovich


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Growing Flowers in Partial Sunlight?Flowers that you can grow in partial sunlight. Post your ideas.


Perennial For Around My Mailbox?I want to plant some type of perennial around my mailbox. I was wondering if anyone has any ideas of something that is easy to take care of. The location gets shade in the morning and sun in the afternoon.


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Flowerbed Suggestions?What type of flowers would be pretty in a flowerbed with light purple pansies? They are the only flowers that appear to have survived the winter months and I haven't a clue as to what else to fill it in with.


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Perennial Sweet Peas Stopped Blooming?I planted perennial sweet peas 6 years ago. They were very beautiful and bloomed every year. But this year there's only one plant that came out. Does anyone know what could of happened?


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Trying to Locate Lipstick Lies (Bearded Iris)?I have been trying for a number of years to find a Bearded Iris called Lipstick Lies. Do you know where I could get it? I believe it came from Australia.


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Lilacs and Butterflies?What type of Lillacs attracts buterflies? I read that a thin lillac bush is one. Yet i did not get any other info on the subject. Can you help me on this problem? And thanks in advance for your time.


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Growing Mixed Balloon Flowers?I am growing mixed balloon flowers for the first time, I'm suprised at their height and the way some of them droop. Is it necessary to make supports for them, and at what time in their growth should I do that? What could I used to create the supports with items I have at home already? Would stakes and string be ok, or should each have it's own support?


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Tiger Lily Not Blooming?What could cause my Tiger Lily to not bloom? I have read about shocking it with a spade plunged into the soil about 1 ft away from it, but that didn't help.


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Fall Flowers in North Texas?I live in North Texas and want to plant some flowers in some pots, but I have no idea what to plant or where to look for ideas. I want some flowers that will last through the winter and still be blooming in the spring. Is that even a possibility here?



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Caring For Hibiscus?I have a question about hibiscus, I want to know how to care for it. I live in Delaware. it is beautiful, I want it to stay that way year after year.


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Flowering Plants Not Flowering?I recently removed all the grass from my front yard and landscaped with flowers, shrubs and trees. Two of the things I planted are a tree size Bougainvillea and a Bleeding Heart. The bleeding heart has been in the ground for a month, and has easily tripled in size, but no flowers yet.


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Lilacs Love Eggshells?When do you put the eggshells on the lilac bushes? Should i mix it in the soil around the base?


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Pincushion Plant, Is It Dying?I have a pincushion plant. My question is the plant is dying, is this normal? Does it die back and come back in the spring? thanks for any help.


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Caring for a Tuberous Begonia?I was given a tuberous begonia which is beautiful but I don't know how to care for it. Should it rest for a while after the blossoms go by?


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Lilies Won't Bloom?I have two peace lilies that were given to me by a relative. One has struggled from the beginning. It wouldn't get any taller, only got new growth and bushed out.


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Planting Daffodils?I just received a gift of potted Daffodils. Of course, I hope to be able to plant these outside, and I am curious as to the best way to do this. The ground is frozen right now obviously. Do I plant them in spring right from the pot or is there some special care I should take?


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Lilies Not Flowering?I have bought some Peace Lilies. I had read somewhere they can survive on low light and needed watering once a week but have noticed the leaves are turning yellow and not flowering anymore.


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3 Tier Flower Planter?I have purchased a 3 tier, 37" flower planter. What would be the most attractive flowers to put in each tier? It will be in the sun at all times.


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Caring for Orchids?I just got an Orchid as a gift. I do not know how to care for them. Each type of orchid has its own special needs regarding care, but there are some general rules.


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When does a Muskogee Crape Myrtle flower?I just purchased and planted a Muskogee Crape Myrtle. It has no leaves on it yet. When should it start and when do the flowers start appearing?


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When should I plant my Easter Lily?I just got a white Easter Lily today and I was wondering when I should plant it. Do you have to wait until fall or can you plant them now? It's still got some flowers and green leaves. Do I have to plant it when the top turns brown? Also after I do plant it, will it come back year after year?


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Buying Surprise Lilies?Does anybody know where I can buy Surprise Lilies? My mother loves them and hers for some reason have stopped blooming.


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Flowers Dying After Budding?I am having problems this season with several plants, one a hanging Verbenia and one of several Cone flowers... they bud and then prior to blooming the bud dries up and dies. In the case of the Cone flower it turns black and dies. Can anyone tell me what is going on?


Planting Peonies?I would like to plant some peony bushes. When is the best time to do this?



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Marigold Flower Tips?Could someone give me Marigold Tips? I really like them, they remind me fall mums but I have know luck with mums. If I plant now, how long will it take them to bloom? Any tips?


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Asiatic Lily Not Growing?I planted an Asiatic Lily from a 6" pot in full sun in April. I have a few new leaves coming out of the ground but the original stalks are doing nothing. I have fertilized and the plant is in full sun. I don't see any growth on the plant after the original flowers dropped.


Growing Black Violets?Does anyone else grow these beautiful black violets?


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Hydrangea Bush with Flowers Turning Brown?I have a hydrangea bush and the flowers on it are beginning to turn a brownish color. I know you aren't supposed to cut the branches because the plant won't bloom the following year. I am wondering though, should i cut off the dead looking "flowers" or just leave them alone?


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Growing Lilacs in the Mountains?We have a cabin up in the mountains at this location. It is about 9000' above sea level. The ground totally freezes in the winter and is usually covered with snow until mid May. Will lilac bushes grow here?


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Orchids Not Blooming?I have several orchids that bloomed beautifully in my other home but since I move they just send out green and don't bloom. Is there something I can do to jump start the bloom process?


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Stubborn Lilacs?I have searched the Q&A for answers on lilacs. I have done all that is suggested, no cutting after July, right amount of nutrients. All day light and still no blooms. It suckers like crazy, new sprouts all around the parent bush, but no blooms. What to do?


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How to Grow Lilies?I am looking for information about how to grow lilies.


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Moonflower Seeds?My moonflowers have bloomed now, I am wondering when will I start too see the seeds from them. I just want too get them before it freezes here.


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Lye for Lilacs?How can I get 3 year old lilacs to bloom next spring? I have heard "work Lye in around them" have any of you heard the same?


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Red Lion Amaryllis Advice?Red Lion Amaryllis Advice. My husband gave me a Red Lion Amaryllis as a pre-X-mas gift. It did bloom and 1 bloom has died, at the lower end of that bloom there is a bulb thing.


Mulching Azaleas?I recently replanted azaleas that are approximately 2 years old. Should I leave the leaves that have collected around them for extra insulation or remove them all and just mulch them real good?


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Droopy Peace Lilies?I just repotted my peace lilies and now they are very droopy, what can I do?


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Lady Fingers (Flower)?Would anyone know of a flower called Lady Fingers? I have not heard of this for a while. I also can not find them anywhere. Any help would be great.


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How can I easily hold up my Gladiolus?How can I easily hold up my Gladiolus?



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How do hydrangeas get their color?How do hydrangeas get their color?


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Bittersweet Not Blooming?I bought Bittersweet at a reputable gardening shop and planted it. It has been three years and had grown wonderful with lots of leaves and vines but no blooms. Does anyone know why this happens and what I can do to get the Bittersweet to finally bloom?


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Brown Eyed Susans?I transplanted brown eyed susans last year and they were beautiful in the fall now this spring I don't see anything coming up yet, is it too early? I cut the dead stocks off last fall, did I kill my plant?


What do I do after tulips have flowered?What do I do after tulips have flowered? Can I get them to bloom again for the summer?


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Purple Hydrangeas?There is a purple hydrangea bush in our neighborhood. How was that effect achieved?


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Slow Growing Flower?What is a slow growing flower, annual, that doesn't get to high in height for the front of a headstone?


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Blooming Glads?My glads have blooms and are drying out, will they continue to bloom until the fall, or should they be dug up now, or should I just cut the bloom at this time?


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How deep do peonies have to be planted?How deep do peonies have to be planted? I have them in pots.


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Watering Tips for Flowers?Any good ideas on how to help my garden and flower retain more moisture? I live in KY and we are in desperate need of rain. I am watering things as I can but I wondered if anyone had any more ideas.


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Peace Lily With Brown Leaves?Once a peace lily leaves starts browning on the edges, will they continue to brown or will it eventually stop? What can I do to make sure that the new leaves don't start browning?


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Discolored Hibiscus Leaves?My hibiscus leaves are getting dark blotch-like discolorations beginning on the undersides of the leaves, then turn yellow. What is this from, and how can I correct it?


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Trumpet Vines Not Flowering?I have had a trumpet vine for about 3 years, but no flowers. Why?


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Fried Egg Poppy Success In Mid Atlantic States?I am trying to find out if anyone in the Mid Atlantic States (Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina) has had any success with a "Fried Egg Poppy" plant (matilija poppy or Romneya Coulteri).


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Buying Bulk Marigolds?I am looking for bulk marigolds to string together for the garlands in an Indian wedding, anyone know where I can get them? So far I can only find seeds.


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Moving Gladiolus?Can I reset gladiolas this time of year?


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How To Care For Shasta Daisies?I have been given Shasta Daisies by the wind or birds. How do I care for them? Do I fertilize them or not?


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How Do You Affect The Growth Of Marigolds?How do you affect the growth of marigolds?


Tall leafy stem with pink flowers.

What is this plant? (Phlox)Is this a butterfly bush? Thanks, really trying to identify what I have at my new house.


What is this plant? (Miniature Hollyhock)What is this plant? Sure resembles a very tall Geranium.


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Planting Flowers in the Shape of Letters?My volunteer garden club at our library are building a berm. It will be the center peice of a very large open area. I wanted to put flowers that make the shapes of letters when bunched together. This is a 3 part question #1 What would be used as a support since the berm will be on a high slant? #2 What is used to make the framing for the letters? #3 What would be the best low work flowers/plants to use to make the lettering stand out? If anyone has photos of or links to web pages that have photos it would help me the best. Thanks!


A white cluster of flowers.

What is This Flower? (Lantana)Can anyone tell me what is the name of this flower? When I bought it last week it was still blooming, but now it's dying.


Geranium flowers.

Growing Geranium From Seeds?I have what I think are seeds growing on my pink geranium. I have been letting them turn brown and then gently removing them and storing these in a paper bag in a dark dry spot.


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Getting Rid Of Iris Flowers?How do I get rid of Iris flowers? I have dug them up and ripped them out and they keep coming back. I am new at this gardening stuff and need help.


Close up of yellow orchids

Caring for Orchids in the Winter?When do orchids stop blooming and how do you care for them in the winter?


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Bromeliad Flower Is Leaning?I have a Bromeliad with a red flower in the center. It is growing great. My question is: The flower in the center is leaning to one side. Is this normal or I am suppose to stake it up straight?


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Planting Easter Lilies?I've been given three Lilies for Easter. Once they die back, can I plant them in my yard? How do I go about it? Will they survive and come up again? Would really appreciate some information to keep them going.


Star shaped flowers.

What Is This Flower? (Peruvian Lily)I would appreciate finding the names of these two flowers. Anyone out there that can tell me? Thanks for taking time to answer.


Trouble Growing Marigolds?I CANNOT grow marigolds. I plant them and go out the next morning and the little leaves are stripped off the stems and the marigold bud is all that is left on the stem - no leaves. What is doing this?


Advice For Growing Cornflowers?Can anyone give me tips on how to grow cornflowers? I try these every year, following the instructions on the seed packet, but if I'm lucky I get a plant that's about an inch tall. It drives me crazy because I see cornflowers growing wild and lush in ditches, beside railroad tracks, etc.


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White Flowers That Bloom In June?I am throwing a graduation for my granddaughter in June. The theme is black and white so I want to know what White flowers are in bloom in June. Can I plant seeds this late to bloom in June, which will be hot about 80. I will need a lot.


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Can Orchids Be Started From Cuttings?Is it possible to start orchids from cuttings?


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Will Calla Lilies Grow In The Blue Mountains?Will Calla Lilies grow in the blue mountains?


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Calla Lilies Not Blooming?No flowers on Calla Lilies, why?


Prolonging the Life of Cut Hydrangea Blooms?Is there a special process needed to prolong the life of a hydrangea bloom as a cut flower? I cannot get them to stay attractive overnight?


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Are There Hydrangeas That Are Naturally Blue?A friend told me that no hydrangea is naturally blue. One has to be forced through one method or another to create that color. I find that hard to believe. My grandmother always said that one had to plant iron nails in the soil to create the color one wanted. I don't remember doing anything special to mine but it is a beautiful blue and has been for many years. Anyone know anything about this please? Thanks.


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Getting Rid of Sun Flowers?Sun flowers are destroying my grass. How do you kill them?


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Getting Rid Of Day Lilies?I have a day lily that is growing like a weed. It is taking over my entire lily patch, including my beautiful lilies that I have had for over 20 years. I am currently trying to dig them out, they are about 5 feet tall. They are multiplying like crazy. Has anyone else ever had this problem? Any ideas on what to do?


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Transferring Sunflower Seedlings Outdoors?My daughter and I have started sunflower seeds indoors. They are now about 5 in. or so and I was going to plant them outdoors. I have a few questions though. Itt is supposed to be raining on and off till next Thursday and I am not sure if the seedlings can handle that much rain.


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Will Cutting Flowers Affect Next Year's Growth?If I use my tulips as cut flowers for a vase, will this affect the next year's flowering?


Pink cosmos in garden.

What Are These Wildflowers?I tossed a handful of wildflower seeds and got these tall fragile looking flowers. They are pretty sturdy, I like them, what are they?


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Do Marigolds Kill Other Flowers?If you put marigold flowers in a container with other flowers, will they kill the other flowers, or their blooms? I just planted some marigolds with purple daisies, and all the blooms wilted on the purple daisies. Is it from the aroma that the marigolds put off?


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Flowering Verbenas Tips?I absolutely love flowering verbenas. The problem is that, without fail, they all end up dying on me. Does anyone have any idea what I might be doing wrong? It's driving me crazy and I hate wasting money on replacing them all the time.


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Problems With Hibiscus Plants?I have recently potted two hibiscus plants in my balcony. The one with the pink flowers has not given a single bud in 3 weeks. Also the leaves of this plant have holes in them. What can I do to prevent the holes?


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Will Sunflowers Still Bloom If Tops Were Eaten Off?The deer ate the tops off my sunflowers, will they still flower? They were not up but about 6 inches.


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Uses for Calla Lily Seed Pods?My calla lily blooms form green seed pods inside. I was wondering if these can be planted or if they have any other use?


A slightly blurry photo of some yellow flowers on tall greenery.

What Are These Flowers?I see these flowers on my way to work and have never seen them anywhere else, other than at this spot.


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Soil Recommendation for Petunias?I planted wave petunias for the last two years in beds and they start out fine. I water and fertilize, but then they just die. I think the soil must have too much of something. What do petunias need in the soil?


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Planting A Calla Lily Outside?I would like to purchase a calla lily plant for outdoors. I live in zone 6 and do NOT want to have to bring the plant in during the winter. Is there a calla lily plant for my zone that can be left outdoors?


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Nikko Blue Hydrangea Not Blooming?I have three Nikko Blue Hydrangeas that used to bloom beautifully, but this year there are very little blooms, and most of them are near the bottom of the plants. The mop heads that bloomed are just as large as ever, but nowhere near the quantity of blooms we're used to seeing.


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Flowers That Go With Hydrangeas?What kind of flowers can I plant in front of my Blue Endless Summer Hydrangea?


When Will My Clematis Bloom?How long before clematis starts blooming? I planted from a gallon container. Clematis can take a year or two to bloom after first being planted, and will require at least several more years before reaching full maturity.


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When Will My Hydrangeas Bloom?When will my hydrangeas bloom?


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Mildew On Roses?How do you get rid of mildew on roses?


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Clematis Won't Bloom?Why didn't my clematis bloom?


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Winterizing Roses?In winterizing roses, do they have to be confined by cones. I am tempted to try hilling alone and wish to use shredded leaves mixed with top soil. Does this make sense? Also, I would like to cut up cross sections of paper leaf bags to act as restraining devices for the leaf/soil mix. Any advice gratefully received.


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Very Few Iris Blooms?Does anybody know why my irises didn't bloom very much this year? I had lots of foliage but very few blooms. We've only lived here a year and I can't remember what they did last year but this year I watched.


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Flowers to Grow in Nashville, TN?What flowers can I plant in Nashville that will last through the spring?


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