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Avocado Tree Leaves Turning Brown and Falling?I have a 9 year old avocado tree and every year when the tree blooms, all the leaves turn brown and fall off and all the buds dry up, turn brown, and fall off. The branches are always green and as everything browns and falls off there is new growth, leaves and branches and such.


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Loquat Tree Leaves Turning Brown?Many of the leaves on my 3 yr. old loquat tree are turning brown suddenly. There are brown spots, brown edges, and the younger leaves are totally brown. What's going on? Is this a December thing? It has not blossomed one time yet and, of course, no fruiting yet. Help.


pit suspended in glass

Growing an Avocado Plant from a Pit?I have been growing an avocado pit suspended in a glass of water for about 8 weeks now. The pit has split and I see the beginning of a root, but now fine white hairs can be seen on the bottom of the pit. Does this happen? or is this algae? Has this happened to anyone else? I have been changing the water once a week.


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Growing Apple Seedlings?Our granddaughter planted the seeds from three she was eating. They are now 6 inches tall and in separate pots on a south facing windowsill. Do they keep their leaves over winter this first year? They are staying indoors.


potted fig tree

Overwintering a Potted Fig Tree?I have a potted fig tree and took it inside my garage, as there will be frost very soon. I have read all the information and will water it 1-2 cups every 4 weeks. Although all the leaves have fallen off, there are several unripened figs left. Should I take them off?


pear tree

Too Many Pears?I have a pear tree that came with the house. It looks like it's been through tough times, but it bears fruit every year. I get hundreds of pears each season. I feel terrible that the tree branches are all hanging down from the weight of the pears.


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Planting an Orange Seed?Is it possible to plant the seeds of an orange to make an orange tree?


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Growing Fruit Trees from Pits?I started some cherry and Contender peach pits several weeks ago in my greenhouse. I checked and I might have a cherry growing, but it looks nothing like the seedling pictures, rather a small clump of purplish green leaves. I dumped a pot out and can't even find a pit! Help please.


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Fruit Falling Off Peach Tree?The fruit gets about a half inch, then dries up and falls off.


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Avocado Tree Losing Leaves?My tree is 15 feet high. I planted him from a seed. He had for the first time after 6 years 40 avocados, 2nd time 70, 3rd time 90. This year I don't know yet, but he loses a lot of brown leafs. Did I water him too much? Please let me know what I have to do. Thanks.


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Getting Rid of Bugs on Apricot Tree?How do I get rid of bugs on an apricot tree?


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Pear Tree Dropping Fruit?My pears are about the size of a quarter. They are falling to the ground. What to do? Please help; the tree is loaded, but I'm afraid I won't get any fruit.


Transplanted avocado tree.

Avocado Leaves Died After Browning?I recently planted a 5yr old avocado tree that was beginning to flower. I (thought) I did everything I was supposed when planting, including fresh soil and deep watering, but since I planted the tree all the leaves have died and turned brown, but the branches are still green.


Avocado tree with brown leaves.

Leaves on Avocado Tree Turning Brown?I have no idea how old the male tree is, but it is well over 30 feet. I live in Orlando Florida and the tree gets plenty of water and sunlight. It has been very healthy till about 3 weeks ago. Now the leaves are turning brown.


Avocado with dying leaves.

Avocado Trees Losing Leaves?I currently have 5 avocado trees no taller than 1 foot. It seems, no matter how hard I try I can't keep them alive past 1 year. The leaves have fallen off all 5 plants.



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Selective Apple Breeding?What two apples do you breed to make a Granny Smith Apple?


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Growing Granny Smith Apple Trees?Do I need more than one Granny Smith tree to get fruit?


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Growing a Peach Tree from a Pit?I'm a first time peach planter and I just wanted to know, but how far down do I need to plant the seed?


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Lemon Tree Seedlings Have No Branches?Why do my seedlings grow tall with large leaves, but none have branches? Should I cut them back and inch or 2?


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Where Can I Buy Cherry Seeds?I need to buy cherry seed. Where can I find them?


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How Long Before an Avocado Tree Flowers?I have a tree which is ten year old. It is not flowering. So I assume it is not old enough for flowering. Is there anything to do for that, like pruning or something else? My place is a hilly region with a tropical climate.


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Avocado Tree With Branches Low on Trunk?I have a 5 ft tree in a pot. It has branches growing about 8 inches above the soil. It looks like where it was grafted. Are these suckers and what is the best way to get rid of them?


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Varieties of Apple Trees?How many types of apple trees do we have and how can one know the difference?


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Apricot Tree Lost All Its Leaves?A few months back I bought an apricot tree (about 5ft tall), from Home Depot. I am in 10a zone (so.CA). Now at the beginning of August, my apricot lost all foliage (no leaves). What could possibly have caused it? I thought, apricots are evergreen.


Large avocado tree.

Avocado Tree Dying?My avocado tree is about 12 years old. It's planted in the ground, in Orlando. Each branch is turning brown and looks like the tree is slowly dying. It gets adequate water and fertilizer. I am not sure why it's dying. Is the root rotten?


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Pollinating an Elstar Apple Tree?We currently have an Elstar apple tree and would like to know if it is better to get another apple tree or a pear tree for pollination?


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Avocado Leaves Turning Dark Brown and Fall Off?Why would a 7 month old avocado plant's leaves turn dark brown and fall off? Then new leaves come on and do the same. It's in a 5 gal. bucket with good drainage. What am I doing wrong?


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Avocado Grown from Pit Stopped Growing?i have grown an avocado plant from the stone in the fruit. Once I planted it, it grew really quickly for some time, and then just stopped. I moved it into a better sun position and it grew some more.


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Pear Tree Has Webs?Do webs in pear trees indicate poor health of tree? How do I treat? The tree is at least 50 years old.


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Growing Apple Trees?I would like to know, how to grow an apple tree. My husband would love to plant this kind of tree, but I am not sure how difficult it can be. I don't want to have wormy apples. I have heard that the tree needs to be sprayed, to prevent this.



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Cherry Trees Not Bearing Fruit?My trees are not bearing fruit; why?


Lemon tree seedlings.

Growing Lemon Trees from Seeds?I planted some lemon pips in November last year, and they grew to about 4cm tall, and it seems as if they aren't growing anymore. They have been the same size since December, and they have now turned a very light yellow.


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Avocado Trees Not Setting Fruit?I have three avocado trees. They were grown from seeds and they are very tall. They are about ten years old and in all of that time, they only gave avocados one time. They all produced avocados at the same time and a lot of them, but they haven't since then and it has been two or three years.


Diseased looking leaves.

Weeping Cherry Tree Looks Sick?I planted the weeping cherry tree a year ago and it was doing great until this year. The leaves started to get brown and now the trunk is turning white.


Lemon tree in half barrel.

Potted Meyer Lemon Tree Dropping Fruit?3 months ago I planted, in a large tub, a Meyer lemon which thrived and has set a lot of fruit. Today I found four tiny fruit, size of a small marble, on the soil.


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Avocado Tree Leaves Turning Brown?My avocado tree started growing brown on the leaves. How would I check if it's root bound?


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Peaches Don't Ripen?We have two, from pits, peach trees. I hand thin the peaches as they grow. They get a little larger than a golf ball with some color, but never fully ripen. I fertilize twice a year and spray as needed. What do you think?


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Fruit on Apple Tree Very Small?I have a dwarf apple tree, it was planted years ago and I don't know what kind it is, but the apples look and taste like a Granny Smith. The problem is that they are very small. Does it need to be pollinated to make the apples larger? Could it be a crab apple tree?


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Cutting Back an Avocado Tree?Should I cut back my avocado? It's 2 feet tall with 9 leaves on the very top, but none anywhere else. The ones further down on the stem don't grow at all and just fall off. Should I cut it back to 6 or 8 inches and hope for the best?


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Growing a Honey Crisp Apple Tree?How do you get a honey crisp apple tree to bear fruit?


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Yellow Passion Fruit Tree Not Fruiting?My tree is 2 years old. Last year it flowered very well, but they fell off and it's happening again. The flowers are white and purple.


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Avocados Smaller Than Usual?I have a 40+ year old avocado tree. It has always done very well, but this year the avocados are smaller than usual and seemed to have stop growing. The tree looks fine. I tried to pick one to see if it would ripen, but no luck.


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Lemon Tree Not Blooming or Setting Fruit?I am from Durban South Africa. I planted an Erica lemon tree almost two years ago and up to now have only had 4 buds and no fruit. Please help!


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Growing a Peach Tree from a Pit?I recently was given a beautiful peach; it was sooo good. I really want to plant the pit in some soil and grow the pit into a beautiful peach tree someday.


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Growing Golden Delicious Apple Trees?I have a dwarf golden delicious trees with brown on most of the leaves and on some of the apples. What do I need to do? When? When is best time to prune this tree? It is about 12-14 ft. tall and is about 4 yrs. old.



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Preventing Worms in Apples?My mom put a banana peel, water, and something else in a plastic jug with a hole cut out of the top to prevent worms and lines in the apples. Does anyone know what the ingredients are? I can not remember.


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Starting a Peach Tree Indoors?Can I start a peach tree indoors, and if so; how do I do it?


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Growing Figs?What color is a fig on the inside when rips. We have figs getting soft and drooping, but they are white on the inside. Are they ripe?


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Growing Papaya?How do I plant a papaya tree and where to plant the tree?


Closeup of the bark damage.

Cherry Tree Oozing Sap and Losing Bark?I'm so grateful to have found this site. My cherry tree, newly planted in April with good watering has a spot where the bark is peeling badly and is separating like a wound. The soil line has an area where amber colored sap is excreting.


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Growing Custard Apples from Seed?Can you grow custard apples from seed and how do you go about it?


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Apple Tree Not Flowering?I have 4 apple trees all in a row. 3 have blossomed, but one is just now getting it's leaves. Why would this one tree be so behind in it's growth from the others?


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Fig Tree Not Producing Fruit?I have a fig tree that is approximately 6 years old. Every year I expect it to produce fruit, but have not had any luck at this point. Should I have at least two fig trees? Is there a chemical I should be adding to the soil?


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Newly Planted Loquat Tree Is Losing Leaves?I just planted a loquat tree which is 11 feet tall with a 5 inch trunk.I water it daily, but I'm losing leaves at about 40 per day. Is this common or should I be watering more?


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Loquat Tree Has Curled Leaves?I started a loquat tree indoors from seed and it is now 2 feet tall. It is green and growing well, but the newest leaves are "cupped". Instead of lying flat the tips curl downward. It gets plenty of water and I fertilize it regularly.


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Avocado Leaves Curling?I have two avocados in two of the same type pots, with the same soil, and the same watering schedule. I let them dry (about a week or so) and then deep water them till the water comes out of the bottom of the pots.


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Yuley Breadfruit Tree Drops Fruit?I have a yuley variety breadfruit which when it fruits, the fruit never sets and they fall off from the tree. They only come to the size of an apple and then fall off.


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Pear Tree Limbs Dying?I planted an Acres Home pear tree. It has leafed out, but the top of the limbs are beginning to die. I had trimmed it back when I planted it. The rest of the tree looks to be healthy.


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Scales on Fig Tree Leaves?What can I spray on my fig tree to get rid of the scales on the leaves? The scales are like little shell.


Cheap Tree Guard?Is there a good, cheap way to protect my little fruit trees from gnawing pests this winter? The tree wraps I find are all too pricey.


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Growing a Lemon Tree for Seed in a Container?Has anyone out there ever grown a lemon tree from seed? I have heard it is done in Siberia. If they can do it, surely we can. Will supermarket lemons give good seed? Should I just buy a started tree? I now have a nice, sunny window and have wanted to give this a try since forever!


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Lemon Tree Scale?How do I cure scale on my lemon tree?The branches have a green slime and a fungal scale 30mils in diameter on average is present on the branches.


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Date Palm Fruit Small and Dry?My date palm tree produced fruit this year that is small, dry, and inedible. Please help me.


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Meyer Lemon Tree Dropped Leaves, Blooms, and Fruit?I have a Meyer lemon tree planted in a container that I keep outdoors. It has bloomed and produced plenty of lemons for the last 4 years. Earlier this year it bloomed and small fruit started to appear. We have experienced extremely hot weather, but I made sure the tree was properly watered.


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Cherimoya Tree Not Producing Fruit?Would someone please tell me how to grow cherimoya? My tree didn't produce any fruit, even though it had lots of flowers.


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Planting Plum Pits?When planting plum pits do you break the shell off and take the seed out to plant or do you plant the whole thing? Please help.


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Growing a Peach Tree from a Pit?How do I start a peach tree from the pits I've saved?


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Organic Solution for Fruit Flies in Citrus Trees?Does anyone have a natural organic remedy for eliminating fruit fly in citrus trees (oranges and mandarins)? I live in Perth Western Australia. Thank you.


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Leaves on Avocado Tree Turning Yellow and Fruit Has Red Skin?I have a mature 10 ft 8 yr old avocado tree and the leaves are turning yellow and the 30+ fruit on the tree are red skinned, but turn brown when picked and stored. It's close to another avocado tree which has the normal dark green leaves. It receives normal fertilizer annually.


Bugs on Indoor Lemon Tree?I have an indoor lemon tree which is being attacked by some sort of small insect, like tiny wood lice. They stick themselves onto the plant and cover it with this glue like substance. I've tried spraying, but they keep coming back. Any ideas please?


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Growing Victoria Plums?I have Victoria plum trees. Some of the branches have broken off with the weight of the fruit, and the plums are still quite green. How can I get them to ripen?


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Growing Figs in the Puget Sound Area?Can anyone suggest the best variety of fig for this area? I am actually out on the peninsula in Bremerton west of Tacoma. I grew up in the south and love fresh figs. I have tried the larger fruited green figs and they are an OK choice.


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Are There Green Plum Trees?Are there green plums or only greengages?


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Growing a Cherry Tree from a Seed?It's already August, winter will be here soon. I want to plant a cherry seed, should I do it now or wait? If I wait what will I do to keep the seed fresh? Can you please help?


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Scale, Ants, and Aphids on a Meyer Lemon Tree?I have a beautiful Meyer lemon tree, that has been giving me great fruit year round. This summer the branches and stems are just covered with scale and they have brought on the ants and aphids. There has to be a non-toxic spray for this condition as I do not want to hurt all my fruit.


Planting Cherry Pits in Tanzania?I live in Zanzibar, Tanzania and have brought back some cherry pits. Can they grow in this hot humid climate?


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Cutting Down One of Two Apple Trees?We have two apple trees in our back yard. This year we have so many apples and we do not eat them. We were thinking of cutting down one tree, but would the mate survive after 40 years?


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What Does a Bing Cherry Sapling Look Like?I put some Bing Cherry pits in a flower pot with another plant. I want to know what a Bing Cherry sapling looks like so I can see if it's the pits or weeds?


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Cherry Tree Isn't Producing Fruit?I planted a patio cherry tree and it sits on my patio. It grows leaves but no cherries. The leaves look like they are lacking in water which it cannot be as it is fairly wet here but it is in full sun. Please help.


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Growing Lime Trees from Seed?Can you grow a lime tree from a lime pip?


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Keeping Rodents from Eating My Peaches?I have one simple peach tree in my yard and this was the first year it was mature enough to produce a decent number of peaches. I quickly realized that I was going to run in to competition with the birds and the squirrels. So, I purchased netting.


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Growing Tangelos?Is there anything to put into the soil around a tangelo tree to sweeten the fruit?


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Planting a Dried Peach Pit?I dried out peach pits last year. All the info I can find is for fresh pits. Will the information stay the same? Or do I just plant them and hope for the best?


small lemon tree with several green fruit

Lemons Falling Off the Tree?This semi-dwarf Meyer lemon tree is losing the fruit. Can anyone tell me why? It had hundreds of blooms. It set many lemons, and now more than 3/4ths of them have fallen off. There are still several larger fruit hanging on.


orange and black lady bug looking incents on leaf, one adult and one juvenile

Orange and Black Bugs on Cherry Trees?Can you identify the bugs on my cherry trees? How can I get rid of them?


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Peach Tree Not Leafing Out?My peach tree does not have any leaves and it is at least six months old from the shop. It is about 2 feet in height and looks quite healthy, but I am afraid if it does not leaf it will not bear any fruit.


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Cherry Tree is Losing Leaves?I have a weeping cherry tree that is about 5 years old. This Spring I had many blooms but now I have very few leaves. Indiana did have a very wet spring.


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Pruning Fruit Trees?When is the best time to prune fruit trees?


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Lemon Tree is Not Blooming?I have a lemon tree that is over 5 years old. To date it has never bloomed. I have dug a shallow ditch where the branches end and I have put organic compost into this. I also water daily only in this ditch after the monsoons until the next monsoon. What am I doing wrong?


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How Do I Graft a Citrus Tree?I am looking for information on grafting a citrus tree.


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Bugs in Texas Plum Tree?I have a plum tree that I got from a friend. He now has bugs in his tree and does not know what to spray it with. He got it from a lady friend who called the plant a Texas Plum. Would you please tell me what to use before they get into my tree.


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Fruit on Peach Tree Does Not Mature and Falls Off?My peach tree blossoms and bears fruit, but the fruit doesn't mature and they fall off the tree.


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Gray Brown Spots on Loquat Tree Leaves?I have a 3 year old loquat tree about 8ft tall in my backyard. It does not have flower/fruit yet. It has gray-brown spot on its leaves, especially the younger leaves since last week; and the amount of spots has been rapidly growing on more leaves.


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What is the Annual Growth Rate for Wild Cherry Trees?What is the growth rate per year for wild cherry trees?


small orange tree

Replanting an Uprooted Tree?We had a bizarre storm last night and my mature orange tree, full of fruit, was blown over. It is now laying across my lawn, but it appears to be still attached at the roots. Is it worth trying to save? If so, what would need to be done?


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Lemon Tree Not Blooming or Producing Lemons?I have a mini Meyers lemon tree. It will produce flowers, but then they fall off. I have had this tree for about 4 years, but have had no lemons. It is in a large planter.


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Training Fruit Trees to Form Hedges?When visiting apple orchards in Tasmania I noted that the trees are trained to form 'hedges'. Please advise where I may learn more on this technique and limitations for other fruit trees, if possible?


Transplanting a Large Fig Tree?I have two 12ft high/wide fig trees in the back yard. They're quite large and sitting in the middle of the yard. Is it difficult to transfer them to another location or should I drop the idea and instead consider a severe pruning (1/3)?


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Something is Peeling the Lemons on My Tree?We have a lemon tree and this last week we have discovered over 26 ripe fruit on the tree destroyed partially or completely by some sort of pest. Most of the fruit is partially peeled with no apparent damage to the fruit, a few others have been peeled and eaten.


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Green Oranges Splitting Before They Ripen?Why are my green oranges splitting?


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Improving the Juice Content of Citrus Fruit?How can I promote fruiting of citrus trees? Some of my grapefruit trees are devoid of juice. Is it due to soil conditions and what remedy can I take for increasing the juice content of the fruits?


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Citrus Trees Not Producing Fruit?I don't know what happened, but none of my citrus fruited this year. There were blossoms, but no fruit.


Leaves on Loquat Tree Turning Brown?Our mature locquat tree has adequate water and the leaves are turning brown, primarily from the top of the tree and towards the middle of the tree. What is the cause of this problem and what should I do?


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Pruning a Pear Tree?We just bought a home that had to be refurbished, inside and outside. We have two big old pear trees. The pears are small and discolored. At the top they're bigger, but too high to get. Can the trees be topped out?


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Growing a Mango Tree?Can you grow a mango in Concord California from a sprouted mango seed?


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Cleft Grafting a Mango?When cleft grafting a mango, does the scion have to be bright green or dark green? What I mean is does it have to be new or an old scion? Also, how much do I water the mango tree after grafting it?


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Grafting A Citrus Tree?I just read a post from last year about grafting citrus. Any chance you could add some pictures, or share a site that has pictures, as an example? I had a Meyer lemon that died back to the root stock after an unusually hard winter last year. Thanks in advance!


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Getting Rid of Mold and Fungus on Peaches?I have a Red Haven dwarf peach tree and this year I noticed it had mold and fungus on the peaches. The season is over and the peaches were all full of bugs and worms. I want to help this tree for the future, so I pruned it and cleared all the debris off the ground.


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