
Fruit TreesAsk a Question Follow

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Taking Care of Apple Trees During the Fall and Winter?Does anyone know of something I can treat apple trees with over the fall and winter so the leaves won't be infested in the spring? My husband and I moved into a house in the country with two apple trees (the apples are light green and soft red when they are ripe).


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Moss on Fruit Trees?I have a pear, apple and plum tree on the property I am renting. They have a lot of moss all over them. is this common (we have wet winters) or should I look into spraying?


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Looking for Prairie Spy Apple Trees?I need to purchase two Prairie Spy Apple Trees for my little orchard, and I'm having a most difficult time finding a nursery that has any to sell and/or ships. Any ideas? Thanks for your help.


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My Struggling Orchard?I'm in Toronto, Canada. I just bought a house that has cherry trees, apples, plums planted but not in good shape. Being a novice, I am struggling to read up or seek advice from experts like you.


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Orange Tree Cut Down, Will The Fruit Ripen?My neighbor cut his orange tree down. Will the oranges ripen still?


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Green Oranges?How do I change the color from green to orange on my oranges?


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Lemon Tree With "Sweating Leaves"?My lemon tree, which I bring indoors during winter, has the leaves producing a lot of glue like acid on the leaves. It looks as though it is sweating.


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Brown Rot on Apricots?I got brown rot on my apricots last year and was wondering if there is something that can do to prevent it from happening this year? I prefer natural ways but open to an effective way. I have a peach and a plum tree.


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Peach Tree Has Brown And Holey Leaves?Something is eating the leaves of my weeping pink cascade peach tree. What can I do? the leaves have holes in them and the leaves are turning brown.


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Advice For Tree With Small Sour Apricots?Why does my apricot tree produce plenty of little sour rotten apricots each year? My nectarine tree puts on a few sweet fruits although they also get brown patches and curly leaves. Is this a fungus or a nutrient problem? I have other trees on the premises that do just fine. Does anyone have an answer on what I can do to save my fruit trees?


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Help With Planting a Peach Tree?I heard that you can plant a peach tree in a pot, anyway you can plant it and it will grow.


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Caring For Torn Orange Tree Branch?A mature orange tree came with the property I just bought. It looks to be from 15 to 25 years old. The oranges were great Nov. - Feb.


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Weeping Cherry Trees Keep Dying?I have planted two different weeping cherry trees, one last year, and one again this year. Both have died within a couple of months after I planted them. Does anyone have a solution to the problem?


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Apples Has No Leaves?I have an apple tree that I planted from the seed of an apple. It looks more like a small bush right now, it stands about a foot tall. It was doing fine then it got to be about 110 degrees and I couldn't get enough water in it. The leaves dried out so I took them off. Now the stems are about 12 inches high and bare but green. Do I cut the stems down. There are a few green leaves on it. What do I do?


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Lemon Trees Fruit is Being Eaten?I have a 3 year old lemon tree. It flowered beautifully and fruit formed. Now all the fruit seems to have been eaten and part of the branch has died. It is planted in clay soil, with goo run off and is watered regularly in hot weather.



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Lemon Tree is Losing Leaves?I have a young lemon tree that is losing leaves.


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Something Eating Leaves on Bing Cherry Tree?I planted two semi dwarf bing cherry trees. The leaves look like something has been chewing on them. What should I do?


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Getting Rid of Apple Maggots?We have a good understanding of the apple maggot problem and various offers of methodology to prevent, but want to hear from folks with actual successful experience.For this we would remain forever grateful. Thank You.


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Plums Small and Have Worm Holes?We have several plum trees. They were here before we moved into our home, about seven years ago. The first two years were wonderful. We were able to pick and eat the fruit.


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Protecting Fruit Trees from Wild Animals?Do you know how to protect fruit on trees? My peaches were disappearing at night. I think it was an opossum or raccoon, so I put a solar light near the tree. It worked and saved my peaches. Has anybody else tried this?


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Potted Lemon Tree Leaves Small?I have a 2 year old Lemon tree that I bought last year in a 5 gallon pot. It had lemons on it last year and this year it is flowering, but the leaves are very much smaller than last year.


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Something Eating Leaves on Apple Tree?I planted apple trees in the spring and they were doing rather great. Now something seems to be eating the leaves, what is this and how do I stop it? A lot of the leaves have holes in them and they seem to by drying up.


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Pear Tree Leaves Turning Black, Fruit Wormy?My pear tree has black leaves which fall off and the fruit is mostly rotten or wormy. Some of the bark is cracked and it has a few dead branches. What can I do?


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Germinating Frozen Cherry Pits?Is it still possible to germinate cherry pits after they have been frozen, not refrigerated, for about 10 weeks?


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Tangelo Oranges Falling Off the Tree Early?What causes the fruit on my tangelo tree to split and fall off prematurely? It seems that when the fruit starts to change color it splits and falls off. The tree is about 9 years old. This has never happened before.


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Lemons on Tree Not Ripening?I have a small lemon tree with fruit that has not ripened. How long does it take for lemon fruit to ripen?


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Will Lemon Trees Growing From Root Suckers Produce?I moved to a new house and the previous owners dug up their lemon trees. I have 8 lemon trees growing from the roots. Will they produce or not?


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Growing a Cherry Tree in a Pot?Can I grow a sweet cherry tree in a 50 gallon container in northeast Ohio?


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What are These Worms on My Apple Tree Leaves?I have a problem with my apple trees. They are 2-3 years old and have done well so far. This year as soon as the green started showing and the leaves started forming, I noticed something bad.


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Why Do Lemon Trees Drop Their Fruit?Why is my lemon tree dropping fruit?



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Caring for Fruit Trees?My pear and apple trees are laden with fruit, how can I maintain the quality?


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Cherry Tree Leaves and Fruit Developing Black Spots?I have a fruit cocktail cherry tree (4 varieties). This year there are many small black spots on the leaves and they are spreading to the cherries. The first leaves and cherries affected are now dead and the spots are continuing to spread. What could this be and how do I help.


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Cherry Tree is Withering?My cherry tree is withering a bit in the recent sun. It was planted in April as a 5 foot tall plant. The other plants are doing well, eg. the plum, apple, and pear.


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Growing Cherry Trees in Texas?How do you grow cherry trees in Texas from seeds? How do you prep the seeds?


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Leaves on Dwarf Pear Curling and Turning Black?I have a young pear tree that is two years old, dwarf stock. It has steadily got very bushy, but they recommend you don't cut it back. The leaves are turning black and curling, what can I use? I don't want to lose my tree.


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Growing Cherries from Seed?What is the process to get a cherry seed to root?


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Kansas Sweet Cherry Tree Not Leafing Out?I planted a Kansas sweet cherry tree last fall and it is now mid June and it has not leafed out yet. What to do?


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Something is Eating Leaves on Grapefruit Tree?Something is eating away my new grapefruit tree leaves. I spotted a swallowtail butterfly caterpillar at one time and removed it, but there still seems to be something going on. I carefully inspect the leaves several times a week and can't find any evidence.


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Apricot Tree Drying Out With New Leaves at Base?I have an apricot tree that is now completely dry except for the bottom, where there are leaves coming out. What can I do to bring it back to life? We water it and have given it plant food. It produced a couple of apricots and then no more.


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Cherry Tree Leaves Turning Brown?I recently bought a dwarf "Stella" cherry tree. It seemed to be doing OK, getting new leaves etc., then all of a sudden it didn't look very happy and the leaves turned brown and died! Why has this happened?


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Brown Spots on Peach Tree Leaves?What can I do about brown spots on my peach leaves?


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Older Dwarf Lemon Trees No Longer Produce Fruit?I have two dwarf lemon trees. I had three originally, but one was removed three years ago. The age is undetermined, but greater than 40 years. Originally they had copious fruit, but not after third tree was removed. I tried fertilizer and mulch to no avail.


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Growing a Dwarf Fig Outside?How can I protect a dwarf fig tree that is planted outside to get it through this winter? This the first year it's outside in the ground.


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Keeping Bugs Out of Apples Naturally?How do I keep the bugs out of the apples on the tree, without using harsh chemicals?


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Cleft Grafting a Mango?When cleft grafting a mango, does the scion have to be bright green or dark green? What I mean is does it have to be new or an old scion? Also, how much do I water the mango tree after grafting it?



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Improving the Juice Content of Citrus Fruit?How can I promote fruiting of citrus trees? Some of my grapefruit trees are devoid of juice. Is it due to soil conditions and what remedy can I take for increasing the juice content of the fruits?


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Green Oranges Splitting Before They Ripen?Why are my green oranges splitting?


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Something is Peeling the Lemons on My Tree?We have a lemon tree and this last week we have discovered over 26 ripe fruit on the tree destroyed partially or completely by some sort of pest. Most of the fruit is partially peeled with no apparent damage to the fruit, a few others have been peeled and eaten.


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Berries on a Bradford Pear Tree?I have a Bradford Pear tree that's 13 years old. I cannot believe the thousands of berries falling off this tree since November until January, and still falling.


Transplanting a Large Fig Tree?I have two 12ft high/wide fig trees in the back yard. They're quite large and sitting in the middle of the yard. Is it difficult to transfer them to another location or should I drop the idea and instead consider a severe pruning (1/3)?


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Training Fruit Trees to Form Hedges?When visiting apple orchards in Tasmania I noted that the trees are trained to form 'hedges'. Please advise where I may learn more on this technique and limitations for other fruit trees, if possible?


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Fruit on Peach Tree Does Not Mature and Falls Off?My peach tree blossoms and bears fruit, but the fruit doesn't mature and they fall off the tree.


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Cherry Tree is Losing Leaves?I have a weeping cherry tree that is about 5 years old. This Spring I had many blooms but now I have very few leaves. Indiana did have a very wet spring.


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Peach Tree Not Leafing Out?My peach tree does not have any leaves and it is at least six months old from the shop. It is about 2 feet in height and looks quite healthy, but I am afraid if it does not leaf it will not bear any fruit.


Peach and Peanut

Garden: Patio Peach Tree (Tennessee)This was photo I was taking of the garden. I happened to catch Mr. Peanut, taking a moment to enjoy the fruits of summer!


Golden Plums

Garden: Golden Plums (Louisiana)In spite of the dry conditions in this part of Louisiana, the golden plum crop was abundant. These golden jewels make the very best sweet, yet tart, jelly ever! If you ever get the opportunity to try your hand at making golden plum jelly. You will not be disappointed!


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What Does a Bing Cherry Sapling Look Like?I put some Bing Cherry pits in a flower pot with another plant. I want to know what a Bing Cherry sapling looks like so I can see if it's the pits or weeds?


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Cherry Tree Isn't Producing Fruit?I planted a patio cherry tree and it sits on my patio. It grows leaves but no cherries. The leaves look like they are lacking in water which it cannot be as it is fairly wet here but it is in full sun. Please help.


Apricots hanging on the tree.

Growing ApricotsThis is a page about growing apricots. Growing your own fruit can be a rewarding experience. Not only can you control the levels of chemicals used or take and organic approach, but you can enjoy sweet tree ripened fruit. Apricots are a good candidate for the home gardener.


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Cutting Down One of Two Apple Trees?We have two apple trees in our back yard. This year we have so many apples and we do not eat them. We were thinking of cutting down one tree, but would the mate survive after 40 years?


Two ripe figs hanging on branch.

Growing FigsThis page is about growing figs. Are you considering planting a fig tree? In addition to the varieties for the traditional hotter climates, there are some that will thrive even in the Pacific Northwest.


Planting Cherry Pits in Tanzania?I live in Zanzibar, Tanzania and have brought back some cherry pits. Can they grow in this hot humid climate?


Lemons growing on a tree.

Growing LemonsThis is a page abut growing lemons. If you live in a warm climate, you may be able to grow a lemon tree. Being able to pick your lemons when you need them ensures they are as fresh as possible.


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Scale, Ants, and Aphids on a Meyer Lemon Tree?I have a beautiful Meyer lemon tree, that has been giving me great fruit year round. This summer the branches and stems are just covered with scale and they have brought on the ants and aphids. There has to be a non-toxic spray for this condition as I do not want to hurt all my fruit.


Peaches Growing on a Tree with Blue Sky in Background

Growing PeachesThis is guide about growing peaches. Peaches can be difficult to grow in certain regions. However, if you live where they grow well, peaches are a wonderful treat to be able to harvest yourself.


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Are There Green Plum Trees?Are there green plums or only greengages?


Peach pits and fruit on white background.

Growing Peach Trees from PitsThis is a page about growing peach trees from pits. Peach trees can be started from pits. Should you want to try growing your own trees from seed, there are some important steps to follow to improve your success.


Nectarines growing on a tree.

Growing NectarinesThis is a page about growing nectarines. Growing your own nectarines is not as hard as you may think. If you live in a climate where they can grow, proper care will ensure abundant and delicious fruit.


Bugs on Indoor Lemon Tree?I have an indoor lemon tree which is being attacked by some sort of small insect, like tiny wood lice. They stick themselves onto the plant and cover it with this glue like substance. I've tried spraying, but they keep coming back. Any ideas please?


Plums growing on tree

Growing Plum Trees From PitsThis is a page about growing plum trees from pits. Now that you have enjoyed your plum, consider planting the "stone" (pit). Growing your own tree would allow you to enjoy plums more often.


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Cherimoya Tree Not Producing Fruit?Would someone please tell me how to grow cherimoya? My tree didn't produce any fruit, even though it had lots of flowers.


Persimmons in Tree

Garden: Persimmons (Louisiana)This Asian Persimmon tree is loaded down this year in Central Louisiana. Just right to make cakes, pies, puddings or try them dehydrated for a sweet and healthy snack.


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Date Palm Fruit Small and Dry?My date palm tree produced fruit this year that is small, dry, and inedible. Please help me.


Two Ripe Plums on a Tree

Growing PlumsPlums are a wonderful addition to any garden. Proper care of your plum tree will ensure a bounty of tasty fruit to share with your family and friends. This is a page about growing plums.


Pomegranates on a Tree

Growing PomegranatesThis is a page about growing pomegranates. If you live in the right area a pomegranate tree can be a wonderful addition to your garden. These delectable fruit will be great to enjoy with your family and friends.


Large Yellow Pear on Tree

Growing PearsThis is a page about growing pears. A pear tree can can be a wonderful addition to your garden. Your family and friends will love to enjoy your harvest of the these sweet and delicious fruit.


Growing Quince, Canning Quince, Freezing Quince, Peeling Quince, Storing Quince. Selecting Good Quince. Holding Out a Ripe Quince

Growing QuinceThis is a page about growing quince. If you live in an area that quince grows well then it is a great fruit to grow in your garden.


A weeping cherry tree.

Rooting Fruit Tree Cuttings?This is a page about rooting fruit tree cuttings. A good way to propagate trees is from cuttings from existing trees. Once the cutting forms roots, it can be planted and grown into a sapling.


Cheap Tree Guard?Is there a good, cheap way to protect my little fruit trees from gnawing pests this winter? The tree wraps I find are all too pricey.


growing a cherry tree from a pit.

Starting a Cherry Tree from a PitThis is a page about starting a cherry tree from a pit. When considering starting a fruit tree, such as a cherry from the pit, there are some tips and considerations to keep in mind.


Avocados on a Tree

Caring for an Avocado TreeThis is a page about caring for an avocado tree. Avocado trees whether grown from seed or purchased from a nursery will need to proper care to thrive.


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Loquat Tree Has Curled Leaves?I started a loquat tree indoors from seed and it is now 2 feet tall. It is green and growing well, but the newest leaves are "cupped". Instead of lying flat the tips curl downward. It gets plenty of water and I fertilize it regularly.


Closeup of the bark damage.

Cherry Tree Oozing Sap and Losing Bark?I'm so grateful to have found this site. My cherry tree, newly planted in April with good watering has a spot where the bark is peeling badly and is separating like a wound. The soil line has an area where amber colored sap is excreting.


Pruning A Fruit Tree

Pruning a Fruit TreeThis is a page about pruning a fruit tree. Knowing how and when to prune a fruit tree is critical to ensuring a healthy tree that produces a bountiful crop of delicious fruit.


Brown Leaves on a Loquat Tree

Brown Leaves on a Loquat Tree?This is a page about brown leaves on a loquat tree. Trying to diagnose the cause of browning leaves on a fruit tree can be difficult.


Growing Breadfruit

Growing Breadfruit?This is a page about growing breadfruit. While adaptable to varying ecological conditions, breadfruit is generally grown in tropical climates.


orange tree in a terra cotta planter

Growing Fruit Trees in PotsThis is a page about growing fruit trees in pots. In cooler climates or homes with no garden space, it is often preferable to plant fruit trees in pots.


Peach Tree

Growing Fruit TreesThis page is about growing fruit trees. Producing your own fruit is very rewarding, but requires attention to many different things.


Pear Trees Not Flowering

Pear Trees Not FloweringThis is a page about pear trees not flowering. No flowers on your pear tree is a very disappointing situation, as there will also be no fruit.


Row of olive trees.

Olive Trees Not Flowering?This is a page about olive trees not flowering. There are many reasons that an olive tree may not be blooming.


Pear Tree

Caring for a Pear TreeThis is a page about caring for a pear tree. Growing your own fruit trees can be very rewarding, but there may be questions and concerns on appropriate care along the way.


Lime Tree

Growing Lime Trees?This page is about growing lime trees. Cross pollination and a tropical environment are necessary to grow these trees.



Growing TangelosA citrus hybrid known for its hardiness, and juicy, easy to peel fruits. This page is about growing tangelos.


Victoria Plums

Growing Victoria Plums?This is a page about growing Victoria plums. The Victoria, an English plum, is the best known of all eating plums.


Custard Apples

Growing Custard Apples?This is a page about growing custard apples. The custard or sugar apple is typically grown in warm tropical climates. This strange looking fruit is quite tasty and makes a good addition to your garden.


Honey Crisp Apple

Growing a Honey Crisp Apple Tree?This is a page about growing a honey crisp apple tree. This sweet, crisp hybrid apple is easy to grow and generally quick to bear fruit.


Growing Citrus Trees

Growing Citrus TreesThis page is about growing citrus trees. These trees need to have full sun and protection from strong winds.


Avocado Tree

Avocado Tree Not Growing Fruit?This is a page about avocado tree not growing fruit. Several factors can affect the setting of fruit by an avocado tree. They can yield a generous crop one year and none the next.


Growing Apple Trees

Growing Apple TreesThis page is about growing apple trees. There are a number of things to keep in mind when planting and tending fruit trees.


Photo of a plum tree with delicious fruit.

Natural Pesticide Solutions for Fruit Trees?This page contains natural pesticide solutions for fruit trees. Having blemish free fruit can be a challenge using natural methods.


Loquat Tree

Growing a Loquat TreeThis is a page about growing a loquat tree. The loquat is a fruit tree native to China. It produces small but very tasty fruit.


Prunus avium in bloom.

Wild Cherry Tree Information and PhotosThis is a page about wild cherry tree information and photos. Found in woodland terrains the wild cherry tree can also be grown in home gardens.


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