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Apricots hanging on the tree.

Growing ApricotsThis is a page about growing apricots. Growing your own fruit can be a rewarding experience. Not only can you control the levels of chemicals used or take and organic approach, but you can enjoy sweet tree ripened fruit. Apricots are a good candidate for the home gardener.


Two ripe figs hanging on branch.

Growing FigsThis page is about growing figs. Are you considering planting a fig tree? In addition to the varieties for the traditional hotter climates, there are some that will thrive even in the Pacific Northwest.


Lemons growing on a tree.

Growing LemonsThis is a page abut growing lemons. If you live in a warm climate, you may be able to grow a lemon tree. Being able to pick your lemons when you need them ensures they are as fresh as possible.


Peaches Growing on a Tree with Blue Sky in Background

Growing PeachesThis is guide about growing peaches. Peaches can be difficult to grow in certain regions. However, if you live where they grow well, peaches are a wonderful treat to be able to harvest yourself.


Peach pits and fruit on white background.

Growing Peach Trees from PitsThis is a page about growing peach trees from pits. Peach trees can be started from pits. Should you want to try growing your own trees from seed, there are some important steps to follow to improve your success.


Nectarines growing on a tree.

Growing NectarinesThis is a page about growing nectarines. Growing your own nectarines is not as hard as you may think. If you live in a climate where they can grow, proper care will ensure abundant and delicious fruit.


Plums growing on tree

Growing Plum Trees From PitsThis is a page about growing plum trees from pits. Now that you have enjoyed your plum, consider planting the "stone" (pit). Growing your own tree would allow you to enjoy plums more often.


Two Ripe Plums on a Tree

Growing PlumsPlums are a wonderful addition to any garden. Proper care of your plum tree will ensure a bounty of tasty fruit to share with your family and friends. This is a page about growing plums.


Pomegranates on a Tree

Growing PomegranatesThis is a page about growing pomegranates. If you live in the right area a pomegranate tree can be a wonderful addition to your garden. These delectable fruit will be great to enjoy with your family and friends.


Large Yellow Pear on Tree

Growing PearsThis is a page about growing pears. A pear tree can can be a wonderful addition to your garden. Your family and friends will love to enjoy your harvest of the these sweet and delicious fruit.


Growing Quince, Canning Quince, Freezing Quince, Peeling Quince, Storing Quince. Selecting Good Quince. Holding Out a Ripe Quince

Growing QuinceThis is a page about growing quince. If you live in an area that quince grows well then it is a great fruit to grow in your garden.


A weeping cherry tree.

Rooting Fruit Tree Cuttings?This is a page about rooting fruit tree cuttings. A good way to propagate trees is from cuttings from existing trees. Once the cutting forms roots, it can be planted and grown into a sapling.


growing a cherry tree from a pit.

Starting a Cherry Tree from a PitThis is a page about starting a cherry tree from a pit. When considering starting a fruit tree, such as a cherry from the pit, there are some tips and considerations to keep in mind.


Avocados on a Tree

Caring for an Avocado TreeThis is a page about caring for an avocado tree. Avocado trees whether grown from seed or purchased from a nursery will need to proper care to thrive.


Pruning A Fruit Tree

Pruning a Fruit TreeThis is a page about pruning a fruit tree. Knowing how and when to prune a fruit tree is critical to ensuring a healthy tree that produces a bountiful crop of delicious fruit.



Brown Leaves on a Loquat Tree

Brown Leaves on a Loquat Tree?This is a page about brown leaves on a loquat tree. Trying to diagnose the cause of browning leaves on a fruit tree can be difficult.


Growing Breadfruit

Growing Breadfruit?This is a page about growing breadfruit. While adaptable to varying ecological conditions, breadfruit is generally grown in tropical climates.


Peach Tree

Growing Fruit TreesThis page is about growing fruit trees. Producing your own fruit is very rewarding, but requires attention to many different things.


orange tree in a terra cotta planter

Growing Fruit Trees in PotsThis is a page about growing fruit trees in pots. In cooler climates or homes with no garden space, it is often preferable to plant fruit trees in pots.


Pear Trees Not Flowering

Pear Trees Not FloweringThis is a page about pear trees not flowering. No flowers on your pear tree is a very disappointing situation, as there will also be no fruit.


Row of olive trees.

Olive Trees Not Flowering?This is a page about olive trees not flowering. There are many reasons that an olive tree may not be blooming.


Pear Tree

Caring for a Pear TreeThis is a page about caring for a pear tree. Growing your own fruit trees can be very rewarding, but there may be questions and concerns on appropriate care along the way.



Growing TangelosA citrus hybrid known for its hardiness, and juicy, easy to peel fruits. This page is about growing tangelos.


Lime Tree

Growing Lime Trees?This page is about growing lime trees. Cross pollination and a tropical environment are necessary to grow these trees.


Victoria Plums

Growing Victoria Plums?This is a page about growing Victoria plums. The Victoria, an English plum, is the best known of all eating plums.


Custard Apples

Growing Custard Apples?This is a page about growing custard apples. The custard or sugar apple is typically grown in warm tropical climates. This strange looking fruit is quite tasty and makes a good addition to your garden.


Honey Crisp Apple

Growing a Honey Crisp Apple Tree?This is a page about growing a honey crisp apple tree. This sweet, crisp hybrid apple is easy to grow and generally quick to bear fruit.


Growing Citrus Trees

Growing Citrus TreesThis page is about growing citrus trees. These trees need to have full sun and protection from strong winds.


Avocado Tree

Avocado Tree Not Growing Fruit?This is a page about avocado tree not growing fruit. Several factors can affect the setting of fruit by an avocado tree. They can yield a generous crop one year and none the next.


Growing Apple Trees

Growing Apple TreesThis page is about growing apple trees. There are a number of things to keep in mind when planting and tending fruit trees.



Photo of a plum tree with delicious fruit.

Natural Pesticide Solutions for Fruit Trees?This page contains natural pesticide solutions for fruit trees. Having blemish free fruit can be a challenge using natural methods.


Loquat Tree

Growing a Loquat TreeThis is a page about growing a loquat tree. The loquat is a fruit tree native to China. It produces small but very tasty fruit.


Prunus avium in bloom.

Wild Cherry Tree Information and PhotosThis is a page about wild cherry tree information and photos. Found in woodland terrains the wild cherry tree can also be grown in home gardens.


Lemon and blossoms on tree

Lemon Tree Not Blooming or...This page is about lemon tree not blooming or producing fruit. Lemon fruits are produced from blooms nearly year round under good conditions.



Preventing Apple MaggotsThis is a page about getting rid of apple maggots. Apple maggots can ruin an entire crop of apples. Learning to identify signs of their presence and the timing for appropriate mitigation is essential for controlling these destructive orchard pests.


Growing Rainier Cherries

Growing Rainier CherriesThis is a page about growing Rainier cherries. The Rainier cherry is a pretty red and yellow, sugary sweet hybridized cherry.


Lemon tree seedlings.

Growing Lemon Trees from Seed?This is a page about growing lemon trees from seed. Growing fruit trees from seed is fun, despite the long wait for them to reach maturity.


Close up of ripe oranges on orange tree

Do I Need to Remove Fruit from My Fruit...This is a page about "Do I need to remove fruit from my fruit tree?" When your fruit tree sets too many fruit, you may want to remove some of the immature ones to improve your harvest.


Lemon and blossoms on tree

Citrus Trees Not Producing FruitThis is a page about citrus trees not producing fruit. It is very disappointing to see your citrus trees fail to set fruit.


Trees and grass

Fruit Trees Not Producing FruitThis is a page about fruit trees not producing fruit. Sometimes there are reasons beyond your control that cause your fruit trees not to bear fruit. There are often things that you can do to correct the issues that result in the trees not producing.


Branch with a green fig and some young leaves against a white background

Propagating a Fig TreeThis is a page about propagating a fig tree. There are several ways you can propagate a fig tree some are more successful than others.


Fig tree with Fruit

Fig Tree Not Producing Fruit?This is a page about fig tree not producing fruit. Having a fruit tree that does not produce fruit is very frustrating.


Green, unripe figs, growing on a fig tree.

Figs Are Not Ripening?Are your figs are not ripening? Check out this page to find tips and tricks on how to get your figs to ripen.


Apple Blossoms

Why Fruit Trees Fail to ProduceThere are a number of reasons that your fruit trees fail to produce fruit. There are some causes you can control and others that are out of your hands. This is a page about why fruit trees fail to produce.


Young peaches on tree.

How Long Before Peach Pits Sprout?Growing a fruit tree from a pit is fun. Be prepared to do a bit of preparation work and to have some patience before you see results. This is a page about how long before peach pits sprout.



Avocado with dying leaves.

Avocado Trees Losing Leaves?There are a number of reasons your avocado tree may lose its leaves, from pests to lack of nutrients. This is a page about avocado trees losing leaves.


Transplanted avocado tree.

Avocado Tree Leaves Turning Brown?Whether your tree is outdoors or being grown inside, browning leaves indicates a problem you will need to identify. This is a page about avocado tree leaves turning brown.


Small avocado plant

Avocado Tree Not Growing?In order for an avocado tree to thrive there are a number of growing requirements such as light levels, temperature, pot size if in a container, and available moisture. This is a page about avocado tree not growing.


Orange Blossom

Orange Trees Not Producing Pollen?There are a number of things to consider when trying to determine why your orange tree does not produce pollen. Factors such as variety, age, light, and fertilization need to be addressed. This is a page about orange trees not producing pollen.


Weeping Cherry Tree

Can You Eat Cherries from a Weeping Cherry Tree?Whether the fruit on an ornamental cherry tree is good to eat may depend on the variety. In any case it will probably not be as tasty as that on a cherry tree grown for its fruit. This is a page about eating cherries from a weeping cherry tree.


Rainier Cherries

Growing Rainier Cherries from Seed?Growing fruit trees from saved seeds can produce mixed results as sometimes the variety will not reproduce from seed. To try, read the suggested methods on this page. This is a page about growing Rainier cherries from seed.


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Leaves Dying on an Avocado PlantIf the leaves on your avocado plant are dying, it may be a sign of serious stress from something like a fungus or parasite. Leaves dying on an avocado plant is not a sign of good plant health.


Avocado Stem

If the Stem Snaps Off of an Avocado Will the Plant Die?When growing an avocado from a pit it is possible that the stem can be damaged and break off. Whether that spells doom for the plant or not may depend on the degree of development of you plant below the soil. This is a page about, "If the stem snaps off of an avocado will the plant die?.


A hand holding a large hedge apple.

Can You Eat Hedge Apples?This is a page about whether you can eat hedge apples. Hedge apples are generally not considered edible. The juice inside the fruit and stem is a skin irritant. They do however make an interesting addition to home decor.


Avocado Tree Seeding Outside

Planting an Avocado Tree Outside?If you don't live in a warmer winter climate then it might be best to plant your avocado tree in a pot that can be moved inside during the winter. Otherwise, in the proper climate follow the planting instructions with attention to light and soil requirements. This is a page about planting an avocado tree outside.


Three Lemon trees in pots

How to Grow Fruit In PotsMany people enjoy growing fruit on their patios or deck by using large pots. This page has information about how to grow fruit in pots.


Spraying a fruit tree to prevent insects

Keeping Insects Off Your Fruit TreesPests can devastate a fruit tree, affecting the harvest and even the life of the tree itself. This is a page about keeping insects off your fruit trees.


An orange tree with oranges and green leaves.

Oranges Falling Prematurely from Tree?Oranges can fall off of the tree prematurely for a number of reasons, including moisture issues, temperature changes, and fertilizer needs. However, they may just be ripe or just near. This page has some useful information if you are growing oranges.


Protect Ripening Fruit with Newspaper - fruit tree festooned with newspaper wrapped fruit

Protect Ripening Fruit with NewspaperYou can protect your ripening fruit from rabbits, birds, etc. by wrapping the fruit in pieces of newspaper. Wrap it and then staple the paper together. There is still sufficient light for the fruit to ripen.


How to Hand Pollinate Passionfruit

How to Hand Pollinate PassionfruitIf you have passiflora (passion flowers) growing in your garden and wish for fruit, you may have to take some extra steps. Hand pollinating the flowers is easy and can increase the your passionfruit harvest.


A guava tree with fruit.

Growing a Guava TreeGuava originated in Central and South America and the Caribbean but can be grown in places with a tropical or subtropical climate. They can be susceptible to an array of diseases caused by fungus or insects.


Several cherry trees with fruit.

Cherry Tree PhotosCherry trees are very popular for home gardeners. The white or pink blossoms are beautiful in the spring and the fruit is ripe at the height of summer.


A tree with round reddish fruit.

What Is The Name Of This Fruit Tree? (Nectarine)We moved to KY and this fruit tree is in our backyard. We would like to know its name. The fruit size is approximately 2 to 2 1/2" circumference and remains this size. It has a pit like a peach. We were told it is a variety of apple; it's white inside and the outer peeling is tough. The fruit comes on early and this picture was taken a couple days ago.


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