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Now Is the Time for a Victory Garden - raised beds with leaf lettuce and other crops

Now Is the Time for a Victory GardenWith all the extra time spent at home and uncertainty with COVID-19, now is the perfect time to be planting a victory garden.


Make a Little Hothouse for Early Tomatoes - large red tomato

Make a Little Hothouse for Early TomatoesI'm sharing this tip now so if you like, you will have time to make a little hot house for your tomato plant. It can help to produce tomatoes a month early.


Closeup of hands holding 3 tomatoes.

Tips for Tomato GrowersEven though the tomato is the most popular garden crop in the US, there are some important things to keep in mind to ensure the best crop possible. This page contains tips for tomato growers.


A bouquet of edible flowers on a wooden table.

A Bouquet of EdiblesThree wonderful sunny days this week tell me that the darkest days of winter are behind us. The seed catalogues landing in my inbox and in my postbox are filled with possibilities to make even more colourful and tasty edible bouquets than the ones I created last summer.


Woman Tending her Vegetable Garden

Preventative Medicine For Your Vegetable GardenIt is always preferable to prevent problems than to have to remedy them after they occur. This is also true of a vegetable garden. Proper care and maintenance, such as watering, fertilizing, weeding, and pest elimination can help keep your garden growing and producing well throughout the season. This is a page about preventative medicine for your vegetable garden.


Grow your Own Tomato Plants  - plants in cups

Grow Your Own Tomato PlantsLast spring was the first time we ever tried growing our own tomato plants. We had a big plastic tank that didn't work well for what we got it for. My husband removed the plastic and used the frame to make a greenhouse.


Veggies from small garden.

6 Ways to Get Big Yields From a Small GardenA small garden space does not mean you can't have a nice yield if you employ a few techniques to intensify your gardening. This is a page about six ways to get big yields from a small garden.


A sprouting potato.

Planting Sprouting PotatoesThis is a page about planting sprouting potatoes. If those potatoes that you forgot about have begun to sprout, try planting them. As long as there is no rot you should be able to harvest a nice crop.


Harvesting Potatoes from a Potato Tower

Harvesting Potatoes from a Potato TowerWe made a potato tower two years ago. We planted it with seed potatoes, added soil as the plants grew, and then proceeded to forget about harvesting them.


closeup of bright red chilli peppers

Reproducing a Rare Type of Chilli (Naga...My father planted the seeds from over ripe peppers. It's been here for years and I never knew it was famous and rare until someone came to ask for these chillis. They call it the "siling demonyo" in my local dialect, where "sili" means chilli and "demonyo" means demon - pertaining to its level of hotness.


watermelon with yellow and red flesh

Effects Of Pollen Transfer Between...In July 2015, I submitted a rather lengthy post titled 'Do Different Vegetables "Cross"? To me, this is a serious question posed by well meaning people and deserves a detailed answer. Before giving my answer, I did more research than I have ever done before on a ThriftyFun post.


Planting Tomatoes

Planting TomatoesPlant from sibling as early as possible in large flower pot. When the temperature is nice set the plant outside. Bring it in before evening. A week after blossoms appear, sprinkle with a little fertilizer (do not sprinkle close to the stem) and give a lot of water.


Growing Pea Shoots

Growing Pea ShootsPea shoots make a tasty addition to salads, adding a totally new level of flavour, but can be expensive and rare to buy. However they are extremely easy to grow.


Growing Tomato Slices

Growing Tomato SlicesI don't mean you can get ready sliced tomatoes off a plant that would be silly. However, rather than pay for an expensive pack of seeds, or go to the trouble of picking seeds out of a tomato and drying them, you can actually plant slices of tomatoes.


cooking tiny cauliflowers

Get More From Your BrassicasWhen harvesting your brassicas, leave the root in the ground with a few leaves still attached. In a few weeks time you will find you have tiny cabbages sprouting out from the stump which can be used as spring greens in late summer! Also baby cauliflowers and broccoli sprouts.



Calendula at dusk

Experimenting With Salad IngredientsI planted two tubs of Prizehead lettuce. One of the best. I forgot to plant more a couple weeks later. I went to cut some for a salad, this evening. I barely had a thimble full... and I was all set to pig out on Prizehead.


Tomato Plants Not Blooming

Tomato Plants Not BloomingThis is a page about tomato plants not blooming. It can be mystifying that your tomato plants seem so healthy but are not blooming.


Photo of a cumber on the vine.

Growing CucumbersCucumbers are a good addition to any vegetable garden. This is a page about growing cucumbers.


Growing Green Beans

Growing Green BeansGreen beans are an easy garden crop to grow. They don't require shelling, because they are eaten pods and all. Commonly referred to as "snap beans" or "string beans", some cultivars may also be yellow in color, or have purple-colored pods.


Beets growing in the garden

Growing BeetsGardeners love to grow beets because they mature quickly and they can be grown in almost any climate. They are rich in anti-oxidants, and although grown primarily for their sweet-tasting roots, they also produce a cap of delicious, edible greens.


Growing Artichokes

Growing ArtichokesArtichokes usually take more than 150 days to mature from seed and are highly sensitive to extremes of hot and cold-a narrow set of growing requirements that eliminates them from most gardens.


Brussel sprouts.

Vegetables That Taste Better After FrostMost of us scramble get our vegetables harvested before the first frost. But did you know that the taste of some crops actually improves after being touched by frost?


Growing Strawberries

Growing StrawberriesThis is a page about growing strawberries. Strawberries are a tasty and healthy fruit that the whole family can enjoy. Growing them in your garden can be quite easy and rewarding.


Celery growing in the ground.

How to Grow CeleryCelery can be grown in just about any climate as long as you have the time and patience. Traditional trench-grown celery, which requires specific soil conditions and constant attention over a long growing season, has given this vegetable its demanding reputation.


Growing Tomatoes, Red Tomatoes on White Background

Growing TomatoesThis is a page about growing tomatoes. Tomatoes are a very rewarding addition to any garden. They are relatively easy to grow and you won't have any trouble finding ways to use them at the dinner table.


Growing Sweet Potatoes

Growing Sweet PotatoesAlthough most often thought of as a food for the holidays, sweet potatoes are becoming more and more popular as a garden crop.


How to Make a Garlic Braid

How to Make a Garlic BraidIf you use a lot of garlic for cooking, making garlic braids to hang in your kitchen is a fun and functional way to store your harvest. Braiding not only makes the bulbs look attractive, it also provides each bulb with good air circulation, which prolongs storage.


Green tomatoes growing on the vine.

What To Do With Green TomatoesWaiting for a late-crop of tomatoes to go from green to red on the vine can seem like an eternity-especially in late August and early September, when fall is looming just around the corner.


A photo of apples on a tree.

Tips for Harvesting and Storing ApplesApples are one of the most popular, and when stored properly, economical fruits to grow at home. Unfortunately, they are also one of the hardest fruits to store in large quantities.


A variety of sprouts.

Grow Your Own Vegetable SproutsGrowing vegetable sprouts is fun, economical, and easy to do yourself. Not only are sprouts delicious, but they are also packed full of nutrients like protein, fiber, and vitamin C.



What You Need to Know to Start Growing Raspberries

What You Need to Know to Start Growing RaspberriesThe key to getting the biggest berries and the biggest yield from each plant is understanding what they need, and how they produce. Here's what you need to know to start growing raspberries.


Avoiding Feast And Famine In The Vegetable Garden

Avoiding Feast And Famine In The Vegetable GardenFeast or famine in the vegetable garden. Either everything is ready at once, or you're waiting for something to be ready. One day you're overwhelmed by a giant harvest, and the next day you're looking at empty rows. Sound familiar?


Bush Beans and Pole Beans

Comparing Bush Beans and Pole BeansGreen (Snap) beans are one of the most popular vegetables grown in the garden. Deciding if you should grow the bush or pole varieties depends on a number of factors. Both types have a lot to offer.


various kinds of potatoes

Picking A Potato VarietyCertain types of potatoes are best for baking. Others are best suited for boiling, making into French fries, chips, salads, or even casseroles. Ultimately, the variety you choose will have a major impact on the taste and quality of your potato dishes.


6 Vegetables That are Easy to Grow From Seed

6 Vegetables That are Easy to Grow From SeedWhen you shop greenhouses in the spring, you may have noticed that some types of vegetables are rarely available as transplants; e.g. beets, peas, and carrots. That is because these types of vegetables grow best when sown directly into garden soil.


selling garden products

Selling Your Garden Products At The...If you produce more from your garden each year than your family and friends can consume, why not supplement your income by selling your excess wares at a local farmer's market? Here are the basics of what you need to know to get started.


giant pumpkin

How To Grow Giant PumpkinsWhether your goal is to make a statement with your fall display or win first prize at a local pumpkin weigh-off, once you've mastered some pumpkin growing basics, growing the giants isn't really that hard.


apples in a basket

Fall Is Apple SeasonWhen I think of fall, my mind goes to new pencils and pumpkins and, of course, apples. If you are lucky enough to have an orchard near you, this is the time of year to go and get yourself a bushel of apples.


Growing Eggplants

Tips For Growing EggplantsEggplants like to be pampered. These divas of the vegetable garden have a very low tolerance for stress, so unless your garden is in the perfect zone, growing them successfully is going to require a little bit more of your time and attention than usual.


woman in garden with basket

Hints For Harvesting Common Garden...Ideally, you want to pick your vegetable crops when they at the peak of freshness. For some crops this means keeping almost a daily vigil to ensure you catch them at their peak. Here are some hints for when to harvest some common garden vegetables.


Picking The Perfectly Ripe MelonHarvesting a sweet juicy melon straight out of the garden is one of summer's purest delights. Figuring out when a melon is perfect for the picking, however, takes experience and a bit of luck.


Young girl gardening.

Preventative Medicine For Your Vegetable GardenThe expression "prevention is the best medicine" certainly applies to gardening, especially to vegetable gardening, where a few minor problems can quickly grow large enough to ruin your entire crop.


Salad Greens All Summer

Salad Greens All SummerChoose quick-maturing varieties that will produce a crop within weeks of sowing. In the fall, use row covers to extend the season and protect crops from frost.


Growing Hot Peppers

Turning Up The Heat: Growing Hot PeppersMany gardeners are developing a passion for hot peppers. With all of the exciting colors, shapes, tastes, and degrees of heat for every palate, it's easy to see why. Here are some helpful tips for selecting and growing hot peppers.


Drought Tolerant Vegetables

Drought Tolerant VegetablesThere is a growing movement among gardeners to be more water wise about what they plant. Here are some common edibles considered drought tolerant, and some tips that will help you conserve water when the weather turns dry.



Salad bowl planter.

Fresh Salad BowlWhat could be better than a fresh salad bowl? I use a low ceramic bowl, plant a variety of lettuces and herbs each spring. Throughout the summer I go out to my salad bowl and pick fresh greens for dinner.


Swiss chard leaves

Growing Vegetables in the ShadeA site receiving full sun is premium real estate in the vegetable garden. If sunny spots are in short supply in your garden, an easy way to free up space, expand your garden (and your yields) is to use the shady spots in your garden to your advantage.


Ripening tomatoes.

Growing TomatoesTomatoes are members of the nightshade family. Originally from South and Central America, today the tomato is grown worldwide for its brightly colored, edible fruits. Red tomatoes contain the pigment lycopene, a well-known antioxidant thought to help prevent some cancers.


Growing and Harvesting Indian Corn

Growing and Harvesting Indian CornMany gardeners are surprised to learn that there's no special secret to growing Indian corn. If you can successfully grow sweet corn in your garden, then you can grow Indian corn, too.


Growing: Stevia

Growing: SteviaStevia (Stevia rebaudiana "Bertoni") is an all natural sweetener that you can grow in your garden. Native to South America (Paraguay), stevia has zero calories, zero carbohydrates and a zero glycemic index.


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Drying and Storing HerbsMost herbs dry easily, and if properly preserved, will retain their flavor and aroma long enough to carry you into the next growing season. As with a lot of gardening, timing is everything.


Sun Dried Tomatoes

How to Make Your Own Sun Dried TomatoesSun dried tomatoes are one of the most useful gourmet ingredients for cooking. They are also expensive. If you grow or pick your own (or even if you buy them) sun drying them yourself is easy to do at home.


Tomato With Cage Supporting It

Supporting and Training Your Tomato PlantsFor many gardeners, tomatoes are one of the most prized vegetables in the garden. Whether you grow them in pots on your patio, or directly in your garden, staking them and training them to grow on supports will help reduce the potential of fruit loss due to sunburn, insects, and disease.


Upside-Down Tomato Buckets

Upside-Down Tomato BucketsMy husband built this frame work to hold three tomato plants. The grass in the top of the buckets helps hold the moisture in. He cuts it with a scissors. The chains on each side allows him to raise the buckets as needed.


Larged Caged Squash

Caged SquashI've often had trouble finding a squash hidden under all the leaves until it was way too big, so this year I put a tomato cage over one squash plant just to see what would happen.


Tomatoes in Hanging Basket

Growing Vegetables in Hanging BasketsI was just about to plant some flowers in a hanging basket I have when I remembered that I have several leftover starter plants that are zucchini, summer squash, lemon cukes, and pickling cukes.


What's a Victory Garden?

What's a Victory Garden?During WWII, Britain and the United States pushed their citizens to plant "victory gardens." These gardens were marketed to help the war effort by reducing the demand for food on the country (people grew their own instead of purchasing it), thus reducing the cost of food for the troops.


Hanging Strawberry

Sharon's Hanging GardenI started a hanging tomato garden, and not having anything to hang them from, I built a trellis using the 1 1/2 inch and the 1/2 inch PVC piping. The milk jugs I used for my garden fit perfectly on the 1/2 PVC piping, and will sit on top of the 1 1/2 inch PVC piping rectangle trellis I made!


Plant A Row For The HungryIn 1995, the Garden Writers Association started a public service campaign called Plant a Row for the Hungry. The program's goal was to help stamp out hunger. Here is how you can be a gardener who are helps to feed the hungry each year by giving away a row of what you grow.


First Time Gardener

First Time Gardener GuideWith all the emphasis on getting more vegetables in our diets, maybe you are thinking that this just might be the year that you decide to put in your first garden.


Photo of three tomatoes.

Tomato Growing SecretsTomato growing secrets submitted from the ThriftyFun community. The number 1 secret for growing great tomatoes is water control. A tomato is 90% water. It needs a constant supply of water measured out on a consistent basis.


Harvested Pumpkins

How to Harvest Pumpkins ProperlyTo make sure your pumpkins last as long as possible, they must be harvested, cured, and stored properly.


A giant homegrown zucchini

Giant ZucchiniI just wanted to show everyone the giant zucchini I grew this year. This is the first year I have grown them and this is a whopper. It is 14 1/2 inches long. I'm sure it probably would have gotten bigger but my dear husband pulled it off first.


cucumber growing

Growing CucumbersHere are some tips for growing cucumbers. Feel free to post your ideas.


row of lettuce

The Joy of HydroponicsThe exact definition of "hydroponics" is a little tricky. While the Greek words "hydro" and "ponics" means "water" and "labor," respectively, the art of hydroponics has to do with soil-less gardening; but not necessarily in water.


Windowsill Celery Hearts

Windowsill Celery HeartsGrow celery hearts on your windowsill this winter. It's easy and they're pretty and delicious. Next time you buy a stalk of celery, cut the heel off about an inch from the bottom.


yellow plum tomatoes

Trouble Shooting Tomato ProblemsOne of the greatest joys of the gardening season is harvesting plump juicy tomatoes. If your harvest is less than you hoped for this year, here is a page to diagnosing and treating some common tomato troubles.


A chile pepper cut lengthwise so you can see the seeds

Chili Seeds?I am looking for information about growing chili plants from existing fruit, seed storage and drying to get the seed.


Victory Garden

What Would You Plant in Your Victory Garden?One of our members mentioned that she now considers her patio garden a Victory Garden. Victory gardens, also called war gardens or food gardens for defense, were vegetable, fruit, and herb gardens planted at private residences in the United States, Canada, and United Kingdom during World War I and World War II.


closeup of large sunflower

Growing and Harvesting SunflowersSunflowers are perhaps the most cheerful and endearing native flower in the United States. For centuries, Native American tribes have harvested these versatile flowers.


Flower Bed Okra Plants

Flower Bed Okra PlantsThese are pictures of my okra plants. I purchase seeds from a man in Texas who developed this strain and have been using his special seeds for years. . .


rows of lettuce

There's Still Time For Second Season...Late summer and early fall is the perfect time to squeeze a second season of vegetables out of your garden. For crops like corn, the warm days and cool nights of fall concentrate their sugars, which acts to enhance their flavor.


Sweet On Corn

Sweet On CornSummer just wouldn't be the same without eating juicy, sweet, corn-on-the-cob. Selecting and growing a corn variety that gives you the sweet flavor you're looking for can be a bit confusing unless you're able to sort through some names and abbreviations.


Troubleshooting Your Vegetable GardenThis page helps you troubleshoot problems with your vegetables. If you grow edibles long enough, you're bound to run into some problems. Many these problems can be avoided (or at least overcome) with proper cultivation techniques.



Three Simple Tricks For Extending Your...Asparagus is a perennial vegetable, which means that a well-established bed can produce fresh spears for twenty years or more. Usually considered an early season crop, asparagus isn't just for spring anymore.


giant pumpkin

Growing Monster VegetablesHave you ever wondered how people grow those gigantic vegetables that you see at the county fair? You've seen them-the scale crushing pumpkins that weigh in at 1,000 pounds, the 6 pound carrots and the cabbage heads twice the size of basketballs.


When to Harvest Your Vegetables

When to Harvest Your VegetablesYou're growing your own vegetables and you can't wait to pick them. Well, you probably need to wait. But for how long? When will that tomato be ready? How about the cucumbers?


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