
Growing House PlantsAsk a Question Follow

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Looking for a Iresine/Bloodleaf Plant?I would be interested in trading for an iresine/bloodleaf plant if there are any out there. Nancy (Wisconsin)


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Watering Hanging House PlantsWater hanging plants with a few ice cubes, rather than the watering pail. The cubes will melt slowly and will be absorbed whereas water poured in often runs straight through and pours out.


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Caring For Poinsettia Plant Year Round?Does anyone know how to keep a pointsettia plant from one year to the next. My cousin gave me a beautiful plant at the beginning of December and it is still going strong. I have heard that if you keep them in a cool dark place, they will "reflower" the following year. Is this true? Do I need to water it on a regular basis if I do keep it in a cool dark place? Any help would be appreciated. Darlene in Mississauga


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Arbicola Plant - Sticky and Scaly Leaves?The leaves on my Arbacola Plant have gotten sticky and there is some kind of scaly substance on them. Can anyone tell me what to do to get rid of this?? Or do I need to throw the plant out?? Any suggestions would be GREATLY appreciated, cause this is a really big plant.


Is This a Pineapple Growing on My Plant?I started this about 4 years ago from a pineapple I bought from the grocery. I cut off the top and planted it in soil in a pot. It started coming up from the middle of the plant about a week after Easter.


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Indoor Plants That Don't Require Too Much Sunshine?I am looking for a rather tall indoor plant that requires very little sunshine. Also, what are small indoor plants that do not require too much special treatment?


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How to Water Potted Plants and Dish GardensPut the pot/plant and all in a larger bucket or pan, slowly fill it with tepid water. If the plant is very dry it will be light and you will have to hold it down in the water. Let the water wash over the soil in the pot at least 2 - 3 inches above the soil. . .


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Can I Grow Anemone Indoors?Can I grow anemone in containers as indoor plants?


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Tip for Keeping Plants Well WateredHere is a dynamite tip for keeping potted plants well watered: It might sound crazy but try this - Cut a small disposable diaper in half, lay it plastic side down in the pot after placing half of your soil in the bottom of the pot. . .


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Add Eggshells To HouseplantsCrushed egg shells gives house plants and flower plants a growth burst...


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Growing a Daylily in a Pot?Can I grow a Daylily plant in pot to be kept indoors?


White flowers.

Relax and Breathe Easy With HouseplantsOver the years, different types of houseplants have come in and out of fashion. In the mid-70s it was all about ferns and foliage. In the mid-80s it was orchids, and in the 90s, short-lived flowering houseplants seemed to be the rage.


Good Plants for an Apartment?Recommendations of good plants for apartments that are easy to keep alive. Post your own favorite houseplants here.


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Black Flies In House Plant?I have an indoor pot plant - 'chamaedorea'. In the past month there are loads of black flies around it and in the peat.


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White Spider Like Web On House Plants?What bug leaves a white spider like web on house plants?



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Natural Solution for Indoor Fungus on FlowerpotsDoes any knowledgeable person out there have a remedy for killing white fluffy-type fungus that grows on soil surfaces of indoor flowerpots? I have 6 large plastic flowerpots in the living room. Every year when the weather turns chilly and then cold, a white fluffy-type fungus starts growing on top of the soil, but not on the plants. I went to a store here and they sold me Furadan, but an internet check results show that Furadan is a very toxic insecticide and nematode poison. I would really rather not use that inside the house. Thanks a lot.


What is this plant? (False Aralia)What is this houseplant?


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African Violets Infested with Insects?I have been having a problem with my African Violets for months now and have actually lost some. I have some kind of spider or bug that you can't really see but there are tiny cottony white spots all over the plant stems and a few on the leaves. I have tried the normal insect spray and also dipping them into liquid dish detergent and nothing seems to work.


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Move Large Houseplants to Your Patio for SummerIf you have large house plants, place them outside near your patio doors. The plants will get extra sun in the summer and they will keep the sun out of the inside of your home.


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Using Vinegar On Spider Plant?Can I use vinegar on my Spider plant, to get rid of worms, and eggs?


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Caring for an Arbicola Plant (Peace Lily)?When my husband passed in June I was sent a large arbicola plant (Peace Lily). The leaves have been falling off and the florist told me to put it in a bigger pot and give it miracle grow once a month.


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Use Your Microwave to Sterilize Your Garden Pots and SoilI am repotting a few plants and starting some new cuttings to give as holiday gifts. To make sure I am not bringing any insects or fungus into the new soil (new but stored in the garage), I fill the pots and microwave them for a few minutes until very hot.


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Growing a Plant in Water?I am growing a plant in water. How do you keep the slime and mold out of the container.


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Using Lemon Juice to Kill Bugs on Houseplants?Is it OK that I sprayed a mixture of lemon juice and water on a houseplant to kill bugs? Will the plant die?


Dollar Store Plants

Dollar Store PlantsBuy plants at the 99 cent store. Save money and enjoy new plants all the time.


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Houseplants Dried Up After Getting Too Cold?I live in the midwest and went on a 2-week vacation. When I returned my furnace wasn't working, so it was pretty darn cold in the house (40's). My peace plant plus other plants I have were all dried up, but he soil was still moist from neighbor watering my plants.


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Bamboo Stalks Are Yellow?I have a bamboo plant that is turning yellow and squishy. There are three stalks and only one is still green. I have tried everything. Does anyone know what is happening and how to fix it? I have had it for three years and this is the only time I have had problems.


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White Mold Growing on Plant Soil?I loved an idea a few weeks ago on here about putting seeds for your garden in egg crates, and then putting them in a homemade "greenhouse" to grow them. Somehow white mold grew on the soil. Maybe from too much water and not enough circulation?


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Ivy Houseplant Has Brown Spots?My Ivy houseplant has brown spots on some of the leaves. What is causing this?


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Use Pot Holders Under Plants to Protect FurnitureUse pot holders under plants to protect your furniture. I use the ones with the rubber side. I try to get a pot holder the size of the planter. Sit the plant on the cloth side and put the rubber side next to the furniture.



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Place Houseplants Under Window A/CAn easy way to make sure your potted plants receive enough water in the summer is to place them under a window air conditioning unit for a few hours. The slow, continual dripping of the water from the A/C will give just enough moisture for them to absorb.


Anthurium Blooms Turning Brown?Your responses to a previous question about another plant I have helped greatly. Thank you. Now I just became a little adventurous and bought an anthurium from the Araceae family. I got it at Walmart and it looked absolutely healthy.


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Preparing Plants To Bring Indoors?I need to bring the pot flowers inside home now. How can I wash out the bugs hidden in the pots? Maybe I need to change with the new pot soil. Thanks. Any suggestion or comments highly appreciated.


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Use Ice to Water PlantsI have a few plants in my home. One day I didn't have time to water all of them, so I was passing them on my way out and dropped a few ice cubes from my glass in them, just to keep them fresh until the weekend when I had more time.


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Low Light House Plant Ideas?I live in an appartment that only has windows facing east. I want some kind of a house plant that is easy to take care of and doesn't need much light. I have two cats that will eat the leaves if I leave it in the window.


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Indoor Potted Plants Have an Odor?My clay pots indoors have an odor to them (don't know if it is the plant inside or the pot). I have not fertilized them yet. Thanks for any advice.


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Will Sugar Ants Harm Houseplants?Will sugar ants hurt my houseplants? Where I live there are a lot of sugar ants and I can't keep them out of my plants. Please help.


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How Long Can a Spider Plant Live?I live in London. I have a spider plant and I'm just wondering how long it can survive for?


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Homemade Potting Soil for Indoor Plants?Does anyone have a recipe for making their own potting soil mixture for indoor plants? Years ago I attended a gardening seminar put on by Penn State and received a great recipe for making your own. Through the years, I unfortunately lost the recipe.


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Give Plants Vitamin TabletsI went through the house and gave each one of my houseplants one or two vitamin tablets depending on the size of the pot. They went wild! In just a couple of days I was seeing fresh green color and new growth.


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Brown Spots on the Roots of My Cat Palm?I've currently come to a dilemma with my indoor cat palm plant. As I was wiping the leaves, I noticed some brown spots on the plant's roots. I have no idea why this is occurring and can't seem to find a solution online. Any advice will be appreciated.


What Are These Plants?Can you help me ID my plants that I bought today at the Home Depot? They did not come with a tag to ID them and I don't know how to take care of them. Also I'd love to know their type/name! Thanks.


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Growing and Propagating Peperomia?I have a Peperomia Golden Gate house plant. It has grown to over a foot tall. I have to prop the top off, because it falls over from being so heavy. Is there a way to cut the top off and get a start off it?


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House Plants Get Covered in Sticky Webs?The problem I have is with houseplants, mostly ivy. It seems that after several months a sticky web forms over areas of the plant eventually to take it over. This also happened to one of my palms. Does anyone know what this is and how to prevent it? Thanks.


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What is This Plant?We have a new houseplant. The leaves emanate from the tip of the stem much like a wondering Jew or some others. The leaves are about 5 inches long, slender and tapered. The color however looks like a green on green leopard.



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Eliminating Cat Pee Odor from a Potted Plant?My cat has peed in one of my plants and I want to know how I can get the cat smell out of my plant without replanting it?


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Small Bugs on House Plant?I have these little bugs that are I think caterpillars, I don't know for sure. My cousin told me that they make webs. They are all over my plant and I don't know what to do. My plant is in a pot inside my home.


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Keeping a Plant from Growing Taller?How do I stop a tall indoor tropical plant's growth?


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Why Do Spider Plantlets Grow at Different Rates When Potted?My son has a homework question for which I need your help please.


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Amending Outdoor Planting Mix for House Plants?I bought a perennial and annual outdoor planting mix. Is there anyway I can modify it to suit indoor plants? I have heard coffee grounds are good, any other suggestions?


Plant Dropping Leaves?Sorry, but I do not know the name of my plant. It was strong and healthy when I bought it and the shop owner said that dark and cool conditions would be ideal. She also said water it every 3 weeks. That I did, then problems started, leaves dropping, up to 10 a day.


Avocado Plants in a Hot Climate?I have grown three avocado plants from the seed in Saudi Arabia in eastern province. After the plants grew I shifted them outside and now the weather is a little bit cold and varies between 6 and 18 degrees C.


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How Do I Get Rid of Scale Insects on House Plants?I have "scale" on my spider-plant that came from an aloe plant. I have been hand picking the ones that I find from the shrimp plant. Those 3 are the only plants they seem to really like. What can I do to get rid of them? Thanks for your help.


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Controlling Insects on Houseplants?How do I prevent bugs from growing on/living in my house plants?


What is This Plant?

What is This Plant?Does anyone know what type of plant this is? It was given to me by a friend and I would like to look it up so I can better care for it (as you can see, the leaves are turning yellow and I have no idea why!).


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Homemade Plant Cleaner/Shiner?Is there a recipe for a homemade live plant cleaning and shining solution?


Closeup of straight cut plant leaf

House Plant Leaves Continuing to Turn...I have a few house plants that seemed to look healthy except for brown tips on a few leaves. I made the mistake of cutting the brown tips off and then that turned brown and made it look worse. Is there a way to remove this without removing the whole leaf?


Green on green varigated calathea plant leaves with slight browning on the edges

Leaves on Calathea Plant Curling?I have a calathea plant and since I brought it about 2 months ago it produces new leaves, but the leaves curl inside as if they are burned. I keep it in a pot in a lighted environment, not full sun, soil damp, but not soggy, and it's rather cool around 15 - 27 degrees C.


yellowish leaf with dark green edges

African Violet has Long Slender Two Toned Leaves?I have five African violet plants. Only the two with white flowers had lower leaves that were long and slender, mostly light yellow in the center with a thin edging of dark green, while their newer growth has come in with more normal looking rounded dark green leaves.


White Flowers on Corn Plant

Getting Houseplants to FlowerThis is a page about getting houseplants to flower. Many houseplants flower in their native habitat. With the right conditions you can get them to flower in your home as well.


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Getting Rid of Mushrooms in Houseplant Pots?I have a very tall Norfolk Island pine tree, houseplant, which has yellow mushrooms sprouting up in the potting soil. How can I permanently get rid of them?


Cleaning Ficus leaves

Cleaning HouseplantsThis is a page about cleaning houseplants. The leaves of indoor potted plants can get very dusty and dingy looking if not cleaned off regularly. Cleaning your houseplants will help them grow happy and healthy.


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Caring for a Croton Plant?I have a croton which is a new plant; it looks healthy and well. My question is why some of the incoming new growth turns dry and falls off before they have the chance to become full leaves?


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Propagating a Dieffenbachia Plant?Can I take a cutting from the cane to start a dieffenbachia (dumb cane) plant? or do I have to air layer it? I received this plant when our late son was injured 13 years ago. It has been divided; I have one tall plant left and I need to do something with it.


African Violets

Growing African VioletsThis is a page about growing African violets. By following a few general tips and you can have lovely, colorful African violets thriving in your home.


Watering a Pink blooming Christmas Cactus

Caring for a Christmas CactusThis is a page about caring for a Christmas cactus. The Christmas cactus is an easy to grow house plant with a little understanding of its needs.


Growing Lucky Bamboo

Growing "Lucky Bamboo"This is a page about growing "Lucky Bamboo". Lucky Bamboo or Dracaena sanderiana is a tropical plant native to the rain forests of west Africa.


red christmas cactus

Identifying a Christmas Cactus?This is a page about identifying a Christmas cactus. Your unidentified plant looks as though it may be a Christmas, now to make sure.


African Violet

Growing HouseplantsThis is a page about growing houseplants. Houseplants can add beauty to our home, if well chosen and cared for.


Staking an amaryllis with pussy willow branches.

Staking House PlantsThis page is about staking house plants. Many kinds of house plants often grow fast and need to be staked to stay healthy and out of harms way.


Windowsill Celery Hearts

Growing Windowsill Celery HeartsThis page is about growing windowsill celery hearts. Fresh celery greens on your windowsill are easy to start and convenient for a quick addition to your meals.


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Growing Magic Beans from Ikea?How to look after magic beans ((black beans) bought from Ikea?


Create Gifts From Plant Cuttings

Create Gifts From Plant CuttingsA wonderful gift can be grown from your own house plants. This page is about creating gifts from plant cuttings.


A cat in a house plant.

Keeping Cats Out of House PlantsThis is a page about keeping cats out of house plants. House plants are often quite attractive to your cats inspiring digging, munching, and sometimes use as a cat box.


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Water Drop on End of Peace Lily Bloom?My peace lily had a bloom on it when I got it. The bloom died and I just got another one after 2 years. Tonight I noticed a water drop at the tip of the bloom. It looked like it was crying. What would have caused this?


Lucky Bamboo in glass vase

Growing Plants in WaterSome plants will thrive in water instead of soil and you have the added enjoyment of seeing the roots develop as your plant grows. This is a page about growing plants in water.


Pathos Houseplant

Houseplant Tips and TricksThis page contains houseplant tips and tricks. Plants in your home are wonderful and there are ways to keep them beautiful.


Spider Plant on White Background

Growing Spider PlantsThis is a page about growing spider plants. These indoor house plants with their multitude of baby plants are fun to grow and easy enough for the beginning gardener.


Insect Problems on Houseplants

Solutions for Insect Pests on HouseplantsInsects and mites can appear on houseplants at any time of the year and they are not always easy to see. This page contains solutions for insect pests on houseplants.


Potted Philodendron

Houseplants That Are Easy to GrowThis page is about houseplants that are easy to grow. There are many plants you can grow indoors without a lot of hassle.


Humidity and Houseplants

Humidity and HouseplantsThis is a page about humidity and houseplants. Providing your houseplants with the proper levels of humidity can be a challenge.


spider plant wth babies

How to Divide Your HouseplantsThis page is about how to divide your houseplants. The propagation method used varies for different plants, and some can be divided using more than one method.


Hoya Flowers

How to Get a Hoya to BloomThis is a page about how to get a hoya to bloom. These vining indoor plants will bloom with waxy clusters of flowers reminiscent of mophead hydrangeas.



Saving Money on HouseplantsThis is a page about saving money on houseplants. You don't have to spend a lot of money to have lovely houseplants.


Watering Houseplants

Watering HouseplantsThis page is about watering houseplants. Find the best way to give your indoor plants the right amount of water they need.


Fertilizing Houseplants

Fertilizing HouseplantsThis is a page about fertilizing houseplants.Your houseplants can benefit from proper fertilization.


Spider Plant

Repotting Spider PlantsThis page is about repotting spider plants. New plants can be created from this prolific house plant.


baby's breath in low light

The Best Houseplants for Low LightThis page is about the best houseplants for low light. Finding the best plants to have in your home helps them to thrive.


Woman Moving With Houseplants

Moving With HouseplantsThis page is about moving with houseplants. When transporting your plants, protecting them from damage can be a challenge.


Jade Plant

Repotting a Jade PlantThis page is about repotting a jade plant. Saving this semi succulent plant sometimes requires a new pot.


potted houseplant

Bringing Plants Indoors for the WinterThis page is about bringing plants indoors for the winter. When the weather gets cold there are many garden plants that be keep inside.


Marantas (Prayer Plant)

Growing Marantas (Prayer Plants)?This is a page about growing marantas (prayer plant). Given the right conditions marantas (prayer plants) are an easy to grow houseplant.


Pothos Vine

Caring for a Pothos Vine?This is a page about caring for a pothos vine. Pothos vines are a very easy to grow and care for houseplant. Your biggest challenge will be to keep it from taking over your house.


Rubber Tree (Houseplant)

Growing a Rubber Tree (Houseplant)This is a page about growing a rubber tree (houseplant). A rubber plant adds a touch of the tropical to your home decor.


Nepenthes Ventricosa (Pitcher Plant)

Growing Nepenthes Ventricosa (Pitcher Plant)This is a page about growing Nepenthes Ventricosa (pitcher plant). These carnivorous tropical plants can be grown as houseplants under the proper conditions.


Decorating With Houseplants

Decorating With HouseplantsThis is a page about decorating with houseplants. Not only do houseplants have the ability to improve the air quality in your home, but they can also be used as decorative focal points.


Self Watering Houseplant

Watering Houseplants On VacationWhile you are on vacation your houseplants will still need care, specifically water. If you don't have a friend to come in and take care of them, there are still some ways to make sure your plants survive your trip. This is a page about watering houseplants on vacation.


Potted Plant

Protecting Furniture from Potted PlantsThis is a page about protecting furniture from potted plants. Potted plants look lovely on your furniture, however, water spills and humidity from the pots can cause damage.


Palm Trees

Palm Tree Turning Brown?This is a page about palm tree turning brown. It is very disappointing when your palm begins to turn brown. Trying to find the cause can seem daunting.


Sun Star Plant

Caring for a Sun Star Plant?This is a page about caring for a sun star plant. This plant, a native of South Africa, is valued for its brilliant orange, long lasting flowers, both on the plant and as cut flowers.


Leaves Turning Brown

Treating Plants With Leaves Turning Brown?This is a page about treating plants with leaves turning brown. The tips of your houseplant's leaves can turn brown for a number of reasons. Treatment for this condition depends on the cause.


Pachira aquatica plant

Growing a Money Tree Plant?This is a page about growing a money tree plant. These fast growing plants are believe by some to bring good luck. They are easy to grow in your home or office if given the right conditions and care.


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