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Large leafed plant growing in a clear vase with a couple large bright red and orange rocks at the bottom

How to Grow Houseplants in WaterYou don't need to have a green thumb to grow houseplants in water. Even if you've killed every houseplant growing in soil that you have ever had, your success is almost guaranteed when growing them in water.


Watering Office Plant

Plants for the OfficeOffice plants often face a hostile work environment, and just like people, not all plants are suitable for every line of work. Lighting, unstable temperatures, low humidity, and forgetful caretakers are just some of the harsh conditions that office plants have to contend with.


How to Divide Your Houseplants, like this African violet

How to Divide Your HouseplantsDivision is an easy and inexpensive way to increase your houseplant stock. It's also a great way to "friend" plants to others, and a good method for rescuing and preserving plants that are showing obvious signs of decline.


Insects on Yellow Paper in a houseplant

Treating Common Insect Problems in...If your houseplants have been given all the food, water, and sun they need and they still seem to lack vigor, you may want to inspect them closely for insect pests. Insects and mites can appear on houseplants at any time of the year and they are not always easy to see.


White and Pink Orchid in white pot

Repotting OrchidsIf you keep orchids, sooner or later they will need repotting. In most cases, repotting is necessary, not because the orchid has outgrown its container, but because the growing medium has started to decay and restrict the flow of air to the orchid's roots.


Plant in white pot against white background

Five Houseplants to Grow Just for FunThe following five houseplants are worth growing just for the sheer fun of it. All share a few common features - they are obtained from planting seeds, pips, or plant tops from fruits and vegetables you buy for eating.


Calico cat peering through the leaves of a houseplant

Eight Houseplants That Are Virtually...For many of us, the perfect houseplant is one that looks great and continues to thrive without requiring a lot of extra attention. Although no houseplant is completely indestructible, here are eight that have earned a reputation for their adaptability and tolerance for neglect.


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Tropical Orchid CareTropical orchids have a reputation for being delicate and demanding, but home gardeners can grow many of these exotic beauties just as easy as any other houseplant.


young woman kneeling down looking a plants

How to Buy House PlantsWhen it comes to gardening outdoors, buying plants that we know will grow best in our gardens is extremely important. Indoor plants are no different. They each have their likes and dislikes when it comes to growing conditions.


potted plant sitting on window ledge with snowy ground outside

Winter Care for HouseplantsThe onset of winter weather outside can take a surprising toll on indoor plants. Dry air, dust accumulations, and dwindling daylight, can quickly add up to less than ideal conditions for your plants.


A rosemary tree decorated for Christmas

How To Care For A Rosemary TreeWhen it comes to pulling double-duty during the holidays, it's hard to beat a rosemary tree. Their appearance brings a festive touch to your holiday decor, and fresh sprigs can be used for flavoring holiday meats, breads, and desserts.


Christmas Cactus

Holiday Plants That Keep On GivingChristmas cacti and Norfolk Island pine trees are good examples of plant gifts that keep on giving long after the holidays are over - sometimes for generations into the future.


Passion vine.

Three Flowering Vines You Can Grow IndoorsYou don't have to live in the tropics, or even in a warm USDA Hardiness Zone to grow flowering vines indoors. All you need to do is provide bright light, moderate temperatures, and in some cases, a little bit of extra humidity.


blue watering can and houseplant

How Tap Water Can Damage Your...Tap water contains a variety of minerals and salts. Some of them occur naturally, while others are added to make water safe for human consumption. Under the right circumstances, these minerals and salts can cause significant damage to your houseplants.


petunias growing in old boots

Creative Plant RepurposingGenerations ago, our grandparents threw away nothing. Only the very worn and useless items found their ways into the trash. They repurposed everything. Yet, today our things have become disposable.




Bringing Houseplants Back Indoors For The WinterThe end of a summer vacation can come as a shock to some, especially to the tropical houseplants we put out on the deck and patio to reinvigorate over the summer.


Plant in small pot.

Hydroculture: Growing Your Houseplants in WaterWho needs dirt? Not your houseplants, at least not all of them. Many can be cultivated using a technique called Hydroculture, where soil is replaced with water and a liquid fertilizer, and a clay aggregate is used to support the plant's roots.


Houseplants for Low Light

The Best Houseplants for Low LightIf you find that you have a brown thumb when it comes to growing houseplants, existing light conditions may be the biggest factor standing in the way of you and success.



Getting a Christmas Cactus to BloomHow do I make my Christmas cactus bloom? Tips as posted from the ThrifyFun community. I had this problem for many years until my older neighbor told me that she got her Christmas cactus to bloom by placing one feed stick into the plant pot each month.


misting plant

Humidity And Your HouseplantsMost houseplants prefer humidity levels of 40 to 50 percent. Unfortunately, the air inside our centrally heated homes usually falls somewhere near the 10 to 30 percent range during the winter. To houseplants (especially flowering houseplants), this can feel like living in the Sahara Desert.


White flowers.

Relax and Breathe Easy With HouseplantsOver the years, different types of houseplants have come in and out of fashion. In the mid-70s it was all about ferns and foliage. In the mid-80s it was orchids, and in the 90s, short-lived flowering houseplants seemed to be the rage.


stacks of terra cotta pots

When Plants Outgrow Their PotsThe roots of some plants prefer the wide open spaces of living in a large-sized pot. For other plants' roots, a tight, cozy pot where they can reach out and touch the walls feels more like home.


Indoor Palm Plant

Tips for Growing Palms IndoorsGrowing a potted palm as a house plant is a wonderful way to add a bold, tropical focal point to any room in your home. Because of their size, mature palms are one of the most expensive houseplants you can buy.


African Violet

The Care and Feeding of African VioletsThe African violet, one of America's most common houseplants, comes in an immense range of varieties. Although it is not difficult to grow, it does demand constant care and attention. Above all else, that is the secret to successfully growing and maintaining this diverse and beautiful plant.


Bathe them in light, plants on bookshelves

Twelve Rules for Healthy HouseplantsIn the wild, a plant must rely on Mother Nature to meet its requirement for growth. Houseplants, on the other hand, must depend entirely on you to provide them with what they need. Follow these twelve rules for healthy houseplants.


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