Christmas Cactus In BloomMy Christmas cactus bloomed just in time for the holiday this morning. You can see another blossom ready to open, maybe I'll see it on Christmas morning. It is one of my favorite plants because even in the coldest days of winter I can still see the beauty of a flower.
Christmas BeautyThis beauty was actually two small Christmas cactuses my daughter and I purchased two years ago at Christmas time. After Christmas was over that year, we put them both together in a larger pot on my porch and watched how it flourished. It has grown quite a bit since then and it's flowers are always abundant. Love always grows just like the love I have for my daughter.
Annual Peace LilyI received this plant in 2008 when my father passed away and have lovingly cared for it since. I wait for it to bloom every year. It takes quite a while after winter starts, for its bloom to actually open but, when it does, I am filled with a peace that its name represents.
Garden: Desert Rose in BloomWhile visiting my friend Tone', I enjoyed her potted dessert rose in full bloom. I imagined what a treat it would be to come across in the desert.
My Christmas Cactus!What nicer gardening decor than a blooming cactus. They make you come alive when they decide to bloom. I am lucky with the two large plants I have, because they bloom each season.