
Garden Pest ControlAsk a Question Follow

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A brown cocoon or egg on a leaf.

Is This an Egg or Cocoon?Does anyone know what type of critter likely built this?


Insect eggs on the back of a tomato leaf.

Identifying Insect Eggs on Tomato?Anyone know what insect eggs these are on my tomato plants?


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Keeping Grubs Out of Tomatoes in the Garden?How do I stop grubs from attacking my tomatoes while they are growing on the vine?


A hoya with aphids.

Are These Aphids on My Hoya?I took my hoya indoors a month or two ago because of the cold and now I am noticing this residue over many of the leaves and stems. I'm wondering if this is aphid residue and what I could use to spray on it. I have tried a DIY spray that I have been putting on it weekly consisting of water, dish soap, and real lemon juice, but there continues to be this problem.


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Getting Rid of Aphids on Crepe Myrtles?My crepe myrtle bushes have been damaged by aphids. I trimmed off all the branches, but not the trunk. It's the first of October. Do you think they will give me a pretty blooms next summer? I tried spraying them with aphid pesticides, but it didn't work. I thought about vinegar next time. These bushes are in front of my house.


Banana Pepper Plant Leaves Damaged - heavily damaged/eaten pepper plant leaves

Banana Pepper Plant Leaves Damaged?I have a young banana pepper plant growing in a pot on a patio garden. However, almost all the leaves have some damage from something (I am guessing a pets/insect of some sort). My other plants, including a tomato, are unaffected. I have treated it with the recommended pest control, but I am wondering if I should prune the damaged leaves/stems or leave them alone.


Identifying What Is Eating My Tomato Plants - partially eaten green tomato

Identifying What Is Eating My Tomato Plants?Something has been in my garden eating green tomatoes and some leaves and leaving a green scat that kinda looks like miniature corn on the cob or pine cones.


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Getting Rid of Webworms on Pecan Trees?Will high water pressure break the nest so birds can get to them?


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Green Worms on Hibiscus Plant?How to get rid of the little green worms on my hibiscus?


Identifying Insects and Eggs in Soil

Identifying Insects and Eggs in Soil?What kind of eggs and insect is this on my soil? When I watered my plants it would have dust coming out of them. It seems like they are trying to protect themselves from the water. There are a lot of them, like thousands.


Something Is Eating the Leaves on My Lilies - white lily flowers

Something Is Eating the Leaves on My Lilies?I have tall white lilies and shorter stargazer type lilies and something is eating all the leaves. The flowers appear untouched, but the rest of the plant is ugly. What is doing this and what can I do to change this?


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Keeping Yellow Jackets Away from Hummingbird Feeder?How can I stop yellow jackets from flying around the "port hole" of my hummingbird feeder?


What Is Eating My Pepper Plant Leaves? leaves with holes

What Is Eating My Pepper Plant Leaves?I have a bunch of pepper plants and something is eating the leaves of off. I can never find the culprit, I think it happens at night because I never see any bugs or worms on my plants, I have tomato plants right next to the pepper plants and they are untouched. What could be doing this?


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Using Coffee Grounds to Repel Cats?Can you use fresh coffee grounds instead of brewed?


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Keeping Worms Out of Broccoli?How do you keep those tiny worms out of broccoli?



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Controlling Root Knot Nematodes?Any vegetable plant I tried to grow will grow very healthy then there are no fruits. When I extract the plant from the root, the root is like a huge bundle of swollen knots. I tried live good nematodes to eliminate, with no good results. Now I am trying zinnias. I could do with help and advice.


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Tomato Plant Stems Being Eaten?When an animal eats the stem of the tomato plant will it ever grow back? Does the saliva seal it? If I clip the ends will it grow back? What can I do?


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Gophers in the Garden?I have a garden and gophers keep destroying it. They're so greedy! I love gardening, and planted a separate garden for them, but they still eat mine and theirs.


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Getting Rid of Cutworms?My spinach is ready for harvesting, but most of it is cut from the stem by cutworms. How can I fight the cutworms?


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Keeping Woodchucks Out of my Garden?I would like to know how to keep woodchucks out of my garden.


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Pesticides for Weeping Cherry?Something is eating my little weeping cherry. What is a good pesticide?


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Homemade Aphid Spray with Vinegar?I have seen posts that suggest using vinegar to get rid of aphids. Isn't vinegar harmful to growing things?


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Protecting My Garden From Locust?How do you keep your flowers and garden safe from locust?


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Shopping for Naturalus T & O to Control Whitefly?I am looking for a product to control whitefly that is called Naturalus T & O. I have been looking all over the web. I find mention of it and they say it is very expensive, but I cannot find anywhere to buy it. I need it desperately. Where can I get it?


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Getting Rid of Flies on Houseplants?I recently was given four large houseplants and now I have little black flies everywhere. I have also noticed little tiny bugs in the soil. How do I get rid of them? And I was also wondering if house plants carry bed bugs?


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Fruit Flies in House Plants?Does anyone have a solution for getting these pests out of your house plants? I've used every solution posted for eliminating potential breeding grounds (and the flies themselves), but no one has touched on how to do this short of throwing away my plants.


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Something is Eating My Grapes?We had a very hot, dry summer. I covered my grapes with netting to keep birds out, but as my grapes were ripening, something proceeded to eat them, leaving the stems on the vine and the grape skins on the ground.


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Ants Eating Ears of Corn?I have a small raised garden in my back yard. I've enjoyed a couple of ears of lovely sweet corn. However, I've just realized ants have destroyed and eaten much of the remainder of the ears still on the stalks!


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Getting Rid of Ants in Potted Plant Soil?How do I get rid of ants in the soil of my outside plants on my patio?


Yellow bugs on plant stalks.

What Are These Bugs?I have never seen these funny yellow gold bugs before. They are smaller than a tomato seed. They appeared on a plant from a bulb DD ordered for me. The plant has not had a flower yet. This is the tallest of the plants out of 5 bulbs. The others have not bloomed and are only about 4 inches tall. They are either Grecian Rose or Asclepias mixture, which never grew at all.



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Fleas in My Starter Pots?As I was looking at my starter pots I noticed a flea jumped out, and now I'm kind of paranoid. I really want to get rid of them, but I have no idea how to do that in an organic way not effecting my plants.


Panoramic view of house and garden.

Getting Rid of Garden Bugs?I have aphids on some plants, a worm that wraps himself in the leaves, and little dark bugs that cause the leaves to curl. Can I use dish soap and water with all of them? What about vinegar and water spray?


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Green Bugs on My Tomato Plants?Is there any natural remedy I can use to get rid of these bug?


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Getting Rid of Ants in the Garden?I want to plant some herbs, but the ground I want to use is covered with ants. What can I use to rid the ants and keep the garden fresh enough to plant the herbs?


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Getting Rid of White Flies?I thought I saw some one post how to make yellow sticky cards to hang in garden to attrack white flies. Please let me know how to do this.


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Animal or Bird Biting Off Top of Plants?What is biting my plants in half? They are biting the stem so the top of the plant is broken off, but not eating the greens just ruining the plant?


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Black Bugs on Burning Bush?My burning bush has small, completely black bugs, that have not moved yet. They are making the leaves roll and turn towards the inside.


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Something Chewing Plant Roots?I an having a problem with something eating the roots of certain plants, especially roses. The rose or plant will suddenly look as though it is wilted, when I check it just pulls right up out of the ground and the roots have been chewed on.


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Using Epsom Salts to Get Rid of Carpenter Ants?Will Epsom salt hurt my palms and other plants and my dog? I put some all around my plants to see if it would get rid of carpenter ants.


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Getting Rid of Garden Pests?I live in AZ and my hydrangea plants continually get infested by bugs along with some of my geranium plants. I have tried store bought insecticide and squirt of dishwashing soap/water solution in a spray bottle.


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Dish Soap for Aphids?I am looking for a recipe for killing aphids with dish soap and water.


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Getting Rid of Gnats on Plants With Dawn?How do we use Dawn Dish Detergent to remove gnats from potted plant soil in house plants?


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Neighbor's Cats Using Planter as Litterbox?How do I discourage my neighbor's two cats from pooping in my front yard planter which is covered with small pea gravel? It sort of looks like kitty litter! My friend suggested moth balls, but I was wondering if anyone on ThriftyFun has a method that has proven to work.


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Pesky Ground Squirrels in the Garden?I have a plot in our neighborhood community gardens. This year we are being plagued with ground squirrels. I do not want to kill them with poisonous stuff (we are an organic garden), but I would like some ideas on how to repel them. They are very bold.


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Rose of Sharon Buds Being Chewed?Something is eating the tips of my rose of Sharon buds. I've sprayed with Sevin and pulled all the chewed buds off the bush. All the new buds that grow are being chewed and never bloom. The leaves are healthy and there's lots of new growth on the bush.



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Honey Bees and Hummingbird Feeders?We have honey bees in our hummingbird feeders. We have the feeders with the red flowers which someone suggested would keep bees and yellow jackets away, but it doesn't work. Any other suggestions will be appreciated.


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Keeping Bees Away from Hummingbird Feeder?I need to know how to keep bees away from my hummingbird feeders. I have two hanging in my yard and the bees just all of a sudden showed up one day a couple of weeks ago and now the poor hummers can't get a drink in edge wise.


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What is Eating My Plants?Something is eating certain leaves in my garden. I just potted a coleus plant on Sunday and something is eating that one already. I also have a sweet potato vine growing right near this and a full pot of basil, which are not touched at all.


Long legged spider on deck wood.

Getting Rid of Spiders in the Garden?I have an infestation of "harvestman" spiders in my garden, I need help! They suck the juice out of the leaves of the plant. If I spray a hosta plant there will be at least 100 of them running on our deck. They are everywhere, in every plant.


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Controlling Aphids on My Flowering Plums?I have flowering plums lining my driveway, and usually when I spray Ivory liquid in my sprayer, it controls the aphids, but not so this year. Is there a root treatment I can use?


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Keeping Bees and Wasps Out of Hummingbird Feeders?When I hang my hummers food trays, all I get is bees and wasps. What can I do? And no matter where I hang it, they come. Thank you.


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Getting Rid of Japanese Beetles?It's once again Japanese beetle season in SW Michigan. I used to use the traps and now have been told the traps attract the beetles as well as trap them. We were also told there is no insect repellent that will kill them.


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Chipmunks Eating Tomatoes?This year the chipmunks are everywhere. They have gotten into my raised bed and are picking my cherry tomatoes. Any help is needed.


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Getting Rid of Cucumber Beetles?I have an infestation of what appears to be cucumber beetles which are devastating my veggie garden. The research isn't clear as to how to get rid of them. Can someone help me?


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Getting Rid of Groundhogs in My Garden?I am looking for a home remedy to get rid of groundhogs. They ate all my parsley and lettuce. I've tried the things that they sell at the store; it didn't work. I hope someone can help me. Thank you.


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Squirrels Eating Watermelon Flowers?I couldn't figure out what was eating the flowers on my watermelon and green peppers until I caught a squirrel eating them, even though I use a fence along with rabbit and squirrel deterrent spray. The only thing that helped in the past was a pantyhose leg over the plant flowers.


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Bugs on Canna Lily Flowers and Leaves?I don't know why, but my cannas won't unravel it seems as if they continue growing, but are sown together with these little black dot looking things. They are aligned in the center of the plant. It looks like it's eating the plant as well. Please help me.


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Chipmunks Eating Flowers?How can I stop the chipmunks from eating my impatiens in my flower boxes?


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Protecting Plants from Potato Beetles?What can you do to protect your potato plants from beetles?


unidentifible grey mass on driveway

What Kind of Worms are These?My dad took this picture of thousands of worms headed for his flower bed in NC. Is anyone familiar? We have never seen such a thing!


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Keeping Rabbits Out of the Garden?What can I place in my vegetable garden and around my flowers to deter rabbits from eating them? I know I can fence in the garden, but what about flowers?


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Keeping Cats from Using Garden as a Litterbox?How do I keep cats from using my garden as a litter box? Is there anything I can put in the dirt that won't harm the cats or my roses?


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Something is Eating My Mustard Greens?My mustard greens are riddled with holes. Is there a non-chemical spray to cure them or is it too late? Can I eat them anyway?


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Getting Rid of an Armadillo?How do I catch or trap an armadillo? It is digging up everything.


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Controlling Ants in Lawn and Garden?I started noticing the fine residue created by ants in my entire yard 3 years ago; it is also in planted areas. I used to have a gorgeous lawn, but the ants are killing the grass and plants. Has anyone used a professional lawn service? If so, what was their advice.


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Squirrels vs. Container Garden Veggies?Any ideas on how to keep squirrels from digging up my seeds and small plants from my container gardens? I don't want to scare them from the entire yard, just keep them out of my pots so my veggies can grow!


Getting Rid of Pests on Onion Plants?How do I get rid of all the pests on my onion plants?


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Using Dawn Dishsoap on Plants to Deter Deer?I heard that you could use Dawn on plants outside so deer would not eat them. How much should I use?


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Keeping Deer Out of the Garden?How do you keep deer out of your garden? Thanks.


Photo of small flower bed under a tree

How Can I Keep Dogs From Pooping and Peeing in...I have a flower bed area between the sidewalk and the semicircle drive. Unfortunately, many people on my street don't seem to care about keeping their dogs out of this flower bed area. They even allow their dogs to do their business (whether it be 1 or 2) right in front of me.


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How Do I Get Rid of Slugs?Does anyone have a good way to get rid of slugs? I've tried beer, yeast, and all kinds of store bought products. Someone said Sluggo works, but I haven't seen it in any store I've been in. Any suggestions would be welcome.


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Homemade Insect Protection for Apple Trees?Is there a recipe for home-made insect protection of apple trees?


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Getting Rid of Spider Mites?Is there a non-toxic method of getting rid of spider mites on my bird's nest plant?


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How Do I Control Squash Bugs Organically?How can I battle the squash bugs effectively? I try to stay up on the eggs, but it's just not enough. I've tried so many pesticides, but they have done more damage then help. I am hoping to find more of an organic solution.


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Getting Rid of Ants in Potted Plants?I have a large pot outside with several kinds of plants in it, I just discovered it is full of small black ants. Does anyone know how to get rid of these little devils without killing my plants or having to dump the entire pot? Thanks, any help would be appreciated.


What Are These Insect Towers?These insect towers have started to show up on my driveway. When I collapse them depending on the stage of development, I see either white crawling multipeds or flies with long oval wings. I wonder if they're a danger to my plants. I can't find any insects resembling them anywhere.


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Cats Using Vegetable Beds for Litter Box?What can I plant in my garden to put off cats from using my vegetable patch for a litter tray?


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How Do I Get Rid of Mealy Bugs on House Plants?How do you get rid of mealy bugs on indoor house plants? They got on one plant and now have spread to two other plants.


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Fruit on Cleveland Pear Attracts Starlings?My ornamental Cleveland pear trees have small red fruit that attracts lots of Starlings after the leaves fall. Can the fruit be eliminated or sprayed to resolve the problem?


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Small Black Caterpillars Eating Leaves on Weeping Cherry?I have a little black caterpillars eating all the leaves on my new weeping cherry. How can I get rid of them?


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Keeping Animals Out of Your Vegetable Garden?How do you keep the deer, squirrels, coons, ground hogs, and rabbits out or your garden?


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Getting Rid of Cutworms?I have cutworms coming out of my pavers. How do I get rid of them?


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Squash Bugs on Gourds?My birdhouse gourds have squash bugs everywhere. There are too many to spray. My gourds are starting to get eaten and have brown spots on them. Should I pick the gourds early to save them from the bugs?


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Keeping Bees Away from a Hummingbird Feeder?Would anyone know of any homemade solutions or handy tips on how to keep yellow jackets away from hummingbird feeders?


Webworms on a Pecan Trees

Getting Rid of Web Worms on Pecan Trees?All the pecan trees in our area are wrapped up with these webs. Can someone tell us what these worms turn into? Do you know how to get rid of them?


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How to Get Rid of Snakes?Is there a particular plant that will discourage snakes from coming onto my property?


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Tiny White Worms Inside Cherry Tomatoes?I have found tiny white worms living inside my cherry tomatoes. The tomato looks perfect from the outside, but when you cut it in half you can see it moving around in all of my tomatoes.


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Green Stink Bug Looking Insect Attacking Flowers and Tomatoes?I have bugs attacking my sunflowers, dahlias, roses, and tomatoes. It looks like a stink bug that is green, but how do I get rid of them in a natural way?


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What is a Natural Remedy for Keeping Animals Out of My Gardens?Is there a natural way to repel deer from eating garden veggies, besides a fence?


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Controlling Ants?How can I get rid of ants and their mounds?


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Something is Eating the Tops Off of My Tomatoes and Peppers?Something is eating the top off of my tomatoes and peppers. I noticed it just in the last 2 days. What could it be?


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Cats in Flower Beds?What will keep cats from peeing in my flower beds?


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Animal Eating My Tomato Plants?What animal could be eating our tomato plants? We thought it was a groundhog, but now I am not sure. The plants are eaten off at the top so there is just a stem and no leaves. Could it be a rabbit? What do they usually eat? How do we protect the plants that we have?


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Keeping Squirrels Out Of Fruit Trees?How do you keep squirrels out of nut and fruit trees?


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Bugs on Potato Plants?Does anyone know what I can use to keep the bugs off my potato plants without using chemicals?


Pepper plant with leaves eaten off by a bug.

Something Is Eating My Pepper Plants?Something is eating my bell pepper plants over night. It has not touched my tomatoes, squash, jalapenos, or cucumbers. I also have pictures of the poop it left under the plant.


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Something is Eating My Tiger Lilies?What could be eating my tiger lily blooms? Just after they begin to bloom, they are snipped off just below the blooms.


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Natural Chipmunk Repellent?We have a chipmunk living under our slab foundation. We have tried everything to get rid of it, chemicals that smell like foxes' urine and gasoline down the hole. We need help?


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Removing Aphids Organically?I need an organic way to get rid of the aphids on my squash plants.


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Getting Rid of Blackbirds?Black birds are eating our suet and so the woodpeckers are staying away. The blackbirds eat a cake of suet in a day! Is there anyway to discourage them, actually send them on their way? We have so many other birds we'd rather be feeding. Thanks.


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Keeping Insects Out of Bird Food Bags?Does anyone have a method to get rid of the moths that that develop in bird seed? We do not buy by bulk, we buy packaged seed like Kaytee. I use the little fly traps, recommended in the pet catalogs, but it does not take care of them all.


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Natural Rabbit Repellent?How do I naturally repel rabbits in a garden?


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