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Forks around growing vegetables.

Forks to Keep Critters Away in the GardenThese past two years have been a challenge in the garden because of rabbits. I spent a lot of time and money with commercial sprays and powders. They did not work, even though I reapplied after watering and rain.


Ecological Ways to Drive Moles Out of the Garden

Ecological Ways to Drive Moles Out of the GardenAlthough moles don't eat plants, they can damage the roots of plants and lead to their decay by digging numerous canals in the ground. There are many natural ways you can drive moles out of your garden. These are some of them.


Rubbing Alcohol for Mealy Bugs in a Succulent Garden - rosette succulent

Rubbing Alcohol for Mealy Bugs in a Succulent GardenKeeping a spray bottle with rubbing alcohol is convenient and can be used to get rid of mealy bugs on succulent plants! Rubbing alcohol is inexpensive and succulent safe while also getting the job done by getting rid of mealy bugs!


Hairnets To Protect Small Plants - plants covered with hair nets

Hairnets To Protect Small PlantsThis past spring, I had access to 3 two inch gardenia pieces. Just the very tips, mind you. I brought them home and rooted them. Now, I find there are other creatures that love the gardenia just as much as I do.


Parasitic Wasps Help Control -
Hornworms - hornworm covered in wasp cocoons

Parasitic Wasps Help Control HornwormsIn the spring, we planted one tomato plant in a large container beside our deck. Now it is enormous and has grown above the deck rail. I have babied this plant and in return, we have been enjoying delicious tomatoes, much better than the ones from the garden which have suffered from the hot, dry weather.


An Asian ladybug larvae on a leaf.

Asian Lady BeetleI found these creepy little bugs in various states of growth on a rosebush near my front door. I first noticed them when I saw brown spots on a nearby plant. A quick Google search showed me that they are Asian lady beetle larvae. This invasive species has pushed out the native ladybugs throughout North America.


Forks in the Garden to Scare off Animals - black plastic forks, tines up, placed in raised garden

Forks in the Garden to Scare off AnimalsWe have been having bunny and squirrel problems invading our little garden. To prevent animals from coming, we placed plastic forks all around. You can use other plastic utensils like knives and spoons, but forks work best!


A plant covered in aphids.

Sticky Tape for AphidsIf you need to get rid of aphids and, like me, don't like using pesticides on plants, your options are usually either to try spraying with soap or to squish them with your fingers. Neither of these options are very pleasant. Here is another solution which you might like better.


Soda Bottles To Deter Cabbage Moth - upside down soda bottle over young cabbage plant

Soda Bottles To Deter Cabbage MothI was given a packet of cabbage seed. I planted them without reading the packet information. Later, I read that this Brunswick variety is best planted in the fall. My ag agent said they should do fine with some mulching. To protect the seedlings I used recycled plastic soda bottles.


Netting The Cabbage Moth - butterfly net leaning up against a wooden fence

Netting The Cabbage MothA 73 year old zipping around with butterfly net in hand may be a bit disconcerting to some. Maybe the men in white jackets will come after me yet. What the heck, you live only once. Live it with the mindset of a child as much as you can.


Cabbage Butterfly (Pireis rapae)

Stop The Cabbage Butterfly (Pireis rapae)Actually, my fall gardening tip it is more of a plea. In many areas of the country, fall is the time to grow cool season crops such as cabbage, kale, radish, broccoli, collards, and others. All these plants have something in common. They all are host to the cabbage butterfly, Pireis rapae.


Reducing Grubs In Lawn And Garden

Reducing Grubs In Lawn And GardenIn my mulch pile and in a fifty foot area surrounding it, are thousands of grub holes and their makers.


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Early Watch For CutwormsThe best watermelon I ever ate, tasted more like ice cream than watermelon. Sadly, I never knew the name of it. Earlier this year, I ran across a particular watermelon seed, online. The melon was said to have a sherbet taste. Hoping it was the same, I ordered the seed. It's name is 'New Orchid'.


Tomato Plants planted with Marigolds

Marigolds to Control Bugs on Your Tomato PlantsThe marigold flower is the best way to control bugs on your tomato plants. The roots of the flower control the bugs in the soil and the flower will protect your plants from bug infestation. When you plant your tomato plants in the ground, surround them with marigold flowers.


Protecting Cabbages from White Butterflies

Protecting Cabbages from White ButterfliesCabbage white butterflies are a menace. They lay numerous eggs on the underside of the leaves of cabbage, cauliflowers, brussel sprouts, broccoli, and other brassicas. The caterpillars that subsequently hatch can easily eat their way through your whole crop.



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Deterring Pests Around Hummingbird FeedersI have had a lot of problems with yellow jackets, ants, and paper wasps around my hummingbird feeder. To solve this problem I took a strip of cotton and sprayed it with Raid Hornet and Wasp spray. You only want to dampen the cotton. Then I enclosed it in an onion bag, those mesh or net bags onions come in.


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Garden Hose as BorderUse your old garden hose as a border for your garden. It keeps rabbits out because they think it's a snake.


copper tape on container gardens

Using Copper for Slug and Snail ControlThere are a thousand different products out there that really just don't work when you live in Pacific Northwest. The best way I have found that really works to keep out slugs and snails is copper!


Stop Squirrels From Digging In Potted Plants

Stop Squirrels From Digging In Potted PlantsI have lost hundreds of dollars and many man hours due to squirrels digging in potted plants. I would come home from work only to find many pots knocked off a wall or bench.


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Make Groundhogs RelocateDump dirty kitty litter into the hole. The groundhog leaves the area for sweeter smelling options and no critter is harmed!


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Bottle Top Bird DeterrentDrill a hole in several tops and add one length of string to each top at different lengths. Use for 'scaring' birds from your vegetable patch.


How to Avoid Pests when Planting Squash

How to Avoid Pests when Planting SquashThe squash vine borer is a very insidious moth that feeds on squash plants. You can tell it attacked your squash when you can see that the stem of the plant itself has been destroyed and gutted out by a disgusting fat white grub.


Yellow Jacket

Getting Rid of Yellow Jackets and Ants on Hummingbird FeedersI found this recently in my Country Wisdom book, and decided to share it because it really works great at my house! We have hummingbird feeders hanging on our porch and noticed that the yellow jackets were volatile to humans and my poor hummers!


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Mylar Ribbons As Deer DeterrentA couple of years ago, I had been away from home for a few days to find my garden had been nibbled on by deer. So, I looked high and low for a solution that would not hurt them and maintain my goal to retain my organic gardening.


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Two Methods to Keep Cats Out of PlantersLots of pine cones, the stickier the better! Just put them all around the stem(s) and fill the pot with them.


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Sawdust To Deter SlugsNothing to buy, just use sawdust from the table saw or a shop of a friend and scatter it around your plants lightly. If you don't have sawdust, I have used corase corn meal.


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Caution When Using Bird Netting On GrapesBe very careful. A friend did that and killed 3 snakes the first night, good snakes! I just got my grapes started last year but would rather share with the birds. I think the cats will like that.


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Bubbles for the GardenKeep several bottles of bubbles on bricks around the parameters of your garden if you have lots of bug problems. Let the kids play with the bubbles around the garden, not really blowing them directly on the plants but above them.


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Use Bamboo Skewers To Keep Cats OutI keep cats out of my raised veggie beds by placing bamboo skewers about 8 to 12 inches apart in a grid pattern. You want them to be close enough, so that cats are uncomfortable digging or even walking through the garden.


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Chicken Wire to Protect Your Garden from CatsLay down a layer of chicken wire, weigh it down very well, and cover it with a thin layer of dirt. Cats like to dig and they cannot dig through chicken wire but flowers and veggies can still come up through it.



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Decorative Deterrents for CatsI would lay down stones, rocks, pebbles, or pine cones. Unlike sprays, they're decorative, safe, inexpensive, and durable. Cats won't bother moving these around when they can find exposed dirt elsewhere.


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Add Sand To Your House PlantsFungus gnats live in soil. The gnats lay their eggs in the soil and their larva feed on the decomposing matter, they pupate and hatch into flying gnats which starts the cycle all over again.


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Deer and Rabbit DeterrentI've tried everything I've ever heard of to keep deer away from my plants. I finally found the only solution. Here's the recipe:


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Getting Rid of EarwigsTo get rid of earwigs, roll up some newspaper with elastics, wet the paper with water which the earwigs love, then place around garden plants at night. In the morning, pick up papers, roll up ends, and throw out in garbage outside.


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Preventing Snails in the GardenIn the fall, if you have problems with snails, lay down an old wood board in edge of your garden. During the winter months, the snails will crawl under the board. When spring comes, go out and turn the board over.


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Keeping Mice Out of GardenKeep mice out of garden by mixing rat pellets with peanut butter and setting it out in your garden. The mice like the smell of peanuts.


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Broken Egg Shells to Deter SnailsDon't throw out eggshells. Crush them up and throw them into your garden. They provide needed calcium to the soil as they decompose and the sharp-edged shells keep snails out of your beds.


Rose Prunings To Keep Animals Out Of Garden Beds

Use Rose Prunings To Keep Animals Out Of Garden BedsI've tried various methods to keep pests (cats and birds) away from sown beds and young seedling beds without any success, until I tried this method. Spread rose twigs (after pruning) over the bed. Make sure pets can't creep through twigs.


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Fencing To Keep Pets Out of GardenI have an 80 foot mobile home with flower bed's all around it. I wanted to keep my dogs out of the flowers, so I went to Lowe's and bought some wood lattice fencing (4 x 8 feet), as I couldn't afford the plastic kind.


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Make Expandable Cage around Plants to Keep Out DeerWhen putting a cage around a new plant or tree (to keep out deer), overlap the cage and tie it with straps. You can then expand cage as the plant grows without making new cage. Also insert PVC pipe through slots of cage for easy watering direct to the roots.


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Use Black Pepper For Garden PestsI don't like to use chemicals in my vegetable garden. I use a large can of ground black pepper and sprinkle on my plants. It works quite well. The only problem is that you have to reapply after rain or watering.


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Coleus Canina to Keep Pets Out of GardenIf you can get your hands on a plant called Coleus Canina (hybrid) it is supposed to keep cats and dogs from fouling your vegetable and flower beds. I gives off an aroma which they hate.


Keeping Deer Out Of The GardenThe fence provides perhaps the best physical means of protection against deer damage. To keep deer out, the fence must be at least 8 feet tall. Deer can usually easily jump any fence less than 8 feet if they need to.


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Jacks and Toy Tops to Discourage DiggingI was going through my stuff to be free-cycled and decided to give some things one more try. I found a green giant jack, a beautiful green colored one, the kind you buy in a pack at the dollar store, and two plastic spinning tops the kids don't like anymore.


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Diatomaceous Earth for Bug ControlDo you have cockroaches lurking around your home? This works like a charm - Diatomaceous Earth. It sounds like a big name, but it is simply a total natural sea fossil ground to like talc powder.



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Use Cucumber and Aluminum to Deter Slugs and GrubsTo help prevent grubs and slugs from ruining your planting beds, place a few slices of cucumber in a small pie tin and place in the garden. The chemicals in the cucumber react with the aluminum to give off a scent.


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Keep Raccoons Out of GardenTo keep raccoons out of the sweet corn, put peanut butter between strips of aluminum foil folded over an electric wire about a foot off the ground. The raccoons will be attracted to the peanut butter and touch it and get a shock which will keep them away.


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Use Birds To Control GrubsI have a tip for getting rid of grubs that is good for the environment and will give you hours of enjoyment. Hang a couple of feeders in different areas of your yard and feed the birds.


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Use Tea to Keep Wire Worms from CarrotsSprinkling dried used tea bags over your carrots will keep wire worms from infesting your carrot crop. Don't forget to remove paper from the tea bag first,


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Kill Ants With Uncooked GritsKill ants for good with uncooked grits! Just sprinkle the grits around where you have the ants and they eat them and die. Ants lack the ability to expel gas caused by the grits. This is the safest way to kill ants - no pesticides, safe for environment, pets, and kids.


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Gnats on PlantsI recently repotted an indoor plant, put it back in my bathroom, and holy mackrel, hundreds of those little black bugs hatched over three weeks. I bug bombed the bathroom and it worked great.


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Bury Urine Container to Deter Deer and RabbitsSome people are aware that you can use urine to keep deer, and rabbits from eating plants, and vegetables in a garden. Save the containers that seasoning come with small holes in them to release the season.


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Deer and Rabbit DeterrentIf you are troubled by deer or rabbits eating plants in your garden, try my foolproof remedy. After a lot of experimenting, I came up with this easy and inexpensive spray.


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Duct Tape to Keep Squirrels from CornI am growing a vegetable garden for the 1st time this year. All of my plants are doing amazingly well, but I was absolutely devastated when a squirrel got into my sweet corn.


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Wrap Tree Trunk With Clear Plastic to Prevent Squirrel DamageSquirrels have been eating the bark off our red bud tree and have damaged it considerably. After trying almost every suggestion on the internet, we came upon a solution.


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Make Tobacco Spray for Insect PestsWe all know the risks of nicotine by smoking, but the same is true for bugs by eating. Rid your garden of pests by way of nicotine. Get a can of chewing tobacco, flavored or not color. Strain through a coffee filter.


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Use Shredded Paper in the GardenTo stop the birds eating my newly sown seeds, I cover them with a small amount of paper from my shredder. I also use this shredded paper in the strawberry patch to keep them off the ground and as mulch where ever it is needed.


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Pick Pests Off Your Garden for Insect SprayIf you have bugs in your garden, here's an easy, organic and free way to get rid of them. If you're squeamish about this, put on rubber gloves, garden gloves, or latex gloves and pluck the bugs off the plants, one species at a time, and put them in a cupful of water.


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Hedge Apples for Pest RepellentThere are no chemicals involved so I guess it's a green tip. If you have a problem with roaches, ants, mice, or other pests inside the house, gather some crab apples and place them around your basement, crawl space, and foundation of your house.


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Dishsoap Insect SprayI use soap to spray for insects in garden. Mix 1 tablespoon of liquid soap with water in a quart spray bottle from Dollar store. Spray once a week and after a rain.


Opossum in a Cage

How to Catch an OpossumI tried to catch this guy 3 nights in a row with no success. So last night I put a trail of bread OUTSIDE the cage and then a trail of bread going INSIDE the cage. Well, just like Hansel and Gretel, he followed the bread crumbs all the way into the cage far enough to trip the door closed.


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Colorado Potato Beetle SprayIf you have problems with the Colorado Potato Beetle, this is the recipe for you.


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Recipe For A Green Lawn With No MosquitoesI wanted to share our secret to a natural, non-poisonous, yard healthy recipe for getting rid of mosquitoes and making your lawn green.


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Keeping Fire Ants Out of Potted PlantsWhat is the best way to keep fire ants from setting up shop in outdoor potted plants? After recently transplanting two ornamentals, I noticed ants in the newly placed potting soil. I utilized Sevin Dust water hose treatment, but this was without success.


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Use Coffee Grounds to Deter Slugs from HostaTo protect your hostas, especially those growing in pots, cover the soil with used coffee grounds. Not a slug in sight!


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Best Slug Repellent EverGet an easy to clean manual grinder (one used for grinding onions, etc.) (Look for at yard sales, second hand stores). Collect slugs (4-5 will do). Put in grinder top with water.


Marigolds to Repel Mosquitoes

Marigolds to Repel MosquitoesAt least in my part of the world, this seems to be a particularly bad summer for mosquitoes. Lots of different flowers and herbs are said to repel mosquitoes and other insects by their strong smell.


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Egg Shells for CutwormsSomeone suggested to use crushed egg shells to get rid of cutworms. This is the best idea I ever heard. It's even better then the pellets I used to get earwigs and cutworms.


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Use Mesh in Garden to Keep Cats AwayIn the past we have had a problem with the neighborhood cats using our garden as a liter box. We devised a way to stop them from digging.


Thrifty Cutworm Collars

Thrifty Cutworm CollarsIf you garden in an area where you have to protect your tomato and pepper plants from cutworms, my husband has come up with a simple and free method.


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Use Flour To Keep Pests Off RosesDon't like all those chemical dusting to put on flowers to keep the bugs away? Use plain flour instead.


Praying Mantis

Praying Mantis Is Good In The GardenIf you see any of these guys in your garden, do not shoo them away or kill them. These are called Praying Mantis and they will kill all of those pesky grasshoppers that eat up your veggies and leaves.


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Use Copper, Slugs Be Gone!Having tried everything possible known to man to rid my garden of slugs, I came across an item on ebay that I thought may just work, a roll of sticky back copper tape.


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Dog and Cat Hair for the GardenIf you have a cat or dog in the home then you are vacuuming their hair off everything all of the time. Empty your vacuum canister or bag each time around the perimeter of your gardens.


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Protect Your Garden Produce With PantyhoseTo protect your garden produce from insects or animals that love to sample, cover each (squash, lets say) with a length of panty hose. Close the top and bottom of the hose by knotting or tying with string so there are no openings for critters.


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Removing Ant Mounds in LawnsI suggest the following procedure for eliminating ant mounds in lawns. First, rake the ant mound down level by spreading the dirt to the surrounding area. Wait several days to see if the ants rebuild the mound.


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Vinegar Or Pepper For Rabbit RepellentTips for keeping rabbits out of your garden. Soak a cotton ball in white distilled vinegar and place it in a 35 mm film container. Poke a hole in the top and place in your garden. Rabbits hate the smell.


Organic Pest Control

Managing Insect Pests in Vegetable GardensWhat are your tips for managing insect pests in your vegetable garden?


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Skewers to Keep Squirrels Out of Planting ContainersDuring the summer, I plant vegetables in containers and keep them on my deck. In the past, I've had a great deal of difficulty keeping the squirrels from digging up my new sprouts. A friend gave me an idea which has worked well.


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Preventing CutwormsIf you start your plants from seed as I do, or even buy them from the local nursery, when you plant them in the ground insert a toothpick or wooden match as close to the stem as possible...


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Aphid Repellent PlantsYou can help prevent aphid infestations on your vegetables by interplanting them with plants that repel aphids. Some examples are anise, chives, coriander, garlic, onions, petunias, and radish.


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Recycle CD's As Garden Pest ControlTo help keep birds and animals out of the garden, you can use the CD disks you are always getting in the mail from AOL, Earthlink, etc. You can use just one, but it is better to use two glued together with the shiny side out.



Keeping Small Wildlife Out Flower BedsI have aggressive and destructive squirrels, raccoons and possums that are ruining the flower garden. I need to deter these garden pests this spring, summer and fall.


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Gopher-proof Flower BedsGopher-proof Flower Beds. You can create a gopher-proof flower bed by digging down about 18 inches and lining the bottom and sides of the bed with screens (old window screens work well) or avery mesh.


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Chicken Wire to Discourage Digging AnimalsIf you have pets or animals that roam your area try adding chicken wire under your plants.


White butterfly on blur flower.

Imported Cabbage WormsLook for 1-inch long, velvety green caterpillars with a yellow stripe down their back. The imported cabbage worm butterfly is white with dark wing spots and a 1 1/4 inch wingspan.


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Garlic For Garden Pest PreventionGarlic As Garden Pest Prevention. Put whole cloves of garlic around your plants that rabbits and other critters might be munching on.


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Grubs Eating My MarigoldsMy grandma is having trouble with grubs eating her marigolds does anyone have something that you can use from your kitchen (home remedy) that might help her with this problem?


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Environmentally Safe Grub ControlIt seems like all the lawns around here are infested with grubs this year. Is there an environmentally safe way to control and kill them?


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Plants that Repel InsectsHere is a list of plants and what insects they repel. This was sent in by Gill, a long time reader.


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Caterpillars Killed My Plant!I had a sweet broom in a ten gallon pot. There were little caterpillars on it. No big deal, right? I just picked them off. Later in the month I noticed more, lots more. They took over the whole plant and killed it.


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Flour for Plants and FlowersSprinkle flour over plants and flowers to keep bugs off and rabbits away.


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Using Gallon Milk Jugs and Preventing CutwormsMy husband is an avid gardener, and has come up with a great use for those empty plastic gallon milk jugs. Cut the milk jug in half underneath the handle...


Hibiscus blooms

Removing White Flies from HibiscusTo wipe out White Flies on Hibiscus use 1 gal warm water that has 1 cup sour milk and 1 Tbsp. flour added and mixed. Spray on the liquid on both sides of leaves. (I used an old fashion hand held fly sprayer for this.)


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Keeping Your Beans Safe From CutWormsInstead of composting my egg shells I dry them and crunch them up and store in a container all year to sprinkle on my beans after I plant them.


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Protecting Your Plants From Small AnimalsTips and ideas for protecting your plants from small animals. Post your ideas.


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Curb Critters With Container Gardening!Grow lettuce, broccoli, and veggies in large containers on your sunny porch or in your yard to keep the rabbits from chewing them to a nub! :)


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Alternatives to PesticidesInstant solutions to pest problems can be harmful to the environment, pets, wild birds, fish (when the run off goes downstream) and beneficial insects (ladybugs, honey bees).


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Recipe for Repelling Bugs on Outdoor PlantsMix 1 to 2 tablespoons of Dr. Bronner's liquid peppermint castile soap in 1 quart of water. Fill a spray bottle and use on your outdoor plants. Will not harm plants. Dr. Bronner's liquid peppermint castile soap can be purchased in health food stores.


Lovely Yellow Primula (Preventing Slugs and Sow Bugs)

Lovely Yellow Primula (Preventing Slugs and...Here's a sunny bunch of yellow primulas to brighten your day! They are just so nice right now, while the mauve ones are getting done. For the slugs, I put crushed eggshells around.


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Preventing Cats from Littering Your New PlantsWhen I dug a hole and planted a tree, the cats decided to use the soil as litter box. Not wanting my new tree to be killed, I inverted a plastic tray from the nursery-the big mesh kind, and cut a hole in the middle the diameter of the tree trunk, and then cut into it from one edge to the hole.


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Use Cat Hair to Keep Rabbits Away from FlowersIf you have a problem with rabbits munching on your flowers, try brushing your cat and then sprinkling the cat hair over the plants. This was the only solution that helped me after I had tried other remedies such as sprinkling cayenne pepper, human hair and blood meal over my plants.


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