
Growing RosesAsk a Question Follow

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Looking For Black Roses?I am looking for black roses to use in my beauty line, I had black roses when I lived in Washington, but people down here think I am crazy when I inquire about them. So I was just wondering if anyone knew when I could find some, I would like to plant my own down here if it is possible. Thank you. Bella


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Something is Eating My Roses?There is something chewing up my climbing roses and my strawberries. There are little holes ALL OVER! The strawberries are a new addition, located close to the roses, but the climbing roses have been there a long time. They climb up the side of my house about 12 to 14 feet and I really need to do something to save them!


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Protecting Roses?I have James Peirce roses, the ones that bloom are insanely beautiful, but it's rare that they bloom and they are not growing in height. It seems like they have been stunted by dogs, cats, fungi or something else. Any tips, suggestions or thoughts?


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Birth Control Pills for Full Blooming RosesMash up birth control pills and put them in the soil with your rose bushes. Amazing results and plenty of full blooms to come.


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Keeping Roses Safe From Diseases?What do I spray on my roses to keep them safe from diseases?


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Adding Acidity to My Roses?I need to add acidity to my flowers bed for roses. What should I use?


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Hybrid Tea Roses Not Producing Roses?I have two Assorted Hybrid Tea Roses that I purchased at Lowes. They have no thorns. They have not produced any roses but the bushes are very large and always putting on new growth.


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Coffee Grounds for Roses?How much and how often do I use coffee grounds for my roses?


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Advice For Taking Care Of Roses In Spain?I live in Madrid, Spain and I have some roses. Right now they look really terrible because I have never really taken care of them.


Roses Losing Petals Quickly?I planted my first rose flower this month and it went quite well, with all the banana peels and coffee grounds. But after they bloomed, they only lasted for 2-3 days at most then the petals started to drop. I don't want to lose my flowers so soon, they smell so good.


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Why Are My Roses Turning Brown?The tips of my roses are turning brown, even the new buds. What is causing this to happen?


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Climbing Roses?Could someone suggest some climbing roses for a north facing wall. Thank you.


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Rose Bushes Turning Yellow?Question #1: My rosebushes had yellow spotted leaves last Fall so I cut them all down to the ground. Now one has started to grow back and looks healthy so far. Should I leave it alone and see what happens? Is it possible for the regrowth to be healthy?


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Grafting Roses?Can anyone give me some easy tips for grafting roses?


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Making Roses Big and Healthy?What is the best way to have healthy rose bushes? I have heard that coffee grounds really help roses. Is this true?



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Roses Loosing Leaves?Help. I have a Rose bed of 50 floribundas. It has been raining here in North Jersey almost every day in June. I use Bauer All-in-One to control insects aand disease, but that did not seem to stop whatever my roses have. I am thinking it is an insect.


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Information About Seven Sisters Roses?When is the best time to plant a potted Seven Sisters rose plant in my area?


Watering Roses With Drip Irrigation?How much water through the use of drip irrigation should my roses receive? I purchased these button .5GPH drippers, but I just need to know how much water is good, 2 gallons, etc. It's on a slope.


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Carpet Rose Not Blooming?I have a carpet rose that is beautiful, except for one thing, it will not bloom. The plant is 3 plus years old and in a near perfect spot. Several roses nearby bloom all summer. I tried root pruning, which did not help.Thank you.


Spring Garden Path

Scenery: Roses Starting to BloomIt's so pretty when the roses start to bloom. We planted this rose bush last year, and it's blooming wonderfully. Lots of buds on it yet. I love all the flowers blooming now.


Bee on Roses

Garden: Bumblebee and the RosesMy climbing wild roses made it all the way past the top of the deck rail last year, and this year they're up to the eaves! A little bumblebee (on upper left blossoms) flying around the deck plants took advantage of them, as they began to 'peek' though the rails.


Heart of a pink rose.

Growing Roses in a Tropical ClimateThis is a page about growing roses in a tropical climate. Roses come in a large number of varieties making them a good choice for your garden. Choosing the best variety to suit a tropical climate, with its hotter temperatures and higher rainfall levels, will help ensure the success of your rose garden.


Pink rose with bumble bee.

Growing Roses in Hot Weather?This is a page about growing roses in hot weather. The heat of summer can take its toll on your roses. Don't be disheartened; there are steps you can take to successfully grow rose in areas with hot summers.


Rose hips on rough wood background.

Growing Roses from SeedThis is a page about growing roses from seed.Roses can be successfully grown from seed. The seeds are found in the rose hips after the flowers fade. So if you are looking for a way to propagate your favorite rose, try planting the seeds.


Closeup of Lavender Rose

Starting Roses from CuttingsIf you find a rose that you want to propagate, doing it from a cutting is the best way. Roses generally grow well from cuttings, but doing it right will give you the best results. This is a page about starting roses from cuttings.


Upclose photo of a rose.

Making Rose FoodThis is a page about making rose food. Feeding your roses will keep them healthy and blooming with beautiful flowers. Making your own food can save you money and allows you to try more organic solutions.


A rose bush growing in a yard.

Growing RosesThis is a page about growing roses. Growing roses can be really rewarding when they flourish with beautiful blooms. They do require a little more care than other flowers that you may have grown in your yard.


A rose bush in the snow.

Preparing Your Roses for WinterThis is a page abut preparing your roses for winter. If you have roses, you probably put a lot of time into caring for them. It is important to properly prepare them for winter to keep them healthy.


Buying Rose Bushes

Buying Rose BushesThis is a page about buying rose bushes. Trying to choose the best rose for your garden can be a pleasant challenge.


A pink rose just blooming

Pink RosesHere are my roses. Gardening is therapy for my very painful illness.



Rose Bushes

Treating Black Spots on Rose BushesThis is a page about treating black spots on rose bushes. One of the common ailments for rose bushes is black spot on the leaves.


White Climbing Roses

Growing Climbing RosesThis is a page about growing climbing roses. With proper placement in your garden, training, and pruning you can have a beautiful climbing rose adorning a fence, wall, or arbor.


Japanese Rose

Growing a Japanese Rose?This page is about growing a Japanese rose. The rosa rugosa is a suckering shrub that can form dense thicket with beautiful pink flowers.


Spraying a rose bush.

Treating Roses With Witch's Broom DiseaseThis is a page about treating roses with witch's broom disease. Rose rosette also known as witch's broom disease manifests itself as rapid stem growth, thick thorny branches, and the formation of short deformed shoots often reddish in color.


Woman's hands planting a rose.

Transplanting Roses?This page is about transplanting roses. Roses should be planted in late spring-early summer in order to give the plant time to develop a strong root system before the winter.


Pruning a rose bush.

Pruning Rose BushesThis page is about pruning rose bushes. Depending on the type of rose, you want to make sure you are pruning it at the right time of year and in the right way.


Rose Bush

Rose Bush Never Blooms?This page is about rose bush never blooms. It can take a few years to establish rose bushes. Pruning and feeding them correctly will help produce beautiful flowers.


ripening rose hips

Health Benefits of Rose HipsThis is a page about health benefits of rose hips. In addition to culinary and beauty uses, rose hips have long been sought after for their potential health benefits. You can buy products made from the hips at health food stores or prepare your own.


pink Rosa Rugosa

Growing Rosa RugosaThis is a page about growing rosa rugosa. A hardy rose bush that can make a prickly hedge that can help deter intruders.


View from above of a rose bush in a flower pot

Growing Roses in ContainersThis is a page about growing roses in containers. Certain varieties of roses do quite well growing in containers, allowing you to have them on your patio or deck and try even those that need winter protection.


Close up of a pile of banana peels

Using Banana Peels When Growing RosesThis is a page about using banana peels when growing roses. Bananas for a good source of potassium for us and for our roses.


Close up of a Floribunda Rose

Floribunda Rose PhotosThis is a page about floribunda rose photos. This rose is apply named because of the abundance of blooms on the bush.


A vase full of red roses.

Keeping Cut Roses from Losing Their Petals?This is a page about keeping cut roses from losing their petals. Cut flowers eventually will begin to drop their petals, but adding certain things to the water such as pennies or sugar seems to extend their life.


Bright pink roses growing outside.

Using Dawn Dish Soap to Treat Roses?Dawn dish soap is frequently used mixed with water to control aphids on many plants including roses. This is a page about using Dawn dish soap to treat roses.


A bowl of epsom salts, spilling onto a wooden surface.

Epsom Salts for RosesThis page is about epsom salts for roses. Roses like magnesium. If you already feed you roses a balanced fertilizer containing magnesium, you probably don't need to add any extra to your soil.



A rosebud covered in aphids.

Bugs Are Eating My Roses?If something is attacking the stems of cut rose bushes it is most likely one of two types of predatory wasp also known as cane borers. If you see this type of attack it usually accompanies an aphid infestation. This is a page about bugs eating my roses.


Potted Rose Bush

Potted Rose Bush Losing It's LeavesPotted roses require the same type of care as their cousins out in the garden. A common cause of leaf drop is improper watering. This is a page about potted rose bush losing it's leaves.


Rose Bush

Rose Bushes With Brown LeavesBrowning leaves on your rose bush can be indicative of a disease or pest affecting your plant. This is a page about rose bushes with brown leaves.


Woman Dead Heading Roses in her garden

Dead Heading RosesDead head your roses just above a five leaf cluster, cutting at an angle. This practice will encourage more and sometimes larger blooms. This is a page about dead heading roses.


Red Rose with green leaves in the background

Homemade Rose Start Up TonicMake this easy tonic and feed it to your roses for blooms all summer long. This page has information about homemade rose start up tonic.


Grow a Rose Cutting in a Potato cutting in a small potato

Growing a Rose Cutting in a PotatoOne way to propagate a rose bush cutting is by inserting it into a potato. The potato offers moisture and nutrients for the cutting until it can establish a root system.


Rose Stems Started Sprouting in My Vase - cut roses starting to sprout in a vase

Rose Stems Started Sprouting?Roses can be grown from cuttings. That being said it is possible for the beautiful roses in your vase to begin to sprout and grow new leaves. If you would like to start plants for your garden this page provides some helpful tips.


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