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Growing plants from seed takes a bit more time and patience, but is well worth the efforts. This page contains tips and advice about growing from seed.



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Growing Hydrangea from Seed?This page is about growing hydrangea from seed. These beautiful shrubs can be started from seed.


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Transporting Seeds to the Philippines?My father in law would like to find out information about purchasing garden seeds in the U.S. and transporting them to the Philippines. He would like to grow American veggies and a greater range of flowers than are available there. Does anyone know what the customs requirements are for this area or have any experience with this?


Sprouted dill seeds in a pot.

Find Seeds in Your Spice CabinetI used to purchase packages of dill seeds. I found out that the dill seed in my spice cabinet will sprout just as well as the commercial seeds. This will work with fennel, coriander, mustard and other spices.


Several used tea bags next to a package of sunflower seeds.

Used Tea Bag to Sprout SeedsSave your old used tea bags as a seed starter. The tea will compost as the seedling grows, feeding it as well as marking the location.


A long pipe pointing to the ground, for use in planting seeds.

Use a Pipe for Planting SeedsRather than bending over to plant seeds in a long garden row, consider a pipe planter. Two versions are offered on this page with the new and improved one using a length of PVC pipe and a funnel.


File Flower Seeds to Help Sprouting - packet of nasturtium seed and a nail file

File Flower Seeds to Help SproutingSome seeds such as nasturtium have a hard outer seed coating that can slow down germination. For these and similar seeds you can speed up sprouting by nicking the seed coat and filing lightly until you can see the lighter inner seed coat. Soak overnight and plant immediately.


Save Money On Pansies - pansy seedlings in hanging baskets

Growing Pansies From SeedYou can save money by growing pansies from seed. They will need a light loamy soil, high in organic matter, that is kept moist, in order to germinate. This is a page about growing pansies from seed.


Use a K Cup for Seed Starter

Use a K-Cup as a Seed StarterEven a small K cup can be reused. Try using it to start veggie or flower seeds. This might be a good project for your children, as well. This is a page about using a K cup as a seed starter.


Starting Seeds in the Snow - planted jugs with seed packets in foreground

Starting Seeds in the SnowSnow on the ground doesn't need to hinder your getting an early start on planting your spring seeds. Grab some gallon milk jugs and follow the steps in this page for starting seeds in the snow.



Close up of 3 sunflowers in a field.

Growing Sunflowers from SeedlingsIn many areas sunflower seeds can be sown directly in the garden in the spring To get a jump start gardeners often choose to start their flower seeds indoors and then transplant them outside. Make sure you have an area with good light when growing seedlings indoors. This is a page about growing sunflowers from seedlings.


Hand pulling lint trap out of dryer.

Using Dryer Lint for Making Seed BallsUse the lint from your dryer in your garden, for planting seeds in the spring. This is a page about using dryer lint for making seed balls.


A tray of seedlings in cardboard pots.

Finding Heirloom SeedsGrow the same plants that your grandparents may have grown. Many seed companies and seed exchanges now have a variety of heirloom seeds available. This is a page about finding heirloom seeds.


Seedlings growing.

Creating a Greenhouse in a Basement?It is possible to create a small greenhouse in the basement for starting your garden seeds. Get the right lighting, planting medium, and then care for your seedlings. This is a page about creating a greenhouse in the basement.


Wisteria Pods

Can I Plant Wisteria Pods?You can just plant the seeds that are in the pods. Nick the seeds slightly and soak them overnight before planting them. This is a page about planting wisteria pods.


Faster Seed Germination - sprouting seeds on paper towel

Faster Seed GerminationTo ensure your seeds will grow, you could expedite seed germination by placing your seeds on a piece of paper towel. Write the type of seeds on the paper towel and lightly dampen the seed area with some water. Place your seeds in a Ziploc bag. In a couple days, check up on your seeds.


A white calla lily.

Growing Calla Lilies from PodsThe pods that develop as your calla lily blooms fade are in fact seed pods. Callas multiply by reseeding and new bulb development. This is a page about growing calla lilies from pods.


Recycle Cardboard for Starting Seeds

Recycled Cardboard for Starting SeedsToilet paper rolls and paper take out food drink trays make excellent containers for starting your seeds. This page explains using recycled cardboard for starting seeds.


Using recycled plastic containers for seedlings.

Reuse Plastic Containers for SeedlingsMany plastic containers work quite well for starting your seeds prior to spring planting. This is a page about reuse plastic containers for seedlings.


A girl holding seeds in her hand.

Surfing for SeedsOnline seed exchanges can be a perfect way to get seeds for plants you would like while sharing your own abundance. This is a page about surfing for seeds.


Seedlings growing in small containers.

8 Signs Your Seedlings Are In TroubleGrowing garden plants and flowers from seed is often a less expensive alternative to buying full grown or starter plants. This method does require a level of patience and attentiveness to your young sprouts. This is a page about 8 signs your seedlings are in trouble.


Four very new seedlings growing out of the ground.

Testing Seeds for ViabilitySome gardeners save seeds from year to year and for years at a time. Prior to planting season it is a good idea to do a bit of testing to check their viability. This is a page about testing seeds for viability.


Acorn Squash

Growing Acorn Squash from Supermarket Squash?While you can certainly plant the seeds from your supermarket produce, don't be surprised if the fruit or veggies are not the same as the parent produce. This is a page about growing acorn squash from supermarket squash.


seed in soil of carton sections

Egg Carton GardeningThe cavities in egg crates are just the right size for starting many types of seeds. An added advantage to the paper style is that it can be cut apart and the seedling planted in the soil container and all. This is a page about egg carton gardening.


Seedlings on a window sill.

4 Steps to Figuring Out When to Start Seeds IndoorsThis is a page about determining when to start seeds indoors. Knowing your hardiness zone, frost dates, and the germination time line for your chosen seeds is important to deciding when to start seeds indoors.



Plant seedlings.

Starting Seeds Under Fluorescent LightsThis is a page about starting seeds under fluorescent lights. When starting seeds indoors, you don't need to buy expensive grow lights, fluorescent lights will do the trick.


Sprouting Seeds

Sprouting SeedsThis is a page about sprouting seeds. You can often save money and grow plants not readily available at a nursery or big box store, by sprouting your own seeds.


Starting Seeds with Winter Sowing

Start Seeds Outdoors With Winter SowingThis is a page about start seeds outdoors with winter sowing. Using this method you can skip the grow light regime of seed starting. Plant seeds in plastic containers and see the results.


CD case on windowsill with emerging seedlings

Making a CD Case Plant DisplayThis is a page about making a CD case plant display. Plant some seeds inside a clear CD case to create a display showing seed germination.This is a great kid project.


Saving Cucumber Seeds

Saving Cucumber SeedsThis is a page about saving cucumber seeds. You can save money on garden seeds by collecting them from this year's crop for use next year.


Close up of a tulip tree flower and leaves

Starting Tulip Trees from Seed?This is a page about starting tulip trees from seed. Many gardeners like to start their new plants from seeds they have collected. You can even propagate some trees this way.


Saving Petunia Seeds

Saving Petunia Seeds?This is a page about saving petunia seeds. Collecting the dry flowers from your petunia plant allows you to save the seeds for planting next spring.


Slice of tomato showing seeds

Saving Tomato SeedsThis is a page about saving tomato seeds. An economical way to grow vegetables next season, especially if you are OK if the second season's produce does not necessarily taste the same, is to save some seeds.


using bottle to wate

Recycled Drink Bottle for Watering SeedsThis is a page about recycled drink bottle for watering seeds. Using a small plastic drink or water bottle you can make a convenient device for watering seeds.


Twelve different types of seeds in white bowls against white background

Saving Seed from Hybrid PlantsThis is a page about saving seed from hybrid plants. While you can typically grow new plants from hybrid seeds they will not be the same as the parent. You may be surprised with a new better tasting fruit or veggie or a lovely flower.


A photo of seedlings in a germinating tray with garden tools.

Pre-treating Seeds to Speed GerminationThis is a page about pre-treating seeds to speed germination. Some seeds need special treatment before they will germinate.


Seeds preparing to germinate.

Why Seeds Fail To GerminateThis is a page about why seeds fail to germinate. There can be a number of reasons that seeds don't germinate.


Germinating seeds

Tips for Germinating SeedsThis is a page about tips for germinating seeds. It is not only less expensive to start your garden from seed, but often you can plant a wider variety of veggies and flowers.


Growing Geranium From Seeds

Growing Geraniums From SeedsThis is a page about growing geraniums from seeds. Although many gardeners buy geraniums as small starts or blooming plants they can be grown from seed.


sunflower with seeds in foreground

Using a Seed Swap or ExchangeThere are many seed sharing organizations online. Having information and a photo of the plants your seeds produce will help you in your seed swapping.



Planting seeds in dirt.

Problems Starting SeedsThis page is about problems starting seeds. Having good soil mix and a proper container helps get your seeds off to a good start.


A woman buying seeds

Saving Money on SeedsThis page is about saving money on seeds. End of the season and discount stores seed packs, as well as, seed exchanges can reduce the cost of planting your flower and vegetable gardens.



Collecting Thunbergia SeedsThis page is about collecting thunbergia seeds. Knowing how to save your own seeds can save you money on flowers in your garden.


Buttercup Squash

Preserving Seeds From Buttercup SquashThis is a page about preserving seeds from buttercup squash. These sweet, nutty winter squash have a central seed cavity filled with seeds you can save, dry, and plant for next season.


Beautiful Flower Beds

Finding Free Flower SeedsThis is a page about finding free flower seeds. You can cut the costs of planting your garden if you locate a source for free flower seeds.


Marigold Seeds

Harvesting Marigold Seeds?This is a page about harvesting marigold seeds. You can easily grow marigolds next season from the harvested seeds.



Harvesting Sunflower Seeds?This is a page about harvesting sunflower seeds. Harvesting sunflower seeds for snacks and cooking, bird feeders, or next season's garden is quite easy.


Planting Small Seeds

Planting Small SeedsThis page is about planting small seeds. It can be a challenge to keep track of and plant the proper amount of tiny seeds.


aster seedlings

Keeping Seedlings From DyingThis is a page about keeping seedlings from dying. Young tender seedlings need special care.


Starting Seedlings

Starting SeedlingsThis is a page about starting seedlings. Give your seedlings a head start by planting early. Start indoors if you garden in colder climates.


Saving Zinnia Seeds

Saving Zinnia SeedsThis is a page about saving zinnia seeds. You can grow zinnias year after year by saving the seeds from this year's flowers for planting next season.


Buying Seeds

Buying SeedsThis page is about buying seeds. Getting the right seeds for your location will help you have success with your gardening.


Understanding Seed Packet Instructions

Understanding Seed Packet InstructionsThis is a page about understanding seed packet instructions. You can save money by growing plants from seeds, but you may not be familiar with all of the terms commonly used on seed packets.


Garden Tools

Sowing Seeds Tips and TricksThis is a page containing sowing seeds tips and tricks. Growing plants from seed is relatively easy, but there are some tips that can make this method easier and more successful.


Seed Starts by Window

Starting Seeds IndoorsThis is a page about starting seeds indoors. Often it is recommended that certain seeds be started indoors in order to get a jump start on the growing season.


Close up of tomato seeds being held up.

Starting Tomato SeedsThis page is about starting tomato seeds. Tomatoes are easy to grow and a delicious addition to any home garden or patio container.


collecting seeds from flowers

Collecting Seeds from Your FlowersThis is a page about collecting seeds from your flowers. If you have decided to begin collecting seeds from your flowers for next season, there are a few things to keep in mind.


Plump Avocado Seed Rooting into Jar

Growing an Avocado from a PitThis page is about growing an avocado from seed. A fun and rewarding indoor project can be starting an avocado pit.


Dry Seeds

Drying and Storing SeedsThis is a page about drying and storing seeds. Collecting seeds from your garden is the first step in having seeds to use for your next planting.


saving seeds

Tips for Saving SeedsThis page contains tips for saving seeds. There is a little more to saving seeds than just collecting them.


Trumpet Vine Seed Pods

Starting a Trumpet Vine From Seed PodsThis is a page about starting a trumpet vine from seed pods. Starting new plants, such as the trumpet vine, from seeds is cheaper than buying a plant from the nursery.


Green Pepper Seeds

Saving Vegetable SeedsThis is a page about saving vegetable seeds. Saving vegetable seeds is often about timing.


Winter sowing.

Winter Sowing SeedsThis is a page about winter sowing seeds. Invite nature into your gardening experience by giving winter sowing a try.


Veggie seeds.

Growing Vegetables from SeedsThis is a page about growing vegetables from seeds. Growing vegetables from seed can save you money and offer a wider choice of plant varieties.


Sowing seeds directly.

Direct Sowing SeedsThis is a page about direct sowing seeds. Many flowers and vegetables grow quite well by sowing the seeds directly in the ground in your garden.


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Saving Seeds for Next Planting Season?A friend just gave me a bag full of cock's comb seeds. I live in Tennessee and it's already cold here. I found out that the time to sow cock's comb seeds is in early summer. Will my seeds keep that long?


Make Your Own Seed Tapes

Homemade Seed TapesThis is a page about making homemade seed tapes. Seeds can be very small and can shift around during planting. Using a seed tape can help create straight even rows but they can be very expensive to purchase.


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Birds Eating Sunflower Seeds Before They Sprout?Twice now I planted sunflower seeds and twice the birds have eaten the seeds before they've had a chance to sprout. I don't mind if they eat the sunflowers once they've had a chance to grow and bloom, but it would be nice if they had a chance to grow and bloom first. Any suggestions for next year?


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Planting Armeria Maritima Seeds?I have some Armeria Maritima seeds, but the instructions are in Chinese. Can you please tell me how to grow these seeds and when?


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Planting Honeyball Bush Seeds?I just received about 50 honeyball bush seeds in the mail. When and how do I plant the seeds? I know that they should be planted in a sunny location. Do I plant all of the seeds in a narrow trench or do I plant all of the seeds in a small hole?


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Where Can I Get Free Wisteria Seed Pods?This isn't really a question, it is more of a request to the person who has the wisteria seedpods. I would love to have some, if possible. Thank you!


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Where Can I Find the Germination Time for Garden Vegetable Seeds?How long do corn, peas, radish, clover, and barley take to germinate?


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Can I Get Seeds from a Clematis Vine?How can I get seeds from a clematis vine?


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Where Can I Get Brugmansia (Angel's Trumpet) Seeds?I am looking for brugmansia seeds?


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Sending Seeds Through the Mail?I always have lots of seeds to give away that I have harvested from my own organic vegetable garden. Can I send them to America from here, does anyone know the quarantine regulations?


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Why Are Some Seeds Only Planted When Weather Warms Up?Why do I have to wait until the weather is warmer to sow seeds? I know I can plant some in the fall before it is too cold, but why can't I start to plant them now? The seeds I plant in the late summer or fall are just as cold as can be lying in the ground now.


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How Do I Grow Coleus Indoors From Seed?I want to grow coleus from seed indoors. I would love some good simple tips. Thanks.


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Can I Use Florescent Lights to Start Seeds?Will a florescent lightbulb put off enough light to start seeds indoors versus the expensive grow lights?


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Planting Zoysia Grass Seed?Can I plant zoysia grass seed?


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Freezing Hummingbird Vine Pods for Spring Planting?I read your comment about vine pods. I have a hummingbird vine. It's name is "campsis Radicans. My vine has been in the ground about 10 years and we would like to start some seeds from our


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Wisteria Bloomed But Did Not Make Seed Pods?My two wisteria, white and blue, bloomed well for the first time this spring, but produced no seed pods. Why is that?


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Tool to Help Space Seeds When Planting?I am a new gardener. I was putting in my seeds and I remembered hearing that there was a tool thing that would drop seeds at the necessary interval. Where can I find this thing? I live in Canada,


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Starting a Tree from Seed?How do you start a tree from a seed?


Can I Grow Passion Flower Vines from Seed?I got some passion flower pods and broke them open, there are seeds inside. Can I plant these and get passion flower vines to grow?


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How Do You Get Free Seed Samples?Where can I get free seed samples?


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Link: Free Seeds At Wintersown.orgGet free seeds and learn how to sow seeds in the winter!


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Starting a Magnolia from Seed?How do you start a seed after just picking it off a tree? It is a large leaf Magnolia tree.


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Do Asiatic Lilies Develop Seeds?Do Asiatic lilies get seeds? Are the seeds contained in the "bulb" that remains after the flower is done blooming?


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Finding Hummingbird Vine Seeds?Where can I find hummingbird vine seeds?


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Plastic Cups for Seed StartsSeveral weeks ago I planted a variety of vegetable seeds for my garden. I now have several trays of seedlings that need to move to a bigger pot but it is too early to put them in the garden.


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Growing Acai Seeds?I just got some Acai seeds and can't find anything on the internet about how to grow them. Does anyone in the Thriftyfun community have experience growing this fruit? I live in Oregon, which has a hardiness zone of 8-9.


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Freebie: Tomato SeedsGet a free pack of tomato seeds when you enter info located on the bottom of any Campbell's Soup can. Your request will also help Campbell's donate seeds to communities and schools through the National FFA organization. Expires 6/21/09.


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Growing Seeds in Perlite?I have already started seeds in little jiffy pellets. My question is about starting seeds and rooting cut offs in Perlite. I am re-using plastic tubs that fresh spinach comes in at the supermarkets. How much Perlite should I put into the bottom?


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Can I Still Start Seeds?We live in Baltimore City, MD. Our hardiness zone is 7. Would you kindly let me know if it is too late to plant seeds? Can I start seeds in peat pots? I put it off, and I'm worried it's too late for this year.


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Bugs Inside Mimosa Seed Pods?I thought I was so lucky when a neighbor let me have as many seed pods as I wanted from their Mimosa tree. Next thing I know, while I'm shelling them, I see 90% have a little hole in them from some kind of bug.


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Protecting Plants as They Start to Grow?What is the best stuff to make or buy so that my seeds don't get fungus or get tamped down and croak when they start to grow? This would be for wisteria, crape myrtles, apples and some ornamental grass. Thanks, I love this site.


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What Is Wintering Seeds?I am just a beginning gardener. What does wintering seeds mean? Thanks.


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Getting Seeds From Zinnias?In hoping to get seeds from faded Zinnias. I am faced with either the spent petals (which fit into the flower-head and look like the heads of spears) or a much smaller seed(?) which comes out of the flower head when the flower head looks like a carefully trimmed buzz cut. Which is the preferred product?


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Leftover Perennial Seeds?If I have perennial seeds left over from purchasing last Spring. Can I plant them now for a Spring garden? What is the best thing to do with these seeds?


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Looking For Hawaiian Woodrose Seeds?I am looking for Hawaiian baby Woodrose seeds/pods. Can anyone help me please?


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Recommendations For Seed Companies?I am looking for recommendations on what catalogs or companies are good to buy seeds from.


How Do You Start Grapefruit Seeds?Do you start grapefruit seeds in water or in soil?


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Identifying Male And Female Avocado?How do you know if you have a male or female avacoda seed to grow?


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Growing Profusion Zinnias?Every spring I sow tall zinnia seed directly in the ground. Can I do the same thing with Profusion zinnia seeds or do I need to start them inside first and then transplant? I have been buying new Profusion zinnias each year. I would like to save the seeds and try planting them instead of purchasing every year.


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Planting Seeds After Using Weed Killer?Can lawn weed killer be used in flower beds that are not planted with seeds? It has lilies and flowering trees. If so how long before sowing seeds?


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Saving or Harvesting Coneflower Seeds?I want to make sure that I am harvesting the cone flower seeds correctly. Do I wait till the blooms are dried out looking and gathering them in a bag for next spring?


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Plants Grown from Seeds Dying?I have grown lots of flowers from seedlings. My sunflower plants sprouted and started to grow, but slowly they started moulding and at last dying. I really don't know why this happening. Is it because I'm watering them daily? I have used 50% soil, 15% cow manure, and 45% coco peat mixture for seedlings plantation.


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Collecting Seeds from Mums?Do mums make seeds when they dry up?


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Collecting Seed from an Easter Egg Plant?What color should the egg be before you pick to save the seeds? It is now 3 foot tall and has 9 eggs on it and three eggs are turning greenish yellow.


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