
Garden SoilAsk a Question Follow

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Good Potting Soil for Vegetables and Flowers?Next Spring, I would like to sell a number of seedlings at a flea mart type setting. What would be a good all-around potting soil mix for vegetables and for floral type plants? I'd like to make it from scratch.


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Soil Deficiency?I have some sort of a soil deficiency in my coastal garden that causes vegetable leaves to grow in a mottled pattern - light green and dark green. Eventually the light green portions die and turn brown. I have ammended the soil with lime, seaweed, compost and rotted manure and still the problem persists. Does anyone know how I can find out what is missing without paying for an expensive soil analysis?


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Gardening in Rocky Soil?I have very rocky soil making any digging with a shovel very difficult. Any suggestions? I've been here a year and already have two large piles of roundish river rock of various sizes. I don't know if I should try to use them to build a short stone wall for a raised bed garden because I have no experience doing anything like that.


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Buying Mulch Bins?I heard that the county extension or county agriculture sells mulch bins to the public. Does anyone know about this are can they tell me who it is that does and how do I get ahold of them?


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How Do Egg Shells and Coffee Grounds Help Plants?What nutrients do egg shells and coffee grounds have in them that help plants?


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Newspaper and Mulch Instead of New Soil?I am trying to clean out and work up a few flower beds on a limited income. My question is this: I cannot buy topsoil or planting soil. Can I still hopefully have a successful bed using newspaper and mulch? How should that be done?


Planting Lilacs In Sandy Soil?I live in Wyoming and have very sandy soil. I would like to plant lilacs and need to know the best time to plant and how to care for them.


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Using Loamy Soil When Planting In Sandy Soil?I live in the tropics, on the beach. The ground of course is very sandy. I am aware of certain plants/trees that love sandy soil - coconuts, tropical pine, papaya, mangoes, citronella, passion fruit. There are many tropical fruit trees (guava, banana, avocado) that need a loamy type of soil which I do not have.


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Lowering Soil PH With Grass Clippings?Does using green grass clippings in your soil lower the pH of the soil?


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Source for Soil Analysis Values for Avocados?I have an Avocado plant in a pot in my greenhouse. As a part of a project for a course, I had a soil sample done. Now I can't find values to compare my results with. Do you know where I can get values for the minerals of a soil sample for Avocado?


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Non Acid Loving Plants?Which plants do not like acidic soil? I add coffee grounds for my hydrangea, holly, and so forth. Are there plants that I need to avoid getting the extra acid near or on? Thanks.


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Do Junipers Acidify the Soil?I wonder if juniper trees provide acid to the soil underneath them. I want to plant 2 blueberry bushes and have no pines in my garden. The junipers are about 25 feet tall and there is scattered sunlight under them.


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What Fruit Crops Will Grow in Salty Soils?I am a farmer; I have 12 acres of land. My land is salty and the water is also salty. Can someone please suggest to me which type of fruit production I can attempt on my land? I am located in Maharashtra, Jalgaon City.


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How Do I Mix Compost into Garden Soil?My front yard was dug up to fix a sewer line. We mixed the soil before the winter with some peat moss and let the soil sink over the winter. There is clay in the soil for sure, but it's not that bad. Some tulips actually came up this spring.


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Using Grape Compost for Gardening?I have access to lots of leftovers from grapes in wine making. It has been aged and other things have been added (like mushroom compost) but it is very light and no worms are present. Do I need to add top soil or potting soil to it before planting ornamentals?



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Eliminating Standing Water Due to Clay Soils?I have standing water problem in the middle of my yard. There is about 2 to 3 inches of soil and the rest is clay. How do I fix this problem with losing the farm.


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Cigarette Ashes in Soil Killed Flowers?Some of the neighborhood kids took an interest in my flower garden. They found cigarette ashes in my neighbor's discard can next door, and thought they would be doing my plants such a wonderful service in pouring the discarded ashes on my plants. The plants died.


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Plants Dying After Soil Treated With Unknown Poison/Herbicide?I've just started gardening, and the soil was poisoned (with an unknown, but strong product) a couple of years ago. I planted a lot of plants and a week to ten days later they are all dying, do I have to replace soil or is there anything I can treat it with?


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Amending Sandy Soil?Several years ago we had renters in the house I live in now. The soil is very, very sandy and some of the plants they planted are desert type plants and doing well. I would also like to plant different things, something with some color, however nothing seems to grow well.


Treating the Soil After Tomato Blight

Treating Soil After Tomato BlightThis is a page about treating the soil after tomato blight. Prevent the blight from coming back next season by treating your soil.


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Best Soil for Diosma?I have a plant called a diosma. Which type soil does it like?


Growing Plants in Clay Soil

Growing Plants in Clay Soil?This page is about growing plants in clay soil. Without conditioning clay soil is heavy, but a good medium for some flowers and vegetables.


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Planting a Garden in Old Dog Kennel Area?Is it safe to use an area of our yard for a garden where dogs once lived in a kennel?


Improving Garden Soil

Improving Garden SoilThis page is about improving garden soil. Having the proper soil texture and PH balance is a challenge to all gardeners.


Testing Your Own Garden Soil

Testing Your Own Garden SoilMaintaining good soil is your most important task as a gardener-even more important than maintaining your plants. If you're starting a new garden or your plants and flowers just aren't growing well despite your best efforts, then having your soil tested probably makes sense.


Starting Seeds

Making Your Own Soil Mixes for Starting SeedsThis page is about making your own soil mixes for starting seeds. Having the right PH balance and soil consistency is important to give your plants a good start.


shovel with dirt

Finding Free Fill Dirt for the GardenThis is a page about finding free fill dirt for the garden. The cost of preparing a garden can be reduced in a variety of ways, including finding a source for free fill dirt.


Tilling Your Garden

Tilling Your GardenThis is a page about tilling your garden. Tilling the soil is an important step in readying your garden plot.


Reusing Potting Soil

Reusing Potting SoilThis is a page about reusing potting soil. The old potting soil from last year's flowerpots can be reconditioned and reused.


Garlic being planted into garden soil mix.

Making Your Own Garden Soil MixThis is a page about making your own garden soil mix. You can buy or make your own garden soil mix. The best soil type or blend can vary depending on the type of plants you will be growing in your garden.



White dog sitting in the backyard.

Growing Vegetables Where Pets Have Pooped or PeedThis page is about growing vegetables where pets have pooped or peed. Knowing that your soil is safe for growing food is important.


Clay Soil

Improving Clay Soil?This page is about improving clay soil. Clay soil contains many nutrients however it is not well aerated until you add other things.


Hand shovel and soil.

Testing Soil for Growing FoodThis page is about testing soil for growing food. You want to make sure your garden soil is safe for growing food.


Potting Soil

Sterilizing Potting SoilThis page is about sterilizing potting soil. Soil can be sanitized by raising the temperature to kill weed seeds and improve your plant starting loam.


Thermometer Taking Soil Temperature

The Importance of Soil Temperature to Growing...This page is about the importance of soil temperature to growing plants. Whether in the greenhouse or out of doors seeds germinate and plants grow best with the proper soil temperature.


Sifting dirt by a compost pile.

Ideas for Sifting Rocks Out Of Garden SoilThis is a page about ideas for sifting rocks out of garden soil. Rocky soil is not a very good growing medium for many plants.


A person looking at soil.

Why Soil pH is So Important?Gardeners hear a lot about soil pH. That's because it's incredibly important to your plants' health. The pH of soil affects the ability of plants to take up nutrients in the soil through their roots. This is a page about why soil pH is important.


tiller in turned garden area

Garden Tiller Can Harm Your SoilThis is a page about garden tiller can harm your soil. Soil contains a complex community of living and non-living organisms that can be disturbed by too much tilling.


Removing Oil Contamination from Soil

Removing Oil Contamination from Soil?This is a page about removing oil contamination from soil. Oil contamination can damage soil for years. Removing the oil will help restore the usefulness of the soil.


Testing Your Soil

Do-It-Yourself Soil TestingIf you're starting a new garden or your plants and flowers just aren't growing well despite your best efforts, then having your soil tested probably makes sense. This page shows you how to test your own soil.


A row of tomato plants with ripe tomatoes.

Making Soil Acidic for Tomato Plants?Some plants prefer a soil pH on the more acidic end of the spectrum. There are additives that can be used to increase the acidity of your garden soil. This is a page about making soil acidic for tomato plants.


Two avocados growing on a tree.

Soil Advice for Avocado PlantsIn general avocados thrive in fertile, well-drained soil. Although they adapt to most soil types, avocados prefer a light, sandy loam. This is a page about soil advice for avocado plants.


Soil in Hand

Decontaminating Soil Before Growing Vegetables?Contaminates such as pet feces can make a garden plot temporarily unsuitable for growing vegetables. Some plants such as sunflowers are known to remove contaminants. You can also cover the area with black plastic to heat the soil up and destroy certain contaminants. Then test before planting to ensure safety. This is a page about decontaminating soil before growing vegetables.


Soil being amended for acidity.

Increasing Soil AcidityHow to increase the soil acidity for established tomato plants naturally? I'm not getting many blooms or viable tomatoes for this late in the season.


Hands holding soil.

Preheat Your Soil for a Faster Harvest (Solarizing Soil)Many vegetables, like tomatoes, beans, squash and peppers need soil temperatures to reach nearly 70ºF before their growth can really take off.



man planting petunias in a planter box

Feeding Soil in Non-Growing SeasonsKnowing how to perfect your plant's soil is the best defense against diseases and unwanted insects. It''s not to say you won't have any bugs or diseases but the soil is like a plant's immune system. The better the soil the stronger the plants growing in it.


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