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Increasing Soil AcidityHow to increase the soil acidity for established tomato plants naturally? I'm not getting many blooms or viable tomatoes for this late in the season.


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Planting a Vegetable Garden in an Old Dog Pen?We lost our dog a year ago and have taken down her dog pen and worked up the soil to plant a vegetable garden. Now that I have it planted I was made aware of round worms eggs that could possibly still be in the soil. Am I OK or should I not continue in this spot? It's been a year since any dog poo and there is none visible.


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Plants and Soil Temperature?What effect does soil temperature have on plant growth?


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Removing Sump Oil from Garden Soil?How do I get rid of sump oil that was put on garden to kill banana plant? It is all through the soil and very thick.


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Best Soil for Starting Hydrangeas from Seed?What type of soil is best for starting hydrangeas from seed?


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Dog Poo in My Veggie Patch?I was away from home for about two weeks, when I came back the other day I found my neighbour's dogs in my garden (4 Rottweilers). It appears that they had been there a while.


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Growing Food Where Animals Defecate?We had an unexpected growth of a pumpkin patch in our flower garden. It yielded 6 beautiful pumpkins! However, this is an area that my cat and possibly others use as a litter box. I feel it is not a good idea to eat the meat or seeds from these pumpkins. What say you?


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Growing Tomatoes in Soil Cleared of Dog Poop?If dog manure has been buried in a garden used only for trees and non food plants and several months ago the practice stopped after reading posts on the dangers of burying dog and pet feces, how long will the buried "poop" be considered toxic?


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Improving Clay Soil?I have some areas in my yard that I'd like to landscape, however the soil is clay. What are some ways that I can improve the soil to make it more user friendly?


Growing Cucumbers?What type of soil should I use for planting cucumbers?


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Having Garden Soil Analyzed?My veg garden is in need of some nutrients and it must be the soil. Where can I have a sample of soil analyzed to determine what I need to add to soil to enrich it?


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Planting a Garden in Old Dog Kennel Area?Is it safe to use an area of our yard for a garden where dogs once lived in a kennel?


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Testing Soil?How do I test my soil? Do I hire someone to do it or is it a DYI project?


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Best Soil for Container Vegetable Gardening?We're planning to use containers to plant tomatoes and peppers. I also plan to use window boxes for zucchini, cucumbers, and pole or string beans. I have a homemade (3/4 galvanized pipe) tee or yardarm shape approximately 7 feet high with a 4 foot cross at the top for stringing the beans.


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Best Soil for Diosma?I have a plant called a diosma. Which type soil does it like?



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Improving Garden Soil?The soil in my garden seems lifeless. What causes your garden soil to loose nutrients? Vegetables grow, but not to their potential. It just seems lifeless. I am going to test the soil and hopefully be able to add what it is lacking. Thanks for feedback.


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Amending Sandy Soil?Several years ago we had renters in the house I live in now. The soil is very, very sandy and some of the plants they planted are desert type plants and doing well. I would also like to plant different things, something with some color, however nothing seems to grow well.


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Soil Advice for Avocado Plants?I am growing an avocado plant. We had regular soil in the pot, but then we bought Miracle Gro soil. I distributed it in 7 avocado plants. Then we read the back side of using the Miracle Grow, and it said not for potting. Will it affect the avocado plant in any way?


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Plants Dying After Soil Treated With Unknown Poison/Herbicide?I've just started gardening, and the soil was poisoned (with an unknown, but strong product) a couple of years ago. I planted a lot of plants and a week to ten days later they are all dying, do I have to replace soil or is there anything I can treat it with?


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Cigarette Ashes in Soil Killed Flowers?Some of the neighborhood kids took an interest in my flower garden. They found cigarette ashes in my neighbor's discard can next door, and thought they would be doing my plants such a wonderful service in pouring the discarded ashes on my plants. The plants died.


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Eliminating Standing Water Due to Clay Soils?I have standing water problem in the middle of my yard. There is about 2 to 3 inches of soil and the rest is clay. How do I fix this problem with losing the farm.


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Using Grape Compost for Gardening?I have access to lots of leftovers from grapes in wine making. It has been aged and other things have been added (like mushroom compost) but it is very light and no worms are present. Do I need to add top soil or potting soil to it before planting ornamentals?


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Making Your Own Garden Soil Mix?I have put in a raised garden. I gathered cow manure in December, added food scraps to it, and let it cook for about 5 months. Before I put the soil in the boxes I mixed it with 1/3 vermerculite, 1/3 potting soil and 1/3 aged manure.


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Trouble Using Ferry Morse Soil Test Kit?I purchased a premium soil test kit by Ferry Morse. I followed the directions to the letter. I was testing for PH, I came up with a color that is not on the color chart. It came up an olive drab, army green. Any input would be appreciated.


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How Do I Mix Compost into Garden Soil?My front yard was dug up to fix a sewer line. We mixed the soil before the winter with some peat moss and let the soil sink over the winter. There is clay in the soil for sure, but it's not that bad. Some tulips actually came up this spring.


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Can You Reuse Potting Soil?Is there any way to revive old dirt in pots left out all winter?


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Hard Clumps After Tilling Wet Soil?We tilled too soon (soil was still too wet) and now have hard-as-a-rock clumps. Any way to fix this?


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Knowing When to Amend the Soil for a Garden?The house I'm renting has a area for a garden. Should I change the dirt out, or will it be good?


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What Fruit Crops Will Grow in Salty Soils?I am a farmer; I have 12 acres of land. My land is salty and the water is also salty. Can someone please suggest to me which type of fruit production I can attempt on my land? I am located in Maharashtra, Jalgaon City.


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Do Junipers Acidify the Soil?I wonder if juniper trees provide acid to the soil underneath them. I want to plant 2 blueberry bushes and have no pines in my garden. The junipers are about 25 feet tall and there is scattered sunlight under them.



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Non Acid Loving Plants?Which plants do not like acidic soil? I add coffee grounds for my hydrangea, holly, and so forth. Are there plants that I need to avoid getting the extra acid near or on? Thanks.


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Plants That Like Coffee Grounds?Which plants like coffee grounds?


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Source for Soil Analysis Values for Avocados?I have an Avocado plant in a pot in my greenhouse. As a part of a project for a course, I had a soil sample done. Now I can't find values to compare my results with. Do you know where I can get values for the minerals of a soil sample for Avocado?


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Testing Your Soil?I was wondering, how do you test the soil in your garden? Thank you.


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Making Soil Acidic for Tomato Plants?I have heard that tomato plants like an acidic soil. Is this right and if so how do I obtain this?


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Lowering Soil PH With Grass Clippings?Does using green grass clippings in your soil lower the pH of the soil?


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Using Loamy Soil When Planting In Sandy Soil?I live in the tropics, on the beach. The ground of course is very sandy. I am aware of certain plants/trees that love sandy soil - coconuts, tropical pine, papaya, mangoes, citronella, passion fruit. There are many tropical fruit trees (guava, banana, avocado) that need a loamy type of soil which I do not have.


Planting Lilacs In Sandy Soil?I live in Wyoming and have very sandy soil. I would like to plant lilacs and need to know the best time to plant and how to care for them.


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Newspaper and Mulch Instead of New Soil?I am trying to clean out and work up a few flower beds on a limited income. My question is this: I cannot buy topsoil or planting soil. Can I still hopefully have a successful bed using newspaper and mulch? How should that be done?


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How Do Egg Shells and Coffee Grounds Help Plants?What nutrients do egg shells and coffee grounds have in them that help plants?


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Decontaminating Soil Before Growing Vegetables?Is there any way to decontaminate existing flower beds of dog and cat feces so that I could plant vegetables such as beans, tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, squash?


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Buying Mulch Bins?I heard that the county extension or county agriculture sells mulch bins to the public. Does anyone know about this are can they tell me who it is that does and how do I get ahold of them?


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Gardening in Rocky Soil?I have very rocky soil making any digging with a shovel very difficult. Any suggestions? I've been here a year and already have two large piles of roundish river rock of various sizes. I don't know if I should try to use them to build a short stone wall for a raised bed garden because I have no experience doing anything like that.


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Soil Deficiency?I have some sort of a soil deficiency in my coastal garden that causes vegetable leaves to grow in a mottled pattern - light green and dark green. Eventually the light green portions die and turn brown. I have ammended the soil with lime, seaweed, compost and rotted manure and still the problem persists. Does anyone know how I can find out what is missing without paying for an expensive soil analysis?


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Good Potting Soil for Vegetables and Flowers?Next Spring, I would like to sell a number of seedlings at a flea mart type setting. What would be a good all-around potting soil mix for vegetables and for floral type plants? I'd like to make it from scratch.



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