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Sometimes we choose or need to move a plant or tree to a new location in the garden. This page contains tips and advice about transplanting plants and trees in your garden.



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Transplanting A Lemon Tree?There is a beautiful fruitful lemon tree on the lot next door that is up for sale. I am almost positive management will cut it down. Can anyone tell me how and where to cut it so I can replant it?


Wild lupine in bloom.

Transplanting Lupine?Young lupin plants or seedlings can be successfully transplanted into a sunny location. Because they have a tap root trying to move older, mature plants is not often successful. If you must try to move a mature lupine, cut back the foliage to compensate for the partial loss of the root.


A hydrangea bush planted next to a wall.

Transplanting A Hydrangea?The best time to transplant a hydrangea is when it is dormant, in the late fall or very early spring, when the leaves have fallen, but have not yet emerged for the new season. This is a page about transplanting a hydrangea.


A black-eyed Susan in a garden bed.

Transplanting Black-eyed SusansThese perennials are best divided and transplanted in the fall. This page is about transplanting black-eyed Susans.


A white calla lily growing outside.

Transplanting Calla LiliesYou may wish to plant a potted calla lily in your garden or perhaps divide and replant some that are growing in your garden. This is a page about transplanting calla lilies.


pink dogwood flowers

Transplanting Dogwood SeedlingsSmall, apparent seedings under your dogwood are in fact root suckers. With care and the right conditions they can be dug up and transplanted. This is a page about transplanting dogwood seedlings.



Transplanting Strawberries?Choose young plants or rooted runners for the best results when transplanting strawberry plants. This is a page about transplanting strawberries.


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Transplanting a Gooseberry Bush?One of my bushes had very small berries this year and I think it's too close to another bush. So when would be the best time to move it and does it need any special soil/treatment? It is 3 years old.


Hens and Chicks plant

Transplanting Hens and Chicks?This is a page about transplanting hens and chicks. It is very easy to divide and transplant these succulents.



Rhubarb plants in cardboard box

Transplanting Rhubarb?This page is about transplanting rhubarb. For a successful crop, learn the best time of year and method to move rhubarb plants.


Two pots of African Voilets, Watering Can, gardening gloves, and extra pots against a white background

Transplanting African VioletsThis is a page about transplanting African violets. African violets are a popular, low maintenance houseplant. They do at times need to be transplanted.


Phlox and Dusty Miller plants in a blue wheelbarrow

Transplanting PhloxThis is a page about transplanting phlox. This perennial flower can be transplanted to other locations in your garden.


Close up of a single Roga Rugosa blossom against green folliage

Transplanting Rosa Rugosa?This page is about Transplanting Rosa Rugosa. A hardy rose bush that produces lots of suckers, large rose hips, and can make an impermeable hedge.


shovel and watering can in garden

Best Times to Transplant Trees, Shrubs and...This is a page about best times to transplant trees shrubs and perennials. To encourage healthy plants you want to move them when the conditions are the best for their success.


Red Climbing Roses

Transplanting a Climbing Rose Plant?This is a page about transplanting a climbing rose plant. When your climbing rose is not growing well where it is currently planted it may be time to move it to a better location.


A woman transplanting a sunflower.

Transplanting Sunflowers?This is a page about transplanting sunflowers. Whether you are transplanting seedlings or a plant from the nursery, sunflowers are easy to transplant.


Volunteer Sapling

Transplanting Volunteer SaplingsThis page is about transplanting volunteer saplings. Many trees have a number of baby trees that grow out of the fallen leaves and mulch.


Transplanting Spinach Volunteers

Transplanting Garden VolunteersThis is a page about transplanting garden volunteers. Finding volunteers in the garden is like receiving a gift from nature. Should you decide to keep the plant, you may wish to relocate it to a better location.


Sweetgum Tree

Transplanting a Sweetgum Tree?This is a page about transplanting a sweet gum tree. Many trees, even quite mature ones, can be transplanted if appropriate care and techniques are used.


Transplanting Seedlings

Transplanting SeedlingsThis page is about transplanting seedlings. These delicate plants require special care to make sure they thrive.


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Transplanting a T fortunei Plant?I have a T fortunei plant. I am wondering when or if a 6 foot plant be transplanted?


Transplanting a Hibiscus

Transplanting a Hibiscus?This is a page about transplanting a hibiscus. When transplanting a hibiscus there are some things to consider to ensure the success of your new plant.


weeping cherry trees in Japan

Transplanting a Weeping Cherry TreeHelping your transplanted tree to thrive can be accomplished by keeping some important things in mind. This page contains questions and advice about transplanting a weeping cherry tree.


Rose of Sharon

Transplanting a Rose of SharonThis page is about transplanting a rose of sharon. Determining the best location, time of year, and care to successfully transplant your tree is essential.



Transplanting a Butterfly Bush

Transplanting a Butterfly BushThis page is about transplanting a butterfly bush. The best time and location should be considered when moving a butterfly bush.


Trumpet Vine

Transplanting a Trumpet VineThis is a page about transplanting a trumpet vine. Transplanting shoots or mature vines allows you to expand or refocus the presence of this flowering vine in your garden.


Lucky Bamboo outside

Transplanting "Lucky Bamboo" OutsideLucky bamboo with its curly stalks is a very popular house plant. This is a page about transplanting "Lucky Bamboo" outside.


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Transplanting a Bay Tree Sucker?I would like to know how to transplant a sucker on my bay tree, which is growing in a pot.


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Transplanting Trees?I would like to transplant trees from a lot next to us to our property and every time I try this the tree dies. I don't know what to do. The lot next to us will only be cleared one day and the owner told us to help ourselves to anything we wanted. What should I do?


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Transplanting a Bat Plant?I have a bat plant. When can I transplant it from the garden to a pot, we are moving? It has flowered already.


Lilacs growing near a white fence with a weathered outbuilding in the background.

Transplanting Lilac BushesThis is a page about transplanting lilac bushes. Lilacs are a lovely, scented, flowering garden shrub. On occasion we need to relocate a bush or transplant some of those free little suckers growing in the shade of the parent plant.


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Transplanting the Babies from a Ponytail Plant?Can you please tell me how to graft off baby ponytail plants from the mother plant? It has 4 new babies; they have been growing about 5 months now.


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Transplanting Wild Sweet Peas?Sweet peas grow wild along the sides of the road, where I live. Can I dig them up as the they bloom, or is it best to find them and dig in early spring?


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Hot Caps For Delicate Seedlings?Using a gallon jug as a hot hat, what is a good time to plant tomatoes outside?


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Transplanting Vegetable Plants?I am moving to a new house and this is the 1st year my son and I have planted a garden. Everything is doing great and I want him to be able to enjoy his hard work. Can I transplant his cantaloupe, tomato, pepper, and cucumber plants?


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Transplanting Norfolk Pine Seedlings?While watering my Norfolk pine, I found 2 other little trees. What is the best way to transplant these little ones?Thanks.


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Plants Look Bad After Transplanting?I have transplanted a bunch of plants and they look terrible. How long does it take to know if the they are going to live? It's mostly ground cover and daisies.


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Transplanting A Peony Plant?I would like to know how to transplant peonies.


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Transplanting Rivermallow Bushes?I have two Rivermallow bushes that have been growing in my garden for four years. They have gotten huge and I desperately need to dig them up and move them. I was told to do this in the fall, but the bushes have a huge root system.



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Transplanting Strawberry Plants?Can I still transplant my Everbearing strawberry plants if we already had our first frost?


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Transplanting a Coral Bell?I have a large Coral Bell plant that I want to transplant. Will it hurt it to be moved and if not, when should I transplant it?


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Transplanting a Euonymus Shrub?How do you transplant euonymus?


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Transplanting A Chocolate Mimosa Tree?I would like information available on transplanting a chocolate mimosa tree? I had to move one and am wanting to know the survival rate?


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Planting Pepper Plants in Pots for Winter?I have four banana pepper plants and was wondering if I could put them in pots for the winter? They are about three feet tall and still putting out peppers.


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How do I overwinter Dogwood seedlings?I started some dogwood seeds this past spring, and I now have 39 seedlings. Most of them have 5 or 6 sets of true leaves, and are approx. 6 - 7 inches tall. They are in 4" peat pots right now, and are situated to get morning sun with afternoon shade.


How big of a branch can I transplant?How big of a branch can I transplant? This broke off my tree. It's about 10' high and the part at the end is about 12" in diameter.


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Separating Plants in a Dish Garden?I received a lovely large dish garden. It has 8 different plants. When should I separate and repot?


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Transplanting Crepe Myrtles?I am looking for information about Transplanting Crepe Myrtles and dogwoods, what is the best way?


Moving a Tomato Plant?I am moving and have had a tomato plant come up in my front yard for the past 3 years. We are moving soon and I want to know how to take this plant with me? I


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Transplanting Spy Apple Plants?I have just obtained two Spy Apple plants. They are about three feet in height in the pots. Please advise me on transplanting.


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Transplanting a Surinam Cherry Tree?I have just found out that I have a Surinam Cherry Tree. It was there when we moved in 7 years ago. I never knew what it was so I would chop it to the gound every year. It is planted very close to the house on the north side with no sun. This year I let it grow and it actally has blooms on it.


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From Germination to Transplanting?I have spent a lot of time, effort and money purchasing the best seeds for my garden, and seed germination is a 100%, when i keep them in a dark and moist place. My trouble begins after that when my baby plants die since I don't know the size where they are to be transplanted. I managed to save only 7 (or so) out of 20 plants.



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Transplanting a Potted Sunflower?I just bought a potted, pretty well established sunflower plant in a pot. I want to plant it in my yard. What steps should I follow?


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Transplanting Shrubs and Lilies?Can you dig up and relocate shrubs and lilies in August?


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Transplanting a Weeping Cherry?I have two 12 year old weeping cherry trees, and they are too close together. Can they be transplanted and if so how do I do it without killing them?


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Hibiscus Dropped Its Leaves?I brought a new hibiscus and repotted it as a patio garden plant. The leaves started dropping off daily. Yesterday I noticed that all the leaves have dropped off and the stem is all that is left. Can you please let me know what I should do to make the nodes grow and keep the plant alive.


Tree with brown leaves.

Leaves Brown After Transplanting Weeping...I had a healthy 2 yr old dwarf weeping cherry tree that I transplanted to the front of my yard that gets plenty of sun. It was out of the ground less then 1/2 hour before replanting. I noticed it started wilting immediately.


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Transplanting Lupins?Can small Lupinus perennis plants be successfully transplanted to a new location?


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