
Growing TreesAsk a Question Follow

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Bark on Mimosa Tree Splitting?Is there anything we can do for our tree? Its bark is splitting. Will this kill the tree? Thank you.


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Firewood Safety With Poison Ivy?We cut down a tree in the late fall. There were poison ivy vines wrapped around part of the trunk. Is it safe to burn the wood if the vines are removed and it sits and dries out for a year?


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Growing Mango in East Texas?Can I grow a mango tree in East Texas?


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Fixing a Leaning Tree?We have a Japanese maple tree that has been in the ground 20 years, part of one side started to rot and it is leaning. Can this tree be straightened?


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Harvesting Cedar Trees?I have about 35 very mature cedar trees. How much could I get to have them harvested?


A small Alberta spruce.

What's Wrong With My Dwarf Alberta Spruce?I got a tiny dwarf Alberta spruce for Christmas, and it looked happy in January and February, and grew some new young branches. Recently, these new branches started to brown one after the other, while the soil seemed to be moist enough, and I did not change my care for the tree. As seen on the picture, drainage is secured.


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Low Cost Removal or Sale of Pine Trees?Is there anyone in the Bloomingburg NY area that would remove pine trees at a low cost or interested in purchasing 6 50ft pine trees in great condition?


What Kind of Tree Is This? - tree growing next to modular home

What Kind of Tree Is This?My boyfriend has been cultivating this tree for I don't know how long. Can someone please tell me what kind of tree it is? We are in Southern California.


Struggling Weeping Cherry Tree - tree with few leaves

Struggling Weeping Cherry Tree?I have this tree, that I planted about 4 years ago. Last year and this year there have been no flower buds and not great leaf growth either. What is needed to fix this? Is there a fix? What is wrong?


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Tabebuia Tree Has Gashes in Trunk?I have long vertical gashes in my tabebuia tree. The tree is about 3 years old. It seems healthy, but I'd like to fix problem.


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Weeping Cherry Suckers?Will a weeping cherry tree sprout back from the trunk if cut down?


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Saving a Cold Damaged Norfolk Pine?My Norfolk pine froze! Can I "bring it back" or is it done for? I'm moving to Colorado next week and want to take it, but not if there's no hope for it. I know the dry climate there will be a challenge.


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Selling Trees on Your Property for Lumber?I am interested in finding a company to timber trees off my property and we can receive payment for the trees.


Identifying Trees - little evergreen trees

Identifying Trees?I have 6 little trees growing in my front lawn, even though we have not had rain in Raleigh NC in quite some time, they are still nice and green. I plan to offer local persons the opportunity to come and dig them up for free. Can any one tell me what these little trees are?


Potted Crepe Myrtle Trees Flowers and Leaves Dying - sad looking trees

Potted Crepe Myrtle Trees Flowers and Leaves Dying?I bought 4 crepe myrtle trees, about 7 ft tall. It looks like they are in shock and all of the leaves & flowers died. I only missed one day of watering, and am continuing to water daily. They are still in pots. I live in Western Gardening zone 9. Please advise.



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Having Trees Removed for the Lumber?Who would cut and remove three huge maple trees from my lot in front of my house in New Troy, MI 4119 for about 2000 board ft. of good hard wood.


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Growing Crepe Myrtle?I thought all crepe myrtles started out as bushes and if you wanted a tree you cut back the branches into one tree trunk. After reading the Q&As however, it appears there is actually both a tree variety and a bush one? Can you trim a bush into a tree?


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Growing a Pussy Willow?How deep will the pussy willow tree roots grow?


Leaves Dying on Avocado Tree - dry brown spots on leaves

Leaves Dying on Avocado Tree?I've been growing this avocado tree for about 2 years and she's been thriving until about 2 weeks ago when the leaves started to turned brown and dry up. I tried fertilizer and that showed no signs of improvement. I usually water maybe twice a week, but I have noticed some small bugs in the soil of my tree and I'm not sure what they are or if they are the problem.


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Selling Trees for the Lumber?I have 2 big pine trees in my back yard. I need to sell them.


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Getting Pine Trees Removed from Your Property?We are in the hurricane season here in the southern part of Georgia and have 40 pine trees that need to be removed from our property. To have these cut down will cost a fortune. Do you have any suggestion on how these can get cut down at no cost to us? Or even make a small profit from having them cut down?


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Saving a Split Texas Ash?Is it possible to save a split Texas ash tree? It is 10 years old and I don't want to lose it. I am trimming back the other limbs and hope that will remove enough weight from the trunk to give it time to heal. Should I band the trunk together? What about sealing the cuts?


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Selling a Pecan Tree for the Lumber?I have a extremely large pecan tree. I sure would love to know the value.


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Selling Trees on Your Land for Lumber?How do I sell timber to a timber company?


Growing Sweetgum Trees

Growing Sweetgum Trees?I have several sweet gum trees in my yard. Prior to the leaves forming a green thing is dropped from the bud, they are about 2 inches long and are a pain to clean up. What are they called and what is their purpose?


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Selling Pine Trees for Lumber?Who can I call to see if they want to buy our pine trees? We have about 35 of them on our property.


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Do Wildfire Black Gum Trees Leave the Gumdrops?Do Wildfire black gum trees leave the gumdrops?


Selling a Walnut Tree for Lumber - tree

Selling a Walnut Tree for Lumber?I have a tall straight walnut tree for sale. It needs to be cut down. I live in Belgrade Nebraska.


Avocado Tree Has White Powdery Areas on Trunk - something that looks like powdery mildew on trunk

Avocado Tree Has White Powdery Areas on Trunk?I live in Florida and have a small Mexicola avocado tree. It has white powdery places on the trunk. I am not sure what it is or how to treat it.


Saving a Weeping Cherry Tree After Extensive Pruning - just a trunk

Saving a Weeping Cherry Tree After Extensive Pruning?I had to prune off the dead wood, so all of the weeping arms were cut back. It is just a trunk about 1.5 metres tall. The trunk seems healthy, but the weeping branches all died. Can I save this tree? What can you recommend?



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Finding Someone to Haul Away a Pine Tree for the Firewood?I have pine wood from one tree that was cut down on my property. I need the wood removed for free. I could only afford to have it cut down, but not hauled away. It is cut into large sections. Free is the key word here. Is there any such animal?


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Growing Maple Trees in Brazil?I live in Brazil Campo Grande, MS (south central region). The climate is equivalent to south Texas. The summers are warm and humid (19ºc 68ºf to 29ºc 84ºf) the winters are dry and cool (4ºc 38ºf to 25ºc 77ºf). I have some maple tree seedlings. Do you think they will survive here? Will the leaves change color?


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Weeping Cherry Tree Does Not Flower?We have a weeping cherry tree which has been planted in the same position for approximately 5 years and each year it has an average of about 1 flower a year.


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Selling Trees for the Lumber?We have several large pine trees and a few oak trees that we must and need removed.


Weeping Cherry Tree Has Two Different Size Leaves - both leaf sizes

Weeping Cherry Tree Has Two Different Size Leaves?My weeping cherry tree has 2 completely different kinds of leaves on it. The larger leaf is coming from 1 branch out of the lower trunk area which is connected. The smaller leaves make up the entire tree. The leaves are totally different as if from 2 different trees, but not.


Something Is Eating the Leaves on My Crepe Myrtle - branch stripped of leaves

Something Is Eating the Leaves on My Crepe Myrtle?My crepe myrtle has only been planted about two weeks and something is stripping the plant of its leaves leaving only the stems. I haven't seen any insects or aphids on the plant. Do rabbits or squirrels eat on these type of plants?


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Inexpensive Tree Removal?A friend has dire need of having a catalpa tree taken down. It is huge. His budget is very very tight. Has anyone found a cheap, free, creative way to handle such a dilemma? It would involve wires (electric and phone).


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Selling Trees for Lumber?I have a large number of both pulp and trek trees that are over 30 years old on many acres of land. I want to know how to find a company who is interested in them for lumber.


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Tree Maintenance Help for Low Income Senior Citizen?I take care of a blind and deaf 83 year old man. A big tree broke, he has no money and no insurance. He needs someone to cut off the part that broke. Please tell me if you know a program or someone who can do this for him.


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Selling Oak Trees?I have 5 to 7 oak trees I want cut down. Can I sell them? I live in Whangarei New Zealand.


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Blue Spruce Has a Bare Spot?I have a bare spot on my blue spruce. Can I graft a branch into the bare area to fill it?


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Roots of Weeping Willow Too Close to House?How do I repair the roots of a weeping willow when they are too close to the house?


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Having Trees Removed for the Lumber?I have 4 very large oak trees and two very large pecan trees in my back yard that I wish to have removed. Is there enough value in harvesting them to entice someone to remove them at no cost?


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Using Coffee Grounds on Mandarin Orange Trees in Containers?I am trying my luck at growing 6 mandarin orange trees from seed inside my home. So far they seem to be doing good, the tallest one is about 24 inches and the smallest is about 18 inches. I am about to transplant them into larger pots and am wondering if used coffee grounds would be good for them.


Saving a Tree with a Broken Main Trunk - looking up at broken trunk

Saving a Tree with a Broken Main Trunk?I have a tree on my property, not sure what type. It looks like the top main trunk broke off at some point in the past. There is still a lot of broken exposed inner wood visible and I am worried that it is rotting and will spread down the trunk.



Growing a Chocolate Mimosa Tree  - straight tree trunk

Growing a Chocolate Mimosa Tree?I purchased 7 ft root container chocolate mimosa tee through the mail and planted it last November in Texas. There are no new signs of growth, but the trunk appears to be free when scratched with a coin. Is it dead? If not when will I see growth?


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Removing a Willow Tree?I have a huge willow tree that unfortunately we will be removing. Will the roots still grow? Or by leaving just a stump will that stop the growth of all the roots?


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Selling Yard Trees?I have 5 to 20 trees in my yard I would like to sell in the Richmond, Virginia area.


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Selling Trees for Lumber?How much would 6 acres of mature pine trees be worth?


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Value of Pecan Trees?I have several pecan trees on my land. Two are very mature and not in a perfect location. I would like to know what they are worth, since pecan wood is a favorite fort barbecue smokers.


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Concrete Damaged by Tree Roots?There are 2 willow trees behind my common wall. One is about 4-6 feet away from the common wall and I had some concrete work done from the wall to the patio of the house which it is about 22' long. The concrete was done in March of this year and just 2 months ago the concrete started to crack.


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Caring for a Small Potted Weeping Willow in Winter?I ordered a small 8 inch weeping willow from eBay. It wasn't in a container, just the tree and the small roots covered up so I assume they wouldn't dry out during transport. I planted it in a small probably 6" or so diameter pot with potting soil and have been watering it every day. Should I bring it inside?


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Selling Trees on 3 Acres?I have about 3 acres of land. Do lumber companies mess with small lots like this?


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Selling Trees for Lumber?I have cedar trees on my property in Tennessee. Who would I contact about selling them for timber?


Evergreen Tree Needles Are Turning Brown - tree with brown needles

Evergreen Tree Needles Are Turning Brown?The needles on our pine and spruce trees are turning brown. How do we identify the problem, and treat it?


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Mimosa Tree Did Not Make Seed Pods?Why are there no pods on my tree this year?


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Selling Trees for Lumber?Hurricane Irma left me with a large red cedar down and a second one damaged and needing removal too. I know there is value in red cedar and would be willing to sell the lumber in exchange for removing them.


Selling the Trees for the Lumber

Selling the Trees for the Lumber?I have 4 big trees in my back yard. I was wondering if there were any companies out there that would pay me for the trees, I have oak and maple, I think.


Potted Avocado Tree Wilted in the Sun

Potted Avocado Tree Wilted in the Sun?I have grown an avocado tree from the pit. I would say it is over 2 years old. It is 3 1/2 feet tall. I know it needs to go in a bigger pot, but I put it out in the sun (hot day 90+ degrees) and it wilted; have I killed it?


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Growing Mimosa Trees in New Hampshire?I have several mimosa trees growing in my yard. They are small enough that I plan to dig up a few and take them to my daughter in New Hampshire. Does anyone know if that kind of tree will survive the harsh winters, my daughter always gets a foot or more of snow?


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Selling Walnut Trees?How do we determine the value of walnut trees on our property and how do we sell them and to who?


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Selling Trees?I need about 29 large pine trees and two cedar trees cut on my 2.5 acres to get more sunlight. I want to sell them. I live in Port Orchard, Washington. What do I need to do?


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Having Cedar Trees Trees Cut for the Wood?I live in Northern California. I have 4 very large, old cedar trees in my yard that I would like to remove. They are healthy trees, and straight; just growing too close to the house. The trees are probably 70+ years old. A local tree trimmer want $16,000. to drop them and take them away. I'd like to sell the wood.


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Selling Trees for Lumber?My mother has 21 acres in Dinwiddie County; how should she get for the trees on her property?


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Tree Removal in Exchange for Wood?I have around 30 pine trees in my yard, close to my house. I would like them all gone. Are there companies who would do this in exchange for wood?


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Selling Large Old Trees?I live in Charleston, Tennessee and we bought property that has huge trees on it. Some have been aged at over 300 years and some are 11 ft around. Does anybody cut and buy these?


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Selling Trees?I have about 30-40 large 50-80 foot pines I need cut down. Is there anyone that can suggest how I find someone to buy them and come cut them down? I live in Magnolia, Texas.


Will Weeping Willow Come Back? - tree with branches and main top cut off

Will Weeping Willow Come Back?I bought a weeping willow 2 years ago from Walmart and it didn't seem to be growing much. Then last year we had our usual drought, and it seem to burn up. So my question is, will it come back to life? Or is it dead? I've cut back all the dead branches and I see no green on any bark.


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Selling Trees for Lumber?I need bids on trees on my land for sale. We are located in Duncanville, Texas.


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Planting Red Maple Seeds in a Hot Climate?I was browsing an Amazon site, and I saw one of these charming red maple tree with seeds. I ordered the seeds out of curiosity; it came after two weeks. I am in an area where the average yearly temperature is 30 degrees celsius (86F).


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Selling Trees on Land?I have 35 acres in northwest Arkansas (walnut, cedar, and oak). I want to sell trees either for timber or firewood. How would I go about finding a buyer?


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Selling Trees to a Lumber Company?Currently, a company is harvesting lumber from 150 acres that abuts our property. We have 7 large pines and 2 cedars all with bases that measure more than 70 inches and are 3 to 4 stories high. How do I determine a fair price and get to the right person at the company?


Someone to Cut Downed Trees Into Firewood

Someone to Cut Downed Trees Into Firewood?I live in Virginia Beach, Virginia. I recently cut down 10+ large trees that were over 50 feet tall. They are a mix of pine and gumball trees. I got a local tree service to cut them down. I looking for someone who will cut and split it into firewood for free and a share.


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Trees to Remove in Lumber City?I have some some trees on my land that I want to sell. I live in Lumber City. Most of the trees are oak and I have a few pine, ranging in size from small to large.


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Selling Tall Pines for Lumber?I have 26 tall pines on my lot out by Lake Conroe that I'd like to sell for lumber.


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Finding Someone to Cut Trees for the Lumber?I would like to have a tree cut down for free with the exchange for the wood.


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Finding Free Tree Cutting and Removal?I live in Valdosta, Georgia and I have about 25+ pine and about 5 or 6 oaks trees at the home that we just purchased. Is there somebody that I can call to cut these trees and haul them away for free?


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Planting a Mimosa Tree?Can I plant a new tiny mimosa near a 15yr old mimosa that is getting sparse, but is still beautiful? I thought they would look nice near each other.


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Selling Trees for Wood or Lumber?Who buys trees in Muskegon Michigan for wood or lumber?


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Giving Away Trees for Lumber?I live in Pulaski county Kentucky, close to Somerset. I have several big oak trees and some pine as well. It might be tricky cutting them down, but I've seen some done before. They are free for the safe cut and haul, with no clean up. I can cut the limbs or burn them. How do I find someone to cut them?


aerial view of trees

Selling Poplar Trees for Lumber?I have 32 acres of poplar trees, about 25 to 29 years old. Can I sell poplar trees? I'm in Timmins Ontario Canada. If yes, who buys them and for how much? I would really appreciate hearing from anyone who knows anything about it.


Weeping Cherry Leaves Turning Yellow

Weeping Cherry Leaves Turning Yellow?I live in Southern Indiana. I planted this beautiful tree on March 28, 2016. The second pic is May 3, 2016. On May 10 the tree was full of leaves and even had about 15 cool little cherries on it. About two weeks ago the leaves started turning yellow then brown. Now there are a few green wilted leaves left.


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Selling Trees on Property?I have a big lot that has almost 40 big trees and I need to remove them and get paid. It's in Jacksonville Florida. I need your help with the name of a company or someone who can do that.


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Selling Trees for Firewood?I have over 20 pine trees in my yard and I would give them to someone to use for firewood if they will cut them down for me. How do I find some one who does this?


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Black Olive Tree Dripping Sap?I have a black olive tree in my front yard. The tree is oozing black sap down two large branches and there is one oval spot on the main top portion of the tree (about 5' up) that dripping black sap onto the trunk. I have been told that leaking sap in the spring is a natural spring event.


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Crepe Myrtle Trees Not Blooming?What can I use to make my crepe myrtle trees bloom? I've tried a variety of fertilizers with no luck.


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Selling Trees for Lumber?What is the going price for a grown sycamore tree that's about 30 ft. tall?


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Selling Trees?We have about 5 to 6 acres of very tall and thick mostly pine trees. How much can I sell them for and who will buy them?


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Selling Trees for Lumber?I have roughly 50 pine trees I want taken down, mainly for safety at my house, in Stokes Valley Wellington, as I'm worried they will damage my house. Some are on my neighbor's land, but I'm sure they will be more than happy for me to get them taken away, I'd of course ask first. Would I get paid for the trees?


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Adding Soil to Cover Tree Roots?I have a tree that is showing it's roots! Will putting more top soil to cover up the roots of the tree kill the moss that is also on top as well? I need at least 2-3 inches of more top soil on top to cover the roots.


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Selling Trees for Lumber?I have a huge tree that needs to be cut down in my son's yard. I think it is oak, is anyone reading this that can advise me on this?


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Having a Tree Removed for Firewood?I have a large oak tree in my back yard and want to know if there is anyone that would remove it for fire wood.


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Removing Pine Trees for the Lumber?I have 10 large pine tree. Is there anyone in the Hillsborough, Pasco county (Florida) area that would be willing to harvest the trees? They are just too large and I do not want them on the property.


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Branches Curling on Norfolk Pine?I have a Norfolk Pine in a south window on a table. The pot has drainage. We keep it moist, but not saturated. Lately the branches are starting to curl up and it looks like it has stopped drinking water and does not look heathy. We planted it in a light peat soil. Can this be why?


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Dispute Over Willow Planted to Close to House?Last year my neighbour planted what was a 10 foot willow tree about 8 feet from their home and about 10 feet from our concrete brick garage. We pointed out the problems this would cause. It is already starting to block some of our garden sunshine we've been used to for the last 30 years.


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Having Trees Cut for the Lumber?I live in a residential neighborhood and we have about 200 pine trees we want gone. Whoever can make a profit, I just want the trees and stumps removed with out it coming out of my own pocket.


cherry tree closeup

Growing a Wheeping Cherry Tree?I planted a wheeping cherry tree in May and it had a few green leaves on it until about end of July. I water it as I should, but I'm concerned that it has died. Is there any way to tell if it's dead or should I wait it out? There's little green shoots on it so I'm not sure.


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Maple Trees Leaking Sap On Deck?I have many maple trees around my house. A lot of the leaves have spores on the leaves and the leaves are very sticky. The sap is all over my deck and my house. When we are outside our clothes get sticky. Why is this happening? It has never been like this before.


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Giving Away Poplar Trees for Lumber?I am looking for someone in the Chandler, Arizona area that is interested in 2 75ft tall poplar trees that were knocked down during a storm. They are very big tress and I hate to see them cut up just to go to the dump. Is there anyone in the area that you know of that will take these trees?


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Pine Tree Dripping Sap from Needles?I have a pine tree and it is dripping sap from all of its needles, all over the tree. It is a big tree and it has never done this before.


tree along a dirt road

Selling Trees for Lumber?I have 2.6 acres in Warrenton, North Carolina. They are covered in trees, mostly pine. I want to know if I can sell it as stumpage for a lump sum. I want to construct a house and need space. What is your advise?


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Finding Someone to Remove a Tree for Lumber?I live in Louisville, Kentucky. I live in the city and I have a large walnut tree in my back yard. I really just want the tree cut down and the company that cuts the tree down can have the wood for profit if there is a company that will cut it down for free.


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