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Weed Control for the GardenPlace pieces of newspaper between your rows or plants. Each time you mow your lawn, dump your grass clippings over the paper. You won't have anymore weed problems, and it helps out your soil when you till it under for the next year.


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Weed Killers?I printed all the mixtures to kill weeds and lost them. Could you guys please post them again.


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Vegetation Killer for Poison Ivy and Sumack?I need to find a home made vegetation killer that is safe to use anywhere and will kill poison ivy and sumack.


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Large Area Weed Control In Arizona?Does anyone have a good idea for large area weed control? I live in Arizona where having a lawn is not the best option. One of my two acres is primarily "yard" which i have cleared every year with a tractor. Eventually I will be covering this area with decroative rock, however in the meantime I have been over grown with weeds.


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How to Control Poison IvyPoison ivy is found throughout southern Canada and most of the United States except Alaska and Hawaii. It is readily found along road sides, fences, railroads, and streams. But it can also be found in your own back yard. It is planted there in bird droppings from the birds who eat the berries of the plant.


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I Need Help Identifying Weeds?We just recently moved into a new home. The home already has a garden. But I am not sure how to identify actual weeds and actual garden items.


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Clearing Ground with Household Chemicals?I'm looking into means of clearing of weeds, shrubs, poison Oak and Ivy, and other nuisance plants on an older property using agents that:


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Baking Soda for Weeds?I have read that baking soda can be used to kill weeds. Is this safe to use in an area where you will be planting later in the future? Is there a wait period? I want to use it along a fence.


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Getting Rid of Pesky Vines?I would like to know how to get rid of pesky vines that rap around all the flowers in my garden. Anyone out there have any ideas?


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No Weed Gardening!Pick a place to start your garden. No need to till or plow, just pile this on top of your spot... A thick layer of newspapers. Use a whole sunday section, or daily paper, in thickness. Lay it down over the entire area to be planted.


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Herbs Spreading Like Weeds?We bought a house and had herb gardens that have started spreading. How can you kill these herbs without harming native plants and soil?


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My Yard is Just Weeds?I have a yard with just weeds -- I have very little money--what can I do? I live in the Western plain country -- water is expensive and area is very dry.


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Weeds Growing Up Through Pebbles?I have just read your answer to strong weedkiller (salt, water and white vinegar). My garden is covered in pebbles and the growth from under is terrible even though I have the ground covered with a mesh like cover. Will it be ok to use this solution on pebbles?


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Getting Rid of Kikuyu Grass?I live in the North Island of New Zealand and have a very large vegetable garden which with our winter becomes overrun with kikuyu grass and weed. I DO NOT want to use chemicals to rid myself of these ghastly weeds and would love suggestions as to how to kill a lot of weeds at one time and one spray.


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Getting Rid of Pachysandra?How do you kill Pachysandra?



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Is This Weed Killer Safe For Pets?Is the vinegar, salt and soap weed killer harmful to pets? I would like to try it on my paved area however my puppy is likely to lick the area.


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How can I get rid of climbing ivy?How can I get rid of climbing ivy? It is growing all over one wall of the house and I have noticed it coming into the house through a crack in the wall.


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Killing Scallions?How do you kill scallions?


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Living With Dandelions PoemThough we dug them out and sprayed 'em And we mowed 'em into shreds A poem . . .


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Alfalfa Flakes For MulchingOn the subject of mulching to control weeds, I would like to add that flakes (or the two to four inch thick sheets that naturally peel off a bale) of alfalfa hay work very, very well.


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Clover Flowers?I have millions of clover flowers (I guess you would call them that) on my yard. How do I get rid of them? Round up eats the grass.


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Getting Rid of Lambsquarter?I need information on how to eliminate lambsquarter from our garden. The last two years it seems to always take over. I thought we would be OK this year because a farmer said it probably started when last year we put a lime product with fertilizer in it on the garden.


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Thick Webs on My Pear Tree?My pear trees have thick webs that cover parts of branches. I have been told they are probably a worm of some sort but not sure what kind or how to get rid of them.


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Rock Salt vs. Salt?I would like to know if "rock salt" will work in the homemade weed killer recipes that call for salt. Or is table salt the best choice?


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Getting Rid of Couch Grass?I think most of our backyard is covered in couchgrass. Is there any way I can get rid of it quickly without having to dig it all up by hand and without killing the rest of the yard by smothering it?


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Weeds From Neighbor's Property?Whom do I talk to about weeds growing onto my property from my neighbors' property?


Natural Weed Control?Natural recipes or products that will kill weeds and not grass. Tips from the ThriftyFun community.


A dandelion blowing seeds in the air.

Roundup Alternative?Alternatives to using Roundup and other commercial brands. It would be tempting to go on an extended tirade about the consequences of using synthetic chemicals like Roundup on your yard and garden, but I won't.


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Control of Broadleaf Weeds in the LawnA well maintained lawn is an integral part of an attractive home landscape. Unfortunately, dandelion, plantain, and other perennial broadleaf weeds can become problems.


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Knot Weed?How do I get rid of Knot weed?



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Removing Grass From Ground Cover?I have some large garden beds that have grass growing up through the ground cover. In fact, the grass is now higher than the ground cover and some of the gardenia shrubs. Does anyone have an idea for me to kill the grass without me having to pull out all the ground cover?


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Getting Rid Of Rag Weed?How do I get rid of rag weed in my yard? It spreads by both roots and seed. I pull one up and two replace it, hoe it and same thing.


Getting Rid of Weeds To Plant Ground Cover?Can you tell me, do I have to remove the roots of weeds or can I just cut them down? I had spent hours breaking my back last yr digging up the weeds out of my flower beds and cannot bear to do it again, now with neck problems etc.


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Getting Rid of Lesser Celandine?Can anyone tell me a foolproof and organic way of eradicating lesser celandine from my lawn? Also any suggestions what to grow in its place as grass doesn't take very well (the area's too shady). Will have to put some paving down (where tree roots allow) but need some ideas what to plant around it.


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Using Beet Juice To Kill Weeds?I was wondering if anyone had used beet juice to kill weeds. If so did it work and how do you make it?


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Getting Rid Of Milkweed?I need to get rid of Milkweed. I tried to cut it down but it grew back. As you see, I even tried to break it.


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Getting Rid Of Invasive Ferns?How do I safely rid my yard of invasive ferns?0


man spraying weeds along a fence

Research Shows Weeds Becoming Resistant to...Glyphosate is a broad-spectrum, non-selective herbicide commonly used on perennial plants including grasses, sedges, and broad-leaved weeds. Most gardeners have either heard of glyphosate or used herbicides that contain it in their gardens.


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Getting Rid of Mare's Tail Weed?How do you get rid off the weed Mare's Tail?


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Keeping Grass Out of Rock Garden?What can I use to keep grass out of my rock gardens? It is difficult for me to get down on my knees anymore.


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Cayratia Japonica Taking Over My Garden?How do I kill the Cayratia japonica vine that is taking over my garden? It is related to the Virginia Creeper, but is very invasive and regular weed killers act as vitamins for it.


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Organic Weed Killer?I moved into a new house during the winter. Summer has revealed that the yard is just full of weeds. They are taking over. I want to sterilize the soil, but organically and cheaply. Any suggestions?


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Killing Wire Grass But Not Lawn or Flowers?How do I kill Wire grass (Bermuda) in my yard and flower beds? Seems I recall reading about a product in the form of a spray, that would kill it and not the grass or flowers. I do not recall where I read about it. Can anyone help me please?


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Use Rug Runners As A Weed BlockerUse old rug runners around where you don't want the weeds to grow through, and put mulch over it. It works great! No weeds grow through that. I use them around my house, where I just wanted certain plants to grow.


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Getting Rid of Weeds in Grass?Is there any quick home remedy to get rid of weeds from the grass?



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Reseeding Lawn After Killing Weeds?If I use 1 pound of salt and 1 gallon of vinegar to kill weeds in grass how long before I can re-seed?


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Large Area Weed Killer?We have just bought a 1500 square meter property in Bulgaria. Unfortunately, it has about 1200 square meters worth of weeds I've never seen before. They are huge and scary. Does anyone have suggestions of a fast weeding?


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Keeping Weeds Out of Ground Cover?Does anyone have any suggestions for keeping weeds from invading my thick Vinca beds which surround the many trees on my property?


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Getting Rid of Japanese Knotweed?I have a lot, too much Japanese knotwood growing on a huge bank that I need to get rid of forever, cheaply. Does someone have any ideas how I can do this successfully?


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Getting Rid of Potato Vine?Does anyone know how to get rid of a weed called "potato vine"? It grows, it seems like everywhere and is really hard to kill. I've dug up alot of it, but it manages to come back. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks


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Home Remedies for Crab Grass?I am looking for home remedies for crab grass and weeds that won't kill normal grasses like fescue.


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What Can I Spray to Get Rid of Pachysandra?I am trying to get rid of pachysandra. I am digging it out. I want to spray something on afterward to help kill any residual, but also want to be able to plant in October (fall). What can I use?


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How Do I Get Rid of Broadleaf Weeds?What is the best way to get rid of dandelions and plantain?


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Getting Rid of Rosebay Willowherb Weeds?Any tips on how to kill the rosebay willowherb weed, that has colonized an overgrown garden I have recently acquired?


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Controlling Onion Weed ?How do I control onion weed?


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Getting Rid of Water Grass?Help please. Our yard has become overgrown with watergrass! It seems to be the only thing that keeps on growing. What do we use to get rid of it? We try to use green ideas as much as possible, but sometimes we resort to chemicals.All help is very much appreciated


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Molasses For Nut Grass Prevention?How functional is liquid molasses diluted with water as a nut grass repellent and when applied how long will it take before results?Thank-you.


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How Can I Kill Grass in a Perennial Peanut Bed? How can I kill grass in a perennial peanut bed?


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Getting Rid of Brush Growing in the Yard?How do I get rid of brush growing in my yard?


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Clearing a Neglected Yard of Ivy and Blackberries?I used to be a professional gardener. My friend's back yard has plum and apricot trees, but they are neglected and I am trying to maintain the lawn. The ivy is climbing the trees and the blackberries have taken over about 60% of the yard. What do I do about this?


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Killing Ivy?How do I kill off ivy?


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Getting Rid of Thorn Bushes?Can anyone help me with a home recipe to kill thorn bushes? It is really a problem and getting out of hand.


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Will a Systemic Weedkiller Harm Other Garden Plants?I am using a systemic weed killer to kill briars; will this also kill plants such as day lilies, flowers, etc.?


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Getting Rid of Sand Burrs?We live on 1 acre of sandy soil that is over-run with sand burrs. We do have some patchy spots with very little grass. Should we start by fertilizing and building up the turf or can we go ahead and start with pre-emergent? I would like to try using corn gluten meal.


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Can I Leave Wild Strawberry Plants in Vegetable Garden?I have just raked my veggie garden out so that I can start planting soon. I discovered that under all those leaves and pine needles I have lots of wild strawberries growing. If I leave them and plant my veggies, will they bother the veggies at all?


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Homemade Natural Weedkiller?About a year ago I found a good recipe for a natural weedkiller which


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Kudzu Be Gone! Homemade Weed Killer?Does anyone have a homemade weedkiller that works on kudzu, the vine that ate the south?


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Will Planting Ground Cover Deter Weeds?My weeds are fast growing in my berms. Someone suggested that I plant a drought resistant ground cover which should kill the weeds. Is this true? If so do you have any suggestions on which ground covers are good and when I should plant them?


Photo of blackberries on the vine.

Getting Rid of Blackberry BushesThis is a page about getting rid of blackberry bushes. Blackberry bushes can grow very quickly in spring and summer and are very invasive. Even though the berries are edible and tasty, the bushes are very difficult to get rid of.


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Getting Rid of Weeds Without Herbicides?My entire back yard is virtually 100% weeds and I want to kill everything and start over and put lots of plants in and some grass, too. I have dogs and I won't use Roundup or other chemicals.


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Weed Killer and Lawn Fertilizer Recipe?I am looking for a recipe for a weed killer/lawn fertilizer combination. I think it has vinegar, dish soap and two other ingredients. The recipe was given to me years ago and I can't find it.


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Homemade Herbicide Damaged Spray Bottle?I tried to reuse a glass cleaner spray bottle for my herbicide garden spray, but the sprayer quit working. Any ideas on a spray bottle that will hold up to homemade sprays?


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Getting Rid of Tansey?What is the best post-emergent herbicide to use to kill tansey and not kill the grass?


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Getting Rid of Bishop's Weed?What is the best way to get rid of bishop's weed? It is starting to invade my garden from my neighbor's yard. I'm thinking it's by seed propagation.


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Killing Weeds Growing in Pampas Grass?I have some pampas grass growing, but there are all kinds of weeds growing also. I was wondering if 2-4-d could be sprayed to kill the weeds, but not hurt the pampas grass?


Dandelions With Blue Sky in Background

Getting Rid of DandelionsThis is a page about getting rid of dandelions. Dandelions can be a real nuisance around the yard. Getting rid of them can be quite a chore but your yard will look much nicer afterward.


Closeup of blue flowering creeping charlie.

Getting Rid of Ground Ivy (Creeping Charlie)This is a page about getting rid of ground ivy. Ground ivy is notoriously invasive in many areas. Also known as creeping charlie, this ground cover, a member of the mint family, can quickly take over your flower garden and infiltrate the lawn.


Poison ivy growing up a tree trunk.

Getting Rid of Poison Ivy PlantsThis is a page to getting rid of poison ivy plants. Poison ivy can be very prolific in your yard and garden. The oily resin is toxic and can cause a severe rash and even lung problems if you try to burn it. There are safe ways to get rid of this unwanted plant.


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Removing Chickweed from Flower Beds?How do I get rid of chickweed in my flower beds?


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Getting Rid of Morning Glory and Buttercup?How do I kill morning glory in my garden? Can I cut it at the base by the ground? How do I kill off buttercup in my lawn?


Weeding the Lettuce Patch

Controlling Weeds In Your GardenThis is a page about controlling weeds in your garden. No matter if you like to garden just for fun or for growing food for your family, having weeds around is a problem. Getting the weeds under control is an important step to getting the most out of your garden.


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Preventing the Spread of the Neighbor's Bamboo?My neighbour's garden is filled with bamboo plants, initially it was nice and provided shade, but it has grown very wild and brushy. It kept on shedding its leaves on my carpet grass garden.


Rock Background with Weeds

Getting Rid of Weeds in RocksWhether it's for a walkway or simply decorative, a rock area can easily become overrun with weeds. Eliminating those weeds can be a real chore. This is a page about getting rid of weeds in rocks.


Gardener spraying plants

Homemade Weed Killer RecipesHaving weeds in your garden and lawn really detracts from the look of your yard. Avoid using harmful chemicals by making you own weed killer. This is a page about homemade weed killer recipes.


multicolored flowerbed on a lawn

Preventing Weeds in Flower BedsThis is a page about preventing weeds in flower beds. Don't let your beautiful flower bed be overrun by weeds.


Gravel Driveway

Preventing and Killing Weeds in GravelThis page is about preventing and killing weeds in gravel. Weeds will take root where ever they can; even in gravel.


Weeds Between Bricks

Preventing and Killing Weeds Between BricksSeeds will land and germinate in your brick driveway, walkway or patio. This page is about preventing and killing weeds between bricks.


Rabbit in Grass With Dandelions

Animal Safe Weed Killer RecipesThis page contains animal safe weed killer recipes. If you have pets who go into your garden areas or you want to protect the wildlife, you will want to take precautions when using weed killers.


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Getting Rid of Weeds With Lime?I have tall weeds with liquid in them. The more I cut them the thicker it grows back. I heard that if you cut it and put lime on it that will kill it. Is lime safe to use near a creek?


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Killing Weeds With Vinegar?When someone said to use vinegar for weeds, do they mean the white vinegar or not?


Getting Rid of Crabgrass

Getting Rid of CrabgrassThis page is about getting rid of crabgrass. Crabgrass is invasive and can be a big problem for many gardeners.


Getting Rid of Wild Strawberries

Getting Rid of Wild StrawberriesThis page is about getting rid of wild strawberries. Wild strawberries can be a problem for some gardeners.


Getting Rid of Oxalis

Getting Rid of OxalisThis page is about getting rid of oxalis. Also known as common woodsorrel, oxalis is not too difficult to eradicate.


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Best Time to Weed the Garden?Is it bad for your garden to weed it when it's wet?


Mint Growing in a Garden

Controlling Invasive PlantsThis is a page about controlling invasive plants. Certain plants are so successful in spreading that they can soon take over your garden.


Water Hyacinth Plants

Getting Rid of Water Hyacinth Plants?This page is about getting rid of water hyacinth plants. This aquatic weed can take over a pond.


English Ivy on Brick Wall

Getting Rid of English IvyThis is a page about getting rid of English ivy. English ivy is a popular ground cover that is also very invasive in many areas.


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Getting Rid of Quackgrass?This page is about getting rid of quackgrass. A troublesome weed for many gardeners and not always easy to iradicate.


Queen Anne's Lace

Getting Rid of Queen Anne's Lace?This is a page about getting rid of Queen Anne's Lace. Many gardener's and homeowners view Queen Anne's Lace as an invasive weed, that is difficult to get rid of.


A weed resembling clumps of dandelion.

Getting Rid Of Telegraph Weed?Telegraph weed is a tall hairy weed that spreads easily by seed and thrives in disturbed areas. It's official name is heterotheca grandiflora.


Ivy on a building.

Removing Ivy From a Building or Home?This is a page about removing ivy from a building or home. Although it may look quaint in photos and movies, you may not want your outbuilding or home to become covered in ivy.


Getting Rid of Ivy

Getting Rid of Ivy?This is a page about getting rid of ivy. Ivy can be a very aggressive plant and take over your garden and trees.


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