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Painting Advice Needed?I am painting before the holidays. I painted in the spring and old nicotine stains from a previous resident of our home came through the paint. How can I keep this from happening again?


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Stucco or Paint?My home's stucco is in need of repair. I've heard you should not paint over stucco, but I know some folks who have done just that. Just wondering if the reason for not painting over stucco is due to moisture getting in between the new paint and the underlying stucco. And, is there any newer type exterior paint these days that would work well over stucco (after repairing the stucco cracks, of course)? I find it hard to believe with the technology these days, that someone has not figured out a way to paint over stucco (must less expensive, and can be changed easier). Thanks for any suggestions. Sandy in NM


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Painting a Church Room to Create a Children's Room?I am the director of the children and preschool departments. I have been given a room specifically for children's church. I get to pick the colors it is to be painted. My thoughts have been a blue with blocks of color in yellow and green.


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Painting a Small Room?I have a really small room, about 2x2.5 meters, and I have a bed and a desk in it. I also have one really small window and in a few weeks I am going to get a big closet. And I have green carpet, so I was wondering should I paint my walls to light blue...


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Paint Color is Too Dark?We just painted my sister's room purple and green, and the colors ended up too dark. How can we lighten the walls? Elizabeth Faw


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Looking For Bold, New Color To Paint My Walls?My house has hunter green carpet all the way through it. My walls are all white. My den, kitchen/dining room and living room are connected (not separated by doorways). I want to paint my walls in a bold new color. I have thought about yellow, but my furniture in the den is yellow, and the furniture in my living room is burgundy (which i would like to make it have a palm tree/jungle theme). I would like something classy, but trendy. But yet is simple to achieve. Anyone has any suggestions, please let me know. Thank you! Myndi


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Painting a Church's Children's Room With Multiple Colors?I want to update a small room at our church that we use as our children's room. Currently it has brown paneling everywhere and just looks boring.


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Removed the Old Wallpaper, Now What?I recently used the fabric softener method to remove old wallpaper and it worked wonderfully. What steps do I have to take if I want to paint the room? Do I need to prime the walls? - Sharon


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Painting Over An Asbestos Ceiling?I recently painted my asbestos ceiling with silver paint (usually used for aluminum). The result was a patchy multi toned deep silver coloured ceiling that made my room look dark.


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Painting a Porch Floor?Can someone please help me. My porch floor is horrible. I try so hard to make my yard look nice and the front porch sticks out like a sore thumb. The floor is made of wood planks. I have tried to prime them and paint them with expensive porch paint. Then I tried the cheap way and painted them with spray paint. Nothing made any difference. The paint peels and flakes continuously.


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Painting Advice for a Room with a Kelly Green Carpet?My granddaughter's bedroom is carpeted in a Kelly Green carpet. What color should we paint the walls? She is 4 years old and loves "pink." Would it be o.k. to paint the walls in pink and if so what shade or tint? Or should we consider a more neutral color?


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Painting Over Smoke Stains?I had a problem with our gas fireplace and didn't realize it until a few weeks went by. Apparently the flue was never opened all the way, so now I have some dark stains on my ceiling.


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Removing Peeling Acrylic Paint?I have a bathroom that was wallpapered. We removed the wallpaper, and painted it with two coats of vinyl acrylic enamel paint. Now, the paint is cracking and peeling everywhere.


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Making Steel Doors Look Like Wood?I would like to find out how to make my steel doors look like wooden ones? Where do I go to find out about this? Thank you.


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Painting The Interior Log Cabin Walls?My friend and I are renovating the interior of a log cabin built in 1943. It was a fly shop for 20 years prior to us owning it. The walls inside are furred and we have no desire to expose the actual logs.



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Stains Showing Through Paint?We have a 1940's bungalow that had cheap wood paneling in three rooms. We painted one room and decided to remove the paneling in other two rooms that had plaster behind them. We tore it down, removed all nails and scraped the chunks of glue off, leaving behind the stains from the glue strips.


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Painting a Room Quickly?I am starting a new job soon. I have 3 small children. I told my son I would paint his new room for him. The house is old. The ceilings are popcorn. I only have 4 days to fix his room. I'm in way over my head. Any suggestions for a quick fix?


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Paint That Will Hold Magnets?I was wondering if anyone knows of an additive, bought or around the house/shop, that I can put into paint to make it so that after I have painted it can hold magnets to the surface?


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Reducing The Smell From Oil Based Paint?My husband is painting the kitchen trim with an oil base paint. Does anyone know how to help with the smell?


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Painted Concrete Driveway?I have a concrete driveway that has been painted with regular latex house paint. What I can do so that I can apply a good stain sealer and it won't peel off?


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Removing the Paint Smell from a Newly Painted Room?I just finished painting my son's bathroom and was wondering if there was anyway to expedite the removal of the paint smell? I tried a bowl of vinegar but that didn't help. I've been running the air cleaner to help expedite. It's kind of tough to leave the windows open due to it being frigid out this time of year.


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Painting Aluminum Siding?My husband and I have an older home which has part aluminum siding that is in pretty good condition. I am wondering if it is a good idea to have it painted or should we try and save up and have it sided with vinyl siding?


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Textured Painting?I want to paint my walls with textured paint, but I have no idea how to. I did a search here once, but didn't bookmark it and I can't find it again!


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Non-Toxic Paint Remover Recipe?I need home made receipe for NON-TOXIC paint remover.


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Adding Color To White Paint?Does anyone have a suggestion of what I can add to a white can of paint to add color to it. Preferably something from around the house? Any color but white, I would prefer yellow or blue.


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Painting Vinyl Kitchen Cupboards?I would like to paint my white kitchen cupboards that have molded vinyl doors with a sort of grainy finish. Any ideas?


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Removing Latex Paint From a Brick Wall?How do you remove latex paint from a brick wall?


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New Paint Cracking and Bubbling?My smooth ceiling was textured with "popcorn". I wanted to remove and it came off fine using water with a little detergent as I'd been told on a home improvement site. After I painted it, it cracks and bubbles up and has done so several times. What can I do?


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My Painted Countertops Are Bumpy?I painted my kitchen countertops and they look fantastic. I have applied 4 coats of high gloss water-based polyacrylic. The texture seems bumpy and I was hoping for a smooth, glossy finish.


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When is it ok to take off the tape after painting?When is it ok to take off the tape after painting?



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Painting a Ceiling Fan?Does anyone know how to paint a ceiling fan. Mine is a bright brass with blades that really shine. I hate it and would like to settle it down a bit. Any ideas on what paint or perhaps a kit you know about for painting the entire fan.


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Matching Paint Color?I have a new home and would like to buy some paint to touch up the walls from moving in. The builder didn't leave any touch-up paint. I know that I can go to Home Depot and have them mix the color I need but how do I get a piece of the paint off the walls?


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Making Paneling Look Like Drywall?Can you tell me how to make paneling look like regular drywall walls that can be painted?


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Painting a Window Screen?I am looking for thick paint that will adhere to a window screen.


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Making Sheetrock Smooth for Painting After Removing Wallpaper?Has anyone had the primer peel off with the wallpaper leaving spots of bare sheetrock? How do you get it smooth again in order to paint? Is it safe to sand and risk ripping the sheetrock paper?


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Painting Over Indelible Marker?Before we were about to paint our den, I stupidly let my kids write on the walls with indelible marker. Now the painter is ready to kill me, as he put 2 coats of primer and 4 coats of paint and the marker is still bleeding through.


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Painting Faux Finish Cabinets?My cabinets are compressed board with a faux walnut finish, how can I paint them a color?


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Matching Paint Colors for Touch Ups?Matching Paint Colors for Touch Ups. I'm trying to match the white ceiling paint on our ceilings. The old owners didn't leave the old paint behind and I got some red from the walls on the ceiling and I don't want to paint all of it. Please Help - any tips would be great!


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Painting Kitchen Cupboards?Can I paint shiny kitchen cupboards?


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Painting a Chalk Wall?What do you do before painting a wall - if it's made of chalk?


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Painting Chrome on a Drum Set?I wanted to paint the lugs of my drum set chrome to black. First, I have to take them off individually from their shells. Do I have to have them individually sanded before painting?


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Painting Wood Cabinets?Can I paint over stained wood cabinets?


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Fixing Damaged Paint on Walls?I had a hanger that had a sticky post on the back of it to stick to walls. The hanger fell and has ripped a hole in the paint, which is latex paint. I need to cover this spot up which is about 5 inches by 5 inches, and the paint is latex.


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Painting Concrete?I have a concrete porch that needs repainting. What kind of cleaner can I use to wash it? I also have heard that if you wash it down with vinegar after the cleaning, the paint will adhere better and last longer. Has anyone heard of this?


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Painting Over Rust Spots?I have metal cellar doors with several rust spots popping through requiring repainting. I currently have black high gloss rustoleum on them now.



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What type of roller do I use for melamine paint?What type of roller do I use for melamine paint?


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Painting an Fuel Oil Tank?I need to paint my fuel oil tank. Fuel oil was recently spilled on the tank so new paint won't stick. How do I clean the oil off of it before I paint it?


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Fixing Paint Blisters?What makes paint bubble or blister right after painting? How can I correct it?


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Mixing Sand Into Floor Paint For Better Traction?I've heard that you can either buy paint with sand mixed in or mix it yourself to keep it from being slick. I need instruction on how much and what kind of sand to mix with the paint because I've tried to find some in stores and have found none.


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Which Paint Company Makes The Color "Shearling"?Does anyone know the name of the paint company that produces a color called "shearling"? It is a pale greenish-yellow.


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Bedroom Painting Advice For Red Carpet And Dark Furniture?I need help. I am moving into a house that has red carpet in the master bedroom. We have a dark espresso bedroom suite. The bed is a canopy with white mesh. What color would be nice to paint the walls and accent the room with?


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Painting Advice For Jewel Tone Living Room?I'd like suggestions on what color(s) to paint our living room walls. Our couch and my husband's chair are dark blue. The throw pillows on the couch have jewel-tone colors such as purple, green, gold, and blue. My chair is the same pattern/colors as the pillows.


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Removing Smell From Old Paint?My friend used old (wall) paint (4 years old) and it has made the whole room smell.


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Red Hue on Tan Paint During Day?I painted my walls a tan color, but during the day they look peach. At night, with just the overhead light, they look tan just like I wanted. Is there anyway to decrease the peachiness without painting over with a new color?


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Painting Advice With Apple Decor?I have a apple kitchen, everything from curtains to decor, my walls now are a light green. I am wanting to repaint, but I need a good color that goes with apples. My cabinets are getting redone also, I am painting them white.


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What is Stratified Paint?What is stratified paint?


pink and white kitchen

Advice For Updating Kitchen Decor For...I have white cabinets with peach hardware, peach wallpaper, white trim, peach laminate counter tops and dark brick colored linoleum floor tile. We are thinking about replacing our counter tops from laminate to granite. What stone color would go with the peach wall paper?


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Paint Sprayer For Indoors?Should I use a paint sprayer to paint the inside of my house?


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Proper Spray Paint Technique?Can anyone tell me the proper way to use spray paint? I have never liked using them but I must now. I want to spray varnish onto some wood. Is it better to spray in short bursts or one long spray? Thank you.


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Is Paint Still OK To Use After 2 Years?I have some paint that is two years old. Will it be ok to use it? Is it still good?


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Painting Floor Tile?In three adjoining rooms there is different pattern Italian-style ceramic tile. Can floor tile be painted to match that will hold up to traffic and cleaning?


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Advice On Painting Ceiling Dark Red?I have been reading a post about painting a ceiling red...


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Paint Over Papered Walls?Can you help me? I painted over pre-papered drywall, now it is flaking off. What can I do?


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Painting Laminate Cabinets?I would like to paint my laminate cabinets. They are a beige/yellow color and I don't mind having a textured look and a little darker. Any suggestions?


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Paint Advice with Stainless Steel, Cherry Cabinets and Light Brown Counters?We need help with our kitchen paint color. We have stainless steel with cherry cabinets, cherry hardwood floors and light brownish counters. We cannot decide which wall color will best fit the kitchen.


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Red Faux Painted Walls?I am looking for suggestions for faux painting a dining room with reds. I am wanting a deep, rich red color, but am not sure what kind of effect the glazing will have on it. I will probably be using a shade that is the darkest or next to the darkest on the paint strip for the basecoat. Do I use just one or two shades lighter than the base coat to mix with the glaze? I want a subtle effect and I don't want it to look like a washed out red. Do I do a faux technique that uses "straight" paint? Haven't been able to find help on the web or many pictures. I did see a picture where black was used to tint the glaze, but it was too small a picture to get a good idea what it looked like. (Maybe it's just a bad idea to do this!) Thanks.


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Toning Down Brightly Painted Wall?I painted one wall in my daughter's room in 4 brightly colored repeating stripes and need to tone down the color. Any suggestions?


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What Color to Paint Kitchen With Cherry Cabinets and Bamboo Floors?Please help with kitchen color! We can't decide. We have bamboo floors and cherry cabinets. What would you suggest for a kitchen color?


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Painting Living Room to Compliment Sage Kitchen?What color should I paint my living room since the kitchen and dining room are sage. I have just ripped out all my carpet and had my red oak hardwoods refinished.


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Brush Lines and Streaks in Sateen Lustre Paint?I painted my kitchen walls, I used an oil-based paint to seal my walls (they are wall board). I used a gray primer which I was told to use by the man at my local Home Depot.


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Old House Needs New Paint in Kitchen?I'm looking for suggestions on paint color for my kitchen. The house is 98 years old, the previous owner installed new natural colored wood cabinets (1/2 with glass fronts) and white high gloss 10" sq.ceramic floor tile.


New Paint Color for Sage Kitchen?I would like to know what color would be best for a kitchen with oak cabinets. I want something new and updated. Right now I have sage green. But I am getting tired of it.


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What Color To Paint Kitchen With White Cabinets and Beige Counters?White cabinets, beige counters, white appliances, white/beige floor, what color should I paint the walls?


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What Color to Paint Kitchen With Black & White Counter Tops and Red Mahogany Cabinets?I recently purchased a house with kitchen and living room that was divided by a large pantry. After demolishing the pantry to create space for a dining room table I am now left with an open concept room.


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Bright White Walls with Red Accents?I just painted my kitchen bright white with bright red accents (baseboard, molding, cover plates). I think it might be too white as my husband says the kitchen now looks sterile and not the warm-and-inviting room we used to have. It's a large room and the appliances are off-white.


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Colors That Would Go Well in a Beige and Black Kitchen?My kitchen is beiges/browns with black appliances. What colors could I add that would look nice?


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Paint Advice for Dark Green Countertop and Terra Cotta Backsplash?My husband and I are redoing our Kitchen. We have oak cabinets, white appliances and we just put a Terra Cotta back splash up with dark green grout. Our counter tops are dark green with a slight Terra Cotta color in it...


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Counter Tops to Go with Light Green Paint?I've bought an old farm house, and am remodeling it country-style. I'm thinking I want to paint my cabinets a sort of mild green color, sort of like the old Dr. Pepper machines, or those dishes you used to get in oatmeal. (Before most of you were born.) Got any ideas about what counter top would look good with it?


Painting My Family Room?I sent a request a short while ago for help in choosing a color for my family room. I now have a picture to include.


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Painting Foyer to Coordinate with Wine and Lion's Mane Colored Walls?I would like to paint dining room two colors. Two walls facing each other a wine color and the other two walls facing each other a lion mane color. I have a foyer that continues next to this room with a separating wall. What color should I paint it? Open to any other suggestions about which walls to paint what color.


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Estimating Paint Quantity?How do you figure out how much paint that you will need to paint a room?


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Should I Use Blue Painter's Tape When I Paint?I'm about to paint a few different rooms in my house. I've never painted before and I was wondering if I should use that blue painters tape around the edges. Does that stuff really work or does the paint sometimes seep underneath it?


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Painting Cabinets to Coordinate with 'Jalepeno Green' Counter Tops?I have a dated kitchen with 70's 'jalepeno green' counter tops and dark brown laminate cabinets. The counter tops are in great shape, so I am wanting to paint the cabinets. Any ideas on what colors would look good?


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How Long Should Primer Dry Before Using Painter's Tape?How long should I let Kiltz primer dry before putting the blue painters tape up?


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Protecting Carpet While Painting Trim?I want to paint the crown molding in my living room but I'm trying to figure out how to do it without getting any paint on the carpet. Obviously I know to lay that painters plastic stuff on the floor but how do I make it stay CLOSE to the molding without it moving and getting on my carpet?


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Is Walmart Paint Quality Paint?Do you think Walmart paint is just as good as the other or should I buy from Home Depot or Sherwin Williams?


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Air Bubbles in Wall Paint?I am painting a bed room wall a burgundy color and keep getting trapped air bubbles that do not go away. I have painted it 5 times so far using a roller, short and 3/4 mat, brushes, Behr and Ralph L. eggshell paints and yet it still looks horrible! Why? What am I doing wrong?


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Primer Vs. Kilz?What is the difference between Primer and Kilz? I am painting over paneling and also sheet rock, those will be painted with latex paint and the molding will be painted with oil based. Which should I use, primer or Kilz?


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Choosing a Paintbrush?Are there certain types of paintbrushes I should use when painting with Latex paint and also Oil based paint?


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Adding Texture to Paint?I need instructions on different ways to texture paint, before I decide which to do. For example: sand, tissue, etc. Any suggestions?


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Color That Goes with Steel Gray and Potter's Clay?What color goes with Steel Gray and Potter's Clay?


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Paint Peeling of Indoor Wood Doors?We primed and painted our indoor wood doors, but the paint is peeling off. What can we do? We are moving and really don't want to buy new doors.


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Avoiding Brush Strokes in Poly Coat?Can anyone tell me how to not get brush strokes in my poly coat when painting laminate counter tops?


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Painting Walls in a Mobile Home?I rent a mobile home. I painted and stenciled one bathroom. It looks pretty good. For bigger rooms, what do you do with the spaces/panels? Do they spackel well? Wallpaper is not in my budget.


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Painting a Home Radiator?We have old radiators that have chipping paint and rust. We want to do something with them. Have been told to sandblast/not sandblast, darker color radiates more heat/not, etc. We were told that after sandblasting to not paint, that that would give the most efficiency.


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Fixing Overlap Marks From Paint Roller?After applying a second coat of paint (after a coat of primer) to my 40 ft long ceiling, I noticed really obvious overlap marks from the roller. Is there a way to fix this problem, short of doing a third coat?


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Can You Paint Latex Paint over Enamel?Does anyone know if you can paint latex paint over enamel? Or is it you can paint enamel over latex? I cannot remember. One way you aren't suppose because it doesn't stay on good, because there's no bonding.


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How Often Do You Paint Brick?How often do you have to paint a brick house and a sided house?


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Best Paint Roller for Tongue and Groove Paneling?What is the best type and size of roller to use when painting over tongue and groove paneling?


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Painting Over Brown Bag Wallpaper?I am repairing a wall that has been brown bag wallpapered and the brown bags are different shades of brown. Can I paint over this and just have textured wallpaper?



What Color to Paint Kitchen with Dark...I need some suggestions in upgrading my kitchen. I do know I want the wallpaper gone. Please give suggestions on color for walls with the green counter tops. Also what would be a goo floor type besides white.


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Trouble With Techniques For Painting Countertop?I tried to repaint my countertops today and it was a disaster. Please tell me the process to get the marbled or granite look. I used craft paint and my second color would take off the first color. How long do I wait to apply the paint between colors and do I smear the paint or just dab it? How do I get the different colors to look like different texture? What size are the sponges used to apply the paint? Thanks very much for any help.


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