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A red mark on a face.

Bug Bite?I think I was bit by a bug in my sleep. Can anyone tell me if these are bug bites? They are sore to the touch.


White bugs

What are These White Bugs?This is what is crawling on me and on my stuff can anyone identify this?


What kind of bug is this?

What Kind of Bug is This?My girlfriend lives on a college campus and she has just started having a problem with this and she doesn't know where these bugs are coming from. Any help is useful.


Identifying Tiny Black and White Bugs? - bug bites

Identifying Tiny Black and White Bugs?I'm hoping someone can help me. I have an infestation, but have no idea what these bugs are. I get bit and they bite hard and there's always a very small white residue like salt left. They go on my clothes and I can pick them out. The black bugs are like pepper. I don't see anything flying hopping or crawling.


Identifying a Small Brown Insect?

Identifying a Small Brown Insect?Please anyone know what this is? Is it a parasite? It is about 3 cm in length.


Identifying Insect Eggs? - light eggs clustered and scattered on foundation

Identifying Insect Eggs?Anyone know what these are or what insect/pest/critter it belongs to? I find them in the door cracks and on the floor below. I live in Florida and they are sand like in appearance.


Pencil next to a 4x4 cluster of insect eggs

Identifying Insect Eggs?I founded what seams to be eggs the other day on a wall in my bedroom. Then today I found another one on a different spot, with the same pattern as the other one, 4 x 4. I am getting worried.


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Bites from Unseen Insects?For over 10 days now, I've been waking up with either small 3 dots lined beside each other and they look like pimples. For the past 4 days, each day it's only 1 small pimple-like bite (?), and not necessarily while I'm sleeping, but rather just when I'm lying in bed.


Identifying Small Brown Bugs - tiny brown bugs on a paper towel perhaps

Identifying Small Brown Bugs?I've been finding these bugs all over my apartment. I've been cleaning everyday for a whole week now and I keep finding them everywhere. Can someone tell me what type of bug this is?


Identifying a Tiny Insect

Identifying a Tiny Insect?I had to blow the pic up a lot to see them. They are very tiny and are in my bathroom window.


Bugs Biting Me in My Sleep - red insect or spider bites

Bugs Biting Me in My Sleep?It's been 2 weeks and these bites keep coming back. First there were 3 and now theres 2 more new fresh bites. It hurts when I touch around it and water-like fluid comes out every time to time. I can't sleep and now I'm 100% paranoid to sleep in my own bed. I have washed my sheets with hot water and bleach. I have even tried cleaning my mattress with Clorox hoping maybe it'will kill any bugs.


Identifying Insect Eggs - elongated white eggs

Identifying Insect Eggs?These eggs were found on the pantry wall in my camper. Anybody know what they are and if I should be worried?


Identifying an Insect Egg - small round orange objects

Identifying an Insect Egg?Is this an insect egg? It is small and hard if tried to break it. I found two of these in my carpet. I find some of these at times in different spots around my room.


Identifying Insect Eggs Found Under a Deck  - cluster on a pry bar

Identifying Insect Eggs Found Under a Deck?I pulled up a composite deck yesterday. I found 3 piles, two near where the deck attached to the house and one about 18 inches away from the house attachment. The piles are about 4-6 inches around and 2-3 inches high. They seem to be round "pellets", clumped together like a tater tot. Any ideas what this is? I live in Vancouver.


Identifying Insect Eggs on Bottlebrush Tree Leaves - leaf with eggs on a Ziploc bag

Identifying Insect Eggs on Bottlebrush Tree Leaves?I found these eggs on my bottlebrush tree leaves. There are more and more leaves affected. Any ideas what it is?



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Getting Rid of Tiny Biting Bugs?My family thinks I'm crazy! I have been dealing with this for 8 months. I have been to the doctor 4 times and to a dermatologist; no help. At night it's the worst. I feel something biting me and it seems to be a little black fuzzy bug. I also will see white fuzzy things with a light blue in the middle. I also see lots of crumb like things all over my house that move in my cabinets and furniture.


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Getting Rid of Invisible Crawling, Jumping, Biting Bugs?I have been dealing with this for the past maybe 3 months. It started when I moved into my new place 3 months ago; I though I had bed bugs. The sensation I experience is almost like a stray hair touching my skin or some invisible bug jumping and crawling on me. I occasionally get bites and I have a rash on the inside of both forearms. The bites are mostly on the backs of my legs and inner arms.


Identifying Insect Eggs - dark spot with possible eggs hanging down

Identifying Insect Eggs?I have cleaned these multiple times, but they still come back. What are these and how can I get rid of them? They are usually found outside the house.


Are These Insect Eggs? - small black balls

Are These Insect Eggs?These little black balls look like some type of insect egg and have shown up in my dryer and some oven mitts I recently dried. Any ideas?


Rental Home Overrun with Bugs

Rental Home Overrun with Bugs?I want to run out of this rental home! So many bugs I have found, but landlord refuses to admit that there is an issue. Okay I know there are 1000 things I have photos of. I am renting a home in Florida, just me and my child. We noticed stains in the carpet (thought she dropped something), now the stains are everywhere. The carpet is 15 yrs old.


Identifying Insect Eggs - cluster of off white eggs

Identifying Insect Eggs?I found these in a room I was working on and I was curious to know what they are and if they are dangerous and what I should do from here.


Are These Insect Eggs? - small tan and brown objects near the baseboard

Are These Insect Eggs?I came home to my Florida wonder house and found this on the floor not near anything else. Any ideas?


Unknown Bug Bites - red welts on feet and legs

Unknown Bug Bites?I'm getting bitten by something, but not bedbugs or fleas. It's very cold outside, I live in Alberta. It has been -40s lately. The bites started in clusters on my ankles and legs. They're now moving up around my waist and arms. I thought I was getting the bites at night as I would wake up with red welted itchy mosquito like bumps.


Identifying a Bug Shell - tan bug shell

Identifying a Bug Shell (Exoskeleton)?I found this bug shell in a dresser drawer. Any idea what it belongs to?


Identifying a Bug - a bug or eggs in a corner

Identifying a Bug?There are a couple of these along the corners of the wall. If I look really close, it looks like larvae? But I'm really not sure if it's someone's food, or someone's baby(s)? It looks as though there's a small web around it. Does anyone know what they are, or who made them?


Identifying Brown Fuzzy Bugs - fuzzy bit, bug?

Identifying Brown Fuzzy Bugs?I keep finding these on my son's wall and ceiling. My son has dreads. What are they and how do I get rid of them?


Identifying Unknown Parasites

Identifying Unknown Parasites?I have been struggling with what's seems to be a hopeless situation. They are black and other colored specks. Sores appear from nowhere. I feel things moving all over me, but have never actually seen any movement, until now. This is my hair magnified with a $20 Amazon microscope. At the very beginning you can see some string playing on my hair like the monkey bars.


Identifying Bug Bites - largish dark pink bite mark above ankle

Identifying Bug Bites?Can anyone be of help and tell me what these bites could be? I keep getting bitten at night when I sleep it seems. They itch, swell. They seem like different bites, but I'm not sure. I've vacuumed my room multiple times and washed my bedding multiple times. I don't see any spiders or bugs around my mattress or anywhere. I wear sweats to sleep in and put spray on my leg, but it is still happening.


Identifying Bugs on Fingers from Digging in the Soil

Identifying Bugs on Fingers from Digging in the Soil?I went digging for ginseng and now I have thread like bugs on my fingers, hands, and in my hair. On my fingers it looks dry cracked skin with little what looks to be thread sticking on my fingers. What is it and how do I get rid of it?


What Is on My Play Structure? - light colored splotches on underside of wood

What Is on My Play Structure?I have questions about 2 things (possibly unrelated?). First there are small lines/grains of rice size things on a wooden play structure.



Mystery Eggs on Fresh Water Floating Dock - black and white photo of egg cluster

Mystery Eggs on Fresh Water Floating Dock?I have hundreds of these eggs on and around my floating dock on a fresh water lake. I suspect they are from an arthropod (insect or arachnid). There are so many of these I suspect they are nocturnal since we are on the dock constantly in the day and I never see this many of anything.


Larva found on bed sheets.

What Are These?I found those on my bed sheath today. The first image is of them as found. And the second after opening them. Size is about 1/10 inch. I have no idea what they could be. There was a total of 3.


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Remedy for Invisible Bugs Crawling on My Skin?I have a problem with invisible crawling bugs on my skin after a cockroach was crawling on me, what is the cause of invisible crawling bugs? How can I treat those invisible crawling bugs?


Getting Rid of Bugs in Human Hair - long dark bug with very long legs

Getting Rid of Bugs in Human Hair?I think my cousin has fleas in her hair, but I am not sure because they have a wing on their body. I have a picture of it. Plus she has a 6 nests in her hair she picks them out about all day. Plus she uses the Dawn, Caderwood, apple cider vinegar, and other things, but they are still living in her hair.


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Getting Bitten by Unseen Bugs at Night?Every single time I come to my boyfriend's house I get bitten by something and I can't figure out what it is. He never gets bites, but I always do. These bites are extremely itchy, but some aren't itchy at all. I have gotten about 20 bites in less than a month. He has no pets and has never had pets before, we haven't seen any sign of anything, but every single night I get bit over and over again.


Getting Rid of Insect Eggs

Getting Rid of Insect Eggs?I found these eggs on my screen window yesterday. I just need some way to kill them before they hatch. Do you know?


Identifying Insect Eggs - tiny white eggs

Identifying Insect Eggs?I found this on the outside of my back door. I am curious what it is. We rent an older home and I just wanted to be sure it wasn't something I should be concerned about.


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Unseen Bugs Leaving Itchy Bites?It all started when I worked at a hotel and my boyfriend and I would stay there sometimes. We never had any problems. Well one night we stayed there and in the morning woke up and had these itchy bites all over us. It looked just like bed bugs. So we checked the room we were in, but there was nothing; no bed bugs.


Identifying Insect Eggs

Identifying Insect Eggs?What kind of eggs are these? Or an even better question is what bug lays these eggs? I live in North East Ohio, I found these outside near my sliding door.


Identifying Possible Insect Eggs

Identifying Possible Insect Eggs?I woke up and saw this stuff, on the floor, next to my bed. Can you please tell me if this is some kind of eggs or what?


Identifying Insect Eggs -  round two color insect eggs

Identifying Insect Eggs?Recently I came across insect eggs that were laid on the TV screen and now even on towels. These eggs cling onto any surface it was laid on and can be difficult to remove. I was just wondering if anyone had any idea what type of insect eggs/insect is this?


Larvae Identification - larvae

Larvae Identification?I keep finding what looks like small pieces of rug padding. A closer look shows that it is not foam, but a cluster of larvae looking things. My 7 year old son, 2 year old dog, and myself are all having health issues.


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Preventing Bug Bites with Brewer's Yeast?How many mgs of Brewer's yeast tablets can I safely take daily to help keep from getting bitten by fleas, mosquitos, and no see umms?


Identifying Insect Eggs on Wool Fabric

Identifying Insect Eggs on Wool Fabric?I found tiny black eggs inside an eaten woolen fabric. Some larvae are in there which are white with dark reddish heads. I have been unable to find out what they could be from.


Identifying Insect Eggs - brown torpedo shaped insect eggs

Identifying Insect Eggs?I found these eggs on my laundry floor and recently spotted cockroaches in my kitchen which is next to the laundry. Are these cockroach egg sacs? When I lifted my green mop yesterday I found a whole bunch of eggs lying under it. What are these?



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Getting Rid of Invisible Biting Insects?I've recently been getting small bites on my arms and my ankles. I checked my bed for bed bugs and found none, and I Hoovered out the mattress and sheets to make sure, but the bites are still coming. We don't have any pets and I only just recently dusted my room, it is the middle of summer, but only one window is open.


Identifying Insect Eggs

Identifying Insect Eggs?My vegetable plants have been very healthy overall and I check them every day for aphids, spider mites, etc. One day one plant had two or three of these little egg sacs? They look kind of like dead bits of a tapeworm parasite that has fallen off a dog or a cat. They are stuck on the top of the leaf pretty tightly.


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Adjusting Pneumatic Cabinet Doors?My pneumatic cabinet doors don't open up far enough. Is there any way to adjust them?


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Something Is Biting Me?Something is biting me. I have 3 small bites on the back of my upper arm. The entire back of my arm is red, swollen, itchy, and warm to the touch. This same thing happened about 3 weeks ago, but on my forearm with the same symptoms. Both times I was sitting on my couch when I was bitten. What could this be?


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Insects in Hair?I have something in my hair, that is eating my hair and biting me


A mass of long thin black eggs, probably from an insect.

Are These Insect Eggs?I woke up this morning and found this black mass of I don't know what on my bathroom wall, but it may be eggs of some kind of insect. Does anyone have any ideas?


Strange eggs on a white surface.

Identifying Insect Eggs?Can you please tell me what type of insect eggs these are? I found them in the corners of my office kitchen. They are behind boxes and cardboard. I also found them in-between the broom bristles and along the edge of the wall. There are quite a few of them.


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Identifying a Flying Burrowing Insect?I have a flying bug in my front yard that resembles a bee, but is much bigger. It has dug 2 big holes at the edge of my grass. One hole has a mound of sand next to it. The other has a channel of sand. I don't know if they are dangerous. This is right next to my walk way.


What Is This Insect?

What Is This Insect?How do I get rid of this fast?


Found Lint Bugs On My Clean Towels - lint

Found Lint Bugs On My Clean Towels?I have been fighting carpet beetles daily vacuuming and spraying with vinegar and using boric powder. But today I found this all over my clean towels! I think they are lint bugs! They actually caused a splinter like cut on my skin when I was removing them.


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Getting Rid of Unseen Biting Bugs?Well a friend of mine is complaining about getting bitten and she doesn't see anything after she's bitten. There's always a mark left, but no bug. There's no sign of bed bugs. So she's wondering could it be fleas? Any suggestions on how to get rid of them before it gets worse?


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Identifying Small Flying Bugs?I live in a 6th floor high light apartment with a dog and houseplants. Around Thanksgiving I/we started to see many small, flying insects. We thought they might be fleas from a visitor. Then we thought they might be fungus gnats. Then a person in exterminating I spoke with suggested dust mites.


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Keeping Animals Out of the Trash?I have tried to bungee the can to a pole, I have sprayed the can and the trash with lots of ammonia and still I find it all over my yard. I do not have a garage or anywhere to keep this trash. I am far away from the street so I can't get a metal one as they do not have wheels on them.


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Keeping Bugs Out of Cardboard Moving Boxes?We're moving. I am using cardboard boxes to pack and store. How do I eliminate any bug infestation that might be in the boxes? Or to protect while in storage?


damaged orchids

Growing Orchids?Something is destroying my orchids on my deck. They are eating them up. I have placed mothballs today around the pots and in the pots (1 or 2 in each pot). I have a lot of squirrels in the trees in my backyard, but am not sure if they are the culprits. Will the mothballs damage my orchids?


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Identifying Biting Insect?I keep getting bites on my arms, some are small red bites others initially look like mosquito bites. I've had 2 professional pest control inspectors to search for what I thought might be bed bugs, but I've never seen one and they both said they didn't see any signs of bed bugs either.


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Homemade Spray for Flying Insects?How do I make a homemade inexpensive spray for flying insects?


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Dangers of Using Mothballs?Do moth balls affect humans with chest problems?


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Getting Rid of Tiny Black Bugs?I have these tiny black bugs with a little white marking on the back. they come out from the bottom of the mop boards. I have linoleum floors.


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Getting Rid of Microscopic Mites (No See 'ems)?My husband and I have tried everything, just about to rid our house of these mites. You can't see them, but you can feel them. They bite and you feel millions on you at once. They get worse at night. We have to wash our feet every time we come out of the kitchen or bathroom.


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Fleas or Head Lice?About 3 months ago, my neighbors went on vacation and left their cat. I immediately took him in. Now I am experiencing troubles with fleas. I continue to treat, per directions, but tonight I found a bug by my ear.


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Keeping Insects From Coming Into Apartment?I have a very close tree infesting my terrace screen with insects, which come into my apt. How can I be rid of the insects? The condo management will not take the tree away. Trimming and spraying helps, but never solves the problem.


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Using Hedge Apples for Pest Control?Do you cut the hedge apples in half before placing them around your house for pest control or leave them whole?


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Small Brown Bugs in Spices?I have kitchen supplies (some spices like onion seeds, fenugreek seeds, chilly powder, cinnamon, pepper, etc.) stored in plastic containers. Different items are separately packaged and stored away in these containers, but I keep having these tiny thick-skinned brown bugs in the container...


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Little Flying Biting Insects In House?I have tons of these little, biting, flying insects that have infested my home so much that I hate coming back to my house. I don't know whether they are gnats or midges or what but, they are biting and annoying me so badly.


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Getting Rid of Insects That Bite While Sleeping?My elderly mother lives with me and has recently been getting insect bites at night. The bites are about a half inch in diameter and one got infected and she had to take an antibiotic. My bedroom is next door and I am not getting bitten. We have two cats, both of them on flea control.


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Keeping Bugs From Coming In Though Windows?Right now our AC is torn up and we are having to sleep with our bedroom windows open and fans in them. But when I go to lay down I have bugs flying all over bugging the life outta me. If that's not bad enough they're in, on, and under my cover annoying me.


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Recipe for Homemade Insecticide?How do you make homemade insecticide? My grandson is trying to earn a gardening badge for Boy Scouts and is having a problem with roly poly bugs eating the tomatoes. He does not want to use a commercial product, but prefers to use something less harmful to the environment.


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Getting Rid of Insects in Trees Near Terrace?My terrace has an overgrown tree close to the screen which blows insects onto the terrace and into my apt. I am spraying the screen with vinegar, but it is not a complete remedy.


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Getting Rid of Sand Fleas?I need a safe way to rid the sand in our beach area of sand fleas. They are biting my grandchildrens' legs and feet.


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Small White Worms in Recycle Bin?They started inside of the food recycle bin and are now all over our backyard pavement. How do I get rid of them? What are they?


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Animal Chewing Trash Can Lid?I live in a wooded area and am aware there is wildlife around. There has been an animal chewing at my trash can lid and took a large portion off of it. I'm wondering what animal would do this. And how I could prevent this from happening again?


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Getting Rid of Biting Bugs?I have flea bombed my house and also have bombed my house with bed bug bombs. I am running out of ideas. My family and I are getting bitten, one here and there. Does anybody know what it is and what I can do to stop this?


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Something Eating My Pecans?What type of animal will eat pecans and get inside a house? I also need to know how you get rid of this animal? I have already put the pecans in my freezer.


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Constant Scratching Noises in My Walls?It is driving me crazy. I don't know what it is, but I need to know what to do. It happens mostly when I am awake during the morning and daytime. I bang on the wall and it stops for like 15 minutes, but that is it? What should I do?


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Getting Rid of Sand Fleas?I just moved into a new place with my 2 cats a few days ago and noticed these very tiny fleas on my ankles and that my cats are really bathing themselves. They are not very quick as I was able to kill a couple.


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Biting Indoor Bugs?We have had an problem with bedbugs in the recent past, but we finally got them under control in 2 of the properties and all was cleared. Now we have complaints from tenants about bites.


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Identifying Tiny Yellowish Bugs?Sorry I don't have a pic, but they were very tiny, no bigger than a dot. I got a bowl down from the cupboard, and it took me a minute to notice them.


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Using Hedge Apples for Pests?Do I put them out whole or cut them in half? How many do I put in each room?


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Tiny Biting Bugs in House and Hair?My family has been infested by an insect that you can barely see. It looks like a speck of dust and another looks like a very short hair. They don't bother the boys as much as me. They seem to want to nest in my hair, on my scalp. They don't seem to bite much, but I can feel them when they land on me, and it itches! It looks like a jumping grain of sand. Does anyone know what this is?


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Animal Digging in Patio Gravel?Every morning there is a pile of pea gravel dug up from my patio. Who is doing this?


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Dead Pinhead Crickets in the House?A big amount of pinhead crickets blew in on my desk (I assume from the window) and are now dead. I have no idea where they came from or how they got there. From time to time we get crickets in the house, but this is a pile of 100 give or take some. Where did they come from?


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Do Fruit Flies Bite?Do fruit flies bite?


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Little White Jumping Insects?My dog brought in fleas and now there are these little white things jumping on everything. What are they?


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What is This Tan and Brown Striped Bug?I found this very tiny, thin, tan with a brown stripe bug in my drawer, on my bed, and in the shower. I don't know what it is. Can someone please help me? It is paler than tan but has a brown stripe in the middle. I think it has 4 legs, but I am not sure.


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Possible Bed Bugs?I am not seeing anything biting, but I have bites. My daughter is not getting bitten nor is she itchy all day. What could this be? Why are they just biting me? She has a few bites, but not like I do. I checked everything and have thrown out the furniture.


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Something is Leaving a Trail of Dog Food Through the House?I have been finding a trail of dried corn (kept outside airtight), dog food (inside airtight), so I know it is coming from dog's bowl, and dead bugs (June) (kept outside jk). It starts under my dryer, then on to the washer, refrigerator, dishwasher....


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What is the Source of Fruit Flies?Where do fruit flies come from? Are they in the fruit or your home?


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Green Bugs on Dill?What kind of bugs are on dill? I found some really small almost florescent green beetle type bugs on my dill. How do I get rid of them?


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Bugs Eating the Wood Under the Counter?I have bugs that are eating the wood under the kitchen counter. What do I do?


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Ideas for Natural Pest Control Using Kitchen Products?I don't really like to kill anything, but I need to get rid of ants, lizards, and cockroaches. How to do it by using kitchen items?


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Tiny Black Bugs in the Cupboard?I have tiny black bugs in my cupboard, what might they be?


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Frog Laying Eggs in Pool Skimmer?My backyard inground pool (saltwater system) is attracting frogs. They are laying eggs in my skimmer and the smell is too much, not to mention the noise they make all night long, and the mess on my pool surroundings.


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Getting Rid of Silverfish?How do I get rid of silverfish?


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Using Borax and Boric Acid Around Children?I have a 17 month old daughter who has a heart defect, allergies to wheat and dairy, and is asthmatic. My landlord is currently wishing to send Rentokil to my home to treat woodworm. Rentokil wishs to use borax and boric acid.


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Chinch Bugs Killing Lawn?My beautiful St. Augustine lawn is being attacked by grubs and chinch bugs. Some of the dead grass comes up without any trouble, like in clumps, but other areas are dead are are hard to pull up. I sprayed and spread Spectracide, now what do I do?


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What is This Insect?I found a small insect that looks like a cross between a common house fly and a miniature bee. Any idea what it might be? The insect has the body size and color of a fly (green and blue) and looks like a bee with six legs and small stinger.


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Tiny Flying Insects in the House?I recently moved into my apartment. The air conditioning system is not the greatest, so I have to keep my bedroom window opened a majority of the time.


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Using Bug Spray Around Cats?My parents bought me Spectracide BugStop (indoor/outdoor formula) for when I first moved in since my condo is older. I'm having issues with spiders, gnats, cockroaches, etc.


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What Should I Discard to Be Rid of Bedbugs When Moving?I got bedbugs from my previous apartment, it got treated by Terminex. We moved right after to another apartment thinking they are gone as we were not getting bitten. Now 10 months later, I got bitten maybe a few times, not as bad as before though.


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Natural Remedies for Silverfish?Does any one know how to get rid of silverfish without chemicals? Any help would be appreciated.


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Keeping Armadillos Out of the Yard?What is a safe way to discourage armadillos from your home/yards?


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Getting Rid Of Tiny Black Bugs?I am having trouble with bugs. We have extremely tiny black bugs, compared to coffee grounds and black pepper. Our dog had fleas in the summer, but I think we took care of the problem.


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Getting Rid of Bedbugs?How do you get rid of bedbugs from your home? How do you make something like a recipe from household products? What do you put together to kill them? Does anyone know? If so, let me know asap please.


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Something is Biting Me in My Apartment?I don't know what it is. We moved into another apartment and my daughter and I are infested with bites. One person is telling me it's fleas, someone else is telling me its bed bugs. So I really don't know what they are.


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Flying Bugs in My House?I have flying insects around the house. I don't know if they are gnats or mosquitoes. They are very annoying and they make my body itch. Does anybody have any home remedy to get rid of these annoying things? Thanks.


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Borax and Water Insecticide?How much borax do you add to a quart squirt bottle of water to use for insecticide? Anybody know? Thanks!


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Getting Rid of Flying Insects Outside?I would like to get rid of the mosquitoes, gnats, and other flying things away from where I sit on the porch in my backyard. But I don't want anything that will hurt the lizards, snakes, insects or other helpful animals that eat the "bad" bugs.


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Natural Remedies for Bed Bugs?Are there any natural remedies for getting rid of bed bugs, that really work?


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Small Green Flying Bugs in Kitchen?There are small flies invading my mom's kitchen. They are a green/greyish color and they are not fruit flies. We kill them, then clean and disinfected the entire kitchen, but they still come back. We don't know where there coming from. Please help!


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Keeping Bugs Away When Sitting Outdoors?What will keep gnats away from my kids and I this baseball season? The gnats seem to be immune to everything I use.


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Keeping My Neighbor's Pets Out of My Yard?Our neighbor's dog is getting our newspaper out of the paper box. What household products can I use to keep him away from the box?


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Black Powder on Window Sill?Inside my house on a window sill there is a little mound (size of a dime) of what looks like finely ground pepper. I cleared it away and in just a few hours the little mound re-appeared. What could it be?


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Identifying a Very Small Silverfish Like Bug?I found tiny worm like microscopic silverfish on my sheets today. They are about the size of the hyphen on the keyboard, some are clear and gray and some are reddish brown. They looked like dust until you shine a light on them and look closer to see them wiggle and squirm.


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Crickets Inside House?Does anyone know how to get rid of camel crickets (also known as cave crickets)? They are driving me crazy coming into my home. I've done my best to seal openings where they may be coming in, but they still manage.


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Killing Drain Flies?I would like to know how to get rid of drain flies. I'm infested with them. Please help.


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Getting Rid of Land Crabs?I have land crabs in my front lawn. How do I get rid of them?


brown bugs on tape

What Are These Bugs?These little brown flying beetles have been climbing my screens and entering my apartment. Upon entering they slowly die within a day or two. Can you tell me what they may be?


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Getting Rid of Waterbugs?How can I get rid of waterbugs?


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Getting Rid of Thousand Leggers?How do I get rid of thousand leggers in my country home? We bought a new, very nice double wide to put on our farm. It is partially in a wooded area, but not completely. We are only there about 2 weeks a month.


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Using Herbs to Repel Bugs?My neighbor mentioned hearing that placing potted basil beside doorways, on the patio or near the grill will repels flies and other flying pests. I have not heard of this. In looking online I see that mint will do the same thing. What type of basil and mint?


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