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DIY Lazy Susan Organizer - finished and stocked lazy Susan

DIY Lazy Susan OrganizerYou know when your intentions are pure and your start out with the best of them? I put a pretty basket on a lazy susan and put napkins, spices, and salt and pepper. Then, a cup for pens. Then paper. Then cards...


Budget Organizer - finished organizer

Budget OrganizerMoving out is not that simple. It means freedom for me and at the same time being independent. So I set up a file case where I can put my receipts and monthly bill payments. Never forget the savings where it should always be first priority in the household.


Labeling Nail Clippers and Tweezers

Labeling Nail Clippers and TweezersI am so sick of my nail clippers and tweezers going missing! I feel like I am constantly buying new ones and even when everyone has their own pair they seem to take each others too. So my trusty labeler and I went to work, labeling all of them with each person's name. Now it will be obvious whose it is.


C-Clamp Temporary Shelving

C-Clamp Temporary ShelvingOn a trip to my local Sears store to buy a wrench, I passed through the men's clothing department. They had set up a display table for shirts using c-clamps. It was quite ingenious, at least I thought so. This might work for temporary shelving in your home, light weight items are probably best.


peek through door into closet nook conversion

Converting a Closet into a Private NookI promised myself I would write more this year and so far, only one thing has made it to paper. I have a small apartment cluttered with craft supplies and distractions. So, I created this space. I call it my reading, writing, thinking, and hiding room.


different sized bag footballs

Folding Plastic Grocery BagsThis is a page about folding plastic grocery bags. Storing plastic grocery bags for reuse can be a challenge. They seem to require a better solution than stuffing them in another grocery bag.


labeled cords

Labeling Charging CordsWe have numerous cell phones and small devices that all use the same charging cords. I can never find any of my charging cords. I end up buying new ones or it always seems like the kids miraculously have one when mine goes missing.


Basket to store silveware on counter.

Uses for Dishwasher Silverware BasketsI've had to replace a few dishwashers in my day and have determined that those silverware baskets are great for many things. Here are two uses for them.


meds in container

Container for Expired MedicationOur doctor's office has a drop off box for expired medications, which makes getting rid of them very easy. However, we aren't there very often so I collect any that we have in a large plastic container.


canister on fridge

Spice Canister for Saving Box TopsI save Box Tops for my friend's daughter, since our school doesn't collect them. I bought an inexpensive magnetic spice canister to put them in. It has a slit on top, making it easy to drop them in.


cloche over camera

Displaying an Old CameraI have an old camera that I really enjoyed having out on a shelf, but it was always so dusty. I found a cloche at the store that fit perfectly over it. Now I don't have to worry about damaging the camera when trying to dust it.


antique compass

Displaying an Antique CompassMy husband wanted to display a compass given to him by his stepdad. I found a small shadowbox frame and removed the glass. I attached a small cup hook to the top and painted it with black nail polish to make it less visible.


Bread ties marking cords on a power strip.

Bread Tie Cord LabelI hate when I go to unplug something because there are a bunch of unidentifiable cords plugged in. Many bread bags come with those little plastic ties to hold them shut. These will fit around almost any cord and can be written on with a Sharpie to help identify all of your cords.


A couple putting money into a piggy bank.

Living a Frugal and Organized LifeThis is a page about being frugal and organized. One key to sustaining a frugal lifestyle is being organized and staying on track.


Red and black golf bag.

How to Organize Your Golf BagThere are no hard and fast rules when it comes to organizing your golf bag. Stowing your clubs and accessories in a logical way may not reduce your score, but it can have a positive impact on your game.



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